Two Philly Serenity Screenings in Feb!

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 02:07
VIEWED: 37994
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006 10:50 AM



good ideas!

malnourished is right, though... i'm already kinda busy with other attmepts to publicize (flyering, emailing, swag hunting, etc.) as well as, you know, life.

but since you have such good ideas and it seems, the energy to pull them off, why don't you go ahead and go for what you can do!

emailing radio stations sounds great, as do you ideas to who to contact. we'd be happy at the theater to answer questions if media call/email - all of our contact info. is on the website -

good luck and keep us abreast of what happens!


driving in philly is ok. i grew up in Baltimore actually, so know driving in DC... Philly is definitely easier to drive and park than DC. And it's easier to drive in than NY but not really easier to park in.

it's a grid system - the numbered streets run north to south (vertical on a map) and the east-west streets have names. the main named streets in center city are market and walnut in the center, south at the south edge and spring garden and fairmount ad the norther end of center city.

most parking would be street in philly although there are also lots all over most neighborhoods.

here are some great restaurants in philly with their addresses - i suggest you google map - assuming you come in on 95 north, you'll get off at an exit that says "676 central philadelphia" - then you can get off at the first exit, which is broad street. or you could get off of 95 at the same exit, but instead of following 676, you'd go to the right onto "callowhill street" which drops you at callowhill and third. callowhill is just north of "old city" a very popular, gentrified neighborhood - kinda the "georgetown" of philly.


dimitris - 3rd and catherine (just south of South street)

my favorite restaurant in the world. byob, cash only, no reservations. small and romantic. delicious seafood in the meditterranean style on an open fire grill. major major yum.

race street cafe - 2nd and race (old city)

great, warm friendly bar/pub food.

the nodding head - 15th and sansom (near city hall)

beer brewed on the premesis and a great mix of delicious burgers and also high class seafood/pasta.

kisso - 4th and race (old city)

great sushi. a little pricey but nice and quiet.

plough and the stars - 2nd and market

heart of old city, it'll be loud, busy and fun - both the bar and the street. good food at the plough - across the street is also a great, great romantic place called "sassafrass"

old city's probably a good bet - right off 95, just take the callowhill exit which splits from the 676 exit to the right, then get onto callowhill and make your first left at 4th - then you're in old city... go down to market and you've got a million restaurants/bars to choose from and you're two blocks from the liberty bell.

after dinner you just head on market to 7th street, make a right and that'll take you to 676 west, which turns into 76 west and'll take you out to bryn mawr - use the directions on our site.

from old city it'll take 25 mins to the bryn mawr.

as for bryn mawr, i can recommened:

citron - semi-fancy, next door to the theater

the grog - bar/pub

sushi land - sushi, obviously

all of those are on the same block as the theater and there are many more restaurants nearby...

philly'll be more fun if you've got the time, but it'll be more expensive and it might kinda be a hassle w/ the parking, etc. def. in old city.

finally, if you want a more quiet restaurant in philly, try those in the "art museum area", a residential neighborhood where i live. there's a great place called "tavern on green" at 21st and green. a great place called london grill at 24th or 25th and fairmount, and lots of other places on fairmount around 24th...

phew - long msg - i've lived here six years and LOVE the food here... better than NY, seriously, for both high class and low class food - and more affordable.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 3:20 PM


hey guys: one more thing (am i the only one reading this page now? lol!)

the pre party for Saturday night is official: 10:00pm in the theater's cafe, we're going to have ourselves a shindig.

the cafe is byob so feel free to bring some mudder's milk. i'll provide a bottle or two of wine to get us started.

the cafe will still be open so sandwhiches and salads, soups, coffee, tea, etc. will be for sale - your usual coffee shop fare.

i've got some swag together and continue to get more... so while we mingle and hang, expect a few whacky contests to occur - maybe a quizzo style round of trivia, an impressions contest (who's got the best "i aim to misbehave" and some other emabrassing, er, fun, things yet to be decided. i would say best costumes - guy and girl - will likely be in the mix.

prizes include blue sun merchandise, serenity dvds, free passes to return to our fine theater, and more stuff i'm working on.

so come on out! i'll be there BOTH nights and friday we'll also give away some stuff before the movie... i also recommend friday folks meet around 10pm at "The Grog" a bar right down the street ,or you can meet in the cafe for sure, just w/ out an official "party" designation.

the theater has gotten excited now and they've joined me in the promotion - we're getting official press releases out to several outlets for reporting next week, so fingers crossed!

I'm really looking fwd to next week and am bringing a number of my own friends as well... in fact, at this point, i have to say:

i am to misbehave.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 4:10 PM


Working on a generic letter to get sent out. Although, I'm having a problem with my brain being missing. As soon as that's done, I can either e-mail it to you (where?) or post it on here for some fine-tuning.

Also had another thought: I'm gonna go ahead and e-mail a notification of this to the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society and ask them to please add it to their events listings. I'll see if I get anything back. Won't hurt, will it?

If we do the food donation thing, where should we look to dropping it off at? All I've got is an itty-bitty bug of a car (Corrolla), so I wouldn't be able to transport it anywhere. I live near Coatesville, so I could call the Coatesville food bank. Help here, guys? Please?

Anybody got any other ideas?

"Let's be bad guys."


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 4:58 PM



Originally posted by bentor78:
i also recommend friday folks meet around 10pm at "The Grog" a bar right down the street ,or you can meet in the cafe for sure, just w/ out an official "party" designation.

Wow, bentor78! Everything you're doing to promote these screenings is awesome!

Meeting at The Grog on Friday night at ten works for me. Sounds like a good place to hang out. Being new to Firefly, I don't have any tell-tale costumes, but we'll work something out.

And also, Saturday sounds like so much fun, is it OK to come for the party? I won't be able to stay for the movie (have to get up too early on Sunday), but the party being planned sounds like a heck of a shindig.

~INAC :)


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 7:56 PM


hey - of course you can come to the party! all are welcome!

and as for a letter for radio stations - yeah, just email me at we'll post the final result here... i'll give you some notes but then i'm afraid it'd up to you to get them in the hands of people who can help.

as for food... i think it's a swell idea... but not too much pressure on folks - there's already a lot going on, but yeah, if we wanna do a fruity oaty bar themed donation, sounds like a great idea. either you can take stuff back to coatesvill or i'm sure we can make a box at the theater and take it to a shelter near bryn mawr... bars'd be good, but also if anyone has anything else i don't think the recipients would mind!


Thursday, February 2, 2006 1:57 AM



Originally posted by NEStar:

Originally posted by erico:
Not sure, are you thinking of driving down?

Thinking about it.

I might talk my friend Kati into going with me.

I'll let you know...I'm driving down to Atlanta on Sunday so I'm not totally sure I can add this trip to the mix, I'll let you know when I know. Keep me posted, too, if I know you're going on a certain day I'll try to factor that in.


Thursday, February 2, 2006 5:33 AM


My wife and I plan on being there. we were thinking of going friday and if we liked it going back on Saturday.. But I have a feeling we will go both nights.. We kind of have some costumes in the works I dunno if the stuff I ordered will get to me in time hehe... Wont be the best but will be somethin

Sounds like a great time.. So friday at the grog at 10 See you there mate! Will be a great time


Thursday, February 2, 2006 9:33 AM


I'm coming from Harrisburg, but I'll be there. I haven't decided if I'll be there Friday, SAturday or both.

You have popcorn with goo, right?


Thursday, February 2, 2006 10:16 AM


Ok, just mailed my D&D group and certain members of my family. Not including my mom, I should have at least 2 more people coming with me.

And the weirdest thing. I was in buying Serenity at Suncoast in Exton mall (been borrowing Dad's copy), and mentioned the showing to the guy at the counter. He claims he can't keep Serenity or Firefly in stock! We finally found a copy and I was chitchatting with him, saying I had told my D&D group. He said if he came, he'd bring his Whitewolf group! And that they'd probably come in costume.

Who knew that word of mouth thing actually works.


Thursday, February 2, 2006 10:31 AM


Thanks for all the recommendations, Bentor. You're the best! I think we'll definitely check out the old city. It turns out that I have two more friends who want to go, but they are only available on Saturday. So, if you're taking a tally, please scratch my two off of Friday, and sign me up for four on Saturday. Looking forward to it!


Thursday, February 2, 2006 12:34 PM


hey guys:

just wanted to make sure you knew that i'm working officially friday night, so i won't be at the grog to welcome you or anything (although i'll try to sneak by for five minutes to say hi)... but i *will* be at the theater, so if you arrive and wanna say hi / have any questions, just stop by and ask for Ben.

and i'll be doing some trivia-type give aways before the flick fri.

I'm not officially working Sat. though, so I'll the "host" at the party and I'll be able to join in for the screening.

of what popcorn goo do you speak? we have the "butter flavored topping," if that'll do ya. we also have parmesan chesse, hot sauce and crazy salt as well!


Friday, February 3, 2006 1:55 AM


OK, I mentioned this event several times in our latest podcast, out today. Hopefully that'll shakes things up a bit. Or at least shake some people in the direction of the theater.


Friday, February 3, 2006 5:27 AM


Mailing sent to:

WMMR 93.3
PSFS (Phil. Science Fiction Society)
Fox 29
WMGK 102.9
Sunny 104.5

I just can't think of anyone else right now, but that list is done. Now we'll just wait and see if Ben or I get a call from anyone.

(pronounced 'kale', not like kaylee)
AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele


Friday, February 3, 2006 6:56 AM


Finally, a Firefly shindig in Philly.
Count me in. Hope to see y'all there.


Friday, February 3, 2006 11:04 PM


As a relatively new Firefly fan, I missed the Serenity movie the first time around, and would LOVE to have a chance to see it in the theater. Especially with fellow browncoats. You can count me in for one or both nights.

The problem for me is that I'm a car-less college student. I'll take the train out of 30th Street Station on the way there, but does anyone have a way to get back into center city after the event? I'm pretty sure the trains don't run that late.


Friday, February 3, 2006 11:22 PM


Not sure if I'm working yet or not, but if I get my wish and have the 10th off, and if it's not way out of my way, I'd be happy to lend a trans.

If you can't find someone else a little more deffinate to hitch a ride with, my email's Drop me a line and I'll get back to ya ASAP when I'm more sure of things.

"Deep in the battlefield covered in blood
Lies an Airborne Ranger dying in the mud
He fought for his country and he died like a man
Though some people back home just wouldn't understand"


Saturday, February 4, 2006 5:16 AM


Holy cow! I didn't realize there were so many Browncoats around Philly!

(pronounced 'kale', not like kaylee)
AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele


Saturday, February 4, 2006 5:20 AM


Warms the cockles, don't it? I changed my plans a bit... I'll be there Friday, (maybe solo) and I'm gonna bring all my compatriates to the Saturday show... Looking forward to it!!

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Saturday, February 4, 2006 12:04 PM


hey - i can possibly give you a ride - although my car's fillin' up with browncoats old and brand new, esp. Sat. Which night are you coming?

ninah (posting above) is coming from the university city area - maybe msg her and see if she has car space?

there'll be a lot of us there... come on out, i'm sure somebody will get you home...

Or better yet, find a friend (or 8) to come along who has a car


Saturday, February 4, 2006 12:08 PM


thanks a lot for the mentions erico!

i don't mean to make this a browncoat cuddle fest, but it is damn impressive how everyone's coming together to help...

it reminds of the time when i first saw firefly back in the wild winter of 2003... i had a cup of orange juice in one hand, a dvd in the other... and then i- (everyone falls asleep)


Saturday, February 4, 2006 9:59 PM


Anyone bringing nametags?

So's we can ID each other. Screen names don't pop up each time we say something. It kinda doesn't work so nicely in real life like it does in here.

It'd be nice to see who's who from the site. :)

Got a definite yes from mom and a friend. So I'm set for three filled seats for Saturday, plus we're hitting the Browncoat Shindig beforehand at 10. Working on more people.

(pronounced 'kale', not like kaylee)
AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele


Sunday, February 5, 2006 5:01 AM



Originally posted by HappyBrain:
Finally, a Firefly shindig in Philly.
Count me in. Hope to see y'all there.

Oh, HappyBrain, if you only knew! Some of the finest folks I've ever met have been the ones I've met at the big PA Shindig within an hour of Philadelphia, which took place Columbus Day weekend, both in 2004 and 2005. The incomparable MyOrangeHat and her family were our hosts, and we had a BLAST.

I've sent notice to some of my PA Shindig pals about the midnight screening, so I hope you'll get to meet them soon.


Sunday, February 5, 2006 10:22 AM


Unsuccesful in draging anyone else along. So it will be just one for Saturday nights shinding. Looking forward to meeting the rest of you Browncoats.

"I don't disagree on any particular point."

Can't Stop The Signal


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 6:57 PM


This is awesome! My wife and I are recent converts to Serenity/Firefly. In fact, I knew nothing of the show until I saw the Serenity trailer before Batman Begins (I think!) - I thought, I have to see that movie! Then somehow we managed to miss it in the theaters. We hadn't even seen the show yet. I downloaded a few episodeds on Bittorrent, then SciFi started showing them, and we were hooked. Then I had to wait for the movie to come out on DVD, which santa brought along with the Firefly DVDs and comics. Shiny!

Anyway, we'll be coming in Friday from Downingtown, PA (only about 30 minutes west). In fact, we've unloaded the kids to various sleepovers, and are getting a room at the Radnor Hotel for an early Valentines weekend getaway. I can't wait!


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:24 PM


Hey Flans!

Look fwd very much to meeting you all this weekend.

One thing I forgot to mention... the theater is an old one in a town center, so NOT a multiplex... therefore parking is a bit different, but we do have PLENTY of spots!

Basically, we have a deal with the local bank and they let us use their lot after 5pm - which is right next to the theater.

Go here:

and look at the map...

I just know a lot of you are driving from far away and I don't want you to drive an hour and then go, "Crap, where do i park?"

Late at night there should also be lots of street parking...

But look at the map above for free, easy parking next to the theater - right off bryn mawr avenue!

And yes there are signs in the lot saying they tow, and no, they won't after 5pm...

I aim to misbehave... by parking.

- Ben


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 7:52 AM


I, my fiance, and brownsparrow are coming by PhillyCareShare in time for the 10:00 shindig on Saturday! Looking forward to meeting everyone.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 8:47 AM


and if anyone needs a ride back to the university city area on friday, i was emailed by a penn student who's driving back after the friday show...

so you could come out by train and be guaranteed a ride back... if anyone needs a ride back to west philly/university city on fri., email me at: and i'll give you her email...

i can prob. give a ride or two as well...


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 12:39 PM



Originally posted by Kaele:
Anyone bringing nametags?

So's we can ID each other. Screen names don't pop up each time we say something. It kinda doesn't work so nicely in real life like it does in here.

It'd be nice to see who's who from the site. :)

Actually I think that's a great idea. Or maybe at least stating or something so that we know who's from the site.


Thursday, February 9, 2006 2:37 AM


Okay, I have friends bringing friends, so add at least 8 more to your estimated attendance. :-)


Thursday, February 9, 2006 3:44 AM


Hitting the mall today.

I'll look for nametags. I'll be going to the Saturday Shindig, so please find me there with the tags.

And pens. Wouldn't do to have blank tags. :)

(pronounced 'kale', not like kaylee)
AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele


Thursday, February 9, 2006 5:13 AM


Kaele and Ben,

Have you gotten any responses to your mailings/press releases?


Thursday, February 9, 2006 6:49 AM


Just wanted to say thanks to chrismoorhead and bentor78 for the offers of rides. Ninah148 was sweet enough to help me out, so I'm looking forward to seeing everyone Saturday night!


Thursday, February 9, 2006 8:19 AM


Nope. Not on my end.

We still got one more day, I suppose. Maybe I should re-send them? Just as a reminder.

(pronounced 'kale', not like kaylee)
AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele


Thursday, February 9, 2006 9:19 AM


well, we just had two folks at the theater trying to buy advance tickets for the fri. show... told them sorry, as we only sell advance tickets to members, but they could come tomorrow as of 2... but to please come no matter what as i'll really squeeze everyone in! i can't see us getting more than 700 each night!

and i repeat that to everyone: come on out - i'll get you a seat!

anyway, they were from delaware and i asked, "oh, did you hear about it on the internet?" they said, "No, radio."

i was so shocked i forgot to ask which station... don't *think* she meant the podcast...

so either the letters and emails you fans (like the dedicated kaele) sent worked or our press releases worked, but it seems some radio station somewhere at least mentioned it!

so keep spreading the word, flans... you're doing a great job!

(and p.s. - the film print just arrived - woohoo! i'll be checking it tonight to make sure it's in tip top shape - if not, we'll order another one rushed tomorrow am)


Thursday, February 9, 2006 9:43 AM


oh - and forgot - kaele - and everyone, since you say you're going to the mall...

if anyone wants to put up posters, just email me at:

and i'll reply with a jpeg of the poster we're putting college campuses around here... it's just a letter-size flyer, so you can print it at home on your comp!


Thursday, February 9, 2006 3:41 PM


Got this back...


Thank you for using the WCAU NBC Philadelphia
Community Calendar. The following event has now been

Event:Browncoat Shindig
Description:Fans of the Firefly TV series and the
Serenity movie are gathering for a local Shindig at the
Bryn Mawr Theater, Bryn Mawr, PA. Trivia and costume
contests are planned. Come, show your support, and help
spread the signal. Party to be followed by a showing
of Serenity at midnight. Prices for the show are only


Go see it here:

P.S. Just pulled in another two for the Saturday show/Shindig. Hopefully we'll meet them there! LOL

(pronounced 'kale', not like kaylee)
AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele


Friday, February 10, 2006 2:19 AM


I hope to meet many of you at the Shindig on Saturday night, however I have been listening to the weather forcasts and getting a little nervous.

If we can't attend, we plan to stay home and watch the DVD and to send Bryn Mawr Film Institute a donation check for what we would have spent on tickets and popcorn along with a letter thanking them for showing the film.

I encourage others to consider the idea as well.



Friday, February 10, 2006 3:06 AM



I've been planning on this for over a week! It had better NOT snow! And because it'll be Saturday, there won't be that many plows out. I'll be using mostly highway to get there, but I still need some backroads to go too.

Dear Buddha, may I have a pony and a little plastic rocket and no snow on Saturday...

CRAP!!! They're expecting it to be a Nor'easter!

I'd go tonight to the movie, but I've already made plans! If it does dump some snow, I think I'll do like you said and just write a check and a letter...

AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele


Friday, February 10, 2006 5:21 AM


I'm still planning to drive from MD on Saturday, but I'm also getting nervous. How dare it snow now after a month+ of 50 degree weather!

They always predict five inches of snow, and then we get one. Maybe this is just another false alarm. *crosses fingers*


Friday, February 10, 2006 5:36 AM


hey all:

gorramit! i too have seen these snow reports. let me say this:

as of now, they're predicting 1-2 inches by midnight saturday... that's nothing. it'll snow through the night, so if y'all have long drives home, i guess that's something to consider.

i can tell you we'll salt the hell out of the front walk of the theater and we do have people who plow our parking lot.

ALSO, the theater's on a major route that should be clear.

If you're coming from the east, from Philly, you can take 76 to route 1 to route 30 (directions on our site) and each of those are major routes.

from the west, you're taking 476, a major highway, which lets you of right on route 30 (mjr route), where you drive 5 miles.

i don't want anyone to do anything dangerous, but i did want to let you know that there aren't any treacherous backroads you have to take to get to the theater...

hope y'all can still make it. i've told the theater owners i'll be there no matter what... even if there's a foot of snow, my poor little beetle will get me home after!

snow can't keep the sky from me!



Friday, February 10, 2006 5:44 AM


If you guys are worried about Saturday come tonight, Friday, if you can. My brother and I along with a few coworkers will be there and I'm hoping it'll be a good crowd.


Friday, February 10, 2006 5:44 AM


If you guys are worried about Saturday come tonight, Friday, if you can. My brother and I along with a few coworkers will be there and I'm hoping it'll be a good crowd.


Friday, February 10, 2006 6:57 AM


heh Well I'm a lil worried about the snow myself.. I was planning on going both nights so if its bad may not show tomorrow but will be there tonight for sure.. So the grog is the pre movie meeting point? heh Well anyone fan who sees me will know i'm there for the movie..


Friday, February 10, 2006 12:07 PM


more publicity (this one done by me)...

the philly citypaper!:

scroll down to "Serenity"


Friday, February 10, 2006 4:26 PM


Good job!


Saturday, February 11, 2006 7:07 AM


Hope things went well last night!

I'm sitting here watching the skies, hoping that it won't toss us a blizzard.

My husband's freaking out that I'm gonna go out in the snow by myself just to hang out with you guys. I told him I'm not making any decisions until I see what it looks like outside come dinnertime.

So here's hoping it passes us by.

Oh, and NEXT weekend they're predicting 50 degree weather. OF COURSE!

AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele


Saturday, February 11, 2006 9:07 AM


hey folks:

last night's screening was awesome.

on of the best times i've had at the movies in years... and i was working!

didn't even get to see more than half!

official count was 105... probably had 110 in there with a few staff members, etc.

everyone obviously loved the movie, and a few first timers as well.

will say more in a later post - hopefully w/ some pictures.

just wanted to let folks know it should be a lot of fun if the come out tonight.

but do be careful.

the weather report i just saw says most of the accumluation will happen over night and sunday morning... but again, call it as you see it when it's time to leave your houses.

and take major roads. i posted above re: routes.

we'll be there with hot chocolate!



Saturday, February 11, 2006 9:52 AM


Gorramit. Now they're saying 8 - 13 inches, and right in the time frame of the movie. We're keeping the CarShare reservation just in hopes, but it's not looking good for us. My deepest apologies to brownsparrow, who was hitchin' a ride. I just got rid of my Jeep Wrangler in November, I would feel so much better driving a familiar 4-wheeler. Anyway, if we're not there, we'll send a check and come next time. :-( We also recommended it to browncoats who live less than a mile away from the theatre, who said they're coming and damn the torpedoes. So, hope that makes up for it if we're absent.


Saturday, February 11, 2006 10:17 AM



Originally posted by bentor78:
hey folks: last night's screening was awesome.
on of the best times i've had at the movies in years...

That was the best time I've had at the movies since... ever.

Before the show we met about 8 Browncoats at the Grog. Later, Ben acted as MC for a trivia contest complete with prizes. Projection, print quality, and sound were great.

I have 2 tickets in hand for tonight and, although I can't promise, will try to make it.


Saturday, February 11, 2006 10:17 AM



Originally posted by bentor78:
hey folks: last night's screening was awesome.
on of the best times i've had at the movies in years...

That was the best time I've had at the movies since... ever.

Before the show we met about 8 Browncoats at the Grog. Later, Ben acted as MC for a trivia contest complete with prizes. Projection, print quality, and sound were great.

I have 2 tickets in hand for tonight and, although I can't promise, will try to make it.


Saturday, February 11, 2006 12:27 PM


Ben - thanks again for making this happen. My wife and I had a great time, and it was nice meeting you and the other browncoats at the Grog beforehand (I just wish I could hear - I can never hear anything in loud bars!) ... unfortunately we won't make the saturday show - can't get rid of the kids 2 nights in a row!

My 13 year old brought the Serenity DVD to his friends house last night for their sleepover to convert a new browncoat. The next time you do this, maybe we'll bring him, too...

Tell me again where you got your Blue Sun shirt?

Good luck with the Saturday night showing, hopefully the heavy stuff will hold off until 4 am or so, to give people time to get home.


Saturday, February 11, 2006 3:07 PM


Ben, Thanks again for hosting this....It was a blast... I met alot of shiny folks and won some popcorn. Alas the blizzard of the season couldnt have had worse timing... I will be pussing out tonight...Sorry

Hopefully you can get a print in the future...maybe the spring...I wanna give it another shot. I'll juggle geese.

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"






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