Serenity DVDs--Not the Safe Bet Everyone Thinks

UPDATED: Monday, October 31, 2005 18:13
VIEWED: 28781
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Monday, October 24, 2005 3:41 PM


If you buy an extra copy of the DVD but don't want to keep it, you can donate it to your local library. That way, people can check it out who didn't watch the movie in the theater and maybe they'll go out and buy a copy if they like the movie.

"You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals."--George Mikes


Monday, October 24, 2005 5:21 PM


Here's a way to boost Serenity DVD sales with public money: Go to your local public library, and fill out a request form asking them to add Serenity to their DVD collection. You can fill the form out for/at each branch, and you can fill them out before the DVD is released. Most libraries take patron requests very seriously. Library sales will make Universal their profit, and I, among others, buy DVDs for my personal collection after seeing library and rental copies. You can recruit people to our 'verse that you've never met.

To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks. --Robt. Heinlein


Monday, October 24, 2005 6:37 PM



Originally posted by Robbs:
... But I'm more curious about what it would take to get it to the SciFi channel or FX or something. I know SciFi passed on it the first time around but this seems to fit well with Battlestar Galactica, SG1 & some of their other shows. Plus I think most of us would enjoy getting back to a serialized version of the show. That being said I have doubts about Universal (or whoever actually owns rights to future versions) giving up those rights to allow it to hit the small screen. Would be pretty sweet though!

Loved Firefly and Serenity, but I too would prefer seeing the series go back to TV -- if only to get back the great multi-cast reparte and character nuances that can't be addressed fully in film. THIS is what made me love FF and then go see the BDM. I'm not sure how Fox figures in with the FF rights either, but unless their ownership has changed recently -- Universal Studios owns USA Cable Network which owns SciFi Channel ... which MAY bode well for "Serenity: The Series" if Josh & crew are up for it.

Regardless, keep recuiting everyone you can to see/buy the BDM and FF. Dare to believe in miracles.


Monday, October 24, 2005 7:13 PM


You know what REALLY needs to be done?

Get FOX or UPN or whoever, strap them down in a comfy seat and make them watch the entire firefly series.

If they don't love the series, then you shoot them. Ok, the shooting part is a joke . . . mostly.

Here's why the dvds/rentals are going to really make Firefly a hit. I hadn't heard of Firefly before the Serenity movie. Even though the preview looked somewhat lame, I was interested enough to see it as there really hasn't been a decent space movie in a looooong time.

So I watched it and liked it quite a bit. The characters really drew me in. So I searched for more and found Firefly. Bought the series and watched all the episodes in 2 days time.

I think that many people didn't bother to see it because:

1. What the hell is this all about?

2. Doesn't seem worth it to pay to see it in theatres.

3. Didn't play at a theatre near them/got pulled early.

So there will be a huge amount of first time viewers watching Serenity in a few months when it comes out to rent/buy. Out of these people, I can guarantee that a large portion of them will be so interested in the movie that they will look into Firefly. The Firefly series will skyrocket again after the dvd release.

Fingers crossed.


Monday, October 24, 2005 7:38 PM


I feel like the movie and TV companys understand that all movie and DVD sale are down across the board, and take that into consideration. It makes no difference what movie it is. Movies like DOOM that compaired to Serenity are just stupid, but for some reason I have a gut feeling that there will be a DOOM 2 before a Serenity 2. I feel like someone at FOX is on crack(maybe Lucas had something to do with it).
Heck how many of you liked Alien Vs Predator? It has crapy reviews(C) and it made 79mil, and Serenity(A) has great reviews and is at 25mil, hmmm.( I guess AVP had a bigger fan base)

I am new to Firefly and Serenity, but I have been hooked since I saw the BDM. I love the verse and think it was everything the new Star Wars movies werent. I rented the Firefly DVD set and I am on the lookout for a copy at my local store to buy one, and I will buy the Serenity DVD as well.

But if FoxTV puts out crap(how many more seasons of the simpsons can will have, give it a rest! along wiht crazy Fox reality tv, dumb let it go) and kills Firefly, something does not add up. Most of the people I talk to never knew the movie was out. Universal didnt market the movie very well, I didnt see a tv ad every time I watched TV like I did for DOOM(or any other movie).

I think we browncoats need to send letters or email the hell out of SciFi and beg them to take up a new Firefly series. I mean lets face it Stargate was a one bigtime movie and it was not all that, but it had a hell of a fan base, and still does, look at all the DVD sets for sell.

I dont see a Serenity 2 anytime soon and to be honest I dont want one right now, look at Star Trek, every 3 years they made a movie, and then what retirement. I feel like browncoats would be much happier with 6-7 seasons of Firefly 2 tv series, than they would with, 3 movies every 10 years. I mean come on, many more chapters of our favorite crew on tv then in movies. Maybe after 6-7 seasons of Firefly 2 on SciFi then it will have a hell of a bigger fan base and then a new movie will kick ass at the box office.

This is just my opinon take or leave it, hehe


Monday, October 24, 2005 8:14 PM


I just updated my list of things you can do to boost the DVD sales:

--Spread the River Tam Sessions. (I can't believe I forgot this.) It's debatable as to whether the online viral marketing scheme had enough time to boost ticket sales, but what *isn't* debatable is that we have several extra months to build up some viral steam. Spread the vids to as many folks as you (politely) can. The chief website for this is, where you can download every clip.

Originally posted by BruisersMom:
If you buy an extra copy of the DVD but don't want to keep it, you can donate it to your local library. That way, people can check it out who didn't watch the movie in the theater and maybe they'll go out and buy a copy if they like the movie.

That’s a good idea BruisersMom, I was going to recommend it myself when we got closer to the actual release. Donating stuff to libraries is always good in general and as you point out, it spreads word of the ‘verse to folks who might otherwise never have heard it. There is actually a systematic campaign to get Whedon’s three shows on library shelves and in other places where the public can access them. It’s called the Whedonverse Multimedia Project and can be found at Check them out, they are highly regarded for their efforts.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 4:43 AM


I've been reading up on what box office means to studios. Turns out even blockbusters rarely make good profit in the theater. For example, studio spends $100m making and $50m marketing (typical marketing number, not the crappy $10 Serenity got). Then, movie grosses $250m in the theaters - sounds great. but the studio only gets back $125m - 25m less than they spent. As it happens most studios only make about 20% of their profits off theater box office. 80% is made in merchandising - that means DVD sales, movie soundtrack CD, promotional items, novelizations, rentals, sales to TV, pay-per-view.

Additionally, movies showing in little over 2,000 theaters in the widest distribution do not become box office blockbusters. While it would have been nice to blow that expectation out of the water - we continue to make $$ in the US and are doing very well abroad. We should keep it up - but in long the run it will be the post-theater $$ that will determine the eventual fate of this potential franchise. That means - the Serenity DVD is a fine gift for all holidays and special events (and, note, Universal does not get one dime from Firefly). So, while I would not discourage anyone from buying this very fine series - if you are trying to support this rebirth by purchasing for friends or others - you would want to use your $$ for the movie DVD or for any other Serenity related merchanise that catches your eye.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 5:33 AM


Any way you cut it, there are still many possibilities and opportunities for a sequel. I'm not worried.

We shall rule over this land, and we shall call it... This Land.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 8:14 AM


First let me say that the show and movie both kick major booty---however, I cannot see buying multiple copies of the series. Its a great show, but I cannot afford to purchase 7 or more copies. The movie is different however, my wife and I and our roommate and my parents and 21 yr old little brother all went to the theatre to see it.

There is one thing no one here has mentioned for ideas that I've noticed thus far--but if I'm wrong, let me know.

What about Bit Torrent? Limewire, etc...? I know your not supposed to download movies as it is stealing and what not, but its already on there. Sooo thats another reason why DVD sales are down across the board. Internet downloading being the hottest thing nowadays is a chance for real exposure. There's conventions too that can be done, if they aren't already. As I am new to this show and such, I'm not hip to whats going on ---yet.

Syndication should also help, but for that to happen, Sci-fi would have to repeat the show like they do SG-1 and Atlantis. SG-1 every day at 6pm my time, then why not FF at 5? or at 7? Each show could be shown with outtakes, deleted scenes, etc. Advertise hugely on other channels like USA, UPN, and FOX. Stay away from the big three (ABC, NBC, CBS, ETC.) Saturate the media with it with interviews on FOX NEWS, CNN, etc. This would mean Joss and cast and crew doing them. Before Serenity came out I watched a FOX NEWS broadcast with their movie guy--he hated the movie, but loved the come-back story. He shot it full of holes on the air, but the answer to that is to do the shows on the CABLE news, to help get the word out.

Another way would be to make sizable donations to Hurricane victims, that alone would get Joss on the news. Its a two-fold thing, and its real life, so in order to get something done, you have to be noticed. Getting noticed is harder nowadays then it used to be. The money would help the victims, and it would get Joss the audience he needs. Perhaps a Shelter or Rec Center called Serenity? (Not wishful thinking I hope.) I know this sounds bad, but logic dictates that one must make waves in order to really get anywhere in life.

Another way, would be to get more sites up on the net and advertise them at the end of each show like SG-1 and Atlantis does. THe original Showtime website for SG-1 is mostly responsible for its huge success.

Another way would be to show up on Shows like the O'Reilly Factor, Hannity and Colmes, Dayside, etc on FOX NEWS. Print fliers, and put them up in little known mom & pop video stores not Blockbuster or Hollywood Video. For those bigwigs and NETFLIX, you'd have to pester the management until they carried the TV show. As we all know they'll have Serenity.

If the show gets picked up, problem solved. If not, then keep going till it does. The idea of having novels is a good one. You can do so much more with that Universe, that ideas should be pratically unending--( ya right---no writer's block here please.)(They could have a set series based on the TV and Movie Characters, and a set series based on the Alliance, or other ships/smugglers/pirates, etc. Or Joss could take a Matrix-like approach: MASS DISTRIBUTION and Simulateous Releases of the movie on DVD or special edition DVD's for the show at the same time a video game would be launched, and have each item advertise the latter item, so u get equal exposure. Then you use places like Gamestop, Walmart, K mart, to boost your sales.

Or a website can be put up that deals only in selling FF merchandise, but not just any merch---stuff from the movie and show so that the competiont cannot compete with items Joss and his cast and crew have access to, no one else does--that would be an interesting way to make money and to get exposure as well. Advertise on, so if people go there to buy the TV show/movie, advertise for the video game, novels, and mementos, etc.

There are limitless ways to get exposed to a broader audience. Japan would be a hot place for Serenity as well. Maybe an Anime based on the show and advertise the TV show/movie/novels/games etc on Cartoon Network. Much can be done, but all it really takes is dedication, ( which no one on this site, or in the cast and crew seems to be short of) and lots of money.

Also, make petition websites advertised on TV and such to bring back the show. If Stargate fans can get Daniel Jackson back on the show after he left, they can get FF back on the air with new shows. :)

Let me know what ya'll think of my ideas :)

" If you take advantage of her, you'll go to a special hell, one reserved for Child Molestors and people who talk in theatres."
" Oh, I'm gonna go to a special hell..uhh"--THUD.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 11:28 AM


I think there is still some hope yet, especially if it is released before Christmas. I'll buy it as gifts for family members. Also, some movies are not discovered until they are released on video/dvd. The Shawshank Redemption bombed at the theater but later had much success on video and was nominated for several academy awards.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 12:26 AM



Now let's be realistic. You have to know that watching a movie 12+ times in a theater in three weeks time is not normal. I do not mean to say that YOU are abnormal, but you have to admit your love of Serenity is abnormal. I know my love for Firefly is abnormal.

My point is that I do not believe that in terms of mass appeal generating the necessary revenue stream for Universal, Serenity is not going to make it. As I said Serenity is a good movie, but I do not think it was good enough follow-up to Firefly-which was GREAT.

The thing is, that even newbies to the 'verse are keen to go and see this movie multiple times. I have seen it personally with a whole bunch of my contemporaries... It hasn't just got Browncoat appeal - the movie is creating Firefly fans just as much as the other way 'round.

So take heart. All is NOT lost. The audience is growing and it will grow MUCH MUCH larger come DVD release. There are people who just refuse to pay money to go see a movie they've heard is good if it doesn't have Arnie or Brad or Julia in it.

All is so far from lost it is actually funny.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 8:29 PM



Originally posted by HanoverFist:
This is the problem I see: the movie is not that re-watchable

I disagree, as well. Though I've only seen Serenity six times, each time is a new experience. Though I know what's going to happen, each time I discover new subtleties. That's the draw to the Verse. That's the beauty and magic that Joss has created within each and every Browncoat. This our BDFamliy. It's been a week since I've seen the BDM and it's no longer in the theaters my way. So now I have to wait. Is it an addiction... maybe. An obsession... maybe. But most of all, it's an affection for our BDH's.

"...If you can't do summin smart... do summin right."


Sunday, October 30, 2005 2:07 PM


Hey Stakethelurk
I am sooo glad someone out there is thinking the same as me. I totally get what you are saying and in an unorganized attempt on the Serenity board I tried pushing that notion. Dont sit on your butt, go and market the dvds!

It is definately not a failure and will make profit.... but if we just sit there expecting success it will not convince Universal to greenlight a sequel. And for any of you who want a sequel, would you rather be safer than sorry? Yes Joss is going to be busy for the next 2 years.... but so what? If the DVDs sell well initially (with our help of course in marketing them), then it will give Universal more confidence in the franchise and might greenlight a sequel early on, and we can rest easy after that a bit.

Did anyone copy paste your original post to the Serenity Universal Board? If not can I do so? I think people need to get organized and formulate a plan to spread the verse. For sure most of the fans will be buying the dvds and buying extras for gifts etc, but thats not enough.

I think though renting(or netflixing that seems to be the trend these days) will play a role. Problem is that we have to get video rental stores of peoples interest in renting the movie. If individual rental stores(and therefore higher ups in management) see that there is interest they may be interested in buying a batch of Serenity DVD's. While thats not alot of money for Universal, but if Serenity climbs the rental charts(as well as the DVD selling charts), then people in general will take notice and wonder whats the fuss about a movie with no stars. And Universal will see that there is interest in the franchise. And its cheaper for people to rent the movie then to buy it.

That is why when the release date comes closer I plan to email all my friends who have seen the movie or seen the series or both, and are not as "hardcore" like me, that if they want more of the franchise they should consider buying the dvd, and if not at least should spread the 'verse to their friends and recommend friends to buy/rent the dvds. I figure thats the least we can do.

And to those thinking Joss and the cast not interested in doing sequels. Besides having contracts to do more movies, do you know what Love they have for this show? You surely know what Joss went through just to continue the verse and then ultiamtely to get the movie made. They are sooo interested in doing sequels Im sure. The love of the verse and the cast and crew each one talks about is not nothin. They consider themselves fans as much as we are.

Oh and I am sure everyone in the fanbase and the in the industry knows especially the way thing sare going there is no way to predict how this thing will turn out. Its totally unpredictable, so trying to compare it to previous examples is very very hard. Austin Powers is a good example of a simple scenario however there is one major difference. Mike Myers, not a no-name actor. He is not(or was not) a big big time star but he is relatively well known(and a canuck hehhehe). This movie unfortunately does not have that star power, but it has a good story and good reviews.

What I want is a sequel, and getting it wont be easy. Plus if we try our darndest and try to spread the word, and if it succeeds then won't you feel happy with yourselves? Lets say we overshoot and a zillion copies sell because of our efforts, I mean wont that give you a warm tingly feeling? We dont have to annoy people but respectively earnestly tell them that there is something good in Joss Whedon's creation to see. December 20th, is just under 2 months, lets get out there and kick butt. We can do it.


For shindigs in Montreal join:

Canadian? join:


Monday, October 31, 2005 5:24 PM


Hey hey hey Everybody! Just wanted to tell yall some of my thoughts here(I didn't read the whole thread, I found it kind of upsetting you guys are so negative, so I really skimmed through it. Someone might've already said what I say, so don't flip):

If a good amount of Firefly Fans buy x number of Serenity DVDs (Depends how many TVs are in your house) for home right when they come out and there still a good $20, and then buy them & Firefly DVD sets for others on Christmas, Hanukkah, Random Celebrations, And Birthday Shindigs, we should get more than you guys are talking about. Adding onto this are the rentals, merchandise and Firefly DVD sales going to Joss. Another thing is the other movies Joss is making adding onto his money. He already has sound work and actors, so he won't use the money on hiring them. Working for him, they will, but not HIRING them or hiring casting directors for Main Role Characters. He has more money than you think. So do the things that Stakethelurk said we should and a little extra, Tell your friends (Trust me, everyone loves a good Firefly episode - I showed my friend who only likes Full House and 7th Heaven *Those are the ONLY 2 shows she watches* and she liked Firefly!) 'specially.


"Sure. I've got a secret. More'n one. Don't seem likely I'd tell 'em to you, do it?"



Monday, October 31, 2005 6:13 PM


this whole thread is dumb, serenity will be out on dvd in dec. in time for xmas, formerly Chirstmas before Alliance stamped out religion, netlfix etc. are already posting approx. arrival dates

Steve from Yuma....OUT






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