Just finished watching the series on DVD...

UPDATED: Sunday, February 19, 2006 15:07
VIEWED: 5717
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006 1:19 AM


Wow. I'm still amazed that anyone could find that show not fit for television. I'm actually feeling really empty inside right now, somethingt hat seems to be common when I finish good stories. It happened with "Musashi" by Eiji Yoshikawa, anime called "Cowboy Bebop", and not much else, actually, but it's never been this... desperate feeling. There's too much left unfinished, I don't think the verse is cruel enough to let this series die. On that alone, I'm SURE that the show will return someday, and probably very soon.

I'm undergoing an invasive surgery to remove a 5.56 mm bullet from my shoulder at 1300 today. I thank the good Lord that I was able to finish this series before I went under the knife, and I plan on watching it up until the second I leave home. This is no longer an interest for me. It's a way of life. This show, the movie, the concept has been here for me during a time when my friends weren't and my family couldn't be.

I've been joking about it, but I now honestly think that if they let me keep the slug, that I'm going to mail it to Summer Glau. I'll even include a witty letter.

"Dear Ms. Glau,
These words and bullet come strait from my heart (or somewhere thereabout) to you on a painfully memorable Valentines Day.

A Creepy Geek with a Crush"

Most people get chocolates for Valentines Day...

"Deep in the battlefield covered in blood
Lies an Airborne Ranger dying in the mud
He fought for his country and he died like a man
Though some people back home just wouldn't understand"


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 1:53 AM


There's nothing more romantic than mailing someone a bullet ;)

Good luck with your surgery :)


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 2:08 AM


lmao a thousand times for the bullet story :P

Good luck with the surgery, and know that we feel your pain. (About the show, that is. The bullet-thing? ...not so much :)


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 2:27 AM


That really WAS beautiful. :) It's very touching to see how FireFly touches others. Thank you for a memorable post.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 3:58 AM


I am also a recent convert to the series. I have not yet watched the movie (which has led to some frustration reading some of these posts...d'oh!!...) but I plan to.

When I finished the series I felt sad that something this fun and fresh could be killed off before it started. How can you show a SciFI series out of order?!

My story isn't as near as interesting as yours (bullets and letters) but I will be a fan for life.

My recommendation would be to watch the DVD again with the commentaries. They are extremely informative and even a little bit funny.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 4:23 AM


Glad both of you guys made it. We'll leave the light on in case the rest of the world ever gets their heads out of thier hindquarters and realizes that this is a great show.

By the way, try not to get shot again. You know how I worry.

Remember, that but for one trifling exception, the entire universe is made up of others.- Oliver Wendall Holmes


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 8:23 AM


I too am a recent convert! I cant get enough of it..I keep watching it over and over. I wish I could stop, but I cant. Is that wierd? It is unbelievable to me that the network would cancel this show. Stupidity to me. The best show on tv, ever. I am empty also that there are no more to watch. I still have unanswered questions. Please help! Sandi

"Smells like crotch"


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:20 AM


Yep, it's weird, but we're all werid right along with you. In my house, a day without a Firefly episode (or a Serenity movie) just doesn't feel right. I've got a stack of Blockbuster movies sitting on top on my tv that haven't gotten watched in over a week (thank goodness for the end of late fees!) b/c at night after the kids go to bed, the hubby and I can't bring ourselves to do anything other than get our Firefly fix.

Welcome here. We'll all just keep on keepin' on, and one day there WILL be more happenings in the 'verse.

MAL: We're still flying.
SIMON: That's not much.
MAL: It's enough.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:38 AM


I know it's not quite the same, folks, but I'm part of a fanfic project to produce scripts of "virtual episodes" finishing out Season One and then doing Season Two as if "Serenity" had been 22 episodes rather than a 2 hour movie.

For those who are interested, you can find out first six episodes, beginning immediately after "Objects in Space," at

The Season One finale will be available tomorrow. If you like what you see and would like to be added to our mailing list, you can send an e-mail to

"Here's how it might have been..."


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:38 AM


I so agree with you. I am trying to figure out how to squeeze in firefly today. My hubby loves it too, and he dont like any scifi, let alone western scifi. We dont have the same taste in good movies at all! But this, this here show is the best ever. Ok, so im not alone in the wierdness, thank the verse for that. Thanks for making me feel welcome too! Sandi

"Smells like crotch"


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:39 AM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
Wow. I'm still amazed that anyone could find that show not fit for television. I'm actually feeling really empty inside right now, somethingt hat seems to be common when I finish good stories. It happened with "Musashi" by Eiji Yoshikawa, anime called "Cowboy Bebop", and not much else, actually, but it's never been this... desperate feeling. There's too much left unfinished, I don't think the verse is cruel enough to let this series die. On that alone, I'm SURE that the show will return someday, and probably very soon.

I'm undergoing an invasive surgery to remove a 5.56 mm bullet from my shoulder at 1300 today. I thank the good Lord that I was able to finish this series before I went under the knife, and I plan on watching it up until the second I leave home. This is no longer an interest for me. It's a way of life. This show, the movie, the concept has been here for me during a time when my friends weren't and my family couldn't be.

EDIT NOTE!!! Wow I ca'nt believe I missed that you said it was 5.56mm..... Wow m4 round, that's about the size of a 22 though, just harder of a bullet, and more powerful, much more powerful. The 7.62 round is the AK47 round, it's much bigger.


Wow I felt exactly the same way when I finished the series. Except for the bullet thing.

Do you know what size you got shot with? .45 (ouch) .40 or 10mm (there is a difference, 10mm is more powerful, probably would have went through you), 9mm, .357/.38, 380, or a measly little .22?? If it's a .22 no wonder it stayed in you! Those little bullets like to puncture, then bounce around against your bones.

If it's a .45 or even a .50... Dude you have a hole big enough in you to.. :D "Keep an extra hankey in" -Zoe

Goodluck in surgery and quick healing to you, my friend!

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 11:04 AM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
I'm undergoing an invasive surgery to remove a 5.56 mm bullet from my shoulder at 1300 today.

Geez, man, I wish you the best of luck with that. One more scar for the collection, and I suspect one more fascinating story to tell someday?


This is no longer an interest for me. It's a way of life. This show, the movie, the concept has been here for me during a time when my friends weren't and my family couldn't be.

Amen. It's more than just a show. For some reason -- for MANY reasons -- this Firefly/Serenity thing just gets into you and refuses to let go. It's all-consuming.

And I'm glad it was there for you when no one and nothing else was. Anything I can do to make up for the lack of others? Can't think of anything off the top of my head, but hey.

I make pretty damn good cookies, and I'm not afraid to overnight them to a friend in need -- even one I've never met and have never actually passed a word with. Heh.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 12:52 PM


I hope your surgery went well Hon, and there are no complications. Funny, suffering such a major thing as a gun shot wound & you're upset about a cancelled TV show.

I totally get it!

I've never been shot, but was "jailed" @ home after spinal surgery. FireFly & Serenity helped get me through (can't read on heavy drugs). You are right, best SciFi show ever (even over Babylon 5 for me)- and the actors are (were) all pretty much unknown. Wow, Joss.

Have you watched the special features on Disk 4 of FireFly? It's fun. Maybe while you're recovering, you can rewatch the series. And if you don't own the Serenity movie, bribe one of your friends to pick it up for you! :)

Get better. I'm sure Summer will get a chuckle over her "present." Hey, it's original!



Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:43 PM


So, Chris, another cool scar, eh?
We never did the guessing as to which were lead and which were metal....
There's a candle lit here for you.
Please message us and say you're okay.
I play my series DVDs all the time and do things like "watch only Jayne in background of Heart of Gold" or "watch Summer's feet." There's so much to absorb.

-- bastards singed my turtle --
----- why's the rum gone? -----


Friday, February 17, 2006 3:37 AM


Wow, didn't expect so many personal and kind responses, but thank you everyone. The surgery went fine, it's four days after and I'm just now able to leave my mother's house to find a computer. Drugs, man, they're gnarly things. Anyways, I can't express how much it means to me to have people caring for me, especially people I don't know. I've just recently brought my family back into my life because of this and I was in a lonely place for a long time. On that note, I'd like to respond to anyone who I feel brought up specific questions or comments.

I'm doing fine, thank you, my apologies for not being able to respond for a couple days. Although I like Jayne, I have to say I pay much more attention to Ms. Glau's feet. Someone else on here mentioned something about almost developing a foot fettish because of her... I can't say it's gone that far, but I know what he's talking about.

Glad you "get it", everyone I know thinks it's slightly obsessive. Of course, they're right, but other coats like you lend me vindication. I did watch all the special features, plus the episode commentaries. I now get a couple of the "inside jokes" on this forum that I never got before, and it all made me feel much closer tot he cast and crew. In the end, my feeling of emptiness just got bigger, but it's a whimsical type of emptiness, with just a little bit of hope. That makes all the difference.

Thanks for the offer of cookies, but I think I'm going to be out of shape enough as it is from sitting on my ass all day. Really a sweet offer, though, can't tell you how nice it was to read.

The 5.56 was from an M-16, not a carbine. I did take a 7.62 from a 240B in the gut during the same incident, but that was actually less problematic because it didn't get stuck inside of me. Funny thing about the bravo, tends to have a much higher muzzel velocity, so the round just kinda tears right through you.

I can't imagine getting hit by a .50 cal and living, too much pain... I thought it was funny, during one of the commentaries I heard Nathan Fillion refer to the flak gun at the begining of the 2 hour pilot as a "50 milimeter". I immediately chuckled to myself at the thought of such a concept, then slapped myself for being one of "those" people.

To everyone else, thanks again for the kind words. I want you to know that as it is right now, I would feel more accomplished having lobbied for this show to stay on the air than having fought for my country.

"Deep in the battlefield covered in blood
Lies an Airborne Ranger dying in the mud
He fought for his country and he died like a man
Though some people back home just wouldn't understand"


Friday, February 17, 2006 10:24 AM



I thought it was funny, during one of the commentaries I heard Nathan Fillion refer to the flak gun at the begining of the 2 hour pilot as a "50 milimeter".

Lol. I remember doing the same thing.

"I'll be in my bunk"


Friday, February 17, 2006 10:41 AM



The 5.56 was from an M-16, not a carbine. I did take a 7.62 from a 240B in the gut during the same incident, but that was actually less problematic because it didn't get stuck inside of me. Funny thing about the bravo, tends to have a much higher muzzel velocity, so the round just kinda tears right through you.

Well by mentioning the gun I kind of just said what gun I am familiar a 5.56mm coming from, since we have an M4 here at home...

Your fighting? Fighting in Iraq I would assume? So from an M16... It wasn't friendly fire was it? Or did some wild terrorist get a hold of an m16 from elsewhere?

I heard this story that I thought was funny (me being a gun enthusiast and all), about a five-seven. One of the Terrorists had a Five Seven (and if you know the five seven you know the rounds are small, but powerful), and he managed to hit a Marine in the pelvis, the round went straight through him and he was knocked down, but he got back up and killed him (the bad guy got killed I mean, of course what chance does he have with a 40-1 chance of living).

I have a Five-Seven and we've shot these metal rotating targets about 20 times with one (it holds 20 rounds in one magazine). The gun left dents in the metal piece... Our 1911's only scratch it, everything only scratches those targets (except the high powered rifles). That little pistol costs about $1000 but it's a really fun gun.

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Friday, February 17, 2006 12:38 PM


Ah, I wasn't even aware that they made a civilian version of the M4.

Not fighting anymore, not medically fit for service, so they say. That could all change in the next two months. None of it was in Iraq, though, all South America, Columbia down through Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. There's still some question as to if it was friendly fire or not, as the fire team to our 3 did have a GPS failure, but that 7.62 was said to have come from a bravo that that fireteam was not "supposed" to have. If there was any further developments on the situation, I wasn't made aware of them.

Five-seven sounds like a mighty powerful sidearm. I'm not too well versed in arsenal outside of the Army's, but I never did like the idea of being issued an M9. I got to fire me one of them HK Mark 23 Model 0's once... ahh, the SOCOM, how I long for one. Aren't Five-Seven sales supposed to be restricted to law enforcement and the like? Am I mistaken, or did they start making sales to civilians? ...Or are you maybe not a civilian? Lemme know, I'm looking to get a carry liscence soon, and I'd be happy to drop a C on a more than decent pistol.

"Deep in the battlefield covered in blood
Lies an Airborne Ranger dying in the mud
He fought for his country and he died like a man
Though some people back home just wouldn't understand"


Friday, February 17, 2006 1:30 PM


Well I'm only 16 but my Dad's got a carry license and owns something like 30 firearms :D.

He's a glock man mostly, though I like more exotic guns and the glocks look all alike, though they are awesome.

Yeah they M9 Berreta is gheyyy, exposed barrel and the slide can be removed with one hand by someone that is standing in front of it.

The Five-Seven is sold to civilians and we are nothing more than that. The only difference is the Armor peircing Five-Seven is not sold to civilians, only military. But the ammo we have can peirce kevlar, and that is legal civilian Five-Seven ammo.

They make civilian versions of almost all public Military firearms. Shoot I bet they will make a civilian version of that new P2000. But I bet that it won't have any of those fancy electonics :P.

Our Collection is liiike:

12 glocks, they're mostly all different, we also have one that's ported which is neat because when you fire it, steam and sometimes fire comes out the top of it.

2 1911's (1911 is my favorite semi-auto), 2 357's one of them being the highly rated Ruger Vaquero, Five-Seven, a Beretta (it's not the M9), a Taurus .45 revolver.... I can't think of all our Handguns since we have so many.

As for Rifles we have an M4, AK47 (romanian version), two Savage long range accu rifles, 2 .22 rifles, and 1 Henry rifle (with that cowboy cocking mechanism, like Zoe's gun only her's is made so she can twirl and cock at the same time)... I think that's it for our rifles..... OH YEAH!!! We also have a Tommy Gun with a Drum that holds 50 .45's and a violin case to carry it in... I think I have some photos....

Sorry for the large photos... I don't know how to post links to photos... :(. the A Href code doesnt seem to work =/.

EDIT: And the Five-Seven is used by the US Army's Special Forces, along with SCAR-L Carbine's (5.56mm without mod), which is pretty neat :D.

OH AAAAND!! If you've ever played the Splinter Cell game then you MAY know that Splinter Cell himself (Sam Fisher) uses the Five-Seven, and that fancy future weapon the P2000 (the rifle to replace the M16).

EDIT 2: And again, the Five-Seven bullet is about the size of a .22... The measurement is like.... The name of it is it's measurement, 5.7 which I think is 5.7mm... I'm not sure. But it's real small, the wind can even push it around.

If you want a decent carry gun I say go with Glock. I am a .45 kind of shooter myself, if I had $1300 and the age of 18 I would get the Kimber 1911, there's like a million reviews on that AMAZING 1911. But if you like smaller shell's then again, find a good Glock. I love the Glocks abilities and if it werent for the 1911 having a soft spot with me the Glock would be my favorite semi-auto handgun.

The .40 and the 10mm (which is basically the same size, but the 10mm has tons more power) were made to have the knockdown power of the .45 with more of the recoil of the 9mm. My dad loves his Glock .40 for carrying, I'm more fond of the 10mm glock he has though because it's so powerful you can literally feel the concussion from a few feet away when it's fired.

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Friday, February 17, 2006 1:57 PM


Cowboy Bebop is awesome, better than Firefly, but I agree with Bebop at least there is closure on the whole series rather than just ending, you're left disappointed (and I was left emotionally drained) that it's ended. Wit Firefly it's more about the fact that it's ended without a conclusion.


Friday, February 17, 2006 2:02 PM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
It happened with "Musashi" by Eiji Yoshikawa...

The same Eiji Yoshikawa that wrote "Taiko"?

Causal=book snob

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Friday, February 17, 2006 2:20 PM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
Thanks for the offer of cookies, but I think I'm going to be out of shape enough as it is from sitting on my ass all day. Really a sweet offer, though, can't tell you how nice it was to read.

No problem, and I'm glad to hear you came through okay. I was starting to wonder!


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Friday, February 17, 2006 5:21 PM


That's a damn decent assortment of firepower you got there, God bless your whole family for recognizing your responsability to maintain them.

My Dad's got a smaller collection, AR-15's my preference just because I became so familiare with the M-16 in the service, but he's got a lot more hunting rifles. The only thing I own personally is a .38 Taurus snub nose that he bought me for graduating from Airborne school. I can't hit shit with it, not that a snub nose is particularly accurate, but I think I'm particularly bad with it. Like you, I much prefer a .45, something that lets me know it's there when I'm holding it. That's why I liked that Mark 23 SOCOM, heavy bullets with a high round capacity... 12 standard, with a very wide array of attatchments to suit your situation. Not to mention, I love Heckler and Koch weapons, MP5's the nicest full auto I've ever shot, just wish I could have spent some more time with it. I do beleive they're also the manufacturers of the P2000.

And yeah, Causal, that's the same Yoshikawa. I never read "Taiko", though, I wasn't very attracted to a book named after a type of drum.

"Deep in the battlefield covered in blood
Lies an Airborne Ranger dying in the mud
He fought for his country and he died like a man
Though some people back home just wouldn't understand"


Friday, February 17, 2006 7:46 PM


Oh and we just got the new Sig Equinox, which incase you don't know is selling out of the stores once they get in stock. The clerk we talked to said they don't last 8 hours in the store before they're gone.

Which you can see here:

Our grip is straight black though, not that ugly looking thing :D. I can't wait to shoot it.

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Saturday, February 18, 2006 9:40 PM


Chris, good to hear you're doing well.
Was worrying enough to wonder about starting an "among the missing" thread, but no need now.
I hope they pitched out that slug, or that you decided not to send it to anybody if they let you keep it.

-- bastards singed my turtle --
-----why's the rum gone? -----


Saturday, February 18, 2006 10:05 PM


Not to send it? Sounds like a fantastic idea to me!

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Sunday, February 19, 2006 8:23 AM


I think the obviouse worry here is that the mailing of any part of a bullet will result in a restraining order. It probably will.

For the record, they did indeed let me keep it... well, the fragments of it, anyways. I'll have pictures of it and the wound soon enough, as is my common practice. I don't have a whole lot to be proud of, physique, intelligence, or otherwise, so scars are kind of my "thing". After that I think I'm going to go through with mailing it, or at least part of it. It'll make a good story. I think there's also some of that 5 year old child left in me, you know, the little boy who shows of his pet frog to a girl to make her squirm. I'm so very socially inept.

"Deep in the battlefield covered in blood
Lies an Airborne Ranger dying in the mud
He fought for his country and he died like a man
Though some people back home just wouldn't understand"


Sunday, February 19, 2006 9:52 AM


Chris, please. You don't want a restraining order. You don't want to be on a nut list. This kind of gift is considered somewhere in a category including sad and stalker-ish. Believe me, the fine folk on the receiving end will not understand your devotion, true and harmless though it may be. At the very least they'll worry that there are germs on it. ;-)
Even if you just send it to Joss with the suggestion he could use the bits as props in a medical setting, it won't have the souvenir value that it would if you kept it.
Drop Summer a sweet little note to tell her you're not going to send her any body parts or even your old leftover slugs, and I'm sure you'll be memorable -- in a good way. Really!

-- bastards singed my turtle --
----- why's the rum gone? -----


Sunday, February 19, 2006 11:14 AM


Well honestly I don't think she'd have a problem with a JOKE. And I'm sure she's not stupid so I am pretty sure that if he sent ONE letter with ONE torn up bullet in it it wouldn't matter.

Now if he did something like shot himself 5 times, sent 5 letters all saying like "On the 4th time that I shot myself I thought of you when blah blah blah". Now THAT'S weird.

If you don't want to mail the bullet, though I think it's a GREAT and funny idea, mail a photo of the thing with the included story!

But it's all up to you! No one's pushing you to do something that you don't want to do.

*Fruity oaty bars plays in the background and you can quietly hear a whisper 'Mail the bullet..... Mail the bullet.... Mail the bullet....*

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Sunday, February 19, 2006 12:11 PM


You know what I have to do now, right? The only solution to this problem is to up the ante' and send a letter bomb, because everyone knows that all of life's problems can be solved by explosions. All I need is a car battery, some table sugar and a quick trip to CVS.

I place the blame for this squarely on your shoulders, FloralBunny. I'm sure Dinky will agree with me.

"Deep in the battlefield covered in blood
Lies an Airborne Ranger dying in the mud
He fought for his country and he died like a man
Though some people back home just wouldn't understand"


Sunday, February 19, 2006 2:09 PM


I'm not so sure it's a great idea to suggest something like that, even in jest.

Just sayin'...

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Sunday, February 19, 2006 2:40 PM


I would never agree to such a thing.

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Sunday, February 19, 2006 3:07 PM


Um.. wow. God bless you, and thank you for stepping up like that. Eep!

As to the bullet thing.. that's awful sweet. A little creepifying, but sweet none the less. :D






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