Firefly cancelled for hitting on the truth!

UPDATED: Sunday, June 25, 2006 11:38
VIEWED: 12088
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Saturday, December 17, 2005 7:04 PM


Why was Firefly ever cancelled in the first place?
Answer: It was too political; hitting on the truth of MKUltra mind control being used to create perfect "companions" & Manchurian candidates for use by the elite who have manipulated the economics/wars/political agendas.

Is this really such a far-fetched idea?
Answer: No! Check out the 1977 U.S. Congressional Hearings spear-headed by Senator Frank Church (actual footage available on the net) exposing the CIA's secret MKULTRA project (since the 50's) using torture on innocent/purchased/abducted people to create pliable/usable minds. They also used the hoax of "Alien" hologram/propoganda to discredit any "abductees" and to cover-up advanced technology

Research (in the news/net)the "Matrix" program exposed being used to monitor (illegal wire-tapping/surveillance) on the lives of people in Utah (state of controlled/blindly-obedient people, for instance, who believe in polygamy; an abomination & suppression of depressed women) & Florida (Jeb Bush).

Note the recent ban on torture - more has been going on than the public realizes - by the CIA (large percentage are ex-LDS missionaries- obedient & trained in foreign languages).
The torture in Iraq exposed by photos (dog-leashes brought in by high-officials-not the scapegoats)is a prime example of the CIA endorsed, sophisticated torture.

Note also Congress' investigation in the New Year on the illegal surveillance of American citizens which the President is now being called to task on! Check out the news.

This is the real reason this show was cancelled - hit too close to home. Mind control, chemicals (chem trails, etc.), technology being used on US citizens to create the "perfect" world of controlled peace.

See the other thread (same title; Firefly cancelled for hitting on the truth) for documented evidence of mind-controlling drugs tested in Utah & now being used in Iraq (creating KamiKazi Iraqees) - Sounds like PAX to me...


Sunday, December 18, 2005 7:26 AM


Operation Paper Clip by the CIA had the most success in their human experiments in the State of Utah. FIREFLY exposed how Mind Control controlls a planet. Blind Obedience is the key for the success in the State of Utah. In 1953 the MK-Ultra US Government Approved Project hired Neal A. Maxwell to take charge of this mind controlled operation. For years Neal Maxwell was in charge of the Department of Education for the Mormon Church and it was discovered in the 1970s.

Idaho US Senator Frank Church (a Democrat Mormon)exposed this type of operation because he had relatives in Utah being treated and exposed to MK-Ultra (LSD drugs, etc) experiments. In 1977 Senator Church published his findings to the US public. It is alleged that the CIA terminated this project. It continued in Utah because in 1981 former CIA Agent, Neal A. Maxwell, obtained a "life-time" calling to take charge over the people of this blind obedient state!

Neal A. Maxwell died last summer, 2004 making available the movie SERENITY to be completed. Movies are the best type of public forum to let people know that they are part of a corrupt system and are "test-tube victims".


Sunday, December 18, 2005 10:18 AM


Uh, do you live Mount Shasta, by any chance?


Sunday, December 18, 2005 10:27 AM


I grew up near the shadows of Mount Lemon. Same results! Firefly and Serenity are good messages for the general public


Sunday, December 18, 2005 11:24 AM


well...prolly not..

but I would not at all be surprised to discover a political link of the ignorant variety as a motive for cancellation. Fox is the mouth piece of the hippocritical 'moral majority' and execs likely had problems with any number of themes including prostitution, homosexuality, 'desecration' of the bible...

one more reason why I never ever watch Fox.


Sunday, December 18, 2005 11:30 AM


I think you'll find Firefly was cancelled for loosing more money than it made. - Firefly Producers NEW TV series


Sunday, December 18, 2005 11:41 AM


Thanks for the post Troll. I'm sorry but I gotta call troll on ya. Thanks for the far fetch ideas. Some of stuff might by true, but 90% is bull. Oi oki na cuppa no Sekarashika!!!. cho baka da yo!!!
mata, Ookami yori


Sunday, December 18, 2005 12:17 PM


So what you're saying is, Firefly was cancelled because it was watched by crazy conspiracy theoritsts? I think you're onto something, OP.

5x5: Alan Tudyk was in 28 Days, not 28 Days Later. There's a difference.
Paladin: So, no wacky zombie with a Hawaiian shirt, then?


Sunday, December 18, 2005 12:40 PM


Why did Senator McCain need to pass a bill against torture by the U.S?
Why is Pres. Bush being called on the carpet for internal illegal wiretapping, surveillance???
Why were there U.S. Congressional Hearings regarding the CIA MKULTRA mind control projects???
Did you bother to read the link (posted by someone else on this website) regarding the use of mind control drug - BZ tested at a Utah Army Base? (Similar to the use of PAX in the movie)
Conspiracy theories??? Sorry, but these are facts that are being exposed. The Firefly series would have made people think. But then again, sometimes, that doesn't happen. Keep your head in the clouds, though - much easier on your brain cells.

Firefly is IMO better than Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, etc. so it could not have been cancelled because of the money... The fact that it was made into a great movie by POPULAR demand, and is gaining popularity all over the world would lend itself to being a great money maker. The movie was made on rather a workable budget.


Sunday, December 18, 2005 12:50 PM


There's a reason "Conspiracy Theorists" have a bad name. And this is why.

You've given us nothing but circumstantial... okay, I really can't say "proof". How about "crap"?

You realize, for instance, that you just called the entire state of Utah to be "controlled/blindly-obedient people", and that they all believe in "polygamy; an abomination & suppression of depressed women". Right, I think some folks in Utah might have something against that.

And I love this part: & Florida (Jeb Bush). Say... what about Jeb Bush? As if his name is self explanitory, because he's a Bush perhaps? Is that it?

So, start by addressing that, and work your way up if you're wishing to "free some minds".

Firefly is IMO better than Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, etc. so it could not have been cancelled because of the money... The fact that it was made into a great movie by POPULAR demand, and is gaining popularity all over the world would lend itself to being a great money maker. The movie was made on rather a workable budget.
Also completely nonsequitor. You're ignoring that most of the popularity of Firefly came after the show was cancelled. You're also ignoring that the movie hasn't paid off itself yet, though it's edging closer to doing so.

"I do the job... and then I get paid. Go run your little world."
-Malcolm Reynolds


Sunday, December 18, 2005 1:00 PM


Looks like a thread for the tin-foil hat file.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Sunday, December 18, 2005 1:34 PM



Originally posted by truthishere:
Firefly is IMO better than Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, etc. so it could not have been cancelled because of the money... The fact that it was made into a great movie by POPULAR demand, and is gaining popularity all over the world would lend itself to being a great money maker. The movie was made on rather a workable budget.

The movie has made 50% of it's production budget on box office release (after you remove the theatre's take).

Firefly, the TV series, lost millions for Fox Broadcastin Corporation.

Because you think Firefly was better than Star Trek, does not mean it shouldn't be cancelled.

Look, I like Firefly as much as the next person, and hell I worked on Serenity -- but you are smoking some serious crack, and you're giving liberals a bad name here.

Firefly was cancelled because it didn't get the ratings. Fox is partly to blame for that. But, whatever way you spin it - if it had the same kind of ratings as Friends, it would have stayed on the air. Money speaks.


Sunday, December 18, 2005 9:41 PM


You are not alone. I proposed a similar concept some years back, that what we saw in Firefly was way too close to the truth for the powers in control of the media to permit to continue. Of course, many back then didn't realize the extent of gov't corruption existent at the time. This has become more obvious, and many who used to support the current U.S. administration have come to see the truth.

I agree completely with your analysis. Firefly was not allowed to become popular because it could have caused people to investigate things too much, and that would never do.


Sunday, December 18, 2005 9:57 PM


SNEAKER98, the onus is on you, not on Truthishere. YOU, not him/her, need to look first at the things he said, not ask him to "work his way up." He is there; you are not. Do some homework on MKUltra. Yes, he's right that Bush is being taken to task now for illegal use of the NSA on U.S. citizens. Before you or anyone else makes a case out of the state of Utah taken out of context, FIRST address the FACTS of MKUltra, etc. If you think they are conspiracies, you are sadly uninformed.

Both you and WHoisRiver think that we can overlook the piss-poor presentation of the series on TV because you think it had nothing to do with the show's failing to make money. How can you be so blind? WhoisRiver said, "Firefly, the TV series, lost millions for Fox Broadcastin Corporation." Now exactly who do you think is responsible for that? HMMMM?

Could it by any chance be the corporations who CONTROL the media and keep it away from the truth? HMMMM?

Wake up, guys, it's LAAATE.


Sunday, December 18, 2005 10:04 PM


WhoisRiver said:
"...and you're giving liberals a bad name here."

In today's world the question is NOT liberal vs. conservative, or Republican vs. Democrat. The question is TRUTH vs. LIES. Spend a few thousand hours over the next few years looking into just exactly what you are being told, compared with just exactly what is the truth, and your eyes will be opened.

If you get any percentage of your "news" from TV, you can't have a clue about what's really happening.


Sunday, December 18, 2005 10:53 PM



Originally posted by Ruxton:
SNEAKER98, the onus is on you, not on Truthishere. YOU, not him/her, need to look first at the things he said, not ask him to "work his way up." He is there; you are not. Do some homework on MKUltra. Yes, he's right that Bush is being taken to task now for illegal use of the NSA on U.S. citizens. Before you or anyone else makes a case out of the state of Utah taken out of context, FIRST address the FACTS of MKUltra, etc. If you think they are conspiracies, you are sadly uninformed.

Excuse me?

No. It's not. You presented the argument, not me. YOU are the one expected to back it up. To suggest otherwise is simply lazyness. For shame, sir. I'm not doing your homework for you, as this isn't high school anymore.


Originally posted by Ruxton:
Both you and WHoisRiver think that we can overlook the piss-poor presentation of the series on TV because you think it had nothing to do with the show's failing to make money. How can you be so blind? WhoisRiver said, "Firefly, the TV series, lost millions for Fox Broadcastin Corporation." Now exactly who do you think is responsible for that? HMMMM?

Could it by any chance be the corporations who CONTROL the media and keep it away from the truth? HMMMM?

Wake up, guys, it's LAAATE.

Yes, phrasing vague questions have truley convinced me of your argument.

Lazy assed conspiracy theorists do not convince me of squat. If you're going to present some argument, at least have some form of proof ready.

Next, you'll be telling me that we never landed on the moon. (Please, PLEASE make this argument. My major is Astrophysics, and I do enjoy shooting folks down on this one ;))

"I do the job... and then I get paid. Go run your little world."
-Malcolm Reynolds


Monday, December 19, 2005 12:35 AM


See, the thing is, I fully agree the Bush administration is extremely corrupt.

Now, do I think somebody sat in the Whitehouse going "Shit! That programme on Fox! Firefly! They might make it to Miranda and uncover the truth! CANCEL THAT SHOW!"?


Universal made the motion picture. Did it kill the whitehouse? Did anything happen?


I hate George W. Bush. Do I think he, or anybody remotely related to him had ANYTHING to do with Firefly's cancellation? No.


Monday, December 19, 2005 4:05 AM


I just knew this thread was gonna go this way.
Fact: NOBODY in the Bush administration EVER saw Firefly, they are too busy watching West Wing for slips of classified info and Dukes Of Hazzard reruns for enjoyment (oh, and attending to the war-thing also).
Fact: Conspiracy=business=government.
Fact: Doesn't matter what makes money, truth or lies; only really good thing about capitalism- if the truth looks like it'll make money, it gets a green light (not that it happens often, but they didn't make Ellen Brockovitch(sp?) or JFK in Russia, did they?)
Fact: Mind control is being tested as we, type (case in point: LynchAJ)
Fact: Proof regarding a conspiracy theory would render it no longer in the catagory of a THEORY, now wouldn't it???
Fact: I'm late for work now....

Dashing thru the snow Chrisisall


Monday, December 19, 2005 10:26 AM


Chris, thanks ever so much. We've both been there, amigo, and I doubt either of us has time or interest to go back and educate a few assholes who can't read what's presented right in front of their faces. I refuse to respond to these clowns who always think they're right, yet don't have the courtesy nor the interest to go look in forums to see where you and I and Citizen and Signym and the Cavalier and a few others have overlinked to the truth behind our statements.

Nice to see Truthishere is in the right camp, one more who at least has a clue what's going on in the world.

Again, Chris, thanks and best wishes to you and yours.



Monday, December 19, 2005 2:19 PM


It's funny how many different levels of denial there are.
* Bush is great; there are no conspiracies.
* Bush is a jerk; there are no conspiracies.
* Bush is evil; most conspiracy theories are just movie-material, they don't exist in real life that way.

When shields are up and comfort levels must remain high, there's no seeing any new truths. Being possibly wrong about anything, anytime, is a human condition that most of us deny most of the time. The need to be right precludes most investigation into alteration of set beliefs.

There was even a conspiracy against Christ once....

Merry hollidays, Rux.

Carmine, what sets off the metal detectors first...Chrisisall


Monday, December 19, 2005 2:36 PM


Next some of you will be saying that Bush started the war in Iraq for Oil and the lucrative rebuilding contracts that could be farmed out to his friends...

No wait, the other thing.

Cognitive Dissonance?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Monday, December 19, 2005 2:43 PM


This whole topic belongs in Troll Country.


Monday, December 19, 2005 2:44 PM


LOL, yeah, well let's keep it a little close to reality, okay?

No one would kill for oil....Chrisisall


Monday, December 19, 2005 2:48 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
This whole topic belongs in Troll Country.

Do you mind? We're exploring possible conspiracies againt our BDH's here!
And a bit more...

See a Troll and beat him up;
All the day you'll have good luck
Rhyming-challenged Chrisisall


Monday, December 19, 2005 7:27 PM


would any of you be interested in buying an anti-mind control tinfoil hat for the measly prise of 10,000 dollars.

Honestly guys, i dowt Joss Wedon even knows about the whole Utah drone project.

"they will swing back to the belief that they can make people, better. And i do not hold to that." Mal


Monday, December 19, 2005 8:10 PM


Interesting. Not once have I said "I disagree", nor gave my opinion on any of the proposed topics at hand.

Yet I'm assumed to be "Blind to the truth!" when I question what I'm presented with and ask for more.

This is what gives Conspiracy Theorists a bad name. Isn't it quite hypocritical to insult me when I question what's presented as evidence, when you yourself have done the exact same with regards to "the system/the man/the beast/etc"?

"I do the job... and then I get paid. Go run your little world."
-Malcolm Reynolds


Monday, December 19, 2005 8:25 PM


Regardless of what you are trying to explore. I still think it belongs in Troll country.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 5:25 AM



Originally posted by sneaker98:
Isn't it quite hypocritical to insult me when I question what's presented as evidence, when you yourself have done the exact same with regards to "the system/the man/the beast/etc"?

If I've insulted you, sorry.
But if you're open to new discoveries about the evil machinations of governments, then cool.
Personally, if I find a theory that interests me, I don't wait for more, I investigate myself.

And if you just think for a second like a golden-boy in the halls of power who's used to the idea that God put him and his peerless intelect on this planet to make a better world for all mankind (sound like any Operatives we know?), you might be able to imagine all kinds of crap that you'd be looking into towards that end.

There's loads of auto-bios out there worth reading; just pick any ex-CIA guy to start...



Tuesday, December 20, 2005 7:43 AM


OK, I feel like a little mushroom, kept in the dark and fed $hit. But I believe in "relativity": everything is relative, one man's truth is another man's lie. Sometimes these wild conspiracy theories do turn out to be true, usually years after the fact, but most of the time they cannot be proven and fall by the wayside, only to be replaced by others. In the end the world continues to turn and injustices, like Firefly being cancelled, happen. That popular demand was able to get the movie made is a strike for our side, but ultimately money talks, so we'll have to wait to see if the "Firefly expose" blows the lid off any of these excellent plots to dominate the world or not.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 8:36 AM


Firefly was definitely not canceled for hitting the truth. First, the "truth" that you're pushing is in the movie.

Second, regarding Fox's conservative bent; you guys haven't noticed the common thread in all Fox programming? The news is appalled at the moral decay of America, and then some chick (I only use this term when it's deserved; you make yourself an object, I'll call you one) on a reality show is having sex in a hot tub. Hypocrites much?

Fox sells sensationalism, and I think that there were parts of Firefly that were right up this alley. The problem was, they sold the *rest* of the series wrong and thereby killed it.

It's not mind control; the government doesn't care if some writer comes up with something similar to what they're doing; who the hell would believe it, anyway? I certainly don't.

"See, morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with, long as she does it quiet-like."


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 12:00 PM


If I've insulted you, sorry.
But if you're open to new discoveries about the evil machinations of governments, then cool.
Personally, if I find a theory that interests me, I don't wait for more, I investigate myself.

I also never said I haven't looked into it myself. I love a good conspiracy theory.

What I don't love is how folks present them, and berate those who ask questions.

"I do the job... and then I get paid. Go run your little world."
-Malcolm Reynolds


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 12:08 PM


Yea, I was thinking that too, Fox has always been "Trash TV", nothing conservative there. The lowest common denominator rules (I can't give you any specific examples since I usually avoid those kinds of shows like the plague).

You know, it may actually be nothing more than a battle between certain Fox execs that are innovators and the commercial sponsors who only want what's going to sell the most of their produces. Chicks in hot tubs sell, interesting characters and thought-provoking scripts don't.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 12:41 PM



Originally posted by WhoIsRiver:

Firefly, the TV series, lost millions for Fox Broadcastin Corporation.
Firefly was cancelled because it didn't get the ratings. Fox is partly to blame for that. But, whatever way you spin it - if it had the same kind of ratings as Friends, it would have stayed on the air. Money speaks.

Fox, the netjerks who couldn't even air the episodes in the right order?
The same ones who can't see that when somebody finally actually sees Firefly, they like it?

Sorry, but if your argument was correct, money would say 'make nothing but Oprah & reality TV'.

Joss is a genius, and at 20% of a blockbuster budget he got a shot at his vision; but what about all the other stuff we'd like, but written by unknowns that will never get off paper?

The USSR used to control their writers too, and perhaps Joss's finest accomplishment is that Serenity didn't suffer our method of doing the same thing- death by committee. Serenity will take its place beside Forbidden Planet, Bladerunner, and the other cult classics. It will pay for itself too, I have no doubt...


Sunday, June 25, 2006 5:58 AM


Um, I'm sorry, but that's just paranoid. I love Firefly as much as anyone else, but this has to got to be one of the stupidest reasons I've ever heard. There is no conspiracy. It was cancelled for not getting sufficient ratings... which was no fault of the show. Firefly is the best television series ever created, and hopefully, there will be more episodes. However, it was not cancelled because it hit too close to home!

"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow."
- Robert Goddard


Sunday, June 25, 2006 6:13 AM


Just a bit of advice for you: check how old a thread is before responding.


Sunday, June 25, 2006 7:10 AM


Im spliting a gut here.

Best laugh Ive had all day.


Sunday, June 25, 2006 7:41 AM


I agree! I'm so glad this thread was revived so I could read it!

It all makes sense now! The American Goverment IS Blue Sun!

They've made a secret deal with Microsoft, Amazon and several other big multinational corportations to take over the world and were about to launch their new Blue Sun corporate logo when they heard about this series that was blowing their secret plans wide open, even hints about their biowarfare research, and panicked!

I'm really glad that I now know the truth! It's so much more interesting than that bring economics stuff!


Sunday, June 25, 2006 8:15 AM


You forgot about Walmart. Walmart and Microsoft are out to get us. Since I am a Mac user, I am sure I'll be one of the first to be targeted.


"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Sunday, June 25, 2006 8:54 AM


Perhaps Joss is from the future!

Think about it: Sent back to gain cultist fans that everyone dismisses as 'hopeless', but us Browncoats are in actuality the future Independents who will battle the evil conglomeration of Microsoft/Wal-Mart/U.S Government!! A.K.A...BLUE SUN!!



'I don't know. He seems kind of peculiar.'

'Maybe he's Canadian!'


Sunday, June 25, 2006 8:56 AM


Damn yes! I'd forgotten about Walmart! I've seen that episode of Southpark, I know the truth about that organisation!

And now they're coming over to the UK! We're doomed I tell you!

Plus, I read here that Walmart were pairing Serenity with Hulk in double packs. If that doesn't reek of a conspiracy to supress our BDM what does?


Sunday, June 25, 2006 9:09 AM


Chronicles of Riddick was paired with it at HMV.

I like Riddick.


'I don't know. He seems kind of peculiar.'

'Maybe he's Canadian!'


Sunday, June 25, 2006 9:14 AM


Ah well, I was aware that HMV was on the side of the independants. Did you check out the caption competition a couple of weeks back? They support Huge Multinational-corporation Victims!


Sunday, June 25, 2006 9:51 AM



Originally posted by UnregisteredCompanion:
You forgot about Walmart. Walmart and Microsoft are out to get us. Since I am a Mac user, I am sure I'll be one of the first to be targeted.


"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."

Why don't we also include News Corporation into this cabal of businesses and corporations, bent on controlling thought by way of the media. Hell, News Corporation, being what it is, could probably kill any show that was on their network that came too close to exposing the...oh, wait.


Sunday, June 25, 2006 9:55 AM


...for reference sake to the uninformed, News Corporation is the original name of Fox.

Sorry. Should've made that clear. Mia culpa.


Sunday, June 25, 2006 11:38 AM


If we are to consider the possibility that FF was cancelled for hitting to close to the mark, then a component to that is the way the character's lives, individually and collectively, were affected by the close parallels of the way real-world government behaves that were written into the plot curves.

Governments do not protect freedom. That is a oxymoron that was inserted into the Declaration of Independence. Factually, to "govern" means to control. FF is a fictional demonstation of how we are so governed, and how it is an intrinsic quality of human/spiritual beings to resist being controlled. It is also a demonstration of how a closely knit group of individuals will put themselves at great risk to preserve and defend their own freedom as well as a friend's, and that is one of the major reasons that I love it so much. I want friends like that.

FF espouses very Conservative American values which are expressed through the Browncoats and the war for independence from the Alliance. It also draws attention to the perils of Liberalism. Of course, these terms have definitions that have strayed very far and away from their original intent politically, but we have to remember that the united states of America was founded as a Confederation based on Conservative ideals, which simply meant that the government would have an extremely minimal presence in the life of the average sovereign individual. The government's primary legitimate purpose was to protect life, liberty, and property, and as long as you did not trespass on the life, liberty, or property of another individual, you would not encounter the legal justice system, generally. Classic Liberalism meant pretty much the same thing.

Modern liberalism (the Alliance), however, promotes the notion that people need to be controlled, and that an overwhelming presence of government in the lives of every individual is a good thing, and, if deemed necessary, taking their property at gunpoint "for the good of the collective" is perfectly acceptable. This is a political philosophy that is very much against the grain of any true Browncoat. The media, print and broadcast, promotes a highly liberal agenda. Firefly unquestionably conflicted with that agenda. It supported the opposite notion, and it is worthy of consideration that this conflict was an important factor in the decision to cancel the show.

Don't get me wrong, the modern Conservative philosophy is no better. This is why I personally do not play politics or claim any party affiliation. What I want is 100% control of 100% of my property 100% of the time, and 0% control of anyone else's.

I think that makes me a Browncoat.

Factually speaking, who has the right to control another human being without their consent? Where and how did they acquire that right? Who had the authority to give them that right, and how and where did they get it?




Sunday, June 25, 2006 11:38 AM


This was an accidental re-post of previous comment.

Rookie mistake. Content deleted.

Sorry. I'm new.






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