Little things you noticed in Serenity

UPDATED: Monday, January 23, 2006 12:41
VIEWED: 17289
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Thursday, January 12, 2006 6:17 PM


I always thought this was just Rivers mind showing her what kind of things happened on Miranda. I thought her response was more along the lines of trying to get everyone to resist so they wouldn't die. This does illustrate her conection to the Reavers well though.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 10:35 PM


QUOTE]I'm thinking especially about two lines. One includes the phrases "they come out of the black, they come when you call". The other is from Ariel -- it's the line about taking Christmas away and leaving only coal. I think these can both be interpreted as referring to her secret knowledge about the Reavers.

I don't disagree on any particular point.

I always assumed that the line "they come when you call" was something of a warning about the federal marshalls waiting outside.

Not to rain on Joss - but i dont think he even had it figured out that River would have that secret at that point. Who knows.

I think most of her random lines comes from reading someones minds. Not the reavers. Or "quoting" the reavers.

Jayne: All those years of preacher training, getting knocked out by one bounty hunter
Book: Oh, dont get me wrong. I gave him a hell of a fight
Jayne: Epic i'm guessing


Friday, January 13, 2006 10:22 AM


Mr. Universe is paid "30 coin" to betray Mal. Not a long step from 30 pieces of silver.


Friday, January 13, 2006 10:53 AM


While watching "Objects in Space" again I noticed something in the scene where Jubal Early reads the wanted poster for River and Simon. It's printed on transparent plastic and you can read it from the back. This is very small and probably coincidental, but as I paused the DVD on this frame I noted that River's name spelled backwards could conceivably be pronounced "Reaver." I recall seeing somewhere that Joss puts a lot of thought into names, and I think it at least to be an interesting coincidence if nothing else, considering that River is the perfect weapon against them.


Friday, January 13, 2006 10:53 AM


While watching "Objects in Space" again I noticed something in the scene where Jubal Early reads the wanted poster for River and Simon. It's printed on transparent plastic and you can read it from the back. This is very small and probably coincidental, but as I paused the DVD on this frame I noted that River's name spelled backwards could conceivably be pronounced "Reaver." I recall seeing somewhere that Joss puts a lot of thought into names, and I think it at least to be an interesting coincidence if nothing else, considering that River is the perfect weapon against them.


Friday, January 13, 2006 11:59 AM



Originally posted by Omelet:
By the way, very funny comment. If it weren't for the damned mood swings, I would have fallen out of my chair. For now, I'm just crying and laughing at the same time.

hehheh... ...'s all part of The Service glad i could help. BTW, VERY good trick that ...laughin'/cryin' simultaneously thing ...makes me think of today's "Ballard Street," q.v., (that's date sensitive - only good for today, ummm... "Friday the 13th") - I couldn't figure out how to include the whole image in this post but... couldn't do it.

I DID try to reply yesterday but, for some reason simply would not work for me (??) I mean, I could see everyone's posts but, for some reason, it categorically refused to allow me to reply. Sorry...

Always eager to provide The Service so I don't revert into "stupid, inbred stacks of meat"-hood


Friday, January 13, 2006 2:35 PM



Originally posted by Unsardonic:

Originally posted by Omelet:
By the way, very funny comment. If it weren't for the damned mood swings, I would have fallen out of my chair. For now, I'm just crying and laughing at the same time.

hehheh... ...'s all part of The Service glad i could help. BTW, VERY good trick that ...laughin'/cryin' simultaneously thing ...makes me think of today's "Ballard Street," q.v., (that's date sensitive - only good for today, ummm... "Friday the 13th") - I couldn't figure out how to include the whole image in this post but... couldn't do it.

I DID try to reply yesterday but, for some reason simply would not work for me (??) I mean, I could see everyone's posts but, for some reason, it categorically refused to allow me to reply. Sorry...

Always eager to provide The Service so I don't revert into "stupid, inbred stacks of meat"-hood

Haha. That's a funny pic there, though my mood swings persist. Usually to stop them by others means I usually resort to watching Firefly, specifically Sean Maher, to help me get through this time of the month. Instead of lashing out random anger at people, I'm now sobbing and laughing.

Jayne: Are you saying River's a witch?
Wash: Yes, Jayne, she's a witch. She's had congress with the Beast.
Jayne: She's in Congress?
Wash: How did your brain even learn human speech? I'm just so curious!


Friday, January 13, 2006 2:42 PM


Did anyone notice in Objects In Space, when we briefly see Jayne shifting in his bed, there is a huge honking drool puddle on his pillow?


Sssssssummer Glau!


Friday, January 13, 2006 2:44 PM



Originally posted by chronicthehedgehog:
The Operative is paid "30 coin" to betray Mal. Not a long step from 30 pieces of silver.

You mean Mr. Universe. However IMHO his tone when he says this is clearly sarcastic.


Friday, January 13, 2006 4:42 PM



Originally posted by Omelet:
...though my mood swings persist. Usually to stop them by others means I usually resort to watching Firefly, specifically Sean Maher, to help me get through this time of the month...

Ah... y'know, for an allegedly "perceptive" person, ya'd think I'd have figured out your "good trick" of simultaneous laughing/crying... my sympathies, actually.

If it's any consolation, I have encountered Sean, actually, shopping in my local grocery store (I have mentioned elsewhere I live on the Sunset Strip). It was morning so the store was mainly empty & he was checking out, the only person there. I got in line behind him and... well.. I hadn't recognized him, y'see(?). All I saw was a handsome young man checking out, dressed all in white.

I didn't recognize him because of the hair: it was a big, spiky poof of dry, black hair & I didn't think about it... then he talked &, By Gawd, 'if it isn't Simon Tam,' I thought. So I looked closely at him and, sure enough, it was him - it's just, I guess he doesn't keep that wet, combed-back Simon hair in real life, eh? Anyway, he seemed really shy or reserved to me, like he would be uncomfortable with strangers coming up & recognizing him & introducing themselves, especially as he was in the middle of a complex function... perhaps it had already happened enough to him to make him uncomfortable so, he seemed edgy & I just respected his space & let him do his thing.

Now, since then, I've regretted that reserve on my part - you'd think I could have at least thanked him for bringing us Simon, I realized later... Or perhaps been a little more flip and asked him if he was headed to a "THX-1138" theme party... That was because of the all-white thing: he wore a plush white sweater, white pants & matching white shoes and had a cartful of orchid plants, all blooming with dozens of flowers & every single one of them were white - it was quite a striking image; made me wish for a camera.

I actually did think... "a wedding" or "a funeral" but, a "THX-1138 theme party," would have at least been funny. On the other hand, if it was a funeral, "funny" might have been really uncomfortable, eh? And the possibility of a funeral might have been what was behind his discomfort. Of course, for all I know, that's just how he dresses in civilian life & he happens to like lots of white orchids, who knows(?), all I know is, I still regret not thanking him for bringing us Dr. Tam

freakin' THANK the actors, ya DUDES , THANK 'EM!! "or your friends will think you're a stupid, inbred stack of meat."


Friday, January 13, 2006 6:20 PM


Just curious if anyone else has noticed this. (If it's been posted, I've missed it.)

In the scene on Miranda when River is reacting to what has happened on the planet and the camera is circling her (chapter 14 starting at 1:16:26 if you have the DVD), right after saying "please get up" she seems to start talking in Chinese but actually says "oh, Sean Maher" when Simon touches her back (1:16:49) and then moves on to Chinese (or at least I think it's Chinese).

Very subtle. Very fun.


Friday, January 13, 2006 9:46 PM


Wow I didn't hear that I will be sure to check it out when I watch the movie next, which knowing me will probably be soon!!! hahahaha

Mal: He'll kill you, kill every last one of them if it comes to that and he he'll sleep well that night.
Nandi: Rance Burgess is just a man, and I wont let any man take what's mine. I doubt you'de do differently in my position.
Mal well lady. . .You're my kind of stupid


Friday, January 13, 2006 9:47 PM


Wow I didn't hear that I will be sure to check it out when I watch the movie next, which knowing me will probably be soon!!! hahahaha

Mal: He'll kill you, kill every last one of them if it comes to that and he he'll sleep well that night.
Nandi: Rance Burgess is just a man, and I wont let any man take what's mine. I doubt you'de do differently in my position.
Mal: well lady. . .You're my kind of stupid


Friday, January 13, 2006 10:02 PM



Originally posted by KthScherer:
right after saying "please get up" she seems to start talking in Chinese but actually says "oh, Sean Maher" when Simon touches her back (1:16:49) and then moves on to Chinese (or at least I think it's Chinese).

Well, "yeah... y'know what(?)," to quote Nicole Sullivan's 'Vancome Lady' from "Mad-TV" ... it WOULD be subtle, but it is, in fact, Chinese, specifically, as transliterated by Ying's Pinyinary's "Serenity" page (,
"WUOshang mayer, maysheen, BYEN shr-to"

I mean, that certainly seems as if she would be saying, "Sean Maher," if you look at the transliteration's section, "WUOshang mayer..." Ying translates all of that particular phrase as meaning, "I will close my ears and my heart and I will be a stone," which is pretty much, what River utters immediately after, translating the Chinese to English in the same speech.

Sorry to bubbleburst



Saturday, January 14, 2006 4:32 AM



Originally posted by Unsardonic:
... it WOULD be subtle, but it is, in fact, Chinese, specifically, as transliterated by Ying's Pinyinary's "Serenity" page (,
"WUOshang mayer, maysheen, BYEN shr-to"

... which is identical to the transliteration in the Visual Companion. I would imagine that Josh wrote the line in English and had it translated. I wonder if anyone noticed the similarity in sound to Sean's name?

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Saturday, January 14, 2006 5:24 AM



Originally posted by Unsardonic:

Originally posted by KthScherer:
right after saying "please get up" she seems to start talking in Chinese but actually says "oh, Sean Maher" when Simon touches her back (1:16:49) and then moves on to Chinese (or at least I think it's Chinese).

Well, "yeah... y'know what(?)," to quote Nicole Sullivan's 'Vancome Lady' from "Mad-TV" ... it WOULD be subtle, but it is, in fact, Chinese, specifically, as transliterated by Ying's Pinyinary's "Serenity" page (,
"WUOshang mayer, maysheen, BYEN shr-to"

I mean, that certainly seems as if she would be saying, "Sean Maher," if you look at the transliteration's section, "WUOshang mayer..." Ying translates all of that particular phrase as meaning, "I will close my ears and my heart and I will be a stone," which is pretty much, what River utters immediately after, translating the Chinese to English in the same speech.

Sorry to bubbleburst


Sigh. Bubble burst duly noted. So much for my first post.

(And thanks. I figured if I posted I'd find out if I was right or not. Didn't think I'd find out so quickly, though!)

So it may not be subtle or non-subtle or anything at all really, but I still find it fun!


Saturday, January 14, 2006 11:14 AM



Originally posted by KthScherer:
So much for my first post.

How did I miss it (who am I kidding? I miss it all the time.)

People should say something on their first posst so people know they're new here. Every new person deserves a welcome, I've got the first four words perfected:

Welcome here, we're weird.

After that comes the hazy bit, first thing I need to tell you is spread the word about Serenity and Firefly because it is the only way we can hope to get more.

After that all I have to say is this is a great place, everyone is happy to have a new person and no one will look down on you for being new. Please post any time you have a thought you'd like to share, the people here are great, and smart too. Some of the most rewarding debates I've had in my life were here and there is always something new to read.

This is really like a home and even though you'll (probably) never meet anyone here in the real world you will make real friends.


Saturday, January 14, 2006 1:14 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:
This is really like a home and even though you'll (probably) never meet anyone here in the real world you will make real friends.

Emphasis on "probably". However, if you go to a fan convention at some point, I guarantee you'll see something new -- or at least, some of your fellow FFF browncoats.

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Saturday, January 14, 2006 3:53 PM



Jayro wrote:
Wednesday, January 11, 2006 03:49
In one of River's flashbacks, we see the teacher telling the children to lie down, and the class obeying without fuss. Is this her subconscious brain interpreting or 'acting out' what it knows about the Miranda population?

Also, River is the only one who rebels againt the teacher's command - she has an 'aggressor' response, just like the tenth of a percent who turned into Reavers. Is this a metaphor, or is it suggesting that River, had she been raised on Miranda, would have become a Reaver herself?

Well... I noticed something when I mispelled River's name in a fic comment earlier to today.

Foreshadow much?


Saturday, January 14, 2006 3:55 PM



Originally posted by DonCoat:
Emphasis on "probably". However, if you go to a fan convention at some point, I guarantee you'll see something new -- or at least, some of your fellow FFF browncoats.

Can you believe I've never been to one? Probably, can. I've never heard of one in Maine, and I don't have a car, or indeed a license.


Sunday, January 15, 2006 3:24 PM



Originally posted by KthScherer:
Sigh. Bubble burst duly noted. So much for my first post.

(And thanks. I figured if I posted I'd find out if I was right or not. Didn't think I'd find out so quickly, though!)

So it may not be subtle or non-subtle or anything at all really, but I still find it fun!

Yeah... sorry for the - I mean, obviously you were looking out for the cool poop on the disc and, of course, you found something fun so, I'm still for the bubble-bursting.

Anyway, I can't recommend the Pinyinary enough to help you fill in a lot of story blanks (which is why I included the link) and, as Doncoat (& others) suggested, the Visual Companion.

Now, you DID fall victim to an entertaining Anglo-habit which is, listening to some sort of (usually) Asian language and hearing English in it. When I lived in Japan that would sometimes be what we did for entertainment: watch Japanese TV and faux-translate into the nearest ridiculous-English, whatever showed up on the screen. One of the best was a commercial wherein, the lovely young housewife is home at the stove in the perfect suburban kitchen when, her handsome young businessman comes home from the office. She turns to him and, with the most radiant, angelic smile ever says, just as clearly as possible what, for all the world sounds exactly like, "I stayed home to pee!" I watched this countless times & each time her statement was very clearly the same... we were laughing so hard, we had no idea what was being sold or ever found out what was said.

Stay home to pee(!) "or your friends will think you're a stupid, inbred stack of meat."


Sunday, January 15, 2006 5:38 PM


Speaking of noticing little things...

Did anyone notice that in the "Serenity" episode the quick camera shot which seems to reveal that Joss Whedon might have had running water on the set of Serenity. Who would've thought? They had plumbing and everything. The realizm is alwayz in full effect on this show.

Most people are impressed with smooth FX shots, not me. I go for functioning water systems every time.


Monday, January 16, 2006 10:17 AM



Originally posted by Unsardonic:

Originally posted by Omelet:
...though my mood swings persist. Usually to stop them by others means I usually resort to watching Firefly, specifically Sean Maher, to help me get through this time of the month...

Ah... y'know, for an allegedly "perceptive" person, ya'd think I'd have figured out your "good trick" of simultaneous laughing/crying... my sympathies, actually.

If it's any consolation, I have encountered Sean, actually, shopping in my local grocery store (I have mentioned elsewhere I live on the Sunset Strip). It was morning so the store was mainly empty & he was checking out, the only person there. I got in line behind him and... well.. I hadn't recognized him, y'see(?). All I saw was a handsome young man checking out, dressed all in white.

I didn't recognize him because of the hair: it was a big, spiky poof of dry, black hair & I didn't think about it... then he talked &, By Gawd, 'if it isn't Simon Tam,' I thought. So I looked closely at him and, sure enough, it was him - it's just, I guess he doesn't keep that wet, combed-back Simon hair in real life, eh? Anyway, he seemed really shy or reserved to me, like he would be uncomfortable with strangers coming up & recognizing him & introducing themselves, especially as he was in the middle of a complex function... perhaps it had already happened enough to him to make him uncomfortable so, he seemed edgy & I just respected his space & let him do his thing.

Now, since then, I've regretted that reserve on my part - you'd think I could have at least thanked him for bringing us Simon, I realized later... Or perhaps been a little more flip and asked him if he was headed to a "THX-1138" theme party... That was because of the all-white thing: he wore a plush white sweater, white pants & matching white shoes and had a cartful of orchid plants, all blooming with dozens of flowers & every single one of them were white - it was quite a striking image; made me wish for a camera.

I actually did think... "a wedding" or "a funeral" but, a "THX-1138 theme party," would have at least been funny. On the other hand, if it was a funeral, "funny" might have been really uncomfortable, eh? And the possibility of a funeral might have been what was behind his discomfort. Of course, for all I know, that's just how he dresses in civilian life & he happens to like lots of white orchids, who knows(?), all I know is, I still regret not thanking him for bringing us Dr. Tam

freakin' THANK the actors, ya DUDES , THANK 'EM!! "or your friends will think you're a stupid, inbred stack of meat."

It could've been a funeral for a friend of his that just happens to be obsessed with THX-1138.

Anyways, maybe he was just trying to distinguish himself from Simon, though I prefer the Simon hair to the spiky-gelled look. It makes a man look more distinguished and classy, that's just my opinion anyways.

And a reminder to anyone who happens to see any of our BDH, give them a big hug and thank them for bringing us our beloved characters that we so love and hold dear to our hearts (especially Simon.)

Jayne: Are you saying River's a witch?
Wash: Yes, Jayne, she's a witch. She's had congress with the Beast.
Jayne: She's in Congress?
Wash: How did your brain even learn human speech? I'm just so curious!


Monday, January 16, 2006 10:42 AM


It bugs me in the funeral, when River goes up to some kind of small rocket and then Zoe comes and they all stand around paying respect to Wash, Book and Mr Universe.

I understand that the special effects guys did some amazing fireworks and that was how they said goodbye..... but we don't even see this in the deleted scenes (or have I missed that??!!).

It also bugs me that Joss doesn't let the camera linger on some fine specimens of male flesh.........

I mean he DOES give us an eyefull of Simon making out with Kaylee, and we do catch a gorgeous glimpse of Mal waking up from a nap to speak to Inara on a wave (be still my beating heart!!!) .................

But does he give us a glimpse of Jayne in anything but his trademark T-shirts or army surplus shirt? Yes, the briefest glimpse in the montage when we go with Mal through the ship to the Flight Deck....... He's in a cropped vest, and you even get a glimpse of bulging biceps and his tattoo (yes, they bothered to apply it for this brief shot).

Please, please, please Joss, if you get to make a Big Damn Sequel, include lingering shots of both Mal and Jayne, either in vests or shirtless!!!!! You know you did wrong in denying the female fans this..... you even mention it in your DVD commentary..


Monday, January 16, 2006 11:38 AM


One thing i noticed so far, out of all the times i've watched the series, is Whedon's playful use of irony. When River, Simon, and Jayne walk through the doors to a larger, lobby style room while making their getaway only to be captured on the spot by alliance/security officers, a large "We Care" sign can be seen just behind the highest ranking official. Lovely. Jayne was such a bad guy sometimes.

"Were I unwed I would take you in a manly fashion." Wash


Sunday, January 22, 2006 9:20 AM



Originally posted by Unsardonic:

Originally posted by KthScherer:
Sigh. Bubble burst duly noted. So much for my first post.

(And thanks. I figured if I posted I'd find out if I was right or not. Didn't think I'd find out so quickly, though!)

So it may not be subtle or non-subtle or anything at all really, but I still find it fun!

Yeah... sorry for the - I mean, obviously you were looking out for the cool poop on the disc and, of course, you found something fun so, I'm still for the bubble-bursting.

Anyway, I can't recommend the Pinyinary enough to help you fill in a lot of story blanks (which is why I included the link) and, as Doncoat (& others) suggested, the Visual Companion.

Now, you DID fall victim to an entertaining Anglo-habit which is, listening to some sort of (usually) Asian language and hearing English in it. When I lived in Japan that would sometimes be what we did for entertainment: watch Japanese TV and faux-translate into the nearest ridiculous-English, whatever showed up on the screen. One of the best was a commercial wherein, the lovely young housewife is home at the stove in the perfect suburban kitchen when, her handsome young businessman comes home from the office. She turns to him and, with the most radiant, angelic smile ever says, just as clearly as possible what, for all the world sounds exactly like, "I stayed home to pee!" I watched this countless times & each time her statement was very clearly the same... we were laughing so hard, we had no idea what was being sold or ever found out what was said.

Stay home to pee(!) "or your friends will think you're a stupid, inbred stack of meat."

My brother does the same thing to the Russian lyrics from the main title to Hunt for Red October. His transmutilation being a less polite variation on boink "boink the bed."

I know, I known. He's my brother.


Sunday, January 22, 2006 8:54 PM



Originally posted by Grimlock:

My brother does the same thing to the Russian lyrics from the main title to Hunt for Red October. His transmutilation being a less polite variation on boink "boink the bed."

I know, I known. He's my brother.

Awww... damn... it's been quite a few years since I've seen that defintiely-lovely movie. I don't recall the sequence you're talking about so that I might comprehend what your brother is, in fact, 'transmutilating.' Wait-wait-wait... is he 'transmutilating' or is he 'manifestering?' Either way... "It's good to be The Neologist!!!!"


Be a neologist "or your friends will think you're a stupid, inbred stack of meat."


Monday, January 23, 2006 9:09 AM



Originally posted by Unsardonic:

Originally posted by Grimlock:

My brother does the same thing to the Russian lyrics from the main title to Hunt for Red October. His transmutilation being a less polite variation on boink "boink the bed."

I know, I known. He's my brother.

Awww... damn... it's been quite a few years since I've seen that defintiely-lovely movie. I don't recall the sequence you're talking about so that I might comprehend what your brother is, in fact, 'transmutilating.' Wait-wait-wait... is he 'transmutilating' or is he 'manifestering?' Either way... "It's good to be The Neologist!!!!"


Be a neologist "or your friends will think you're a stupid, inbred stack of meat."

"Neologism" Hmm... I've been accused of doing that, but quite often; wrongly so, because I was infact using perfectly valid rules for the creation of compound words, but now that I know an elegant word for it, I think I'll make up words more often.


Monday, January 23, 2006 11:35 AM


It's a total reference to Judas and the 30 pieces of silver, but I agree with someone else who posted, Mr. U was being completely sarcastic. Plus, Mr. U didn't have a choice (think Lando).

Another question ... at the beginning of the BDM, was that supposed to be a flashback to the very beginning of the Show (Firefly)? Or the start to the movie? It seemed strange to me that the Operative would just now be studying the footage of the River's escape. Or am I totally missing the progression?

This must be what going insane feels like.


Monday, January 23, 2006 12:28 PM


Actually, given enough speed, a spacecraft could theoretically encounter enough friction to "burn" on leaving the atmospere. It's a well known fact that the SR-71 Blackbird spy-plane of the USAF leaks profusely on the ground due to "poor" fit of it's panels..... This is actually intentional, as they engineered it this way so that while flying at it's incredible speeds, the friction of it against the air causes it to heat up to the point that it expands, thus sealing up all the leaks. I believe I read somewhere that it actually grows by as much as a foot in length from this expansion... And if that kind of speed is possible today, just imagine what 500 years of engineering advancements will produce....


Monday, January 23, 2006 12:41 PM



Originally posted by Jayro:
In one of River's flashbacks, we see the teacher telling the children to lie down, and the class obeying without fuss. Is this her subconscious brain interpreting or 'acting out' what it knows about the Miranda population?

Also, River is the only one who rebels againt the teacher's command - she has an 'aggressor' response, just like the tenth of a percent who turned into Reavers. Is this a metaphor, or is it suggesting that River, had she been raised on Miranda, would have become a Reaver herself?

River the reaver...? I don't know, it just sounds

"We're meddlesome." - River Tam






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