New Browncoats Shout Out (Newbie Thread)

UPDATED: Monday, January 30, 2006 01:00
VIEWED: 13939
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006 9:34 AM


Hey all,

I had seen maybe part of one episode of FF before Serenity came out. I bought the DVD on the advice of a colleague at work. Then the Sci-Fi channel played most of the episodes back-to-back one Friday when I was off and I was hooked (I bought the box set immediately after that)!

I thought the show was so good that I couldn't believe some idiot executives at FOX didn't even give it a fair shake before yanking it. I wanted to find other fans and see what we could do about getting the show back on the air. I firmly believe that if there is to be a sequel to Serenity, there must be more TV shows first in order to get a broader audience.

I am a satellite network hub technician in North Las Vegas, Nevada (no I don't gamble much). I spend my days surrounded by technology. I love Newcastle Brown Ale, I spent 6 years in the U.S. Navy, and I have to leave for work now, or I might be late...


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 9:43 AM


What happened? He see your face?


Originally posted by tanstaafl28:
Hey all,

I had seen maybe part of one episode of FF before Serenity came out. I bought the DVD on the advice of a colleague at work. Then the Sci-Fi channel played most of the episodes back-to-back one Friday when I was off and I was hooked (I bought the box set immediately after that)!

I thought the show was so good that I couldn't believe some idiot executives at FOX didn't even give it a fair shake before yanking it. I wanted to find other fans and see what we could do about getting the show back on the air. I firmly believe that if there is to be a sequel to Serenity, there must be more TV shows first in order to get a broader audience.

I am a satellite network hub technician in North Las Vegas, Nevada (no I don't gamble much). I spend my days surrounded by technology. I love Newcastle Brown Ale, I spent 6 years in the U.S. Navy, and I have to leave for work now, or I might be late...

Welcome tanst’

There have been and are many threads about Firefly's resurrection. Everything from how to get it back, why the execs suck, and what some possible avenues could be for new series/movies….

Bottomline… Become a salesman… I and many others just push the DVDs (both) on our friends, family, and co-workers.

Nice to see a fellow geek… I am a Software Dev. In NC.

And my fiancé is in Vegas right now (watch it watch it)

U gonna be smart here riva?!?


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:08 AM


Welcome to the verse.

As it was stated. You have to become a salesman. Push these movies on your friends and family. Some will love others wont. Dont get discouraged. Just keep working it. It'g a good fight you have chosen.

Film Execs only understand dollars. The more we get people to buy the more money made and the more likely they are to get more.

I to am ex Navy and huge New Castle fan and a tech geek.



Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:59 AM


New browncoat here (well, been one for a month - that may make me a veteran considering the rate at which the new recruits are coming in) and I have to comment on how much substance the mere 15 hours of FF contain. A lot of shows need one or two full seasons to get up on their feet but Firefly knew what it was right from the beginning. It tells there was a vision behind it.

And it's really inspiring to see how fast our numbers grow from day to day. There may be happy days ahead if it keeps up.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 11:34 AM



Ain't. We. Just.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 2:01 PM


We've had an influx of new recruits lately which is a fantastic thing! As a couple people stated here, be that salesman...recruit recruit recruit!!

Welcome to the ship!


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 3:14 PM


Welcome to the Verse Tanstaafl28 and Empxenu!!! Hope you two enjoy it here and as has been mentioned we got some down right nice shiny people around here. Enjoy all the little goodies around here. Remember to keep talken people into the verse and its shows here Have fun and see ya around the Board here.
mata, Ookami yori
P.S. Hey Psolaris, remeber to get in there and win me that money can't go sweet talking Japanese into joining the Brown Coats cause unless I have money to fund the travel expenses now can I.

Surren I do believe these Alliance boys can't hit the broad side of gorram barn now can they Sarge.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 4:10 PM


Hay everyone,
As you can guess I'm also new. But I'm talking very new. Actually last friday was the first time I ever saw the show. Then on sunday I rented the movie. On monday I was looking for all the music tabs I could find, then trying to learn how to play the theme. Last night I baught it the series and movie at amazon. What is happening to me. I know about Joss b'caus I use to watch old Buffy and Angel episodes. Pluse I have both vols. of Astonishing X-men. But back to the reason where all here. I dont know much about the show yet since I only saw the last four episodes on scifi. Cant wait till my dvd's get here.

-another new guy

Um...I'm new to the 'Verse so that's why I have a lame name.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 5:03 PM


I've recruited at least 4 others to get hooked! Now we all want more! I guess we'll just have to wait and see. In the mean time, I guess we'll just keep watching the DVDs over and over, until they just don't work anymore.

Yet another new guy...


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 5:18 PM


Welcome aboard all new folks! You're gonna love it here!

And.... you can never leave Serenity.... that's just the way it is.

Don't forget to keep on tellin' folks about the 'verse.. we all want more!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 6:21 PM



I'm pretty new, too.

A much-beloved friend (and damned impressive Firefly salesman) stopped by my house one day, handed me his DVD set and said, "Watch these. You'll love this show."

And I thought, Uh, yeah. Whatever.

Keen salesman that he is, he sensed my inner ambivalence, sat down in my living room, and said a little more forcefully, "Come on. Let's watch 'em now."

And I thought, Oh, for the love of Spike, how do I avoid this without hurting his feelings?! ('Cause, you know--I really like this friend, but I was perfectly happy watching and rewatching my Buffy DVDs, thank you very much.)

The answer was, of course, to sigh heavily and load the DVD player with the first disk.

Halfway through the freaking theme song, I'm sitting there with my mouth hanging open. Halfway through the first episode, I'm swearing and gesticulating wildly about how something so uncommonly excellent got yanked off the air.

My friend went home halfway through the second episode, probably because by then it was completely pointless to try and hold a conversation with me. Besides. His work here was done. He left his DVDs, bless him.

I infected my husband as soon as he got home from work. We watched the entire set in two evenings, and then began counting the days left until "Serenity" came out on DVD as well.

We've been wandering around ever since not going gentle into that good night. Found this place a month or two ago...

Man, what a ride!


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 6:38 PM


I am new also. I have been reading for a while. I became a huge fan after seeing the movie preview. I didn't even know about the Firefly series until I started looking up info about Serenity. I started watching the series when SciFi channel started them up again and then bought the series. I just had to watch them all before I seen Serenity. Firefly really hooked me and left me wanting more .. still do! I was so happy that there were others out there that would want to buy up everything and see it over and over. I got a Serenity movie poster for $1 and I was just so excited about the find...LOL. I am having Serenity withdrawls because I haven't bought the movie yet...I've rented it but now I have to go out and buy it.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:13 PM


I caught on rather late, myself. I hardly ever watch TV, so I had only seen partial episodes when they started. I am a big movie buff, so I caught wind of Serenity on Yahoo Movies when it first showed up on the lists. The trailer looked AWESOME. When Serenity finally arrived, I started looking into it. I Traced it back to Firefly and was intrigued. I wanted to see the beginning before I saw the end (I use that term in a relative sense :hopes on high:). I began renting and watching the episodes. I absolutely fell in LOVE with Firefly! I was so upset that it took me this long to get on board. I finished the last episode just in time to arrive late to the movie (no worries... I went and saw it 6 times almost consecutively). I bought the movie and episodes, the day it was released.

If you haven't already...
Watch the episodes "Serenity", "War Stories", and "The Message" with the commentaries on! OMG! Hilarious! Especially "War Stories" (Nathan and Alan)! Also, listen for the Firefly theme song at the end of the credits for Serenity, the movie.

All in all, I don't think there's any better way to put:

"Have no place I can be,
since I found Serenity...

You can't take the sky from me(us)."


"...If you can't do summin smart... do summin right."

"...You're fighting a war you cannot win."
"Yeah, I'm known for that."


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:43 PM


I just got on the boards today, and am sending my own little message around. Some of you may have seen it elsewhere, sorry, when I talk, I shout. Let it be said, I don't visit forums as a general rule. I'm not a huge sci-fi fan. I didn't know who Joss was until I saw the extra stuff on the series DVD. I don't even know what a "troll" is. What is fact is that this submarine sailor got lucky enough on a 6 month deployment that the Navy Morale group gave our sub the DVD series to take with us for enjoyment. Our reaction? What the **** is Firefly?!?! Why the hell didn't they give us something good? Two monthes into the deployment a couple of us got bored enough to actually watch it. Holy ****! How did I never even know this show existed on a major network? Long, long story short, it won us over and I know many who now own the series DVD. Now I own it myself, and my wife (really, really not a sci fi person. Likes reality TV) is hooked with me. Just want to say to Joss and the guys, I am NOT a fan of artists. I never even agreed art was worthy of a noun in the english language. But... if this is art, I could fast change my tune. Congrats on one hell of a story, characters I felt I knew, a unique idea and the heart to bear with all the crap and do it anyway (a job I know too well as a military man and a father of four). You have inspired me and won me over. I do hope your story can live on somewhere. With all the trash that fills the TV airwaves you would think there could be some room someplace for your show. For a person like me to get on the horn and try to drum you up some support, funders and sponsors should take note. Thanks to whoever made this site so that my only forum post I wanted to make since forums were new and had some novelty could come to pass. Thanks for your story Joss, you entertained many a bored submariner drillin holes in the ocean with nothing much to do but work, sleep and "push our plows". Most likely futile, but if you see this and send me a contact address (PO BOX, whatever...) I would be more than happy to send you a USS ALEXANDRIA ball cap. Not a mini-series deal, but its something.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 11:04 PM


Since May 2005,

does that count as new?

"Jesus saves, everyone else takes damage" -tee shirt some girl was wearing at Megacon. <-my webcomic


Thursday, January 12, 2006 2:36 AM


No worries necessary, I'm married and one woman is enough to keep me out of most "trouble."

I have family in NC outside of Winston-Salem. I visit that area at least once a year. I also have family in Charlotte.

I have done my part, but most of the people I know already know about the goods. I told my father in New York State to rent "Serenity" because he'd love it too. He's the one who got me up in the middle of the night to watch the original "Star Trek" when it first was in syndication in the Seventies.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 2:41 AM


I just left the pub after several pints of what I consider to be: "...Nectar of the Gods..."


Thursday, January 12, 2006 2:47 AM


Considering my surname is Brown, I figure I've been a member all along...

They call me Newcastle Brown because of my love of the English Nut Brown Ale (Mother's Milk).


Thursday, January 12, 2006 2:49 AM


It doesn't matter when you recognized the genius behind the storyline, just that when you saw it, you realized it was something worth believing in...


Thursday, January 12, 2006 2:52 AM


You can’t take the sky from me...


Thursday, January 12, 2006 3:19 AM


What happened? He see your face?


Originally posted by tanstaafl28:
Considering my surname is Brown, I figure I've been a member all along...

They call me Newcastle Brown because of my love of the English Nut Brown Ale (Mother's Milk).

There was actually a study done where a person could survive solely on Guinness, orange juice, and Milk.

I suppose you could do this with Newcastle.

Yeah, I am actually in Wilmington, NC.

Yes, home of Little Nymn and Surface.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 10:17 AM



Originally posted by SubmarineGuy:
[...]What is fact is that this submarine sailor got lucky enough on a 6 month deployment that the Navy Morale group gave our sub the DVD series to take with us for enjoyment. Our reaction? What the **** is Firefly?!?! Why the hell didn't they give us something good? Two monthes into the deployment a couple of us got bored enough to actually watch it. Holy ****! How did I never even know this show existed on a major network? Long, long story short, it won us over and I know many who now own the series DVD. Now I own it myself, and my wife (really, really not a sci fi person. Likes reality TV) is hooked with me.[...]

Woo-hoo! It's actually pretty exciting to see your post, SubmarineGuy. There was alot of work and fundraising put in here at and the OB to get those DVD sets out to you all. Here's a link to one of the (many) updates on the Firefly DVDs to the Troops effort, "Negotiations underway to have Firefly DVDs on all US Navy ships":

It's great to see that it went over well with you guys! Take care, and thank you for your service.

Ain't. We. Just.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 12:10 PM



Originally posted by nosadseven:
It's great to see that it went over well with you guys! Take care, and thank you for your service.

Let me echo those sentiments. Thank you for your service. (Why is there no emoticons for "Salute"???)

Maybe you should drop a line to your superiors at the Pentagon and tell them how "Firefly/Serenity" is good for morale. Maybe, they can push a few buttons and get some network to revive the darn thing.

"I'm no good with words. Don't use 'em much, myself."


Thursday, January 12, 2006 12:41 PM


Good to see they're giving you bubbleheads something good to watch on your downtime. Which boat you on (if I might ask)?

I was a surface twigit from '88 to ' rate doesn't even exist anymore.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 12:45 PM


Despite my tremendous respect for the troops, I'd be hesitant to have the Pentagon involved on this one. These days, they seem a bit too much like "The Alliance" to me...


Thursday, January 12, 2006 2:00 PM


It's so comforting to hear other folks mourning the Firefly...
My husband asked for the DVD set for Christmas..due to a friend recommending it..and we watched half the first night..other half the second. It just ended too soon.
I haven't been able to bring myself to watch the movie yet..heard to many sad things about it..and it's my last new Firefly fix *sigh*
So I have solaced myself with a keen FF sticker on my car and the comfort in having a little taste of Serenity here.
Thank goodness there's so damn many of us.
You almost need a little group to mourn with you.
Oh, since I am a newbie and no nothing about posting do you put that neato screenshot pic up by your name when you post?
thanks a bunch.

the new Seattle Browncoat


Thursday, January 12, 2006 2:23 PM



Originally posted by Lola:
Oh, since I am a newbie and no nothing about posting do you put that neato screenshot pic up by your name when you post?

Click on "My Firefly".

Then click on "Edit Profile".

Then select one of the avatars at the bottom of the page.

"You think we should be usin' my fame to hoodwink folks?"


Thursday, January 12, 2006 5:08 PM


I am relatively new here. I just signed on like a day ago, though I had joined the fans half a year ago, and was on another site, which died, wah. I had band so I could't get to involved until now. Marching season sucks like that. Anyway, this is how I got hooked.

I had seen one episode of Firefly, one boring night when my TV behaved and got chanel 6. It was the one where Jayne betrays Simon and River. I loved it, but couldn't ever find it, or its name(which I hadn't caught,) again. I was close to never becoming a fan.

My Parents work at the Library. One boring Wendsday I asked my mom to pcik up a movie, cause between the OC and Desperate house wives, I didn't feel like watching TV again, ever. My mom couldn't find any of the movies I liked, Star wars, The outlaw Josey Wales, 12 monkeys, but she did find this show called Firefly. She figured it looked like a scifi show, and hey anything better then desperate hosue wives. So she brought it home.

"Come on Bowie, you'll like it. It sounds just like what you like."

"Oh mom, I didn't want that, I wanted Josey Wales!"

"C'mon, they didn't have it. At least give it a try, if its too bad you don't have to keep watching."

"Oh fine, all right."

She put it in, and we waited for the FBI warning to desist. Then the music started.

"What the heck, I thought you said this was Sci fi, not a western. Cool." I said.

"But it is a sci fi thing, at least thats what the cover said." And then we noticed the horses were running from, a space ship. My reaction?

"Holy crap yes! A Western in space!" I was hooked. It was the greatest thing in the world I love westerns, and I love star treck. It was like a dream come true. I'v been hooked ever since.

I found Firefly, and now the rest of the verse is going to find it to.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 5:20 PM


Welcome, Bowie.

Sounds like from your story, I'd better hurry up and get Firefly and Serenity donated to my local libraries. Converts awaiting!

I hope you find this as shiny a home as your last one. We do our best to be friendly folk and we hope you enjoy your new home.

"You spin me about..." Mal


Thursday, January 12, 2006 5:28 PM


Wow, it is so exciting to see so many new people to the 'verse....
just to be sure you aren't missing anything, be sure to check out the links in my signiture...

and rest assured: there will be more!

soon we'll have more comics,
a little later we'll have some novels...
there will be news from conventions
and blogs & interviews....
and I think we'll get a sequel green lit by next year
(Just my personal opinion of course)

So welcome, enjoy...

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse
have you checked out this thread?:


Thursday, January 12, 2006 5:39 PM



Originally posted by embers:

and rest assured: there will be more!

soon we'll have more comics,
a little later we'll have some novels...
there will be news from conventions
and blogs & interviews....
and I think we'll get a sequel green lit by next year
(Just my personal opinion of course)

Em, I'm always so pleased when you post. You lift me up, you do. I appreciate your certainty about more Firefly/Serenity and love that you are so confident. It makes my day. Thanks.

"You're on my crew...Why're we still talkin' about this..." Mal


Thursday, January 12, 2006 8:04 PM


Thanks Cartoon..
yer nice.



Thursday, January 12, 2006 8:33 PM


I'm hoping for the series to get picked up by a network that will give it more than 0.0012 of a chance. I'm hoping it picks up right where the first series left off, ignoring the movie as a separate piece of work all together.



Friday, January 13, 2006 5:01 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site & the fandom Tanstaafl28. Glad to have you aboard.

Make yourself right at home. Thanks for telling us how you came to be a fan.

Be sure to spread the word & introduce everyone you know to the show & especially to the movie. The more DVDs sell, the better our odds of getting a sequel & keep the story going.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Friday, January 27, 2006 6:02 AM


Last year (2005) we went to Gencon, Indy. Well....dumb us--we had never seen Firefly and Serenity had not been released yet, so we had NO clue who these people in the browncoats were (we really thought they were Civil War reconstructionists). Ron Glass was there, and I loved him in Barney Miller, but we had to leave before we could talk to him.

Then, we saw Serenity at the theatre.


We immediately loved Serenity. So, naturally, we bought the boxed DVD set of Firefly and we watched it all, slowly, savoring all the episodes. My son bought another set so that he could lend it out to his friends at school (currently he says one of his teachers is watching it).

I am part of an online group of wives and I posted about Firefly/Serenity to them: the majority of the women bought this movie as Christmas gifts for their dh's--but the WOMEN enjoyed it more than the men once they saw it.

Everyone who watches either Serenity or Firefly has the same response: they are utterly shocked that a show this good could have been cancelled.

Glad to meet you all.


Friday, January 27, 2006 6:29 AM


Hi all!

I'm new to the board, too, and I suppose relatively new to Firefly/Serenity.

My (now ex) boyfriend got the Firefly boxed set from a friend about a year ago, but I had never heard of it and didn't really trust his taste so I never saw it. Then my roommate and I heard about Serenity and decided it was a movie we had to see. As poor college students, we don't often go out to the movies but we thought Serenity was special.

Boy were we right!

After we saw Serenity for the first time, we rented the Firefly DVDs from Netflix and immediately fell even more in love. Now we both own Firefly and Serenity and we're not shy about how wonderful it is. I think I may have converted my dad, but the rest of my friends and family...sigh...they have no taste.

Anyway, I've been lurking on the board for a while and I thought I should say hello.

So hello!


Friday, January 27, 2006 6:49 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site & the fandom Adiratyree & Fathounddawg! Make yourselves at home.

Be sure to spread the word of Firefly & the movie Serenity to everyone that you can. The more the merrier.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Friday, January 27, 2006 6:54 AM



Originally posted by fathounddawg:
After we saw Serenity for the first time, we rented the Firefly DVDs from Netflix...

Us too. My husband has this strange idea about staying on budgets and also that we have too many DVDs for any normal family to own. (Weird.) So when I asked if we could buy the boxset of Firefly he just gave me one of those superior, budget-conscious looks.

Thankfully our son stepped into the breech by asking for the set for his birthday. Whew! Can't say no to The Child!

I only discovered Serenity/Firefly in December... Can't BELIEVE how obsessed I have become so quickly.


Friday, January 27, 2006 6:58 AM


Oh, and this morning our little one, age 5, was filling out her "J Book" for kindergarten, where each page was to have a sentence about something that begins with J. She printed, "Jayne is a hero," and illustrated it with a beautiful drawing of Jayne, complete with Thrilling Heroics hat.


Friday, January 27, 2006 7:56 AM



Originally posted by SubmarineGuy:
I just got on the boards today, and am sending my own little message around. Some of you may have seen it elsewhere, sorry, when I talk, I shout. Let it be said, I don't visit forums as a general rule. I'm not a huge sci-fi fan. I didn't know who Joss was until I saw the extra stuff on the series DVD. I don't even know what a "troll" is. What is fact is that this submarine sailor got lucky enough on a 6 month deployment that the Navy Morale group gave our sub the DVD series to take with us for enjoyment. Our reaction? What the **** is Firefly?!?! Why the hell didn't they give us something good? Two monthes into the deployment a couple of us got bored enough to actually watch it. Holy ****! How did I never even know this show existed on a major network? Long, long story short, it won us over and I know many who now own the series DVD. Now I own it myself, and my wife (really, really not a sci fi person. Likes reality TV) is hooked with me. Just want to say to Joss and the guys, I am NOT a fan of artists. I never even agreed art was worthy of a noun in the english language. But... if this is art, I could fast change my tune. Congrats on one hell of a story, characters I felt I knew, a unique idea and the heart to bear with all the crap and do it anyway (a job I know too well as a military man and a father of four). You have inspired me and won me over. I do hope your story can live on somewhere. With all the trash that fills the TV airwaves you would think there could be some room someplace for your show. For a person like me to get on the horn and try to drum you up some support, funders and sponsors should take note. Thanks to whoever made this site so that my only forum post I wanted to make since forums were new and had some novelty could come to pass. Thanks for your story Joss, you entertained many a bored submariner drillin holes in the ocean with nothing much to do but work, sleep and "push our plows". Most likely futile, but if you see this and send me a contact address (PO BOX, whatever...) I would be more than happy to send you a USS ALEXANDRIA ball cap. Not a mini-series deal, but its something.

Hah! Another brother! As a former boat rider from the 70's. it's good to see you here, submarineguy. Six month deployment sounds like you are on a fast attack? I was on a 640 class boomer.

I am new to FF and Serenity as well, and have never been as locked in to a show in my life. My wife is also and we have not watched anything else for the last three weeks.

It's ridiculous. Never cared for Buffy and any spinoff, but I saw a sci fi broadcast, think it was "Bushwhacked". Next one I saw was "Out of Gas", it really tripped my trigger. Next thing I know, I had my sweet wife tape them all Jan 6. She got hooked watching them that day.
So, now we are likely to buy the movie and the series and I'm talking to folks here at work ( oh yeah, work, yes, work, need to get back to that soon ).

Anyway, I always figured the closest thing to being on a space ship was a sub, the similarities are many. Long deployments, running out of fresh food after a couple of weeks and then everything you eat is either canned, frozen or powdered, hostile enviroment(water in the people tank will ruin your day), messing with other crew members as an entertainment and so on.
Just don't have a view of the sky.

Take care, enjoy, good to be here.


Friday, January 27, 2006 8:11 AM


A good friend of mine got me the boxed set this Christmas, I watched them all in 3 days and immediately bought Serenity. So far I've also gotten a script from The Train Job and a necklace. I'm buying another copy of Serenity for my family today to see if I can get them hooked and to help out the DVD sales numbers.


Friday, January 27, 2006 8:14 AM


Heya :)

I'm new here as well. I started watching Firefly just before Serenity came out. I was introduced to it by a very persistant co-worker. He brought me in the first couple of DVDs (psst... first fix is free, kid), and both my wife and I were hooked. Serenity came out, and we went to go see it, and loved it. Then over the next few days watched the rest of the series. Then went to and bought it. Then bought it for my dad for Christmas, who also became hooked, who then in turn bought it for a few of his friends.

Ever since, I've been a regular "lurker" of this board, always hoping to one day fire up the browser and see news that it got picked up somewhere. Just recently, I signed up and started posting. Seems like a great community.



Friday, January 27, 2006 8:41 AM


So many shiny new faces! Welcome to all!

And it's great to hear that many of you have already started sharing the love with friends and family. That's the way our 'verse grows, one browncoat pulling in others.

Wishing you many happy hours in the black...

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Friday, January 27, 2006 8:46 AM


I'm new as of earlier this week. Fairly new to Firefly, as well. I didn't know what Serenity was when it came out in theaters so I obviously didn't go see it. All I knew then was that it related to Firefly, a TV show I hadn't even heard of (I was in college when it originally aired and didn't watch a lot of TV). I watched the TV show, loved every single episode, and for Christmas, got both the episodes and movie on DVD. I'm now in the process of collecting as much Firefly-related fan work as I possibly can :) Beginning work on some of my own very ambitious projects. Recruited a fellow Browncoat friend of mine to help out with one of the projects. Now working on trying to get as many people as I can to watch the show.


Friday, January 27, 2006 10:27 AM


I'm a new recruit as of the new year, and i've found a way to raise interest: curiosity.... just conclude all you're conversations with something like" Hey have you seen firefly or serenity" or maybe " i just saw serenity last night... you've gotta to check it out".... or my fave " Goodbye and Firefly".... people get curious and want to know more.... i even sneak it into convos with total strangers.... whatever it takes..... just keep on fighting

May have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one


Friday, January 27, 2006 1:01 PM


Yep new here.

Fan as of the Serenity trailer (August 2005)
Big fan as of watching Serenity (September 2005)
Huge fan as of watching Firefly (October 2005)
Started my online presence as of January 2006



Friday, January 27, 2006 1:12 PM


Not exactly new here... recently driven out of lurker status. Just thought Id say hello. Recently transplanted NW browncoat. Now representin Sin City. Also, wanted to say that Im amazed by the talent on these boards. Anyways... stay Shiny



Friday, January 27, 2006 1:12 PM


Not exactly new here... recently driven out of lurker status. Just thought Id say hello. Recently transplanted NW browncoat. Now representin Sin City. Also, wanted to say that Im amazed by the talent on these boards. Anyways... stay Shiny



Friday, January 27, 2006 1:13 PM


Gorram Double Post


Friday, January 27, 2006 1:22 PM


Hey! New here as well

Hope Serenity flies again soon!

Anyway, I'm just a new Browncoat recruit. But someday, we'll all crush the Alliance and have our galaxy back again

"Sir, I think you have a problem with your brain being missing."






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