Troll calling must stop

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 09:14
VIEWED: 5316
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Sunday, December 18, 2005 1:31 PM


I've been a member of the fansbase for over two years now and saw Firefly when it first aired. Now I remember back in the old days when there were real trolls about and how we would poke them with sticks but now this whole troll thing has gotten out of hand.

Now we have people (claiming to be Browncoats) calling people trolls for posting anything negative about Firefly/Serenity for example the EW article that states Whedon stated that there wasn't going to be anymore Firefly/Serenity movies. And now it seems I have been branded a troll as well as others not only on this site for posting this article. And I have seen it regards to other things too where people say negative things and they get crushed under a bunch of people calling them a troll.

Posting something negative and not hiding from the truth of things is not trolling. Some Browncoats aren't as upbeat about the potential of a sequel as some others. That doesn't make them a troll or change the fact that they Firefly/Serenity as much as you. We are just the 'glass is half empty' crowd. So please stop branding us as trolls because you are pushing people away from the fanbase especially some Browncoats who were around before the movie even was a thought and they are the ones who help get the movie in the first damn place.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Sunday, December 18, 2005 1:39 PM


Don't take it personally, mate.

There _are_ a great many anti-Serenity/anti-JossWhedon trolls doing the rounds at the moment. I run a few of the Serenity fan base websites and it is a total nightmare.

That said, you obviously aren't a troll. Anybody intelligent would know this. Some people aren't engaging their brain and are lumping people into groups too quickly.

Ironically I got called a troll the other day - which is quite funny considering I'm the person who moderates the bloody trolls out elsewhere!

You will see more of this kind of thing. The reality of the current situation is that Firefly/Serenity is again, more or less, without a commericial home. At the moment, nobody is going to fund further adventures in this universe - and that hurts. Anybody saying that, for now, will get sticks thrown at them.

I think it's better to be realistic myself. It's okay people posting online saying "You can't stop the signal:@!@", but the reality is... Uhm - if nobody pays for Firefly/Serenity, the signal is actually stopped. Marketing slogans don't equal much.

As long as people are realistic and thoughtful online, spotting the actual trolls should be easy.


Sunday, December 18, 2005 1:46 PM


I'm not all without hope though. We did the impossible before with a smaller fanbase about two years ago. We could do it again if we keep together but like two years ago it is going to be hard and with many failures.

We have to face the realistic facts that the chances of a sequel are very slim even with great DVD sales though it is not totally out of the realm of impossiblity considering that we did it before with the Firefly DVDs.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Sunday, December 18, 2005 1:50 PM


Oh, nothing is impossible. It has a built in fan base, a good write/director at the helm, and the movie was critically very well received. These are good things.

Realistically, not wanting to take this off topic, but I doubt there would be another motion picture. Not unless the DVDs went #1 internationally for some time. However, if the DVDs do well for a few years, there are other options open to exploration.

Whatever the case, anyway, we're Independents again now I think


Sunday, December 18, 2005 1:53 PM


Back to the good old days of not having a home and we were all a small little family spread across two boards and everyone knew everyone.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Sunday, December 18, 2005 1:56 PM


See, this is the price of fame! - Firefly Producers NEW TV series


Sunday, December 18, 2005 2:04 PM


I understand where you are coming from, but you did miss the post that has been going for 3 or 4 days now that had the exact same article as you had posted up. So some of us are just tried of the same type of stuff coming up again. Also the article dosn't carry that much fact in it. As I pointed out in my posting it was carryed on and not exactly web pages I would give credence to ie cite in a term paper or base conclusions on. That being said hang in there and have fun on the site kay. O and the other tread was called "Can you believe this" or something similar.


Sunday, December 18, 2005 2:30 PM


Same post..many threads...maybe you are not a troll, but it is quite trollish to have the same article keep popping up...apparently with no other purpose than to stir people up.

And, by the way...I saw all the shows when they originally aired as well. Do I get a medal now?

I have called 2 people trolls in the past few of the people I called TROLL was someone asking for money and using Adam Baldwin's name to get it (he has since deleted his posts).

It was my opinion, and nobody is obligated to take my word as gospel. All have the ability to read posts and come to their own conclusions. Maybe next time I will just call SHENANIGANS..humm...where did I put my broom.

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Sunday, December 18, 2005 3:21 PM


I don't think you're a troll, Rklenseth. You just wanted everyone to know about an article you saw in a well-known magazine. One which is quite fond of Joss and all his works, I might add.

Maybe everyone is just cranky cause of the bad news, true or not. Or they're stressed from Christmas shopping. Or someone peed in their cornflakes.

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Sunday, December 18, 2005 3:43 PM



Originally posted by UnregisteredCompanion:
Same post..many threads...maybe you are not a troll, but it is quite trollish to have the same article keep popping up...apparently with no other purpose than to stir people up.

And, by the way...I saw all the shows when they originally aired as well. Do I get a medal now?

I have called 2 people trolls in the past few of the people I called TROLL was someone asking for money and using Adam Baldwin's name to get it (he has since deleted his posts).

It was my opinion, and nobody is obligated to take my word as gospel. All have the ability to read posts and come to their own conclusions. Maybe next time I will just call SHENANIGANS..humm...where did I put my broom.

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."

I think I posted that I said that I hadn't known it was already posted. I had just read it on another site, didn't see it over here and decided that it needed post.

And furthermore I posted this to pass the information on. Is there something wrong with that? You need to look up the definition of internet trolling.

And might I add it is quite trollish to call someone who you have no idea what the purpose behind their posting is a troll. That isn't going to earn you many friends around here and you have probably already lost mine.

Ok, you saw the show when it originally aired but where were you in 2002-2005 when we were all fighting to get the show back in one form or another. As I can see you just joined as of October of this year. That was after the movie came out in theaters.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Sunday, December 18, 2005 4:26 PM


Embrace your inner troll, RK.

Try being a true-blue "Firefly" fan who didn't exactly think "Serenity" was all that. I catch a troll arrow on occasion myself for unpopular comments.

I think the experience of being a Firefly fan is just a bit trying for some folks and they lash out at anyone who doesn't reinforce their particular vision of theonetrueway. It's all good. They're just a little touchy from the frustration of seeing something as amazingly good as Firefly disregarded in favor of the junk that is successful on television these days.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Sunday, December 18, 2005 5:04 PM


Hey all, we don't need an in-fighting between Browncoats. We need to stay unified, even if it means letting someone else have a differing opinion. I read and was saddened by the posted article, but was glad to read it. I was also glad to see the responses. And if it got posted twice, hey, the man made a slight boo boo.

I am happy to see we have such a mix of ideas and opinions on this board. And seeing Browncoats old and new is great.

What would be handy though is to have a proper definition of a TROLL somewhere on the board, and if anyone has questions about it, they can go there.

Gelassenheit means Serenity


Sunday, December 18, 2005 5:47 PM


Don't get your purple, battleshorts in a bunch....half of these so-called Browncoats are on medication prescribed by their prison doctors.

Firefly is/was a great show, but the idiots in charge deemed it not enough to sustain their crack habits, so move on. Try Battlestar Galactica, its a good prescription for Firefly withdrawl, and there are more than 14 episodes.

This "real" fan vs the fake fan stuff is really getting on my gorram nerves.


Sunday, December 18, 2005 6:08 PM


Amen RKLENSHTHRKLR (or however you spell it).

I am supreme troll of the verse. Well, I get called it alot even though I rationalize out my criticism and back it up with facts and/or reasoned arguments.

But, when people disagree with my arguments, they dismiss me out of hand with the magic "T" word. Kinda like the "N" word. Make someone less than nothing with a mere utterance of the magic word.

XG (<-- "silly negro" ~ and I'm not even black)

and PS ~ I have YET to see anyone debunk that story. I believe it's true. Prove me wrong.

No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Sunday, December 18, 2005 6:11 PM


Trolls! All of you!

"You are on the Global Frequency."


Sunday, December 18, 2005 6:40 PM


A troll is someone who posts messages on the internet, often inflammatory ones, to disrupt discussions or to upset their participants. Whether or not the messages are backed up by good reasoning is irrelevant. If the person posts disruptive messages then that person is a troll.

"I swallowed a bug." -River Tam


Sunday, December 18, 2005 7:11 PM


I don't know what a troll is, and to be honest it seems kinda childish. Kinda like back in high school. I don't know if there will be a sequel to Serenity, but I hope there is. I have heard that people did not like it as much as the series. Well it was different fromm the series, but Joss did say that when he wrote the script for Serenity, the fanbase was not thought of. One must think of what kind of audience is going to watch the movie. Some have seen Firefly and some have not, so you can't really make a movie with answers from nowhere if some have not seen the show. I had not seen the show. I remember vaguely a comercial about the show. But never saw the show before the movie. Its not my fault either. I never followed Buffy or Angel. I am not a Whedon addict even though I think he is an awesome writer. The truth is we can all predict what may or may not happen. One can talk about it or do something about it. Before something was done and a movie came out of it. I believe that if something else is done then another movie can come. That depends on the fanbase. I have purchased three movies as xmas presents and some firefly giftsets also, but there must be more that I can do. I think that we need to think bigger. Lets stop ragging on each other and create something. This talk of trolls is childish and personally I'm sick of these stupid games that the norm play. Its time...."I aim to misbehave". Keep it Shiny!!!


Sunday, December 18, 2005 7:32 PM



I have purchased three movies as xmas presents and some firefly giftsets also, but there must be more that I can do. I think that we need to think bigger. Lets stop ragging on each other and create something. This talk of trolls is childish and personally I'm sick of these stupid games that the norm play. Its time...."I aim to misbehave". Keep it Shiny!!!

I agree. But,what can we do? I am going to buy 3 copies 1st thing Tuesday morning as gifts. I will call my local library on Monday and see about donating 1 or 2 copies.

What else is there? Anyone got any more sugeestions?


Sunday, December 18, 2005 9:03 PM


Hey it's Christmas! There are always trolls at Xmas.. red hats, green suits..
oh wait, those are elves...

never mind. Carry on.

CHindi Drunk on the rum balls..


Monday, December 19, 2005 1:33 AM


There is a great devide that lies between being a boor and being the bearer of bad news. Any group, organisation, society that can not withstand healthy criticism is itself unhealthy. I loved the series and I liked the movie. If that is all I ever get then I will be thankful for it and get on with my life. The difference between fans and fanatics is sometimes extremely small, sometimes less than two syllables. Fanantics are dangerous and we could do without them for they pave the road to hell with their good intentions and disregard reality in favor of philosophy to the detriment of all. In the end they can do more harm than "trolls" for they will not listen to reason and denounce those who would as unbelievers and heritics and so misdirect attention away from themselves.

Scorpion Regent


Monday, December 19, 2005 2:26 AM


I can only speak for myself.

I think that negative statements are acceptable and on occasion necessary, as long as they are justified and recited in a civilised manner.

Instant "troll" calling doesn't help anyone.

EDIT: Ah, I just saw our little running gag Xenosomething posted here as well :D Tell us one thing: Why the hell are you still here if you are not interested in either the show nor in anything else concerning it?


Monday, December 19, 2005 3:27 AM



Originally posted by UnregisteredCompanion:
Same post..many threads...maybe you are not a troll, but it is quite trollish to have the same article keep popping up...apparently with no other purpose than to stir people up.

Trust me, Rklenseth is not a troll. And I wouldn't say that that it is "quite trollish" to have the same article popping up, because, it's just a simple mistake that happens to all of us. It's common on forums.

And as for "No other purpose than to stir people up."? This is the general discussions forum. Here we discuss things related to Firefly and Serenity.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Monday, December 19, 2005 4:21 AM


The funny thing is, I'm awaiting for Joss to be called a troll for comments like this, from his interview today:

CS: What's going to happen with the "Serenity" franchise now? Are you just going to put it on the backburner?

Whedon: Yeah, you know, that's pretty much it. It was hard to make and I'm very tired. I need some sleep, and then we'll see if people are interested in more, than I have more say.

CS: Do you think that the Browncoats will still survive and become like the fans of "Star Trek" after that show was cancelled?

Whedon: You know ,who can say? I think that there's something that brings them together. Obviously, right now, this story has been told, so I don't think there will be the same level of intensity, but the community that was built I think exists beyond the story. That's why we do it.

Pretty obviously, he's just being honest. I do believe there's a line between being honest and just trying to annoy people, that's the thing to look for.


Monday, December 19, 2005 4:55 AM


Went and read the interview. Sounds like that is it *for now*. Not permanently, forever kinda now, just *for now*.

Seems like the future of this 'verse hinges on how many folks start loving it and wanting more.
For me, that means telling folks about the show and sharing the show and movie with them. I do two wonderful things that way.... I share something wonderful with people I like and I convert folks. That works in the right direction I think. Then like Joss, I think I'll just ride along here and see where it all falls out.

But I won't give up and I won't quit hoping... I love this story way too much for that. And I think that there are more folks out there that will love it too.

I hope our fanbase can hold... I hope we don't all start disappearing and giving up hope.

"We've done the impossible. That makes us mighty." Mal


Monday, December 19, 2005 6:40 AM


You can only obsess only so long for a show with only 14 episodes. The Original Star trek had 55 episodes, so they had fuel and a reason to be obsessed.

FF is one of the best shows I watched all year and I love it. I also love Serenity, but my obsession for it has ended, which is a good thing.

If I were all of you, I would write Joss a letter or something informing him that if he refuses to do anymore Firefly, all of you as fans will boycott everything else he's writing, and won't go see his other movies. If he doesnt care, then you know what he thinks of all of you, his fanbase, his roof over his head, and his food.

It comes down to this. Joss, Fox and Universal needs all of you more than you guys need them, and I think somewhere down the line someone forgot about this.

Myself? Battlestar Galactica is filling my post- Firefly life, ( My series just got the green light for season 3!) so I am very happy.


Monday, December 19, 2005 7:47 AM


So, does this me that we can't poke you in the eye with a stick?



LONG may she fly, in whatever verse they can find for her!

And, happy holidays, one and all!

Holiday Troll for FIREFLY


Monday, December 19, 2005 7:52 AM


[quote[Battlestar Galactica is filling my post- Firefly life

I find time in my life for both shows.
Who says you should only be faithful and a fan of just one?

Gelassenheit means Serenity


Monday, December 19, 2005 9:26 AM


Heeeeere, trolly trolly trolly. Here, boy. That's a good troll. Come on, trolly boy. Here, troll.

....... Oh, wait... that's not the kind of troll calling you meant?

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Monday, December 19, 2005 9:49 AM


I am happy as well that Battlestar Galactica got greenlighted for another season. It's about as good as it gets on tv now.

But...I don't have a post or pre Firefly life.. I just have a life and it can include lots of different things.

I think Joss'life includes lots of different things too. I don't think he has as much say about whether there is more Firefly as the market does. This is a commodity like any other, the market will demand more or it won't. I for one like sharing good things, so I'm gonna share Firefly, hopefully increasing it's market.

I'm just sayin'..


Monday, December 19, 2005 7:21 PM



Originally posted by rklenseth:
I've been a member of the fansbase for over two years now and saw Firefly when it first aired. Now I remember back in the old days when there were real trolls about and how we would poke them with sticks but now this whole troll thing has gotten out of hand.

Now we have people (claiming to be Browncoats) calling people trolls for posting anything negative about Firefly/Serenity for example the EW article that states Whedon stated that there wasn't going to be anymore Firefly/Serenity movies. And now it seems I have been branded a troll as well as others not only on this site for posting this article. And I have seen it regards to other things too where people say negative things and they get crushed under a bunch of people calling them a troll.

Posting something negative and not hiding from the truth of things is not trolling. Some Browncoats aren't as upbeat about the potential of a sequel as some others. That doesn't make them a troll or change the fact that they Firefly/Serenity as much as you. We are just the 'glass is half empty' crowd. So please stop branding us as trolls because you are pushing people away from the fanbase especially some Browncoats who were around before the movie even was a thought and they are the ones who help get the movie in the first damn place.

Oh, and play Cantr II at

Rklenseth, Here! Here! I agree and am cheering you on for saying it! I've been trying to come to my own conclusions about the same issue for a few weeks now but haven't been able to formulate a response quite like you did.

I've been on the boards for almost two years now and I'm cynical when it comes to some things like Hollywood, the media and politics and opinionated when it comes to what I love and do not love about Firefly's various incarnations as a TV show, a movie and comic books. Along the way, I've ruffled a few feathers with my opinions and wish that I could take back a few of my responses written on the fly after reading someone's attack on me and my opinions. However, I don't think that people who have negative or cynical opinions should be thrown in the troll baggie and mailed off to troll land or be told that they should shut up because someone doesn't like their opinion like I was three times in one post when I argued that the Flanvention was too expensive for a meet and greet.

My frustration with the board lately is that it's like being stuck in a groundhog day situation where you keep on showing up at someone's house for the first time and you don't know them, so you have to put on a mask and be on your best behavior, in the sense that you can only say positive, upbeat or funny things about the topic under discussion. And, in this groundhog day situation, you can't say what you really think about anything if it's negative or cynical or in any other way not positive, funny and uplifting without someone jumping on your case.

Rklenseth, I've recently thought about not posting here anymore because of the very issue upon which you touch in this thread which makes me sad.

"You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals."--George Mikes


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 1:55 AM



If I were all of you, I would write Joss a letter or something informing him that if he refuses to do anymore Firefly, all of you as fans will boycott everything else he's writing, and won't go see his other movies. If he doesnt care, then you know what he thinks of all of you, his fanbase, his roof over his head, and his food.

I specifically want to comment on this quote, and would like people to briefly pay attention to this point: it's not that Joss doesn't want to make more Firefly/Serenity stuff. The problem is funding. For the moment, nobody is going to fund another movie or TV series. Uhm, sorry.

Writing to Joss and saying you plan to boycott him for reasons outside of his control... that's low. Imagine how that would make Mr Whedon feel?


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 8:41 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
You can only obsess only so long for a show with only 14 episodes. The Original Star trek had 55 episodes, so they had fuel and a reason to be obsessed.

FF is one of the best shows I watched all year and I love it. I also love Serenity, but my obsession for it has ended, which is a good thing.

If I were all of you, I would write Joss a letter or something informing him that if he refuses to do anymore Firefly, all of you as fans will boycott everything else he's writing, and won't go see his other movies. If he doesnt care, then you know what he thinks of all of you, his fanbase, his roof over his head, and his food.

It comes down to this. Joss, Fox and Universal needs all of you more than you guys need them, and I think somewhere down the line someone forgot about this.

Myself? Battlestar Galactica is filling my post- Firefly life, ( My series just got the green light for season 3!) so I am very happy.

My obsession with Firefly has ended too. I haven't been in the come home and watch it everyday mode for a long time now and I don't post a lot about what I think about episodes and characters anymore because I feel like I've talked about it so much that I can't do it anymore. Makes me wonder how the original cast of Star Trek must feel after thirty years of panels and interviews. However, I still love the show and pop in an episode every four months or so and hope that there will be sequels even though I didn't like Serenity as much as I like Firefly. I also enjoy going to shindigs in Los Angeles but go as much for the company as the show and people who go don't spend the entire time talking about Firefly and Serenity.

"You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals."--George Mikes


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 9:07 AM



Originally posted by WhoIsRiver:

If I were all of you, I would write Joss a letter or something informing him that if he refuses to do anymore Firefly, all of you as fans will boycott everything else he's writing, and won't go see his other movies. If he doesnt care, then you know what he thinks of all of you, his fanbase, his roof over his head, and his food.

I specifically want to comment on this quote, and would like people to briefly pay attention to this point: it's not that Joss doesn't want to make more Firefly/Serenity stuff. The problem is funding. For the moment, nobody is going to fund another movie or TV series. Uhm, sorry.

Writing to Joss and saying you plan to boycott him for reasons outside of his control... that's low. Imagine how that would make Mr Whedon feel?

Has anyone actually considered terrorism as a method to get Firefly back on the air?



Tuesday, December 20, 2005 9:14 AM



Originally posted by Gelassenheit:
[quote[Battlestar Galactica is filling my post- Firefly life

I find time in my life for both shows.
Who says you should only be faithful and a fan of just one?

Gelassenheit means Serenity

I'm faithful to both shows, its just that Firefly is all done up with, and BSG is still in full swing.

Firefly is still the BEST show ever, I just am impressed with this remake of BSG and all the twists added.

Here I sit in my Cylon Occupied job.






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