Fan funded sequel

UPDATED: Tuesday, May 2, 2006 09:54
VIEWED: 5783
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006 10:38 AM


This related to the current poll question. What if we were to set up an account on this site (Haken any possibilities of this?) where we Browcoats can donate whatever we want to help fund a sequel. We can do this for a year and I think we could really put together some money to in the hopes to help fund a sequel. In a year we can present this money to Universal or to Joss for them to make a sequel. If they refuse to accept we can always donate the money to worthy causes in the name of the franchise and Browncoats. I know we can do this because I remember the effort of the Firefly DVD for Troops fund we did over a year ago that from what I remember was a success as well as the fund to put Firefly DVDs in public libraries fund.

Now I think we can at least pull together a few million dollars together and that could help in the long run. What does everyone think?

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 10:49 AM


I agree!!! I was just thinking about a similar idea. I'm sure I'm not the only fan who thinks we can pull it off. It's gonna involve a lot of work but I think it's feasible. We just need someone to run things and do the finances... Someone who's preferrably done a similar thing before. Count me in and keep me updated. Let's keep EM flying.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 10:52 AM


I like the idea of having the show head back to television or DVD in the sense that you pay for each episode, because it is believed that this alone would pay for the cost of each episode. There is a few sites dedicated to this idea that I have seen, and it is rather interesting. Especially how people are now downloading TV shows, for 2.00 and it has created a larger audience then found on TV. There is an article at IMDB, about The Offices low ratings. This is just a part of it

"The NBC sitcom The Office, which has failed to live up to expectations in the ratings, has turned out to be a smash hit on the Internet. Daily Variety reported today (Tuesday) that the show regularly accounts for half the slots on Apple's list of top 20 TV shows for sale at its iTunes Store. It also is responsible for NBC selling more copies of its shows (at $1.99 a pop) than any other network, wiping out the early advantage of ABC, which became the first network to sell shows online."

I mean this makes sense and I could see Firefly returning in this format, as Im sure the Browncoats would support this till the end. It is an interesting possibility, and I have my fingers crossed, that with this trend picking up, that we might get to see Firefly back on the small screen!



Tuesday, January 3, 2006 10:53 AM


As an alternitave to funding a sequel, would it be possible for us to raise enough money to buy the TV production rights from FOX and give them to joss or SciFi/Universal ?

I'd much rather see another series than see another movie, and if SciFi is willing to run the reruns, i'd bet they're willing to start the series again, especially if they get the rights for free (from us)


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 10:56 AM


There was a thread about a month ago about this kind of idea. It was a mock fund raiser to see just how much we ourselves could raise, and those that were interested in donating for real were to put down their donation total and only if the idea were to take off were those people that posted a donation to be contacted (or something to that nature). I was relatively new to the site when I saw the thread, so it's in the archives somewheres. You'll have to check it out...could be just what you're looking for


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 3:33 PM



Originally posted by dementedyam:
As an alternitave to funding a sequel, would it be possible for us to raise enough money to buy the TV production rights from FOX and give them to joss or SciFi/Universal ?

I'd much rather see another series than see another movie, and if SciFi is willing to run the reruns, i'd bet they're willing to start the series again, especially if they get the rights for free (from us)

Even if we did do this it would still have to be picked up by network and it could very well end back up in the hands of the Fox Network that cancelled it in the first place. Remember 20th Century Fox who owns the rights and made Firefly didn't cancel Firefly it was the Fox Television network that did. The Studios make it and then shop it around for a network. Usually the sister company has first dibs but like Buffy and Angel which is owned and made by 20th Century Fox ended up on the WB network which is a Time Warner company.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 4:11 PM


I'm in. I was just talking about this on another thread. I think it's a great idea. Didn't one episode cost $2 million? So if we raised $4 million we could have a two-hour direct to DVD show. Joss could throw in a million or too as well.

Great idea. That would rock the film industry. Let our voice be heard.

NY/NJ/CT Browncoats:


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 12:02 PM


New poster here. With regards to a fan funded sequel I think there are several alternatives, some of which have been addressed above.
1. Set up a fund where fans donate and at the end of a year give all the money to Joss/Universal/Fox/SciFi to be the first funding cycle of a new movie
2. Same as 1 except the money goes towards a new tv show.
And now for my wild and crazy idea...
I think that instead of giving the money to Joss immediatly we should set up a Non-profit company dedicated to bringing Firefly back. This company would set up fundraisers, marketing campaigns, assist with any legal issues regarding film rights, and more. If you have several devoted people working full time to bring Firefly back it may accomplish more than setting up a fund for a specific purpose because a company by nature is more versital than a fund that sits around waiting for a certain amount to go to one specific idea.


"We all die alone"


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 12:54 PM



Originally posted by dementedyam:
As an alternitave to funding a sequel, would it be possible for us to raise enough money to buy the TV production rights from FOX and give them to joss or SciFi/Universal ?

I'd much rather see another series than see another movie, and if SciFi is willing to run the reruns, i'd bet they're willing to start the series again, especially if they get the rights for free (from us)

I really like this idea, because it's probably possible. Fox probably doesn't really care that much about the rights... and they can't cost nearly as much as making new episodes. Personally I'm much more in favor of continuing the TV show, as something was lost when it went to the bigscreen. I still can't put my finger on it... but something, something in the characters, something real and tangible... but nevermind, i'm getting abstract.

I say we do that. :)


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 1:04 PM



Originally posted by summerwind:
I think that instead of giving the money to Joss immediatly we should set up a Non-profit company dedicated to bringing Firefly back. This company would set up fundraisers, marketing campaigns, assist with any legal issues regarding film rights, and more. If you have several devoted people working full time to bring Firefly back it may accomplish more than setting up a fund for a specific purpose because a company by nature is more versital than a fund that sits around waiting for a certain amount to go to one specific idea.

Actually... I'm with summerwind on this... but who would run it?


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 6:08 PM


Who would run it? People who are serious about the need for everybody to see more Firefly. Here are some steps that might work

1. Have another Firefly con to decide what to do next. Why? Because fans have been so important Firefly, important enough that they pretty much got a major motion picture made, and that level of involvement should continue. We got what we wanted (sort of) in the form of Serenity. If we want to continue or increase our level of involvement we need to have some kind consensus as to what us (the fans) want next. Do we want another movie? TV series? Comics? Novels? Action figures? Also having a con we can get everyone who is serious (or their representives) in one physical space possibly with some input from Joss and/or the cast as to what they want. You also get to generate some publicity.
2. Based on the results of the polls/workshops/seminars/lectures/elections/discussions select a small group of people (between three and five) who have the dedication and background of skills needed to promote Firefly.
3. They form a non-profit company who's mission is to promote the Firefly 'verse.



Wednesday, January 4, 2006 6:21 PM


I'm in, for donating money, don't got much, but I'm in!!!

Drunks are so cute.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 7:06 PM


I am also in. I can donate money but I would also like to be apart of Summerwind's idea.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 7:25 PM


Well, how much would one have to fundraise in order to get enough to make a sequel or continue the tv series, i am new to the whole serenity and firefly saga, but it only took the first two episodes along with the movie to make me a believer. This series rocks and the movie is out of this world and i do not understand why such a good series would have to go to such trouble to make themselves know, because the series and the movie speak for themselves. I'm not usually a fan of fundrasing and gathering up funds for a purpose, but after reading up on the efforts that firefly fans have placed to enlighten the rest of the world about such a great series, i for one will be willing to help out and continue this great story, because their much more that can be done with it. Thanks, for those people who were able to make serenity happend because without the movie i would have never know firefly, and i would not be here writting this comment.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 7:44 PM


Ill definately donate, and if I win the lottery tonight Ill pay for the entire thing!


Thursday, January 5, 2006 12:14 AM


I think this is a really interesting idea.
I would be glad to donate, I would be proud to be doing my part to bring pleasure to (Millions?) and myself at the same time.
Also the chance to be involved in something this big.

Don't forget the internet is a very powerful medium for spreading the word.
Once word got out about fans making a serious bid to buy their beloved show the effect would snowball.
Technology/sci-fi/Movie sites would get wind of it exposing it to lots more people.

Wouldn't be long after that the more mainstream tech sites would start mentioning it the eventaully Mainstream press.

Once that happens you will be amazed how quickly new browncoats flock in with more money, eventually you may even have closet firefly celeb fans getting involved.

Can easily happen :)

Just get it organised and start spreading the word.
If there's one thing the internet and browncoats have proved is fans CAN make a huge difference and there is no power like people power


Thursday, January 5, 2006 12:30 AM


That's a Shiny idea. I think we are all part of something important here. It's not just a TV show. It's a well constructed messege of freedom, hope and a better way of life. That may sound far fetched saying that but Firefly speaks volumes to me and it no doubt does to you guys, it helps me through life more than any politician could. Everybody who watches Firefly are immediately converted, even the none sci-fi fans who have never donned a Klingon costume and thought of themselves as rational human beings :)

Firefly is not just a show like Star Trek, Babylon 5 or Farscape. It is more important than that.


Thursday, January 5, 2006 12:32 AM


making a movie costs a lot of money. i'm curious to know what the actual budget was for Serenity (and i'm sure someone knows it). i'll venture a guess whatever it is, it has seven zeros at the end of it.

making a fund will help, but probably won't be enough. starting a non-profit company will get us closer, but i think that for now one of the biggest things we need to do is spread the word. if every browncoat sent in five dollars we'd have a hefty wad of cash, and you can bet there are more than just a few of us willing to give more, but if the number of firefly fanatics out there went up... even by just a little bit the numbers could increase dramatically.

i have yet to meet someone who's actually seen firefly and hasn't liked it. it's funny, but i feel myself turning into a missionary... just when i thought i was past that phase.

the reason we haven't swept the world yet is that the advertising has been... sub-par. most people didn't even hear about serenity... and if they did see the trailer they didn't remember the name or really anything about it. I just showed the first seven episodes (today) to a friend who realized half way through she'd seen a trailer for serenity and had wanted to see it for the "do you want to run this ship?" "yes." "well... you can't" bit, but she forgot about it. She's now totally bonkers over firefly, and i'm convinced that there are more people out there just like her who need to know.

start a fund, by all means... start a company.

but for everyone who can't get out to conventions, who can't help out with non-profit whatsits... tell your friends.

i didn't find out about firefly until just a few months ago, but one of my best friends watched it religiously when it was on the air, and never even mentioned it to me. we're all here because we love the show. the best way to keep it flying is to spread it to everyone we can, because one more voice might be the voice we need.

(k... uh... i'm done speechifying. i've decided to stop short of saying anything like "i aim to misbehave" etc. i think you... get the point.)

captain tight pants


Thursday, January 5, 2006 3:14 AM


What happened? He see your face?

The Serenity budget was around 40 million Frankie....

I agree with the spreading the word... Starting a company from a widespread fanbase could get out of control real quick. Not all networks are bumbling idiots (like cancelling Firefly and Family Guy within a year) and they already have the money. There are many of the same idea out there for companies and online petitons for networks like HBO.

Many of us feel compelled to bring these things up only because Hey, there is nothing else we can do. But never say TV execs don't look at online movements. They look at all factors.

Although, these links and ideas are becoming redundant, please browncoat vets do not scorn the newbies. I am a Noob to this site but defintely not a Firefly Noob.

DVD Sales, DVD Sales, DVD sales, and a lotta luck is what we need.

U gonna be smart here riva!?!


Thursday, January 5, 2006 3:40 AM


I have just bought a 2nd Firefly boxset to put on my shelf and not use as my already existing set is taking a hammering and is constantly in my DVD player. When Serenity is released here (UK) I'll be buying 2 copies of that as well for the same reason. So I'm doing my bit for the Browncoats. Hooah!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:54 AM


Ok, so I realize this thread is a little old now, but has anyone looked into what it would take to actually do this? Because I find it to be a most compelling concept, a movie (or tv show) funded by the fans. It certainly has a connection to the themes in Firefly/Serenity and kinda gives me chills. Just imagine what a monumentous event it would be to actually pull something like that off.
I can't think of anyone I know that has seen the show and/or movie that wouldn't be willing to donate the cost of a ticket up front and then buy a ticket to get in and see the movie. And wouldn't that effectively double the earnings of the movie? With half of the money up front!
Just throwing that out there, cause the more we talk about it the more it will be noticed that we are talking about it. But feelings of internet paranoia aside, I really think that this is an intriguing concept to follow up on.






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