UPDATED: Friday, January 20, 2006 19:06
VIEWED: 4042
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006 7:51 PM


OK, so just WHAT do we have to do to get this show back on the air, any air, anywhere? I mean, we can obviously raise funds like anybody's business, if funds are needed. The show got killer ratings, especially for Friday night, and the people who killed it are gone. There are a zillion of us, and we have more power than we think we do. The movie got made didn't it? That was am illion to one impossible shot, wasn't it?

So does anybody know what we are supposed to be doing to ger Firefly back? Tell me and I'll do it, and I bet I won't be the only one!


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 8:36 PM


You're right that money is the key here. Money talks. So just keep doing what I'm sure you're doing and spread the word of Firefly to everyone you know. :) We need to keep those Serenity and Firefly DVD sales up! Believe me, the PTB take notice when they're making money...

If you're an Arizonan and a Browncoat, come join us:


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 8:46 PM


To be honest I don't think it's gonna happen. For example in the UK I can speak to people about Firefly and Serenity (which is the Film 2005 movie of the year) and nobody has heard of it. The attention span of the general populace in this century is focused on crap like Desperate Houswives and reality TV shows.

The viewing public is not the same as in the 60s when Star Trek was aired. In those days there was sod all on TV so Star Trek was absolutely unique (ok we all know Firefly is unique but it is eclipsed by all the other useless crap on TV). Because of the very large fanbase a movie was released which got large box office takings (unlike Serenity) which because of that led onto ST:TNG and the rest is history.

Please don't flame me for this but I am being a realist. I love Firefly just as much as you guys do and it means so much to me more than any other TV show or book has ever done in my lifetime. I am currently spending my precious time off work building a fansite to Firefly because I love it so much. However I cannot see another series on the horizon. In a way I like it that we are all part of a small unique community. Like Firefly it feels like family :) Everybody in the world knows Star Trek. It's part of society just like Coca cola but Firefly is unique which makes us all unique and individuals.


Thursday, January 19, 2006 3:17 AM


I dunno, I think if there was maybe a concentrated effort to petition Universal, Fox and SciFi to bring the show back, like BattleStar, like Family Guy and millions and millions of people signed it. I think the problem is, there are too many people trying in too many different directions.

Shows have been brought back before. So there IS precidence. But I have to agree, I think its a pipedream.

A Shiny Happy Person
"Ain't we just!"


Thursday, January 19, 2006 3:43 AM


buy the firefly dvd boxset, buy serenity, in fact I suggest having two copies of each, one for you and one to loan to friends, hook them on firefly, make them buy the set to see the final disc, have viewing parties, hand out flyers about the show at the local comic book stores etc. The others are right, money is the key, buy official merchandise, dvds, teh comics, visual companion, t-shirts at hot topic, novel by frank decandido, the ornament, the lighter etc.

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Thursday, January 19, 2006 4:02 AM


For the record, Star Trek didn't fare well when it ran in the sixties. It was up against The Beverly Hillbillies which won the time slot each week. The first movie was made because Star Trek was doing so well in syndication. I used to watch it each afternoon after school in the seventies.

In a lot of ways, Firefly is following a similar path as Star Trek, although the reruns are now replaced by DVD sales. What would be curious is if any of these characters reappear in a later series in the way that Lou Grant and Rhoda spun off of Mary Tyler Moore. It would require someone to step into the shoes of Whedon and have a similar vision, which may prove to be a steep requirement.

And by the way, Wonderfalls is back on TV on Logo. Tim Minnear's show. Beautifully written -- even the talking fish makes sense. Worth your time.



Thursday, January 19, 2006 4:03 AM



Originally posted by j6ngo1977:
To be honest I don't think it's gonna happen. For example in the UK I can speak to people about Firefly and Serenity (which is the Film 2005 movie of the year) and nobody has heard of it. The attention span of the general populace in this century is focused on crap like Desperate Houswives and reality TV shows.

Too true. At the moment the UK is horrifically transfixed by a stupid amount of reality TV - although american stuff like lost and that are becoming very popular, Firefly is sci-fi, is snappy humour and it's not brand-spanking-new. In short, the brits just don't get it. It sucks having to say that, as I'm british.

Saffron: "He's my husband."
Mal: "Well who in the damn galaxy isn't?"


Thursday, January 19, 2006 4:37 AM


Step 1...

Fox needs to pull their heads out of their posteriors

Step 2...

Get Firefly on iTunes (iTunes is doing wonders for The Office...which is another great show with "low" ratings)

Step 3...

Well, see Step 1

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Thursday, January 19, 2006 4:55 AM


Heres a question in relation to this. If you wanted to support the cause by buying dvds as gifts and whatnot, what would be a better choice? Buying Ff and giving Fox the cash, or Universal with Serenity? Or does that not matter at all?


Thursday, January 19, 2006 5:02 AM


both i think are being taken into consideration look at firefly its been out for two years and this past christmas it was in teh top five in dvd sales on that is amazing.
besides if you buy one for a friend or family member, chances are they will buy the other one for themselves.

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Thursday, January 19, 2006 5:03 AM


Good point! So Ff would be the best route. Get them into the series and they are sure to pick up Serenity.


Friday, January 20, 2006 6:51 PM


OK, Brits have a good sense of humor, as evidenced by Black Adder and Monty Python, etc. which I also love. (Not to mention Dr. Who which had a cult following when I was in high school!) And you are not the only ones transfixed by so-called "reality" TV. (Frankly I found Mal and co. much more real than anyone on "American Idol" or, Gods forfend, "Survivor".) I think TV has gone a long way downhill since Star Trek, too. In fact the ONLY reason I bought a TV was because a friend got me hooked on the CSI series. I like smart TV. *shrug*

And I think Firefly was on the wrong network. Fox does *not* do smart TV. Witness the shows that have stayed around. I mean, come on. Firefly on the same channel as Stacked? Ugh. Puuuuke. If we manage a miracle and Firefly returns we need it on a different network.

BTW two of my other well-liked shows on Fox, Bones and Killer Instinct, are also gone. But Family Guy lives on? There ain't no justice in the 'verse.

In fact, 99.9% of what is on, even on cable, is complete and total....CRAP.

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . .

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night. . ."
--Dylan Thomas


Friday, January 20, 2006 7:06 PM


Did you just INSULT Family Guy!?
Family Guy KICKS ASS! Watch it sometime, it is one of my favourite shows!

It and Veronica Mars are the BEST things on TV right now.

And in no way is there not goinf to be more of the 'verse, Serenity is selling neck and neck with Wedding Crashers, which is pretty damn good, we will get our sequels, and then it will be likely we ill get more TV.

Believe it or not, the future looks bright for the 'Verse.






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