Finally got to see the BDM tonight-WOW! (possible spoilers)

UPDATED: Thursday, November 10, 2005 17:25
VIEWED: 1350
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Wednesday, November 9, 2005 6:47 PM


I'm stoked! I took my wife to see Serenity tonight. It was incredible! I'm glad I got the chance to catch it on the big screen before it left town. There were actually 11 people there, which I didn't think was too bad for a 7pm Wednesday showing in Olathe, Kansas (Kansas City suburb). I would have killed to know if any of them were there for repeated viewings, or if they were Browncoats in some capacity or another, but my wife swore to disown me if I started asking people if they were Browncoats or not.

My wife did say that one of the women in the rest room after the show said that season 3 of Firefly would be starting up after the first of the year, and would take up where the movie left off...needless to say, this person must have been clueless.

My wife's biggest complaints about the show were that it was a little hard to follow if you weren't in on the TV series (which she basically hasn't watched but parts of a couple of shows), and she also didn't like the fight at the end with the assasin dude. We have this running joke/peeve about movies that end up with the hero and villian duking it out one on one at the end of the movie to settle their differences, and this I have to agree played out for the same forumla, but I still thought it was fun! Needless to say, I enjoyed the movie as a whole much more than she did, although she says she liked it.

I found my self overwhelmed with emotion at times, and I never thought I would, but seeing some of the characters and the ship itself on the big screen were touching and satisfying. Now, if only this journey could continue to another chapter(s)!

Zoë: Shepard, isn't the Bible kind of specific about killing?
Book: Very specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzy around the area of kneecaps.


Thursday, November 10, 2005 3:05 AM


Wasn't the movie great!

Just as an added note, if you get the chance to see Serenity again, I have found that it is even better the second time.
It seems that since you had a chance to see what happens though out the entire film, the second time gives you a chance to relax (a bit) and catch things you missed in your first viewing.

I know this from experience as well...since I have seen it 14 times.

Have a great day.


Thursday, November 10, 2005 3:38 AM


I saw it 14 times as well :) Yay we're obsessed!

Did you a baby? a hungry angry baby?

Keep shiny!


Thursday, November 10, 2005 4:07 AM


Isn't it great! Oh, I'm so glad you got to see it on the big screen. I know the DVD will be awesome, but there's nothing like seeing the BDH up there on that shiny screen! I have to say as well, that if you get a chance to see it again....GO! It's worth it. You see so much more the second, and third, and... well you catch my drift.

I went with my husband and he is neither a fan of scifi or Firefly, but he "got it" and enjoyed it.
If he comes out of a movie saying " That wasn't too bad..." that's high praise from him. So I know he enjoyed it. But like you, I was emotional, I cried and cried out in places.

WOW! is right. Hope you DO get to see it again.

I'm now just waitin' for the DVD.... and waiting... and attempting to live in between... LOL.

I love being a Browncoat!

"Am I dreaming?" Mal

"We all are..." River


Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:22 AM


Unfortunately, with the hoops I had to jump through to get to see the showing last night, I know I won't get to see it again until the DVD comes out. I just treasure my one experience of seeing it up on the big screen.

Yes, there were many parts I felt like I was going to cry at, but with my wife there, who already thinks I've lost my mind with all this Firefly stuff, I just couldn't allow myself to do it.

On another note, I'm still trying to get coworkers to watch the DVDs, so we're still moving in the right direction!


Zoë: Shepard, isn't the Bible kind of specific about killing?
Book: Very specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzy around the area of kneecaps.


Thursday, November 10, 2005 5:25 PM



I'm afraid I know exactly how you feel when you say your wife thinks you've lost your mind with all this Firefly stuff. I've got family members who think I've gone off the deep end.

But if this is how it feels to go off the deep end, well, I don't wanna go back to normal.
I'm happy where I'm at. Isn't it amazing that this TV show did this to us, and that we aren't the only ones?! We're surrounded by friends who feel exactly the same way all around this site. I love it here.

I show Firefly on the tv all day at work, and I've had customers ask about it and when they can watch it. I tell 'em gladly and hope I'm recruiting some more Browncoats. I've gotten into conversations with delivery people, people waiting in line, people behind counters when I go on errands about Serenity/Firefly, and you'd be surprised how many folks know about it, or tell me later that they have discovered something they love (LOVE!) after watching it from my recommendation.

But I still have to say, that it'd be nice to have someone to share this with, this thrill and happiness... and I'm envious of the folks who are on here who have fellow fans in family members.
But.... we have this wonderful place, and a great DVD coming soon, with, oh look at all the goodies on it!!!!

So I'm a happy Browncoat!

Stay crunchy, even in milk...







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