Serenity’s Box office - Good for Firefly?

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 02:57
VIEWED: 2462
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Monday, October 17, 2005 1:38 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Serenity’s box office is not what most of us would have hoped for. Universal may even have doubts about film as the proper dollar venue for these stories - shudder. However, the series dvd sales without question point to the $value of Firefly as tv commodity. The lack of box office numbers may even “soften” F*X’s perceived value of the production rights since it may not be seen to have as great a long term value (if they're going to get their best dollar now may be the time). And the Scifi channel is running low on bankable productions. So do these things help make it more likely that TV is how we’ll see the ‘verse next time?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Monday, October 17, 2005 3:28 PM


I'm definitely no expert, but I would say there are two ideas to take from the box office results.

(1) Not as well as expected in the $$$ - this would probably reduce or eliminate any possibility of more movies in the theaters... (2) Could it promote made-for-TV-movies? Perhaps. I think at the current $20 mill standing (after a few weeks) isn't too shabby for a noncurrent TV series to movie.

Is there a chance for the season to come back? Well, I leave that up to FOX or whoever has the rights...

We can only hope!


Monday, October 17, 2005 4:05 PM


Don't lose hope! Highlander has done crizap numbers for the past four movies, yet they still keep making more. In fact, they're planning a new trilogy of movies.

Remember, there are a lot of other movie companies other than the big U and FOX. Serenity sequels can still be made. The budget may fall closer to the TV side of the fence - but hell, look what Joss did with a tv budget!

JC De La Torre
Author of Ancient Rising
[url] [/url]


Monday, October 17, 2005 7:22 PM


Here are two scenarios. Universal’s television division (Universal Television) is shopping around for gems for next year’s line-up. A few of the Execs probably took note of Firefly and contacted Fox with an offer to purchase the brand. If Fox agreed obviously Universal Television would promptly ask Whedon and cast to pick where they left off and begin filming Season two (don't be surprized if UT sells the show to NBC since that network is taking a rating's hit). However if Fox feels the film and DVD sales are strong enough they might just resurrect the series and bring back Whedon and cast. As a fallback plan if Universal doesn't own the franchise by next year they hope the series continued booming DVD sales will help the film's DVD sales when it comes out next year.

I couldn't think of a third scenario because most film studios won't greenlight a project unless it has huge ROI. If either scenario occurs the Fans win. So start cheering because somethings a-brewing!


Monday, October 17, 2005 9:12 PM


The other possibility is that this is the total end of this story on film/TV.

Joss said this on Sep 29 in response to a question:

Q: Any chance of us seeing another instalment of 'Firefly' as a TV series? I'm thrilled about the movie, but I need more!

Joss: Hard to say. The Movie has to be a hit before these questions become relevant.

As much as I liked the movie, it is not a hit by any objective measure. In its third week it fell from the top 10 in domestic box office and it still has not made back its production costs (income $22.3m , cost $39m). It is unlikely going to make $28 million domestically, far short of the $70 million figure that was talked about as the need-to-hit number for a sequal. Internationally the movie is not going to make up the difference. The main source of income will be DVD sales, but this is unlikely to fuel a second picture.

As far as it re-emerging as a network show, I think FOX still has the rights regarding that. From what I have heard, part of the deal to get the movie made was that there would be no TV show made following the movie unless FOX does it or sells its rights (highly unlikely).

Sad as it is, this is probably the end of the line for this story. Go see it in theatres while you can.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 2:57 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by telewill:
Q: Any chance of us seeing another instalment of 'Firefly' as a TV series? I'm thrilled about the movie, but I need more!

Joss: Hard to say. The Movie has to be a hit before these questions become relevant.

May mean that it's hard to answer that without knowing the film's $run - if it hits big then sequels for sure, if not it gets murkier, just hard to know. So he may just have been saying it's too speculative to even answer until the film comes out.


Originally posted by telewill:
As far as it re-emerging as a network show, I think FOX still has the rights regarding that. From what I have heard, part of the deal to get the movie made was that there would be no TV show made following the movie unless FOX does it or sells its rights (highly unlikely).

My guess/hope is the show's production rights will only diminsh in value from here on out, so if F*X wants to get their best/any$return now may be their best chance.


Originally posted by telewill:
Sad as it is, this is probably the end of the line for this story. Go see it in theatres while you can.

I know there are 2 more books coming out and there may be comics so the story will find an outlet somwhere.
As far as seeing it theater? Yep, go now !

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -






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