Making a Firefly episode ourselves

UPDATED: Tuesday, May 2, 2006 23:22
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Sunday, November 20, 2005 4:15 PM


Wow!!! my first Double post ever!! I feel special.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 4:27 PM


That sounds pretty good.

So, let's set up a chat on the yahoo site. I'll go through this thread and find all the people interested in writing, and send them to the yahoo site. There we can set up a chat, maybe sometime later this week? In the chat, we can toss around ideas, create characters, figure out what kind of pilot we should make to introduce them all and also have all the great elements of stand-alone story-telling (you know, so we can make one episode that we can expand on and make more episodes, but if we only work on filming one, that's fine.) Then, when we have the basic idea for the pilot, we can choose someone to write the script. I think it should be someone who has the best grip on the way the characters should talk (all westerny and such) and more importantly, the time and dedication to write the whole thing out, and the ability to write it in a way everyone else can easily understand. That person can send updates to the base site (the yahoo one so far) and the rest of the writers can work in their opinions and suggestions.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 4:28 PM


My thought is that we agree on a background and characters. Then everyone writes 2 or 3 plot ideas which we then cull (reject those we cant film, amalgamate two or three if that works) Then we commision 3 scripts and pair off writers to work on them. We pick the best and tune it, keep the other two in case we need a followon


Sunday, November 20, 2005 4:28 PM


Firestalker, i agree. Having one script will be more organized, and save any confusion. Do you have the basic story\characters penned out?

Also, Great plan NOTABUS. We do need to get a chat time sorted out.

-------Huge Fan of:---------
Andromeda (Early Seasons)


Sunday, November 20, 2005 4:33 PM


Oh and we cant start out with a pre-existing Firefly script and adapt it, not if we want to make the characters interesting on their own.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 5:19 PM


Sounds interesting.

My $0.02 ...

-- To the writers putting together scripts: May I recommend the Serenity RPG? (see: It gives a whole host of character notions and plot devices. Also makes a good tech Bible for folks sorting out what's what in the lockers of the 'verse.

-- Doing a Firefly set might be a touch difficult without a LOT of building. Some people have already touched on the difficulties. Perhaps our BDH might be crew of a different kind of ship... still a tramp frieghter, or the like, but with a cargo bay that might be easier to film (dress out a warehouse somewhere? You'll need a space to film interior sets anywhoo...)

This looks *shiny*. I'll be following with some interest -- and might could be I can lend a hand, if it's anywhere near where I live.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 5:27 PM


Okay, I'm going to put my ideas out there:

First, what I think is concrete so far-
The story is about the former crew of the Serenity.

Everyone seems to be agreeing that it will take place right after the civil war, but I think it would be more interesting if it took place before the war started. The ship was sitting in the junkyard for a long time before Mal saw it. It sat there, unwanted, for years. Then one day, he looked up and fell in love.

And then, we can incorporate the scientist who worked on Miranda better, because that whole thing happened, what, like ten years before the time period in Serenity. The war ended 7 years before Serenity. My question: How long was the war? A year, two, three? Ten? I doubt that. It doesn't seem like it was an incredibly long war, but definitely some years on it. I think I need to research more into the already extablished Firefly 'Verse.

Themes important to the script:
Secrets and Destiny.

I think keeping that in my mind will help fuel us along.

NOW, on to my ideas:

It's before the Alliance/Independent war. A used Firefly class ship, slightly beat up, but only a few years old. Fireflies are great smuggler ships, and this particular one is bought by some. Smugglers, that is.

Who are these smugglers? Let's see, what's necessary in a crew to fly a ship:
The captain - the person who bought the ship. Maybe someone who was raised in core planets, but for some reason has runaway to the border planets because they long for adventure.
The pilot - Maybe in our crew, the pilot can be the one who's friends with the captain before they buy the ship. Whoever the captain is, they have this friend who is trained in aviation, which gives the captain the idea to become a smuggler and have a ship in the first place.
The mechanic - This is the person the captain and the pilot had to search for and convince to be on their ship before they ever first got it off the ground. Once they found the mechanic, they accepted jobs and started flying around the 'Verse.

I think the original crew should stay at these three, a skeleton crew trying to eke a living with little experience in smuggling but plenty of connections on the "street." The pilot that we are working on will start after they've gotten together and start getting involved in capers, meeting people who reluctantly come onto their ship in need of sanctuary or something. I'm only going off on this smuggling thing because it's been stated that Fireflies are perfect for smuggling. But we can go off another direction. Maybe it was used purely as a transport ship. The crew of the ship is honest and hardworking, and having to cow-tow to their shady boarders.

I think a setting we should defintely use is Haven, since it was so wonderfully introduced to us in Serenity.

I also think we should meet a young Zoe, because I have a 20 year old friend who is practically the spitting image of Gina Torres.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 5:36 PM


I have compiled a list of 16 people on this thread interested in being part of the writing crew (correct me if I'm wrong):


I will be sending messages to the people on this list, and others on my other list for those interested in being crew.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 5:43 PM


Ok, Notabus. Im tossing a few idea's around myself, and would be interested in sharing them.

-------Huge Fan of:---------
Andromeda (Early Seasons)


Sunday, November 20, 2005 5:52 PM


Okay. I'm downloading Yahoo messenger so we can all chat easily on the Firefly Lives page.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 6:13 PM


Well scripts writen by commitee are rarely good scripts. The more hands a script tends to pass through the worse it gets. My suggesting is still that we settle on a crew and a background and then let people pitch ideas. We then pair off writers to turn the best script ideas into a script.

Why? Because the best idea may not come from the best writer, and we have far more people willing to write than we have need of. We could just set one person on the job and tell the others to go home, we could have 12 people all arguing for their characters, their setting and their story. We could have arguments as to if this or that is a good idea. Alternatively we can give all the writers a chance to forward ideas and if a good idea comes from someone with limited experience pair that person with someone else who is stronger.

We loose nothing that way because it will take us a year to get ready and film this thing and do the CGI. I would rather have an episode in the can and 5 or six scripts waiting production than loose the writers we have because we told them no thanks.

Also, if we only ever make one but have 5 or more additional scripts we leave something more to the fandom than if 12 people cant finish the pilot.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 6:18 PM


I won't get in y'alls way during writing - believe, I'd just be a pain in the ass - but I'd like to have some input when there's something on paper. Just to write a review or something like it.

"We want to put you in a safehouse, where you'll be safe."
-- Ryan Templer, Graduate Massacre


Sunday, November 20, 2005 6:27 PM


Fletch, that's actually exactly what I'm thinking, more or less. My list was just for people who have expressed interest. I don't expect all of them to really get involved, but I'm contacting them all so that we can see what they have to offer. Mainly so that we'll have a big idea generator. I'm trying to position myself so that I can help weed out all the things that make strong characters, but not give too much in the way of specific characters. Except for that I do want to steer at least one character towards my traits, I want to act in this.

I'm trying to send people to the Yahoo site. I want to find those who truly are interested in making this a reality. I've been involved in to many play and film endeavors that fall through to know that even though someone expresses interest, that doesn't mean they have the follow-through.

First we find those with follow-through, then we find those with writing strength and we find the strongest story, the strongest characters. Then we can start on the script.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 6:41 PM


Personally I'd rather have it take place after the war, even if that limits us to a "3 year" run time. First, Mal proves that the effects of war can make for interesting characters. This is a character driven show and technical limitations mean that a fan production will need to focus even more on characters.

In my opinion Mal has more depth than Han Solo. If I have to write about one of them then Mal would be my choice. A crew with at least one veteran would allow us to explore themes from the Unification War, one of the big themes of Firefly. Leave that out and we may as well tell stories about the former owners of teh Millenium Falcon.

As to the Dr and Miranda, "Serenity" takes place around 2518 (rough estimate because the only real clue as to how long it's been since "Objects in Space" comes from Mal's conversation with Simon.) That means the Alliance was advertising for people to go to Miranda about 2506 which is the year the Unification War started. There is no time for our Dr to have left the core and gone to the Rim before the War starts. If we want to use the Dr to bring in that thread it has to be either just as the war starts or just after.

A warzone is a great place to hide in.... lots of displaced persons to mingle with, lots of other folk hiding.... you could easily keep out of Alliance reach with all that going on.

Mal buys Serenity in 2512 according to the timeline (except he couldn't have because he was interred after the war.) Since we will never give exact dates we can potentially string out the ownership by our guys of Serenity to two years.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 6:52 PM


We can't afford to write for one person, and in my opinion if you intend to act in this you should recuse yourself from writing it. There is too big a temptation to Mary-Jane a character if you know you are going to play it. If you come into this intending to stear a script so you can be included I'd say no. I'd rather write the script with nobody in mind and then adapt it to fit the strongest actors than start out giving someone a shoe in. Fan films that suck have two characteristics in my opinion.

1) Fanish scripts -- ideas fans find attractive hardly ever work well when filmed.

2) Poor fan actors. If I found out that the guy in the UK was a damned good actor I would rather fly him out here on my money than use the guy that stinks that lives down the road. I certainly wouldnt give a fan an acting part just on the basis he has the costume.

So we write what's best for the episode and if you fit a part (or it can be made to fit you) AND you can act, then you get it.

In real television parts are sometimes extended because an actor shines in a guest role or because a certain character clicks with the public. I think it would be good to have at least one "joining" character in the first one. That character almost by design is easier to fit with the established core because they have no history with them.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 7:09 PM


Well, you're right. But, with a little defensiveness, I don't care what kind of role I have, just as long as I have one. It can be on the crew, it can not, just as long as there is some young female role, mainly because I know I am a talented actress with ten years of experience under my belt, and that talent should be exploited. When I think of steering a role in any certain direction, I'm mainly thinking of how I want to use my southern accent. Of course, I expect most of my ideas to get shot down. There are so many possibilities out there, I know mine will hardly, if ever, be the strongest.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 7:44 PM


Oh I understand. Let me give you an example. If you look at my specimen crew above you can probably see that "Amy Frost" is the female character who will have some of the more complex interactions, in this crew she's both Zoe and River to Will's Mal/Simon and she's the girl that Joss is secretly sweet on. She may be called on to play a touching scene with Will and then completely miss Joss's ham fisted attempt to talk to her. Now a writer working with those characters will initially write to the character's strengths because prior to casting that's all you have to work on.

Now if later you auditioned for that role and aced it but you don't look like an Amy Frost or you have talents she doesnt have we can call the character something different and tweek it to better fit with the actor we have. In fact I suspect we'll have to do that because the one thing we will certainly be short of is lead acting talent.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 8:16 PM


I think Notabus and Flech2 are both right--we've got to be careful the actors don't write the script and hold real audtions (that way the actors won't be as hurt if they don't get a certain part too 'cause they won't have written it), and we also want to be sure that we get the best gorram actors we can and that could be the people with the most experience. I'm a fan of real auditions held before a small group of people :) Did you know that Walt Disney used to sit behind a screen when he auditioned voices so he wouldn't be prejudiced by what someone looked like? A piece of trivia to lighten the mood. We're going to be in this a long time and I certainly would regret ruffled feathers! I'm in love with everyone in this thread just for talking about these exciting prospects!

As for ghost towns, there's a GREAT one in Eastern California called Body where Mark Twain once hung out. It's a pretty depressing run-down place, but there's more than plenty enough streets left to film a believable town scene in! It's run by the State Park service and is open year-round I believe. Just another suggestion for the location list. The person who first thought "ghost town" for location was brilliant!

And here's another weird thought, I'm a member of a Civil War reenacting group--I wonder if we'd be able to convince some of them to help with a battle scene! That's of course way down the road and only necessary if we have it during the war, but it's certainly something to add to the list. These guys like playing with guns and know their safety. Also, I'm a caller for 1800's dancing so if we have a ball scene like "Shindig" I could get those reenactors in their fancy garb... Ok, I should stop spouting ideas that are totally useless until a script is written! (zipping mouth shut).



Sunday, November 20, 2005 8:21 PM


Well, I was chatting with a couple people on the yahoo page, and you know, we shouldn't even bother thinking about anything else but the writing. We should create our characters out of themselves, because we might never get to the filming part. I hope we do, and I'll keep trying until we do, but as MUSTHAVEMOREFIREFLY told me, we should take it one step at a time.

The next step I will take is to go through this thread and write down all the ideas that have been posted and reorganize it on the yahoo page.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 8:24 PM


Amylisai- Thanks so much for all your input. I'm so glad you're a part of this. You have talents that I think are a rarity, and I love your enthusiasm. And guess what, I live near you!! I know exactly where Petaluma is, I used to go to the Phoenix all the time. Right now, I'm in Menlo Park, in the South Bay, but I used to live in Santa Rosa.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 9:33 PM


Just to clarify quickly the "Ghost Town" I was talking about around here is a Western Themed Haloween attraction not a real life place. The buildings look real enough for an old Western town to be filmed in. I think Civil war reenactors would be a great help if we could get them interested, we don't need uniforms as much as folk with decent Western garb --- both men and women--- they could really flesh out a croud scene even without actually doing any fighting.

Amylisai could you enquire if the Park Service would let us film in their ghost town and the times of year it would be available?


Sunday, November 20, 2005 10:33 PM


Hey guys

I'm new in the firefly universe, but I'm very excited about this idea you have here.

I have a very limited experience in the independent film industry, but I would literally kill to be involved with creating anything firefly oriented. My brain ain't working so well seeing as it's sunday night but i've got some ideas i'd love to share about making a firefly episode independently. I'm jotting them down now so i can come up with a longer sort of treatment as to how something like this could be approached, or at least from my limited perspective of how making movies/tv works as i've experienced it thus far.

I'll try and post again when i'm not half-asleep, but I'd just like to say that so far my heart is telling me that the idea of doing our own firefly episode is so awesomely crazy, that it can't possibly fail.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 10:36 PM


Ok... now i feel bad.....

I started something that I hadn't put too much thought into, not expecting it to be taken so seriously. Not to say that I'm not serious, I'm just surprised, usually people just laugh and move on when i post an idea anywhere.

As such I haven't really thought too much about organization [not my best quality]. I'm very creative and can spout out ideas like no tomorrow.... and I have a little bit of skill in writing stories [not screenplays but I hear their about the same].

I would love to be part of the writing staff for the pilot and subsequent episodes. I've dabbled in the CGI areas a little bit, but mostly 3DS Max and only inanimate objects. I'm pretty good with animating, but I'm a terrible modeler. My real strength is writing.

I was also thinking that when it's all finished the people that worked on it and helped finance it [if they want to.... no one that works on this should be expecting to get paid, everyone should know that what you put into the show will not be given back] should get together and maybe make a interview like thing to get their thoughts and comments on making the episode/series. Kinda like a DVD special feature. How does that sound?

But to reiterate what I was trying to get too.... I know I got sidetracked.... I want to be part of the pilot episode writing team. I'm agian very sorry that I start this thread without any forethought to the fact that it would be this popular and that i had no ideas or scripts to pitch you guys.

But I would like to make up for it by helping with writing the pilot episode.

"You know what the definition of a hero is? Someone that gets other people killed.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 10:54 PM


Don't worry about it, Firestalker. That's usually how these kind of things start. Someone has an idea, and everybody else runs with it.

Check out the yahoo page, I posted a re-summarizing of your ideas, and some other great things others have posted here. I'm really hoping that the yahoo page will help everyone to band together and make it easier for us to organize things. So make sure you keep checking up at

You can't take the sky from me.


Monday, November 21, 2005 5:23 AM


We've got 18 people signed up the the Yahoo group now - from prop-masters to cgi artists. I think so far its going pretty well, remember if you are interested in working on the project, sign up to the yahoo group today!

-------Huge Fan of:---------
Andromeda (Early Seasons)


Monday, November 21, 2005 10:46 AM


Awesome! We do need to map at some point where every body lives :) At some point down the road though... I have to keep reining it in :) Yeah, calling is kinda rare, but's it's so much fun! As is sewing. yay for old fashioned fun combined with futuristic action. wohoo

PS Very good mood today, if that wasn't obvious. Yay Firefly!



Monday, November 21, 2005 10:54 AM


Hey Flech,
Good idea, I was already thinking I should contact the good folks at Body (the rangers live up there in the MIDDLE OF NO AND WHERE all year! lonely, cold existence...) and find out what the months of operation are and if this is feasible--just a light feeler. Your place sounds good though, 'cause we already know it's a commercial enterprise. I'd bet they wouldn't mind picking up some extra money during the not-Halloween season!

The reenactors would probably be easy to get in on this 'cause they get together once a month for events anyway, and they've all got that period garb! So yes, they'd be great as extras. We can always bring some Chinese-ish and other time-period costuming and props along too to very it like they did in Firefly.

I'm gonna just throw something out too--perhaps we should think of doing ONE "episode" story. Some people have suggested we write multiple episodes. I think this will be hard enough to pull off without embarking on multiple projects! If we aim for one and don't expect Firefly level perfection, we may actually finish it. Just a thought. I do have a life, really :)

PS Flech, are you by any long-shot chance related to Flechette who is the Cook of the Destiny Flying crew?

Cheers, Amy


Monday, November 21, 2005 12:38 PM


Heres an idea, the pilot of our crew could've worked for Trans-U before it shut down? If you remember, In the pilot of firefly, wash says the Reavers are in an older model trans-u, to which Mal says somthing like "Did'nt they stop operating?"

Lets say that Trans-U was a large interplanetary passenger service that shut down due to a Reaver attack on their fleet of vessels. The govenment forced Trans-U to lie and say that they had gone Bankrupt to keep the Reavers a secret. She was a pilot for one of the vessels when the fleet came under attack, and managed to escape. She knows about the Reavers, But nobody else does.

-------Huge Fan of:---------
Andromeda (Early Seasons)


Monday, November 21, 2005 12:49 PM


*pokes head into thread*

This is just an idea that I'm gonna throw on the table, dunno if anyone suggested it or not . . .
But what about a crew of Reaver hunters who are trying to track down River cuz they want her on their crew? You know, they found out about what she did on Miranda and need her help. That way, it'd be linked to Firefly but you wouldn't actually need to have the Firefly crew. Just a thought.

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Monday, November 21, 2005 7:17 PM


Browntrousers, I think that is an AWESOME idea.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005 2:03 AM


*wipes forehead*


Alright, it's been a while coming, but here it is: the Firefly fanfilm website

It's depressingly empty so far - so many empty links - but as we progress, I'll add to it. If anyone has anything they think should be added, drop me an email.

It's 1am. I'm going to bed. Goodnight everyone.

"We want to put you in a safehouse, where you'll be safe."
-- Ryan Templer, Graduate Massacre


Tuesday, November 22, 2005 5:33 AM


Thats fantastic, Khalor, thanks a LOT. I've posted a message at the yahoo group, letting people know about it. I am about to register at the forum.

Thanks again!

-------Huge Fan of:---------
Andromeda (Early Seasons)


Tuesday, November 22, 2005 5:38 AM



wow, nice!!

My goodness this looks like a real project now, we even have a website.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005 10:07 PM


EVERYBODY! Check this out:

Thanks,Khalor, you rock my socks!


Thursday, November 24, 2005 3:29 PM


This project is coming together nicely


Thursday, January 26, 2006 2:41 AM


Bouncing this up.

Progress notes.

1) Started work on CGI sets
2) First clips of "serenity" model in flight
3) Characters and timeline finalised

Coming soon,

A script for a 60 - 80 minute pilot episode.
Promotional posters and handouts about our crew.


Monday, May 1, 2006 6:13 AM


Just a little update in this thread:

Check us out.

"You know what the definition of a hero is? Someone that gets other people killed."


Monday, May 1, 2006 6:16 AM


I've seen a few fanfictions that would make excellent episodes. One of my favorites is Reliance by Roseveare. If that isn't a Firefly episode, I don't know what is.

At last.
We can retire and give up
this life of crime.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 7:08 AM


sounds good. has really good stories, course you would need their permission


*Firefly is my escape, it doesnt work to tell people about firefly because i get too excited and scare them away, i have to set a trap!
One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.
On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 7:46 AM


same as some other people got some computer skills but I’m more of a concept guy

If there is a fair number of people in the UK like me we could always split in to separate groups to work on it

And on fan films



Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:55 AM


Thanks, Bendas, most of us have seen 'Mosquito', as well as 'Waiting for Serenity' - good little films, but we're trying for something a little bit more 'up there'.

We have people in the team from all over - due to the bulk being in the USA, that's probably going to be where filming is done. But we've discussed the idea of having a 'second unit' in the UK, and with things like CGI and concepts, you can help no matter where you are.

Best thing to do is to sign up over at our forum, and let us know you're interested. Thanks!

"We want to put you in a safehouse, where you'll be safe."
-- Ryan Templer, Graduate Massacre


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 5:41 PM


I apologize that I haven't read this entire thread, but I wanted to let you know that I can act a bit. I kinda look like Simon (well, same build anyway). I live in Northern Utah. I can write a bit as well. The thing I'm best at (it's a curse) is proof-reading. I'm studying CGI at college, but I'm really not very far into it. Message me if you need anything.

"We may experience some slight turbulence, and then... explode."


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:23 PM


Hey, Im game. Although I aint very good at CGI (actually I think the correct phrasing is "I suck"), I do however think I might be able to write something, look over scripts and do such things. Wish I could participate more directly with acting, directing or producing but since I live somewhat on the fringe from other Browncoats that would prove to be hard.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:23 PM


Hey, Im game. Although I aint very good at CGI (actually I think the correct phrasing is "I suck"), I do however think I might be able to write something, look over scripts and do such things. Wish I could participate more directly with acting, directing or producing but since I live somewhat on the fringe from other Browncoats that would prove to be hard.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:23 PM


Hey, Im game. Although I aint very good at CGI (actually I think the correct phrasing is "I suck"), I do however think I might be able to write something, look over scripts and do such things. Wish I could participate more directly with acting, directing or producing but since I live somewhat on the fringe from other Browncoats that would prove to be hard.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:23 PM


Hey, Im game. Although I aint very good at CGI (actually I think the correct phrasing is "I suck"), I do however think I might be able to write something, look over scripts and do such things. Wish I could participate more directly with acting, directing or producing but since I live somewhat on the fringe from other Browncoats that would prove to be hard.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:23 PM


Hey, Im game. Although I aint very good at CGI (actually I think the correct phrasing is "I suck"), I do however think I might be able to write something, look over scripts and do such things. Wish I could participate more directly with acting, directing or producing but since I live somewhat on the fringe from other Browncoats that would prove to be hard.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:23 PM


Hey, Im game. Although I aint very good at CGI (actually I think the correct phrasing is "I suck"), I do however think I might be able to write something, look over scripts and do such things. Wish I could participate more directly with acting, directing or producing but since I live somewhat on the fringe from other Browncoats that would prove to be hard.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:43 PM


Just saw the fanmovie; Waiting for Serenity at, was kinda funny actually.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:43 PM


Just saw the fanmovie; Waiting for Serenity at, was kinda funny actually.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:43 PM


Just saw the fanmovie; Waiting for Serenity at, was kinda funny actually.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:43 PM


Just saw the fanmovie; Waiting for Serenity at, was kinda funny actually.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:43 PM


Just saw the fanmovie; Waiting for Serenity at, was kinda funny actually.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:43 PM


Just saw the fanmovie; Waiting for Serenity at, was kinda funny actually.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 11:22 PM


There's nothing wrong with being on the fringe!

I'm in New Zealand, and have only ever run into one other browncoat from these boards...

But there were a whole lotta fans waiting for Jewel at the Expo in Wellington.


But I digress.

Point is, there's nothing wrong with being on the fringe. Or something.

Anyway. If you think you've got something to bring to the writing, join up at our forum and lend a hand! There's quite a few things to be written...

"We want to put you in a safehouse, where you'll be safe."
-- Ryan Templer, Graduate Massacre






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