Awesome new petition to revive Firefly. One that actually has the data to make a strong case for it's revival.

UPDATED: Wednesday, November 2, 2005 04:40
VIEWED: 11158
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Friday, October 28, 2005 4:54 PM


If you support this petition, please take the time to promote it by linking to it on your site, asking your friends to sign it, or by posting about it on any related sites or forums.

If you have any ideas for any revision or additions that I should make to this petition or can offer any aid in contacting HBO or Showtime or any of the other premium networks, please feel free to contact me through the interface provided.

I'm convinced that with the reruns airing on scifi, all the publicity serenity got the franchise via magazine covers and positive reviews, and the fact that it's dvd will probably be very popular on blockbuster and netflix, that the time is ripe for the series to make a comeback.

Also if you do decide to publicize it by posting a link on another thread, could you also ask the site readers to tell their friends and to publicize the petition in any firefly related boards etc that they participate in. Thank you.


Friday, October 28, 2005 5:09 PM


Or not. Even if all your generalizations are correct about the number of people willing to subscribe to a channel to see Firefly, and you get an additional $5mil a month, the show costs $8 mil a month to make (at $2 mil an episode). Meaning, by your own math, the channel is down $3 mil a month and the only way to recoup that is to sell DVDs. I don't think Even new episodes of Firefly can sell $3 mil a month.

"You are on the Global Frequency."


Friday, October 28, 2005 5:13 PM


There are 22 episodes in a full season and 54 weeks in an year. Do the math, you don't think HBO actually makes 54 new episodes of The Sopranos each year do you. The new subscribtions from the fans in the US alone would more than fund the show. Not to mention new viewers the show will pick up, international subscriptions, dvd sales, awards, etc.


Friday, October 28, 2005 5:27 PM


I signed your petition and have asked several of my Browncoat friends to do the same. Now do me a favor, please, and go back and fix your spelling on the thing so it looks like you mean business.


Friday, October 28, 2005 5:31 PM



There are 22 episodes in a full season and 54 weeks in an year.
Point of interest, there are only *52* weeks in a year. Also, if "Firefly" were revived on a cable network, there wouldn't *be* 22 episodes a season. That's not how cable works. You'd have more along the lines of 13 episodes a season. Shorter seasons are kinda their *thing.*

Unfortunately, another one of the networks' things is ignoring online polls. Here's a quote from the article "Save Firefly: A True Story" (see:, written by someone who knows how to work the Hollywood system and was one of the key organizers of the original campaign to save "Firefly."

No one reads internet petitions. You can sign with as many email addresses as you have and most people have several; the one you use for work, the one you use for friends, the one where all your spam goes, the one you use for porn. Four-hundred signatures on an internet petition equals two-hundred and thirty-seven people with too much time on their hands.
So, even if you've got all the numbers on your side, the execs will not look at it. You gotta find some other way to get that information to them (without scaring them away, please).


Friday, October 28, 2005 5:54 PM


Actually, the link that I forward to the execs will show when two signatures were made from the same ip address. And I will delete any such duplicate signatures ahead of time.

As for spelling/grammer mistakes, I really didnt find any when I reviewed the petition except in the updates. If you found any, tell me.

Unfortunately, there's no way for me to edit the petition or it's updates now that it has signatures, but I'll consider making a new one if enough such mistakes are pointed out.


Friday, October 28, 2005 6:07 PM


I don't think Firefly is right for a network like Showtime or HBO. It's much more suited for Sci Fi or maybe even Spike. Showtime totally dropped the ball on Dead Like Me. That show was almost perfect (for its genre, not comparing it to Firefly.. put the pitchforks and torches down).

"Serenity NOW!!! ... Insanity later."


Friday, October 28, 2005 6:20 PM


Why exactly isn't Firefly right for HBO.

HBO loves variety. Each of their shows is very distinct and unlike anything else on TV. Firefly fits this description perfectly.

Besides, SciFi doesn't have the funding. They can't afford to spend 2 million per episode because they just can't make that much in ads. If Fox couldn't make back what it was spending on Firefly, what makes you think SciFi could?


Friday, October 28, 2005 8:03 PM


I just signed and I was 56!!! How is it that I'm #56. I just got into Firefly after seeing the movie and I'm trying to do everything I can to spread my love of the show. How am I #56.

Get going people!


Friday, October 28, 2005 9:57 PM



Zeylon wrote:
Friday, October 28, 2005 17:54

As for spelling/grammer mistakes, I really didnt find any when I reviewed the petition except in the updates. If you found any, tell me.



Just at a quick scan.

I too have signed your petition for all the good it will do.. I am becoming pessimistic, its been a long hard road.


Friday, October 28, 2005 10:10 PM


I have to agree with Calhoun. A long hard road and we are but leaves in the wind. But still hoping. It's what we do.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 12:28 AM



Originally posted by MoralDilema:
I just signed and I was 56!!! How is it that I'm #56. I just got into Firefly after seeing the movie and I'm trying to do everything I can to spread my love of the show. How am I #56.

Get going people!

We've been there and 'given up' on a new series already, so, as Calhoun says, some of us are a bit pessimistic is all.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you Beeeer Milkshakes!
Okay, the talking ferret was a bit wierd...


Saturday, October 29, 2005 2:31 AM



Originally posted by Zeylon:
As for spelling/grammer mistakes, I really didnt find any when I reviewed the petition except in the updates. If you found any, tell me.

dvds of the Firefly dvd series -> copies of the Firefly series dvd box set
be generate -> be generated
it's US counterpart -> its US counterpart

I have signed the petition, not because I think it will make much difference, but because I would hate to see it not get many signatures. Given all those meaningless polls in which we Browncoats voted for Firefly/Serenity, I think we can at least sign a petition. Also, it was pretty easy, no registration required.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 3:28 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

I applaud you effort!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Saturday, October 29, 2005 3:52 AM


A quote from a recent Whedon interview.

I'm desperate to go back to TV but it's really a situation where I have to go back with enough power to… I can't go through another Firefly. Just to love something that much and have it pulled out from under me. I can have a film poorly received but the fact is that it's out there, you did it and you have the sense of accomplishment regardless. With a TV show you create it to go on and when it doesn't it gives you the kind of feeling I am just not capable of living through again.

If Whedon himself isn't willing to write/ direct another series, well, need I say more.

Yep ......................... that went well!


Saturday, October 29, 2005 4:26 AM


I would take 13 episodes on HBO over 24 on FOX any day. Now if you could just swing a co-production with the BBC so I could see it in Ireland without having to wait six months that would be grand.

Anyway the petition has my support.

Who do you suppose is in there?


Saturday, October 29, 2005 4:28 AM



Originally posted by robinhood:
A quote from a recent Whedon interview.

I'm desperate to go back to TV but it's really a situation where I have to go back with enough power to… I can't go through another Firefly. Just to love something that much and have it pulled out from under me. I can have a film poorly received but the fact is that it's out there, you did it and you have the sense of accomplishment regardless. With a TV show you create it to go on and when it doesn't it gives you the kind of feeling I am just not capable of living through again.

If Whedon himself isn't willing to write/ direct another series, well, need I say more.

Yep ......................... that went well!

The key words being ANOTHER series, BECAUSE of the Firefly experience. If he doesn't want to do another one because Firefly got cancelled, it seems obvious that he would very much want to do an un-cancellation of Firefly.

Typos are unfortunate, and I know a lot of you have already gone down this weary road, but I think this petition is well-intentioned, if a bit premature. There is one gigantic difference between Firefly then and Firefly now: with it topping all the polls in every direction, it has now become a "prestige" series, the kind that both cable and network channels can use as a kind of flagship, and bruit about town as a show of quality taste on their own part. Such series are a key element in the Hollywood mix; lots of studios greenlight movies that they think will make little or no profit, or continue to run poorly rated series (Alias, anyone?), because of the awards, the rep, the general fuss.

I think what we should do, besides supporting all the initiatives that we have energy for in the meantime, is wait for the DVD sales, settle on a direction--meaning, to judge by the poll on this site, another push to get Firefly back, rather than a sequel to Serenity--and once the DVD sales are at a peak, do exactly what's being done now, which is a well-reasoned petition or set of letters, backed by a blitz of signatures. If we coordinate it, I agree with the current petitioner that circs have changed enough in the past couple of years to warrant another look. Remember that there's a good number of people in Hollywood already tracking the scenario: it's not like we Browncoaters are the only ones who know there's a phenomenon happening around Firefly. And they might be greedy, but they aren't completely dumb. Well, not all of them. Well, maybe a few of them aren't, anyhow. Like Mary Parent, and Nikki Rocco, and Chris whathisface from Fox who expressed the network's interest in the phenomenal DVD sales.

Like I say, Stakethelurk and other long-time supporters, we newer folks understand how much time and energy and hope you've put into this, and how naive we must seem. But there are more of us now--way more. You got the movie made; maybe the newest generation can get the series back. I'm pretty sure a lot of us plan to try.



Saturday, October 29, 2005 5:05 AM


Hi Guys, i'm a bit of a 'firefly' virgin & have only got into it after seeing the movie and going straight out and buying the DVD box set!

I am a total sci-fi nut & have always thought Joss was cool (& not a bad singer).....

I am totally smitten and cannot believe 'firefly' was never picked up for another series!

I can honestly say that there was not 1 crappy episode in the whole thing and in view of this i've just signed the petition & also spread the word to my sci-fi pals........


Saturday, October 29, 2005 5:31 AM


I always contended that in order to get Firefly back of the small (not as small as it once was) screen the movie had to middle out. Obviously if it flopped then the a TV revival would not be likely but also if it did to well the TV series would loose out to the movie franchise and the stars would become to big to get back on television.

This might be a fundamentally selfish way of looking at it and I honestly wished Serenity ever success in the world but the way things have worked out is perfect. Its got critical acclaim its generated intense interest and awareness of Firefly and it has not overshadowed the series. Serenity has become what I always wanted it to be, a trailer of Firefly season 2.

Go team.

Who do you suppose is in there?


Saturday, October 29, 2005 6:31 AM


When it comes to either filming a sequel or bringing the series back on some network other than FOX it's always going to be about the money. I'm just hoping that some movie or television executive will examine the series and movie and start wondering what the show "could have done" given the right funding and not messing with Joss's vision of the show like Fox did to screw it up the first time and maybe realize that the movie did pretty well for a film that didn't have saturation advertising to overhype it like most Hollywood blockbusters. Some studios have spent almost 25% of what Serenity cost to make on advertising for some of their big budget movies and they always seem to find money to make total crap like a Gilligan's Island movie or a Brady Bunch movie so why can't they find the scratch, stay out of Joss's way and advertise the damn movie or series with a little more vigor. I think a revived series or sequel would do even better than before since there's already a huge grass roots fan base with more people "just discovering" the Firefly 'verse everyday. When it comes to FOX executives......"Two by two, brains of poo!"



Sunday, October 30, 2005 2:22 PM


I am with the drive to bring Firefly back to the small screen, 100%.

I don't have the internet and organizing know-how, however, that we seem to need.

I was the 319 person to sign the petition. It seemed a Quixotic effort, but I wanted to "suit up and show up."

These numbers do not reflect our base.

How do we generate a document that: A) gets the attention of the full fan community, vs. being one rapidly outdated thread among hundreds or thousands; B)reflects the full population of Browncoats (without any clever revoting, etc.); and C) can effectively be used as an intelligent way of communicating with the powers-that-be/*businesspeople* of television.

Long on ideas and passionate words; short on concrete technical know-how.

We need a fusion of technical competence and business acumen. Online enthusiasm is fun, but seems to be preaching to the choir.


"We find our man, deliver the goods. Easy Peasy."


Sunday, October 30, 2005 2:58 PM


i agree w/ haze; middle aint so bad. another thing thats been on my mind: it seems like everywhere i look, theres tons of people saying "wow, this sucks, we'll never ever ever get it back", and tons more saying "huzzah we're sure to get it back". im not gonna pretend to know anything about networks, cause i dont, but it seems to me that the only thing to do is keep trying. i highly doubt that we're particularly close to much of anything, but if we're persistant, who knows, stranger things have happened. what upsets me is the number of people who seem to be giving up. i mean, ok, sure, its gonna be tough, and its POSSIBLE that nothing will happen at all, but WE SHOULD STILL TRY! if noone does anything, nothing will happpen, but if we bother to actually give it our best effort and try and try and then KEEP trying, like, forever, sooner or later someone is bound to notice that, hey, its actually a good show. with a ready-made audience. as far as im concerned, as long as whedon and all 9 actors/actresses are ALIVE, there is hope. so keep fighting.


Sunday, October 30, 2005 3:36 PM


329 here. Don't be a pessimist! How hard is it to sign a gorram petition? If you have any love for the show at all, why not do it? Who cold it hurt?


Sunday, October 30, 2005 4:23 PM


i was like 336 i didn't think about recording my number but i know it was around this just wanted to give cheer to #56


Sunday, October 30, 2005 8:10 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


As for spelling/grammer mistakes, I really didnt find any when I reviewed the petition except in the updates. If you found any, tell me.

Unfortunately, there's no way for me to edit the petition or it's updates now that it has signatures, but I'll consider making a new one if enough such mistakes are pointed out.

"Grammer" should be "grammar".

"Didnt" should be "didn't" (a contraction of "did not").

"It's" (in this usage) should be "its".

I didn't read the petition, but a quick scan over a few lines of your post here turned up three grammatical/spelling/syntax errors. Run the petition through a spell-checker, then have an English teacher proofread it for syntax errors, since spell-check usually doesn't catch mistakes like "their" for "there" (or even "they're"), since they're all words, and correctly spelled... even if incorrectly used.

Don't take this the wrong way; it is intended to HELP you polish the product to have a good petition to send along. I'm a mere warehouse worker, but I also abhor misuse of the English language. To me, a well-written piece with correct grammar, spelling, syntax, etc., will get you a lot farther than something that looks like you typed it up after a long night of drinking and carousing.

Good luck in your endeavor; I too would LOVE to see Firefly come back to television.


Grrrrr. Arrrgghh.


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 4:40 AM


No way to correct the few spelling, grammar mistakes once it gets signatures sorry.


We're close to hitting 1000 sigs and it just took 3 days!!!






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