Big Damned Flanvention

UPDATED: Sunday, November 27, 2005 14:47
VIEWED: 26041
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005 9:45 AM




River6213... you are a sycophant. One with too much money. You defend the indefensible. Yes, of course, those actors are never paid enough. They deserve all the money they can squeeze, bleed, and suck out of their loyal fans. It is, after all, our duty. Pay homage to the gods.

Ya know... in both ancient Greece and later in ancient Rome, actors were always the first to be slaughtered as fraudulent supporters of a phony elite during revolutions. And they always reached such dubious destinctions from a legacy that was honorable and respectable. In the aftermath of those revolts, the acting profession was always treated as the lowest form of life for one to pursue. You were a "whore of the lowest order" to be one such person. But the lesson was quickly forgotten after the destruction, and the actors always rose again, only to face the same fate.

History is repeating itself again and again and again.



Quit trying to crush my hope.

Has Xergravity always been this negative?
I'm going to follow suit with some of the people here and ignore you.

"I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit, its the only way to be sure" - Ellen Ripley Aliens II


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 9:45 AM



Wednesday, November 2, 2005 2:53 AM



Originally posted by Evilbunnies:

Originally posted by PsychicRiver:
*Ignores XG*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."

Another thing you and me have in common, PR.

Oh, congrats on passing your test! What did I tel you, huh? I told you that you would do fine, and you did. You've done the impossible*, and that makes you mighty.

*Well, not impossible, per say, but I had to go with the quote.

LOL thanks! Im so pleased!

Im gonna talk to my instructor on Saturday and see when she wants me to book my test. I hope that its soon. Cos, lessons are expensive.

Oh, and I wondered if youd remember that.

*Ignores Liz*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 6:05 AM


I could care less if you "ignore" me. But I doubt you will.

This isn't a convention. It's a totally orchestrated, carefully calculated piece of studio marketing. That's all it is.

Trek conventions used to be put together by a ground swell of SciFi nerds who could care less if the show ever came back into syndication. They just loved the story and the characters. They wanted to be around others who felt the same as they did. They formed up private little clubs via science fiction magazines, and eventually had enough people to throw together a convention. And it grew, and grew, and grew. The enthusiasm among nerd circles was contagious. I know, I was one of them. And the stars who were nobodies in the entertainment industry came of their own free accord. They were never under contractual obligations to mingle with the sheeples. They came because they were loved by their fans.

The "Big Damned Flanvention" is being thrown together by a bunch of marketing execs from the studios and the marketing agents of the "stars". Sad part is, they don't need to do that. There is enough of a ground swell here for it to occur naturally. However, conventions have become nothing more than a contrived piece of marketing these days. A showcase. Notably, revival of "Firefly" does not factor into the "Flanvention".

If it had been organized solely by fans, that would have been it's central thesis.

So, hate me calling it as I see it. If you have the money to blow on an overblown photo op with the "stars", go for it.

I'd much rather hang out in some dank dingy little backwater hall with a bunch of impoverished browncoats then shell out a king's ransom to support a phony photo op. Betcha the "stars" would never show up there. Well... maybe Gina would but the others got their heads in the clouds.

I don't worship Nathan Fillion. I worship Mal. Big difference.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 6:26 AM



Oh, and I wondered if youd remember that.

*Ignores Liz*

I try not to remember that part of my life. Come on, Matt. You should know better. Wait...there could be a slight possibility of her being here. One can never know.

Mal: Define interesting.
Wash: Oh god, oh god, we're all gonna die?
"She understands. She even comprehends. Can she go now?" -Winter of Mosquito


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 7:07 AM



That would explain the attitude of someone.

Her new fic is called "Beyond the borders of Sanity."

Too Foxing right!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 7:13 AM



Originally posted by PsychicRiver:

That would explain the attitude of someone.

Her new fic is called "Beyond the borders of Sanity."


All the money in the world couldn't get me to read that.

Randomness, its a gift.

Mal: Define interesting.
Wash: Oh god, oh god, we're all gonna die?
"She understands. She even comprehends. Can she go now?" -Winter of Mosquito


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 8:39 AM



Why do you spend so much energy pointing out the obvious? You must know that we see, and already know about some of the things that you are speaking of; we are not idiots.

Of course a lot of this is being engineered, but in my opinion, its being engineered incorrectly, because the desired outcome isnt happening the way I think it should happen.

You just want people to argue with you thats all. There are guys like you in every forum I go to; they just want to make people mad, and thats what you are attempting to do. You are not enlightening anyone with your negative opinions; all you do is put them on the defensive. All your posts are like that.

Just back away from the table


Friday, November 4, 2005 10:12 AM


Wow. I had no idea that Denise & I had all this corporate and studio help! Cool. That ought to make the Flan even better for you all. LOL



Friday, November 4, 2005 12:29 PM


XG - then, eh, don't go. Why complain about it?

To all y'all who will be attendin', I'll be there Saturday and Sunday, alone on the first day, with two friends the second. I'll be hangin' in LA on, any tips on what to do in that city for, like, $0...that'd be appreciated =)


Friday, November 4, 2005 2:24 PM



Originally posted by Steve580:
XG - then, eh, don't go. Why complain about it?

To all y'all who will be attendin', I'll be there Saturday and Sunday, alone on the first day, with two friends the second. I'll be hangin' in LA on, any tips on what to do in that city for, like, $0...that'd be appreciated =)

It wouldn't be exactly $0, but I'm planning to go to the opening matinee of "Chronicles of Narnia: LWW", which happens to open that Friday.

I'm told the convention stuff doesn't get rolling until 3-ish (I have the full weekend ticket) so we should be able to catch an early show first.

Any and all browncoats are more than welcome to join me!

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Friday, November 4, 2005 5:19 PM


It's amazing. I say what nobody else seems to have the brass to say. And when I do, I get jumped on by the shmooze-up defenders. If I say anything to (or about them in reaction), suddenly I get the "Ohh you're only saying we all ALREADY know ~ you're just itching for a fight" routine.

Sheep. All of you.

I'll always love Firefly, and I'll always hate (1) the studio gestapo who killed it, and (2) the crowd who excuses it and attacks the people who point it out.


thank god we have you here river90210 to illuminate for all of us how common dissident voices like mine are. what penetrating insights you offer into the generic nature of we dimeAdozen critics. i feel enlightened.

Bla bla blaa as bla. The "bla-that-blaa" just blaas.


Friday, November 4, 2005 5:51 PM



Originally posted by Vicki:
Wow. I had no idea that Denise & I had all this corporate and studio help! Cool. That ought to make the Flan even better for you all. LOL



Hey, I just found out that you and Denise are marketing execs and marketing agents of the "stars". I always thought the both of you were fans of FIREFLY and other JOSS WHEDON shows.... Is there something you haven't been telling me for the past two years? Since you have the "connections", could you please, please, please get me a role in the next episode of DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES or maybe SUPERNATURAL - I like the one guy who was in DARK ANGEL. He's kinda cute. But don't kill my character off in one episode. I want to last at least two episodes....


Saturday, November 5, 2005 3:57 AM




"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Saturday, November 5, 2005 4:01 AM


Booky, you are toooooo funny. We'll do what we can for ya- I can see the next new neighbor at Wisteria Lane- Booky! hmmm.... and an opportunity to work with Denton. Woot. We'll get right on that *wink*


Saturday, November 5, 2005 4:33 AM



Originally posted by XeroGravity:
It's amazing. I say what nobody else seems to have the brass to say. And when I do, I get jumped on by the shmooze-up defenders. If I say anything to (or about them in reaction), suddenly I get the "Ohh you're only saying we all ALREADY know ~ you're just itching for a fight" routine.

Sheep. All of you.

I'll always love Firefly, and I'll always hate (1) the studio gestapo who killed it, and (2) the crowd who excuses it and attacks the people who point it out.


thank god we have you here river90210 to illuminate for all of us how common dissident voices like mine are. what penetrating insights you offer into the generic nature of we dimeAdozen critics. i feel enlightened.

Bla bla blaa as bla. The "bla-that-blaa" just blaas.

I really wouldn't call it having brass. I too think the con is too expensive and I won't be there only for that reason. I find it disheartening that the bill is so high and that only the wealthy fans (or those with a lack of other financial responsibilities) can afford to come. I'd really have to skimp just to afford the blooming ticket.

That said, I don't thing I offended the entire GORRAM board with what I just said. I expressed an opinion about the high price without being an instigator and without indciating that Star Trek was in anyway a decent show(okay...that might hurt some, but...).

I've met folks like you. Get a keyboard and a computer screen between you and your audience and your otherwise intellectual comments degenerate into hyper-offensive holier-than-though bullshit.

Get a grip and be a contributor.



Saturday, November 5, 2005 8:03 AM



Originally posted by XeroGravity:
It's amazing. I say what nobody else seems to have the brass to say. And when I do, I get jumped on by the shmooze-up defenders. If I say anything to (or about them in reaction), suddenly I get the "Ohh you're only saying we all ALREADY know ~ you're just itching for a fight" routine.

Sheep. All of you.

I'll always love Firefly, and I'll always hate (1) the studio gestapo who killed it, and (2) the crowd who excuses it and attacks the people who point it out.


thank god we have you here river90210 to illuminate for all of us how common dissident voices like mine are. what penetrating insights you offer into the generic nature of we dimeAdozen critics. i feel enlightened.

Wow. You sure must be superior to us all, what with your remarkable ability to call people names for going to an event that you think is a rip-off.

Honestly, who the do you think you are?

You go on to relate this convention, somehow, to the "studio gestapo {sic}" that killed Firefly. Are you referring to Fox, here? Or what? Because I fail to see the correlation.

XG - don't presume to know a damn thing about a single person here. 'Cause you don't.

The rest of y'all, eh, see ya December 10th


Saturday, November 5, 2005 10:10 AM



Originally posted by Steve580:

Originally posted by XeroGravity:
It's amazing. I say what nobody else seems to have the brass to say. And when I do, I get jumped on by the shmooze-up defenders. If I say anything to (or about them in reaction), suddenly I get the "Ohh you're only saying we all ALREADY know ~ you're just itching for a fight" routine.

Sheep. All of you.

I'll always love Firefly, and I'll always hate (1) the studio gestapo who killed it, and (2) the crowd who excuses it and attacks the people who point it out.


thank god we have you here river90210 to illuminate for all of us how common dissident voices like mine are. what penetrating insights you offer into the generic nature of we dimeAdozen critics. i feel enlightened.

Wow. You sure must be superior to us all, what with your remarkable ability to call people names for going to an event that you think is a rip-off.

Honestly, who the *fuck* do you think you are?

You go on to relate this convention, somehow, to the "studio gestapo {sic}" that killed Firefly. Are you referring to Fox, here? Or what? Because I fail to see the correlation.

XG - don't presume to know a damn thing about a single person here. 'Cause you don't.

The rest of y'all, eh, see ya December 10th

Hey! HEY! Ever heard of ?? Gah. Dont let trolls spoil the fun and DONT play their game. Just a hint of advice.

But on a happier note..Cant wait to see you the 10th! December is sooo close I can smell it.. LOL

Because Dancers are tough,mean...Chicas!! -Summer Glau


Saturday, November 5, 2005 12:16 PM


I just hope that one day I can be as good as, and as great as, a trekkie.

They really are above us.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Saturday, November 5, 2005 1:46 PM


A Meaningless Rant

I'm going to go to the convention, but I'm feeling a little annoyed by this whole thing. I suspect that the only reason we got a movie was just so Joss could afford doing Wonder Woman (he better not screw that up by the way) and I really dont think it has anything to do with what we want....not at all.

Please forgive me for sounding so negative, but that's just how I feel right now about this whole thing; I actually wish I never heard of Firefly/Serenity.

The only reason I'm going to the convention is to see the actors up close; to see if there is a little bit of the characters from the show within their real personalities, to see if I like them as much as I liked their characters.

I know I'm going to be disappointed, but this is something I've got to get out of my system.

Now the big task when I go is not to act like a complete geeked-up fan when I get there, and I have to keep in mind that these actors have heard it all before from other conventions, so my telling them I really liked the characters that they played is only going to get me a plastic smile and thoughts of "Does this person even have a life?"

And the meaningless rant continues...

This is also going to be very expensive, because I want everything, so these actors are going to make a bundle off of me, and they wont even remember me, and all I get to take home with me is a whole bunch of photographs and signatures, and a bad feeling within my heart that I am seriously stepping off the deep end. The actors will go back to their hotels laughing at all of us, and counting their money...this is the sad and pathetic part about all of this.

And the meaningless rant continues...

I watched this interview of the woman who played lovable Kaylee, and I came to the conclusion that I don't like the real person, I liked the character she plays, but I dont like her. She seemed so condscending and pretentious in the interview and it surprised me a little; she must be a good actress because she made me believe that she was nice and loveable, while in real life she's a total A.W.G.

And the meaningless rant continues...

In every photograph that I see of Summer Glau, she's wearing this "hey, I'm a star" look on her face, and all the other actors look hungover all the time...its really starting to get to me.

* I think I'm going crazy *

One final thing. During the interview, on the Firefly the Complete Series DvD with Ron Glass, why the hell was he laughing so much? It made you want to slap him.

With that I'm going back to bed and hope to never wake up.

Oh leave me alone...


Saturday, November 5, 2005 3:07 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:

Oh leave me alone...

See how I'm not punching him? I think I've grown.

Because Dancers are tough,mean...Chicas!! -Summer Glau


Saturday, November 5, 2005 3:16 PM


well, I went back and myself...I just get real annoyed by folk like this XG fella. Know I shouldn't; guess I'll just ignore him from now on.

Yeah, hope I won't be missing anything by skipping out Friday; couldn't afford to go all three days (well, I really can't afford to go at all..but I figure, I'm 1000 dollars in debt already; what's another 700? I mean, if you're gonna be poor, you might as well do it in style). Plus, I've never been to Cali, so I wanted some time to explore the reigon...I figure I'll hit Hollywood and Beverly Hills, since they're the two places I've heard of =)

Not really sure what all's going down at the convention - never been to anything of the like before - but I figure, if I get to see the coolest eight people from the show, it should be worth the cash. I'm staying at the Hilton both nights, so, maybe I'll even run into one of 'em on the 'vator, as previously suggested. That'd be pretty neat.

Yeah, question for any Los Angelosians - is the subway a good way to travel? I figure it'd be within my price range - it's either that, the bus, or walkin' (taxis are to rich for my blood, and a rental car isn't an option for my friends and I - none of us are 25).



Saturday, November 5, 2005 3:36 PM


I'm a her not a him


Saturday, November 5, 2005 4:17 PM



Originally posted by Steve580:
well, I went back and myself...I just get real annoyed by folk like this XG fella. Know I shouldn't; guess I'll just ignore him from now on.

Yeah, hope I won't be missing anything by skipping out Friday; couldn't afford to go all three days (well, I really can't afford to go at all..but I figure, I'm 1000 dollars in debt already; what's another 700? I mean, if you're gonna be poor, you might as well do it in style). Plus, I've never been to Cali, so I wanted some time to explore the reigon...I figure I'll hit Hollywood and Beverly Hills, since they're the two places I've heard of =)

Not really sure what all's going down at the convention - never been to anything of the like before - but I figure, if I get to see the coolest eight people from the show, it should be worth the cash. I'm staying at the Hilton both nights, so, maybe I'll even run into one of 'em on the 'vator, as previously suggested. That'd be pretty neat.

Yeah, question for any Los Angelosians - is the subway a good way to travel? I figure it'd be within my price range - it's either that, the bus, or walkin' (taxis are to rich for my blood, and a rental car isn't an option for my friends and I - none of us are 25).


Thank you, bunches.

And we're all annoyed at him.
Elevator meetings sooo rock! I cant wait for December to come!

Hm.. Most people jsut take the bus or taxi. But the taxi people try to jip you if your not paying attention. I'd say Bus.. But from the aiport, they give you FREE shuttle to your hotel. That's what Im doin.

How will I be able to find you?? I guess Ill see everyone ever the span of the weekend.

Ps..If you want to post in a place where people are in' about not goin, go here: and sign up! We're nice! LOL

Because Dancers are tough,mean...Chicas!! -Summer Glau


Saturday, November 5, 2005 6:22 PM



Originally posted by Vicki:
Booky, you are toooooo funny. We'll do what we can for ya- I can see the next new neighbor at Wisteria Lane- Booky! hmmm.... and an opportunity to work with Denton. Woot. We'll get right on that *wink*

Yippee!!! Anything with Denton.... He's all mine and I'm not sharing!!! I soooo love you!!!



Sunday, November 6, 2005 3:13 AM



Originally posted by Piffle101:
... But from the aiport, they give you FREE shuttle to your hotel. That's what Im doin.

As I understand it (and I could be wrong), that's only true if you're flying into the Burbank airport. Apparently the ride from LAX costs about $30.

If anybody has better info about this I'd like to know. Is there a free shuttle from LAX to the convention hotel?

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Sunday, November 6, 2005 6:07 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
A Meaningless Rant

I'm going to go to the convention, but I'm feeling a little annoyed by this whole thing. I suspect that the only reason we got a movie was just so Joss could afford doing Wonder Woman (he better not screw that up by the way) and I really dont think it has anything to do with what we want....not at all.

Please forgive me for sounding so negative, but that's just how I feel right now about this whole thing; I actually wish I never heard of Firefly/Serenity.

The only reason I'm going to the convention is to see the actors up close; to see if there is a little bit of the characters from the show within their real personalities, to see if I like them as much as I liked their characters.

I know I'm going to be disappointed, but this is something I've got to get out of my system.

Now the big task when I go is not to act like a complete geeked-up fan when I get there, and I have to keep in mind that these actors have heard it all before from other conventions, so my telling them I really liked the characters that they played is only going to get me a plastic smile and thoughts of "Does this person even have a life?"

And the meaningless rant continues...

This is also going to be very expensive, because I want everything, so these actors are going to make a bundle off of me, and they wont even remember me, and all I get to take home with me is a whole bunch of photographs and signatures, and a bad feeling within my heart that I am seriously stepping off the deep end. The actors will go back to their hotels laughing at all of us, and counting their money...this is the sad and pathetic part about all of this.

And the meaningless rant continues...

I watched this interview of the woman who played lovable Kaylee, and I came to the conclusion that I don't like the real person, I liked the character she plays, but I dont like her. She seemed so condscending and pretentious in the interview and it surprised me a little; she must be a good actress because she made me believe that she was nice and loveable, while in real life she's a total A.W.G.

And the meaningless rant continues...

In every photograph that I see of Summer Glau, she's wearing this "hey, I'm a star" look on her face, and all the other actors look hungover all the time...its really starting to get to me.

* I think I'm going crazy *

One final thing. During the interview, on the Firefly the Complete Series DvD with Ron Glass, why the hell was he laughing so much? It made you want to slap him.

With that I'm going back to bed and hope to never wake up.

Oh leave me alone...

I'd like to respond to this. I've been to a bunch of cons and now run them. For the most part- the actors enjoy meeting the fans. Yeah- they get paid. So what? Who says they should do *anything* for free? Would you go to work for a weekend for free? I think people assume that because the actors are getting paid that they are somehow doing something wrong. Or that they don't *honor* their fans properly. That's not the case IMO.
I think you are going to enjoy the weekend more than you know :)
And as far as being crazy for attending cons? It's a hobby just like anything else- or even a vacation for a lot of people. The money spent is no different than booking reservations on say a cruise.
You're going to have a great time! And you're going to leave with some new and really great friends who like the same thing you do. Honest. :)


Sunday, November 6, 2005 6:57 AM


posted by Vicki:

I'd like to respond to this. I've been to a bunch of cons and now run them. For the most part- the actors enjoy meeting the fans. Yeah- they get paid. So what? Who says they should do *anything* for free? Would you go to work for a weekend for free? I think people assume that because the actors are getting paid that they are somehow doing something wrong. Or that they don't *honor* their fans properly. That's not the case IMO.
I think you are going to enjoy the weekend more than you know :)
And as far as being crazy for attending cons? It's a hobby just like anything else- or even a vacation for a lot of people. The money spent is no different than booking reservations on say a cruise.
You're going to have a great time! And you're going to leave with some new and really great friends who like the same thing you do. Honest. :)

I suppose you are right, but I have a bunch of fan related issues of the past staring me in the face here. I've been going through this big box of photographs and memorabilia (I spell that right?) from the past.

I have a whole bunch of signatures and photographs of all the Original Star Trek cast. Pictures of me standing on a fake transporter with George Takei and Nichelle Nichols, wearing a geeked-up star trek uniform, and smiling like a complete idiot, pictures of myself (wearing a geeked-up star trek uniform) with Leonard Nimoy, who was performing the Vulcan mind meld on me, photographs of myself talking with William Shatner at a convention, that my geeked-up friends took of me, photographs of myself smiling like an idiot with the orignal Battlestar Galactica cast members, and of course I was wearing a Battlestar Galactica uniform looking like a complete idiot.

Then there was the Space 1999 conventions, and the Star Wars conventions, where I have about a billion photos with me in it with some famous actor/actress, wearing some uniform and posing in front of the camera wearing the same idiotic, gleeful smile that I always seem to bring with me to these places, plus I always spend over $2,000 to $3,000 at these things because I don't want to miss anything; A total crazed fan I am.

I thought this fan-crazed behavior was behind me, I thought it was just a phase, but along comes Serenity and Firefly, and here I am, at it again!!!!

One last thing before I shut this hole of mine that passes for a mouth, this should pretty much sum up what kind of zealot I am. When I was in high school, for a whole 4 years, my friends and I wore Star trek uniforms, and the only reason no one teased, or tried to kill us is because it would be pretty embarrassing to have your azz kicked in by 30 crazed Star trek zealots in front of your friends.

With that I'm going to go and have breakfast.

See? I told you not to put your hand in there...


Sunday, November 6, 2005 7:02 AM


Some of you persist in villifying my for saying what I think, how I feel, and so on.

I just call it like I see it. Seems River6213 is getting a taste of how I feel. Kind of shocking when you see the "stars" are just actors, not invested in the story they played a part in telling. Just ambitious people who saw FF as a stepping stone to better acting gigs. I've posted to that effect in other threads. Just seemed to take a while for it sink in where it counts.

Perhaps Shatner, Nimoy, Kelly (and crew) were only invested in ST because they had no other options. They were doomed to be B-film actors because they played TV personas on a genre that is hated by the moviemaking elite. And I'm not putting ST above FF. To the contrary, "Firefly" was infinitely more believable, more entertaining on a human level, and so "NOT" Star Trek. But the Trek stars took what they had (as pathetic as it was) and ran with it.

Nearly 40 years later, we have multiple movies and multiple spinoff TV shows. FF could have been the same, but alas...


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Sunday, November 6, 2005 7:09 AM


Here's my thought- We're only here once. For a short time. So- you get into things... so what? That's cool IMO. You were having FUN, enjoying life. That's a good thing. And you shouldn't put yourself down for it. It harms no one and it's a kick! LOL


Sunday, November 6, 2005 7:45 AM



Originally posted by Piffle101:

Thank you, bunches.

And we're all annoyed at him.
Elevator meetings sooo rock! I cant wait for December to come!

Hm.. Most people jsut take the bus or taxi. But the taxi people try to jip you if your not paying attention. I'd say Bus.. But from the aiport, they give you FREE shuttle to your hotel. That's what Im doin.

How will I be able to find you?? I guess Ill see everyone ever the span of the weekend.

Ps..If you want to post in a place where people are in' about not goin, go here: and sign up! We're nice! LOL

Yeah, there's not a super-lot of people goin' to the con, so it shouldn't be terrible hard to find people...

So, ya don't actually live in LA, then? Hm...well, anyone that does, feel free to invite me over to your house for dinner . My plan is to spend $0 on food for the weekend; I'm packin' all my meals (you're allowed to transport sardines on airplans, right?)



Sunday, November 6, 2005 7:48 AM



I expect people to be a little taken back by some of my opinions, and I don't mind; I wish I could be consistently positive about everything all the time, but I can't, so sometimes I will be overjoyed by somethings, and sometimes I will be turnedoff by that very same thing....depends on what mood I'm in.

I am a fan of Firefly, there is no doubt about that, but I am of two minds about the whole thing. One mind is a crazed fan, the other mind is a pessimistic, depressive, who's a little too real for her own good.

I love the Firefly characters, and I would hope that the people who play these characters would let us see a little bit of those characters when we go to the conventions and meet them, but the reality of it all is that they are actors, real people, with real hangups, and thats what we will end up meeting when we go to the conventions, which is sad because they have the power to enhance the conventions.

Example: If I were an actress/actor in Firefly, I would hope that I would be very much aware of the story of the show I worked in, and whenever I would go to a convention, I would bring my character with me and be in-character the whole time I was there, I would even dress up as the character that I played, because thats what people are paying to see and experience, and they would be able to take home the experience that they actually met and talked with Inara, or River, or Mal etc. That sort of thing would make Firefly much more popular, and people would love it.

When I used to go to the conventions for the original star trek, during question and answering sessions, the cast members had no idea of what we were talking about, and one guy asked a question about Constitution Class Starships, and William Shatner, the man who played Captain Kirk aboard the Enterprise, answered with "Whats a Constitution Class Starship?" The audience froze for a moment, you could have heard a pin drop in there until the people who ran the convention, quickly changed the subject. Thats when I realized that some of these actors don't put together the big picture of the show or movie that they are in.

And money? yes, most of it is all about money and it does bother me, at the same time I could careless about it...strange, duel way to look at it wouldnt you agree? But the actors have to be paid for their time spent at the convention; it wouldnt be right for them not to get paid after doing a job.

Anyway, if what I have to say bother some of you, well I apologize for that, I mean no harm, I'm a fan just like you and I have a habit of shooting my mouth off and speaking my mind; I'll try to watch it in the future.

...Is there a reward?


Sunday, November 6, 2005 8:15 AM


I had the good fortune to have an after-con dinner and drink thing with DeForest Kelley years and years ago (that's Bones from TOS ~ The Original Star Trek, for those of you who may not know). He was more bitter and snippy off the screen then he ever was on the screen. He would'nt give anyone an autograph but he'd talk to us like a normal person (and that was 1000X better than his scribbled name on a piece of paper or some napkin).

I think he was cast to play his role and brought the real personality to the screen. I think all of them weren't completely acting (him, Shatner, Nimoy, etc.).

I think the FF cast would probably be nothing like their onscreen personalities in RL. They're just acting. Sadly, I think most of them will probably be opposite the characters they played.

It's why they'll succeed and go on to do other things in hollywood.

Kelly would never have gone to a convention if it had been about the money. As much as he hated going to them (and that's from his own mouth), it was never about the money. Things are different now with these "conventions". The money is everything, the actors are just acting. Good ole hubris... that pride that goeth before the fall.

If ST cons had ever become some obscenely expensive, the Trek stars would never have gone because they knew their dedicated fans wouldn't be there.

I can afford to go to this con if I had it in me. I just don't. Feels fakey as hell.


Like I said... let them come to me. I outnumber them.

No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Sunday, November 6, 2005 8:50 AM



So, ya don't actually live in LA, then? Hm...well, anyone that does, feel free to invite me over to your house for dinner . My plan is to spend $0 on food for the weekend; I'm packin' all my meals (you're allowed to transport sardines on airplans, right?)


Nopers. I live in Northern California.. So LA isnt really that far for me.


I think the FF cast would probably be nothing like their onscreen personalities in RL. They're just acting. Sadly, I think most of them will probably be opposite the characters they played.

I can vouch for this one! I've met a few of the cast a couple of times and have only heard good things about them.

Summer- Sweetheart in everyway! She's not crazy (lol) though she is shy when it comes to crowds. (Who could blame her? Im the same way)

Adam- He's great! He loves to sit down and have a beer with fans and hear what they have to say about the show and anything else in general. (Just dont get him started in politics (lol)

Nathan- Cant say anything negative about him! Too many good things to say!

And for everyone else- Everyone say's their great and they really mean it. Jewel and Morena have a great sick sense of humour. (Just read about DragonCon) and Ron seems fun too. Alan and Sean are fun too.

I dont think Gina has ever done a Con so Im kinda mute there.

Because Dancers are tough,mean...Chicas!! -Summer Glau


Sunday, November 6, 2005 8:53 AM


Well XeroGravity,

Its like I said in an earlier post. If these actors/actress show up for a convention, it wouldnt hurt to show up at that convention incharacter, dressed up in the costumes of the character that they played on Firefly/Serenity, and just totally behaved as though the convention was just another Firefly episode; The attending fans would eat it up!

It would be grand to see all the actors behaving like their characters, we would be in sci-fi heaven.

During the interview with the cast members that comes with Firefly the Complete series DVD, the only two people that came off as likable and real was the actress Gina Torres, and Nathan Fillion. Nathan came off as sincere, and very much human, and also you could tell that he wasnt such a hard ass as the character that he portrays (Mal) in Firefly, but he's very likable, and Gina Torres, came off as Zoe, so I guess you could say that she played herself.

Jewel Staite came off as fake, and plastic. Seam Maher came off as vapid, and devoid of character. Summer Glau kept that forever "hey! I'm on tv" look about her the whole time and Ron Glass wouldnt stop laughing in that scary way. The actress Morena Baccarin possesed none of her characters regalness, but she seemed honest, and Alan Tudyk just looked hungover.

I guess it does say a lot about their acting skills that they played the Firefly characters and made us believe that they were these cut and dried personalities, but alas, they are real people just like us, but then that brings forth a question...what are we going to the convention for, and what are we paying for?

I guess for myself, I'm unfairly going to the convention to see the characters, not the actors if that makes any sense, and the people who throw these conventions and the actors who go there should be aware of this when it comes to fans, and make an effort to present to us the personalities of the crew of Firefly, not the actors.

Is this post too negative?


Sunday, November 6, 2005 10:49 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Is this post too negative?

From my perspective, you're entitled to your opinion and feelings, and to have your say. I doubt you'd be able to kill my buzz anyway...

However, when we get a little closer to convention time, I anticipate starting a thread (if nobody else does) for those who are going, specifically to plan meetups and such. I hope that those who hold such negative opinions will keep them out of that thread so we don't have to wade through 130 posts there!

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Sunday, November 6, 2005 12:08 PM


Don't worry, I would never be a "wet towel" in person. When I go to the convention, I will be very positive and quite happy about everything; thats how I am when I'm out in public. I only unleash my negative side when I'm in front of the computer screen for some unknown reason.

And I hope a lot of you don't think that my posts are designed to annoy my own way I think I'm contributing. I don't say stuff to get people mad at me, I say stuff to get people thinking about things, and if I've failed at that I will shut up.

I suppose I fulfill that old saying " It takes all kinds to make up a world"


Sunday, November 6, 2005 12:31 PM


How will we be able to recognize each other???

Im in here: Pg 9!

E-mail Fray and add yourselves!

Because Dancers are tough,mean...Chicas!! -Summer Glau


Sunday, November 6, 2005 12:39 PM


Nice photo!

I'll use that site and post a few also!



Sunday, November 6, 2005 1:33 PM


I don't mind starting a new thread for con details and specifics. I'm thinking once we get to the 9th (this Wed), I'll start the new thread, marking exactly 1 month till Flanvention. Cos this thread is starting to take forever to load now, even with dsl.

As for how we'd all recognize each other at the con, I thought about making a t-shirt with my user name on it. Sure, I know not everyone would want to do this, but its an idea at least.

"Yeah, well its LA. The evil is just probably stuck in traffic" -Cordelia

"Oh, I'm going to the special hell"


Sunday, November 6, 2005 1:38 PM


I think everyone's gonna be doing that. (You and PR)

My pic is in the Photoverse, and I'll be in staff wear all weekend, I wont be hard to find. I'll look for you all!

I cant wait that long for a new thread!! How bout by Monday or Tuesday?

Because Dancers are tough,mean...Chicas!! -Summer Glau


Sunday, November 6, 2005 1:42 PM


Yeah, I already know PR has a shirt. I just need to get mine done. And hopefully not have to spend too much, cos more spending before the con just leads to crying while looking at bank statements.

Also, once I finish my Jayne hat, I won't be too hard to find. Just look for the semi-short girl standing next to the towering guy lol.

"Yeah, well its LA. The evil is just probably stuck in traffic" -Cordelia

"Oh, I'm going to the special hell"


Sunday, November 6, 2005 4:21 PM


I don't want to get into another debate with people who don't care how much it's going to cost them to see the actors up close. There's pretty much no talking to you but I talked to some people that I know who go to cons all of the time. They all were shocked at the price of this con.

They all said that a meet and greet like Flanvation should be between $20-$30 a day. Anything more expensive is a rip off for a meet and greet type of con like Flanvation. And yes, the actors will still get paid at that meet and greet price of $20-$20. All of my con loving friends said that this con is in the professional con range where you spend the day in workshops learning to do something like operate a software program or sell real estate. They wondered who was pocketing the extra change and they seemed to think it was the company putting on the con, not the actors.

"You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals."--George Mikes


Sunday, November 6, 2005 6:13 PM


Amen Brusier!!!


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 9:08 AM


I'll second that AMEN.


Wednesday, November 9, 2005 12:46 PM


Hi. I'm new here, but an *old* hand at conventions; mostly real, fan-run cons, not the for-profit cattle drives (coughcreationcough). It is an old fannish custom to cram as many people in a hotel room as possible; even a single can have two beds (it helps to ask ahead of time if it's a big con), plus whoever's willing to rough it on the floor (sleeping bags are vital for this). Just remember to call maid service for *lots* of extra towels. Sharing can save major $$, and it's much more fun.

Of course, I don't live in SoCal any more (thank Gaia), and the Flanconvention is far, far beyond my means, so go -- enjoy! I'll just sit here in my corner, talking to my imaginary Wash.



Saturday, November 12, 2005 6:10 AM



that's a formula for a fastfood nerd orgy.

it could spawn really ugly children destined to ace the MENSA test.

you get down with your bad self.


(oh wait, I forgot this thread was retired so a new noncritical one could take it's place.. what a drag that is)

No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 3:33 PM


Additional Banquet Tickets Available

Banquet tickets sold out, but enough people still wanted tickets that we arranged expanded seating and an additional table with the venue. We now have 12 additional Banquet tickets available in our store.


Monday, November 21, 2005 3:01 PM



Yan and Rafael Feldman (Fanty and Mingo from Serenity) have been added as guests to the FLANVENTION!

Camden Toy (Angel & Buffy- Ubervamp, Prince of Lies) has also been added!


Monday, November 21, 2005 3:59 PM



Reading all the s2 reports makes me even more excited!

Because Dancers are tough,mean...Chicas!! -Summer Glau






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