Wondering what sort of fans Firefly attracts?

UPDATED: Thursday, July 26, 2007 11:16
VIEWED: 22352
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Monday, June 23, 2003 9:21 AM


Hello, everyone.
I've been lurking around here since Firefly started showing in the UK - came looking for Chinese translations, and now I'm hooked into the boards, as well as the show!

I'm just wondering if I'm a 'fish out of water' here (as I usually seem to be in SF circles - don't fall in the right demographic!)

I'm a female in my mid-forties, a mother and a scientist (not working atm).

I enjoy watching Star Trek (all series!), Buffy and Angel, 24 etc. I also enjoy reading SF, mostly the older 'classic' authors - Heinlein, Asimov, Clarke, Wyndham, and the newer writers who follow in the same tradition.

My previous 'big love' was X-Files. That was the only TV show I bothered to tape (and then buy videos and DVD's) to watch and re-watch.

It was when I started to feel the need to re-watch Firefly eps that I realised that I had found my replacement for X-Files. I have Sky+ (like Tivo), so it was easy to re-watch - and now all the eps so far are safely on tape to keep.

What is it about Firefly that makes each ep worth re-watching? I don't know - but intelligent dialogue, interesting sets with lots to see in the background, and a storyline that keeps me wanting the next ep are certainly part of it.

I just wish that the joy of discovery had not been coloured by the knowledge, from the start, that it would be a short-lived pleasure....

So - does anyone else here share my interests, or am I alone (not that I'd either stop watching or visiting here even if I am!)


Monday, June 23, 2003 10:12 AM


Well, I can tell you I'm a male teenager and I know a few others(that I've made fans ;)) as well as older people.

I've heard various places that firefly actually does attract more than the 18-30 male range or whatever it is they talk about so much. Much more, so I don't think you're alone ;)


Monday, June 23, 2003 10:17 AM


What kind of fans does Firefly attract?

The sexy kind.

History repeats the old conceits


Monday, June 23, 2003 10:44 AM


Glad to meet ya, Ruthie.

I've been enjoying science fiction since about 1967...5th grade or so. There were these fascinating puppet shows with spaceships, wondermous events about astronauts going to the moon, and I was hooked. Conan the Barbarian, Robby the Robot, Gandalf the Gray, and Lazarus Long were a few of the characters that I came to love over the years, and Mr. Spock has long been a hero of mine (Pain is an illusion of the mind, the mind can be controlled, thus pain can be controlled ).

Don't feel left out, Ruthie; you and I are the keepers of the flame, passed to us by Carpenter and Astounding and 'When Worlds Collide'. These other kids didn't have to imagine epic battles between space armadas, or the creepy transformations of aliens and werewolves ... they've seen it, in technicolor.

Asimov and Disch and Drake and Gibson and Card, Niven and Pournelle, Apirin to Zelazney, and hundreds of others ... been some interesting times, ain't it?

Glad to meet ya, Ruthie, and glad to hear you intend to stay around.



Monday, June 23, 2003 11:13 AM


What kind of fans does Firefly attract?

Unbelievably rich people with loads of free time and disposable income (in case any of the networks, advertisers, or potential investors are listening)


Monday, June 23, 2003 11:29 AM



Apirin to Zelazney, and hundreds of others ...

Speaking of Zelazney... would anyone else LOVE to see Whedon could do with the Amber series?

Oh, this thread is about demographics...

Sci Fi fan for as long as I can remember (probably got hooked with Star Wars or Battlestar Gallactica in their original presentations).
Growing up I always enjoyed the John Christopher novels (Tripods trilogy; Prince in Waiting trilogy) better than the Narnia tales. Can't understate the importance of S.E. Hinton's first four novels on my life.

Lifelong favorite authors are Heinlein, O.S. Card, Zelazny, Harry Harrison and Tom Robbins (whose stuff is definitely fantasy! :)

Loved Twin Peaks, Star Trek TNG and Star Trek DS9! (All of which I taped). Went through the motions taping X-Files and Star Trek Voyager but have since erased those in favor of Buffy, Angel and Firefly!



Monday, June 23, 2003 11:40 AM


Deathworld! haw, been a long time.

I guess I forgot the demographic part too.

I'm married, 46 years of age and wisdom, have 4 children, 1 grandchild, and sometimes I'm called Lord Direwolf.



Monday, June 23, 2003 11:46 AM


Lurking and posting on these boards for almost a year now, one of the most interesting things about Firefly fanhood is the broad rage of people that the show attracts. I still think it was one of the biggest reasons Fox had such a hard time getting a handle on the series.

Firefly attracts people who pay a little more attention and want to see more than another throw-away story with forgetable characters. These people aren't represented by any particular demographic. Its a cliche, but people here come from all walks of life. Ages range from people that are legitimately called senior citizens to those not yet in high school. Many are well educated, but there are Firefly Fans that dropped out early. Women seem to make up about half of the diehard fans, which I don't think is the case for most science fiction followings.

If there is any consistent trait among fans of the show, I'd say it's a cetain curiosity, or at least a willingness to really pay attention. Many of the best lines of dialog in Firefly are the most subtle, one of the reasons repeated viewings are so rewarding. The story and character development are layered and complex and don't reveal their true art to the casual(lazy?) viewer.

Its especially fun to see that the new wave of fans coming in from the UK and elsewhere, seem to share the same qualities, and the same diversity. Stick around Ruthie. We're still flying.


"..and here's to all the dreamers, may our open hearts find rest." -- Nanci Griffith


Monday, June 23, 2003 11:54 AM



Posted by Captbaggytrousers:

What kind of fans does Firefly attract?

The sexy kind.

and the saucey kind

Oh! And a big ditto to what you said Sarge!

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.


Monday, June 23, 2003 1:39 PM


I think what Sarg said about covers it.

I am female, 30, and married. I have never considered myself a sci-fi fan. Not saying I didn't watch TNG growing up, but when you don't have cable and one main tv, you tend to watch what the parets decide to watch.

But, then again, I don't necessarily think FF fits into the typical sci-fi mold. It seams more "real" in its "what if" of pioneering space travel. Not many fancy gadgets, no sign of aliens, and not everything is all sugar and spice and fancy catsuit uniforms.

I enjoy the dailog and banter between the characters. They get mad, laugh, cry, and love like people would really do. Its just great. Not sure how else to put it, but I just love it as a whole.

“It's a real burn, being right so often.”


Monday, June 23, 2003 2:05 PM


Male, 28, single.

Hey networks, I'm vastly wealthy and buy everything I see in advertising on TV.

Old SF fan from way back to the time my mother read me Red Planet when I was like... five.

(Curse this damned addiction of mine to literature. I sometimes think heroin would be cheaper.)

Gotta say, Koffee... FF is not in the typical mode for SF tv, but not for SF literarily. That's always been one of the problems with getting from SF fiction to movies and TV. For the old-time fans, a great deal of the concepts have been explored in serious depth, and space-age rusticism has been explored in a lot of stories. Space Western is far from a new concept.

Prob is, when you put it on a screen, you gotta aim to that mass market. Which wants awesome CGI and so on.

(Witness the typical SF fan's disdain for the Matrix... the idea has been explored for decades.)

Anywho, nice to meet ya, Ruthie. Welcome to our little gang.

There ain't nothin' I can't overcome or come to know. So lay your heavy load down on me, strip everything I have away. I am not your prisoner, I am not afraid.


Monday, June 23, 2003 4:24 PM


I'm a teenage girl, but Firefly attracts a lot of ages, male and female. My brother is 11 and he likes it too. I'd say I'm a sci-fi fan but not the classic sci-fi like Star Trek or Star Wars. Other Sci-Fi channel stuff like Sliders or Odessy5 and stuff. I also like horror and a little fantasy (though not really pure fantasy like LotR, but like Labyrinth.)

"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?" -Wash
"I told him to sit down," -Simon


Monday, June 23, 2003 4:53 PM


I'm a 57 year old man, whose interest in sci-fi peaked when I was fifteen. While I enjoyed the Alien movies, the first couple of Star Wars, 2001 and a few others, no sci-fi tv series has ever held my interest. And, to tell the truth, most of what I like about Firefly rests in the characterization, the writing, and the acting.

On this show, the slow development of character, the gradual unveiling of sides you didn't know, combined with magnificent, stylized dialog is just so pleasurable! In a way that even movies can't match, you're drawn into characters who have such depth and believability that they're real in a way that most shows never even attempt.

Plus, wonderfully unusual music scores, documentary-style camerawork, and stories that, for example, take place in three timelines at once, or delve into the psyche of a disturbed girl through dreamlike imagery that could have come from a European art film. All that combined with kick-ass action and humor? No wonder you can watch these eps over and over!



Monday, June 23, 2003 5:37 PM


Sorry no Josh for Amber. Last I heard SciFi channel had it and was creating a mini-series following the likes of their Dune series.

For more on the SciFi current crop go to

Morbid and creep-ifying I got no problem with.


Monday, June 23, 2003 5:38 PM


I am female, late teens. Besides the occasional Bradbury novel, not a sci-fi fan at all (I suppose I was rebelling against having a Trekkie astrophysicist for a father). I am a minor anime enthusiast, though, and when I saw the sci-fi western theme in animes like Cowboy Bebop and Outlaw Star I really liked it, and that was really why I decided to check Firefly out. That, and the fact I'm a Buffy fan from way before I was really old enough to watch it, so anything Joss-related warrants a drive-by IMO. I could care less about the sets and effects, it's the Whedon-esque dialouge and the wonderful character devolopment (a rare thing on TV) that keeps me coming back for more. Plus they're all just so pretty.

"Curse your sudden, but inevitable betrayal."


Monday, June 23, 2003 5:42 PM


I found that there's a good number of libertarian Firefly fans on the official FOX board. Many libertarians are attracted to the strong anti-authoritarian themes, as well Firefly's portrayal of the importance of "the right to bear arms," so to speak.

Any other libertarians here?


Monday, June 23, 2003 6:47 PM


CANTTAKESKY -- lotsa Libertarian fans of Firefly. Myself and Archer I know, Lux Lucre is a true believer as well. Quite a few others have indicated as much.


"..and here's to all the dreamers, may our open hearts find rest." -- Nanci Griffith


Monday, June 23, 2003 7:45 PM


I'm also female, late teens. I care about Firefly and boys. Everyone is very nice to me.


Monday, June 23, 2003 8:09 PM



I watch Angel, Samurai Jack.

I used to watch Enterprise but it pains me to so now that I've been spoiled by the quality of Firefly.


Monday, June 23, 2003 8:11 PM


Sorry about the previous post. I'm male 32 and an unmarried man. Very rare in Utah, just ask Maniac. I am not a teenage girl after all. Although one time me and Archer tried on girlie underwear so he could write some River fanfic. It seemed to work.

I'm very pro woman but I get mad when we have all of these equal rights for women along with the big double standard. I have no problem with my boss being a woman, it's just not an issue.

My generation is so very smart and equal, yet here I am opening doors and carrying things for my dates, and buying them dinner and jewelry and stuff. Only so maybe she'll invite me up.

The game sucks. I say to all men in the world -- STAND UP and fight for your right. We men just need to realize that women are just as horny as men. Get smart and stop using Mr. Winky to make decisions. The rules of love can change if we men unite and stop acting stupid.

Oh yeah, and Firefly is cool, too. Keep Sailing!


Monday, June 23, 2003 8:28 PM



STAND UP and fight for your right

Right to what? Free pussy?

No, seriously, you buy your dates jewelry? Damn! I have got to get me a thirty-something South Westerner. Sorry to break it to you, Succatash, but it seems to me you're the one raising the chivalry-bar here.

"Curse your sudden, but inevitable betrayal."


Monday, June 23, 2003 8:29 PM



Originally posted by Succatash:
I'm also female, late teens. I care about Firefly and boys. Everyone is very nice to me.

Succatash, you are such a goof sometimes. But I guess that is why I love ya.

We really need a rolling eyes emoticon here....but this will have to do for now...

“It's a real burn, being right so often.”


Monday, June 23, 2003 8:33 PM


Did I really write "Keep Sailing?" God, I'm totally ruining this thread. Sorry.

Did I mention that Firefly is a great show? How can I download it?


Monday, June 23, 2003 8:41 PM



Originally posted by Lupa:
Right to what? Free pussy? ....Sorry to break it to you, Succatash, but it seems to me you're the one raising the chivalry-bar here.

Here's the way it should work. We all be nice to each other.


Monday, June 23, 2003 9:34 PM


I can see where your frustration comes from Succatash. The lovely ladies here in Utah are definitely a very moral bunch, and as such it takes months and months to get anywhere usually... that's because of the incredible religious pressure put upon them to be "good." It's more likely that you will find a mormon woman here in 90% mormon Utah. These gals just don't have the same thing going on upstairs as the rest of the girls in the country. I'll prove it... ok girls how many of you will not go out with a guy unless he's gone to church with you for at least 6 months? How many of you consider a kiss to be grounds for marriage? Indeed, almost all of the mormon girls in Utah are of that mental attitude. Yup.


Monday, June 23, 2003 9:59 PM


Scary. I've only been to Utah once, Salt Lake City, and thought it was pretty. Couldn't find a comic book store in my walk-around, so that made me a little leary...

But to bring this topic away from Planet of the Men Vs. Planet of the Women (although, sure, that one is always box office gold) and back onto: who are we, why are we here?

I am a 31 (!) year old male from Boston (well, the suburbs), and fan of many things geek and several non-geek. I was an enormous Buffy fan, tried Angel for a couple of years before I despaired, and missed Firefly entirely in its run on Fox. High concept sci-fi show on Friday night? Nope, couldn't let myself get attached. I knew I'd see it eventually. I did, and here we are.

History repeats the old conceits


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 12:55 AM


42, male, married to a wonderful lady, in teh greater San Fransisco bay area. Got 2 kids, both in their early 20's. Son and girlfriend are getting close to the "where did I put my shotgun stage"

Have liked science fiction from an early age. Heinlein, Asimov, Clarke. Star Trek OS. although wife is fond of TNG. Wanted so hard to like Enterprise, but they lost me when the doc decided no allow an entire population of a planet to die off for the sake of evolution.

Firefly was my show. It was the first show in a long time that I discovered, and got the rest of the family to watch. Daughter usually is show discoverer, with ER, and Buffy, Angel and others. I found this one. And I really love Firefly. Which I think is why it got canceled.

"My kind of stupid"


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 1:10 AM


Heinlein sure crops up in a lot of these, eh? BTW, Ruthie, For the record I'm 39, male single dad. Big Heinlein fan, libertarian and generally lost. I liked the original Star Wars, 2001:ASO, Blade Runner, some ST:OS, much of ST:TNG, but not much else in the way of televised or movie sci-fi.

One of the reviews in the IMDB archive for Firefly goes something like this = "Firefly is not a scifi show, I don't like those. Its not a western, I hate those. Firefly is a sci-fi/western, and apparently I LOVE those."


"..and here's to all the dreamers, may our open hearts find rest." -- Nanci Griffith


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 2:14 AM


30-ish, male, cab driver and (laugh if you will, I don't care) house-man for my girl, who's not-quite-30, and an upper level execu-type.

So, I push the cab part time and do alla that housewife kinda stuff too, not to mention cook, since letting HER cook is beggin for a fire..

As far as Utah, I've only seen it for 10 minutes and apparently managed to offend everyone in sight during an airline layover.

Had me some coffee and a smoke (apparently this is some sort of gaffe in Utah??) and a cussin fit when the phone I was trying to use ate my change..

They're weird in Utah, no doubt about it.
((shaking head))

Firefly is truly a show that can appeal to just about everyone, tho.



Tuesday, June 24, 2003 2:32 AM


Uh, Succatash, I didn't actually put on the girlie underwear. I just said I did so you would and then send me the pics.

Purely for research purposes for the story, since you came up with River on the "What FF character are you?" test. Take that, Evil Clone! I finally out-maneuvered you!

There, conscience unburdened. I can die at peace now.

And sorry, frustration or no, I'm still opening doors for ladies and so on. Double standard? Sure. But I gotta be me. Mind you, I think a good pistol makes a better gift than jewelry, though. But I'm considered odd by some.

I'm a quasi-libertarian, kinda got the same thing going with the LP and libertarian methodology as Mal has going with God these days, only generally not so virulent.

Viva Heinlein. They don't like talking about him at all these days, but I'll bet you in fifty years you'll still be able to find full selections of his works on the shelves at bookstores.

Not even gonna get into the Utah issue. I drive a truck, pass through on a semi-regular basis, and Salty has got some of the worst traffic in the country. (Sure as hell the worst on the western side... makes LA look sane.) Speaking of which, time for me to get back to work. See ya'll in a couple-three weeks.

There ain't nothin' I can't overcome or come to know. So lay your heavy load down on me, strip everything I have away. I am not your prisoner, I am not afraid.


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 3:05 AM


Well, here are my demographics:

living in Worcester,MA
Love anime, fantasy (Thanks to Succatash I am severly lacking sleep from satying up and reading George R R Martin) sci-fi (if it is somewhat believable or just out there like Hitchhikers)

I grew up reading David Eddings (until I realized he only had one stroy line and kept reusing but with new characters)and from their expanded onward and outward.

My favortie movies are Orgazmo (great if you live in Utah *hint,hint*, Battle Royale, fight club and Meet the Feebles.

And if every person were issued a Derringer or other pocket pistol common courtesy would be reborn... After all who wants to be shot in the ass over a parking space?

"Societies are supported by human activity, therefore they are constantly threatened by the human facts of self-intrest and stupidity." --Peter Berger


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 3:37 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

Any other libertarians here?

Forget the libertarians, are there any libertines here?


That's right...I went there.


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 7:16 AM



Originally posted by TragicStory:
Well, here are my demographics:

living in Worcester,MA
Love anime, fantasy (Thanks to Succatash I am severly lacking sleep from satying up and reading George R R Martin) sci-fi (if it is somewhat believable or just out there like Hitchhikers)

My favortie movies are Orgazmo (great if you live in Utah *hint,hint*, Battle Royale, fight club and Meet the Feebles.

Tragic, George R.R. Martin rules, eh? By the way, Orgasmo is also one of my favorite movies. I highly recommend Cannibal the Musical too.


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 7:47 AM


well i just found this board a few days ago, thank god there are other firefly fans out there!

im an 18 year old a-level student in the uk i wasnt really a sci-fi or fantasy fan until i discovered joss whedons work, i fell in love with buffy all most from the offing. then angel, followed by fray and now firefly! i'm hooked. and also distraught it was cancelled i really dont understand why such an amazingly origional and deep world didnt catch on. i have already got all my friends hooked on the show,
id just like to say great board and im really glad to be part of it!


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 7:47 AM



Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:23 AM


Every time I watch "Shindig," during the part where Mal is stabbed in the side I will say aloud "Atherton winged him!" and laugh uproariously.

I will die alone.

History repeats the old conceits


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 9:39 AM


Hi Ruthie and everyone,

I've posted here a few times before, mostly asking for help with downloads and such (again, to all involved with making the un-aired episodes available, many thanks !) but visit daily. This thread has been interesting to read, (we are a diverse group ! ) so thought I'd also introduce myself, share my Firefly love, and make a suggestion.

It was the music that attracted me to Firefly first, heard it playing in another room and immediately drawn to the T.V. The look of the ship kept me there, loved the dirty, dusty, mismatched, clanking metal of Serenity, (similar to the look of other loves, "Blade Runner" and "Brazil") and then of course once I got to know the characters and cast, and their great dialogue, I was a goner. I'd given up on T.V. a few years ago, and here they've canceled the first show I've watched in years. Heartbroken doesn't cover it, I'll be wearing all black (except for a brown overcoat) from now on.

So back to no T.V. for me, except on your recommendation Ruthie, I think I'll give "X-Files" a try on DVD. And since Firefly was my first foray into Joss Whedon's shows, think I'll also look into Buffy and Angel. That should hold me until the please dear god let there be a Firefly movie.

Also, one thought about Angel. A Joss Whedon show, only one still on the air, featuring a vampire, and they live forever, right ? Within the realm of possibility don't you think, that the writers could just speed up the time thing ? You know, like soap operas, a character is a child for one week, pregnant teen the next, middle age divorcee by week three. Maybe they could also get a little loose with time on Angel this season, have episodes progress until he's lived to Firefly's time period, and suddenly he's a passenger on Serenity ? Then we can have Firefly back ! Maybe a campaign to steer Joss and the writers in this direction ?

And lastly, my demographics ? Well, not exactly sexy, but maybe cute in a 47 year old female, single, living in a nursing home, rock 'n rolling around in a wheelchair kind of way.

A diverse group ?

Well, yeah, as our beloved captain said "Ain't we just."


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 9:40 AM



Speaking of Zelazney... would anyone else LOVE to see Whedon could do with the Amber series?

The Amber series started out really good, but got worse as the series progressed. Especially after book 5.


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 10:26 AM


I'm 29, female, professional web designer, and freelance journalist. I mostly read urban fantasy, horror, folklore/fairy tales, hard-boiled detective fiction, and some high fantasy (Terry Pratchett, and Guy Gavriel Kay). I read a teeny tiny amount of SF outside of media tie-ins, but more in the vein of Spider Robinson's Callahan's short stories than anything else.

I'm a big ole media fan--started going to cons at age 15--both media cons and comics cons. I got to lit cons now and then, but only locally.

TV shows I've been madly in love with are Robin of Sherwood, Doctor Who, DS9, Earth 2, Angel, Buffy, Farscape, Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers, Quantum Leap, Invisible Man, Smallville, The New Adventures of Wonder Woman, Due South, EZ Streets, Lois & Clark, X-Files, Brisco County Jr., Young Riders, Nikita, Three, Wiseguy, Now & Again, Sports Night, The Ghost & Mrs Muir, Forever Knight, Highlander, and to my eternal shame, Voyager.

For me, the appeal of Firefly is both the writing--incredibly well-drawn characters, all with distinctive voices, and the episodes themselves--and the performances. I've probably seen the show through about 10 times now, and seem to find more to love with each viewing.

Some take the high road. Some take the low road.
And some just go screaming down the highway, dropping flaming bits of wreckage.


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 11:53 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Ruthie
So - does anyone else here share my interests, or am I alone (not that I'd either stop watching or visiting here even if I am!)...

oh Ruthie, unfortunately you have fallen in with a very, how do I say this, INTERESTING (good Minnesota word, that) crowd. all of us have some interest in Sci-fi/fantasy/horror, and if we didn't get brainwashed to it early, we certainly have been now.

don't be frightened. we're not entirely certifiable. i'm a mid-30s female, single no cat, who currently utilizes administrative and computer skills in the office of a church. that's just to pay the bills and really has nothing to do with my convictions of Christian faith, such as they are (notice i didn't use the word "religion"). i've been an artist since the beginning of time, working in black and white or colored pencil, depending on the mood. results of this lifetime obsession will be available to the Firefly public shortly.

my oldest sister plunked my brother and i down in front of Star Trek reruns back in the 70s and i just couldn't turn away. since then if there's a sci-fi/fantasy show on, i'll give it a chance. 5 minutes for some (Lexx), or a lifetime to others whether they're reincarnated (Star Trek) or not (Man From Atlantis), short lived (Roar) or not (Babylon 5, FarScape) and everything inbetween. my favorite writers include Anne McCaffrey, who i also grew up with, and Robin Hood, who i didn't. A.C. Crispin, Brian Daley and Peter David also rate pretty high on the list with the classics, but i'm always open to reading new stuff. as a Gemini, I'm all about variety.


Originally posted by Ruthie
I just wish that the joy of discovery had not been coloured by the knowledge, from the start, that it would be a short-lived pleasure...

that makes two of us, hon. 4 words: Beauty and the Beast. my experience with the life and death of that show pretty much scarred me for life. now every time i find something i like, i'm convinced it's going to disappear. although i didn't expect Firefly to vanish quite as quickly as it did.

I found the way, by the sound of your voice--so many things to say.
These are only words. Now I've only words. Once there was a choice.
David Sylvian


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 11:54 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

Any other libertarians here?

I was a Libertarian but then I developed an interest in politics.



Don't look back, som'thin' might be gainin' on ya.
Who let the pigs play poker?
Evo Shander was right!


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 12:34 PM



Originally posted by maguinan:

Forget the libertarians, are there any libertines here?


That's right...I went there.

Where maguinan goes, I follow.

I don't know that I'm so much a libertine, but I talk a big piece.

I'm 26 and married and didn't realize I was a sci-fi geek until Firefly came on and people started giving their geek vitae and I saw people just like me. Kind of. I'm a TNG...X-files variety geek who is just now discovering Heinlein and his peeps.

I'm trained as an historian, so the frontier aspect of Firefly is what really appeals to me beyond powerfully drawn characters and stories. I often think that Firefly is (or should have been) the first science fiction available on a mass-consumption basis to actually explore the construction of human civilization and culture. Further, it's progressive without being idealized and utopic. If utopic is even a word.


I'm a dying breed who still believes, haunted by American dreams. ---Neko Case


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 1:07 PM


I'm 40, male, married with three kids, and I have been accused of being a rocket scientist (but I try not to act like it). When people ask me what I do I tell them I design aircraft. Or that I empty coffee cups and fill up wastebaskets, which when you think about it is better than having the opposite work. Before that I was in the Air Force and graduated from the AF Test Pilot School in the late 1980s.

I got into Firefly as a Buffy-come-lately fan, having succumbed to the quill of Joss when FX started their reruns about a year and a half ago. But I've always liked SF, having been exposed to Heinlein and the like at about age 12. I also like 19th century English and Russian literature, which makes me officially weird.

In Firefly, I like the depth and complexity of all the characters. They seem like people I'd know. And the whole notion of finding a place in a world that doesn't want you all that much, that appeals.


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 1:09 PM


Hi Ruthie, welcome to our own little corner of no and where.

Okay, I wasn’t planning on spewing my life’s story until I read this…


Posted by Channain:
as a Gemini, I'm all about variety.

(Best ditsy voice) Cha! Girlfriend! My Gemini sista! I must tell all now!

(Normal voice) Whoa, that was scary. Well, I’m a 19 year old Gemini gal from Ohio and, sadly, a lowly college student. Of what you may ask… well I don’t rightly know yet. Thinking of something along the lines of biological anthropology or fine arts, just anything that doesn’t include some form of math. I’ve tried my hand at converting fans, but no luck so far. Last time I checked I was one of only two FF fans in Ohio, Lerxst being the second one.

Never really enjoyed but a handful of shows set into the future-- yes, I remember watching a little Voyager to see Harry Kim, and whatever Star Trek was before that to see Picard‘s handsomely bald head-- but that’s about it. I’m much more interested in stories that aren’t all clean and fancy with crazy gizmos and instant cures or food. I love witty dialogue, new takes on old played out ideas, and I absolutely love, love, love, love shows that make you think. Shows that you have to pay at least some attention to, shows that have depth, that don’t lost all of their interest after you’ve seen them once, and, above all, shows that don’t play fake laughter in the background to tell the sheep when they should all laugh because they can’t figure the jokes out for themselves!

Yeah, Firefly is good.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 1:21 PM



We're definitely close in age and taste. I'm 43, female. Started my SF love affair with Heinlein and Asimov. Loved them and Whedon for great characters put into interesting "realities".

Single, Floridian, Lib Dem, also catless (telling distinction).

Oh, and "Mr. Winky"? Now THAT'S creepifying.

"Appears they've canceled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 1:53 PM


By the time Firefly hit the air last fall, I was disillusioned with TV -- I had pinned some high hopes on Enterprise with what I hoped would be 2 strong female leads. I was reading in my bedroom, at the other end of my house and James, my husband, was guffawing and yelling for me to come watch this new show. I was being stubborn. Then, I heard a strained male voice quietly say "Whatever happens, Zoe, remember that I love you." Didn't really register that part, until I heard a woman's voice say "Sir?" then the man again, "Because you're my wife." Listening on purpose now, I heard the husky woman's voice, "Right, Sir. Honey." I had to know what was going on. From then on, I was hooked.

I am 28 going on 18. Zoe inspired me to start referring to my husband as such ("James is my companion and we happen to be married" really was hard to say by way of introduction) and I do want to be Zoe when I grow up. My role models for as long as I can remember have been Morgaine Angharan (one of C. J. Cherryh's), Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver's character in Aliens -- read the books before I ever saw the movies), and Hazel (the lead rabbit in Watership Down). If you haven't read that book and you are on this forum, you need to. Hazel is a great leader without consciously being a great leader. Ignore the fact that Richard Adams claims his characters are rabbits: think of them as explorers and rebels wearing really warm brown coats, looking for a place to be free. Moorcock, Heinlein, Aspirin, Tolkien and Lackey populate my bookshelves and my imagination. SF bridging into Fantasy with far-out technologies and swordfights and amazing mental powers of all sorts. Only since meeting James have I watched many movies. He thinks my education has been sorely lacking. I think that SF is where the truly creative souls can communicate freely with those of us who are in a position to bring their ideas about.

By way of demographics, I am an engineer, currently in the Navy, making typical young engineer pay. I like DVDs -- bought the player specifically for Firefly DVDs and will buy several copies of the official set when they come out. (MOVIES! My husband loves movies and I take him to about 1 per week. Yes, we saw the new Matrix movie -- we think it was a dirty trick to get us to pay twice to see the rest of the story -- X-Men 2, twice, Hulk, Finding Nemo, and Daredevil are the ones I remember most readily from this spring.)

Forgive me, I digress. At least I'm not talking about Succatash and his foray into girls' underpants.

Our true colors do shine through, don't they? I think we actually bring a certain respectability to the psychotic lowlife community. (If you haven't seen Shindig yet, belay my last.)

Well met, Ruthie!

"Is there any way I'm gonna get out of this with honor and dignity?" Zoe, War Stories


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 3:05 PM


I would like to apologize to Ruthie and everyone for being inappropriate.

Here's Ruthie, new to FireflyFans, and I ruin her thread and act stupid. What was I thinking?

Sorry, Ruthie. I'm actually quite normal most of the time. Well, half the time. Welcome to the neighborhood.

- Succatash


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 3:46 PM


utopia is a word and probably one of the most accurately labeled political concepts out there. It is greek for "no where"

"My kind of stupid"


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 4:03 PM


In summation, one of the finer collections of minds, educations, and diverse viewpoints that I've come across on the net.

With the exception of Maniac, Succatash and myself, they're even mature.

As Miss Sarah says, all ya'll are awesome.

There ain't nothin' I can't overcome or come to know. So lay your heavy load down on me, strip everything I have away. I am not your prisoner, I am not afraid.


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 4:19 PM


Demographics is a word I am very much disliking these days. Before demographics, good TV was left on long enough to take a breath. Not no more, by God! Rip it off so we can have more luh-suh (being mindful of small children here) than we can stand up in and still see sky.

Science fiction & fantasy - Asimov, McCaffery, Ellison, Bradbury, Heinlein, etc. - have been in my book case for a very long time, along with C.S. Forester, Jane Austen, Val McDermid, John LeCarre and piles of others.

I am a human being, of occasional sound mind, been around long enough to just barely remember the launch of Sputnik. I love good writing, am absolutely ga-ga about good dialogue and interesting characters, and swoon at the thought of wit and the odd bit of biting sarcasm. Love Firefly cause it fits right in.

Thanks for the interest, Ruthie! I wish I had TiVo. Due to a VCR death in the family, I have only 6 episodes on tape (Wah!)







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