Book's past

UPDATED: Saturday, January 21, 2006 09:09
VIEWED: 6698
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Friday, January 20, 2006 2:39 AM


First off, SPOILER warnings. Second, I would have used the search feature, but I didn't see one.

What is Book's past? He of course says that he doesn't have to tell Mal, but I saw on the boards someone write this: "I suppose the conversion felt a little forced, but was probably necessary as a device for hinting at Book's past." The conversion referring to the Operative no longer being a pawn of the parliament.

And what does Book mean when he says "I don't give half a hump if you're innocent or not. So where does that put you?" Will we ever find out?

Also, I'm not too concerned about not getting anymore of the show. I of course want more, but after the death of Book and Wash, I just don't think the show would be what I want it to be. It's kind of hard to explain, but I just am happy with what I got and I love.

By the way, this is just some random fanboy bragging, but I have been watching the show since the very first episode. I found out about the show from ads on IGN and I watched an interview with Jayne where he answered "sexy" to these two questions: "what do you think of when I say space hooker" and "what do you think of sci fi fans?"


Friday, January 20, 2006 4:34 AM


I, too, am totally interested in what Book's past is. My boyfriend speculates he is an ex Operative, but I don't know if I buy that for sure. But there definately is something very interesting going on there!

I think I might have to agree with you on the other point as well, though I would be interested to see what Mr. Whedon would do to fill the void left by Wash and Book.


Friday, January 20, 2006 4:39 AM


Needless to say I have no idea about Books past, however in terms of a new show: it is quite possible to do a show based on the time in between the last TV episode and the BDM. Therefore, you get to see why Book left, where the boys in blue went, why Inara left, and a few other questions that were never answered. That means we could get Book and Wash back! And possibly get a few more episodes with Mr. universe. Just a thought.


Friday, January 20, 2006 4:49 AM


I know it's not quite what folks are looking for, but I'm involved in a fanfiction project that's a virtual continuation of the show. We're finishing out season one, and will tell the story of the movie over season two (as if Whedon had been able to do it over 22 episodes instead of 2 hours).

Our first three episodes are available in the Blue Sun Room (under V, for Virtual Firefly Episode 1x16, etc.) or at our site,

"Here's how it might have been..."


Friday, January 20, 2006 5:03 AM



The answers for why Book left and where the Blue Hands went is in the comic books =) Inara left for the reasons she gave before the end of the series. I don't think those are considered mysteries, really. Also, there is only supposed to be about six months between the end of the series and the BDM, and that's what the comics were written to cover. I'm pretty sure they're considered cannon, so unless they made episodes to rehash what was already written, I don't know that they could fit stuff in between the series and the BDM.



Friday, January 20, 2006 6:26 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Well, as we see in the series, Book has a lot of knowledge on crime, firearms, and stuff of that nature in what one might say is an intimate nature. We also see that he has some training in hand to hand combat as exhibited in his disarming & pummeling of Dobson in the series pilot "Serenity".

There is also the obvious weight his ident card carries w/ the Alliance in the episode "Safe". When they looked at him lying there wounded on the stretcher in the cargo bay they could not have been less compassionate, that is until he offered his ident card & they scanned it. Boy did that change things. The Alliance surgeons sure seemed to have a fire lit under them when Mal & crew were watching the procedure through the observation glass.

In the movie we see that Book knows about Operatives & how they pursue their quarry. It is obvious he is at very familiar w/ how the operate & their mindset. He even remarks how they are "believers".

My honest thoughts are that Book was an Operative at some point. For some reason we can only speculate at Book lost his "belief" in the Alliance or those in Parliment he worked for & he took up a new faith, a faith in God & became a priest.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:11 AM


There are Comic books? Good thing I have veterans to keep me aware. Tell me how I can get my paws on those...


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:24 AM


While I always considered Book could be an Operative, I recently had another thought. Is it possible he was an Alliance officer, one who fought at Serenity Valley himself? Possibly had a big hand in what happened after the cease fire? And had a change of heart afterwards, towards the alliance, found religion for the same reason that Mal lost it? This could explain knowledge he has, and his unwillingness to discuss his past with Mal, Zoe, and the rest.


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:40 AM



Originally posted by MalforPresident:
There are Comic books? Good thing I have veterans to keep me aware. Tell me how I can get my paws on those...

Yeah, there are three comic books, each with three covers (for a total of for each of our BDHs). The distributor is Dark Horse Comics. They can be found at a lot of local comic shops still, and if not, then they can be gotten online as well. I had to go to three different sellers to get all nine of them, but (to me) it was well worth the money =)

On a related note, we're supposed to get another short stint of comics from the 'verse some time in the near future. They've been officially announced (I think?), but haven't been given any release dates yet. Also, the original comics are being bundled into a single volume in the next couple of months, too, from what I understand.



Friday, January 20, 2006 8:45 AM



There is also the obvious weight his ident card carries w/ the Alliance in the episode "Safe".

This is also what intrigues me... If he was an ex-Operative, then why would they show him respect?

I think he had some sort of important role to play with the Alliance, but I wonder if it was a more political one. I am curious about how the storyline in the comics explain it -- I am by no means a comic book person, but I am planning on buying the compilation when it comes out at the end of the month.


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:50 AM



Originally posted by nirvana:

There is also the obvious weight his ident card carries w/ the Alliance in the episode "Safe".

This is also what intrigues me... If he was an ex-Operative, then why would they show him respect?

I think he had some sort of important role to play with the Alliance, but I wonder if it was a more political one. I am curious about how the storyline in the comics explain it -- I am by no means a comic book person, but I am planning on buying the compilation when it comes out at the end of the month.

The comics don't go into Book's past at all, really. They just set up why it is that he leaves.

In as much as why his ident card would get him respect if he were an ex-operative, I think that applies no matter what position he held in the Alliance before he became a shepherd. He didn't seem to abandon the Alliance in any way to go to his new calling; I'd liken it more to a retirement, and he would still be just as respected whereever he went.



Friday, January 20, 2006 8:53 AM


very interesting. you stumped me.
I never really paid attention to whether or not Book was hostile towards the Alliance in any way other than how it affected his friends in the moment. I just assumed he felt the same as everyone else.

I will have to rewatch with new eyes.

Anyone else have any more insight into this?


Friday, January 20, 2006 9:36 AM


The Book-as-Operative theory has a lot going for it after the BDM, where the parallels between Book and the Operative do seem very apparent. But at the same time, there is never any explicit confirmation that Book was indeed an Operative. All the connections are largely thematic ones.

I think this is good writing on Joss’ part, in that he has answered the question without answering it. If (God forbid) the BDM is the end of the story, then Book’s past can appear to be addressed: he was an Operative. If, on the other hand, Joss is able to tell more stories with our BDHs, he can go off in some new and unexpected direction with Book’s past without contradicting any established canon. It’s brilliantly done and lets us feel closure while keeping the door open—a Whedon trademark.

Oh, and for those folks interested in the “Serenity” comic books, the individual comics themselves may be very hard to find at this point, but all three issues are going to be collected in a graphic novel-style trade paperback that Dark Horse is releasing, I believe, January 25. The comics essentially bridge the gap between the end of the series and the BDM.


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:52 PM



Originally posted by Amiton:
...Also, there is only supposed to be about six months between the end of the series and the BDM, and that's what the comics were written to cover. I'm pretty sure they're considered cannon, so unless they made episodes to rehash what was already written, I don't know that they could fit stuff in between the series and the BDM.

Six months can be a pretty long time for that crew. The three comics together tell a story that could easily fit in one episode. There's a lot of room for more adventures. Of course, you can go back to the beginning that was depicted in Out of Gas. There's a lot of great potential there between when Mal bought the old junker and the Serenity two-part pilot. None of the sad, shocking events of the Big Damn Movie are a hindrance to the storytelling. There are many exciting new possibilities, some of which were created because of those sad events.


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:52 PM



Originally posted by Amiton:
...Also, there is only supposed to be about six months between the end of the series and the BDM, and that's what the comics were written to cover. I'm pretty sure they're considered cannon, so unless they made episodes to rehash what was already written, I don't know that they could fit stuff in between the series and the BDM.

Six months can be a pretty long time for that crew. The three comics together tell a story that could easily fit in one episode. There's a lot of room for more adventures. Of course, you can go back to the beginning that was depicted in Out of Gas. There's a lot of great potential there between when Mal bought the old junker and the Serenity two-part pilot. None of the sad, shocking events of the Big Damn Movie are a hindrance to the storytelling. There are many exciting new possibilities, some of which were created because of those sad events.


Friday, January 20, 2006 9:36 PM


I saw in either a transcript of a panel discussion or an interview (sorry can't remember where exactly), Joss was asked flat out "is Book a former operative?". Joss's response was something like "that's an interesting idea, but no".

Before that, I had always assumed he was an operative. W/ all his hands-on knowledge and skills, the "I don't give half a hump" line, alliance i.d., etc. I started to wonder if he used to be a lawman of some sort (i.e. a federal marshall or equiv.) who was perhaps judge, jury and executioner. He had to make some harsh decesions and eventually went to the monastary to atone after burn-out.

Also I got the feeling in the pilot ep. that he'd been in seclusion longer than six years, and didn't take part in the war.

When I talk about belief, why do you always assume I'm talking about God?


Friday, January 20, 2006 9:53 PM


I've always assumed he was an Operative.

1. He has plenty of knowledge concerning weapons, fighting, stuff like that.

2. That identcard got him instant Alliance attention when they were going to ignore him. Simply being an alliance "soldier" probably wouldn't have gotten him attention like that, whereas if he was very high up, he shouldn't be, essentially, a "ghost" in the system, where nobody knows who he is or what he was before becoming a shephard.

3. All his talk about belief in the movie mirrors the Operative.

4. Maybe he was just religious, but becoming a shephard could be to atone for his life as an Operative. Naturally that could be the case for just about anything, but the way an Operative works strikes me as something he may feel he needs to atone for.

5. His line in Objects in Space that River reads (keeping in mind she's not reading their thoughts at that moment) sounds like something an Operative might say. The Operative in Serenity never cared whether River was "innocent" or not, only that the Alliance wanted her.

We may never know for sure, of course, and there are other options, but him as an Operative stood out to me as soon as I saw the movie.


Friday, January 20, 2006 10:09 PM


Maybe Book was the one responsible for Miranda.


Friday, January 20, 2006 11:06 PM



Originally posted by Thundar:
Maybe Book was the one responsible for Miranda.

That thought occured to me but his "field skills" (use of weapons, fist fighting, how gangsters work) lead me to believe he was not at high enough of a level in government to be respsonsible (most politicians wouldn't have those abilities, tho' he may have had something to do w/ it, in a minor capacity). As the BDM was a condensed version of season 2/3 we don't have all the clues, so it's hard to say.

A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 1:04 AM


After the movie I also thought Book was an ex-operative, retired and continuing the work to build a better world while atoning for his sins. Maybe that's what all operatives do. I never saw any evidence Book was disloyal to the Alliance. If he quit on bad terms the Alliance would not have patched him up and sent him off in Safe. He would be a threat to be eliminated. If Book was an ex-operative the Alliance must have had reason to believe he was completely trustworthy.

I can think of two other related options. Book could have been a sleeper operative. Maybe when they dropped him off before Ariel it was actually for a mission. Perhaps since finding River wasn't his mission he decided not to report it. If the Alliance ever thought to ask he could still tell them where she is.

Or Book could have left the Alliance and forged influential ID cards for himself. Whether or not he left under friendly conditions, he's smart and well trained enough to stay hidden. But again, I didn't see any signs he opposed the Alliance. I notice he never even seemed upset at about what was done to River.

But if Joss said he wasn't an operative...


Saturday, January 21, 2006 1:53 AM


My boyfriend speculates he is an ex Operative,

I agree with your boyfriend I believe he is an ex Operative. However I am not 100% sure of this as it seems his hand to hand combat skills are not too good. His weapon skill seems to be at a marksman level. Good aim hitting kneecaps.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 2:27 AM



Originally posted by subtorpman:

However I am not 100% sure of this as it seems his hand to hand combat skills are not too good. His weapon skill seems to be at a marksman level. Good aim hitting kneecaps.

He has his moments of habd-to-hand brilliance. I was rewatching the pilot last night and am always impressed by the way he disarms and incapacitates Dobson after Kaylee is shot.

I think that the theory that Book is a former operative is exactly the conclusion we are supposed to have drawn from the movie. This is why I doubt that it's true. If Joss ever reveals Book's past, I'm pretty sure that he's going to make it a big surprise.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 4:10 AM


Here's a novel thought. Book was always big into belief both in the series and, of course, in the BDM. So, maybe there's an alternative to being an operative within the Alliance. Even operatives have to take orders from someone. "Kill or capture River" , for instance which is quite different mission than that of the "Hands of blue" guys.

OT, but related, if you think of the Alliance as more of an alliance rather than a monolithic government (think united federation of planets to steal a concept from ST or the EU of today) there's plenty of room for dissenting views within the "official" governing body. Hmmm, sounds like good fodder for more stories.

Okay, back to my main line of thinking. Book is much older than the Operative in the BDM and both individuals exhibit a strong belief system, eerily similar if you think about it. So here's my thought... Maybe "the Abbey" is a halfway house for members of the "Operatives organization" put out to pasture who have refocused their belief system from a loyalty to the Alliance to religion, in Book's case clearly a Judeo-Christian one.

With that said (remember this is a novel concept--at least I think it is) Book's "been out of the world, want to walk it a while" may be part of quest to complete his personal quest now that the Alliance doesn't have quite the influence on him it once had. Not really a "gee I did bad things and want to atone" (which I hate) but more a next step in his life. This might explain the startling and surprising tone of Book's thoughts (great job on that Ron!) to River in 'Objects in Space'.

One final thought... the Abbey obviously prepared Book for a much more "civilized" 'verse than he found. His early discomfort in the series clearly demonstrates this but he's adaptable and resilient (ex-Operative training kicks in) and, ultimately, sees the 'verse for what it is, a raw work in progress that needs folks like Mal, Zoe, et al, to bring some humanity back albiet in their own interesting way.

A personal opinion: I love this postulating about the mysteries of the show/movie. Although I wish the series could return, it is fun to fill in the gaps rather than wait for Joss to do it for us. In a strange sort of way that's what draws me more and more into this 'verse.

Sorry for my ramblings here but this whole thread was like an itch I had to scratch--till it bled.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 7:55 AM



Originally posted by Aerin:
After the movie I also thought Book was an ex-operative, retired and continuing the work to build a better world while atoning for his sins. Maybe that's what all operatives do. I never saw any evidence Book was disloyal to the Alliance. If he quit on bad terms the Alliance would not have patched him up and sent him off in Safe. He would be a threat to be eliminated. If Book was an ex-operative the Alliance must have had reason to believe he was completely trustworthy.

I can think of two other related options. Book could have been a sleeper operative. Maybe when they dropped him off before Ariel it was actually for a mission. Perhaps since finding River wasn't his mission he decided not to report it. If the Alliance ever thought to ask he could still tell them where she is.

Or Book could have left the Alliance and forged influential ID cards for himself. Whether or not he left under friendly conditions, he's smart and well trained enough to stay hidden. But again, I didn't see any signs he opposed the Alliance. I notice he never even seemed upset at about what was done to River.

But if Joss said he wasn't an operative...

I don't know. I saw that post too, but doesn't that seem like something we would all know about? That one post is the only time I've ever heard Joss saying that. Not saying the poster made it up at all, but maybe there was a breakdown in communication somewhere? I really would have thought that something as big as Joss saying "Hey, Book wasn't an Operative" would be much more common knowledge.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:29 AM


I think it's a shame in that of all the characters who could've been killed, Book was the most underused in the series -- and therefore, the one we probably know the least about.

I think there was a lot more potential for this character, and now we'll probably never know (barring another film or series which has flashbacks).

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Saturday, January 21, 2006 9:09 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Music by Tangerine Dream - "Thief" soundtrack - "Confrontation"

Is anyone here old enough to remember that Thief movie with James Cahn, and the Mafia home-invasion shootout? That's why I picked that music for Firefly. That first pilot episode certainly didn't look "too boring for TV" to me. I think Joss was making an anti-war rant, what with all the violence and shooting and killing and dying. I'm sure Mal and Zoe either spent many years in a POW camp, when they held out 2 weeks after surrender, or else they somehow eluded capture entirely and never surrendered, and are in fact still fighting a "cold" war.

On first impression, Book was obviously some type of retired operative, attempting to atone for his "worlds without sin".

On second impression, Joss left other options for the "resurrection" of Book, probably without boring us with the obvious, thankfully. Joss has a habit of breathing new life into dead characters, from Buffy, to Angel, to Spike, to just about every character, in point of fact. I'm sure we shall see Book again, if he doesn't die in real life before then.

The Operative was employed by the future derivative of CIA/MI6. In USA today, almost every "law enforcement agency" has operatives - assassins, hitmen, mercenaries, Death Squads. Their favorite target is killing other operatives/assassins from other US "law enforcement agencies" of Gangsta Govt, in turf wars for shakedown rackets to "license" and "tax" organized crime. Although "traffic cops" do summarily execute over 500 Amerikans every year, including 1/3rd innocent bystanders - without arrest, without a lawyer, without trial, without appeal - during civil service of process for civil lawsuits for alleged breach of civil "driver license" contracts. Police State Death Squads aren't just for "terrorists" in Gitmo anymore - where the Bush Gang has legalized crushing children's testicles as torture for their parents.

My point being, Book may be a retired generic operative, employed by the Alliance, but not employed by the same unnamed agency controlled by the totalitarian Parliament (or by the shadow "govt" that controls the Parliament). So Book may have been a hitman employed by an Alliance rival to the Parliament, where his job was to hunt down other Operatives, and defend assassinations from other Operatives. Today, real-life operative assassins work for CIA, FBI, DIA, NSA, state police, local police, and for their licensed partners in crime - the mafias, often double-dipping in contract killings, as the news often reports when cops get arrested for being contract killers for the Mob.

Or perhaps Book was employed as an operative by the Rebellion, so he had to know his enemy.

Book's "retirement" may be incognito, with unpaid waiver of pension in trade for his life, like The Operative's recent "retirement".

Or Book's new career as shepherd may just be another undercover assignment for the Alliance. Historically, the first govt intelligence agencies were run by priests, such gathering intelligence during Catholic "confessions", and mass murdering the sheeple during the Inquisitions, as all religions have done, including over 100-million Earthlings genocided by the religion of Communist "atheism" (aka Luciferian "Jewish" Talmudic Cabalism, which shall be the chosen one-world religion of the Anglo-Asian United Nations Corporation Alliance).

Joss can resurrect Book and Wash by either flashback episodes, or an entire flashback episode, like in Star Wars (which still confuses me). Or Wash and Book can be resurrected by cloning. Or as sexbots... which is apparently Joss' favorite fetish. Imagine Zoe going mental and palling around with her pet Washbot - creepifying.

That was my big gripe with Joss in later versions of BTVS - the fun was few and far between, and SMG looked like she never had fun. Perhaps the inevitable stress of success? Perhaps killing isn't as muc fun as it's cracked up to be, neither real world nor make believe? Note that SMG's father-in-law, Freddie Prinze Sr, was allegedly assassinated by an operative, according to presidential comedian Dick Gregory, who got a message from Prinze the day he "suicided" himself (like hunter S Thompson did when "Jeff Gannon" came out of the presidential closet). Gregory said Prinze called him the day of his "suicide" and said he had evidence on the JFK assassination, the same year that Congress was reinvestigating JFK Sr and MLK Jr's murders in 1977, and in 1978 Congress officially declared JFK was murdered by two gunmen. Many witnesses died violently during those hearings, including top mobsters and CIA operatives. Same thing happened to Jewish comedian John Belushi, when his attorney Mark Lane contacted Dick Gregory about JFK Sr... Lane eventually got Nixon's CIA Watergate burglers to confess in court to assassinating JFK Sr, as decided by jury verdict (Hunt vs Liberty Lobby, detailed in Lane's book "Plausible Denial").

Reverse-engineering The Verse, is this on Joss' reading list as model for The Operative, and perhaps Book? "Mike Milan's" autobiography includes a long one-on-one mortal combat (like STM), and was mainly assigned to killing other US govt hitmen and govt/military whistleblowers (like STM). This particular US operative was ordered to assassinate a priest (like Book) who protested against the Vietnam Wars, then the assassin changed his mind right before he was to do the deed, sort of like Mal shifting the paradigm of The Operative....



"It means an Operative... That's trouble you've not known.... They'll come at you sideways. That's how They think, that's how They move. Sidle up with a smile. Hit you where you're weak. That sort of man is hard. Kills and never asks why."
-Shepherd Book (Alliance Operative, retired, in fear of assassination by Alliance "to keep his official secrets secret"), STM

"I don't murder children."
-Mal, STM
"I do, if I have to. I'm a monster. What I do is evil. I have no allusions about that but it must be done. You will never understand how...
-The Operative (Commie MI6/CIA), STM

"It's worse than you know."
-The Operative (Commie MI6/CIA), STM
"It usually is."
-Mal, STM

"As a member of the FBI execution squad, and of the OSS before that, I was a professional killer. I dealt with both sides, the government and the Families, La Familia, or The Good People, put aside all their differences with Uncle Sam, and even local authorities. That was the type of alliance J. Edgar Hoover had with the Familes. We used the ways of evil. First of all, I'm Jewish. I made my bones for the Luchese Family in 1944, just before I went into the Navy. They were holding a rat in the drunk tank at the Lower East Side precinct house. The cops tossed me in the lockup with the rest of the drunks, then slipped a knife into my pocket. Then I cut him. They let me out of the lockup, packed me in a car, and we [the cops] ditched the knife in the East River. I went down to Atlanta for Mr. Hoover to turn up informants who'd testify against the Ku Klux Klan. I had to join them, fight along side them, carry a baseball bat and bust windows in Baptist churches and synagogues. The most lucrative work I had was for the boys in the Fortune 500 who wanted jobs done but couldn't get the police to do them. The real news never hits the Wall Street Journal. I could pretend I was a homicide dick when I was really going over the police intelligence files to make secret hits for Mr. Hoover. 'Jews are damn smart people, Little Mike,' Brannel said. 'They control everything. Lot's of hebes look like decent white people. That's what makes 'em so dangerous.' 'There's only one thing worse than a nigger,' I said. 'And that's a goddamn fucking Jew! And what do you call a Jew fag? A fuckin' Jew cocksucker,' I said. The Big Man was dead serious: 'Mister, you sure can throw shit. Even I can tell that's pure shit, hot and smokin' right out of the goddamn bull. I'd swear you're a Jew rat sent down here from the government. You're gonna use your hands on somebody and I'm gonna watch.' The car stopped across the street from Temple Israel. I began to pray to myself. I knew God was watching me. We got out of the car and broke into the temple. There was the torah right in front of me. I wanted to kiss it like I was taught to do. I remembered how the rabbi loved the torah. I remembered how my father and brother carried it through the synagogoue. I had learned to read it and revere it. And now I was spitting on their graves. I could hear the Kol Nidra chant as I was committing the gravest of sins. Ray took the silver crowns and carried them away as booty. 'What's going on?' the rabbatical student demanded. 'I'm calling the police,' Cooper said. 'Get him Mike', the Big Man said. I knew this was my test, How could I hurt a rabbi? How could I have gone this far? I caught Mark Cooper by the neck and spun him down the stairs. I jumped on him and gave him a few sharp jabs to his ribs. Then I gave him a sharp rabbit punch to the back of his neck. I threw a hard right to Cooper's stomach, and then a left to his jaw. Then I put more body shots to his ribs. As he dropped to his knees I heard him chanting Kaddish, our prayor for the dead. I threw a right straight to his jaw. Cooper's head snapped out of the Big Man's hands and he flipped over backwards. He lay there unconscious. 'That's only a warning, Jew Boy,' he said to the rabbi. We got into the station wagon and drove off. I just kept asking God for forgiveness in the same breath I cursed J. Edgar Hoover. By the time we reached the temple in Westgate, they had set up a huge cross and set it aflame. Soon the giant windows in the sanctuary began to shatter and it was Kristallnacht all over again. Only this time, I was throwing the bricks and cursing the name of the God of my fathers. To my astonishment, the police just stood there. I tossed a torch through the open window of a police car. Nobody saw me do it, even the asshole cop standing in front of it and screaming, 'Jew, Jew, Jew!' Then the whole police car exploded. Hoover of the FBI had a message for me. My assignment in Atlanta was finished. I was proud of what I did. So what if I was a hitter? I saw what the cops were doing, and the FBI, CIA, and plenty of other government agencies with lots of lettrs that really stand for 'Blow their brains out and don't tell nobody.' I'll tell you something about the law and what it means to be inside it and outside of it. I was both at the same time and you can't tell one from the other. Because law is made by the lawyers for lawyers. It ain't made for people. When you wanna take something that's outside the law and bring it inside the law, you simply change the law. They did the same thing with the numbers racket, and called it a 'lottery'. The Old Man was crazed over an appellate judge out in Kansas. Knew he was bought and paid for. The judge had a real weak spot for little girls, buying and selling them like commodities futures. The local cops couldn't touch him. LBJ threw up his hands and told the Old Man the judge would be in office for 'the rest of his life', then winked. That was all the Old Man needed. They sent me down to do the hit. I gave this Kansas judge hs money's worth. Gun goes right in his mouth and ba-da-boom: the judge's brains are all over the cleaning locker. What a mess. I was an artist. When a guy got hit, he knew he was getting a hit. That's why they call it a hit."
—"Michael Milan" (alias, "MI-KUL" = victim/survivor of MKULTRA Mafia/CIA-KGB/NAZI Mind-Kontrol lobotomy program by US Veterans Administration's "hospital" Death-Camp Gulag), OSS-CIA agent, FBI-NYPD homicide detective, Khazar Ashkenazi "Jewish" enforcer and hitman for Sicilian-Mafia, FBI assassin of CIA-KGB agents for Director of FBI J. Edgar Hoover, from his autobiography: "The Squad - the Shocking True Story of J. Edgar Hoover's Private Hit Team, and the US Government's Secret Alliance with Organized Crime", 1989 by Rose Ann Levy and Shadow Lawn Press, Shapolski Publishers, a Berkley Book,

Knoxville News Sentinel banner headline: FBI assassinated Martin Luther King. "Ellsberg ties FBI to King shooting."
-Knoxville News-Sentinel, Nov 12, 1978.

"Half of writing history is hiding the truth."
-Mal, STM

Happy MLK Day... Maybe "Mike Milan" murdered Freddie Prince Sr? He did say he enjoyed killing many "witnesses" to the JFK Sr coup d'etat...

"Mike Milan" got a dose of his own medicine to make sure he took his official secrets to the grave, when US govt mad doctors (Dr Mengele types) kidnapped him into the VA hospital and tried to fry and lobotomize his brain, like River. So he killed the doctor by running over him in a parking lot. Sort of like The Operative killing the mad doc in STM.

Many of these US govt hitmen are writing memoirs, like Chuck Barris, host of The Gong Show on TV, author of "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind". "Milan" was also a Hollywood actor, like Barris, and looked like James Cagney. The fact that "Milan" was a "Jew" was just a coincidence, since we all know "Jews" are such perfect little angels who would never do anything illegal. I wonder if Joss has employed any real-life operatives?

I personally worked with "retired" US govt operatives, most of whom burn out or get diasabled long before reaching retirement age. Out of four operatives, they had over 40 kills total, as members of military "special forces", during both "undeclared war" and "peacetime". Another "salesman" actually had a civilian murder conviction for murder-for-hire, and was best pals with another convicted hitman who murdered the mother of a friend of mine (my friend looked alot like SMG, and was also "Jewish", and we ultimately got him re-convicted for murder and kidnapping, but CIA/DEA got him released on parole as a "confidential informant"). They all worked for large new car dealerships (with a habit burning down their dealerships to collect insurance to build a newer dealership). So think about that the next time you "get your head knocked off" buying a car, as they like to call it (the financing is where the majority of profit is made by usury loan sharking for "Jewish" banksters/counterfeiters). It seems many car dealerships are laundering drug money for the CIA, thanks to Bush Gang's Iran-Contra narcoterror cartel, run by British MI6 (Afghan opium farming is up 10,000% since Bush promoted a Knight of the British Empire to president of Afghanistan). Anyway, these "retired" operatives did LOVE their job killing people with their bare hands, up close and personal, and I doubt they would hesitate to kill again, if again granted immunity from proescution and a paycheck. The reason BTK serial killer, church president (of a "Christian" denomination that doesn't believe in Jesus) and cop and US Air Force sergeant (special forces operative) gave for his temporary "retirement", was that he was getting to old to wrestle with his victims. BTK's first victims were an entire family of 4, of a USAF special forces operative... BTK's necrophilia in church could give the Reavers a run for their lives ("I heard they kill them, and wear their skins, and rape them for hours and hours..." - Alliance schoolkid, STM). US govt operatives routinely freak out and cannibalize their prey, like Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole, who cut the head off Adam Walsh, son of John Walsh from America's Most Wanted, then their death sentences were commuted by George Bush Jr and Jeb Bush. The story that Gangsta Govt tells their operatives is that when you "retire", either with or without a pension, US operatives have the option to serve out the remainder of their retirement on an "island paradise", if they every get the desire to confess their sins in public. It sounds to me like selling beachfront property on the Moon. More likely, another operative would be assigned to wack them ASAP, to shut them up, guaranteed. A good reason for Book to hide out on Serenity.

For Joss to attack this hot topic is commendable, since it probably resulted in censorship of FF "for reasons of national security", for daring to hint at CIA's MKULTRA Project Monarch tortured slaves, like CIA presidential porn star Cathy O'Brien and her pedophiled daughter Kelly ( ), two of the models for River. Note that gang-rapes as torture by govt operatives is also a topic for BSG, along with assassination of rival "operatives", an obvious reference to Bush Gang's pedophile snuff videos at Abu Graihb in Iraq.

Scary Monsters are schoolteachers in the Verse, giving birth to Alliance mind-kontrolled sleeper operative-assassins like River, hunted down by Death Squads of other Operatives. Dark thoughts - no suspension of disbelief required. I wonder if Joss is a scary monster to his friends and family, like Steven King must be? At least Joss has a sense of humor. I just hope he doesn't get run over while jogging, perhaps by the CIA... Or perhaps Joss himself is an operative, now that he's employed by pedophile terrorist narcokingpin Sir George Bush Sr Knight of the British Empire, "former" director of CIA, via Carlyle Group's hostile takover of Universal Studios? And you thought YOU had a scary boss...

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005






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