Joss Made My 11-yr-old Daughter Cry

UPDATED: Friday, December 2, 2005 13:41
VIEWED: 19700
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Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:15 PM


Gosh, I'm almost cross eyed from reading all the posts.

My Mom and I went to see Serenity for the 3rd time today.... and when we got to the part of first Book's and then Wash's deaths, we could hardly bare to look. We cried for the third time, and there were tears in the row behind us. My Mom kept saying, "I can't stand to watch this part."

My father passed away a year ago come Christmas, and we have been devastated. The fact that this story made us feel grief for these characters, and fear for the rest is as close to genius writing as I know.
Joss writes "real" and gets "real" reactions.

And I'm grateful. Bad and good I'm so glad I found this story.

Real life if rough and full of pain. The best of our stories are the same. That is what makes them the best of our stories. And this movie fits in with the best of them.



Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:16 PM


Gosh, I'm almost cross eyed from reading all the posts.

My Mom and I went to see Serenity for the 3rd time today.... and when we got to the part of first Book's and then Wash's deaths, we could hardly bare to look. We cried for the third time, and there were tears in the row behind us. My Mom kept saying, "I can't stand to watch this part."

My father passed away a year ago come Christmas, and we have been devastated. The fact that this story made us feel grief for these characters, and fear for the rest is as close to genius writing as I know.
Joss writes "real" and gets "real" reactions.

And I'm grateful. Bad and good I'm so glad I found this story.

Real life is rough and full of pain. The best of our stories are the same. That is what makes them the best of our stories. And this movie fits in with the best of them.



Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:48 PM


Just my two cents worth about the movie. I'm new here, so I apologize if I step on any toes. I am ultimately okay with Wash's death. This does not mean that I was not saddened, but to paraphrase an earlier post for the complete crew to have lived would have felt very Walt Disneyish. I would have felt cheated then. That being said, I don't understand why every claims that Wash's death is less than heroic. He died fighting in the belief that he was doing a better good, a right. Mal gave them all a chance to leave. He chose to stay. Several times throughout the film Wash showed himself to be a hero. He piloted the ship to a safe landing and died trying to get the communication device to Mr. Universe. If he died ten minutes before or ten minutes after would he death been more heroic? Just because a post went through Wash doesn't negate the character, movie, or death. I can only assume that the unexpectedness of the death is what is causing the disgust, but in so many cases, this is life. I've had grandparents die and have known a few young people to pass away after an extended illness. All have hurt, but in the back of my mind I had time to prepare, to accept, and to say goodbye. It was the sudden death of my sister in a car accident on the way to classes that still hurts to the core. Joss has an uncanny way of portraying death the way it often is, sudden and unexpected, often to healthy people on a pretty day. Even in Buffy, her mother suvives the brain tumor only to suddenly later.
Mercifully for me, Joss has done several things in the movie to help accept Wash's loss.
First, the death wasn't at the very end as the last scene. I hate watching a movie to have a person die at the last three minutes with no true resolution. Second, I was allowed to see the crew move on. I got to see them say good-bye to both Book and Wash with a funeral. Seeing the other characters accept and mourn the deaths and move on helped me to move on. Joss ended the movie nicely with the exchanges about the ship being bumpy but riding true and the storm becoming bad but passing through it. I thought the movie needed these exchanges, and it helped me with the character losses of Wash and Book because it lets you know right away that the crew of Serenity will be okay. They will make a new normal and have new adventures.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:49 PM


I now love Serenity even more if it could make an eleven year old cry. I have to see it again. I can picture it the little girl walking out of the theater crying and daddy trying to confort her but failing miserably. It does my heart good. I bet she owned a copy of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas before the AO rating change too.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:54 PM


I just wanted to add that Wash almost had to die the place and way that he did. If he (or any other character) had died from a reaver at the end only to find out five minutes later that River was able to kill all the Reavers when she concentrated on the deed or was properly motivated the audience would really have hated the ending. Injuries that would later get better is a lot more acceptable that a preventable character death to the general public.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 6:15 PM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
Excuse me, can you think of a more confrontational thread title than "Joss Made My 11-yr-old Daughter Cry"? Well, all right "Joss Whedon is a complete bastard and emotional stunted my daughter" would be worse but still, it was a personalised attack and more than that, it was just another negative thread started purely for the reason of knocking the movie again.

This site is supposedly devoted to Firefly and Serenity fandom. We do not need fifteen new threads a day about how disappointed someone was in the movie. Or would you prefer it if everyone just poured out their bile on a daily basis?

You are the one who came across as an asshole here.


Friday, October 21, 2005 4:54 AM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
I advise you to sue. Sue Joss, sue Universal. Your daughter has obviously suffered psychological damage and you need to be compensated.

You're just saying that so Serenity gets some viewers in, aren't ya? Anything that people complain about being offense gets viewers South Park when it first started.

But this is a serious subject. Everybody already said what was necessary, I don't need to add my view to make the woman feel any worse.


Friday, October 21, 2005 9:16 AM


Joss has made me cry often. It's one of the reasons I'm such a huge fan. Anyone who can make me care about (fictional) people like Joss does, deserves my emotional response.

Heck, even after seeing the Buffy season 2 finale - Becoming, Part 2 - uncountable times, I still cry EVERY TIME I see it.

Thanks, Joss!


Friday, October 21, 2005 1:19 PM


Oh my god lol. It's really funny for me while rewatching any of his shows I absolutely know whee and which scene I'll cry in. You can here me say, "Damn it!" as tears start to fall.

I first accounted this while rewatching Season 2 some yrs ago. God I'm right on cue.


Friday, October 21, 2005 2:36 PM



Originally posted by firefloozysuzie:
But I must add: Does everyone who is upset require their OWN LITTLE VENTING THREAD? C'mon, already. Get over yourselves. If you want to piss and moan and grieve and rip your clothes over Wash etc., do it in one of the many, many other threads where you'll have the company of other teeth-gnashers. This proliferation of whiner threads? Annoying, very annoying.

At the risk of offending everybody whose posts I skip, I've decided that Susie is absolutely right on this score. I'm already in enough turmoil over box office results. I don't need a lot of whinging over the way the plot went. Yeesh!

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Saturday, October 22, 2005 1:29 AM



Originally posted by Causal:

Originally posted by firefloozysuzie:
But I must add: Does everyone who is upset require their OWN LITTLE VENTING THREAD? C'mon, already. Get over yourselves. If you want to piss and moan and grieve and rip your clothes over Wash etc., do it in one of the many, many other threads where you'll have the company of other teeth-gnashers. This proliferation of whiner threads? Annoying, very annoying.

At the risk of offending everybody whose posts I skip, I've decided that Susie is absolutely right on this score. I'm already in enough turmoil over box office results. I don't need a lot of whinging over the way the plot went. Yeesh!

Agreed. Susie is right.

Am I surprised? No.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Saturday, October 22, 2005 3:41 AM


the bottom line...

joss made her/his (it?) 11 year old cry.

he also made my 98 year old grandmother spit out her false teeth. shame on u joss whedon, u cruel depriver of the elderly's chance at gnawing pretzels (oppressor!).

sad part 'bout this post... 60+ responses. The title post was an attention-getter that had nothing to do with the subject matter, but we nibbled on it anyhow.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Saturday, October 22, 2005 4:08 AM


Late 40's... bawled my eyes out. (and was far from alone) Love the movie. Gets better every time.

And I still bawl my eyes out - even when I know what's coming.


Saturday, October 22, 2005 4:40 AM


O-o I laughed the 3rd time I saw it. I only did that because I knew I was supposed to cry and my friends who were around me already doing it and it made me laugh.

God I'm evil. Let's see if I cry the next time I go. I might try t o convince them to take in a movie after shopping today.


Saturday, October 22, 2005 4:58 AM


I have said this a million times before (ok, so I exaggerate) but please...

If you think you are going to be annoyed by a thread don't read it.

Everybody is entitled to post what they want (evil trolls excluded). Everybody is entitled to their own opinions. Everybody is entitled to a good old debate about whether or not this film sucked or was the best thing ever.

What is really annoying me is how people of opposite opinions are being vitriolic and rude about those with diverging opinions. If you disagree with someone fine, but please just ignore them or politely say why you disagree. This is especially because it can be very hard to understand people's exact meanings when they post - communication is largely understood through body language. We do not have that luxury.

This is my opinion, if you disagree cool but slagging me off because you disagree, not cool.

Maybe I should change my sig, this seems to be the only thing I am saying these days, where has the fun gone on this board? I think the Real World Discussions have been lighter...back to evolution then for me *sigh*

extremely dimensionally transcendental


Saturday, October 22, 2005 12:04 PM



Originally posted by XeroGravity:

he also made my 98 year old grandmother spit out her false teeth. shame on u joss whedon, u cruel depriver of the elderly's chance at gnawing pretzels (oppressor!).


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Saturday, October 22, 2005 2:08 PM


this thread is still going on?


Saturday, October 22, 2005 7:44 PM


11-yr-old Daugter < PG13


Saturday, October 22, 2005 10:19 PM



Originally posted by danfan:
My thoughts are with you.

Thank you.

"She's tore up plenty. But she'll fly true." -- Zoë Washburn


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 9:32 AM



Originally posted by Jasonzzz:

Let's cut to the more civil conversation and not just hop right into bashing the feller's head in.

I agree, pitchforks + torches at the ready browncoats

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.



Wednesday, November 2, 2005 9:11 PM


To paraphrase Mr. Heinlein:

The purpose of art is to move the viewer, with terror or pity, or perhaps sorrow. It's why we take part of the artistic process, as viewers, spectaters, listeners. It's a tribute to the skills of the film makers. Too much and you have schmaltz, not enough and we have a film we don't care about.

I cried, too. And then I realized that it was a film, a work of fiction. I'd worry more about a daughter concerned that Reavers were going to attack her town than one who mourned a sympathetic character.

To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks. --Robt. Heinlein


Thursday, November 3, 2005 2:55 AM



I want to apologize on behalf of an over-zealous fanbase for your mistreatment here in this thread. Folks tend to forget that this is a discussion board for folks to express their opinion on something they love (which judging by your strong reaction, includes you and your daughter).

A lot of folks on these fan sites are afraid to hear any form of disappointment in their "true love" because they feel a naysayer will crumble their precious obsession. I used to be one of those folks. Was a huge fan of a game that has now been destroyed.

What folks don't realize is that their attacks do more to hurt the show by running off folks who otherwise would prove to be valuable supporters.

On another note, try watching Serenity a second time now that you know the results. I watched it for the first time knowing the outcome and without the SHOCK I think I enjoyed the movie better.

STICK with us and with Firefly...



Thursday, November 3, 2005 2:56 AM


And by the way, she should have cried... I'd be more concerned if she didn't! Hell it teared me up.


Thursday, November 3, 2005 4:31 AM


No, Joss didn't make your 11-year old daughter cry.
YOU made your daughter cry by:
1. Taking her to a movie that's rated PG 13, you heel.
2. Not exposing your daughter to books and stories where things don't always turn out the way you think they "should". In other words, Life Isn't Always Fair.
You thought the movie sucked because something unpleasant happens?
I guess I feel sorry for you AND your daughter.
So, you must be new to the Whedonverse.
Or maybe you don't read a whole lot.
Maybe you never read any Shakespere (sp?), eh?
Or saw any movies like...
Oh never mind.

"Take me, sir. Take me hard." -- Zoe


Thursday, November 3, 2005 5:33 AM


I haven't read all the replies on this thread, so I may be retreading over ground already covered, and if so, I apologize.


No, I didn't really watch Buffy or Angel, so I'm not all up on "what Josh does".

Joss takes his characters on incredible journeys. He will make a beloved character go from being "good" to horrifically evil for a few minutes, an episode or more, or even an entire season. Then he'll flip it all around again. A character you have loathed since their introduction, you care about within a single episode. It's masterful.

The same way that he can put broad comedy and angst within a single shot or few moments of dialogue, that is how he can turn his characters around. And you know what? That is actually a fun ride. It's like the character you've loved still exists, and now there's also a completely new character wearing its face

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which is sometimes literally the case on Buffy and Angel, but I digress.

Other times, you are just watching a character on this incredible personal journey and it is some of the most compelling entertainment ever produced, IMHO.

But more importantly, and this is one of the things that I find so needless about this derisiveness within the Firefly ranks, is the way Joss has traditionally used his actors. He USES his actors, and I mean that in a good way. Supposedly the joke was that the best way to get more work on a Whedon show was to get killed. I've always said that if I was an actor, I would want to be "Dead guy" on page 2 of a Whedon script.

For instance, (Buffy spoilers)

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Julie Benz is an actress who unsuccessfully auditioned for the part of Buffy. Joss gave her a short stint as a character named Darla. After Darla was killed after appearing in probably less than 10 episodes, that character appeared endlessly (sorry, I didn't care for Darla until the bitter end -- a single episode swung me around). Darla was often in Buffy and regularly in the spin-off Angel.

(end Buffy spoilers)

There are those who say that the Buffy and Angel 'verses were magic based and Joss can't do the same stuff in Firefly. It's set 500 years in the future. Joss can drive a truck through that. And should things, er, "change", it won't be "cheesy" or belie or minimize what occurred in Serenity. Joss is a better writer than that.

The thing with Joss is that he plans his story arcs YEARS in advance. That is why he can plant little obscure things that you learn the significance of only later. My personal opinion is that Joss knows where this is going in every possible contingency: if this is the last story; if there is one sequel; if there is a trilogy; if there is a return to TV.

Joss himself was quoted in Serenity The Visual Companion as saying "By the way, there's a strong possiblity that everybody would return for a sequel. How is that possible? Not my usual way -- there are no amulets to be had for love or money. But there's every chance you could see these characters again."

I know this is a long post, but there is such a rich tapestry that was woven by Joss for the Buffy and Angel fans. We were given the time to learn something that the fans of only Firefly were denied (stupid Fox *spit*): Your travels with Joss will almost never go in the direction you expect. But ultimately, it will be a better journey than you could ever have planned.



"I dislike violence, but I'm awfully good at it."


Thursday, November 3, 2005 8:23 AM



Originally posted by macpro75:

Joss himself was quoted in Serenity The Visual Companion as saying "By the way, there's a strong possiblity that everybody would return for a sequel. How is that possible? Not my usual way -- there are no amulets to be had for love or money. But there's every chance you could see these characters again."

This reminds me of the conversation I had with two friends while walking through the parking lot after seeing Serenity. One of them had not watched Firefly beforehand and the other had seen three episodes (Ariel was one, not sure what the other two were). Basically, they were wondering how Wash could be incorporated back into the story, now that he was dead. My response was that one of the best episodes of the series was told almost entirely in flashback.

Anything's possible.


I know this is a long post, but there is such a rich tapestry that was woven by Joss for the Buffy and Angel fans. We were given the time to learn something that the fans of only Firefly were denied (stupid Fox *spit*): Your travels with Joss will almost never go in the direction you expect. But ultimately, it will be a better journey than you could ever have planned.

So true. Thank you for posting that.

To the original poster: Have you seen the movie again? I'm just curious as to your reaction the second time.

Hell with this; I'm gonna live! - Kaylee "Serenity"

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"

Browncoat? Canadian? Join us:


Thursday, November 3, 2005 9:37 AM



Originally posted by Tallgrrl:
No, Joss didn't make your 11-year old daughter cry.
YOU made your daughter cry by:
1. Taking her to a movie that's rated PG 13, you heel.
2. Not exposing your daughter to books and stories where things don't always turn out the way you think they "should". In other words, Life Isn't Always Fair.
You thought the movie sucked because something unpleasant happens?
I guess I feel sorry for you AND your daughter.
So, you must be new to the Whedonverse.
Or maybe you don't read a whole lot.
Maybe you never read any Shakespere (sp?), eh?
Or saw any movies like...
Oh never mind.

"Take me, sir. Take me hard." -- Zoe

Right on, TALLGRRL! Keep spreading the good news! (take another drink of Kool Aid!)
There is no place for your style of ad hominem troll-esgue attack in civil discourse. To those who loved the

Select to view spoiler:

deaths of Book and Wash

and/or thought they made they movie great...what would your opinions be if everyone came out unscathed? Would you all have been on the other side of the thread, as it were, posting thread titles such as

Select to view spoiler:

Joss sucks! How come nobody died?!


Select to view spoiler:

Serenity wasn't realistic at all!

etc. Let's just all try to be intellectually honest and civil, shall we?

A Firefly Fan...


Thursday, November 3, 2005 1:11 PM


Oh please. Grow up. You're the only one sippin on Kool-Aid.
The "you know whats" were part of the story arc.
They happened because they happened.
Had they not happened, then I guess it would have been OK. Writer's perogative and all that.
And it's Joss's work. Not yours, not mine, and not the boards.
People on the boards who bitch about what someone else writes need to go and write something themselves.
When Things happen in a story, a mature person accepts it.
The mature person accepts it and appreciates it because it does happen in real life.
"Troll"? I got your troll, baby.
Because you don't know me, I'll let you in on something: When the first "you know what" happened, I was sad but not surprised.
When the 2nd "you know what" happened, I actually heard someone mutter "Son of a Bitch!"
That someone was ME.
When the big "you know what" happens, the emotion of the whole movie is ramped up because at that moment All Bets Are Off.
You are literally on the edge of your seat because if THAT can happen to that person...then who's next?!!!
Joss once said "if it makes you cry to see it, know that it made me cry when I wrote it".
The man knows what he's doing.
YOU put down the Kool-Aid.
And do some reading.

"Take me, sir. Take me hard." -- Zoe


Thursday, November 3, 2005 1:23 PM


My depressive cycle is starting up so dont even go there pieface.


Thursday, November 3, 2005 3:52 PM



Originally posted by Tallgrrl:

Joss once said "if it makes you cry to see it, know that it made me cry when I wrote it".
The man knows what he's doing.


Chrisisall, who still can't believe Lando and Chewie didn't kick the bucket in Jedi!!!


Thursday, November 3, 2005 4:38 PM



Orginally posted by Tallgrrl:
Joss once said "If it makes you cry to see it, know that it made me cry when I wrote it". The man knows what he is doing.

"I love my captain."

That's actually quite touching. I think I might cry. Yes, the man sure knows what he is doing and I appauld him. Keep up the great work, Joss!


"I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar."-Wash.


Thursday, November 3, 2005 5:03 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
My depressive cycle is starting up so dont even go there pieface.

quick dearie- head over to the random threads. it is a peaceful land and we will thrive!

shakespeare: more words than God.


Thursday, November 3, 2005 9:10 PM


Tired of the "Buffy did this too" exprawations.

Personally never did like that hoaky, campy piece of $hit. pure pop trash - that was.

Haken needs new equipment to keep the site shiny. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Friday, November 4, 2005 6:54 AM


Well then it's good that you never watched it.
Oh...wait...I guess maybe you DID watch it.
And, oh my goodness, it wasn't for you! Imagine that!
I hope you got over it and moved on to something else.
Me? I liked Buffy but never got around to seeing it regularly.
It's now in my Netflix queue. Just after the last disc of Angel.

It's not about Buffy, dearie.
It's about a writer not afraid to go to places that aren't "safe" for the audience.
People get shot. People get hurt. People are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Friends of "the wrong people" get caught in the shite storm. ("When your quarry goes to ground..." - The Operative)

As Mal said "It ain't 'a hand o' cards', it's called LIFE."

"Take me, sir. Take me hard." -- Zoe


Friday, November 4, 2005 7:49 AM


Hate the game baby...don't hate the playa!

Me myself...thought the "you know whats" were cheap ploys at illiciting emotions. A better writer can evoke emotion in his audience in a slightly less "in your face" manner. All in all though...I ain't loosin' any sleep over it. My point was that there is no need to impugn someone's parenting skills and start calling them names (heel) for no other reason than they disliked something that you...cherish? And let me see if I've got this straight...because I didn't like something that you adore (didn't hate it either, BTW) you are able to discern that am illiterate and otherwise relatively uneducated? Wow! Can't argue with that logic! Finally...Joss as great literary luminary? Buffy, Angel, Slither...I'm guessing Firefly was a fluke. There! I said it! I feel liberated! And Tallgrrl...relaaaaax.

Much love...


Friday, November 4, 2005 9:31 AM



Originally posted by Thanatus:
Hate the game baby...don't hate the playa!

Me myself...thought the "you know whats" were cheap ploys at illiciting emotions. A better writer can evoke emotion in his audience in a slightly less "in your face" manner. All in all though...I ain't loosin' any sleep over it. My point was that there is no need to impugn someone's parenting skills and start calling them names (heel) for no other reason than they disliked something that you...cherish? And let me see if I've got this straight...because I didn't like something that you adore (didn't hate it either, BTW) you are able to discern that am illiterate and otherwise relatively uneducated? Wow! Can't argue with that logic! Finally...Joss as great literary luminary? Buffy, Angel, Slither...I'm guessing Firefly was a fluke. There! I said it! I feel liberated! And Tallgrrl...relaaaaax.

Much love...

Hey, not hatin'.
I'm not droppin a heel bomb because someone didn't like what I liked.
I'm saying that someone who takes a child to movie that's rated above that child's ability to handle it is a heel.
Serenity is rated PG-13 for a reason. For lots of reasons, actually.
It's not about whether I "adored" the piece or not. Even if I didn't like the piece, my opinion would be the same.
Then to bitch about it with: "Joss made my 11 year old daughter cry!"?
Excuse me, but I wasn't gonna let that slide on by.
And "literary luminary"? Um, yer words. Not mine.

I'm just saying that Joss knew exactly what he was doing when he wrote the script for Serenity.
And I ain't mad at him.
(Well, I was for about 15 seconds.)
Like I said: not hatin'.


"Take me, sir. Take me hard." -- Zoe


Friday, November 4, 2005 11:08 AM


Peace at last, peace at last! Thank God almighty...peace at last!

In the words of my man Rodney..."Can't we all just get along?!" *pleads*


Friday, December 2, 2005 1:36 PM


And, people, I didn't say that crying was bad. It's funny to see all the various reactions to a couple of statements.

BTW, my daughter loves firefly, wants to catch all the re-runs on Sci-Fi and wants to buy the movie on DVD.

I told her a while back that I posted that she cried about the movie and she said, "It was sad!" while giving me a "of course I cried, Dummy!" look.

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I didn't like the deaths

because I liked the characters so much but I do really love the writing and the artist that wrote Firefly and Serenity. I tip my hat to you, Joss.


Friday, December 2, 2005 1:41 PM


Peace at last, peace at last! Thank God almighty...peace at last!

In the words of my man Rodney..."Can't we all just get along?!" *pleads*

No! we can't all get along....this is the Earth-That-Currently-Is...remember??






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