SciFi showing Firefly tonight...

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 03:46
VIEWED: 2200
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Friday, December 9, 2005 1:45 PM


I see on my guide that SciFi is showing "Firefly" tonight at 6:00 central just like before. I know they have put it into the daily marathon rotation, but I was afraid they had quit with Fridays. Yay, I'm so glad it's on, because I enjoy it! ( I know, I know, I've got the DVD's!) That and I think it's drawing in new viewers to the 'verse, which is shiny!

"Is it Christmas?" Mal


Friday, December 9, 2005 1:55 PM


Can't wait...i've got a reminder timer set on my digital cable box! And since it's almost time now...I must be off to watch!


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Friday, December 9, 2005 2:23 PM


Hmmm, the music playing on Niska's skyplex, just before we "meet" Crow - really reminds me of one of the themes from "The Last Temptation of Christ". I just noticed (watched the movie again this week), and I'm just sayin.....

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..." - Big Damn Podcast


Friday, December 9, 2005 9:17 PM


Pause for commercial:

Did you see the Dunkin Donuts commercial or was that only in my area? That was pretty funny and those holiday lattes sure look good. Caramel Creme. Mocha Almond.

Kraft Natural Cheese Crumbles
Nuggets of cheese! Why didn't somebody make these before. I've been using the shredded cheese. Gotta get these Crumbles instead. Looks perfect for salads etc.

Sony PSP cartoon squirrel commercial--seemed a little nutty to me. And it did not mention anything about Serenity being available on UMD for the Sony PSP. Maybe they think we all know that. The commercial was black and white or gray. Doesn't the PSP come in color?

Back to your regular scheduled program.


Saturday, December 10, 2005 3:26 AM


Could this of been regional somehow? I thought I looked at the guide yesterday for Sci-fi and didn't see Firefly playing...?

Watched "Trash" via DVD, but that's beside the point ;)


Saturday, December 10, 2005 4:46 AM


I dunno if it was regional, Rushlock, but I was sure pleased to see it on here in the central time zone in the USA... it was "The Train Job". My husband and I watched it, only the second ep for him, he pretends to not like "Firefly" although he always watches it with me and loved the bad guy kicked into the engine! Watching it on SciFi is how I fell in love with it, so I'm hoping some more folks'll get hooked!

I haven't checked the schedule ahead , I'm hoping they will have a marathon again the day close to the release of the DVD and really talk up the movie being out on DVD. I'll check and post whatever I find out...

Here's hoping they keep it in rotation on Fridays and new folks start askin' them how come there aren't any more new episodes!!

"Is it Christmas?" Mal


Saturday, December 10, 2005 5:26 AM


Didn't "SciFi channel" get first crack at picking up Firefly before it went to Fox Network? Fox network who brings us all the lawyer, doctor, and reality shows?

I could be wrong... but didn't the people who now bring us "Ghost Hunters" ~ bunch of plumbers running around in the dark with cameras ~ get first shot at that same bonafide SciFi show about a bunch of people flying thru a futuristic verse?

They didn't want to pick up the show, but they now show reruns of it. How odd.

If they did (and they said "no"), then I have to wonder why we keep calling them the "scifi" channel. What's more scifi? Buncha people on a spaceship floating around and visiting human populated planets, or a bunch of plumbers running around in old dark buildings with filtered cameras. Maybe the lack of laytex aliens makes it non-scifi? Who knows.

Ghost Hunters. It's very scary. Feels like scifi to me. Good thing they didn't pick up Firefly.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Saturday, December 10, 2005 8:15 AM



Originally posted by XeroGravity:
Didn't "SciFi channel" get first crack at picking up Firefly before it went to Fox Network? Fox network who brings us all the lawyer, doctor, and reality shows?

No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.

Just outta curiosity, where did you hear that? I'm not doubting you at all, I'm sure you got that somewhere...just wanting to know is all.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Saturday, December 10, 2005 8:46 AM



Originally posted by XeroGravity:
Didn't "SciFi channel" get first crack at picking up Firefly before it went to Fox Network? .

09/20/2002 DVD says The Train Job aired.
That would be on Fox. Original air date.

Buffy and Angel were on WB.

Was SciFi even producing shows back in 2002? It was all reruns at one time on SciFi.


Saturday, December 10, 2005 9:42 AM


I don't think so, XG. I'm pretty sure the show was originally pitched to Fox by Joss. When Firefly was cancelled SciFi and other channels were approached about picking it up, but they all passed. Mainly, I heard, because of the cost (around $2,000,000 per episode to produce).

And Anonymous1, SciFi was producing Stargate SG1 back then, if nothing else.

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..." - Big Damn Podcast


Saturday, December 10, 2005 10:03 AM



I don't think so, XG. I'm pretty sure the show was originally pitched to Fox by Joss.
Yeah, I just checked "Here's How It Was," and that's more or less how it happened. Except that I believe it was 20th Century Fox (the studio) that came to Joss and asked if he had any ideas for another series. So he pitched them "Firefly." 20th snapped it up and then were contractually obligated to offer the show to their sister company, FOX Broadcasting (the network)--just like they had done with "Buffy." But while FOX (thankfully) passed on "Buffy" (which ended up on the WB where it was allowed to grow), they they decided to grab this Joss series. And the rest is history.

The Sci-Fi Channel did turn down "Firefly" after the cancellation because of, like you say DarkJester, the budget. "Firefly" cost as much as or more than "Battlestar Galactica," which Sci-Fi can only afford because it's co-funded by a British cable channel, Sky One, I think. And BG was just starting up then, so they didn't even have those funds. Additionally, BG and all the other Sci-Fi series are shot in Canada (or Australia like "Farscape", which was still on the air at that time) to save money--and Joss was running two other shows in LA at the time.


Sunday, December 11, 2005 12:05 AM


I am almost certain I read it in these forums. And I'm equally almost-certain (gawd that's so noncommittal) that I read Whedon shopped the show around to SciFi chan BEFORE taking it to Fox. I dunno, I'm not an industry expert and I can't find specific links to support what I say, but my understanding is Whedon tried to get the "SciFi" chan (*gag*) to pick it up, and they turned it down. It's been posted in these forums by those who know better than me. I'm almost certain of it.

I'm don't even wanna get into BSG, but now I must. I waited 20+ years for the return of that show (a show destroyed by network execs who hated a cigar smoking, gambling, Viper pilot named Starbuck because he was too "masculine" ~ go google "Dirk Benedict" ~ the original "Starbuck" and find his tell-all letter to a scifi fanmag if you think I'm inventing this).

Originally, he wasn't alone. The original "Apollo", Richard Hatch, was as critical as he now is, until they bought his silence and gave him a role in the new show. What a sellout.

The network wanted a cheesy made-for-TV carboncopy of Star Wars and micromanaged it into a single season disaster. It had to have a modern-day appeal (including a discotech in space full of 1970's bits of casual-wear polyester suits and bad hair), instead of the gritty dark edge Glen Larson originally envisioned. Gotta hate it when something beautiful dies. It should have been a fan-driven multiyear franchise that would have blown Trek out of the water. The fans were onboard, but the studio wasn't. It could have been great, but they gave it the arbitrary kill order.

End of the series. In spite of the high Nielsen ratings.

Well.. we had 10 equally hideous episodes to wrap up the storyline, but those were just as bad.

When BSG finally came back, the got rid of everything that made the story worth waiting 20+ years for... the basic storyline, the cool-ass looking cylons and their awesome saucers (woot! go dawgfights go! Vipers rule!).

They are micromanaging the "new" BSG worse than the old one. Only this time, even when the ratings are in the toilet, they are still pumping money into it.

The idiots at the top never listen to their fanbase.

XG (lover of an electric dog named Moffit)

No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 3:46 AM


woops. meant "Daggit". Not "Moffit". Moffit was a dog I had when I was a kid. Freudian slippage.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.






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