ITS TIME! Post How much you would personally give to Joss Whedon & Co. to get our Ship in the air AGAIN!

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 05:19
VIEWED: 73694
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Sunday, November 20, 2005 8:45 AM


I agree with MEIMEIMEG, we really need to get DVD sales up as high as possible. That will make a far bigger statement than donating money. I'm definitely buying as many as I can as soon as the DVD comes out to give to friends. Some especially nice friends are getting the movie and the series set.

That said, I would still like to contribute $50.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 9:18 AM


i would be willing to part with £1000 a season which i guess is $1500-1700 depending on exchange rate.

I would even go work on/around/neat set for free doing whatever to help out.

However another tv series is doubtfull as we all have heard, so serenity merchendise it is dvd etc. i'll do my bit for sure :)

lets just hope for at least another movie


Sunday, November 20, 2005 9:40 AM


I'd do $100


Sunday, November 20, 2005 10:09 AM


Phantom FM was an alternative rock pirate radio station in Dublin founded be Pete Reed and Canadian Ex-Pat Sinister Pete after their first radio station spectrum FM was forced to close down. Phantom was broadcast from a small shed in Pete Reeds backs garden. Phantom developed a reputation for promoting young Irish talent that would other wish have had no outlet. Over many years Pete and Sinister Pete made many attempts to procure at radio license from the BCI but where always turned down. In the year 2003 a crackdown on pirate radio in Dublin forced Phantom to voluntarily shut down. Later in the Year Phantom managed to procure a temporary license that aloud them to broadcast for 2 nights a week over 12 weeks. A second temporary license was procured in early 2004. During this second run the BCI announced that among the licenses it would a awarding that year would be a License for an alternative rock radio station radio station to broadcast to Dublin and surrounding areas. Phantom shut down in Summer 2004. Phantom went up against companies such as England’s XFM and Bob Geldofs Zed FM to be awarded a permanent license to Broadcast in Dublin. 3 months away from the stations relaunch date on June this year Zed FM launched a legal challenge against Phantom FMs being awarded the license. On the 1st of this month that challenge was overturned and now Phantom will be on air in spring of next year.

The Point? Never give up. And Phantom ROCKS!

Who do you suppose is in there?


Sunday, November 20, 2005 10:10 AM


See Above.

Who do you suppose is in there?


Sunday, November 20, 2005 10:57 AM


They control the horizontal. They control the vertical.

They also buried, and then cancelled, Firefly. They have all the money in the verse and raising more of it won't buy the show back.

Kill order /engaged


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 11:24 AM


I'm not saying Joss bled me dry. I bought the stuff willingly and enjoy owning them. I'm saying that I've already spent a lot of money on Serenity and Firefly stuff and I'm not going to spend any more.

"You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals."--George Mikes


Sunday, November 20, 2005 12:16 PM


$80 from me


Sunday, November 20, 2005 3:29 PM



It's my job to incite powerful yearning in the hearts and loins of my clients. No, silly, I'm not a Companion...I work at an advertising agency.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 5:14 PM



Originally posted by Paisley:
I agree with MEIMEIMEG, we really need to get DVD sales up as high as possible. That will make a far bigger statement than donating money. I'm definitely buying as many as I can as soon as the DVD comes out to give to friends. Some especially nice friends are getting the movie and the series set.

Yeah! Serenity DVDs, VHSs, UMDs for Christmas!

Serenity is still playing in the US.

See post US Theater counts and listings of Serenity showings.

Go see the movie again! Can't, buy a ticket on-line and don't go!

Keep watching your theaters for Serenity!

There is a Open Captioned version roaming the United States. Allentown, PA last week 11/13, and 11/14. 11/20 and 11/21 Corpus, Christi, TX. Maybe coming to your town soon.

There is a Charity showing of Serenity set up for January to help a theater fix their roof.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 5:28 PM


I had never heard of the series until i saw the movie. It was awesome. Then i watched the series and fell even more with love (esp w kaylee) and i'll do anything to bring it back. I've never loved a show more than firefly. So i'm up for $500 if it'll bring the show back.

Also plan on buying as many dvds as i can afford come dec 20th. DVD sales would probably be the biggest message to the studios that something needs to be done to bring this show back.

keep up the good work all
lets bring this back

Mal: "You are not the man i married a year ago"


Sunday, November 20, 2005 5:57 PM


My first time posting. I have no idea what I'm doing. Anyway...

I don't understand all these people blathering on about how much they've already spent on Firefly. You wanted it, you paid for it. What's the big? No-one likes a whiner.

As for my contribution, I have no idea what the exchange rate for the Australian dollar is at the moment (probably pretty crappy) but I could probably do $100 a season. No worries.

"Now somethin' about that is just downright unsettlin'."


Sunday, November 20, 2005 10:57 PM



Originally posted by TheAntiReaver:
1.) I was toying with the idea of just propping the money to Whedon and universal to make a mini series for SciFi's syndication, but the initial idea was that We would finance the pilot for a second season, and whedon would pitch it. If it was another 3 hour long pilot, like serenity was, that may work out well, if a bunch of small networks globally pitch in to the production fund for free syndication later, plus our cash, plus angel cash, plus maybe what universal was already willing to foot for this, we will more than likely have a 2nd series with legs.

2.)You are absolutely right. That was where my first ? was in setting this up. When I can afford to put a lawyer to this, I will.

3.) I have the lawyer , I just need to scrape his fees together. The idea was that in donating people would be signing on to a contract that they did so with the idea that the money was let to me in trust to insure it was put to use doing....(ie Joss Whedon has complete creative control, all characters return are cast as seen in the origenal show...etc. etc... ) what needs to be done in order to insure the pilot of a new series or, depending on the cash gathered, a new season, or a set of mini movies, or what have you.... That way everyone gets what they want within reason, and the cash is given with an outline of what is expected in return.

By the time the cash gets to a studio, We would need to have whedon on board for this with project proposals, then we give them a neat little package, they mull it over, and when I get the green light from Whedon &Co. that the criteria is satisfied, I fork over the cash...if that is not the case, and it looks like it will not be the case, I refund.

This will be done professionally. I have taken and will take many more, great pains to make sure of such...

The two biggest obstacles to this, for me, right now are, getting proof from the fans that this may work so my lawyer and web designer can work in good faith of payment, and then taking the time to figure out how the hell I am going to pay them after their work is done.

So yeah, that's where I am at right now.

Excellent Plan! This Corporate Alliance will only let us fly into the black again if we can find some way to attract their attention to the finest show ever aired without scaring them away like bunnies ala Enterprise and thats through contractural indemnity from any potential lawsuits and enough money to make those suits sing. By the by, what is the state of the copyright landscape? I understood that Joss grabbed the rights way back when to see if one of the other networks would bite. My understanding was that Joss had the rights to the rebirth of the series and FOX could only claim ownership over their sad sorry little piece of our sky. (the gorram fools!) Do you know - for sure, mind - if Joss or Universal holds the rights and if not if they can cut a deal with FOX Productions to make the question of copyrights a question of sematics?

As to the aforementioned contribution, I just graduated with my MSEE and once I lineup my first real job (hopefully in a few weeks time) you can have my first gorram paycheck or plastic equivalent if it will really bring Firefly back: cast, crew, Joss et all.

Select to view spoiler:

with Wash hopefully fully alive and kicking since he balanced the rest of the crews tension with really great one-line zingers. Afterall, who amongst us wouldn't whiteWash his death from our collective memories just to get him back. Book's story remains untold, so him too!

I'll just survive on McDonalds or whatever till my second comes along.

Never felt this way about ANY show ever so I guess that says something right there.

Its time to Bring Firefly Back!
Come Let's Journey Once More into the Black...


Monday, November 21, 2005 2:08 PM


nope. you should give me a full number minus one episode so I can correct our total


Monday, November 21, 2005 2:43 PM


Good morning All!

Thus far we have $44 555 give or take with some editing that people are submitting, and that would run us up to about $50 000 including pledges that I have taken from friends and family not posting.

I have been away for a day or two because I have a ton of semester projects due soon (Class ends Dec 13) and finals to study for.

Updates of Note:

I have been bopping around on the phone lines and I think I may be able to swing a showing of The BC Workless's party's Flagship movie "Alarm Clocks Kill Dreams" (The director Ben West is a student activist aquaintance of mine) in a double feature showing Serenity. It will take some time to fully arrange, and I make no promises, but Alarm clocks kill dreams sold out in the Vancouver indy theater it was shown, and the Work less party has a pretty big following in Vancouver. A 50/50 charity showing half to them, half to us, for a weekend, will help us and them a lot if it can be done.

I was hotboxing with a few other friends and one of them was telling me that he is a member of this uber large pay to join academic forum online. He said that a whole damn bunch of them are huge firefly flanatics, and have cash to burn. He is willing to drop a small pile of cash to pay for a click banner site leading people to this thread to post. We have been talking about design, and maybe sitting down and working on a seperate webpage for the mock pledge that will mean I don't have to total and it's a lot more stream lined. we are meeting tonight or on weds.

and once again, to the ever pleasant Xero Gravity;



If we raise enough cash from fundraiser events, sponsors, private citizens with piles of dough, private citizens with small piles of dough, etc... Mutant enemy can make a series and simply put it online for download.

Then buy an assload of banner ads on all kinds of sites and search engines, and poof, there is our syndication.

What universal does with their movies or Whedon does with the networks is up to them.

It would be fabulous if we could work out a contract clause that if the new series goes to TV syndication we (as in the private donators) get shares of cash....but I am not holding my breath. I just want another season, ready to go.

that is the simple answer, and there are a lot more complex ways to go, but I am not ABSOLUTELY not, interested in some halfwit with money's "kill order." That only means what you let it mean.

If you lived by an ocean and all of a sudden you weren't allowed to buy or use salt, would you just sit there and watch the tide?

I am sure that when you begin to breed you will fill the world with many outstanding pod people specimens...or vogons.


Monday, November 21, 2005 3:07 PM


I'm in for at least $100.


Monday, November 21, 2005 5:51 PM


Already shelled out $40.00 for the DVD set and am willing to shell out addition $40.00 per season.

p.s. will also be buying the movie DVD for x-mas presents this year.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005 10:11 AM


Ahh Antireaver... I have something you lack. The benefit of experience.

I've been active in previous attempts to get cancelled SciFi revived. I've been through the letter-writing campaigns, the petitions, the "let's pool our money together and bring it back ourselves" movements, the "let's get our cause all kinds of press" schemes, etc.

Been there, done that. Always the same thing. Always the same enthusiam from the brokenhearted and helpless fans. We are a marketing demographic for the next show that is equally doomed to die like this. And we'll restart the hopeless resurrection campaign again and again. History repeats itself. Scifi fans are the Helots of hollywood. A dependable source of milk.

I wish FF were coming back. I would gladly pour my own cash into the cause if it were even remotely possible, but, I am uniquely aware of how it's going to turn out. Same as it ever was (Talking Heads).

SciFi chan is now showing reruns of FF to help promote the movie. Funny, I seem to recall Whedon shopped the idea with them but Frau Bonnie Hammer (and crew) shot it down. Hammer is Universal's Bobblehead Barbie postergirl for the blackhole graveyard of science fiction, SciFi channel.

And now they fund the movie production. But they won't bring back the show. Why would the contractual master's of the show not sell the rights back to the people making the movie?

I got off this YoYo rollercoaster already. But all of you keep pledging your meager tithes to Monopolis. It's worth it's weight in diamonds when it comes time to spend those DVD marketing dollars. Yet another "cult" show with fans who swore they'd bring it back from their own shallow pockets. The road to cancellation-hell is paved with SciFi fan's good inentions.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005 12:22 PM


I would give $ 100. And maybe more. No problemo.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005 2:04 PM


I'd give a hundred dollars I guess. I'm pretty broke (recent college grad) but it would be so worth it! I think I'd have to wait to buy it until it came out on DVD though because I wouldn't be able to afford the cable service after my $100 donation. But hopefully I could watch at someone else's house, eh? Here's to crossed fingers...



Tuesday, November 22, 2005 5:22 PM


I pledge 100 dollars.

Well... I have 12 wives and 42 children to support, but if I go viagra I can triplicate those numbers. Feeding them will cost me a pretty penny, not to mention I have to pay for college.

There is also that whole medical insurance thing, the lawyer's fees, the various donations to this and that cause, the lawyer's fees, the mortgage premiums I owe to the gas station syndicate (and the lawyer's fees), and all the other etceteras (even etceteras have lawyers, who have an entirely seperate subset of sublawyers fees).

I have split personality so I'm technically paying for college for 3 different personalities, and they have formed a bizarre love triangle. As father to this madness I'm responsible for them. They've begun to breed and now I have to pay for their children too. Freaky-ass looking interbreeding kids, hell I might have an egpytian fresco carved of them. Leonard the seven headed canadian, and his 1/2-breed wife, the mexi-hungarian siliconicarbonius fresco (his wife only lives in the past by a tragic miscalculation of timetravelling aliens, but we know and love her still thru the magic of archaeology). Beats the hell out of kodak. This feels like SG1.

I pledge 100 dollars. Vive la SciFi chan. Long live MacGyver.

/signal ...gurp... kurblurble... /signal out

No such thing as gravity. In fact, at this point, all the known laws of physics need not apply. Not unless they have all kinds of letters behind their names.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005 8:45 PM


Very well, I'm very poor right now (recent college grad) but I'll squeeze $100.00 from my very shallow pocket this year in the hope I'll be able to contribute more later.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005 11:53 PM


Ohhhh XeroGravity

How everyday I so look forward to giggling at your embittered posts. After a long day of attending a school to get into a school that gives me the same odds of graduating a neurosurgeon that your daddy's Y had in meeting mommie's X, I have a ready source of bemusement, makes me feel a little like I have a walking roll in my own devine comedy.

But in all good heart, while on your own rollercoaster you didn't have what I have, A team of friends in lawschool with older siblings in practice, and a good passle of trained activists from all backgrounds that specialize in lost causes of all varieties as a think tank, a few good stoner friends that make their dope money betatesting games like WOW and designing websites that blow your ordinary fansite clean out of the water.

I sure as hell can't bring back firefly alone. The fans sure as hell can't bring it back alone, as you have moaned time and time again.
And seeing a second series on a major network probably will not happen anytime within the next 5 years. I am ok with that.

All I want is a series, availible to the people that make it matter. If We can get the fans on board, we can get the ad placement angels, and then the sponsors, and who gives a flying fuck if we have to download it only, or it goes straight to DVD. If Joss wants to make this independant we can collaborate and make it happen. A few mill from us, a lite ton of cash from *them* and Joss has a budget.

the effort alone to raise the cash and align the stars in the proper order will take at least a year or two, by that time Whedon will be done with his current slew of projects and perhaps looking at another serenity movie. In the mean time, we all do what we can.

Best of luck to you with those wives and kids and lawyers;


todays total $45 095


Wednesday, November 23, 2005 12:52 AM




Wednesday, November 23, 2005 5:31 AM


Let me see - I paid £17 ($25?) per 4 episode DVD for Atlantis, 5 or 6 DVDs in total. So that means I'd happily pay $150 for Firefly.

I know nothing about law but wouldn't it be an idea to just create a company and sell shares in it to raise the money ? We'd all own a bit of Firefly then.


Thursday, November 24, 2005 11:25 AM


Ahh Antireaver time to take you to task. Don't worry... it would seem this thread is likely to soon die, and I imagine dozens of other threads like it will be restarted. I won't bother to respond to any of them because it will just be a repeat of the same.

Firefly as a series isn't coming back. I wish it were, hell I'd kick in cash towards that end. But it just isn't.

For the fan donation thing to work it would require approval from the studio. Not gonna happen. In their infinite wisdom, some studio hotshot decided it wasn't worth reviving. I'm not even buying this contractual dispute nonsense involving the network that aired it (FOX). If anyone tries to raise funds without studio approval, studio attorneys will stop them.

How do I know? Because I've already seen it done more than once. When the kingmakers, and moversNshakers in hollywood want a show to die, it dies. They have absolute power, and 60 years of historical hatred for science fiction. 2 facts that seem to never change.

You've heard it mentioned about Enterprise. You should also look into Farscape if anyone even cares to investigate. Loved that show. Studio killed it (even though it was their #1 producer of ratings). Just didn't fit Universal's idea of the kind of thing they wanted to produce. Money had nothing to do with it. Barry Diller and crew bought out SciFi chan to round out their studio portfolio, and wantonly smashed the crown jewel of the channel.

Hail to the allpowerful. We who are about to switch channels salute you.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Thursday, November 24, 2005 11:40 AM


oh and P.S.

Farscape wasn't the only thing they killed off that I loved. Lexx too...

XG ~ "Barry Diller, I worship his shadow."

D'vee Yohh-ay-Ohh -- aumm va A'raiii -- eeyah brum'Brunnen-G!


Thursday, November 24, 2005 11:48 AM


For a full season of Firefly I'd cancel all my Showtime channels and put the price of those channels for a year into it. That is of course only if it were to cost that much.

If I didn't have the channels to cancel (which, of course I do) I'm sure I could find $50 to $100 to spend on a season.


Thursday, November 24, 2005 10:52 PM


I concur, Lexx rocks.

But I am gonna say, I still think we can squeeze the individuals involved into putting out a few scripts for us...scripts that if enough people like we can produce independantly.....

You keep going back to the networks and their thumb down to justify your argument when the premise of mine is, why bother with the networks at all?....

If the talent is willing, we could just finance them and provide a medium for share/download.

As for the thread dying, it will have it's roller coaster waves in the next few months before I get the website up. I am not worried, this is just a piece of the puzzle.

In fact, I rather enjoy the idea of the two of us slugging it out for a month unoticed. your kinda like a project in and of yourself.



Friday, November 25, 2005 12:40 AM


And surely Fox don't own any rights to a show called Serenity ? Just a show called Firefly. Totally different name - the main character's names are all written in a different font so you can hardly say they're the same either. Probably.

Maybe a network in a whole different country could produce the show.


Friday, November 25, 2005 5:53 PM


I propose the soviet state of canuckistan. They are pretty good at flim projects...


Friday, November 25, 2005 11:11 PM


I would also donate, gladly, $50 u.s. dollars to see "Firefly" return as a series. A movie would be great but, not as great as a series. I could gush all day about the fine points of the series and it's actors but, I digress. It was excellent. Let's keep this thread going loud and proud, people. Let's Bring Serenity and Her Crew Back!!

"I didn't go and git myself shot! I went and somebody shot me. There's a difference."


Saturday, November 26, 2005 2:49 AM


I'm not loaded right now...(I'm supporting my Fiance through nursing school....But put me down for $300.00 per season!

"Dear God In Heaven!" - Plastic Dinosaur


Saturday, November 26, 2005 3:15 AM


I could do $150/season


Saturday, November 26, 2005 8:11 AM


Again Antireaver... both you and M4TT are saying lets finance the talent out of pocket or turn to foreign filmmakers. Repeat after me... contract. When you do anything in hollywood you sign away all your rights in the contract. And they won't outsmart them in a world ruled by lawyers. They'll simply go overseas (as many are slowly doing) and find a lesser monopoly to make films with).

The same applies to scifi. George Lucas was the last independant scifi filmmaker to ever outsmart them on contractual rights, and will likely be the last till someone breaks the back of the monopoly.

Nothing the foreign film industry does can ever get any airtime over here since they aren't in the guilds and unions of hollywood. More importantly, their directing/producing braintrust aren't clique-ish with the LA elites. Their work is unworthy of syndication, and even if it is, it's only worthy of emulation before such a thing happens. Please UK and Australia... just go away already. Stop with this nonsense. And India, Japan, France, and all the rest of you? Give it up. Only hollywood.

Example of what I'm saying: I love Brit sitcoms. If I want to view them, I better get myself a satellite dish. Many of them are funny as hell, miles ahead of the standard fare we get on ye olde boob tube, but you never see them on TV on our side of the pond. One of the funniest shows I've ever seen in my life was 'Coupling', and being so funny, hollywood took notice. The American market being their primary breadbasket, rather than air the show from the UK, they tried to remake it with actors and screenwriters from the hollywood guilds. It was a dismal failure, and a hideous cheap copy of something that didn't need copying. Just perfect as it was.

I hope I never live long enough to see them remake the two Star Wars trilogys. I hope Lucas expressly forbids such heresy in his will.

Could substantiate the rest of my points with plenty of examples but whats the point. It's never gonna sink in.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Saturday, November 26, 2005 11:49 AM


Its good to see that Xerogravity is being as warm and fuzzy as ever.


Saturday, November 26, 2005 7:08 PM


Count me in for $1,000


Saturday, November 26, 2005 10:08 PM


I don't care about air time/ tv networks.

Internet syndication, internet advertising.

The only contract that I would be signing in trusting the money over would be to the producers of the show selected by Joss whedon himself for the project HE is doing. If joss can't draw significant talent to crew and staff and cast the series then everyone gets their cash back.

If he does we set up a download site and people who contribute get their show for free.

You keep talking about other peoples lawyers. I have lawyers. They know there shit, or would send me to someone else who does.

You keep talking about hollywood and air time and other factors that my proposal makes invalid and unnecessary.

Your core rebuttal points for your argument are illogical because they do not address the premises of my arguments WHATSOEVER, thus your conclusions are utterly false, in addition to being peppered with your personal biaises and dysenfranchisement with the idea of autonomous viewer support of TV programming, especially when applied to sci fi.

In short, I think you just can't wrap your brain around this, so you have to tear it down, and you are doing it with everything you have, which ends up being some related data and figures about other projects kinda related to this, and frankly, that isn't much.

Besides, I thought you said you were not going to bother posting here again on this topic. Doesn't it bore you? Or is that insipid little itch you have for everyone to bow to your abysmally depressing interpretation of the universe bugging you again? Do you perhaps feel validated in your own pessimism and inaction for saving the things that make you happy if you can force feed your sentiment to the people around you?

Just curious and all....



Saturday, November 26, 2005 10:16 PM



Things are slow, but when I am done with school next week I will have time like you would never believe.

I think I may give up the hobbit leaf in hopes of putting way more time to this too.

I really want to start with the click bannering!


Saturday, November 26, 2005 11:49 PM


I don't have any money to give right now but I"m gonna go see the movie and ask someone to get me the dvd box set for christmas and buy the movie when it comes ou and what ever christmas money i have left ovr i'd be willing to give and i'll even buy the comic book anything to get firefly back on the air.

Always supporttiing the Flight of the FireFly Again.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 1:44 PM



Long Live Firefly!


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 8:39 PM




Tuesday, November 29, 2005 9:55 PM


I'm in for $100 US. More if it involves shares in a registered corp.

Thats about all I can do until the NZ dollar gets better (damn South Pacific Rupee).



Wednesday, November 30, 2005 3:58 AM


While we collect a total of donation promises over here, we should also consider that many people, who would probably be willing to donate something for this aren't even reading these posts or visit this page and so don't know a thing about this.

How many users has this community by the way?? And how many of these have responded here?

The problem would be, how to spread the word to the people, who would be willing to participate, but don't read this and how to realisitically estimate the total amount that would be reachable AND if this could actually be enough.

I guess this thing can only get off the ground, if the important people support this and make it official. And this will only happen, if there is a realisic chance that enough money could be gathered!

There must also be some way to make the moneygiving promises reliable somehow. So logistical problems come into this also, because either the fans would have to pay money for something, that is not safe to produce results in the end or some (company?) with enough money would have to prefinance this whole thing, which would be quite a risk for them, too.

Anyone have an idea how to pull this off right?


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 5:47 AM


I'll pledge 50 bucks a season.

Bye, now! Have good sex!


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 6:42 AM


100$ easy. See my post from last night.
The money is already there. Write Scifi and fox. Get everyone you know to do the same. Everyone. Just go to the Scifi/ fox home pg. and mail them. That is all it will take. Get your Mom, your brother&sister, Granny, Uncle Bob, everyone to write. "Bring Firefly back"
Do it now!

Sir Marc


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 7:41 AM


I'll give $150 per season. Easy. Then I'll buy the DVD!


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 9:51 AM


Sign me up for $100 for a season, without even thinking about it, more later if I have it.


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 10:07 AM



Originally posted by Nevakee:

How many users has this community by the way?? And how many of these have responded here? . . .
Anyone have an idea how to pull this off right?

Ditto! I love this idea/effort - but see the threads pop up, and expire . . . with the same handful of diehard fans posting . . . and some of the same conversations happening over and over . . .

It almost seems to me like we need a slightly different format than that of the thread . . . like a dedicated web page, with links to specific subsections, such as discussions on who controls rights, or how to organize donations/investments, or how different types of subscription models might work . . . maybe places where some specialists could post "briefs," like ANTIREAVER's lawyer friends . . . so that information would be more organized, and not expire as fast in the archives . . .

I have been following the ongoing dialogue between ANTIREAVER and XEROGRAVITY, and I confess I am getting vertigo, torn between hard-headed reality and experience on one hand, optimism about change in the entertainment paradigm on the other.

I am a newbie in terms of technology and being a fan - hell, I was a newbie lurker two months ago! Just tossing ideas out there.

Time Bandits:
"Look on the map!"
"It's not *on* the map!"


"I'm thinking about growing a big black mustache - I'm a traditionalist."


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 10:39 AM


£200 from a UK fan






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