Flanvention Report - Followups and Answers

UPDATED: Friday, January 13, 2006 17:50
VIEWED: 4908
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005 5:02 AM


Rather than extending the daily report threads, I'm going to start this new one to answer questions from all four reports.

First, my health: thanks for your concern. I had a rather rough flight home, what with head congestion. After we landed my ears were so blocked I could barely hear, and was staggering a bit. This morning after the meds wore off, I checked my temp: 102 degrees. Guess I'll hibernate for a couple days until I feel better.

RE: Gina's absence: I asked Alan and Summer about it at the luncheon. They said she did a few cons early on, but has pretty much stopped now, since she got married. So it may be a rare thing to get her auto.

RE: Jewel in high school: she was mostly home schooled, but went to public school one year just to have the experience. She said she thought the whole high school scene was just bizarre. I think maybe she was a bit more mature than her peers, since she'd been working as an actress for years by then.

RE: Summer's injury: WARNING! The following story is painful and may produce major butt-willies. Fainthearted browncoats may wish to skip over the next paragraph.

The injury occurred when she was in Texas. Summer was taking some small acting jobs on the sly, without telling her dance teachers. One day she was going over a script that she'd spread out on the floor, when she had to jump up to answer the phone (or some such). She slipped on a page, and her toe whacked into the fireplace hearthstone. It broke her big toe. But wait, that's not the worst of it. Instead of taking time off to heal (which would have cost her several important roles) she just kept dancing on the broken toe. For months. Finally, trying to compensate for the toe, she came down wrong on that foot and tore something up. After that she couldn't dance en point, so her ballet career was over. As I said, this was the year she was hoping to move up to a prestigious company, but that was not to be.

Told you it was painful.

RE: Morena at the banquet: yes, she did pretty much glow. But that could have been just by contrast with the ugly mug sitting next to her! My table had -- let me see -- Morena, Christina, Bruce (one of the con people), and I think seven fans. It was all very jolly.

Sure, I had plenty of time to chat with Morena, and found I wasn't too nervous to do so. She was gracious enough to ask about my work (and some of the other guests'), and told me a bit about her connections to Brazil (she still has family there and goes back two or three times a year to visit). She's from Rio, and moved to the States when she was seven. She spoke English at school and Portuguese at home, but quite obviously has no trace of an accent.

Funny incident I didn't mention -- at one point in the meal, Christina Hendricks got to teasing Morena about something. Morena grabbed her roll and tossed it at Christina. Unfortunately, the latter was holding her wine glass at the time, and that's what the roll hit -- slopping some Merlot onto Christina's party dress and, well, cleavage. Ample cleavage, I might even say. Needless to say, Morena was horrified and immediately jumped up and ran around the table to give her a hug and apologize. Christina just laughed it off -- it was only a few drops, but what a riot.

Christina, by the way, also seemed to be a very sweet person. Nothing like Yo-Saff-Brige! She talked about how welcome she was made to feel on the Firefly set in her two guest shots. She and Morena got to talking about hobbies; Morena's trying her hand at quilting, and Christina invited her to come to her knitting circle. How's that for real folks?

I asked Morena about the kind of jobs she was getting offered. She said she wasn't really getting scripts to read, just doing auditions. She said how hard it was to find good roles. At the luncheon the next day, Summer expanded on this: she said the scripts they were getting were things they wouldn't want to do, so that's why the auditions. Now, if there were any justice in this world, Hollywood would be beating paths to these actors' doors... but that's not happening yet, except for maybe Alan.

The only thing I can't report on is the smell question. I can't say I noticed any odor, one way or another. Of course, I didn't pull a River and lean in for a close-up sniff. But another thing I did notice about Morena: the woman is a bird! She's so slender and delicate I can't imagine her working with the martial arts trainers for her fight scene in Serenity. Maybe she's tougher than she looks, though. In any case, she seemed much skinnier and more delicate in person than on screen, which is saying something.

RE: con organization: people I spoke to who had been at other cons told me that this one wasn't as well managed, that the organizers seemed "green". I don't have any basis of comparison, but I can say that there did seem to be a lot of lulls when nothing much was happening. I'm told that at other cons, there's always something going on onstage. Another weakness: they showed a prerelease cut of the fan film "Done The Impossible" -- but they showed it during the cocktail party, which was so loud nobody could hear the soundtrack, nor could you see it if you didn't have a cocktail party ticket. If they ever showed it on its own at some other time, I didn't notice it.

RE: accessibility at the banquet: The stars were easily available, but for most of the time everybody pretty much stuck to their own table and just chatted with "their" star. There was a bit more circulation after the meal ended, but the stars didn't stay that long afterward. I wanted to say hi to Nathan (since I couldn't do so the day before) but waited a bit too long -- he was up and on the move before I got to him.

Actually, the only time I talked to the Cap'n at all was during the autograph session on Sunday. I was wearing a reddish brown shirt, tan pants, and black suspenders. Nathan said something like, hey, that's a good look. I said, yeah, I got it from some old TV show I used to watch. Then he made me do a spin for him. Maybe he was thinking about a "tightpants" quip, but I go more for comfort than bulge factor in my wardrobe

One more little item that came up in the Q&A sessions: Summer was asked about doing the River Tam Sessions. It's a pretty good story. One day she gets a call from Joss, who asks, what are you doing tomorrow? Can you get down here real quick and shoot these scenes? Turns out Joss had sold someone at Universal on doing the viral marketing thing, and had scheduled studio time -- but hadn't written them yet!

Summer said it was really a blast making them. She'd been worried she wouldn't have time to get herself in character (she likes a lot of prep time, especially for the big emotional scenes like the ones with Simon in the BDM) but it turned out fine. She said how nice it was to be able to portray the "sane" River, the happy and enthusiastic girl she was before they broke her.

I asked a followup question: would the sessions ever be available in better resolution versions? The online vids are pretty grainy... Summer answered simply, "I think that's part of their charm."

Elevator encounters: rode up with Alan and Jonathan once (damn elevators are just too fast!), and crossed paths with several others (Feldman Twins, Christina, Jewel, Ron) as I was getting on or off.

That's it for now. If I remember more good stories I'll tack them on later.

P.S. Yes, the luncheon was the event that was auctioned on eBay. The tickets I saw went in the range of $500 to $1000 or so.

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 5:08 AM


I am hanging on your every word, DonCoat, thanks!
Hope you are feeling better soon... take care.

"I'm thinking we'll rise again." Mal


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 12:49 PM


I never got to meet you! WAHH! *sobs*

Because Dancers are tough,mean...Chicas!! -Summer Glau


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:00 PM


I can't wait to hear all about the Flanvention from you and FillionFlan too, Piff.

I know you had a wonderful time and I'm happy for ya'll.

"Is it Christmas?" Mal


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:03 PM


Its all so fuzzy!

Because Dancers are tough,mean...Chicas!! -Summer Glau


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:05 PM


Aw, Piff, in a way that's good, means you had a blast!!!

"Is it Christmas?" Mal


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:09 PM


Wish I could've gone. It sounds like it was awesome. Never got to meet the BDH's before. Thanks for the great report.

Mal would kick Han Solo's ass.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:18 PM


Thanks for the great stories about the cocktail party, banquet, and luncheon. So jealous! I went to the con on Sat. and Sun and had a blast, but didn't spring for the meal-related stuff, so living vicariously through your reports on them.

Hope you feel better soon, and look at the bright side: at least your cold/flu didn't hit you full force till after the con

"Hamsters is nice."


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:18 PM


Thanks for the great stories about the cocktail party, banquet, and luncheon. So jealous! I went to the con on Sat. and Sun and had a blast, but didn't spring for the meal-related stuff, so living vicariously through your reports on them.

Hope you feel better soon, and look at the bright side: at least your cold/flu didn't hit you full force till after the con

"Hamsters is nice."


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:20 PM



Originally posted by Piffle101:
I never got to meet you! WAHH! *sobs*

Hey, that's right... how did we miss each other?

If I ever do another of these shindigs, I'll announce my badge number, which would narrow the search process. You could hook up before or after the Q&As, where seats are assigned on that basis. By the way, I was 210. How close were we?

I did meet FillionFlan on Sunday -- she was close to me in the auto line, overheard me saying I was posting reports and asked my nick. Great fun. It's so cool to be recognized from online postings: "You're DonCoat???"

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:26 PM


Flanvention was fun! Yea, there were pros and cons about how it was organized, but I did have a good time.

Doncoat, I'm enjoying your report! GirleeKaylee = Kazumi just so you know.

Seeing BDHs was fun needless to say, but seeing fellow browncoats was such an experience! I really enjoyed everyone that I got to meet.

The thing is whenever I get a chance to say hi to BDHs, I turn into a speechless moron, so hanging out with browncoats was actually more enjoyable! LOL

Actually, I got to chat briefly with Jonathan Woodward, and he didn't make me a speechless moron! I love him a lot - he's in tune with what's going on outside of the US, which surprised me in a good way. (Sorry Jonathan!) Now I respect him even more, and I'm crossing my fingers for him to get more and more roles coming!

I'm hoping to get the pics up, but not sure when that is going to be...


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:34 PM



Originally posted by painisscary:
Thanks for the great stories about the cocktail party, banquet, and luncheon. So jealous! I went to the con on Sat. and Sun and had a blast, but didn't spring for the meal-related stuff, so living vicariously through your reports on them.

Thank you for the Q&A reports. You remembered some great things that slipped my mind completely. Happens all too often lately.


Originally posted by painisscary:
Hope you feel better soon, and look at the bright side: at least your cold/flu didn't hit you full force till after the con

Well, yes -- or maybe, I just fought it off more successfully the first couple days. I did try not to make too much physical contact with anybody those days. Wouldn't it be awful to know you gave Alan (or somebody) your nasty cold?

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:43 PM



Originally posted by GirleeKaylee:
Flanvention was fun! Yea, there were pros and cons about how it was organized, but I did have a good time.

Doncoat, I'm enjoying your report! GirleeKaylee = Kazumi just so you know.

Kazumi was the very first browncoat I met on Friday morning. She is the most lovely and elegant woman you'd ever want to meet. Our ticket numbers were only two apart so we saw each other often.

She wore a gorgeous traditional pale-green kimono to the cocktail party and a high slink-factor red dress to the banquet, and the fact that I remember that is evidence for how striking she looked. You may notice I didn't mention anything about the stars' wardrobes

She was also a volunteer helper, keeping things organized in the photo ops lines. I can say that at least somebody was doing a nice job.

Yes, it really is so cool to meet your fellow browncoats!

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:47 PM


Not a speechless moron... Nah. Just speechless. It was cool.

I knew I knew your SN!!! Coolness! I miss everyone! *sob*

Doncoat..I was 38, but I sat in the 60's..better seats. I was always in the lobby with PR and GirleeKaylee. Good times..

Because Dancers are tough,mean...Chicas!! -Summer Glau


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:50 PM



Originally posted by DonCoat:

Originally posted by GirleeKaylee:
Flanvention was fun! Yea, there were pros and cons about how it was organized, but I did have a good time.

Doncoat, I'm enjoying your report! GirleeKaylee = Kazumi just so you know.

Kazumi was the very first browncoat I met on Friday morning. She is the most lovely and elegant woman you'd ever want to meet. Our ticket numbers were only two apart so we saw each other often.

She wore a gorgeous traditional pale-green kimono to the cocktail party and a high slink-factor red dress to the banquet, and the fact that I remember that is evidence for how striking she looked. You may notice I didn't mention anything about the stars' wardrobes

She was also a volunteer helper, keeping things organized in the photo ops lines. I can say that at least somebody was doing a nice job.

Yes, it really is so cool to meet your fellow browncoats!

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.

She was very beautiful the entire time! I think Kazumi and Lauren were the first people I met at the con. We were all so good looking! The staff party was sooo much fun!

Because Dancers are tough,mean...Chicas!! -Summer Glau


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 2:06 PM


Thanks for all your sweet comments Doncoat! Yup, my ticket # was 212, so we got to bond! Yea, I did go to Cocktail party, but Sean, Morena, and Summer left as I was in (damn half an hour) line for a stupid drink.... I sooo wanted to say hi to Sean... Oh well... I did win the best dressor award for the cocktail party though, that's kinda fun!

For a Banquet, I sat with the twins and a writer. I didn't get to chat with any other guests.
But I got to chat with Rafael since I was sitting next to him. He was really nice. It's a shame I don't remember much after 3 martinis...

Anyhow, I'll leave the report part to Doncoat, since he's so fabulous at it!


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 2:08 PM



She was very beautiful the entire time! I think Kazumi and Lauren were the first people I met at the con. We were all so good looking! The staff party was sooo much fun!

Thanks Piffle! and yea, we were all so pretty, and had so much fun!


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 5:35 PM


DonCoat, I don't think we met officially at the con, but I did remember you from asking the question to Summer right after PR, about the River Tam sessions.

I was seat #173, so its too bad we didn't get to chat. Next con for sure! :)

If anyone remembers, I was one of the ones who hung out with PsychicRiver all weekend, Ashley.

"Yeah, well its LA. The evil is just probably stuck in traffic" -Cordelia

"There were about 100 people at Shellie's party - ninety-eight of them would walk over my corpse for a piece of free gum." ~ Veronica Mars


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 4:23 AM


Great report! It was lovely meeting you!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Friday, January 13, 2006 5:50 PM


Sorry about the late bump, but I was asked about my 'Flanvention I' reports in a different thread and wanted to make this followup easy to find.

The daily reports referred to herein are not, er, *hard to get to*; they're pretty accessible among the archived news items (click Other News in the headlines section).

I don't disagree on any particular point.






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