An idea to ensure a SEQUEL +

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 1, 2005 22:45
VIEWED: 6105
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005 3:47 PM


No matter how much we may love the Firefly/Serenity 'verse and how much critical acclaim Serenity may receive, the bottom line for Universal is: will this be a money making venture?

While I think that most Browncoats are glad that we got our BDM, I think that many if not most would also like to see a continuation of the storyline. Given the cemetery that is the American box office, I think that we need to be pro-active, and as Anya said, “think outside the box.”

This is my idea about how we can convince Universal that they have a money-making FRANCHISE on their hands.

SERENITY The Official Visual Companion
Serenity Role Playing Game
Serenity novelization by Keith R.A. DeCandido
Serenity Soundtrack
Serenity comics
(3 comic "bridge" between Firefly and Serenity, which is also coming out as a single
Graphic novel soon (February 2006?) -- you can pre-order it now)

The copyright on all of the above is held by Universal. That means that interest (and by that, I mean money) shown towards those items may just convince Universal that they have a potential FRANCHISE on their hands, similar to the Buffy and Angel franchises. (The Visual Companion and Role Playing Game books are each on their second printing.)

Additionally, Universal has licensed Serenity:

Serenity action figures (Diamond Select Toys)
Serenity The Official Movie Magazine (Titan Magazines)
Serenity trading cards (Inkworks)

I am not by any means suggesting that fans buy items that do not interest them. But, if an item interests you and you are planning to buy it, you can know that to some extent you are supporting Serenity's bottom line. But the point of this post is not to BUY things, but to let Universal know what items you want to buy!!!

My thinking behind this is that if there is a lot of money to be made (hopefully with a high profit margin) Universal will need LESS prompting by DVD sales and we can all relax a bit sooner. There are many franchises that are still going strong despite the end of their respective shows (eg Star Trek, Star Wars, Buffy, Angel, etc) or the demise of their stars (eg I Love Lucy, Jackie Gleason, Wizard of Oz, Tupac, Biggie, The Beatles, and how many poor dead celebrities are hawking stuff on commercials?).

I think that it's important for Universal to see what marketing avenues are open to them just within the Browncoats and other fans (who have disposable income they wish to use on Serenity items) NOW with only the movie and the series, without necessarily waiting for the DVD sales and pinning all our hopes on them.

It seems to be common knowledge that the movies are changing. Movie studios and theaters need to find new avenues to obtain revenue. If we can show Universal that they have a built in group of consumers, with a built in group of items that they wish to buy (most of which should be easy to produce, particularly by a large movie studio with the connections that Universal has) it may get Universal's marketing department and by extension Universal to think outside the box and see Serenity/Firefly in a LONG TERM perspective.

These are items that I've heard my fellow Browncoats say that they want. Universal knows they have a built in fan base--they saw that with the advanced screenings. But it did not translate to any major money. Now, if Universal's eyes were suddenly opened as to how to turn Browncoats into "cashy money" by providing us with items we actually want -- that would be a win-win situation.

I'm not suggesting that anyone write to Universal if there is nothing that they would actually like to purchase. But if there is something that you DO want to buy, I think that it's time we started thinking outside of the box and letting Universal know what those items are. Hopefully, it will make good financial sense and show Serenity and Serenity sequels to be a good, if risky, investment.

Furthermore, there are always items that fans want to purchase but can't find. If there is an item or items that you would like to buy, I urge you to write to Universal directly and let them know what that item or those items might be. If each person who wants an item or items individually contacts Universal, they may 1. start creating items that are popular (which would be a win) and 2. see the long-term potential monetary gains. If Universal starts to look upon Serenity as a potential money-making franchise, they may just greenlight a sequel.

Things that might be of interest to Browncoats and other fans:

Jayne's hat
Zoe's marriage necklace
Blue Sun anything
(hats, shirts, cups, mugs)
Copies of movie stills and Serenity posters (particularly the UK (UIP) ones)
autographed copies of above
(pricey stuff, but I've heard a number of people say they wouldn't mind having something similar)
possibly even parasols, or other Asian influenced clothing, accessories, etc.
A replica of Serenity.
Serenity models to make.
Ditto on replicas and models of other ships and mules etc.
Serenity schematics/diagrams.
copy of the ghost(?) mug from which Jayne drinks
No cool sunglasses a la The Matrix. Maybe the boots?
Reaver costumes in time for Halloween for the kiddies!!!

(I kid. But they DID sell the Scream costumes.)

lunchbox(es) & similar items
family style Serenity board game
stickers, bumper stickers, etc.
scale buildable model of Serenity to build and paint
scale buildable model of ships like the Alliance Cruisers to build and paint
Serenity sew-on patches for jackets
Browncoat-type patches
shirts that Jayne wore from the show
Bumper stickers
button pins
a war strategy board game like Risk or Axis and Allies (play as the Alliance or as the Browncoats)
A Blue Sun brand energy drink would be funny
Serenity computer games
(maybe one action-packed, one more adventure/mystery?)
Serenity Calendar
Firefly Calendar
Calendars each featuring an individual character
Serenity poster magazine (with specifics on the back of each poster)
light up engine model

Please post here any other ideas and then I implore you, if you are interested in purchasing ANY items, PLEASE CONTACT UNIVERSAL and let them know what you would like to buy. Also ask any interested fellow Browncoats to do the same! With the holidays coming up, maybe you have friends or family members who always have a difficult time deciding on a present for you. Perhaps they would be amenable to also contacting Universal with an item they know you would like that they would very much like to get for you. It would be a dual gift.

Feel free to cut and paste from this list. Also feel free to pass this on along with the message (as is or rewritten as it suits you)as you desire. I will update it from time to time with new ideas from those posted. Contact info for Universal is at the end of this post.

We all have things that we would like to buy or receive as gifts. If we each let Universal know what those items are, we can steer them in the right direction and:

1. Maybe get items we would actually like to purchase or receive.
2. Show Universal that there can be many sources of revenue for Serenity and any follow-up movies.
3. Show Universal that Browncoats not only support Serenity--they will support a Serenity franchise with "cashy money."
4. Most importantly, I seriously doubt that their marketing department would ever think of some items (such as Blue Sun stuff, Jayne's hat, or a Browncoat) that Browncoats want to buy. This way, Universal will hopefully see that there are products that they never even considered, many of which can be produced cheaply and sold quickly. Universal has built in sales locations: their theme park, the serenity websites, and Spencer Gifts Stores to name a few.

The bottom line for Universal is: Can Serenity be a money-maker? Is it fiscally worth it to continue the stories? If we can get them to think of Serenity as a FRANCHISE, with multiple marketing outlet possibilities, they may well be much more amenable to continuing and expanding the ‘verse.

If we can show Universal that we have money to spend and want to spend it on Browncoat merchandise--that could definitely swing things in our favor.

Think of it this way, as I understand it, by law only 30 letters on a single topic written to the White House necessitate the formation of a committee to study the topic. When people write letters to a manufacturer, that manufacturer multiplies the number exponentially to estimate how many consumers likely hold a similar belief. Perhaps it’s the same with movie studios? If enough of us are interested in products, and write to Universal that we want to spend money on Serenity products and specify what those products are – they’d be foolish in this changing movie climate to not at least have a marketing analyst at least look into cost analysis (cost/risk v. potential profit). It’s unlikely that items we would be bringing to their attention would be items with which Universal is already familar.

It is worth a try. What is required? 10 minutes for an email?

It couldn't hurt -- and it might help!!!
It might make all the difference in the 'Verse.

Thank you.

Contact info for Universal:
email them via:

or for the traditionalists:
100 Universal City Plaza
Universal City, CA 91608
Phn: 818-777-1000

Also Barry Mendel Productions:
100 Universal City Plaza
Bungalow 5163
Universal City, CA 91608
Phn: 818-733-3076
Fax: 818-733-4070



As I understand it, Chris Buchanan, executive producer of Serenity is aware of the Browncoat's request and forwarded it the proper people at Universal, but it doesn't hurt to say something just the same.


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 6:29 PM


Went looking for a Serenity or Firefly calendar. Did not find one....

Need a Serenity 2006 calendar.
Need a Firefly 2006 calendar.

How about a separate calendar of each character?

Just saw a Harry Potter poster magazine. Need one of Serenity's crew. 8 1/2 x 11 inch pages of pictures with character stuff on the back of each character picture.

Need a Firefly model/toy with engine that lights up. I think I paid $100 or so for the Star Wars Queen Amidala (spelling?) toy ship. Never did see a model of the shuttle that Anakin and Amidala used.


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 6:54 PM


Thank you for your response. I will add your items to the list. Please email Universal with the items you would like to purchase (they are good ideas--I'd definitely buy them!)




Tuesday, November 1, 2005 7:14 PM


You do realize that much of the merchandise that you want Uni to produce is currently done DIY by browncoats?

What you are suggesting would require Uni to clamp down on such DIY efforts which would be a big bummer IMO.

"Butcher's Knife..."


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 7:43 PM


I just send the following email to [url][/url]

I have your Serenity The Official Visual Companion, Serenity Official Movie Magazine (both covers)...loved them.

I just saw at a Harry Potter Poster Magazine. Didn't want it. But, I wanted a Serenity one.

The Harry Potter Poster Magazine had full-page (8 1/2 by 11) pictures of each main character (just the picture) and on the back of each picture was some Harry Potter character stuff I guess. I was looking at the pictures and thinking...Serenity.

Thank you.

I read a posting on the official website that makes me think we have to contact companies who make the stuff and then they get a contract/ permission from Universal.

I have to double check that Hasbro made the Star Wars ship I have.

Need to find a calendar company.

I'll want to send Universal an email tomorrow. I want to know how I can pay for a Serenity DVD to be sent to the troops.


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 7:57 PM



Originally posted by Obiwan:
You do realize that much of the merchandise that you want Uni to produce is currently done DIY by browncoats?

What you are suggesting would require Uni to clamp down on such DIY efforts which would be a big bummer IMO.

"Butcher's Knife..."

I was just thinking the same thing. There are wonderfully talented people here working on just such stuff. Jos has said he has a deadhead's outlook on fan merch, and I would hate to see Uni stomp all over that.

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 9:36 PM



Please understand, it is in no way my intention to stop people who are independently marketing browncoat items.

These two ideas are not mutually exclusive.

There is a huge market of "official" Buffy and Angel merchandise. There is also a huge unofficial market of Buffy and Angel merchandise. So far as I know, there have been no cease and desist orders given to anyone.

By letting Universal know that there are items that Browncoats wish to purchase, you are merely telling Universal that there is an untapped market. My hope is that Universal will smell the money and expand the items they produce. I'm hoping that they start to think FRANCHISE--MERCHANDISING. UNTAPPED SOURCES OF REVENUE to have their marketing people research.

The list I created is a wish-list to get people thinking. I seriously doubt that Universal would entertain all of those items. Heck, they may not entertain any. The point is getting their attention. Essentially waving our money under their noses, because money is the only way to get an executive's attention as far as I can see. To do this, we need to respond in large numbers. Get their minds working.

Let's say that it actually works and they do some research and decide to start marketing some items. I seriously doubt that it would cut into a cottage industry a Browncoat has carved out for themselves.

The only way I can see Universal seriously going after a browncoat would be if their business is large enough (and therefore easy enough to find) that it could ostensibly cut into Universal's business. And then, it would start (as I understand it) with a cease and desist letter. (Check with your attorneys to be certain.)

As I'm sure you're aware Fox and Universal have every right to go after anyone who manufactures anything based on their copyrighted stuff. Sending an email to Universal "Hey I would like to buy a Jayne wool hat from The Message and copies of his T-shirts from Serenity and a Browncoat to wear" doesn't in anyway indicate that there is a "black market" of items. On the contrary, if anything, it indicates that there is no such thing! That there is no way to purchase such items.

Oddly enough, my postings on fan sites regarding this have led to people sharing information about where to get certain (fan-created) items. It is one of the reasons that I include the web addresses for the more obscure items that can be purchased.

I would never hurt a fellow Browncoat, or anyone, for that matter. My intention is to open Universal's mind to marketing possibilities. Do I honestly expect to see Jayne hats for sale anytime soon? No, not really. But I want us to individually let Universal know that we have money that we want to spend on Browncoat items.

I don't want the fate of Firefly/Serenity to rest solely on how many DVD's they can push. The original numbers given for a sequel were 50million domestic, 80million worldwide. We are in the vicinity of 35 million worldwide. Multiple international openings have been canceled.

Personally, I don't want to leave anything to chance. I want to get our two sequels, have the stupid FOX *spit* contract/clause run out (or be bought out) and see the series come back to TV, if Joss and the actors are amenable to that.

My family owned a small business. I know what it means and I respect it more than you can know. I would never want to harm anyone's income. I honestly do not believe that this would hurt anyone who has a small side business. If someone is working on a large scale, perhaps they could contact Universal with a proposal regarding their item? If it doesn't work--back underground.

Most of the suggestions are NOT things that a Browncoat could independently make anyway such as computer and board games, scale models, autographed official merchandise. I have plenty of fan made items and I will continue to buy them. Should there also be official items additionally as a result of this, I would buy those that interest me, and continue to buy from my fellow browncoats.

The primary purpose here is to give Universal an idea of what sort of a goldmine they upon which they just might be sitting. Things that they would never consider in a lifetime. I just bought Halloween candy that was a Star Wars tie-in. I don't want to know what a movie studio executive would do to get in on the ground floor of a franchise that's even 1/10 of Star Wars.

What I hope to do, and to encourage other Browncoats to do, is show Universal that Serenity is a FRANCHISE and its fans have items that they want to buy and are willing to spend money on. This is a short-term goal, to bolster the DVD sales by getting Universal thinking differently about Serenity money-making potential. If we also get some great computer games or board games etc. that would be wonderful.

I don't know if this makes you feel any better or not, but both my mother and I have emailed Universal (she wrote only once, I have written several times as new ideas came in) and neither of us have ever received any responses. It may be completely fruitless and not even get the attention of marketing enough to have them consider potential additional income sources.

Do you understand where I'm coming from? Do you still feel in all honesty that this will really hurt fellow Browncoats? I really don't, but I respect your opinion and would appreciate your further input, particularly since I never considered that this would in any wasy become a problem for an enterprising Browncoat.



"I dislike violence, but I'm awfully good at it."


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 9:41 PM


LIMINALOSITY, I posted a response to both you and OBIWAN above. This post is just in case you get automatic notifications of replies.



"I dislike violence, but I'm awfully good at it."


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 9:53 PM


Sent my e-mail off and requested showings for the troops! Keep it up, Browncoats!

Jayne, your mouth is talking. You might want to look to that.


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 10:25 PM


Ferrex ~ I really hope Universal comes through with copies of the film for the troops! And soon enough, we can buy the DVD and send copies over ourselves through or even !!!

Browncoats are the best! Nice work!


"I dislike violence, but I'm awfully good at it."


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 10:28 PM


I like the idea of sending copies of the BDDVD overseas to our fine troops, even if it is just through the Armed Forces Radio Network, or whatever they are calling themselves these days.


Jayne, your mouth is talking. You might want to look to that.


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 10:43 PM


Ferrex ~ I wasn't aware of the Armed Forces Radio Network, at least not in terms of donating to the troops. The first website I gave will link you to a site where the troops can list items that they personally want. There are also general items that are greatly desired and appreciated that you can order, or a prepared 'care' package. You can also make a donation or buy phone cards, etc. It was started by a member of the armed forces who is again serving over there, but I can't recall what branch of the military he serves with (isn't that terrible?) On that site, you can also pick which branch of the military the soldier you wish to help serves in, if you have a preference. I think on the site, it is strictly donations, but I could be wrong. According to their website they send stuff to the troops, and their webmaster is the one who gave me the update about Universal being told about the Browncoat's request to see Serenity while stationed overseas.

Take care,


"I dislike violence, but I'm awfully good at it."


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 10:45 PM


Most excellent. I shall certainly look into in further detail. I was in the Navy during the first bit of ruckus over there and spent some time in the Gulf when all the shooting was going on.
I think it is a good thing, helping out the troops. Thanks for the info.

Jayne, your mouth is talking. You might want to look to that.






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