I need to share

UPDATED: Friday, January 6, 2006 14:15
VIEWED: 8638
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:25 PM


I appologize if I get long winded, I feel like I've got some things to say. More or less to get them off my chest. More than to have them heard.

About myself.... I'm a 35 year old, Jaded white male, Problems of my own, but no more than the next individual. I like movies, and TV and books... Anything that can take my mind off of work or money or relationships or life. But I'm not the type to get enthralled by anything. My usual response to "what did you think of it?" is "I liked it, it was ok!" I like to pick my movies by what OTHER people might think at first, THEN make my descission. I was on Rotten Tomatoes one fine day, Trying to find a mattinee that I could watch with my fiancee... Lo and behold Serenity got good reviews....Yeah the commercials looked pretty good.

We amble to the theatre, Watch it and I enjoyed it immensely, (Jen did too) But as the week went on scenes, or lines, or dots of music would flash in my mind. I did some research, found out it was a sort of follow-up to a little TV show called Firefly. I said to myself..."If the show is anything like the movie....This should be a treat!" I ordered it from Amazon, and watched the pilot. It was really good. So then I watched the train-job. It had its moments. Jen came home and I pretended that I hadnt watched any of them yet... We watched the pilot train job and Bushwhacked in an evening. Again Very good.

I went to work the next day and the same thing happens...These characters with their dialoge and repore and dilemas played about in my head. Over the next few days, the same thing happened I came home from work, watched a disc and then re-watched it with Jen that night when SHE finished work. I felt a saddness that you all know. It came after objects in space. The Cookie jar was empty. I lent out my set to my good friends with minds (Some dont have them) I had to buy a second set to watch while my set was out. I smile through EVERY moment of EVERY episode. This made no sense at all to me "What the fuck is wrong with me? I've seen all of these already!" But They still gave me joy... And Thats how I describe it to others... It gives me joy.

I looked for more, like an addict. The Novelaztion, the comics, the lost script, I joined a web site that discusses this show thats been off the air now for going on 4 years. I dont do this kind of thing!!! Whats doing this?!?

It was as simple as EVERYTHING. The Verse' on a whole, take an episode, ANY episode. You can watch it repeatedly and still wring joy from it. I can think of an example, a sick awful little example, Mal's ear, In War stories. EVERY person on that ship had a TOTALY different reaction upon seeing it. Zoe was wounded as well but couldnt show Nishka, Wash was utterly resigned to fate, Simon was concerned, Book was troubled, Inara was hurt, Kaylee was devastated, and Jayne was curious. Each of those actors brought a belivability to these characters. And not just that The music, the lighting, the scene blocking, The EVERYTING.

I just watched Serenity for the second time, on DVD. I had a completely different reaction watching it again after getting to know this world in 13 short episodes. I got choked-up in parts that I didnt even notice the first time... Zoe was wearing a slinky dress to Washes funneral. *choke* to name one.

I have felt the same range of emotions that I'm guessing all of you have, From elation to frustration. I'm glad to feel, I'm jaded ya' know.

This "show" has gotten under my skin. I want people to know that this is "My favoritest thing thats EVER been on TV!" But more than anything.... I WANT MORE DAMMIT! "THE HELL WITH THIS! I WANNA LIVE!"

Would I gave up a small utterly perfect gem, for a larger potentially marred one?... Yes! I would take that chance, I would watch long after it jumped the shark, I'd embrace that fucking shark-jump and watch it just as many times as all the others.

I cant really convey, HOW out of character this is for me, But I've never experienced a project that gave, and gives me "joy" so much so that I write babbling posts on silly websites to people as infected as I am.

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:31 PM


Heh heh, I went through exactly what you're saying.



Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:34 PM


thanks for sharing, I never get tired of hearing how new people have come to our 'verse....

have you seen the River Tam Sessions (link in my signiture)?

There will be more, more comics for sure, and in another year or two Universal will decide it is time for the Big Damn Sequel...because this 'verse didn't dry up and blow away in Dec 2002 so there is no way it is going to now!

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:37 PM


Yes. I have seen the River Tam sessions. I have when she says "would I still be allowed to Dance?" as "tugging at the heart strings" moment #2

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:40 PM


Welcome to the department of redundancy

Man you said everything I felt.. it;s like dominoes.. every one falls...

I had NOT realized about the slinky dress... wow.. choke.. that is another little tidbit that Joss (the boss) layers in there for us..

sigh... I want more too please!



Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:52 PM



Originally posted by GrayFury:
Yes. I have seen the River Tam sessions. I have when she says "would I still be allowed to Dance?" as "tugging at the heart strings" moment #2

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"

GAAHH! What codec are the sessions done in?

I have only ever gotten sound from the last part which is just gurgles and the pen dropping on the table. All the rest play fine but no sound...

I've found 3 different sites to download them from. Even the one that is a single long download only has sound in the one part. HELP ME!

FOX Execs...


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:55 PM


Been there, done that. Welcome to the group.

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 3:00 PM



Originally posted by dc4bs:

Originally posted by GrayFury:
Yes. I have seen the River Tam sessions. I have when she says "would I still be allowed to Dance?" as "tugging at the heart strings" moment #2

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"

GAAHH! What codec are the sessions done in?

I have only ever gotten sound from the last part which is just gurgles and the pen dropping on the table. All the rest play fine but no sound...

I've found 3 different sites to download them from. Even the one that is a single long download only has sound in the one part. HELP ME!

FOX Execs...

You can get the latest codecs on for free, just type in codec for search

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 3:01 PM



Originally posted by dc4bs:

Originally posted by GrayFury:
Yes. I have seen the River Tam sessions. I have when she says "would I still be allowed to Dance?" as "tugging at the heart strings" moment #2

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"

GAAHH! What codec are the sessions done in?

I have only ever gotten sound from the last part which is just gurgles and the pen dropping on the table. All the rest play fine but no sound...

I've found 3 different sites to download them from. Even the one that is a single long download only has sound in the one part. HELP ME!

FOX Execs...

You can get the latest codecs on for free, just type in codec for search

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 3:01 PM


GrayFury, it's almost exactly the same for me. I've liked shows and films in the past, but generally I don't buy the DVD of a film I've already seen and I will try to watch all the episodes of a series that I'm into, but if I miss an ep it's no big deal, I can just catch up with the next episode, and then when the series finishes I just move on and forget.

Totally different with Firefly/Serenity. I went to see the film in the cinema twice (and that's only because I first saw it just before it stopped showing at the all the cinemas near me, so I couldn't see it more times) and then I still went out and bought it on DVD! Just to convey how strange that is for me - I have never seen a film at the cinema more than once before and I have about four DVDs, all of which are light-hearted comedies (like Baseketball). I had to buy Firefly becuase (to the best of my knowledge} it has never been show on any UK channels, but even if I had seen the series on TV, I would still have bought it on DVD to watch it again (I have NO other TV series on DVD). This is the first series that has left me really, truely wanting more.

This show has deeply embedded itself under my skin like no show before; like I said, I have hardly seen another film twice and I have never watched another TV series more than once - Firefly/Serenity is easily the best, most addictive piece of cinematography I have ever seen.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 3:13 PM


Yep! cause I feel the exact same way. And theres tons of coats out there that do too. Like hopper gets under your's a black hole that sucks u in completely and takes over your's equivalent to being in love...thinking about that person all day long...writing poems(fanfic) even changes you a little bit....Because I am in love with the show. And I am totally not ashamed to admit it! I love it. I love it. I love it. It's layered and intellegent and funny and everything I want in a man..I mean a tv show/movie. LOL. Seriously, did I mention that I love it.

"See this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crochety. Breaks the heart." -Mal


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 3:19 PM


Preaching to the choir, man...

By the way, welcome to our own Serenity Valley- noone wants to stop fighting for the Cause.

"Pretty lights...angels.... [thud.]"
"That's why I never kiss them on the mouth."
"When do I get to get sexed up?!"
"This is my most favorite-est gun..."
"Y'mean she's a witch?!" ...." She's in Congress?!?!"


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 3:20 PM



Originally posted by GrayFury:
I've never experienced a project that gave, and gives me "joy" so much so that I write babbling posts on silly websites to people as infected as I am.

GrayFury, we're right there with ya.

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 3:22 PM


I think it was when I first came home from "Serenity" (with my boyfriends Firefly DVD set tucked in my pocket) and went to sleep and dreamed that Jayne was handing me grenades and sayin' "You might need these." that I knew I was in serious trouble.

Don't look back. There was no time before Serenity! Now that you are here, you'll never want to leave.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 4:04 PM


Welcome to the 'verse of like minded people. I was the same way. Now I go to every Shindig event I can.

Be sure to join a local group. Browncoats are just the best bunch of people. I'm in the New York City group on Yahoo. See my signature.

NY/NJ Browncoats:


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 4:19 PM


Thanks for sharin'!

Like everyone else here, I too fell, and fell hard once I stumbled upon Firefly... Lots of my friends had watched it, but I had never given it much credence because, well, it was by that guy who made Buffy (at the time, I was NOT a fan of Buffy... I'm considering giving it a second shot now tho... just to get more Joss)
Well, Serenity was out, and all these people I knew were saying how good it was, even if you hadn't seen the show... sooo, I decided I'd see it, but first, I wanted to know what I was getting into, especially cuz I'd heard that a BDH was gonna die in the movie.. I *wanted* to be invested in that character, to get the whole feel for the thing, you know? Boy, was I ever not expecting Firefly! I watched the entire DVD set in two days... It was immediate, utter, total obsession and love.. no other word for it... I yelled at my friends "Why didn't you tell me about this gorram show before!!!!" Of course, they had, but not with any conviction, the bastards! Why didn't they tell me it was in space, with people, and stories that would mean everything to me!!!!
My life has not been the same since... other hobbies have fallen by the wayside.. I spend FAR too much time on this site (which really means, not enough time!!!).. I'm hooked, for life... I'll be a browncoat till the day I die, and maybe even beyond...
Well... as you can see, we are all just as empassioned as you are, and thank the 'Verse for that!!!!


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 4:19 PM


This is just a copy paste of what I posted on IMDb.

"This is amazing. I have a strong love for Firefly. I went through and took the time to read every post before this one. To see that so many people feel the same as me, if not more about this show. And they only made 14 episodes.

My conversion was in about August of this year. I was painting my sisters house, and the TV was set to Sci-Fi. 5:00 rolled around and “Our Mrs. Reynolds” was on. My first taste of Firefly. I enjoyed the episode enough, but I didn’t get the DVD’s, but I did continue to watch the show every Friday.

Later I saw the movie Serenity. I also talked two of my friends into seeing it with me. And they really liked the movie too.

It wasn’t till about a week back. I had a dream I was on Serenity. After I woke up I knew, I knew, this show was like nothing else I have ever seen. I put the DVD set on my Christmas list. Christmas was too far away. On Monday I went and bought the box set. (I don’t go out and buy DVD’s of TV shows, EVER) I finished the DVD’s earlier this evening. I almost cry to think Firefly ends like that.

Why is this show so gorram good? I love it. It will be sometime before I can call it a day without seeing an episode of Firefly. Sci-Fi needs to pick up the rights to this show. They did it with Stargate, why can’t they do it with Firefly. This could be there “cash cow” so long as they let Joss and Mutant Enemy do their thing. "

I take nothing back. It’s like the opening credit’s songs say. “There's no place I can be, since I found serenity,.”

Well, here I am.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 4:22 PM


Welcome to the best losing side there ever was!

We're still flying buddy, nice to have another Browncoat along for the ride :)


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 5:26 PM


Here, here, brother!


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 5:30 PM


Thanks, GrayFury. That story seems awful familiar. The first I ever heard of Firefly/Serenity was the movie trailer, which I thought was awesome. I watched it online when I needed a break. The part where River starts wailing on people and Mal’s “You wanna run this ship?!” exchange were what kept bringing me back. But I work a lot and I didn’t see the BDM until it was almost out of theaters. I went to see it with a friend who had just recently been converted, and had borrowed the Firefly set from another friend. I liked the movie, but I wasn’t crazy for it right away. It was a little like when you cut your finger and there's that second where you don’t know how bad it’s going to be. Once I watched the Firefly pilot I was a goner. I made my brother go with me to the second run theaters to see Serenity, and this time it hit me like a ton of bricks! The first time I saw Serenity with that wonderful music it almost made me cry. Wash and Book. It hooked my brother, too. Now I buy the books and soundtracks and try to live vicariously through my Firefly converts until Joss gives us more!

I’ve gotten into other movies before, but never like this.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 6:15 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

You're in good company, in a 'verse populated by like-minded folk who aren't laying down arms just yet...

I'd never really heard of Firefly before this year. I'd HEARD of it, but not anything to remember - I vaguely remember Fox advertising some new sci-fi show that was coming out a few years ago, and figured Fox and sci-fi were a baaaaaad combination... so it just went in one ear and out the other.

Also, I had no real idea who Joss Whedon is, was, or had been, so people telling me that Firefly was "something special made by Joss Whedon" was about as inviting to me as saying it was something dreamed of by an artichoke. When I say I didn't know who he was, I mean I really had no idea. I'd never seen a single episode of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" or its spinoff "Angel". I was aware that those shows existed, and had seen previews, but they just never looked like something that would interest me in the least.

All that changed around June of this year. I took some time off work (actually "quit my job" is a more apt description! ;) ) to rehab my burned-out brain. I spent my mornings rebuilding a couple of my cars, but the Texas summer sun would usually send me inside around noon. That's how I discovered Buffy. I was inside, eating lunch, flipping channels and bitching about nothing being on, so I decided that Buffy looked to be the *least* offensive thing on TV. I caught a couple episodes here and there, and then caught one with Evil Willow ("When She Was Bad", I think it was), where Willow is a vampire queen. I was impressed, so I started catching more episodes, and then I got hooked, and hooked deep. Within a week or two, I was out buying Buffy DVD seasons so I could get caught up. Then I bought seasons of Angel as well.

Mind you, up to this point my reaction to the show "Angel" was along the lines of "Oh, great - now they're giving a show to that stupid stiff-haired broody guy from that other stupid vampire show." That was what I'd thought of the shows from what little I'd seen and heard of them before last summer.

Now, of course, I own all seven seasons of Buffy on DVD, and all five of Angel. It was only when I was finished with those that a friend of mine told me about Firefly (or, to be more accurate, told me AGAIN about it, since he'd tried in the past, but I didn't listen). NOW I was listening. *ANOTHER* show by this same genius? Where can I find it?! I rushed out to Best Buy, but they were sold out. I looked around, but it wasn't until a week later that I found the Firefly DVDs. I watched them all in a weekend, then started re-watching them when my wife returned from out of town. She'd gotten hooked on Buffy and Angel with me, and now she got hooked on Firefly as well. Buffy was good, Angel seemed to have more finesse in the writing... but Firefly was where Joss seemed to really pull it all together, and we both felt that it was his best effort. We were totally sucked into Firefly's universe, and couldn't wait to see what happened next.

Needless to say, we were waiting in line when the theatre opened on September 30th, tickets in hand. We watched Serenity, we laughed, we gasped, we cried, and then I went to see it again that afternoon with the friend who'd told me about Firefly.

I guess you could say that I, too, am hooked. :) I look forward to ANY project that Joss has his hands on, whether that be a Serenity sequel, a Spike movie, a Veronica Mars appearance, or what have you. Something about the way he writes just speaks to me, like very few do. I'm glad I found his 'verse, and am only sorry that it took me so long to get here.


Grrrrr. Arrrgghh.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 6:23 PM


Freaks. All of ya...

*Please note that I've been a member here since '02...


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 6:44 PM


it seems everyone falls the same way, i apologize for falling in so far down the road, i saw the movie after i bought the firefly dvd set. anyways, im here now, someone mentioned the groups and "shindig" events. anyone know of any groups in the central florida area, i would like to join if so.

we are still flying, thats something


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 8:16 PM


Well, since we're all "confessing" here, my first exposure to Firefly was on a Babylon 5 website. Several fans there mentioned the upcoming movie, and I figured since they liked Babylon 5 they must know what they were talking about, so I bought the DVD's. I seldom do that. (B5 is the only other TV show I own) Needless to say, I was sucked in as completely as the other posters above. I listen to the Firefly and Serenity soundtracks in the car, I saw the BDM 5 times before it left our screens (too soon!) and I also frequent these boards a little too much. If any of you know the background of B5 and it's attempted spin-off Crusade, you can see there are certain Absolute Truths in the 'verse: We Sci-Fi fans are suckers for lost causes, and Studio Execs are evil morons (Just like Firefly, TNT showed the Crusade episodes out of sequence, then cancelled it because of "lack of interest." WTF, do they CLONE these guys??)
Anyway, I'm proud to call myself a Browncoat!


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 9:34 PM


I loved Buffy and Angel, so when I heard about a new show by Joss Whedon, I was anxious to see it, because, you know, *Joss*.

Anyway, my wife and I watched "The Train Job", liked it well enough and decided to keep watching. However, it got shunted around the schedule and pre-empted so much that we finally lost track of it until I got the sad word that it had been cancelled.

When the DVDs came out, I grabbed them since I had enjoyed what I saw and, worse came to worse, I only had to get one box set. (As opposed to my five Angels, seven Buffys, four Futuramas, etc.)

After watching all the episodes in order we really fell in love with the series. I got very psyched when I heard about a possible movie.

Anyway, I went to the theater on 09/30 and came out feeling completely stunned. Not stunned as in 'hit by a flying brick' but as in 'too full of emotion to think clearly'.

When I finally had time to process all this (after seeing the movie eleven or twelve more times), I turned from an average fan boy into a raving fanatic.

I, too, am continually looking for ways to fill that Firefly-class hole in my spirit and fortuntely the Browncoats are up to the task. Fan fiction, filks, vids and especially discussion boards like this are great for keeping the fire alive inside of me.

Simon: You had the Alliance on you, criminals and savages… half the people on the ship have been shot or wounded including yourself, and you're harboring known fugitives.
Mal: We're still flying.
Simon: That's not much.
Mal: It's enough.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 4:28 PM


To go into the "levels" I was talking about.... I'm an IDIOT... I JUST noticed that the scene in the begining of the BDM right after the primary buffer panel fell off from River laying on the catwalk.... WAS ALL ONE SHOT. On the bridge, past the quarters, through the dining hall, into the engine room, down the stairs, into the infirmary, into the cargo hold, and up the steps to Rivers face... ALL ONE SHOT. now there MUST have been a break, (I know this because the set is in 2 sections, the top 1/2 of the ship and the bottom 1/2 of the ship. I know this because I'm a Gorram addict, I use the word Gorram, because I'm a Gorram addict.) None the less....a very impressive shot. I was dumbfounded

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 6:22 PM


I'm 38, M, and bought my first DVD *ever* after I saw the ad for Serenity. Got the TV Series on disk, then went to see the BDM.
I'm a long-time SF junkie, and computer geek, but like you, NEVER bought a TV show on DVD. The Serenity ad changed that quick.
(Missed the whole thing on Fox)
I don't know what it is that speaks to me so deep about this 'verse, but I'm good and gone on it.

Saw the BDM 7 times, bought 2 Serentiy DVDs (just in case), and going to see the film again tonight at a theater that's still running it. Just for fun.

At the beginning of the film, when Serenity is lighting up, descending into atmo, I get goosebumps!
So, you're not alone. Welcome to CrazyLand, they all know us here ;]


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 6:44 PM



Originally posted by STDOUBT:

At the beginning of the film, when Serenity is lighting up, descending into atmo, I get goosebumps!
So, you're not alone. Welcome to CrazyLand, they all know us here ;]

I do too STDOUBT, and tears well up in my eyes. And I think.." I LOVE this ship." not just the crew ( who I love with all my heart, I really do) but the ship itself. The first time I saw it in the theatre, that scene left me with tears streaming down my cheeks.

If this is Crazyland... I ain't leavin'.

"So no more running. I aim to misbehave." Mal


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 6:48 PM



Originally posted by GrayFury:
To go into the "levels" I was talking about.... I'm an IDIOT... I JUST noticed that the scene in the begining of the BDM right after the primary buffer panel fell off from River laying on the catwalk.... WAS ALL ONE SHOT.

Gray- I have a real treat for you! Apparently you haven't turned on Joss' commentary track. Aside from a lot of ROLFMAO, you'll hear all sorts of creative wizardry revealed- like how this shot was done...

...and the plot for Serenity 2... at least a Big Damn Hint !:]


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 7:03 PM



Welcome to the 'verse. And thanks for the great story. As common is it might be here, the fact that it's such an uncommon experience in general is what makes it so special. So many of us here come from the same place - sure that nothing, certainly nothing like television show, could touch us so deeply. But there it is.

And that's a huge part of what makes it so hard to give up. It's far too rare for people like us to find something so meaningful in popular entertainment. To watch it canceled and generally disregarded, to me, shines a light on the fact that there's more of us out there than the networks realize. People ready, and thirsty for, something besides the tedious, predictable fluff that they keep dishing out....

Ok, so I'm preaching again. Sorry, but your post took me back to those dark months a few years back, when we were waiting to see if our show would survive. ** sigh ** Anyway, thanks again for the heartfelt post. You're not alone.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 11:14 PM



Originally posted by GrayFury:
Zoe was wearing a slinky dress to Wash's funeral. *choke*

Oh, now I'm gonna cry. Thanks a lot.

~Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!~


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 11:26 PM


Yep I think a lot of us know exactly where you're coming from. I haven't been this captivated with anything on the big or small screen since the orignial Star Wars came out in 1977. That's a long time to wait!

By the way everyone, Greg Edmonson interview is up, follow the link in my sig. His comments fit right in here!


Thursday, December 22, 2005 2:19 AM



Originally posted by GrayFury:
... ALL ONE SHOT. now there MUST have been a break, (I know this because the set is in 2 sections, the top 1/2 of the ship and the bottom 1/2 of the ship. I know this because I'm a Gorram addict, I use the word Gorram, because I'm a Gorram addict.) None the less....a very impressive shot. I was dumbfounded

The cut occurs as Mal heads down the stairs and the camera swings back to pick up Simon behind him. It's called a "pan cut" or something to that effect.

I noticed something strange at that point on first viewing, but I still haven't figured out *exactly* where the cut occurs. Probably have to go frame-by-frame on the DVD to find it.

I agree, though, that even with two parts to the shot, it's still very impressive. Lots of people (both on and off camera) had to get things exactly right to make it work.

What's even more impressive than the technical aspects (to me) is the way that sequence *works* as a storytelling technique. In about four minutes you meet the entire crew, get a good idea of their roles and personalities, and see almost the entire interior of Serenity. Sweet!

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Thursday, December 22, 2005 5:03 PM


Does anybody need help figuring out how to turn on the Commentary track? This steadycam shot is explained in full detail there...


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:36 AM


Its more obvious when you know where it is... but still an amazing piece of cinema. Breathtaking when its taken on a whole.

And the Star Wars thing... I was/am a HUGE Star Wars fan. But lets keep in mind that I was 7 years old when New Hope came to the theaters... There was NOTHING like this before. Picture being a seven year old kid in 1977. There was shit to inspire you. Then Star Wars drops BAM! The t-shirts, the toys, the other kids you could talk to and pretend with... I had no choice but to be addicted.

Now lets get back to one of the words I used in the original post....Jaded, Since 1977 I've seen it all, done it all, I've discovered orgasms and drugs and alchohol and the warm mouth of a beautiful woman, Pain, pleasure, shock, misery, loss, joy. When you get to be 35 in todays world. your senses are dulled beyond belief. The constant bombardment of advertising and news and the web... Ack!

Now enter Firefly, Why should this little show cause me to watch smiling from ear to ear repeatedly? I don't know exactly. But when watching Ariel for the 5th time, I see Wash in a junkyard throwing the very same part that endangered their lives in the previous episode, The Catalizer. I get all "happy". Thank-you for the dtails Joss.

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:57 AM



Originally posted by SergeantX:
Ok, so I'm preaching again. Sorry, but your post took me back to those dark months a few years back, when we were waiting to see if our show would survive.

Something just occurred to me, if this were like most groups people who were here at the start would have a superiority thing going on. They'd say, "I was here when it came out, I lived through the cancellation, I'm better than you."

We don't do that, that makes me feel good to be part of we. We're all in it together regardless of when we joined.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 7:02 AM



Originally posted by Kazzahdrane:
Welcome to the best losing side there ever was!


Originally posted by Moose:
Freaks. All of ya...

And proud of it.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 7:18 AM



Originally posted by christhecynic:

Something just occurred to me, if this were like most groups people who were here at the start would have a superiority thing going on. They'd say, "I was here when it came out, I lived through the cancellation, I'm better than you."

We don't do that, that makes me feel good to be part of we. We're all in it together regardless of when we joined.

Your right, I never even noticed. Hardcore fans of anything are VERY intollerant of any "newbies" When ever a noob posts something thats allready been touched on in a fan site. The Natives will become very harsh. Its not like that here. More like, "Here are some other ideas weve come up for that, on this link." We recognize that If a person sees enough in the Verse to search for a web site, sign up and post their thoughts. Then they are Die-hard Browncoat potential... And we all know that the more of us there are the better. Truth be told.... I consider myself a NOOB, I didnt become a browncoat until the BDM came out.

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 7:28 AM


Yeah, this place was so nice to me when I first came into it, askin' all those questions already been asked, and gettin' answers anyway!
Not many 'Herberts' in here.

Vague ST referencing Chrisisall


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 7:31 AM


I can't tell you how out of character this is for me also. I was telling everyone that I believe they put subliminal messages in the series somehow. I'm right there with you, we all are. I can't even tell you how many times I have watched the series.

I did just recently let a friend borrow the DVD's of the series. I'm having withdrawals. I can't wait to get it back.

I know how you feel. It is so weird. But I love it and I love it here because so many feel the same way. Welcome to the 'verse.

Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 7:51 AM


Well since we're all explaining how we got into firefly I figure I'll do the same. I'm still pretty new to this board and the 'verse itself, but again it seems very tolerant of Newbies like myself here so thanks for that. At any rate I didn't start getting into it until the BDM. I remember seeing the commercial on TV and going oh man this movie looks so awseome a hot girl kickin some major ass on a spaceship. It seemed just my thing. So I rallied the troops and headed out to the movie theater (at the time I didn't realize that the fact that I got 3 people to go who hate Sci-fi was a big deal to the movie and how every ticket counted but now I'm glad I did what I did) Anyway I sat through the movie and was amazed by everything I saw. (regardless of wise ass comments from my friend's girlfriend but I guess its not for everyone) After the movie my friend was like oh man that was awesome I wonder what firefly was like. I was like that was a continuation of somethin? He vaguely explained how it was a show on Fox and that it was cancelled and that the movie was based on. From that moment on I knew I wanted all I could get. I came home and started downloading bushwacked. I loved it and needed more. I ended up downloading the entire series. (I'm a pirate sorry) Then I realized oh man...I really love this I want to contribute so I went and bought the box set (sort of for the extra features but more to help financially as best I could) I watched them over and over again. When the BDM came to DVD I picked it up the first day and watched it twice. I then found this board and my life went to hell haha. I check this thing every 10 minutes hoping for a new post for some new information. I don't know exactly what it is about the story that draws me in. The characters seem so real, the adventure is just so interesting, and its not just as someone put it earlier "fluff" it has substance. Sorry for the long post but this is pretty uncommon for me too but I can't get enough...when I think about the chance of there not being any more I get a serious sadness its like some one close to you dying right after you really begin to appreciate them for who they are. OK I'll shut up now and let the grown ups talk.


Ain't that just shiny?


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 7:53 AM


Not only does there seem to be a marked lack of arrogance here... exactly the opposite in fact, when you're new everybody is happy about it. "Yes, we've got another browncoat... just 5.9 billion more people to wake up to this joy"

By the way Grayfury: welcome aboard, I'm right there with you.

-Noah's Arc is a problem, we'll have to call it an early example of quantum state phenomena... only way of fitting 5,000 species of mammal on one boat.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 8:13 AM


well, I missed Firefly on Fox and it wasn't until Serenity came out in the theaters that I got interested...We went and saw the movie, even then I was somewhat luke-warm...(I think the movie is better after Firefly because you know the characters, nuances...ect)-

my wife actually dug the movie more than me and ordered up Firefly on Netflix for me...saw the first episode and that was it-

I couldn't get enough, I went through everything after the realization that it was over like everyone else (funny mass phenomenon)...I could not wait until Serenity came out on DVD, just to have see the ship and crew again was the best feeling-

I'm happy to consider myself a browncoat now...and do my part to keep that ship in the air-


Friday, January 6, 2006 2:15 PM


I also notice how "repeated" posts are welcomed....It gives fans a sense of nostalgia... Like a couple of old ladies sitting on a porch saying " remember that pie we had at the bazaar last year?....that was good pie!"

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"






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