2006 - Series 2 of Firefly

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 4, 2006 23:57
VIEWED: 2113
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Wednesday, January 4, 2006 7:25 AM


Hey all,

I am a new recruit.

I missed the original series when it aired here in the UK a few years back. To me it just looked like a dodgy sci-fi show. How wrong was I?!!

Anyway, I caught the film towards the end of the year after reading a review in my local newspaper that basically said it was the best sci-fi movie in years.

The movie rocked. It WAS the best sci-fi movie in years.

It was a friend that told me that it was a follow on from a show called Firefly. Yes, the series that I thought was dodgy.

So, this Christmas I asked for the Firefly box set and have watched it twice during my time off during the Christmas holidays.

Why was this show cancelled?!!!

This needs to be back on our TV screens pronto.

When I watched the extras on the box set and on the Serenity DVD, Joss spoke about the fans and how they are the ones that helped get the movie made and why a new series may be possible.

So I came online and checked the websites that were mentioned on both DVD's to find out what the fans where trying to do in order to get this show back on the air. Everyone is doing their part, but I think more should be done in order to make someone really take notice at a network.

I have done my small bit by buying the DVD’s and voting for the movie and actors on various different websites for various different awards.

But again, I feel that more can be done.

The fan base is growing each day and more and more people want another series but still we are stuck in limbo.

With the DVD release of Serenity and with us Browncoats nominating the film and cast for various awards, this is probably the only time we have a real chance of getting a second series.

On the Serenity DVD one of the producers mentioned how the fans were going to march on the networks. If we got the movie, why can’t we do the same by getting a series?

If it costs 2 million dollars to make one show, why not create a website in order to raise the cash for it or at least raise a sizeable amount that would make someone at a network take notice. With a huge fan base $1 or £1 from each fan would go a long way.

Add a petition. Each name is a potential viewer. Then take it to the offices of FOX or SCIFI or another Network.

I am sorry for the rant, but I just feel that if anything is to be done for someone to take notice then 2006 has to be the year.

I also dreamt last night that 10,000 people dressed in brown coats marched towards a network HQ and with one voice, demanded what we all want, series 2 of Firefly.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 7:37 AM


haha genious. lets boycot fox, and march on their HQ demanding they sell the rights

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 7:40 AM


There are few things in the world of entertainment that i want more then a second season of firefly.

But to do that the fanbase needs to grow further. I guess the only thing for this show is patience. Let the fan base grow - which it does every day.

I hope Donald Trump falls in love with firefly :)

Jayne: All those years of preacher training, getting knocked out by one bounty hunter
Book: Oh, dont get me wrong. I gave him a hell of a fight
Jayne: Epic i'm guessing


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 7:47 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome ColonelOrbrinsMoustache. Wow. That is a mouthful isn't it?

Glad to have you aboard. Thanks for sharing your story w/ us.

I can appreciate your enthusiasm, but as was stated above, we need to grow the fanbase even more than we have done so far. Surely the movie, it's release now to DVD, & the DVD set of the series & its repeating on cable is helping. We are a far sight from where we were a year ago, but we need more people. We need more people to know about the show & want more before we can make another move. Talking up the DVDs to people & getting them interested is the easiest & quickest way to grow the fanbase.

I can appreciate your enthusiasm, but we need to proceed one step at a time. The next step is to make the movie DVD a smashing success to convince Universal to give us a sequel. Once that is done we can consider our next move.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 12:06 PM


I certainly agree that one of the best things we can do now (if not the best) is buy copies of the DVD for everyone we know, and some that we don't. However, as I said in a post on a different thread I feel like there needs to some kind of organized Firefly promotion. We as individuals tied together by this wonderful thing called the internet (manifested by can only do so much. We need something more to truly succeed.



Wednesday, January 4, 2006 6:49 PM


Saw an article today on Yahoo Finance about the movie biz and how it's changing due to people having lots more options for entertainment. It said that theater movies have gone from the primary money maker for a film to becoming big ads for the DVDs, sales of films to TV, merchandising etc. All the more reason for us to buy Firefly/Serenity DVDs, books etc.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 11:57 PM


im just wondering if FOX ever checks how many people are downloading it. Of course I'm not advocating that its in any way rite to download it illegally, in facty people that do should be taken out and shot. FIREFLY is worth more than being dled illegally!!! if you must DL it BUY IT!!! but anyho... cause i was doing a bit of research as i like to do, and the numbers for those that are dling it (albeit illegally) is staggering... in the tens of thousands (if you include the movie it gets closer to a million). IF thats not a booster to any fan base i don't noe what is... (altho completly illegal and in no way considered rite by author)






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