Top Ten Things I Learned From Watching Serenity (SPOILERS)

UPDATED: Monday, November 21, 2005 08:55
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Saturday, October 22, 2005 6:15 AM



Originally posted by Mark:
Pharoh and the Sergeant, Recessional, Ballad of the Clampherdown, The Bolivar, Sons of Martha and The Young British Soldier are all Kipling poems I'd associate with Firefly.


Twelve spheres of unendurable brightness spalled the velvety blackness of space.
The silence on Lester Tourville's flag bridge was absolute
And then the spell was broken as Shannon Foraker looked up from her console from where she had just sent a seemingly innocent command to the main computers of State Security's finest Superdreadnoughts.
"Oops." She said.

I'm much more familiar with Kippling's prose than his poetry. I will check these out at my local.

Omniverous voracious reader. What is this other business -"Oops." She said?


Saturday, October 22, 2005 10:08 AM


1. Firefly DVD set....$40.00
2. Tight pants......$30.00
3. Brown coat.......$500.00
4. Serenity visaul companion...$20.00
5. Movie ticket to the BDM.....$8.00
6. Popcorn......$4.00
7. Pretzel......$4.00
8. Soda.........$4.00
9. Goobers.... $4.00
10. Sitting with friends watching the impossible get done on the BIG screen while serving a big dish of redemption and saying up yours fox.......PRICELESS!

It's a nothing part til you don't got one, then you have to go to ebay.....aaaaagh!


Saturday, October 22, 2005 11:22 AM


Okay, now I'm just milking it (although I really like #25 and #21)

30 Jayne only has two arms.
29 It's not safe.
28 Wind blows northerly, go north.
27 If you tell your prey that they're not a reaver, it might give them a crazy idea.
26 Don't turn around.
25 Girls damage my calm.
24 Lovebots *are* good for other things.
23 Keep your backup units safe.
22 Quality LCD monitors will work even after the feds try to destroy them.
21 Even though you know it's love, it's still nice to hear it.


Saturday, October 22, 2005 1:52 PM



Originally posted by dragonwine:
1. Firefly DVD set....$40.00
2. Tight pants......$30.00
3. Brown coat.......$500.00
4. Serenity visaul companion...$20.00
5. Movie ticket to the BDM.....$8.00
6. Popcorn......$4.00
7. Pretzel......$4.00
8. Soda.........$4.00
9. Goobers.... $4.00
10. Sitting with friends watching the impossible get done on the BIG screen while serving a big dish of redemption and saying up yours fox.......PRICELESS!

It's a nothing part til you don't got one, then you have to go to ebay.....aaaaagh!

brilliant, love it, ahh, credit card companies DO have souls...

thank you for making me chuckle.
although, visual companion for $20? they're nearly double that in the shops here (england), ebay it is then...

I don't think I'll make a list cos anything I could come up with has prolly been covered but thanks to everyone who's contributed, hours of fun...


Saturday, October 22, 2005 6:29 PM


1. Your sister may be crazy, but she probably isn't crazy enough to think she's Miranda.

2. She may, however, be crazy enough to kick you in the throat. Or just doesn't want to go back to sleep. Either way, it's best to back away from doors.

3. That you are, in fact, one of the people who giggles at a safe-word mention.

4. If your big tough mercenary comes downstairs yelling your name, it's probably a good time to move.

5. Every good team is sealed with a drink made by a potentially evil company.

6. Don't tell someone that they may as well shoot you now unless you're really certain that they won't.

7. When people stop fighting they stop everything else.

8. No matter how 'big' your BDM gets, there's always room for fairy lights, painted signs, three switches and plastic dinos.

9. Death, like betrayal, is sudden but inevitable, and still breaks your heart every time.

10. No matter how bad the storm looks, we'll get through it soon enough.

I'm not nice. I'm just highly susceptible to guilt


Sunday, October 23, 2005 3:14 AM



Originally posted by liminalosity:

I'm much more familiar with Kippling's prose than his poetry. I will check these out at my local.

Omniverous voracious reader. What is this other business -"Oops." She said?

There are free ebook copies of his 'Departmental ditties and barrack-room ballads' on the web and they are well worth downloading. I keep on permanently on my PDA.

As for Shannon Foraker and her 'Ooops' comment... David Weber is the greatest writer of Mil-Sci-Fi in the verse. His spaceship battles are the stuff of legend. He created a character called 'Honor Harrington' and set a series around her.

There are currently more than a dozen Honorverse books and in book 9 I think - Ashes of Victory - there is a page I have paraphrased for my sig. It's hillarious and you have to read it to understand.

Can I just say that if Mal had read book 5 - Flag in Exile - then he wouldn't have had any trouble dealing with Atherton Wing.

If you're interested. The first book in the Honor Harrington series is available free from the Baen free library at, and in fact a lot of new Baen hardbacks include CDs that feature huge collections of ebooks including the Honor Harrington ones. If you like, let me know and I'll email them to you or something.


Twelve spheres of unendurable brightness spalled the velvety blackness of space.
The silence on Lester Tourville's flag bridge was absolute
And then the spell was broken as Shannon Foraker looked up from her console from where she had just sent a seemingly innocent command to the main computers of State Security's finest Superdreadnoughts.
"Oops." She said.


Sunday, October 23, 2005 6:09 AM


1. Always have a baton to use if you need a quick getaway.
2. Always keep a psychic on you at all times.
3. Always have you or someone you know with a gernade.
4. NEVER trust Fruity Oaty Bars-they do nothing but cause trouble...or give your psychic the crazies.
5. Can't Stop the Signal.
6. Be wary and know your flase bombs.
7. Never let Jayne babysit.
8. Wash and River are brillant pilots.
9. Don't trust PAX
10. 1st rule of flying, love your ship to keep her afloat.


Sunday, October 23, 2005 7:18 AM



Originally posted by N0Skillz:

3)Mal shot first.

Oh yes! LOL We need a shirt...

also, in a gunfight, you might want to bring a gun that shoots bullets, not tazer darts.

you can't take the sky from me


Sunday, October 23, 2005 8:00 AM


"...has anyone else made a point of reading "The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner" besides me?"

Before or after seeing the movie? I liked the albatross reference. It's so American to get things completely backward.


Monday, October 24, 2005 8:23 AM



Originally posted by Mark:
There are free ebook copies of his 'Departmental ditties and barrack-room ballads' on the web and they are well worth downloading. I keep on permanently on my PDA.

As for Shannon Foraker and her 'Ooops' comment... David Weber is the greatest writer of Mil-Sci-Fi in the verse.

If you like, let me know and I'll email them to you or something.

Hey, thanks Mark, for all of this.
Reading on the puter makes my eyes go swirly, but I enjoyed the Weber & will find a hard copy.
I'm busted for dragging a thread far OT as usual. I apologize to all and sundry.
I'll go looking for the Kippling poetry. His insights into how the juxtaposition of these two cultures at this moment in history created particular tensions and frictions are razor edged. His voice in prose...well, I like his rhythms, and word choices, but beyond that, he conveys so clearly why the Empire was wrong using an ethic that's pretty close to my own. Anyway thanks a bunch.

One Ghandi-kissing socialist


Monday, October 24, 2005 9:23 AM


Important people don't do field work.

A few more...

1. If Fruity Oaty Bars make you bust out of your blouse, how come River just went monkeyshit and beat everyone up instead of...busting outta her blouse? The answer to this question should be debated ad nauseum...

2. Jayne's just....heavy. Not so heavy that someone would have to harpoon him, mean old Reavers you!

3. You can follow a lesson from an old tracker and use your eyes, but your eyes can decieve you, what with 6 fake Nav-Sats and all!

4. Blue Sun Whiskey (Or, whatever the hell that stuff Jayne was drinking was)...I guess they really are the evil megacorporation Joss painted them to be. Making cola and whiskey...The evil knows no bounds!!!

5. When you know that your enemies are waiting for you, its perfectly okay to punch your other, meaner, nastier enemies in the face, yell "Nah Nah a Boo Boo!", and run like hell towards your first enemy.

6. Hey, Mal? If you feel a powerful need to eat sometime this month...check out what the Reavers are up to. They never seem hungry, and Jayne would feed the crew for a solid month!

7. We need a catchphrase here...Let's see: "If wishes were horses..." Nope, too TV. "A long time ago, in a gal..." Nope...been done to death... "I aim to misbehave" YES!!!

8. Simon seems too calm in admonishing his sister after she kicks his throat in. "You could've asked me?" No, no, no..."You kicked me right in the throat, you psychotic beeeeyotch!!!" Then again, that may be why I'm not writing multimillion dollar science fiction films.

9. If I had to operate a Reaver would be that little Tilt-A-Whirl bastard that spins the hell out someone! Reavers! Not only are they territorial, cannabilistic murderers, but they sure do love a good carny ride!

10. The day that Serenity is pulled from your local theater is about on par with a root canal for sheer pleasure. I'm guessing...

There,...another ten...not as solid as some, but, hey...I like them...

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Monday, October 24, 2005 10:03 AM



Originally posted by manwithpez:
1. If Fruity Oaty Bars make you bust out of your blouse, how come River just went monkeyshit and beat everyone up instead of...busting outta her blouse? The answer to this question should be debated ad nauseum...

River's sexy... But not in a bursty-outy-from-blousey way. She doesn't have anything to burst out with. Certainly no carefully concealed Octopi. Her sexiness is more the whole foot-fetish-extra-bendy-could-break-you-in-half-with-her-bare-hands kinda thing.

I like the idea of eating Jayne to make the food situation easier though.


Twelve spheres of unendurable brightness spalled the velvety blackness of space.
The silence on Lester Tourville's flag bridge was absolute
And then the spell was broken as Shannon Foraker looked up from her console from where she had just sent a seemingly innocent command to the main computers of State Security's finest Superdreadnoughts.
"Oops." She said.


Monday, October 24, 2005 11:43 AM



Originally posted by manwithpez:
9. If I had to operate a Reaver would be that little Tilt-A-Whirl bastard that spins the hell out someone! Reavers! Not only are they territorial, cannabilistic murderers, but they sure do love a good carny ride!

Lol! Your portrait is on the Tilt-a-Whirl, isn't it Mr Mock you with my Monkeypants? I believe I have seen it, one of my best friend's gramps invented the Tilt-a-Whirl. The friend who first said "Firefly" to me in fact.

#11 Being able to slingshot a carnyride full of Reaver ships at an Alliance floatilla trumps the play.


Monday, October 24, 2005 2:04 PM



Originally posted by manwithpez:
1. If Fruity Oaty Bars make you bust out of your blouse, how come River just went monkeyshit and beat everyone up instead of...busting outta her blouse?

Well, River never actually ate a Fruity Oaty Bar.

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Monday, October 24, 2005 2:20 PM


1) Batman Begins was no where near as good.

2) The theatre-goin' public have thick skulls for the most part.

3) Serenity shoulda been a bigger hit.

4) .....uh, I can't think of any more....



Friday, November 18, 2005 2:05 PM


Important people don't do field work.

Gosh...Can I think up some more...Let's see:

1. (And, believe me, its quite important) WHAT DID IMDB SAY ABOUT KAYLEE'S NECKLACE IN THE FUNERAL SCENE? Holy CRAP!

2. 500 years in the future, and not everybody own lasers...Okay, I can get onboard with that. But, those Reavers? I guess when throwing sticks and spikes stop working, its okay to start shooting!

3. Inara has the ability to transmogrify her bow between shots!

4. "Sundries and such...I suppose." Riiiiight...Like any hot blooded man is going to pass up the chance to search Inara's know, for junk and stuff.

5. Apparently the old trick of picking up another reciever and listening in to someone's phone call will still work in the future. Cortex Waves seem like they should be a little more secure, huh?

6. I like the idea of the Joss Whedon Hat Trick...Its just too bad that we didn't get a "Quadruple Threat". That would've been cool...then again, who knows what the future holds (I do, I HAVE watched Firefly, you know.)

7. Is it just me, or has anyone else tried to imagine the Reaver/Robbery scene with the old mule instead of the new one? Fuuuuuunnny stuff!

8. The Captain is lying on his bed, assed out, gets up to take a call, shirtless, and the first thing he does...Tries to fix his hair. He's so vain, he probably thinks this post is about him! (Oh kinda is!)

9. Watching Serenity in an Army base theater was the oddest moviegoing experience of my life. No one made a laughs, no gasps...The only sound I heard was the rather rude woman on her cell phone in my row. For SHAME!!! Fireflyfans are trying to watch a movie here, you know!

10. And, the award for the best looking female movie cast of the year goes to...You guessed it! Makes me proud to be a longtime Flan!

Now, I know some of you are probably going to say that these aren't lessons, but, observances...You're right...I'm very tired, so forgive me...

More to follow...probably...after I've put more thought into it...

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Friday, November 18, 2005 4:59 PM


1.Some men are just too damn pretty to die. 2.Never forget to "moon" your enemies. 3.Everybody's lost in the woods, but some of us see better there. 4.Calling someone a whore and never knocking only means "I love you." So does calling them a "petty thief." 5.Always cut your apples. 6.A little throw up on a bed is nothing between siblings. 7.Betraying the crew is betraying the Captain and it'll cost you a very long drop. 8.Believe in something, and believe in it enough to die for it. 9.Party invites on Persophone can't be bought without diamonds the size of testicles. 10.Love is the first rule of flying. I could probably go on forever......:)

"Aw see, now they don't know a damn thing....and I was gonna get me an ear too."...Jayne.


Saturday, November 19, 2005 5:13 PM



Originally posted by Booksword:

1)-Lovers fall, Utopia turns to ash. Old Shepards guide us one last time and cities burn. But the sky is still waiting to take you back.

Serenity in a nutshell. Would that I were that eloquent.

"She was naked, and all ... articulate."


Monday, November 21, 2005 8:55 AM







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