When did you fall in love w/ Firefly?

UPDATED: Saturday, November 19, 2005 10:30
VIEWED: 12784
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Thursday, November 17, 2005 6:09 AM


Ok so Id like to know when was the exact point when you decided you loved this show?

For me it was the trailers to the movie, I told my best friend OHHHH! I HAVE GOT TO SEE THAT. She said well theres a whole t.v show about it. I told myself I would not see it till I saw the show. So I got a hold of THE TRAIN JOB. I started watching it I was like Ok. so what it just seemed like a western to me what does this have to do w/ the movie, but then that guy flew trough the hologram window and I was like did I see what I think I saw, then Serenity went to rescue them and I was In love!!!

Let me know your story!!!


Thursday, November 17, 2005 6:16 AM


As soon as I watched Jaynestown on Sci-fi in the week coming up to the show. It just happened to be on and I instantly became engrossed in the characters. I loved Kaylee from the start. Simply put, it was the best damn show I've ever seen.

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule. – H.L. Mencken


Thursday, November 17, 2005 6:22 AM


Kaylee too. *Click* "Now I can't get down..."


Thursday, November 17, 2005 6:28 AM


The movie trailers for me too. Then I caught Bushwhacked on Space's Labor Day Joss-a-thon and I was totally in love.

I give to you the Seeker of Serenity, the Valkyrie Warrior, the Gourmet Cook and the Truth Scoper.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 6:47 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Okay, a little history on how and why I found Firefly in the first place:

In June, I left my job after 6 long years of LOOOONNNGG days and no vacations (my own fault, I'm sure, but every time I tried to schedule a vacation, I got "guilted" into postponing it because there was too much critical stuff going on...). With some much-needed, long-anticipated time off finally on my hands, I tackled several automotive projects right away. I play with, rebuild, restore, and race Honda CRXs when I have the time; I had a couple that needed some attention, so they came first.

During the extreme mid-day heat of central Texas in July, I started coming inside around noon, to eat and cool down for a few hours. With nothing on TV, I happened across "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" on the FX network. I later found out it was about midway through Season 3. Anyway, I picked up the habit of watching an episode or two when I got the chance, and before long, I was truly hooked. I was taping the eps, looking for earlier episodes to get more background, and so on.

That led me to start buying Buffy on DVD, starting with Season 1 (or "Season 0.5", as it should be called, since it's only a half-season's worth of shows). Before long, I'd picked up Seasons 1 thru 4, seen all of 5, 6 & 7 on FX, and gotten caught up in "Angel" as well. After I'd seen all of both of those shows, a friend told me about "Firefly". I went right out and bought the DVD set the next day.

So, back to the question: when did I fall *in love* with Firefly? About halfway through the pilot episode. I said it out loud (and I was watching it alone!): "It's a WESTERN! It's a Sci-Fi WESTERN!!" That was a bit tough to get my head around, and I thought it was a bit of a cheesy gimmick, but then I just decided to accept that fact, put my trust in Joss's considerable talent, and hitch on for the rest of the ride. Within the space of the two-hour pilot, I was well and truly hooked. And after watching the entire season in a weekend, when I later found out there was a full-fledged MOVIE coming out, I was ecstatic.

So there's my "Why I love Firefly" story...


Grrrrr. Arrrgghh.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 6:51 AM


Well, I'm not a 'u', but...

For me it was the Friday night in 2002 when "The Train Job" first aired. I swallowed the hook almost immediately and watched the whole episode with great enjoyment.

Then Mal kicked Crow through the engine. I jumped out of my chair, yelling. Good thing I don't have a cat, or it would've had a cow. At that moment, the hook was set, and it hasn't worked loose yet.

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 7:10 AM


Same here, Doncoat. I'd tuned in out of morbid curiousity after seeing a few of FOX's horrid advertisements for it over the summer, and in that moment I fell in love with the series.

Actually, it was just after that moment, when Mal just hauls the next guy out and starts going through the whole speech again ("Now this is all the money Niska gave us..."), with the guy immediately agreeing. That was great.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 7:13 AM


I was hooked with the 'Train Job' as well when Fox first aired Firefly. I have to admit, I was a little lost, especially since this was the "pilot" of a new show, but I really liked the idea, the humor and the characters. I think 'Out of Gas' really sealed the deal for me and when 'Objects in Space' aired, I was swearing that Fox better not cancel this show.


* * *
Shiny music videos including Firefly!


Thursday, November 17, 2005 7:15 AM


This is a fun thing!
I bought FF the week it came out on DVD. The opening of Serenity was well filmed, and I started to pay more attention when the scene switches to 6 years later, and it's Mal upside down (I like perception distorting tricks in film) good stuff. But the hook wnet in and held when it cut to Wash and the dinos. At that point I was fish well and truely landed. Then Jayne says 'let's moon em' (which, I used to do on occasion) and I think I watched 4 eps the first night.

Thanks to viral marketing...SERENITY: reopening soon in a theater near you.
Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Thursday, November 17, 2005 8:45 AM


Lucky Lim, getting to watch the series in the proper order the first time!

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 8:54 AM



Originally posted by dianaspr:
Ok so Id like to know when was the exact point when you decided you loved this show?

When I bought the DVD set I just remembered really liking the couple of first run episiodes I'd seen (Bushwacked, Out of Gas).

But the moment I decided I loved the show happened sometime while watching the first ten minutes of Serenity (the Pilot, not the movie, although the first ten minutes of the movie confirmed the love I found in the pilot, go figure) on DVD.



Thursday, November 17, 2005 9:06 AM


I started watching Fall 2002 when Fox started airing the series...
I found 'Train Job' to be fun, but not enthrawling;
too many characters introduced too fast for me.
But of course I was already a Joss fan, so I hung in there...
Fox airing the shows out of order didn't help.
Having the show pre-empted for Baseball didn't help
(I would be up in the middle of the night phoning the Fox affiliate: "but will you air it AFTER the 'Friends' rerun that follows the news that will start after the baseball game is finally over???)

Then cam 'Jayne's Town' and I was blown away, I knew I loved this show more than Buffy or Angel...
I knew that 'Firefly' was dealing with more interesting themes in a deeper way,
and I was in love.

And then my heart was torn out when it was canceled soon afterwards.

But actually? I treasure the long road back,
when the DVDs came out, when the movie was announced,
getting to go to the Advanced Screenings,
picking up on the guerilla marketing....

I love this 'verse. And I'm going to keep right on loving it for many more years to come!

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Thursday, November 17, 2005 9:12 AM



Originally posted by DonCoat:
Lucky Lim, getting to watch the series in the proper order the first time!

I liked your story about leaping out of your chair at the unexpected rescue. It's always something extraordinary to be there at the very instant something is happening. Even if you find out later that J & co had to pull an all-weekender to come up with that ep and replace the original idea. That moment when Mal is outside the bar in the dust and you see the two huge moons behind his head, it made me gasp, even though it's been done a hundred times. Joss does an amazing job of genre weaving with this story, constantly moving between the American past, present and the future frontier, with the civil war thrown in for good measure. He tricks me into forgetting something for an instant, and then it roars up from behind the cliff.

Thanks to viral marketing...SERENITY: reopening soon in a theater near you.
Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Thursday, November 17, 2005 9:14 AM


I'd say that the attraction/flirtation started with "The Train Job" back in 2002.

I knew I fell in love with the show while watching "Out of Gas" when Mal asked if the crew would be there when he woke up. I was actually choked up at that point.

And in that final scene in the used spaceship lot, when Mal looked over toward Serenity, I knew *exactly* how he felt.

"Tell you what. You buy this ship, treat her proper, she'll be with ya for the rest of your life. Son? Hey, son? You hear a word I been sayin'?"


Thursday, November 17, 2005 11:05 AM


I had known about the show since it first aired. Sadly, I was a victim of Fox's awful ad campaign, and had no interest whatsoever.

I didn't get to see the show proper until this past May (thanks to Dracos). When the BDM got pushed back to September, I finally had a chance to get acquainted with the show. I devoured the show over the course of a week, and was hooked immediately.

This past summer, I worked at a movie theater. One with one of those big tv screens showing movie trailers. I got to see the Serenity trailer every 20 minutes. That was the final nail in the coffin. I was in love.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 11:29 AM


I fell in love with "Firefly" on 9/20/02, from the very first frame of "The Train Job" until the very last frame of "Serenity" the movie!

P.s. not to sound like a complete dipstick but to quote Inara " It's just Serenity."


Thursday, November 17, 2005 11:34 AM


Desktop Hippie converted me about a year ago with Our Mrs. Reynolds she had bought the dvd and loaned it to mewith instructions to watch that ep first, and as you can see... it worked


Liu koushui de biaozi he houzi de ben erzi.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 11:44 AM


Being a Buffy/Angel fan I knew of Firefly in advance of its UK SciFi channel airings. Watched the proper pilot episode and liked it a lot but knowing that it had been cancelled I wasn't willing to invest in the show.
The following week I found myself watching Train Job. Another good 'un but still planned on giving up.
Then I saw Bushwacked and for some reason I still don't know the show grabbed me by the balls and I was hooked.
After Jaynestown aired and I had stopped laughing I promptly started selling the series virtues to everyone around me.

That's my story.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 11:51 AM


When I saw Kaylee with her parasol in the pilot episode.That was the moment I realised this was going to be a unique sci-fi show. Living in the UK I hadn't seen the show until I decided to buy the dvd boxed set (based on nothing more than the fact it was by Joss Whedon) I had even held off buying it for about a year (the cover didn't inspire me.) It's hard to describe how impressed I was by the end of the first episode, it just seems that everything about it is perfect but I think the actors need to be singled out because that has to be THE dream cast of any show. I've just watched the final episode (wow!) and although I'm thankful for the film I pray it will be revived as a tv series. Hello to fellow Firefly fans around the World!



Thursday, November 17, 2005 12:00 PM


Isn't it frustrating when you know something is the greatest thing ever and that it will change peoples lives if only they'd give it a chance and they dismiss it without a thought. I struggled to get my friends to watch a film called Baraka (I more or less forced it on them in the end) and sure enough they loved it! I've converted one friend to Firefly and hopefully if we could all do that there may be another series!!!



Thursday, November 17, 2005 12:00 PM


I actually didn't originally see it from the beginning, but I saw the first 5 minutes of Shindig and was absolutely captivated.

Hey to all the FF obsessed people!

No, Cap'n, I think it's shiny!--Kaylee, o'course.

Yeah, but she's our witch, so cut her the hell down! --Mal in "Safe."


Thursday, November 17, 2005 12:04 PM


The advertisements for the BDM intrigued me, but I fell in love watching "Jaynestown" and "Out of Gas" on the SciFi marathon the Tuesday before BDM came out. I do a lot of writing, it's my hobby and I hope to make a career of it, and if there's one thing I'm obsessed with, it's characters. I don't usually like sci-fi, but the show is character driven, and it was the strong, fascinating characters who sold me on the show. That, and the delightful sharp wit. I went and saw the BDM that weekend with a friend.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 1:48 PM


I've told this story to some already, but since you asked....

I watched (and taped) the original Fox broadcasts in 2002. I liked the show, and looked forward to Friday nights. But then, one Friday in November, my son wanted to buy me dinner for my birthday (his being 9 at the time meant it would be McDonald's, but I didn't complain). I set my VCR, picked up my son at his mother's, and headed out. We had fun, and I came home looking to forward to watching that night's episode, "Ariel".

I rewound the tape and started watching, but it wasn't "Ariel", it was "Safe", from the week before. My VCR screwed up and didn't tape the show!!

Suddenly, I had to in fact fight back tears, and had to wait a few seconds before I could see clearly. I hadn't realized I cared that much. That was when I finally got just how much I loved the show. And I told myself that I'd just have to catch the episode in re-runs.....

Then I felt sick to my stomach (and NOT because of the Big Mac) because I just knew, clear down into my bones, that there would be no re-runs, and that the show was doomed.

I didn't get to see "Ariel" until I picked up the DVDs a year later.

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..." - Big Damn Podcast


Thursday, November 17, 2005 1:59 PM


It took three eps. The third one aired was "Our Mrs. Reynolds".


Thursday, November 17, 2005 2:15 PM


Whilst watching the pilot on Sci-Fi. I went and bought the DVD's the next day.

-------Huge Fan of:---------
Andromeda (Early Seasons)


Thursday, November 17, 2005 2:39 PM


When the pilot aired on my favorite channel, Sci-fi. I TiVoed the next few eps, but when I realized that not all would air before the movie was released, I went to and bought the DVDs.

While my story is fair dull, the next two are better.

On my 3rd viewing of Serenity, I convinced my sister to come. She loved it so much, we called her husband to come, and the 3 of us sat through the movie again that night.

After that, I convinced my mom that she would like this movie. Now, picture my mom: she watches West Wing and Survivor, ER and Amazing Race. She liked LOTR some, the only sci fi movie she truly loved was Star Wars, ep IV (though she has seen all of them). She loved the movie, so I lent her the DVDs to watch. She started the next morning with the pilot while she was on her treadmill (nice set up, BTW). Before she knew it, she had been walking for almost an hour (longer than she'd gone in a very long time). She called me this evening to tell me she finished the last ep (couldn't wait until the am) and she hates me because she loves Mal, and there is no more of him. So now I have to write a story to tide her over until we convince TPTB to make more.

I can't get over how my favorite channel in the world passed over the Shiniest series in the world and made Battlestar Galactica.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 3:23 PM



But the upside is you had 4 new episodes to look forward to instead of 3 (once you heard there would be DVD's, that is).


Thursday, November 17, 2005 3:38 PM


I first heard about Firefly from my dad. I heard it was by Joss and I thought "Aw damn, I hate Sci-Fi shows. *Sigh* But it's by Joss. I guess I'll try it out."

Then, first episode, Serenity goes to Full Burn for the first time. I was as in love with it as much as Buffy, and slightly more than Angel.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 3:39 PM


I'm ashamed to say that I missed the show when it was on TV the first time...Please forgive me, I've repented. I first saw the Serenity trailers and then got interested in the whole thing. I decide to go and buy the series on DVD and where I live NOONE had it. Henceforth I was on a mission! I ordered it online and fell in love within the first few minutes. It was definately the most interesting show I'd ever seen, and I loved the way all the characters were so well developed. Since then I've seen the movie,for which there are no words...sigh...and I've been watching the DVDs over and over and over get it. Anyway I love it and I'm glad to see so many other people feel the same! (Also Nathan pretty much had me speechless...sigh...)

"Explain to me again why Zoe wasn't in the dress?" "Tactics, woman."..(Mal & Inara in OMR) ...."My food is problematic."..(River in the Message)


Thursday, November 17, 2005 3:57 PM


This is my first post, and I feel like I have to appologize. I never watched Firefly when it originally aired.

When I saw the trailer for "Serentiy" and decided to see it when it came out. In the meantime, Sci-Fi started airing the shows leading up to the premier. I only saw the end of "Out of Gas" when Mal first sees Serentiy - and I was hooked!

Then I saw "Shindig" and part of "The Message" before the movie came out. Then it snowballed from there - the movie was awesome, then I ordered the series DVD, then the big crash knowing that when I watched "Objects in SPace" that I'd seen all there is to Firefly and Serenity in the Verse.

I really hope the make another movie, or dare I hope, to restart the series on Sci-Fi or something...Great show! Great movie! And sorry again that I missed it on the first tour!

I'll end by thanking the original fans that did what it took to get the movie made...Cheers!


Thursday, November 17, 2005 4:47 PM



Originally posted by DonCoat:
For me it was the Friday night in 2002 when "The Train Job" first aired. I swallowed the hook almost immediately and watched the whole episode with great enjoyment.

Then Mal kicked Crow through the engine. I jumped out of my chair, yelling. Good thing I don't have a cat, or it would've had a cow. At that moment, the hook was set, and it hasn't worked loose yet.

Yep. That was it for me, also.

My wife was a little miffed by the whole jumping and yelling thing, but she's used to me doing weird stuff...



Thursday, November 17, 2005 5:00 PM


The EW ( I belive it was EW, might have been StarLong or similar mag) article on Firefly a few months before "Train Job" aired. It seemed at the time (and is evident now) a good take on the future and I was impressed by the characters talked about. Mal, Wash, Book, Zoe and Jayne were touched on in the article if I remember right.

"I aim to misbehave"
I am:


Thursday, November 17, 2005 5:17 PM


I saw Firefly first on SciFi, and fell in love, instantly!

Got the DVD's and watched them, and when I got to the closing scenes of "Out of Gas" I was a gone goslin'!

Mal leaves me breathless, I love Serenity and would love to call her home if that was possible. Silly I know, but I love this 'verse, and I think I'm so addicted I'll just never leave, thank you.

Let me also say thank you to all the first Browncoats for being here and doing what it took to get us all the BDM!!!! We new fans owe you such a debt of gratitude.

"It's just an object. It doesn't
mean what you think." -River Tam


Thursday, November 17, 2005 5:20 PM


Unlike a lot of people, I never got to watch the show when it first aired on Fox. Little backstory: I had just gotten into BtVS that summer 2002 and so on FX watching reruns, I'd seen the preview for Firefly a couple times. It looked interesting, but it being on Friday nights, I never got to sit down and watch it. This was back when I had a life on Friday nights. But when the show was cancelled, I remember hearing about it and hearing how devistated Joss was about it.

So fast-forward to Spring 2004, when Angel was airing its last few eps. I kept hearing on this forum I used to belong to about Adam Baldwin's character, that they would not call him Hamilton, they'd call him Jayne. This made me more interested in checking out Firefly.

October 2004, I finally decided to get this DVD set, to finally see what everyone else was talking about with this show. Picked it up, popped in the first disc, and the magic started. I was hooked by the time Simon started telling the crew about him and River in the pilot.

The hook is still here and its never coming out.

"Yeah, well its LA. The evil is just probably stuck in traffic" -Cordelia

"There were about 100 people at Shellie's party - ninety-eight of them would walk over my corpse for a piece of free gum." ~ Veronica Mars


Thursday, November 17, 2005 5:22 PM


the first episode and i fell in love i think i realy annoyed my friends talking about it everything was awsome for me. I havent seen the move yet though


Thursday, November 17, 2005 5:22 PM


I got interested in the show around the time of it's appearance on FOX, but it dissappeared before I could actually watch it. The movie rekindled my interest and I tried to get a marathon of it on Sci-Fi a few days before the movie came out.

"I'm thinking you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schoolin', so why don't we just ignore each other 'til we go away"-Mal


Thursday, November 17, 2005 6:37 PM


You know, its interesting: I don't remember the exact point I went from liking Firefly to loving it. I didn't realize I loved it when I saw it on TV but I guess I must have, because when I first saw the DVD set you would've thought I'd just found the Holy Grail. My reaction was just total joy and a feeling that I'd just found something really special. So I guess I loved it before I knew I did.

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Thursday, November 17, 2005 7:07 PM


I loved Firefly from the first moment of the first commercial I saw on Fox. I actually did that sharp intake of breath thing. And I'm not even sure just struck me instantly as different and SMART and incredibly thoughtful (as in very thought-out).

Thanks to Fox, I only saw a handful of the episodes because I was always out swing dancing on Friday nights. I never did quite figure out what was going on. But I was in love....sigh. :)

I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit that I had not heard of Joss Wheadon before Firefly. Afterwards, of course, I became addicted to Buffy and Angel.

It's my job to incite powerful yearning in the hearts and loins of my clients. No, silly, I'm not a Companion...I work at an advertising agency.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 7:24 PM


Much like the time I was given a 1st edition boxed set of the LOTR - and returned it because I "wasn't into fantasy," I saw the previews on Fox & thought "ugh. diluting pristine sci-fi w/ hokey western. no thanks." Took years in both cases for me to wish for a time machine to go back & kick my own ass! Had a girlfriend in '03/04 who was a Buffy fanatic tho, & she introduced me to Joss, so when another friend later recommended and lent me disk 1 of the series, I watched them in order, hounded him for the rest of the disks, then bought my own set asap. I'd become a fan, as in fanatic. I later talked that same (now ex-) girlfriend out of a preview ticket she'd promised someone else, left my fiancee home, & saw Serenity on 8/30 w/ my ex-girlfriend & four other friends (it wasn't that perilous, my fiancee & my ex are friends, and my fiancee didn't finally become a browncoat until last wknd, when I finally got her to watch the pilot - she spent the whole holiday wknd in bed watching the series btw). So yeah, I missed the original airing, and I've never had SciFi on cable so I missed the reruns too. But on the bright side I've never watched an episode w/ commercials, nor had my Friday spoiled by a pre-emption. My only regret, other than the tenuous future of the 'verse, is that I've only seen the BDM once. 33 days. . .

"Maybe I'm Santa Claus, come down the chimney with presents for all the good girls and boys. But maybe not; maybe I've always been here."


Thursday, November 17, 2005 7:27 PM


When did I fall in love?

First, you have to understand that I hated it. I'd never seen more than 20 seconds of the pilot episode when it aired on Fox. (In my own defense, there were extenuating circumstances regarding an ex-boyfriends girlfriend etc etc.)

Then the DVDs came out and my boyfriend was all "You gotta see this! No! You gotta see this." He left the dvds with me for a week. I didn't watch them. He got offended.

Then Serenity came out. "You gotta see this! You GOTTA see this."

FINE! FINE! Take me to see the stupid movie.
I was grouchy. I hated it already. Didn't care at all.

And then...omigod, you cannot understand...and then Wash said,
"Oh god, oh god, we're all gonna die?"

and Mal got on the intercom and told everyone they were most likely gonna explode. !

And THEN Jayne, may he blessed, said, "We're gonna explode? I don't wanna explode!"

And Zoe said, "We crashin' again?"
And Mal said, "Talk to your husband."

And I knew.
I had found Serenity, and I was never gonna leave.

Unfortunately, theaters frown on that. Especially when they're trying to take the film out of the reel and you're trying to put it back in. They tend to get techy about that. Go figure.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 8:04 PM


Good story SameErtia!
It's such a happy thing that FF is airing on SciFi channel again, hooking lots more little red and blue fish who might have missed Serenity in the theaters.

Thanks to viral marketing...SERENITY: reopening soon in a theater near you.
Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Thursday, November 17, 2005 8:20 PM


I had a buddy ask me to go see Serenity. I asked him the 1000.00 question everybody asked, What's it about?? He really didnt know, he just saw the trailer and thought it looked good. He told me some other people described it to him and he thought about giving it a chance. So I said ok. Lets give it a try. Now there are 2 times in my life where movies have had a big impression on my life. 1. When my Dad took me to see the 1st Star Wars in 1977. Changed my life. The whole trilogy did, as with everybody else. 2. When I saw Serenity. It was so full of humor, characters, and action. It made me a Browncoat over night. I went out and bought the Firefly DVD and watched them all and still do. I am so hungry for more. Sadly it looks like there wont be much more anytime soon. I am burned out on Star Wars, Star Trek and SciFi in general. So I am glad Firefly/Serenity came along give my borning scifi life a boost.



Thursday, November 17, 2005 10:34 PM


I remember seeing the commercials for Firefly and remember thinking "Oh wow, I gotta watch that." But since they hardly promote it much I sort of forgot, I know, Bad Fallen Angel, BAD! Saw bits and peices of Serenity and Train Job skipped over to War Stories and then skip over to Objects In Space and then they were no more.

Fastforward to many, many months back. Looked up Joss Whedon on IMDB and found out that he found out he did Firefly." Oh yeah, I remember that show." Learned it got axed and he was going to continue it with Serenity and from then on I got hooked. Started watching the dvds by way of Netflix and I have been a proud fan ever since.

The End.

[ITALIC] I swear by my pretty floral Bonnet, I *will* end you.


Friday, November 18, 2005 11:54 AM


Hook, line and sinker

Our two teenage sons started watching and taping Firefly over the summer. As soon as they found out about the movie, they started a countdown to the movie release. The first Saturday it was out, our whole family drove an hour to get to a theater showing the film. We (ages 12-50+)all LOVED it!

My husband and I particularly liked the music but the! It was like the old Han Solo in the barroom scene - fun, witty repartee. And new life began.....

I ordered the DVD's and watched the first DVD straight through. I could barely stand to wait for the next evening and watched 5 episodes and was a zombie at work the next day. Meanwhile, our 14 year-old daughter got hooked and now she can stand being in the same room with me if I am watching a "Firefly" episode! Just bought the companion book and pre-ordered the "Serenity" DVD so my next few weeks are taken care of.

Last Friday night, we all watched Out of Gas together. It is so nice to be able to find something we all agree on.

Great series!....figures it was canceled!

Thank you browncoats for supporting the series and helping to make the movie a reality!



Friday, November 18, 2005 12:15 PM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
And I knew.
I had found Serenity, and I was never gonna leave.

Unfortunately, theaters frown on that. Especially when they're trying to take the film out of the reel and you're trying to put it back in. They tend to get techy about that. Go figure.

Lol. That's fantastic. I can just imagine someone doing that.

"Get out of here!"

"No, you don't understand! I have to watch MORE!"

"Give me that!"

Hehehe. Good story btw. We'll forgive you for not watching it right away.

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Friday, November 18, 2005 12:26 PM



Originally posted by DonCoat:
Well, I'm not a 'u', but...

For me it was the Friday night in 2002 when "The Train Job" first aired. I swallowed the hook almost immediately and watched the whole episode with great enjoyment.

I was there on opening night as well. My Buffy and Angel upbringing suggested I would enjoy a new Whedon creation. My main concern going in was "if it's 500 years in the future, how will the characters make pop culture references?"... a staple of Whedon's writing style.

'The Train Job' didn't end up being my favorite episode of Firefly, but the following moments cemented my allegiance to the show in that opening hour:


"I didn't fight in no war. Best of luck to you."

"Sir, I think you have a problem with your brain being missing."

Mal learns he just robbed the common folk of their meds... "Son of a bitch!"

"Would HIS job be available?"

The whole Jayne gets doped scene.

The big caucasian Maori guy gets kicked into the engine... "right there with you! best thing for everybody!"

The altruistic return of the meds. "A man has a choice." "I don't believe he does."

I also loved the special effects. From the interactive video desk to the train with Serenity swooping in on top of it.

The show won me over instantly. I shouldn't have feared: Joss adapted his writing style to suit the needs of the show perfectly.

I only wish Kaylee could have had a line about having to clean up the mess in the engine after Mal put someone through it!



Saturday, November 19, 2005 7:18 AM


I think thats what does it the characters and how well they interact you can see so moch life in them


Saturday, November 19, 2005 7:22 AM


i find my self also addicted to this 'vers. want it to go on for ever.


Saturday, November 19, 2005 10:29 AM


When I went to Best Buy to purchase a copy of the first third of Forever Knight and saw the price tag. I remember saying something about how the studio was smoking crack if it expected a lot of fans to buy the set at that price and moved on when I saw this show by Joss Whedon that I didn't even know that he had done. I bought it, took it home and have enjoyed it ever since.

"You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals."--George Mikes


Saturday, November 19, 2005 10:30 AM


Close to yours I heard about the movie and then the program, I loved it couldn't stop watching and then I had seen them all.
I loved the message and there is my favourite character Bendas
“I wanted your beans.”

Im watching that

I don't think they covered that in basic






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