Destiny, Episode 8: Attack of the Kimmel Clones

UPDATED: Sunday, January 1, 2006 11:19
VIEWED: 11511
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005 5:50 PM


Hey Serenity, have you been talking to Soul lately? Was he able to submit the pictures in time?

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 9:32 AM


I got home last night and there was an e-mail from Soul. Just to say he got my picture. I must remember to e-mail him back...

Helloo...where is everybody??

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 10:52 AM


I have been in touch with Soul. And I told him he had to post on here to tell you all that he missed the deadline and didn't post the pictures in time. Even though I reminded him. But he hasn't yet, has he?

But he's going to post the photo album so we can all see how each other looked.

And I gave him the Zoe stare for missing the deadline.


Has anyone seen Trebeck around? He's been missing for awhile.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 2:04 PM


Safe walks into the common room whistling and hears

Has anyone seen Trebeck around? He's been missing for awhile.

He quickly turns around and walks back out.
"Time to find pint sized Needy" he thinks to himself. "Then again, Jack would get a bigger laugh outta my story".

"That and he's less apt to blab to Serenity"

"Bang,bang Chitty Chitty Bang bang. My fine four fendered friend..."

Safeat2nd, Musically impaired Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, December 1, 2005 9:07 AM


Safe, hands in pockets and whistling a chipper little ditty, makes his way to the engine room.

"Time to get us out from under this ice" he thinks to himself.

He walks to the back of the engine room where he found the ballast tanks. He remembered seeing something else... an old generator.

He looks around and finds what he is looking for, an old fossil fuel can. Safe shakes the can. "Not alot, but enough for what I need". Safe pours the fuel into the generator and turns the crank.

At first it doesn't move. Then it abruptly gives way, spinning around and catching him in the chin. The generator only coughs.


Safe rubs his chin, spits in his hands, grabs the crank again. Again it resists then lets go. Again spinning around and catching the off balance Safe in the chin. The generator coughs again.

"Ooo a wise guy eh?"

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, December 1, 2005 9:21 AM


On Safe's third attempt, the generator rattles to life.

"It LIVES!! cough"

Safe picks up the com.
"Attention all crew members. Please step away from
all walls, doors or any other metal connected to the hull. I will be running large amounts of electricity through the hull in the attempt to melt our way through the ice sheet."

"All crew members please report in when ready"

Safe hold two cables, running from the generator, with clamps attached to the ends.

Safeat2nd, Mad Engineer & Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, December 1, 2005 9:24 AM


*Serenity realizes she's standing on a metal floor.*

*She grabs a chair that had been knocked over during the clone wars, sets it rightside up and sits down, tucking her legs under her.*

I sure hope Safe knows what he's doing!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny

I have a live journal:


Thursday, December 1, 2005 10:59 AM


*shakes head*

"Jayne - you best get on the kitchen table!"

"Aw suger we ain't got time for...." Jaynes' voice trails off as he catches Flechette's gimly glare.

"Um hon... I think I need to introduce you to my daughter" Jayne casually mentions as he climbs up on aforementioned table.

"Lexa can find her own table- this one's big enough 3 or more but sharing such intimate space with your "daughter" is just wrong" Flechette huffs as she hops on next to Jayne.



"what did you just say?" Jayne manly squeaked out

"Like I didn't know you were making another robot! Hmmph- what kind of mate do you think I am? ya know - on second thought don't answer that!"

Safe! Jayne and Flechette are clear!

*crosses fingers and hopes Safe knows what he's doing*

Flechette - Destiny's Cook

We got Crab and pig tell:Squid ink and fish scale
Okra and dasheen leaves
Chitchat and chatter :Fill up the platter
With a garnish of pure make believe
- Jimmy Buffett's Calaloo


Thursday, December 1, 2005 6:49 PM


'Damn....where in the hell am I gonna....?' Jazaf notices and open cupboard and tries his best to fit in the tight space.

'I hope I don't re-open my wound.' He mutters to himself before checking in.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Friday, December 2, 2005 7:15 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Well, I'm back. I thought that nobody would have continued on the story considering how things looked when I last checked in, but thankfully Safe took over.

Where is everyone anyway? I know that we all lead busy lives but I remember before the movie came out, if I was to have missed a week of activity, I would have to spend an hour or two just reading to catch up. Not so at the minute.
Not that I'm in any place to complain...

Oh btw, it seems collectormania - a regular UK con - will have Ron Glass as guest! I can't miss this one, I've missed every other UK con. Plus Julie Benz from Buffy/Angel will be there too.


I was also hoping to buy the Firefly cd yesterday but I couldn't find it anywhere in the shops, with the exception of HMV which had a section for it, but they were sold out. DANG NAMMIT!

Looks like I'll have to buy it on the net, which I normally would do but... ah, I dunno. I'm just rambling now. Maybe I should ramble on with the story.


Previously on Destiny


Originally posted by NEEDY:

"Wait... Dr... Dr Me? He's involved in this?"

"Dr Me... he is our father" Kimmel reveals

Needy's jaw drops. Only four words come to mind.

"Son of a...!"

Needy stops when his exclamation is interrupted by the intercom. It's an announcement from Safe


Originally posted by safeat2nd:

"Attention all crew members. Please step away from
all walls, doors or any other metal connected to the hull. I will be running large amounts of electricity through the hull in the attempt to melt our way through the ice sheet."

"All crew members please report in when ready"

Needy gives Original Kimmel (or OK) a stare. Still OK remains emotionless as if whatever happens to him would be inconsequential as long as it serves the greater good. Needy desperately thinks of what to do.

There he is, standing in a room full of wires and circuit-boards, in fact its full of technology he hasn't seen before, he still doesn't know what to make of the orange glowing ball.

The minute Safe takes action, the room will surely be overcome by the heat and blow, causing a reactory explosion of epic proportions. Destiny will not survive. In fact, Needy wouldn't bet against the explosion taking out the entire planet.

"You heard the man." Needy addresses OK, "It's your move. In a minute, your plans, your beliefs - they won't mean a thing. You need to stop this."

OK doesn't respond, but merely looks down on Needy haughtily.

"Do something!"

"It's your crewmember - the one you call Safe - that threatens the safety of the others. You do something. You stop him, and maybe you will save your ship. Save yourselves"

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Friday, December 2, 2005 7:16 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Needy hesitates, before taking his miniature com ready to tell Safe not to go through with it. But then he hesitates again. "No"

"Why is that?"

"Why should I? For all I know, you're going to destroy us anyway. If we are to die, then this ship is to die with us. I'm not going to risk you getting out of this to wreak havoc on someone else. Another ship? The entire 'verse? What's your plan? Whatever it is, it isn't good, and I'm pretty damn sure you need this ship if you're going to succeed"

"It seems I misjudged you. Brave and Altruistic. You truly would be great if you were to join us"

"Go to hell"

"No such place"

"You're gonna die. And I'm gonna be here to watch... with a smile on my face"

"No, I'm quite safe here. Though, I don't think you will be"

The metal floor Needy stands on would surely send him to his grave as soon as Safe goes through with his plan. He wonders if dying with honour truly would be in his best interests - people had called Needy many things before, and brave was clearly not one of them.
Suddenly an unnerving thought goes through Needy's mind. What if Ok wasn't being so brave about confronting his own death for the sake of his beliefs... but that what he said was the truth, that he was safe, that what was happening now actually served his purposes.

Needy looks again at the layout of the room. The wires, pipes, circuitry - it's all connected, but where was the power source? The orange ball? No, the orange ball Needy now realised was a result of the newly revamped Chamber... the power was actually coming from Destiny herself.

The minute Safe powers the generator, OK will have all the power he needs to complete his insidious plans, whatever they may be. The ships crash on this planet... it wasn't an accident, it happened for a very specific reason. OK, or Dr Me, or whoever is truly behind this, must have knew that the old generator would have been used to get out of the mess, but why not turn it on himself? And why was this planet specifically chosen?
There's no time for questioning OK, Needy told himself, whether he's right or not, he can't let Safe go through with it

Needy held his com tightly and quickly brought it to his mouth

"Safe don't do it. I repeat, do not do it. Don't power the generator... Safe? Do you copy?"

The com was dead.

"Do you think all this equipment is just for show... that its an elaborate coffee machine?" Ok asks "I'm in control now... your comm is useless"

"If he doesn't hear back from me, he won't turn it on. He won't risk my life"

"You really believe that? For all he knows you're already dead. You haven't been heard from since the ship hit. And..." Ok types some commands into a keypad on his chair "as of right now, the ships computers no longer register you as a lifesign"

"You can't..."

"Watch me"

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Friday, December 2, 2005 1:55 PM


Wow, Needy, Safe, you guys are great with the story writing. Very impressed. I'm sorry I have been one of those "not around much" people lately, I've got the usual excuses. I am working on converting my new coworkers to Firefly though (never waste time!), except for the one who already loves it (except she had to think for about a MINUTE to understand my comment when I said I was depressed for a while about the ending of Serenity--Wash and Book died, DUH)

Anyway, glad you're all well--in the "are we about to die" sense of the phrase :-)

Also dissapointed due to lack of points for our latest challenge effort (I want the Serenity chopsticks! And how appropriate would they be, given our story line so far, huh?) But I understand, we're all human.

Since in the Destiny 'verse I don't know about Needy's discovery, but I do know that wood does not conduct as well as metal, I am now doing a handstand on top of my chopsticks (I saw Cirque du Soliel a few years ago and a beautiful contortionist poised for about ten minute on one hand on top of a thin poll, doing the splits or wrapping herself in a knot, etc. It was amazing)

Amy in Kaylee voice: "Ok, now I can't get down"

Hugs all 'round,
Amylisai, Chopstick Ninja Queen O'Fancy Garb


Friday, December 2, 2005 2:13 PM


Jack gives Jayne a stare that speaks volumes. The others say nothing, but develop knowing smirks.

"Did I do it right?" Jayne asks.

Jack stares at Lexa Doig longingly, but returns to Jayne with a vengeance, "I hate you."

"That's gratitude for ya."

Jack, Long Absent of Destiny


Saturday, December 3, 2005 3:42 AM


Safe ticks off on his fingers as the replies come in. Serenity, Flechette and family, Jazaf, Amy, Jack...

"Hmmm.. where's Dr. Me and Needy? Soul was out cold on his bunk..."

The radio crackles once but no voice follows. Safe picks up the comm again.

"Needy? Dr. Me? Check in please."

At that point a strange humming sound is more felt than heard shipwide. Safe notices that his hair has a paticularily staticy feeling, like it was he and not his socks that spent time in the clothes dryer.

Safe looks down at the clamps in his hands and tentatively touches them together quickly. A tiny spark. While his plan was good in theory, Safe realizes now that the old generator couldn't possibly generate enough charge for what he had in mind.

"If that was the case, where's this electricity coming from?" Safe thinks as he looks down again to find he is standing on the metal floor holding two metal clamps...


Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Saturday, December 3, 2005 7:24 AM



Somehow I missed the brilliant plan of getting electricuted.

Before Jack can say much, he's pushed into the galley with Jayne, Flechette and the other crew.

"Maybe a wooden chair..." Jack looks around for a non conductive chair, "Ah ha!" when he finds the only one.

Everyone else has found their places. Trebeck has even cuddled himself up in tupperware with Serenity. All except a very confused Lexa.

Jack sighs deeply and offers the chair without hesitation, "I'll find another," he quickly explains and turns to leave.

Lexa takes him by the arm and sweeps him into her own, "There's no time," she stands in the chair oblivious to the stare from Flechette.

Jack ignores the venomous stare from Jayne, "And us without a threshold," he says cradled in the android's secure grasp. He clicks the little com that Safe gave him, "Ready, Freddy."

Jack, Hopeful Son-in-Law to Flechette and Jayne by Lexa Doig of Destiny


Monday, December 5, 2005 11:23 AM


The static in the air from the building charge is making everyone's hair is standing on end.

Safe is still standing there looking dumbfounded at the clamps in his hands. Where's the charge coming from? Not from the clamps... he hasn't done anything yet.

Where did all these socks stuck to me come from?

Safeat2nd, Deperately Seeking Bounce Sheets, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Monday, December 5, 2005 11:41 AM


Serenity looks like the bride of Frankenstein with her hair sticking up. She doesn't like tooking like the bride of Frankenstein.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny

I have a live journal:


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 3:56 AM


Tuesday morning bump.

Ummm Needy, that was your cue...I don't know how long Amy can balance on the chopsticks...

Jack. Thats funny! Reminds me of the robot soap opera from Futurama.. "Jack sweeps Lexa into his arms and Calcutron burts into the room arms windmilling...DANGER...DANGER.."

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 12:31 PM


Yes, my arms are getting tired from balancing on the chopsticks! On the bright side, I've figured out how to walk around like an upside down stilt-walker...

I wish I could help with the peril, but in this position, it's a no-go.

I will instead contribute humor:
It's hilarious, I was actually laughing out loud.

Amy: "Is anyone else on this ship getting scared? This is getting pretty interesting!"



Tuesday, December 6, 2005 1:30 PM


Amy-walk yourself over here! If I stand up on this chair, there's enough room for you to stand with me. We'll be a bit cozy, but it'll give your arms a break.

Query: If someone were in a EVA suit, would they be protected from this electric current? Cuz that could maybe be helpful if someone could get themselves to one. Just wondering.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, December 7, 2005 10:48 AM


Ummm... Needy?? Hello?? Electrical charge reaching critical mass here...

All over the ship lights are popping. The crew looks on anxiously.

But in the engine room, Safe dances around with glee, sparks coursing off his hair. He clicks his heels together causing more sparks..

The cause of his glee, is that this mysterious charge is re-charging the Destiny's three large batteries.

Sparky sparky sparky...tee hee..

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, December 8, 2005 5:59 PM


Thursday bump.

Still waiting on Needy....

While we are waiting, Please check out my Boros Bound fanfics. Needy, Amy and Flechette will be making cameos in the next chapter ... I believe.

I know, it's based on the Sereni-Tree thread and it's not near as funny as life on the Destiny, but I would really appreciate your input. Be honest too.
This is a learning curve for me as I have no official trianing or qualifications to be considered a writer, just an over active imagination and a slightly bent sense of humour.

The proper order is Boros Bound-Prologue pts 1-3 and then Boros Bound, chapter 1.

Safeat2nd, Future Scribe? & Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, December 9, 2005 8:52 AM


Bumpity bump bump. Look at Frosty go..

I'll keep this thread alive if I have to do it myself BWAHAHAHAHAHA... Yes, mine is an EVIL laugh.

Now if can just get my mitten strings to stay even...

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, December 9, 2005 9:01 AM


Needy as been AWOL for some time. It's a shame because he got us into some great peril. I have his email so I'll email him and check up on him. Real life has probably just gotten in the way.

So, while we're all standing around trying not to die, anyone want to talk about their Christmas or Hannukah plans? Anybody doing something or going anywhere interesting?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny

I have a live journal:


Friday, December 9, 2005 9:50 AM


Ooo, lets hear some traditions. I'm a traditionaholic.

Oh, and please call the holidays what you want, I don't want to hear any Politically correct greetings!

When I say Merry Christmas, please accept that as well wishes for you and yours, not a "sales" pitch for Chritianity. Deal? Feel free to say Happy Hannukah right back at me if you are Jewish etc.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, December 9, 2005 9:56 AM


I have a weird one: my family has a rule that if there's a bow on your present, you have to wear it-on your head-until all the presents are unwrapped.

I always take lots of pictures.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny

I have a live journal:


Friday, December 9, 2005 10:07 AM


Yup, that's weird alright...

When we go to my parents, dad always makes what he calls Orange samosas' for Christmas day. It's essentially ice cream and orange juice blended in a blender. It's for while we are opening presents.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, December 9, 2005 10:13 AM


Mmmmm..that sounds like a good way to start Christmas morning. I used to make those in college. We called them Orange Tims because our friend Tim got us started drinking them.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny

I have a live journal:


Friday, December 9, 2005 6:39 PM


OOC: My sister (who joined the army) has been away for a few months for training and is gonna be with us for christmas. It'll be good to see her again after 4 months.


Jazaf looks out of his Safe spot.
'Gorramit! Does anyone else feel kinda funny? The hairs on the back of my neck are staring to stand up.'

While looking to see if anyone else had similar symptoms he noticed the Lexa Doig robot. He flashes a smile and says 'H'lo I don't belive we've met.'

'Jazaf, If you're gonna try and make a move on my daughter gorramit, so help me, I will rip out your spleen and shove it down your throat!' Jayne spits.

'Aw come on, have some sympathy Jayne. I got stabbed right here.' He motions where the paring knife got him.

'That does not give you the right to hit on my daughter!'

'How about a life or death situation?'

Jayne leaps to his feet on the table and gives Jazaf a cold, hard glare.

'Careful darling, this table can't hold with all this ruckus now calm down!' Flechette demands
'But he..'
'This is not the time to have a fit of Fatherly Rage Jayne! Now lie down!' Flechette interjects.
Jayne hesitantly lies back down on the table. From somewhere in the room someone imitates trhe sound of a whip. Jayne sits up and does a quick pan of the room. After a while he lies back down.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Sunday, December 11, 2005 4:49 AM


OOC: Happy Birthday Flechette!

*throws confetti*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Sunday, December 11, 2005 1:38 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

hello all

I was hoping to add to the story this weekend but I just never got round to it - sorry
I would add to it now but I feel too tired at the minute (What's wrong with me?! stupid winter is throwing me out of whack)

I will add to it tomorrow - promise. Even if its just a small bit

Keep flying!

(cos at the minute, destiny's sinking)

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Sunday, December 11, 2005 2:10 PM


We look forward to it Needy!

Happy birthday Flechette!!

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Monday, December 12, 2005 10:55 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Well I don't know how well, or how long for that matter, this is gonna turn out, but I'm gonna add what I can to the story now


Originally posted by NEEDY:

Needy held his com tightly and quickly brought it to his mouth

"Safe don't do it. I repeat, do not do it. Don't power the generator... Safe? Do you copy?"

The com was dead.

"Do you think all this equipment is just for show... that its an elaborate coffee machine?" Ok asks "I'm in control now... your comm is useless"

"If he doesn't hear back from me, he won't turn it on. He won't risk my life"

"You really believe that? For all he knows you're already dead. You haven't been heard from since the ship hit. And..." Ok types some commands into a keypad on his chair "as of right now, the ships computers no longer register you as a lifesign"

"You can't..."

"Watch me"

OK needed to be stopped. That much was certain.

What Needy wasn't sure of was whether he could take the villain out before Safe charges the generator. As strong a feeling he had to throw himself at the seated maniac then and there, Needy knew that if one thing was important, it was the lives of the crewmembers on the ship, the people on this world. He needed to stop Safe from flipping the switch... or whatever he'd have to do to power it (mechanics had never been Needy's thing), before something really disastrous happened.

"I don't know what your big plan is, but you're not gonna win." Needy bravely proclaimed to the space-stowaway.

"Is that right?" OK asked calmly

"I will stop you" the boy whore asserted before turning his back on Kimmel and facing the entrance to the corridor.
Only instead of facing his exit, he faced an exit that was blocked by a figure that must had been previously standing behind him. Needy had to tilt his head back in order to take in the sight - clearly being this small was posing a bit of a problem. The man that now obstructed Needy's way out, and thus only hope of reaching Safe, seemed none to happy that the whore had discovered the truth of the Chamber.
The man standing before him was a fellow crewmember. The man was Doctor Me

"Why wait?" The figure asked in reply to Needy's strong statement.
Before Needy can react, he finds himself being raised up off of the ground.
The Doctor's right hand is tense and as Needy rises so does the doctor's arm, until the vertically challenged hero finds himself hovering 4ft off of the floor so that he is now at eye level with the telekinetic - the doctor's hand now mere inches away from Needy's chin.
"I'm afraid you're not going anywhere" he threatens to the now speechless Needy.
With one swift motion of the doctor's arm, the boy whore hurtles across the Chamber from the entranceway to the back, his back cracking as it collides with piping.

"Should never have left the Infirmary" the Doctor growls, before telekinetically shutting the doorway behind him with another quick motion of his hand.

"Would you like me to finish him off, Father?" OK asks his master.

"That will not be necessary", the Doctor mildly replies

"You have other plans for him?"

"I'm not sure yet - maybe. I haven't decided. It would be pointless to waste such a life, even one as worthless as his... at this time at least. He cannot stop us. I have forseen it"

"Yes master"

"Oh, c'mon!" Needy scoffs as he tries to get back on his feet. "You can tell the future? Like hell. You really have some gullible serv..."

Again, without warning, the Doctor uses his paranormal gifts to punish Needy's insolence. He is pulled from his position on the floor and thrust at remarkable speed to the ceiling, cracking his back one more time. After lingering up there for a couple of seconds - defying gravity - the Dr lets him go. The resulting drop of about 15 feets knocks the energy and one or two teeth out of Needy as he hits the floor fast and hard.

Not content with that though, the Doctor then really takes it out on him.
Needy hasn't even had the chance to think about recovering when he is thrown into the wall nearest to his feet, his head banging one of the pipes. Then he is thrown to the opposite side of the room, his face scratching against the circuits hanging there. Then finally he is thrust back to the other side, only this time, his head hits a low-hanging pipe , causing his body to make a 180 degree spin before it his the wall it was hurtling towards. From that point the Dr let's him go. The boy whore crashes to the floor one more time, only now unconcious and bleeding profusely from his head, and probably internally elsewhere in his body.

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Monday, December 12, 2005 10:56 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

"I thought you didn't want him dead" OK calls to the evil Doctor

"No, I said I hadn't decided. Besides, he'll live. Maybe not much, but he'll live nonetheless"

"It's just..." OK replies with a doubtful tone


"I thought..."

"You're not programmed to think. Only to act" the Doctor pointedly declares.

"As were you." a voice calls from behind.

I locked the only entrance the Doctor told himself, unwilling to believe that someone could have entered. But he recognised the voice. And if anyone was to enter, it would be him

"As were you", the voice repeats, "but as we can see, my creations seemed to have evolved on their own"

The voice belongs to none other than Doctor Me, the original. Not the abomination that looks like him. Not he that has brought the crew of Destiny to its knees.

"What the... what... who are you?" OK asks, completely confused.

"He's an imposter" the evil Doctor calls out.

Doctor Me doesn't reply, or deny. He doesn't feel the need to. The only need he has is to sort this mess out once and for all.

"I know you haven't told Safe to stop what he is doing... you truly are a fool" the Doc imposter mocks

"Not yet"

"Kimmel, I hope you're blocking his receiver" Evil Doc says, briefly turning to face him

OK doesn't say anything

"Kimmel!" Evil doc shouts

"You think I'd use a normal comm that can be blocked by such crude machinery? You should know better" the real Doc interrupts confidently

"You can't stop me. I've become more powerful than you possibly can imagine" Evil Doc asserts.

"Spoken like a true ego-maniac"

Evil Doc raises his arm as he had done before, lifting Original Dr Me in the process.

Dr Me, now raised 3 or 4 feet from the ground, shows no sign of backing down
"Yes I can", he challenges


I have to finish it there as my sister is in desperate use of the pc - hopefully I can carry on with it later tonight.

Sorry there's not many laughs from it, I don't know what's wrong with me - I can't have a conversation without cracking a joke, and yet I can't make light of this. Maybe in the next part

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Monday, December 12, 2005 11:37 AM


*meanwhile, in the common room*

Wow, this is really boring. Anybody want to play a game? We could play 20 questions?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Monday, December 12, 2005 2:02 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

The evil, but identical-looking, Doctor uses his powers to throw Original Dr Me to a wall, pinning him to it a few feet in the air.
"You don't belong here! There can only be ONE Doctor" the evil double screams, showing signs of losing control

Original Dr Me, still unwilling to give in, can only reply "Look around you. It seems everyone on this god forsaken ship has a double, evil or otherwise. What do you think makes you so special?!"

The good doctor drops to the floor as his other half releases him from his grasp. Me wastes no time in getting back on his feet to confront the oppressor in their midst.

"You are a mistake. A hideous mistake. Sure you may look like me, but you are not Me"

"No, I'm so much better." Original Me can sense a speech coming a mile off as his evil counterpart continues "I'm not weighed down by your weak thinking, your useless morals. How can you expect to make progress in science... in changing worlds, civilizations... if you're not willing to take risks"

"Oh I took risks. You're living proof of that. But you have taken things too far. You have evolved to the point, as I had hoped, that you would think for yourself. But you do not weigh all the matters up first, you don't think with your heart, only your head. I made you perfect, and you spit in my face."

"And what... now you come to destroy me? What gives you the right?"

"I created you. I brought you into this world... it is my right, no, my responsibilty... to send you out"

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Monday, December 12, 2005 2:04 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

"You will try" the evil Doc stresses, not noticing his creator is casually pulling out of his pocket a small handheld device.

"And you..." Me says matter-of-factly "you can fry." With that, he presses a button on the device he has concealed in his hand, which instantly causes his double to suddenly let out a inhuman shriek.
The double jerks and jolts, clenching his fists and pressing them against his temples.
He cannot form words. He cannot react to defend himself. He is helpless, and in a great deal of pain.

"I'm sorry, but you left me with no choice" Me states solemnly as he walks over to his double who has fallen to the ground, continuing to shriek in pain. Cringing slightly, he passes by and walks towards the Original Kimmel who still is situated at the seat of the machine, only now he is standing. No longer do they look upon the imposter that now lays dying on the floor a few feet away. A man whose skin has turned a pale blue, and whose eyes are clouded with blood.

"Shut it down" Me tells the last Kimmel. "Shut it down now, or I'll be forced to end you like I ended him"

Kimmel gulps loudly. He normally would never have backed down, but now he was in a position he never would have imagined himself in. He thought he was doing the will of god - his god at least. But he now realised he was merely acting on behalf of an imitation of his creator. He had no doubt in his mind that the real Dr Me could do it, could end his life. Kimmel may have been a smart man, may have evolved beyond his original template, but he knew that his true master was much smarter - and probably had the means to end his life at the push of a button. Hell, he'd actually seen him do just that only a few seconds ago

Dr Me gives him a look as if to say "this is your last chance".

"Yes sir... er... Father" Kimmel concedes, shutting down the operation.

"Now reroute the power"


"Reroute it. Get us out of here!"

"I don't know if I..."

"Yes you can" Dr Me encourages, his tone changing to no longer show the stern father in him, but the loving one

"Yes father" Kimmel flicks some switches, turns some dials and lastly punches on a few keys until the room glows a bright orange. The ball that once floated above the machine slowly engulfs the whole room, some of its light spilling out into the corridor through the open door, whilst giving off a whirring sound. The walls of The Chamber look like they're pulsating, in fact for an instant, the room has never looked more alive. It was a beautiful sight to behold, a glimpse of what might have been if Me's evil double had succeeded in his plans.
Then suddenly it is over. As Kimmel and Dr Me watch with baited breath, the light quickly recedes and the orange ball becomes concentrated until it is no bigger than a pin's head, situated at its point of origin, milimetres above a rod attached to the machine.
Then it implodes.
As Me had hoped, the great surge of energy hits the rod, which then channels it through the machine, the circuits and back into Destiny

Every room in the ship lights up, abundant in power.

Dr Me grabs his comm, and broadcasts on all frequencies. "We've got power... but we're still gonna have difficulty getting out of this mess. I've got an idea, but it's... well, you might feel a bit queasy, so I suggest you take a seat"

Next he turns to Kimmel, who is still a little fazed by the whole thing. "Do it"


"Get us out of here"

"But... you mean, with this?" Kimmel asks, tilting his head towards the machine's controls

"It was built for a reason. Now let's put it to some use"

"Yes sir." Kimmel punches a few keys into the pad and then grabs hold of the lever situated to the right side of his chair.

"Wait!" Me calls out, causing Kimmel to jump. "Let me hold on to something first"

As Dr Me clutches a pipe on the wall, he nods to Kimmel giving him the go-ahead.

Kimmel pulls the lever


btw, science stuff - really not my strong suit

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Monday, December 12, 2005 2:17 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

*One disappearing ship and seven sick bags later*

As the crewmembers scattered around the ship wonder what the hell just happened and if they're out of trouble, their comms crackle.

Then the sound of a familiar voice can be heard.

"We're all clear" Dr Me announces.

The other crewmembers look at each other, still clueless about what happened.

"We are? What just happened? It doesn't feel like we've moved... well not the way we normally would, that is" Serenity replies on her comm

"Well, I happen to have gotten my hands on a nifty little device down here... we just teleported the ship to dry land"

Again, the crewmembers can only look at each other, completely bewildered.

"We what?" Safe replies

"Don't concern yourself with it right now. We've got a ship that needs a fair bit of repair and..."
Dr Me pauses, as he realises that Needy still lays not too far from him, unconcious and in dire need of medical help.
"Oh no..."


Ok, thats it for now
I wrote a lot more than I expected to. But I thought I'd get that little min-story out of the way, but there's lots of work to do now.
Destiny needs fixing. So do I (or should I say, my character). Plus there's still a decomposing body to take care of (actually there's probably loads of Kimmel clones decomposing too). The infirmary is probably ruined, oh and there's a huge machine now in our ship that I suspect can do a lot more than teleport. It might even be able to send us to different time periods (such as the earth that was), alternate realities (like it isnt confusing enough on our ship), and you never know, it might actually make a decent cup of coffee.

I'll leave it to you for now. The important thing is that we keep flying

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Monday, December 12, 2005 2:43 PM



See what happens when you go from the site for too long?? You think too much. Nice work though.

ok how to continue on...

Safe picks himself up off the floor. He feels like he was just twisted inside out.

"Well at least the batteries are recharged..."

Safe looks out the porthole, Destiny now rests on the ground beside a large frozen lake.

"Great googlymoogly. How'd we get here?"

"I gotta get me a look at this machine Dr. Me created."

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 11:17 AM


Ummm...can we get down now?


Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 11:18 AM


Great googlymoogly?!?!?


Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 4:43 AM


Safe picks up the com, "Umm..all clear, but I don't rightly know why."

He hesitantly reaches out one figer to the hull...


Picks himself up off the floor, "'s still not wise to touch the hull just yet.. trust me."

Coughs out smoke...

Safeat2nd, Statically Charged, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 11:59 AM


*Amy and Serenity carefully climb down off the chair. When they don't get zapped, they head over to the cupboard and help Jazaf out.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Friday, December 16, 2005 10:15 AM


Safe sets off in search of missing crew members where ever they may be. He checks the linen closet... Wait-a-minute, when did we get a linen closet??

And isn't it supposed to have linens in it??

And where did all this machinery come from??

Needy?? Is that you?

Safe stumbles upon a disturbing scene...

Dunh dunh dah...

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Monday, December 19, 2005 3:23 AM


Well, seeing as how this thread has stalled and I don't know if it will go any further for a while, I'd like to take this pause to wish all my fellow crewmates a very merry Christmas!!

Thank you all for inspiring me. Because of this thread and the kind, funny and talented folks on it, I have discovered writing. Now my friends and family are encouraging me to take some courses to polish what skill I have.

I am the last to acknowledge that I have any skill what-so-ever. I am a self decribed hack, a fluke. BUT, I am starting to be swayed otherwise. While my first story and song parodies got good response, my latest foray, Boros Bound, seems to be getting lackluster reviews. Family and friends at home, however, seem to like it, even the ones that don't normally read. So I am not discouraged, just resolved to get better.

So, Thank-you! Serenity, Amy, Flechette, Needy, Jack, TRM, Jazaf & Soul! You all have made me laugh and sit back in awe.

Merry christmas to Destiny! *holds up glass of eggnog*

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Monday, December 19, 2005 11:46 AM



Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Monday, December 19, 2005 11:59 AM


*The various crew members currently situated in the common room tidy the place up. They stick all the dead Kimmel clones in the air lock. Amy sweeps the floor, Serenity scrubs everything down, Jack does what he can to repair the broken furniture and Flechette preheats the oven. Within a few hours, the place is sparkling(ish) once again. Jack runs to a closet and pulls out a box marked "Holiday Decs" and everyone begins decorating. Amy sets up a Menorah on the table and strings Star of david lights around the room while Jazaf offers advice from a chair ("A little higher on the left. Now a little lower.") Serenity cuts snowflakes out of paper, covers them in glitter, and hangs them from the ceiling. Flechette makes cookies in the shapes of dreidels and Christmas trees and Jayne and Lexa add icing.*

We've been through alot. I think we deserve a break. I'm sure the Captain would agree.

Now, where is everyone else, so we can get this party underway?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 6:48 PM


Safe wheels a bandaged Needy into the common room.

"Look who I found! Be gentle, Dr. Me just finished fixin' him up. Please somebody put Bing or Dean on, I feel the need for good Christmas music!"

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 5:48 AM


Holiday Greetings to all!

Sorry for being MIA - as a few of you know my father passed away on Sun Dec 11th so things have been ... unhappy - for lack of a better term.

Amylisa - did you ever get that surprise I sent?


Woot! Party Time!

Eggnog and peppermint bark coming right up!

and Irish coffe, lasagna, stuffed mushrooms. antipasta, meatballs, sausages, nuts, fruits...

what? I'm Italian hertiage - you already had Turkey less than 4 weeks ago - time for a menu change! - okay okay we can do a ham for anyone not liking Italian food....

hmm canoli, 3 layer chocolate cake, cheesecake, apple dumplings,

any specific food requests?

Flechette - Destiny's Cook

We got Crab and pig tell :Squid ink and fish scale
Okra and dasheen leaves :Chitchat and chatter
Fill up the platter
With a garnish of pure make believe
- Jimmy Buffett's Calaloo


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 8:00 AM


Flechette! Nice to hear from you again!

Please accept my condolences... I've been there. A couple years back we lost my mother-in-law. I actually was very close to her. It's still a little tender for us this time of year. She was a big christmas fanatic...

Anywho, I love Italian. Keep the turkey away from me. I'm all for your menu change. Sounds yummy!! Can you do Jamacian Jerk chicken wings?

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny






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