Joss Posting on

UPDATED: Monday, February 13, 2006 20:32
VIEWED: 3928
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Sunday, February 12, 2006 10:46 PM


He doesn't sound super optimistic about a Serenity sequel :-(


Sunday, February 12, 2006 11:16 PM


Where's the post? Maybe I missed it...


Monday, February 13, 2006 12:11 AM


This may be it...
"Serenity comics: Brett and I have been very very busy and it's rude of you to bring it up. But it's gonna be tight!
Serenity sequel! My phone is silent and withdrawn.
Wondy Gal! It's all about momentum, baby. And cooking class." ...hmmm

EDIT: He sounds like he thinks people are mainly
into HIM and not his material. He's all over the
map with different universes....I couldn't care
less about his other projects. I wonder if he knows there are people like me.


Monday, February 13, 2006 12:38 AM



Originally posted by STDOUBT:
....I couldn't care
less about his other projects. I wonder if he knows there are people like me.

I agree, I was never into buffy or angel, and don't know what else he's doing. I am into Firefly / Serenity though and would only be interested in news of these projects

Were there monkeys, some terrifying space monkeys that maybe got loose?


Monday, February 13, 2006 1:46 AM



Originally posted by MightyRoar:

Originally posted by STDOUBT:
....I couldn't care
less about his other projects. I wonder if he knows there are people like me.

I agree, I was never into buffy or angel, and don't know what else he's doing. I am into Firefly / Serenity though and would only be interested in news of these projects

Were there monkeys, some terrifying space monkeys that maybe got loose?

Sorry to "Me Too!" post, but I 100% agree. I'm sure Joss is a wonderful whatever, but the only work of his I'm a huge 'spend lots of money' fan of is Firefly/Serenity. I'm MUCH more likely to follow his actors than I am him to another project. I hope this doesn't turn into a "Bigger than Jesus" thing for him...


Monday, February 13, 2006 2:05 AM


Well, let's try to remember that the Whedonesque board is all about Joss, not just Firefly/Serenity. So it's hardly surprising that he'd comment on other projects.

We know what we need to do to get more of the 'verse -- keep bringing in new fans and pumping up sales of the DVDs. If you're unhappy (as I am) that Joss' phone isn't ringing off the hook, don't blame him for moving on to other opportunities. He can't live on the Browncoats' love alone.

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Monday, February 13, 2006 4:24 AM


I have read a few postings and interviews of Joss Whedon, I believe a few may have been taken out of text and therefore not accurate. Lets face it, Mr. Whedon is the creative power behind FF and Serenity. We must give him credit, he said he will not let Firefly die, and he didn't Mr. Whedon brought FF to the big screen with Serenity. The trouble is not with fan support, its with numbers, you need the audience, you need not viewing hold overs but packed theaters, record breaking DVD sales, and NOT just Joss's phone ringing off the hook but the studio's of Fox or Unverisal ringing off the hook. To bring Star Trek from a cancelled series of the 1960's to a Motion Picture took alot of effort and a large fan base. What is the fan poll? 14,000 more or less. That is not enough, its business for what ever reason hits like Lost and Desparate Housewives and CSI are generating viewers why, hope someone can answer, cancellations like West Wing, Monday Night Football from ABC, and UPN and WB leaving and a formation of the WC. Times are changing and perhaps Mr. Whedon wants his new ideas out in front. Joss gave Fox Firefly and Fox cancelled it. To bring it back to TV is asking to take either a risk or a chance. Bring Serenity back to the screen again for a second movie is based on Sales; (tickets and DVD's) Get out the voice... also means getting people to invest.. buy the series on DVD until its sold out and the same for Serenity, then you have bargining power. Money is power, then the fans have spoken.



Monday, February 13, 2006 4:52 AM


Mental note to Mr. Whedon..."If you are moving on, let Tim Minear do Firefly."

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Monday, February 13, 2006 6:58 AM


I agree, if you look back at the interviews since the release of Serenity, Mr. Whedons new productions are on the front burner. In his own words Firefly is dead, Serenity was resurrected for the outpouring of fan base and his chance at redemption. Buffy and Angel were two hits that have a huge fan base following, Firefly is moving and it needs to move more. However, the damage was done by the cancellation and its all risk. You are absolutely right, if Joss does not have interest in making a return to TV with Serenity or another run at Firefly, then move over and allow other talent to run the production. Personally, if SciFi Channel can reserrect Battlestar Galactica, the possiblities are endless if the FF fan base kicks into gear.



Monday, February 13, 2006 7:20 AM



Mental note to Mr. Whedon..."If you are moving on, let Tim Minear do Firefly."
I've been seeing a lotta comments like this these days, and they really irk me.

If Joss were “done” with the ‘verse, then why would he be writing the comics? They eat up time out of his busy schedule, don’t exactly pay him much, and reach only a very limited audience of dedicated fans. He’s writing the comics because he wants to tell more of the ‘verse and right now that’s the only way he can.

Then there’s the mistaken belief that if Joss was actually trying to get a sequel/continuation, the deal would’ve been inked by now. Joss has been trying to do a Spike TV or DVD movie for two years now and hasn’t made much headway. Unlike “Firefly,” the Buffyverse was an unqualified financial success and well established franchise—and if he can’t get that off the ground, how easy do you think it’ll be for the ‘verse to fly again? Not saying it won’t, but I am saying that Joss can’t just make a few phone calls and have it done. And if he is trying to get more, which I believe he is, it would all be happening behind closed doors at this point. I.E., we wouldn’t know about it.

Additionally, folks who say Joss should “move over” and let someone else pick up the reins are perhaps mistaken in thinking that there’s a slew of people itching to do the ‘verse right. Tim Minear has himself “moved on;” right now he’s busy putting the pilot together for his latest series. He’s put “Firefly” behind him and is pursuing his own projects these days. He’d probably come back if Joss asked him to write a sequel or something, but he’s not going to spend his own time and effort in the uphill struggle to keep the ‘verse alive. And after Minear, who else has the pull to really get the execs to listen to anything? The other writers have all moved on. It’s Whedon or nobody, people.


Monday, February 13, 2006 7:38 AM



Originally posted by StakeTheLurk:

Mental note to Mr. Whedon..."If you are moving on, let Tim Minear do Firefly."
I've been seeing a lotta comments like this these days, and they really irk me.

If Joss were “done” with the ‘verse, then why would he be writing the comics? They eat up time out of his busy schedule, don’t exactly pay him much, and reach only a very limited audience of dedicated fans. He’s writing the comics because he wants to tell more of the ‘verse and right now that’s the only way he can.

Then there’s the mistaken belief that if Joss was actually trying to get a sequel/continuation, the deal would’ve been inked by now. Joss has been trying to do a Spike TV or DVD movie for two years now and hasn’t made much headway. Unlike “Firefly,” the Buffyverse was an unqualified financial success and well established franchise—and if he can’t get that off the ground, how easy do you think it’ll be for the ‘verse to fly again? Not saying it won’t, but I am saying that Joss can’t just make a few phone calls and have it done. And if he is trying to get more, which I believe he is, it would all be happening behind closed doors at this point. I.E., we wouldn’t know about it.

Additionally, folks who say Joss should “move over” and let someone else pick up the reins are perhaps mistaken in thinking that there’s a slew of people itching to do the ‘verse right. Tim Minear has himself “moved on;” right now he’s busy putting the pilot together for his latest series. He’s put “Firefly” behind him and is pursuing his own projects these days. He’d probably come back if Joss asked him to write a sequel or something, but he’s not going to spend his own time and effort in the uphill struggle to keep the ‘verse alive. And after Minear, who else has the pull to really get the execs to listen to anything? The other writers have all moved on. It’s Whedon or nobody, people.

You're targeting the wrong boogey Maverick.

If you quote me, do me a favor and read the post.

I understand your anger, and I would share it, if someone implied that Joss should "move on" and get out of the way of a Firefly revival.

My comment was one of reaction. IF Mr. Whedon is MOVING ON (notice that this is an action initiated by Joss and not a 3rd party suggesting he MOVE ON), our only hope for a continued Firefly is with Tim Minear (in my opinion, the only person OTHER than Joss who could pull it off).

I share your anger, but don't erroneously use me as a whipping boy by claiming I IN ANY WAY suggest that Joss is "not doing his part" and should "move on."

We will hold...we hold until Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Monday, February 13, 2006 7:40 AM



Originally posted by STDOUBT:
This may be it...
"Serenity comics: Brett and I have been very very busy and it's rude of you to bring it up. But it's gonna be tight!
Serenity sequel! My phone is silent and withdrawn.
Wondy Gal! It's all about momentum, baby. And cooking class." ...hmmm

EDIT: He sounds like he thinks people are mainly
into HIM and not his material. He's all over the
map with different universes....I couldn't care
less about his other projects. I wonder if he knows there are people like me.

Well you see, he is posting this on a site about himself and not Firefly/Serenity. Those people for the most part are fans of him.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Monday, February 13, 2006 8:17 AM


Call me crazy, but I'm actually a little heartened by this.

Why would he even mention it if it were completely dead? You can just tell by the fact that it's in there that he wants more from it. Otherwise it wouldn't even have gotten a blurb. Joss doesn't do things accidentally. If it were completely dead, I would think he'd come right out and say it.

Don't worry. I plan on winning the Powerball and handing season 2 funding over to Joss on a silver platter.

Ok. Yes, I'm crazy.

AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele


Monday, February 13, 2006 5:57 PM


Ah, Kaele, would that one of us could do that....

*dreaming of giving Joss unlimited funds to play in the 'verse from now on*

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Monday, February 13, 2006 7:35 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

I get irked by the "Joss has moved on" stuff, too. Or suggestions that he should let someone else helm any upcoming 'verse ventures. Go back and watch the Firefly series again, and note how many episodes Joss did NOT write or direct. Ditto Buffy and Angel. Joss might have creative control over the direction a show of his goes, but he's not such a control freak that he has to write and shoot every single scene himself. If someone wants to resurrect the Firefly 'verse, Joss would be an integral part of it, but not the ONLY part. And just because Tim Minear has other projects going, doesn't preclude him from being involved in a Firefly redux.

Also, many people keep pointing out quotes from Joss "taken out of context" - and then taking things further out of context! He's *never* said "Firefly's dead; it won't ever return to TV. It's movies or nothing." In fact, in one recent interview, he mentioned a return to the small screen as a possibility, and sounded upbeat about the idea. Clearly, he hasn't "moved on."

And yet, he has. That's not to say he's done with these characters or this universe, only that he's taking on other projects for the time being. People seem too easily to forget that a person can work on more than one project at a time. For instance, I own five cars. There's one that I drive all the time (daily-driver), and one that's just my beater work truck for hauling crap around, and the others just for arsin' around in (one for racing, one for Sunday drives and club meetings, one that I keep around just because it's pretty). Just because I choose to drive one of them one day, and not another, doesn't mean that I've given up on any of them, or moved on, or lost my enthusiasm. It just means I'm feeling in the mood for something a bit different today. Change is GOOD. So Joss can have lots of projects in the works without it meaning that he's "gotten over" his love for Firefly or "moved on". He can do Wonder Woman, Goners, a Spike movie, a Veronica Mars guest shot, Buffy, Spike, Angel, and Firefly comix, or what have you, and STILL have the time, energy, and love to at least oversee a Fireflyverse resurrection, should such a project come his way.

And on the subject of Joss's other works - Sorry, but I was a Buffy/Angel fan before I ever heard of Firefly. I think Firefly might be Joss's best work, but I still have quite a soft spot for those other two shows, so any news from Joss about ANY of them is good news to me...


A baby seal walks into a club...


Monday, February 13, 2006 7:59 PM



Originally posted by Merchantmarine1:
I agree, if you look back at the interviews since the release of Serenity, Mr. Whedons new productions are on the front burner. In his own words Firefly is dead, Serenity was resurrected for the outpouring of fan base and his chance at redemption. Buffy and Angel were two hits that have a huge fan base following, Firefly is moving and it needs to move more. However, the damage was done by the cancellation and its all risk. You are absolutely right, if Joss does not have interest in making a return to TV with Serenity or another run at Firefly, then move over and allow other talent to run the production. Personally, if SciFi Channel can reserrect Battlestar Galactica, the possiblities are endless if the FF fan base kicks into gear.


I couldn't agree more. I know it sounds crazy but has anyone mentioned a flier or ad campaign. I mean all it would take is someone to post a .pdf for the rest of the fan base to print out and dispurse...


Monday, February 13, 2006 8:30 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

MALfunction: Look around for 11thHour's stuff. He did up some great fliers a while back, and has downloadable versions of them stashed somewhere. Wish I'd bookmarked that page...


A baby seal walks into a club...


Monday, February 13, 2006 8:32 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Awwww... whaddayaknow - here it is!

I'd like to see them updated a bit, maybe to reflect the fact that Firefly is coming back to SciFi (only the original episodes, NOT new ones! Don't want to get the rumor mill started!) in March. But I'd print 'em out and start putting them up, no problem.


A baby seal walks into a club...






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