Have you guys seen this?

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 1, 2006 17:57
VIEWED: 26215
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Saturday, January 21, 2006 3:13 AM



I take back what I said. I'm impressed. Even if your film company didn't succeed, at least you tried. Don't give up. Need a little fire in your belly to succeed in that pursuit. I kinda wonder why you didn't form your own film company after the other talentless jellyfish surrendered. He'll be bald, fat, and selling life insurance soon enough. His shrieking wilderbeast hag of a wife and 3 smelly children will drive him to the grave by age 44. Good riddance. Or he'll end up scriptwriting for hollywood and disco-dancing in go-go cages on the weekends. And then we'll never be rid of him. But as for you. What are you afraid of? Why not start your own company? Or not. You could always become a film school teacher (or reach for the stars, become a dishwasher).

Ok 'nuff procrastinating. It's time to tackle Depp and Burton (at long last). Today is the day.

But first, why the hatred of Winona Ryder? I think she's an amazingly talented actress (and a pisspoor shoplifter). Her otherworldy etheric beauty doesn't hurt either. But that aside, she does a bangup job in nearly every role she takes. Her choice of roles suggests serious brain damage at times (like turning down the role of Corleone's daughter in Godfather III so she could be near Depp on the Scissorhands' atrocity). It was love. Ahh love. You mischievous mistress you.

Actually... the final installment of that saga royally sucked ass so it was no great loss. Probably a boon to her career that she didn't appear in it. It was the death knell of Pacino's acting. He should have retired in his prime or taken a long soulsearching hiatus (like going incognito to backpack across India or some shit like that). But whores will be whores. Pacino's films have been nasty shitbombs ever since.

Anyhow, Ryder's idiotic aloofness aside, when she's working with a shitty script (and that's all she ever does), she somehow manages to turn a steaming mass of toxic sewage into something that would pass for drinkable public utility water. Which isn't saying much. But still. I dunno, I could be wrong.. I haven't watched the most recent turds in her filmography so maybe she's living up to her obvious lack of potential.

Back to Depp and Burton.

Actually... I need to restock on cheap cans of generic beer. I can't handle talking about Depp and Burton while sober. Sometime soon, I'll get hammered and tackle the subject.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 9:26 AM


A few of us actually did stick around to try and continue the film work after most had left. Trust me, I did love it so and I wanted to keep going. However, it was becoming a matter of time and money. We all had day jobs to pay the bills, and in the evenings and weekends we'd work on our film production. Money running short (as we put our own money into it, and we didn't have a lot), and given the fact that we were all run ragged trying to work during the day, come home and barely eat something to go back out and work more, come home late from production work and wake up early in the morning to do it all again, it had become, dare I say, too much to deal with. We were all burning the candle at both ends if you will. And it had gotten to a point where we had to decide between this, or what was putting food on the table. I wouldn't say that I've given up however...I keep my ear open at all times for local film work. I'm still in the loop so to speak, as there are civic theatres that come to me from time to time for advise on this production or that production. And the more people I assist in those matters, the more my name stays out there, and the better my chances of getting it all off the ground again.

As for Ryder, I have always felt her acting a bit one dimensional. I never really have like her in much of anything. I've noticed that her vocal inflections are the same for every character she portrays, her body language is the same, facial expressions, etc. No doubt she is a beauty, but I've always felt that she could have used a few acting classes to hone her skill. I do see potential in her to improve, and that improvement would probably come if she did steer clear from crappy scripts and work on ones that challenged her, but I have yet to see her do so. I think the only film I ever liked her in was Beetlejuice. Her vocal inflections and body language and the like actually fit that character well, and she was believable in that role. In all honesty, I would love to see her improve and challenge herself...please for the love of pete woman, challenge yourself!!

So you haven't liked Pacino since the Godfather days? I love Pacino...granted there were some movies that he's done that were absolute tripe (Frankie and Johnny ), but a lot of his films have such passion! Well, for me they do anyway. He scared the shit outta me in The Devil's Advocate. Keanu Reeves acting aside, that movie literally gave me a decent fear of evil. I loved him in Donnie Brasco (another Depp film), I loved him in Carlito's Way, I loved Heat, and Insomnia. I must confess however, I haven't seen him in anything recently. I didn't watch Any Given Sunday, nor Two for the Money, so it could be that he's getting close to the end of anything good coming his way and just taking the jobs as they come, no matter how crappy it may be.

And I think you're teasing me now when it comes to Depp and Burton. Oh the suspense!!! You know I want to hear it, as you've got my curiousness peaked...and you keep dangling that string for me to paw at like a cat. What's that old saying about curiosity...and a cat??? Suspense I say!!


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Saturday, January 21, 2006 3:39 PM


I'm gonna keep it short and simple and address Ooka-whatshisname.

Alright hotshot. Ya drop jap lingo and make historical references. Somehow, you've become an authority on Kurosawa by doing so. We're all impressed.

I sure as shit am. Fuck! I just wanna tuck tail and run cuz you're all superior and shit all of a sudden-like.

So Queeny and Psolaris. Ignore me, as he says. His word is law cuz he says so. He "lived" in Japan (must be an ex-GI, prolly running for city council in wherever, USA). He knows the soul of Japan and Kurosawa's suicide attempt was just "typical" japanese. Silly jap bastards. Conquered people should know their place.


2 book recommendations.

"The Emperor and the Wolf" by Stuart Galbraith


...well. The 2nd book I'll suggest later. It's life after the suicide attempt for Kurosawa.

Watermelon head from Kukijiro


Saturday, January 21, 2006 4:14 PM


I ignore no one. I listen to everyone.

I thought Ookami was from I mean he is Japanese. (???)

Is "The Emperor and the Wolf" about Kurosawa's life?

Edit: yup, I just looked it up myself and stuff. I'll go check it out.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:57 PM


If he's Japanese I'm the prince of fuckin Jupiter.

The book is about Kurosawa and Toshiro Mifune (my favorite actor and the guy who was his lead man in films during his black and white days). It's about ambition and betrayal. A good read.

It'll make you rethink your love of the Depp/Burton thing. Partnerships like those are a marriage of convenience.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:01 AM


Sorry, been out skiing so just got back and can address your comments XG. No I'm not Japanese, I am Gaijin. Ie A foreigner that has lived in Japan. I have had 6yrs of formal language/cultural training besides living in the country. Not to mention my B.A. was in International Studies ie read U.S.-Japanese relations. What I am saying is that I am approching this from a cultural stand point. Your posting was from a more entertainment/cultural (U.S. media related/ artistic point of view) For me your reading into is wrong (strike out wrong just missing somethings I believe). People in Japan commit sucide for less noble reasons ie High School team didn't make the big series, White collar got fired and can't face family about not having a job etc. Actually No I'm not a G-I never have been. This is just my view and thus is not law as you seem to think. That is a crook of Bull. I'm just saying I personally don't agree and that there are more then one opinion on the subject. If I worded it a little strongly forgive me. Besides you seem to like to stir things up and I got no prob with that, but remember I diff on you with this man. Anyways thats my peice on that and yeah it was a little rash to say just ignore the comment. Sorry, should of worded it diff.
mata, Ookami yori


Sunday, January 22, 2006 12:04 PM


XG, also a side note, my above background is for you guys since you were wondering who I was etc. It is not ment to make a point. I know more about the culture/politics of Japan. However I am not an authority on Kurosawa. Let me repeat that I am not an authority on Kurosawa!!! I don't know your background either on Kurosawa etc. Like I said my words were rash and this is my apology to you okay. If you want I will edit out the offensive part towards you in my other post. All I can say is I worded my objection/comments the wrong way. My fault and I will work to undo them. Now if you want to keep bashing on me fine go ahead either I will ignore it or come back w/ Japanese, but I am man enough to admit my mistakes and fix them when I can.
mata, Ookami yori


Monday, January 23, 2006 4:21 AM


You are redeemed Ooka. Insofar as... Go buy Queeny's book. Backtrack this thread and look at the bottom of her posts to find the thread. Share in the misery as Psolaris and I tear her book apart. Otherwise...

Fuck off. Just disappear.

Feel free to debate with us, but put your money and your book-reading time where your mouth is.



we haven't started tearing her book apart yet but we will. shut up or put up. opinions are a dime a dozen.

No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Monday, January 23, 2006 6:56 AM


I see you guys have been having your own private discussion while I was gone.

Anyway, I really like Japanese cinema and culture, so I'm definitely going to try to check out Kurosawa's films on your guys' recommendations. If I can find them.

And thanks for pushing my book, XG! I need all the help I can get. Even if you are doing it just so you have partners in criticism. I know it's not a great novel. I know I can do a lot better. That's what I am currently working on. I'm working on a part three to the Book of Legends right now, which I can already feel will be a lot better. I'm going to focus a lot on more on character development and narrative, which I know were my weak points in the first novel. I'm also working on co-authoring a book with my cousin, which won't be in the same world at all, but I can feel it will also be really good. Anyways, I'm gonna keep trying at it. I'm not going to be one of those people who wastes their natural talents cuz they're afraid of failure.

"I'm having one of those things - a headache with pictures."

"Of course I'm right. And if I'm not, may we all be horribly crushed from above somehow."

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Monday, January 23, 2006 1:29 PM


Hey XG and Queen,
I got no prob supporting another Browncoat. Yes I promise to buy the book. It might take a while. Quick question for ya Queen of the North, Where is your book avaible? Would I be able to purches it on or be able to have Barns and Noble order it etc? I got no problem ordering it and giving you my thoughts on it, however I want to do it in a way that I don't get burned (not that I think that will happen). I'm a recent grad from college and needless to say money is kinda precious right now. I looked through the other thread kinda scanned it and sounds like you might have it up on amazon. Anyways let me know and I will get back to you guys on this thread when I have ordered/ read it. Or if I see something regarding Japanese culture etc. Like I responded to XG I am not an expert on Kurosawa or everything cultural in Japan. I do have some experiance and I try to share it. If it comes out the wrong way then I try and amend and help refocus my comment/thoughts. Well there ya go and I will talk with you shiny folks later.
mata, Ookami yori


Monday, January 23, 2006 1:58 PM


It's on both Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I think it's slightly cheaper on Barnes and Noble, or it was the last time I checked, especially if you have their member discount. It's probably the cheapest on, but you wouldn't get the free shipping you can get from Amazon and that, so it's really up to you. Thanks so much for buying it! It's nice to know that some browncoats, like you, XG, and Psolaris will support a fellow browncoat.

Oh, and it's probably easiest to find the book on Amazon or Barnes and Noble by searching my name rather than the title. Just type in "Amy Dillen" with that exact spelling and it should come up right away.

"I'm having one of those things - a headache with pictures."

"Of course I'm right. And if I'm not, may we all be horribly crushed from above somehow."

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Monday, January 23, 2006 2:38 PM



Originally posted by queenofthenorth:
It's nice to know that some browncoats, like you, XG, and Psolaris will support a fellow browncoat.

Damn straight girl. I'm glad you're out there doing this!!


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Monday, January 23, 2006 2:43 PM


Hey Queen, No prob
Probably swing by my local Barns and Noble first to see if its on hand. I'm kinda busy for next couple of weeks with one trip for sure and another one that may be related for job offer. etc. So if can't find it there either will have them order it or order it online. Yup and of course same thing I would hope you guys would do for me if I every have anything up for sale. Kicking around a couple of diff ideas, but part of problem is copyright issues w/ the Firefly stuff I'm thinking of etc.
mata, Ookami yori


Monday, January 23, 2006 4:07 PM


Queeny: Nice. Be sure and have a cameo appearance of XG in your next book. He should be the weightless guy who floats around and is pissed off all the time. Nobody is quite sure why (including himself), but he's definately pissed.

You starving artist-types. You're all alike. Too nice for your own good. I could never be a starving artist. For starters, the minute I got hunger pangs I'd eat all the other starving artists. Painters would be light snacking. Writers would be standard fare. Out-of-work actors and musicians would be a veritable buffet on which to gorge myself. I just can't see myself gettin all reaverized over a love of art. Plus I could never sell my own books. "Hey you. Buy my book of Klingon poetry or I'll break this chair over your head." Nahh. Just wouldn't cut it.

Ooka: You've paid the ferryman and crossed the river Styx. Welcome to the fold. You're alright in my book dude.

Psolaris: Ok. Finally. Depp and Burton. But first... allow me to collect my thoughts. When the fireplace is filled with smouldering embers, and the wine bottle is running low, I do my best philosophizing.

Ok, that's a load of horseshit. I'm plum out of generic canned beer and need go knock over the corner liquor store.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 3:47 AM



Originally posted by XeroGravity:
Psolaris: Ok. Finally. Depp and Burton. But first... allow me to collect my thoughts. When the fireplace is filled with smouldering embers, and the wine bottle is running low, I do my best philosophizing.

Ok, that's a load of horseshit. I'm plum out of generic canned beer and need go knock over the corner liquor store.


*sits on the edge of my seat in eager anticipation*


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 5:29 AM



Damn straight girl. I'm glad you're out there doing this!!

Thanks Psolaris! I really couldn't work a 9 to 5 job the rest of my life and be satisfied doing it. I'd go crazy.


Yup and of course same thing I would hope you guys would do for me if I every have anything up for sale.

Well of course I would, Ooka, unless it was something obscenely expensive like a car you designed. Hope you enjoy the reading.


Originally posted by XeroGravity:
Queeny: Nice. Be sure and have a cameo appearance of XG in your next book. He should be the weightless guy who floats around and is pissed off all the time. Nobody is quite sure why (including himself), but he's definately pissed.

You know, that actually sounds like it would be a good idea. I think I could fit a character like that in the book I'm writing with my cousin. It would make for an amusing little character. Now, please tell us your thoughts on Depp and Burton sometime this month.

"I'm having one of those things - a headache with pictures."

"Of course I'm right. And if I'm not, may we all be horribly crushed from above somehow."

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:41 AM


Depp and Burton for real this time. No more screwing around. I'm dead serious. It's time to address this issue once and for all. Hiphip, cheer-ho (not cheerio, that's a cereal). stiff upperlip. Tallyho, onward we go.

Depp and Burton.

First some commentary on Winona Ryder since she was Depp's starlet "flavor of the month" bedroom bitch for a time (aka: Winona Horowitz ~ I'm sickened by hollywood people who change their names.. Depp may have a secret name too but who knows?). I agree with you that Ryder is one-dimensional. She should be shunned and spat upon for appearing in that vile shitheap "Mr. Deeds". But hey. It's an Adam Sandler film. Adam Sandler films are the height of comedy in this day and age. To appear in one is to become immortalized as a comedic genius. The limitations of "Ryder's" acting ability are causing her to not be a top bill leading lady in glitterland, so Sandler threw her a bone. She's sacred after all. Gotta stay in the limelight and keep getting acting jobs. Hence, we have "Mr. Deeds."

Oh how very "tres' magnifique." It was a fucking "tour de force" of comedic filmery. Sandler you hilariously "Laugh Out Loud" funny kinda guy you. I was guffawing and thighslapping through that whole film. In fact, they had to call paramedics to feed me oxygen cuz the laughter just stole all the breath from my lungs. "Mr. Deeds" was so hilarious that I had an uncontrollable fit of spasmodic twitching that caused me to headbutt a 70-year old woman and beat the living fuck out of a couple of nerds in the parking lot. My jock buddies were cheering me on and the nerds were gay anyhow. Gays need an occasional assbeating (like those pesky geriatric types). The paramedics were there so it was all good. In the end my violence was an allergic reaction to bad popcorn. Made me act like that. So says my legal counsel.

If a film stars such an epic comedic talent like Sandler, you just know it's gonne be superdooper funny. He's almost as funny as Martin Lawrence. Almost. Sandler is the world's funniest comedian since cavemen invented laughter. Move aside Lenny Bruce. Look out Andy Kaufman. Competition is in town. Gotta love Sandler with his 3-stooges style buffoonery and endless nasty fart jokes. I can never get enough of Adam Sandler. Can't get through my day without those fart jokes. I'm saddened Sandler didn't think up that hilarious gag of drinking a cup of liquified shit like Mike Myer's did in Austin Powers Pt. II. I love seeing morbidly obese kilt-wearing Scottish cannibals who eat midgets and drink cups of diarreah. It's just funny. Holy fuck I laughed so hard I nearly shit my pants. But I didn't cuz I'm scared. If I shit my pants fat hungry Scotsmen might eat my ass as an appetizer.

Myers: Go back to those cowardly Canadian fucks and piss and shit in their face and call it humor. We yanks have had our fill of your brand of humor. Ha ha ha har har har. I need more of this kind of laughter.

Ahh Myers and Sandler films.

It's another fetish-genre of mine. Like impoverished illegal immigrants making war and zombie films. Can't get enough. Sad part is, I loved the first Austin Powers flick. Had to leave the theatre from nausea on the 2nd one when fatman drank the cup of shit. That expensive pile of popcorn and watered-down pepsi didn't mix well with the image Myers was conjuring up. I've never left midstream on any film until that one (almost never). And I've seen nearly every toilet-load of spewage those whores can throw at me. Winona Ryder proved what an epic talent she was when she appeared in a Sandler-film starring Sandler (of course). It's about a paycheck. Nothing more. So yes, I agree with you. She's a piece of shit in the talent department, but they all are.

Films such as these always have an audience. That's the problem.

Methhead mullet-man goes to see every screening of Sandler films, crushes beer cans on his forehead, and then he and I duet "Achy Breaky Heart" for the theatregoers in glorious rapture. Then he drools on my boots, rapes my left leg, I throw him a bone, and off he goes to slobber on his trailerpark trash whore. "Feer not m'lady. I shall come hither to spew my spermatozoa upon thee."

I should cage mullet-man and toothless trailerpark whore. The both of them could be profitable spectacles on display. Hell. Jack Black could take theatre lessons from me displaying these 2. I'd put them in the "De-evolving primate" cage. They'd think they were pornstars, and the viewing public would be gratified to see "others" gettin all nasty.

I hate Sandler. The "Opera Man" has never once even invoked a chuckle from me with anything he's ever done. SNL has hit a new low with this last batch of "movie star" skit performers they thrust upon us. Credibility gone. Adios, cya laterm au revoir, ciao, sayonarra, hasta la vista. I loathe Sandler. I loathe "Ryder" for selling out and being in one of his films. But they are all whores and they aren't done whoring us yet.

More importantly, I passionately hate the people who think nasty shit like that is funny. I detest with every fibre of my being the people who go to view it, and the people who keep putting those retards on the screen. One and the same.

So "Ryder" appearing in one of boy genius's films? Yeah her career is on the downswing. Hate her all you want Psolaris but she's getting her come-uppance.

To her credit, "Ryder" isn't taking on roles outside her abilities. She mostly plays the introverted complicated brainy chick with self-esteem issues (and we all know insanely beautiful women topheavy with intellect are always like the characters she portrays). She plays that role better than anyone else. It's easy to forget how gorgeous she is and buy into whatever character she's playing onscreen.

Ok back to Depp and Burton.

Actually, this post is kinda long. I'll tackle it next time.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:54 PM


It's bad form to post back to back but I'm done with this thread for the most part. So lemme honestly and genuine-like wrap up my commitment to talk with you fine folks.

Ooka: Nice editing on your posts. All of them. I have something akin to photographic memory so no detail of anything escapes my attention, no matter how minor (no I'm not a cut and paste sort of guy, I'm just smart, and you've been editing ALL of your posts to support a false line of reasoning).

To talk with me is to post whats in your heart and let it ride. I edit typos. You edit your thoughts. Huge difference. So fuck off. Disappear. I'm cursed with an inability to forget minor details. A true effort to forget things. Calculating liars who edit their thoughts are unfit to speak with me. So piss off. The wind blows in the opposite direction. I revoke my previous statement about you being Ok in my book. You're anything but.

But you'll post here and try to defend yourself and denounce what I say. Just piss off.


Queeny and Psolaris: when it's time to tear apart the book, PM me. Then I'll re-emerge and we'll shred it page by page. For now, I'm done with posting here.

Queeny: I warned you. You don't want me evaluating your book. But you are a glutton for punishment, and I'm a merciless prick. You won't like my assault on your writing.

PM me when D-Day is at hand.


A fat Scotsman is trying to bite me in the ass.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:32 PM


You got the Merciless Prick part right, and this is coming from a surly bitch.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 11:47 AM


XG, Don't know exactly where you are coming with this. Been busy lately so haven't responded to your last post before this one. Was going to say thanks for the invite/ welcome. Got no prob with what your saying there. If thats the way you feel got no prob. Like I said I will just ignore it. Yeah I editing mine sometimes if I catch a spelling mistake. Thats usually it or if I think I need to clearify something more. Just my personal style. Sorry if it offends you or what not. Anyways there is my 2 cents on that. So take it as you will.
mata, Ookami yori


Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:13 PM


I live in Germany and I saw the first advertisment for it just before christmas. it lasted 30 secs on tv only once and that was it.
folks I'm sorry but someone wanted this film to fail.I then had to look for it on base (Ramstein)
they had no rentals but I bought a copy.


Friday, January 27, 2006 4:46 AM


Ahh my fate is inescapable. It's in my nature to never turn a blind eye to a challenge. I'm back to the analogy of a dog chasing a tennisball thrown into busy traffic.

Ooka: I stand by what I said. You're wishywashy, and a flake. And a guy who delights in editing his posts. You fraudulent fucker you. You're not gonna buy Queeny's book. You've already excused yourself out of it. You poor oppressed impoverished college grad. You have all my sympathies. When you aren't taking ski trips of jetsetting around the globe and hobknobbing with important people in the orient, youhave to languish away in the faint hope that you can somehow scrape up some meager coinage and buy a very low priced copy of Queeny's book. Maybe.

I've smelled the stench of bullshittery on you the first time you posted on this thread.


Ahh. Apparently it's still not en vogue to speak with me, except to throw around one liners. You magnificent bastard-ess you!

I have my own arsenal of one liners. Here take this!

"You get down with your bad self!"

Don't make me have to break out "You go girl!". I'd never dare approach that level of hipness.


don't disturb me again. my concentration on the fine art of dishwashery and floormoppery must never again be broken. great and epic deeds that will shake the world down to it's core are happening in the minimum wage world. i'm leading a rebellion among my people. we want to be bumped up to frycookery and windowwashery. it's a social revolution to advance the subhuman race.

Time for some beerdrinkery.

No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Friday, January 27, 2006 4:58 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

That's why I made my own Little Damn Movie, or at least a FF music video.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV


Friday, January 27, 2006 11:50 AM


XG, Thanks for clearfying cause your last post had me wondering what you were talking about. Welcome to life son, yes I have expenses and other things going on in my life. I won't waste the breath or either of our time here. I was planning on buying the book before I got involved in the discussion etc. Now you seem to think I won't buy it. Fine thats your opinion and keep thinking that way. But like I told Queen, I will support her and buy it. I do have my honor. So I will keep to my word. If you don't believe thats up to you. Thats my say on that.
mata, Ookami yori


Friday, January 27, 2006 5:03 PM


Ooka: buy her book and read it. Shut the fuck up already. Money where your mouth is. Too much mouth, too little money.

Maybe River6213 can do the same (but she's a "surly bitch" which loosely translates to butch lesbian in my book). Maybe she can take a break from lesbianistic manhating long enough to support our resident artisan (Queeny). Probably not. We need a howling she-homo barking at the moon. My Jr. High School lesbian gym teacher would love her. They'd be reciting french poetry together.

River: shell out some coinage and buy queeny's book. Then we can fight. You silly lesbian you. You my ex-gym teacher? There. You got your desperately desired enticement to come fight me. I'd love to kick your ass after giving me a fuckin "D" in gym. You lesbo she-witch you.


you love it. admit it! you love it. you people love to stare at car accidents on the highway, watch crippled animals you hit with your car die in the the rear view mirror as you drive away, and drool & howl with insane bloodlust at public fights. and you love hearing self-righteous pricks like me rant about people like you.

No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Sunday, January 29, 2006 11:59 AM


Psolaris and Queeny: pay no mind to that little personal conflict with me and river90210. she's part of a crowd of people who regard me as a "dessicated abortion". NOTE: as vulgar and crude as I may be in the curseword department, I don't invent nastiness like that. Yours truly is a "dessicated abortion" in the minds of the incrowd of whedonesque'rs. His name be praised.

never let it be said I'm not a man of my word. (i'm honoring the occasional xg-declared holiday of caps boycott)

depp and burton:

depp can't act. period. his acting sucks. zero talent there. but hey, some hollywood god from up on high is looking out for him. they cast him in roles that are always beyond his depth. better and more talented people could easily bring a certain kind of magic to those roles, but no. just gotta give that role to depp. an investment in his glorious greatness. he's the next john wayne. the next pacino. the next eastwood. the next whatever. at least they want him to be. talent has nothing to do with it. it's about an investment in the "cult of personality" calculas. forget his bad acting. depp is the next big thing. because they say so. if critics had souls they'd say so. but they have bills to pay so they say depp is great. he's magical. he's marvelous. he's "laugh out loud" funny when he's starring in comedic roles, and he's brilliant in historical pieces. just gotta love his ability to deliver dialogue.

he has skill as an actor and enormous depth. do you have any grey poupon? but of course.

to allow "depp" and "depth" to appear in the same paragraph is a cardinal sin against all that is in good taste. to even allow those 2 words to coexist in the same fucking universe when speaking of him is an absolute heresy to art. curse us all!

but he's depp. 21 jumpstreet. just say "no". nancy reagan will breakdance in the nude if you do. i love depp. i love hipsters with hip-savvy hair styles fighting the drug epidemic since the 80s. mighty righteous and super sexy. if i were gay, i'd become a love slave for johnny depp. that's how fanatically devoted i am to the depp school of acting. but i'm not gay. and well... depp can't act. don't need to be schooled to see that.

if only greico had been anywhere near him in the sacredness scale, we'd have 2 zero talents to deal with, and hollywood would have more cannon fodder to throw at us. if only. depp should have suffered the fool's fate a long time ago. his acting ability is so goddamn'd horrendous that it's a crime for people to sell it. but they do. i just want to "say no" when it's time to watch another installment of depp on film. that dickschnitzel should have been condemned to a life of B-films and the "direct to DVD" blackhole for blacklisters and zero-talents years ago. but alas, we are stuck with him and his hackneyed slut acting. someone up there is watching out for depp. he's sacred. He ONLY survives up until now because his dark guardian angels use exhaustive and expensive resources to hire good directors, and superhuman subhumans for editing and sound crews to make this unbelievably worthless turd into something that would pass for an actor. such a fuckin waste. but hey, 300 mil for king kong (production + marketing) was a drop in the bucket (and greater than the gross national product of most 3rd world countries).

it's hollywood after all. they can make a stinking pile of shit sparkle like a fuckin diamond, and smell like a bouquet of roses. all that glitters is golden. i'd love to say depp has brilliantly chosen his roles like a man on a mission, like some kind of defiant veteran actor fighting the odds and hand-selecting challenging scripts. i'd love to say he stands for something noble. but nah. i won't. braindead is braindead is braindead. who needs talent when you're sacred? there's a thriving blacklist and B-film list of people who are a living testament to such things. they can get work to just barely pay the bills (caviar and executive suites in acapulco are expensive necessities), but they can't seem to go anywhere regardless of their level of talent. all the asskissing in the world will never make them sacred.


sacred burton has incredible technical talent. he can claymation like nobody else. the critically acclaimed "nightmare before christmas" was technically brilliant. look out gumby. you were 3rd rate compared to burton. in a nutshell, burton has a masterful skill for technical expertise. hell, "legend of sleepy hollow" was the most visually beautiful thing I've seen in forever. he went for grim and gray, dark and ominous, and he succeeded on a technical level that blew my mind away. that film should be the hallmark for set designers and costume staff on any big film project. it was a pure work of art in that regard.

beyond that, it was tame and mind-crushingly boring storytelling. aIt was me wasting my theatre money on someone who's been oversold as some kind of emerging modernday spielberg. this man should not be storytelling and directing. he should be leadman in the special effects and set design department for truly talented storytellers. but burton will keep right on boring us to death with his eccentric and pumped-up ego as the next rising talent. who can resist critical acclaim?

he has technical talent, but he can't tell interesting stories.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Sunday, January 29, 2006 2:52 PM


Oh it pains my heart to hear you say that about Depp. It is however how you feel on the man, and I'll have to agree to disagree with you on his acting ability. I've been around performing arts all of my life. Just about everyone in my family has been involved in something, whether it be acting, music, stage management, dance, technical design, etc. And the reason I see Depp as a great performer is because he has such range. He's gone beyond the 21 Jump Street image, and he's no longer just the pretty boy that all the lovies drool over. I've stated before...good looks aside, I find him very talented. I'd be saying the same thing about him if he were unsightly. I will admit that there has been some things he's done that I didn't quite like. Ninth Gate for example...I wasn't quite fond of that one. He acting felt forced all the way through it. But I have enjoyed all else I've seen him in. One of my favorite things about this man is that he doesn't go around reminding Hollywood that he's Johnny Depp...he doesn't give a shit about it. Hollywood has to remind Johnny Depp that he's Johnny Depp. To him, he's just out there doing what he likes to do and getting paid for it. He's never liked the attention that is inevitable when you become famous. He does the least amount of interviews he possibly can when he makes a new film because of it.

Oh, and by the way XG and Queeny...I've just started reading Queeny's book. I cracked it open yesterday and began. I had another project I was working on (I like doing needlework) and wanted to finish it off first as I had very little left to do. So relatively soon, we can begin talking about her story.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Monday, January 30, 2006 7:43 PM


Ya know. It's funny. I view "9th gate" as one of his better performances even though the story and plot sucked (that and "Nick of Time"). He kind of shined. Depp's acting as of late smells like someone who grows fat from success. You think it's forced but I say it's him actually acting in roles that fell outside his predictable limits. Ya he sucked in the end (cuz he can't act) but it was pure Depp. Like someone who still put their whole heart and soul into it (in spite of having no inherent talent yet a predetermined future).

Depp actually was believable as the bookwormy researcher type. And as the suit and tie guy trying to fight the timer to save his kid. In those films he spoke in his normal voice, and was hence believable. In "9th Gate" and "Nick of Time" I could suspend my disbelief long enough to imagine these weren't films. They were people facing a problem. Real people. Believable people. Real and believavle problems. He felt natural in those roles. But then he became sacred.

His other acting roles. Well, I won't get into those. Nothing positive to say and you are too much in love with him. Wouldn't much matter given that.

I grew to detest Depp when he started taking roles like the piratical sunbaked captain in "Pirates of the Carribean" and Icabod Crane in "Legend of Sleepy Hollow". He stopped being serious actor and started becoming iconic boxoffice trash. Playing to the crowds.

Ya know. They added the "sunbaked" dimension to the pirate captain character after filming started (or so I've heard). Once it became obvious he couldn't deliver the dialogue in the script in any way that would be believable, they had to improvise. They were stuck with a zero talent actor on a big budget film that absolutely had to succeed. Let's make him a retard and let him stumble around while he slurs and bumbles through the dialogue. Lay off the weed Depp. C'mon already you're in. Quickfix. Can't fire him and recast true talent. Gotta fix the script. But then that's hollywood. Rewrite scripts on the spot to counter the obvious lack of skill from a cast you're forced to work with. Don't fire the bastards and recast it. The suits forbid it. Executive decree. Just do a rewrite. Or hire a good editing and sound FX crew who can "fix" it. Gotta work with what you're stuck with. Turn this pile of shit into something that sparkles like diamonds.

Depp can't deliver dialogue. In spite of the rewrites, he was still unbelievable in the pirate flick. At least to me he was. It's his voice and pronunciation. He can't add a lil bass to his voice when he's trying to play machoistic leadman roles. His pronunciation of words and sentences when he's doing an Enlish accent is unbearably absurd. It's no better when he's trying to play Icabod Crane. I'm sorry I just wasn't buying it. It smelled like a Brooklyn NY plumber with a 6th grade education and a swollen tongue trying to do "Shakespeare in the park".

I notice these sorts of things. I can't help it. It stunk to high heaven. I have an ear for minor details.

You say he has range. I say he has no talent and is one of the "sacred" chosen few who shout "how high?" when told to jump, and do everything they are told to do to advance themselves. No souls, just pure ambition and a willingness to obey. They will go where told to go, do what told to do. I call people like that "whores". The public calls them box office stars.

Are you sure you aren't just maybe a little too much smitten with him Psolaris? Can you honestly judge Depp through the unforgiving lense of objectivity on talent alone?


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 1:55 PM



Originally posted by XeroGravity:
Are you sure you aren't just maybe a little too much smitten with him Psolaris? Can you honestly judge Depp through the unforgiving lense of objectivity on talent alone?

No...not smitten. Do I find him easy on the eyes, oh yeah, absolutely. But that's not the reason I like his ability. To be honest, when I watched him on 21 Jump Street back in the days of my childhood so very long ago, I simply saw him as a pretty boy that got to be on tv. I didn't really start paying much attention until I saw What's Eating Gilbert Grape for the first time a few years ago, and then I went back and watched some of the other things he did. Benny & Joon, Donny Brasco, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and Ed Wood. I also saw some horrible stuff he Don Juan DeMarco. Not much of a plot to that one...that was more bubble gum than anything. And with Ninth Gate, it was the storyline that I didn't enjoy too much. You're right, not too much of a plot there and it didn't really catch my interest. But his performance was great in it.

As to what you've heard about the "sunbaked" dimension to the pirate he played, it wasn't written in that way originally, you are correct in that. But it was Depp's decision to play him that way and the director and producer, Gore Verbinski & Jerry Bruckheimer, loved it so much they wrote it into the storyline. When they all first arrived to do a cold reading of the script (the actors come together with the director and read their parts out loud for the first time), Depp read his character just like you see on the screen, a little crazy like. They were impressed with his take on his character and told him to keep it up. I personally think it's a stroke of genius to put your own ideals into the character you are playing and run with it.

But no, I'm not smitten by Depp. I happen to think highly of other actors that are not as sweet on the eyes. Tom Hanks for example. Not that handsome, but he's by far one of my favorite performers. Sure he's made some stinkers (That Thing You Do-more bubblegum), but he has the ability to run away with a character and take you along for the ride. I also really like William H. Macy. Again, not one that is by any means a Hollywood Hunk, but he's one damn fine actor.

But those are just my two cents on it anyway.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 5:31 PM


To be fair, I must confess the following. I've seen all the Depp films you named, save all but one, "Donny Brasco". From what I saw of them, he spoke very little or not at all, trying to be all Chaplin-esque. He'd cock his head sideways here and there, beam the same wide-eyed expressionless look that drive chicks wild, and proceed to rely on the director and editing crew to cut up the stock footage into something that made him seem talented.

When he did speak, there was no thundering echo in the dim recesses of my mind making me feel like I'd seen some kind of great profound talent delivering dialogue. It just felt like a clownish hollywood harlot with no soul barking back cheese dialogue written by hacks. It's supposed to tug at my heart strings, make me feel all fuzzy inside. A great actor would pause here and there, move about as if collecting his thoughts while stammering through parts of the dialogue, and invest emotion into what they say. They'd rage with fury when angered or hurt, tear up and quiver when brokenhearted, glow when cheered. It would be natural, and more importantly, believable. That's what a great actor would do. Depp isn't a great actor. He's an automaton who barks out a script like some trained chimp with human vocal chords. He has the favor of the gods on him. He's expressionless and predictable. But chicks dig him. Suits love him. He's a made man (which is only one letter and space off from "madman").

Love him all you like, but he'll be forgotten in ages to come. True talent is immortal and precious. And in the world of art, it's always hated and shut out by those in power because it threatens them. There is a growing list of films amassing in his filmography that I haven't seen, and don't care to go see. I've tortured myself through enough of his playacting to know his limits. He could be great if he's stop trying to overreach (but we're stuck with him anyhow while greater talents languish away).

Depp lives in my shitlist.


ps ~ any particular time you'd like to set aside so we can torture queeny about her book? I'll be cruel and sadistic with my opinions, and verbally menacing to these cowardly whores who won't buy her book yet dare profane our thread with their opinions... you'll be saintly and intelligent, stern but forgiving, and keep me on my leash when I go a-ranting. we'll have a few laughs, make her giggle, make her cry, more importantly ~ make her think, etc.

I'm about to leave town for 2-3 days (and hence you'll all be spared my ranting diatribical confabulations of opionistic horsedungery, oh praise be to the almighty for small wonders). Gimme a time frame here. Answer soon as you can cuz my departure is soon at hand.

No such thing as me being nice. "Fuck off, all of ya! (since i forgot to be profane in this post)


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 5:57 PM


And don't forget.

Star Trek. 3 seasons on TV, 1 lame movie 10 years later, and suddenly, 9 more movies, 4 more series...

It's all in the fans!

(I'm sure Mal said this is some fashion at least once: "It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings"---and I refuse to sing!)






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