new Joss Whedon interview - Empire On-line

UPDATED: Saturday, October 29, 2005 14:27
VIEWED: 12374
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005 12:34 PM


new interview here:

notable paragraph (IMO) is:

Well, here's the thing. I didn’t grow up loving television. American television to me was always kind of low brow. But then I started working in television and thought "wow, you can really do beautiful stuff here". But now, I've finally made a movie and been treated like a filmmaker, which is very different to being treated like a screenwriter. I've now had the best of both worlds and the fact of the matter is I'm now in love with both. There's just no two ways about it.

I'm desperate to go back to TV but it's really a situation where I have to go back with enough power to… I can't go through another Firefly. Just to love something that much and have it pulled out from under me. I can have a film poorly received but the fact is that it's out there, you did it and you have the sense of accomplishment regardless. With a TV show you create it to go on and when it doesn't it gives you the kind of feeling I am just not capable of living through again.

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse!


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 1:13 PM


Joss's remarks have been kinda all over the place lately.

I'm not there to challenge them to a point where they go "This is obscene and bizarre and I don’t' know where I stand". I'm not cool enough to be that guy. I'm the guy who wants them to love the movie they just saw, which is I think what the studio is looking for.
Kinda makes me think of a certain event in a certain movie. "This is obscene and bizarre and I don't know where I stand" was a common theme of folks that found they couldn't love the movie. Joss's intentions as an artist and Joss's intentions as the leader of the quasi-political phenomenon called fandom and Joss's urges as a trickster seem to be creating a peculiar interference pattern, with some people receiving the signal loud and clear and others sitting in the trough wondering what happened.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 1:19 PM


I think he was meaning that he was never going to make 'Mulholland Drive'
or other movies that no one can understand no matter how hard they try.
I kinda think that Joss expects us to be able to grasp what happened in 'Serenity'
(and please. no spoilers in this thread...there are spoilers ALL over the board, lets avoid it here if we can)

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse!


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 1:22 PM



Joss Whedon said:
I remember we had a guest director on Firefly and he was telling the characters where they were coming from and I remember telling him, "those are not places on the ship that these characters would be". And I knew that he neither knew nor cared. I need to have everything, the whole tapestry. So the TV show works as a movie and they don't always.

That's what I love about Firefly. The ship fits together, the characters live on the ship --they don't just appear there to do an episode.

I'm curious as to whether this director actually did one of the episodes, or whether Joss said, "get the hell out of here" after that.

Early: Where'd she go?

Simon: I can't keep track of her when she's NOT incorporeally possessing a spaceship, don't look at me --


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 1:41 PM


looks like whedon is leaning more towards a sequal film rather than a second season. It's a shame a feature film is really a poor story telling vehicle compared to a tv series. A tv series can really take its time and develop a intricate story.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 1:59 PM



A second film wouldn't happen in two seconds but if everything went swimmingly, then yes I think a sequel would be the thing. Some people have asked about a new series but I don't think that's where the thinking would be.

this part just makes me really sad :(



Wednesday, October 26, 2005 2:11 PM



Originally posted by robotsonic:

A second film wouldn't happen in two seconds but if everything went swimmingly, then yes I think a sequel would be the thing. Some people have asked about a new series but I don't think that's where the thinking would be.

this part just makes me really sad :(


Seconded. Maybe his thinking wouldn't be there, but mine would, and is.

Early: Where'd she go?

Simon: I can't keep track of her when she's NOT incorporeally possessing a spaceship, don't look at me --


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 2:34 PM



looks like whedon is leaning more towards a sequal film rather than a second season. It's a shame a feature film is really a poor story telling vehicle compared to a tv series. A tv series can really take its time and develop a intricate story.

True, but look at what happened to Buffy after seven seasons.

Sure, having two thousand hours of our BDH is preferable to six or seven, but also think of quality.

Firefly was Joss' most polished, solid and well done series, but that kind of thing can catch up with you in the long run. No one is superhuman. No one can plan out ten seasons of a show, each as good or better than the last.

I'd rather have three fantastic movies than two or three fantastic seasons and a bunch of flaccid, disappointing ones.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:04 PM


Which would I rather have, three seasons, or three movies?

Three seasons. Hands down, no question whatsoever for me, personally. Three seasons adds up to more total story time than three movies, plus I wouldn't have to wait as long between each story. Plus a bunch of other factors too. But everyone has their own preferences and desires.

No reason to have "Firefly II" run on and on until it just tires out. He could write it with a finite story arc to end after a set number of years, kind of like what JM Strazinski did with Babylon 5 (but Joss probably wouldn't have a critical actor bail out on him at the very end like happened to JMS).

If I were a gambling man, however, sadly I wouldn't put a lot of money on ever seeing a "Firefly II" come back to the small screen. Just my depressing prediction.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:15 PM


maybe he could just continue the series 'till where "serenity" picks up.... but yeah, id much much prefer more seasons to another movie. it jsut works so much better.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:34 PM


This is a pretty depressing thing to read about "Firefly" but one thing you guys need to realize is ,people do change their minds about things. I would say that "Serenity has been a success. I didn't think that it would be, but looking at the box office numbers after this week and looking at all the people that are going to buy the dvd, Universal or Fox (don't count on Fox though) might ask him to do another movie or continue the show. Money does change peoples minds. SO don't get down about this. Joss is human and gets depressed and excited just like the rest of us. And yes, he does have the capability to change his mind about what he has said in this quote. Don't give up hope yet. We as fans can prove to him that the show or the movie route is worth pursuing again. Please don't get depressed about this, cuz if you guys do then i and everyone else will too. Be optimistic dammit!

Tim Tim Timmy!


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:41 PM



Originally posted by Scythe404:
True, but look at what happened to Buffy after seven seasons.

Sure, having two thousand hours of our BDH is preferable to six or seven, but also think of quality.

Firefly was Joss' most polished, solid and well done series, but that kind of thing can catch up with you in the long run. No one is superhuman. No one can plan out ten seasons of a show, each as good or better than the last.

I'd rather have three fantastic movies than two or three fantastic seasons and a bunch of flaccid, disappointing ones.

Scythe404, I am right there with you. I'm a fairly new fan (not even two gosh, it feels like it's been years already), and my constant thought as I drown in love for the show, the characters, and of course our BDM, has been: "Would I be this much in love if this show had gone five seasons (give or take a season?) Not that I wouldn't LOVE to find out that Joss and his posse of writers COULD sustain this quality and magic for 10 seasons...but I don't know; it is pretty great to have the 14 episodes and the film that we do have. It will always be an interesting "what if", I guess. It amazes me that this show gelled from show 1. X-Files (which I practically worshipped through the end of Season 5) didn't really start to cook until Season 2, IMHO. This show...yeah, Firefly is different.

Me, I'll take whatever more I can get. And be damn happy with what we've already got. As has been pointed out in previous posts, we've already gotten way more than we got with six Star Wars movies as far as quality hour for hour.

ZOE: "It's just, the Captain's so tense..."
WASH: "Of course he's tense. He's awake."


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 5:10 PM


"as I drown in love for the show, the characters, and of course our BDM,"

Oh, what a way to say it! What a romantic, accurate way to say it!

I agree.... I'll take what I can get and I'm ever so grateful for what we do have. Don't get me wrong, I want MORE movies AND the tv series back.... but I'll take this wonderful 'verse just the way it is if I have to.

But I don't think I'll have to....


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 5:24 PM


I hope you're right like you can't believe.

ZOE: "It's just, the Captain's so tense..."
WASH: "Of course he's tense. He's awake."


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 5:48 PM



True, but look at what happened to Buffy after seven seasons.

Selective memory? Buffy got only better as it went on. Season 3 was great. Season 4 was even better. Season 5 was some of the best TV I have ever seen. I've been bummed for 6 months after the show ended, but at least everyone knew it was coming and people had some closure.

We should only be so lucky to have 3 seasons of Firefly, talk about 7!

Thanks to Serenity, at least we had some closure to the show.

All we can hope for now is for Joss to have so much success that he can name his own terms. If he is able to do that, maybe he will resurrect the series. So far with Serenity, it is strike 2. BTVS the movie bombed. Serenity bombed. Here's hoping that Wonder Woman will be his breakthrough.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 6:14 PM



Originally posted by dantheman:

All we can hope for now is for Joss to have so much success that he can name his own terms. If he is able to do that, maybe he will resurrect the series. So far with Serenity, it is strike 2. BTVS the movie bombed. Serenity bombed. Here's hoping that Wonder Woman will be his breakthrough.

hold up there cowboy...
Joss did NOT make the Buffy movie, he wrote a script which was not actually followed, the studio got a director who wanted to make a campy/slapstick comedy, which is NOT what Joss Whedon wrote
AND Donald Sutherland decided to not bother to learn any of the lines that Joss wrote, but instead ad libbed his way through the movie.
So PLEASE do not lay that on Joss' head.

AND Serenity did NOT bomb,
it was not a big blockbuster success, but it got great reviews, and it has done about as well as most of the other movies that have come out this Fall (obviously it has been a depressed movie box office, but that is not Joss' fault).

Frankly I think Universal will have no trouble making a profit on Serenity in the long run,
and they are very happy to be doing business with him since they have already thrown money at him to make his script for Goners into a film for them.

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse!


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 6:17 PM


Actually, Buffy fourth is probably one of the worst seasons in the series. Season 3 is better by leaps and bounds. And, as the show went on, Buffy became rather bitchy.

Buffy is a great show but, it had it's major flaws. Angel was my favorite by the end of both of the Seasons. But to cap those all off, Firefly has the best 13 episode line-up i've ever seen of any show, period.

"Mighty fine Shindig"
Tim Tim Timmy!


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:59 PM


It makes sense that Joss would be hoping to make a sequel to Serenity as the actors have already agreed to do it. I'd love another season or ten of Firefly but I guess it'd be too difficult to get everyone together for that length of time. If I'm proved wrong though I'll be really happy.


Thursday, October 27, 2005 1:17 AM


Hasn't it been discussed many, many times on here before that a return to TV was nigh on impossible, barring some sort of spinoff? I'm surprised people are getting depressed about this now when it's been repeated, and by Joss himself no less, plenty of times in the past.


Thursday, October 27, 2005 2:21 AM


I think the board has gained a lot of new members since the movie came out. Like one poster said - two weeks...

Oh, and welcome to you guys! Nice to see the positive energy.

I'm one of those HARD BELIEVERS. I KNOW there will be more stories! I expect the next one to come in movie form (big screen, DVD or TV miniseries all fine with me). At the very least, I KNOW Joss will get some of these stories out of his head through comics like the prequels to Serenity and what he did with "Fray".

"Appears they've cancelled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Thursday, October 27, 2005 3:39 AM


Thanks for bearing with us newbies, msckaren! I have been thinking what a pain it must be for all you dedicated long term fans for us recent initiates to suddenly be flooding the boards with our new-found love! We gotta let it out somewhere!

ZOE: “It’s just, the Captain’s so tense…”
WASH: “Of course he’s tense. He’s awake.”


Thursday, October 27, 2005 3:44 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

If money influences the next direction the 'verse takes I can't see why it wouldn't be back to tv in some form. The one indisputable dollar success FF has had is in sales of the tv series on dvd. So, as has been suggested by many others, Firefly ala Battlestar Galactica on Scifi, 11 eps then another big selling dvd, etc. The lemonade meister in me even thinks the movies "performance" may lower it's value to F*X in terms of its strangle hold on the tv rights. "Dear Buddha..."

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Thursday, October 27, 2005 4:05 AM



Originally posted by Grounded:
Hasn't it been discussed many, many times on here before that a return to TV was nigh on impossible, barring some sort of spinoff? I'm surprised people are getting depressed about this now when it's been repeated, and by Joss himself no less, plenty of times in the past.

It is true that there isn't anything new here,
but I hang on Joss' every word!

I have to say that I don't find it all depressing though,
I'm glad that the BDM was such a good experience for Joss Whedon.

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Thursday, October 27, 2005 4:12 AM



Originally posted by embers:

hold up there cowboy...
Serenity did NOT bomb,
it was not a big blockbuster success, but it got great reviews, and it has done about as well as most of the other movies that have come out this Fall (obviously it has been a depressed movie box office, but that is not Joss' fault).

Frankly I think Universal will have no trouble making a profit on Serenity in the long run

This thread has may o' truth to be listened to here!

Scythe404, I am right there with you. it is pretty great to have the 14 episodes and the film that we do have. Me, I'll take whatever more I can get. And be damn happy with what we've already got. As has been pointed out in previous posts, we've already gotten way more than we got with six Star Wars movies as far as quality hour for hour.
I love the positive new blood on this board *Applauds new Browncoats since the BDM opened*
Have faith, Tim Minear may get the sequel- it's not over yet, folks....
*Passes out the colours-of-the-rainbow protein cookies*



Thursday, October 27, 2005 5:24 AM


Indeed. The Browncoats are not going away, and neither is the crew of Serenity. This movie did not bomb. Its done just fine in the theatres. Look at how Doom opened. I believe it made roughly 15 million its first weekend and it was showing at 1000 more theatres than the BDM. Mal and co. will live again, we've not seen the last of them.

A sw-what?


Thursday, October 27, 2005 5:36 AM


I think that we can conclude that Josh would like a movie rather than a series. But I want to bring up a better idea than a movie (but not as good as a series). What about either having Firefly become a limited series or an occassional mini-series? I give two different examples of both.

The former would be "Columbo". Originally developed as part of of an mystery anthology series, it quickly developed as the one series that had the best legs. Unusual among the mystery genre as you knew who the killer was, the mystery was where did the killer mess up? What clue did Columbo pick up that the killer overlooked? This is similar to Firefly which you can think of a western that is set in the future or as a sci-fi series where everybody acts like it is a western. Columbo was a well-acted genre breaking series, just like Firefly. What made Columbo work was that when only one to three Columbos were made per year, fans waited with anticipation for the next. What would make Firefly even better is that in its genre it supports multiple viewings even better than a mystery series does (and presumably DVD sales would be much greater).

What Josh would need to do this would be a firm committments from (most importantly) Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres and any other cast members. The episodes could be arranged as also a DVD offer (that would be shipped some weeks after its broadcast premiere, similar to what Disney and Halmark do with their broadcast specials) with a commentary track so that fans would think that they were getting something extra in addition for the DVD. I think that Nathan and Gina are key to the series (and it may only be affordable to keep two continuing actors under contract). Assuming that Sci Fi channel would be its location, NBC guest stars could be used episodes. This format could continue not for just years, but for decades.

A latter idea would be to use the miniseries format (which was originally used by Battlestar Gallactica which is now a series). The full cast could be used by these and could develop several arcs. This would be great for fans but would be totally dependent upon the ratings for the last episode. DVD sales would be real reason for such a series. However, without a long-term committment (impossible with such a format) it would be hard to keep the cast beyond one or two of these mini-series.


Thursday, October 27, 2005 5:46 AM


Both those ideas are great, but just one little thing bugs me.
It's JOSS.
No biggie, I swear to Gob.



Thursday, October 27, 2005 5:52 AM


New blood here...loving every minute of the show and the BDM...radiating positive vibes throughout the 'verse...


Thursday, October 27, 2005 6:18 AM


I wanted the series to come back very badly as well. After watching Serenity, however, I'm actually not so sure. Yes, having a weekly FF fix would be a wonderful thing to look forward to, but having the story done in bug budget, big action format has its own appeal. I too would be horribly disappointed to see the series decline the way Buffy did (it really jumped the shark when it introduced Glory, most annoying villain in the 'verse). And I would like our beloved FF actors become big movie stars... they deserve it after giving life and depth to the characters that mean so much to us. I just have one request--will Mal and Inara kiss? I mean, for real? Finally?!?!


Thursday, October 27, 2005 8:03 AM



Originally posted by Hartmeister:
A latter idea would be to use the miniseries format (which was originally used by Battlestar Gallactica which is now a series). The full cast could be used by these and could develop several arcs. This would be great for fans but would be totally dependent upon the ratings for the last episode. DVD sales would be real reason for such a series. However, without a long-term committment (impossible with such a format) it would be hard to keep the cast beyond one or two of these mini-series.

I think that would be the best idea for the future of Firefly/Serenity. There'd be more time to develop a story and cram more in. And like you said, they could sell every mini-series on DVD.

I really would like to see Sci-Fi pick up something like this. They generally don't have good original movies and having Firefly/Serenity movies to call their own would be a step up for them.


Thursday, October 27, 2005 9:16 AM



Originally posted by nerdlover:
I wanted the series to come back very badly as well. After watching Serenity, however, I'm actually not so sure. Yes, having a weekly FF fix would be a wonderful thing to look forward to, but having the story done in bug budget, big action format has its own appeal. I too would be horribly disappointed to see the series decline the way Buffy did (it really jumped the shark when it introduced Glory, most annoying villain in the 'verse). And I would like our beloved FF actors become big movie stars... they deserve it after giving life and depth to the characters that mean so much to us. I just have one request--will Mal and Inara kiss? I mean, for real? Finally?!?!

I agree with this line of thinking to an extent. Not so much that it will decline, which i disagree with, but that a new series may not be the best option.

I love Firefly as a series, and by extention i loved Serenity. While i'd very much like it if a certain turn of events didn't happen and we still had our beloved series going strong, i think that time is now buried in the past. To me (and i could be wrong), it seems as if Joss is on his way to wrapping up this 'verse with the next movie(s), at least concerning this particular story arc. That we're going to see the crew through to the end of this (which i anticipate will feature another war, perhaps with our crew at the frontlines, perhaps not), and then see them maybe finally find some relative peace...if any of them still live.

It may seem like blasphemy, but things to me feel so far gone from the humble roots of a crew, a family, just trying to make it by that there's no way they can return. I always looked at it as if this was the end; Serenity and her boys and girls are getting into something huge, and there's no going back, and that works for both the characters and for us. Joss is fixing to tell the story he wanted to through the series that he never got a chance to finish. The problem is, stories end. It just seems like he wants to tell this story, finish it, share it with all of us, before the chance is gone. I really don't think it can happen by going back to the series. Seems sort of final, i know, but part of me likes it this way, too.

Bottom line is, i think this is the home stretch; Joss wants to tell his story, and the best way for him to do that will be through these next two(?) movies. There's no going back to the series, however much we want it, and i personally don't think it'll be the same at all if that somehow happened to be the case.

If i didn't sound like too much of an idiot and you can sift through that with relatively little damage, thumbs up all around.

"Oh, I was born, a six-gun in my hand. Behind a gun I'll make my final stand."


Thursday, October 27, 2005 12:33 PM




Thursday, October 27, 2005 12:33 PM


Cause that would suck


Thursday, October 27, 2005 12:50 PM


Not seeing that ship in the black or it's crew again period would suck infinitely more, i'd think.

"Oh, I was born, a six-gun in my hand. Behind a gun I'll make my final stand."


Thursday, October 27, 2005 10:34 PM


I don't care how the Firefly verse comes back. If the series comes back on tv. That would be shiny. If there's two more Serenity movies. That would be shiny too. I don't care! I just want my fix!

"This must be what going mad feels like."

"I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar."-Wash.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 9:48 AM



I'd rather have three fantastic movies than two or three fantastic seasons and a bunch of flaccid, disappointing ones.

As a math major who knows zealot-like star wars fans this is what I just read:

I’d rather have six fantastic hours than forty-four or sixty-six fantastic hours and other stuff I can ignore.

Part of history is editing things out. Are you honestly telling me that you would prefer to miss out on between thirty-eight and sixty hours of fantastic Firefly/Serenity because you can neither ignore nor deal with additional bits you don’t like?


All the diehard Star Wars fans I know (those being the ones more devoted to Star Wars than most are to their religions of choice) have rejected the prequels as apocryphal.

In fact, having mentioned religion,
All Protestants I know have rejected the book of Tobit as apocryphal
All Catholics I know reject the Gospel of Thomas as apocryphal.

Back onto sci-fi
Many Star Trek fans I know reject all of Enterprise as apocryphal
Almost all Dune Fans I know reject all but the first six as apocryphal.

Notice a pattern here? A season coming out need not be accepted as real by you, and if everyone else on earth is any indication you are fully capable of ignoring its existence.

(Seriously, when was the last time you heard a Christian of any mainstream sect say, "Let me now quote from the Apocalypse of Paul,"? Gospel of Thomas doesn't get much play either.)


Saturday, October 29, 2005 11:05 AM


Well people are perfectly free to reject what they dont like, I dont understand that attitude however.
I sometimes feel that we fans can sometimes destroy or weaken the fiction we love simply by expecting `more of the same` from its authors.
Some authors pander to this, continually following the same old format, fortunately Joss isn`t one of them.
I would be quite happy if Serenity was the end of the story, the end of the movie is, I think a good ending for Firefly/Serenity as a whole but I do hope Joss might continue to surprise me in a movie sequel in a couple of years.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 1:25 PM



Originally posted by Rabbit2:
Well people are perfectly free to reject what they dont like, I dont understand that attitude however.

All that I'm saying is that it does not make sense to me to reject that which you would like in order to avoid the mere possibility that there will be something you do not like.

That is what some people have said, someone said that they would rather have 6 hours of high quality, than 44 to 66* hours of EQUAL quality (in addition to at least 2 of the original 6) if an undetermined number of hours after that are not up to their standards.

If you want to cut out at least 91% of something good just because you fear there might be something you don't like afterwards why not just cut out the afterwards?


* The figures of 6 hours and 44 to 66 hours are based on the statement that 3 fantastic movies is preferable to 2 or 3 fantastic seasons, assuming two hour movies and one hour episodes with a run of 22 per season.

91% is a rounding of 90.909090…% based on the 4 additional hours of movies as opposed to the two additional seasons (44 hours.)

Of course the figures presented here are rounded, TV episodes are shorter than one hour, and movies are unpredictable, but I've just had a death in the family and I'm not in the mood to nit-pick proportional comparisons in fiction.

In fact I'd rather not nit-pick anything. So, while I encourage anyone to explain why they disagree with what I just said, don't expect me to respond, elaborate, or do anything else remotely social.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 2:27 PM


I just dont agree with the notion that another movie is better than more eps, look what makes firefly good is the fact that it elaborates on how the people in it are real, the fact that they all coexist on the Serenity is what makes this series great in my opinion, that feeling of warmth and happiness is something that has kept me goin through some tough times back when the series was on sci-fi, the fact that i could escape to this completely different place where none of the real world crap i had to deal with let me put stuff behind me

a a like a frickin synopsis, you miss out on so many of the emotions the events, the humor, the LIVES of these people-honestly tell me which would you prefer to see:
how the crew of the serenity beat some other alliance lackey
how mal and inara get it on...
Be honest here, i know which i prefer-a movie is like taking the mighty bat 'o' nerfage and wailing mightily on the poor character development side of things, the side i love.

ANOTHER SERIES-any day over a 6 hour synopsis of a phenominally good story arc
And even though buffy went down hill, can you honestly say you didn watch it, i dont care if it goes down hill i wanna see it, if its crap i wanna see it..just on the offhand chance it'll be peachy alllll the way... i believe in Joss, he seems serious about loving FF, if you love something you make it work

also...the more time i get to see Summer Glau on screen the better

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.

--'look if you need me just run in circles, shouting my name and waving banners with my name on them...when you've done that for, what, say 3 hours; you phone me : P'






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