Anyone else see AotS tonight?

UPDATED: Friday, February 17, 2006 12:00
VIEWED: 7272
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Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:03 PM


Did anyone else watch Attack of the Show on G4? Sarah Lane's "The Feed" reported on the possibility of a second season of Firefly (the pay on demand thing that just popped up recently).

First, when she said "Firefly" she snickered. OK, maybe she's not a fan. Then she made the comment (right after referring to it as "pay on demand") "Pay, I understand. But 'demand'?"

It doesn't make me angry because I'm a fan and she was making fun of the show; they do have to make jokes at someone's expense. It makes me angry because she's so clueless as to the actual size of the demand.

Man, AotS is normally a pretty decent show too. (Although I have to say the parts I enjoy the most are when Kevin is passive aggressively bashing Sarah. Their chemistry is funny because I always get the very strong impression that he hates her but isn't allowed to say it out loud.)


Thursday, January 26, 2006 7:04 PM


Sarah makes a joke about Firefly/Serenity/Browncoats every week. She dislikes the show and the fans. She's made that very clear. And Kevin P. doesn't know a thing about scifi. Take them with a grain of salt.

Leo likes it.
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Thursday, January 26, 2006 8:36 PM


They were very intrested in FireFly when the Serenity movie was coming out but I think they were kind of dissapointed when it wasn't an overnight Blockbuster. They were trying to jump on the band wagon for the "new Spiderman" movie franchise. But it turnsout Browncoats don't like to leave the house.

Plus AotS gets their entire so off of message boards. Not much is orginal, and most of there original content is just fluff.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 8:43 PM


I haven't watched that episode yet, but I'll watch it tomorrow (hooray, DVRs!).

However, she does it all the time. During every story related to Firefly or Serenity, she'll take a stab at it, the fans, or both.

Personally, I don't care what that alcoholic has to say anyways.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:25 PM


More info here:

Some info directly off the site...this does not sound hopeful, but the site looks pretty professional. I'd like to see it happen but how many actors are actually available?

Who we are:
We are an independent production company and core group of Browncoats. We are not affiliated with 20th Century Fox or Universal Pictures.

We are currently pursuing the rights to continue the series from Fox and make it available to the fans, either directly or via another broadcaster.

The optional information collected at this site is simply used to determine where and how the series should be marketed to consumers. (that's you!)

This site is NOT a solicitation for funds. If anyone claiming to represent this site, or any other site for that matter, asks you for money or sensitive personal information, you should report it immediately.


Friday, January 27, 2006 12:16 AM


Thank you for posting this for the 47th time. Seriously, it's the second link in the news box on the front page.

°°°°°°°°°°°° - my selfmade ambient/lounge/chillout music


Friday, January 27, 2006 3:33 PM



Originally posted by Ironspy:
Man, AotS is normally a pretty decent show too. (Although I have to say the parts I enjoy the most are when Kevin is passive aggressively bashing Sarah. Their chemistry is funny because I always get the very strong impression that he hates her but isn't allowed to say it out loud.)

I seem to recall Kevin and Sarah live together... Or something. Maybe they broke up and he does hate her now...

I used to watch them and Leo on "The Screen Savers" before the channel became G4 and I prety much stopped watching it anymore. Just got too dumed down to bear.

Well, I do watch Braniac on occation, but that's not produced by G4. Some solid British humor in there.



Friday, January 27, 2006 3:43 PM


We should just flood their messageboards, if we hit them up enough, and they have a slow newsday, you know they'll mention it.Maybe we could even try to get Kevin P. to post a bulletin about it on myspace, seeing as how he has like 15,000 freinds on there who would see it.

I'm a leaf on the wind.


Friday, January 27, 2006 3:49 PM


"Man, AotS is normally a pretty decent show too."

Wow... how wrong you are... AotS is the crappiest show... ever? Yes, I think that the use of the word ever is justified here... The show has NO real news or tech content and what content is does have is made fun of with sub-standard joke material.

In fact, the entirety of G4 is USELESS. (Other than the fact that they run Star Trek: TNG regularly)

G4 sucks, and AotS is ten times worse....


Friday, January 27, 2006 3:55 PM


AOTS can occassionally be pretty fun, as for the rest of the channel, yeah things have gotten bad(THE MAN SHOW,STREET FURY< FASTLANE??????????0 but they do get a lot of POTENTIAL browncoats who watch that channel, especially since they started airing next generation, so we need to hit up their boards like crazy until AOTS mentions us in a more positive light: MAKE SARAH LANE REALIZE JUST HOW BIG OUR"DEMAND" REALLY IS!!!!!

We will hold.


Friday, January 27, 2006 3:55 PM


AOTS can occassionally be pretty fun, as for the rest of the channel, yeah things have gotten bad(THE MAN SHOW,STREET FURY< FASTLANE??????????0 but they do get a lot of POTENTIAL browncoats who watch that channel, especially since they started airing next generation, so we need to hit up their boards like crazy until AOTS mentions us in a more positive light: MAKE SARAH LANE REALIZE JUST HOW BIG OUR"DEMAND" REALLY IS!!!!!

We will hold.


Friday, January 27, 2006 5:43 PM


I propse that we spam their boards with angry messages. If anybody else is with me then lets set up a date and time so we can get as many people there as possible. KNowing that show it will get on. O and Faster would be better.

Oklahoma Browncoat- Spearding the signal in the vast empty nothingness


Friday, January 27, 2006 5:55 PM


"I seem to recall Kevin and Sarah live together... Or something. Maybe they broke up and he does hate her now..."

I believe she used to go out with the OTHER Kevin.

Really, tho, who cares if Sarah snickers about it? No need to be so sensitive. Actually, I heard more from AOTS than anywhere else when Serenity came out. They visited the set, talked to a couple of the actors, etc. Give them some credit.


Friday, January 27, 2006 7:13 PM


X-Play is watchable just because Morgan Webb is hot, but I think AotS can be genuinely funny sometimes. Mostly just Kevin Pereira, though.

And if we're going to be talking about bad programming on G4, we need to spend a little more time on Fastlane. I seem to remember someone saying that Fastlane was Fox's "golden child" that year, and that it was the new program that was going to get all of the time, attention, and best time slot. That was, of course, the year that Firefly aired.

But I digress. Like I said, I don't care if she makes fun of Browncoats, or Serenity, or Firefly. I wouldn't much care if she insulted me personally. I care when her insults take the form of misinformation, as when she implies that Firefly won't get another season because there isn't enough demand.

I don't think flooding their boards is a good idea though. They might take it more as a "Hey, we hate you, insult us more" rather than a "Hey, here we are, look at how many of us there are."


Friday, January 27, 2006 7:25 PM


Someone please kill her. Kill her with a hammer. Please? Anyone? For the love of god, PLEASE?

I tried watching for 15 seconds. I just couldn't watch.

Whoever referred to her as an alcoholic, good call. She has "constantly hung over" written all over her face.

Oh....don't kill her. Knowing my luck someone WILL do it and then it will all come back to me. And that would be bad.

If you want to hit her in the kneecaps a few times, that's ok.


Friday, January 27, 2006 9:25 PM



Originally posted by garbagecanmusic:
Whoever referred to her as an alcoholic, good call. She has "constantly hung over" written all over her face.

She has a segment on the show called "The Lush," where she essentially talks about and drinks various alcoholic beverages. What that has to do with gaming and the like, I'll never know.


Saturday, January 28, 2006 5:27 AM


Axios wrote:

She has a segment on the show called "The Lush," where she essentially talks about and drinks various alcoholic beverages. What that has to do with gaming and the like, I'll never know.

Slackers, man. That's what it's got to do with "gaming and the like".

AotS is the ultimate glorification of the 'slacker lifestyle' (and if that ain't an oxymoron, I don't know what is). "The Lush" segments; video games (i.e., sitting on the couch); "DVD-uesday" (i.e., sitting on the couch); "Relationship Wednesday" (i.e., sitting on the couch and fantasizing about having a non-virtual girlfriend); Pereira, the King of Smarm; Brendan the Other Lush, interviewing members of The Drunkards Society (no kidding) and pornstars at their convention in Las Vegas (i.e., the other thing computers are good for)...

Isn't it obvious I'm a big fan?



"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Sunday, January 29, 2006 9:22 AM



Originally posted by zoid:
Isn't it obvious I'm a big fan?



Sunday, January 29, 2006 11:15 AM



Originally posted by ForgotN:
I propse that we spam their boards with angry messages. If anybody else is with me then lets set up a date and time so we can get as many people there as possible.

Yes, because this is exactly the kind of behavior that the Firefly/Serenity fanbase should be modeling. "If you talk bad about our show, then we'll spam your boards."


Do you know what your sin is?
~The Operative


Sunday, January 29, 2006 1:13 PM



Originally posted by zoid:
AotS is the ultimate glorification of the 'slacker lifestyle' (and if that ain't an oxymoron, I don't know what is). "The Lush" segments; video games (i.e., sitting on the couch); "DVD-uesday" (i.e., sitting on the couch); "Relationship Wednesday" (i.e., sitting on the couch and fantasizing about having a non-virtual girlfriend); Pereira, the King of Smarm; Brendan the Other Lush, interviewing members of The Drunkards Society (no kidding) and pornstars at their convention in Las Vegas (i.e., the other thing computers are good for)...

Sounds like a cool show! Gonna have to start watching...



Sunday, January 29, 2006 3:07 PM


Moose wrote:

Sounds like a cool show! Gonna have to start watching...

It's totally un-cool. Like, the opposite of cool. But that's okay, cuz 'cool' is way too much like 'work' for me.

Gotta love it. Totally devoid of content. Cali bands that suck; although I did like the band that performed "George Lucas Raped My Childhood". I can't find a link to their name. The song blew (or 'sucked', whichever) but the repetitive use of the title as the chorus is as addictive as "Fruity Oaty Bars". I find myself singing it at the top of my lungs at work (I'm an air traffic controller) in an attempt to get it unstuck from my cranium (doesn't work).
(NB: "Ummm... This is United Four Forty-Four Heavy, inside final approach fix, MLS Runway 19 Right. Could you please repeat last transmission? It's, um, really catchy..." Heh-heh.)

I'm not a big comics fan, but they have a regular feature called "Fresh Ink", in which "comic book critic, Blair Butler" rates the latest and upcoming 'graphic novella' releases. I like the segment because -- as long as I don't try to change the channel -- I don't have to get off my couch to find the changer, buried somewhere on the floor beneath a mound of empty Lay's Green Salsa and Bean Curd Flavored Potato Chips bags. Also, because Blair's a hottie, in an uber-geek sort of way. She's like the girl Sarah Lane is trying to portray, and she can be appreciated -- again -- from the comfort of your sofa.

So, if you're looking for a great show about absolutely nothing, catch a rerun of "Seinfeld". On the other hand, if you're looking to absolutely waste an hour of your life learning what's hot in 'geek chic' (another oxymoron), watch AotS. It's kinda like the SereniTREE of TV...



Kevin Rose was the guy who used to 'program' Sarah Lane's 'router'. He can still be found at doing streaming webcasts. He quit what used to be called "The Screensavers" shortly after it became AotS. He just wasn't vacuously witty enough, wanted to do a tech show, or something. Exactly who is currently defragging Sarah's root drive is the subject of much speculation, including by Sarah. She's pretty sure she's getting some; but, as mentioned previously, she drinks a lot.

How does one get started in the "comic book critic" career field? What sort of academic requirements are there? Or do you just have to be able to pass a color-blindness test? This sounds a lot easier than "game programmer", since it could, ostensibly, be done whilst sitting on the couch. "And my Mom said I'd never get anywhere reading these comics!"

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Friday, February 17, 2006 11:00 AM



Originally posted by zoid:
On the other hand, if you're looking to absolutely waste an hour of your life learning what's hot in 'geek chic' (another oxymoron), watch AotS. It's kinda like the SereniTREE of TV...

I can't believe you said that, Zoid. You, who once hung out in the clubhouse that was renamed SereniTree, would insult it by comparing it to AoTS. *weeps*

Alas, poor Leo, Kate, Patrick and Rose.
We'll call for help but get a dead tone.
Thank you dear internet for systm and the rest,
for now our nerd boys will out live AoTS.

You see? She's not a junkie or mentally ill, she's gifted!--Momma Roxy


Friday, February 17, 2006 11:21 AM


Yeah, AoTS generally is a waste of time. Most of G4 kinds sucks.

Aside from Next Generation re-runs and Morgan Webb, the channel doesn't have much going for it.

I much preferred TechTV and it's programming. The screen savers was generally pretty interesting untill they decided to fire the people who actually knew stuff about technology.

That said, I still tend to watch AoTS two or three times a week. Mainly 'cause that's all that's on when I get home from work. So, it's either that, or Charmed re-runs. I'm not a fan of Charmed, and yet I've still seen damned near every episode, so AoTS it is most afternoons.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, February 17, 2006 11:50 AM


Oh, wildigstart!

You have totally miscomprehended my meaning. I love AotS. It's so nice to simply waste an hour of one's day (okay, two, if I rewatch it). It's shenanigans and hijinks, mostly devoid of content. It's just playful, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. If you're expecting more, I can see how you might not like it.

To me, it's just like SereniTREE, in all its incarnations, and I mean that in the most heartfelt and good way.

I, too, miss ScreenSavers and even (especially?) Call For Help. And yeah, G4 is mind-numbingly devoid of all meaning. Still, AotS, X-Play and even Cheats! (that one in small doses, mind you) are good entertainment if one digs sarcastic humor and childlike play. Cheats! even give me some hints/tips/cheats for games I actually play, so that's useful. (Pssst! Don't tell G4 they have a show in their lineup that it actually does somebody some good to watch. They're sure to cancel it, or else rename it, then morph it into something about game systems you can play while driving your NOX-powered rice-burner through the mean streets of Compton/Minneapolis.)

I'd think you would love the show (Attack of...) if you could just get to the point where you no longer thought of it as a renamed ScreenSavers. Just go for the wacky fun...



Did anybody else catch the AotS Valentine's Day ep? They had a dominatrix hog-tie and gag Kevin Perreira on a table on the center-right set. Where you gonna get that on network TV? I still think Sarah should have availed herself of one of the Mistress' paddles while she had Kevvy at the disadvantage...

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Friday, February 17, 2006 12:00 PM


well, since you put it that way...

Roses are geeky
Pereiras are not
I'll turn off my brain
and like it a lot!

You see? She's not a junkie or mentally ill, she's gifted!--Momma Roxy






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