Fireflyfans Dating Service

UPDATED: Monday, March 20, 2006 16:29
VIEWED: 79654
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Saturday, February 18, 2006 6:40 AM



Originally posted by SilverSamurai:

Originally posted by LittleAlbatross:
Neat thread. What the heck... I'll play...

SF, 22, SW Ontario (Canada), politics student, likes Firefly (big shock, I know), most sci-fi, reading, movies, stuff... (writing this is harder than I thought it would be ). Kind of a shy Kaylee-type, or a not crazy River,
who is looking for a Simon-y, Wash-ish, Mal-like kind of guy.

You're at Western? Wow...
We're not too far from each other...
(I only guess Western since you said London a few posts up)
(sorry about double post)

London and Guelph are pretty close...

Yep, I go to Western... does this make us rivals? What are you studying?


Saturday, February 18, 2006 7:21 AM



Originally posted by BitterBierce:
But I am a genteel sort, so I have to ask instead: puppies or kittens? Me, I prefer kittens. They're so cute. We had two when I was with my great love: Pooter and SS GrupenFuhrer Steiner.

Puppies. Definitely puppies.

See, kittens grow into cats. Cats...are annoying. Puppies, though....

Puppies grow into dogs. Preferably BIG dogs. Like British mastiffs or Great Danes. *nods* Yup, gimme a dog any day.

Dogs aren't quite so...what's the word?


Pretentious! Oops...kidding! Dogs aren't quite so stuck up. You can forget to play with a dog all day, and it'll still lick your face and drop its head in your lap as soon as you get home.

Cats? Cats will plot your demise, all why feigning disinterest in your pathetic attempts to hold and/or pet them.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 10:09 AM


Well I was more kidding about preference. I used to have some entirely neurotic dogs, Tiffany, Dolly, and Heinz Guderian. I named only one of them, no prize if you figure out which. Loved those wierdos. Come to think of it, the cats were wierd too. And virtually all of my friends, I seem to collect 'em. As Mark Steyn would say, "hmm".


Saturday, February 18, 2006 10:13 AM



Originally posted by BitterBierce:
I named only one of them, no prize if you figure out which.

I'm gonna go wiiiiithhhh...Dolly. Seriously.



And virtually all of my friends, I seem to collect 'em. As Mark Steyn would say, "hmm".

I'm weird. But I'm guessing everyone already knew that. Heh.

So...what does that say about YOU?


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 12:48 PM



I'm gonna go wiiiiithhhh...Dolly. Seriously.

Are you being slow on purpose? Tiffany. DUH.


I'm weird. But I'm guessing everyone already knew that. Heh.

Where is the "no comment/neutral facial expression" emoticon on this thing, anyway?

No, I'm kidding. I'm not that politic. I'll call you a odd to your face. Freak.


So...what does that say about YOU?

It says I hang out with freaks, that's what it says! Look lady, it's the rest of y'all that're nuts. I am perfectly sane-ish. Sanelike. Similacru-sane. A fine velvetty saneness carpets several of my internal mental structures. I don't dream day and night about building a harem and taking over the world and I don't know why you'd bring that up.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 2:01 PM



Originally posted by LittleAlbatross:

Originally posted by SilverSamurai:

Originally posted by LittleAlbatross:
Neat thread. What the heck... I'll play...

SF, 22, SW Ontario (Canada), politics student, likes Firefly (big shock, I know), most sci-fi, reading, movies, stuff... (writing this is harder than I thought it would be ). Kind of a shy Kaylee-type, or a not crazy River,
who is looking for a Simon-y, Wash-ish, Mal-like kind of guy.

You're at Western? Wow...
We're not too far from each other...
(I only guess Western since you said London a few posts up)
(sorry about double post)

London and Guelph are pretty close...

Yep, I go to Western... does this make us rivals? What are you studying?

Yeppers, Not TOO far... (Not like Toronto and Vancouver, thats a drive!)
Ya I guess we are rivals and well all know how Mustangs are... hee hee
I'm in Arts, thinking of sticking around for honours and a minor... I don't know!!!
You're in Poli-Sci eh? How are you liking that?
Do you drive? hee hee


Saturday, February 18, 2006 2:20 PM



Originally posted by BitterBierce:
Are you being slow on purpose?

Hey! I wasn't born stupid! I took lessons. I took them VERY SERIOUSLY.

I'm proud of the idiot I've made of myself.



Look lady, it's the rest of y'all that're nuts.

You take that back! NO ONE calls me a lady! Them's fightin words!


A fine velvetty saneness carpets several of my internal mental structures. I don't dream day and night about building a harem and taking over the world and I don't know why you'd bring that up.

That was again darn near poetical, BB...until that whole "don't know why you'd bring that up" part....

I, however, make no claim to sanity. It's overrated.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 2:56 PM



Hey! I wasn't born stupid! I took lessons. I took them VERY SERIOUSLY.

Why didn't you tell me you went to UCLA! I had girlfriends there and I was nearly lynched by a Trot sect. Good times, good times.


You take that back! NO ONE calls me a lady! Them's fightin words!

I typed it in ironically. Your name IS Gutterball, which one does not naturally associate with... although you are really smart so I'm sensing gutterball isn't announcing your social class. As the great and terrible Hitler once said, "Hmm, Poland".


That was again darn near poetical, BB...until that whole "don't know why you'd bring that up" part....

Well you see I was talking about sanity and so the implication was that since you really hadn't SAID any of it, that I was ins...uh, you know what? Nevermind. I shouldn'a put it in.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 3:03 PM



Originally posted by BitterBierce:
Your name IS Gutterball, which one does not naturally associate with... although you are really smart so I'm sensing gutterball isn't announcing your social class.

Aw, now sucking up won't get you anywhere. The GutterBall comes from being terrible at bowling in high school. We went all the time, and no matter how much I loved it, I rarely got any better.

Heh, got three strikes in a row in the same game in which I scored six -- count 'em, SIX -- gutterballs in a row. Hence, the nickname.


Well you see I was talking about sanity and so the implication was that since you really hadn't SAID any of it, that I was ins...uh, you know what? Nevermind.

You're crackin me up. For an admittedly big, crazy jerk, BB, you're an absolute RIOT!


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 4:25 PM



Aw, now sucking up won't get you anywhere

Well now see that's the difference between men and women. Sucking gets a girl a long way in my book. Up. Sucking up I mean. That too.

Christ, even I want to slap me.


The GutterBall comes from being terrible at bowling in high school. We went all the time, and no matter how much I loved it, I rarely got any better.

"Mmm-hmm," he said noncomitally.


You're crackin me up. For an admittedly big, crazy jerk, BB, you're an absolute RIOT!

It's too bad you live in another country (not-Texas, I mean). I'm all ten kinds of entertaining if a girl lets me.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 4:57 PM



Originally posted by BitterBierce:
Sucking gets a girl a long way in my book. Up. Sucking up I mean. That too.

*snerks* I refuse to say a word. Especially not a pertinent word. Regarding sucking, ya know.

Up! Sucking up!


Christ, even I want to slap me.

Heh, don't. Although it might be fun to watch you slap yourself, there's really no need. You're still crackin' me up, and what's a little blow-job talk between folks several states away? everyone wants to slap ME.


It's too bad you live in another country (not-Texas, I mean). I'm all ten kinds of entertaining if a girl lets me.

Yes, a cryin' shame. However, I'm quite sure there's an even dozen kinds of entertaining, so I'll be eagerly awaiting the arrival of those other two kinds.



Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 6:04 PM



*snerks* I refuse to say a word. Especially not a pertinent word. Regarding sucking, ya know.

Well you shouldn't be saying anything to begin with if you're s...hey look! The GoodYear blimp!


Yes, a cryin' shame. However, I'm quite sure there's an even dozen kinds of entertaining, so I'll be eagerly awaiting the arrival of those other two kinds.

Strangely enough, the last two both involve hand puppets....I've said too much.


You're still crackin' me up, and what's a little blow-job talk between folks several states away?

Needlessly frustrating to the male of the two, that's what. It's cute and fun and all, banter and such. But it ain't fucking. Holy Hell, I cannot wait till monday. You should pity that woman's behind for what I'm going to do it.

Quote: everyone wants to slap ME

Well yeah, everyone imagines smacking...oh, you mean SLAPPING slapping, like someone's face.

Jesus, I've only gone five days without and I'm already acting like a sailor after six months at sea. You're supposed to calm down as an adult when you're male, but I was never like this when I was 20. I don't remember thinking about sex all day every day when I was a young man. It's like I flipped on a switch or something. Well, at least I know why the Vikings rampaged six months out of every year now- a man could get used to pillage, plunder and taking girls at will. "Slave girls" is a concept that just rolls off the toungue with the greatest of ease.

I'm sorry, what was I saying?


Saturday, February 18, 2006 6:25 PM


Sorry, I would've answered sooner, but I was busy getting over my fit of laughter. Ahem.


Originally posted by BitterBierce:

You're still crackin' me up, and what's a little blow-job talk between folks several states away?

Needlessly frustrating to the male of the two, that's what. It's cute and fun and all, banter and such. But it ain't fucking.

Aw, poor BB. Didn't mean to get your boxers in a twist. 'S just one of my favorite things, is all. I have no shame in talkin' about it.

And I do pity that poor woman's ass. *grin* I'm sure I should probably feel a share of the guilt, as well, but...*shrug*...again, I have no shame.


Jesus, I've only gone five days without and I'm already acting like a sailor after six months at sea. You're supposed to calm down as an adult when you're male, but I was never like this when I was 20. I don't remember thinking about sex all day every day when I was a young man. It's like I flipped on a switch or something.

I will say that the first few weeks/months alone after a lengthy sexual relationship play havoc on the ol' hormones. When I left my fella of oh, five years, I had sort of a hard time adjusting to sexlessness.

Despite my banter, I don't spread it around, and damn if it didn't take a good year until I didn't think about boinking in some form or fashion first thing when I lay down at night.

...Sorry. That's probably not terribly encouraging.


[G]I'm sorry, what was I saying?

*sigh* Ditto.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 7:54 PM



Aw, poor BB. Didn't mean to get your boxers in a twist.

You're not getting my boxers in a twist. Not having sex for YEAR LONG DAYS is. When I talk to you, I'm thinking about sex, but then I am when I'm chopping carrots and walking the dog, too. I'm not built for this, it's cruel. It's like whipping a puppy for no reason- he's all happy and jumping about and then wham! cowering in a corner with sad confused eyes wondering why this is so cruel. I'm a puppy here. Why is someone kicking the puppy when I could be hitting the kitty? It's just not fair.


And I do pity that poor woman's ass. *grin* I'm sure I should probably feel a share of the guilt, as well, but...*shrug*...again, I have no shame.

Right as I was reading that I decided -in your honor- to do something extra painful and sinful to it. I always wondered how your sex manages to get to sleep when your rear end hurts that bad, much less walking and going to work.


Despite my banter, I don't spread it around, and damn if it didn't take a good year until I didn't think about boinking in some form or fashion first thing when I lay down at night.

...Sorry. That's probably not terribly encouraging.

Pah, doesn't mean a goddamn thing. I'll never go this long without again, it just means extending what I used to get occasionally on the side into as many times a day as I can manage. You didn't think I'd only have one infidelity, do you?

But since you spent five years with him, he's probably analagous for you to the more than four year's I spent with a girl back in my early twenties and in love. So in that case, screw that effer and the horse he rode in on.

I was the faithful type once, you know. Although neither of us cheated, I learned from her fidelity is for the birds. Get laid all you can, and get laid some you can't, too. Despite your slutty talk it was immediately apparent to me you weren't the type. You really should go out and try it, it's fun. When you crawl into bed you should be assured of someone crawling in on top of you.

This ends part one of our lecture series "Jim Tells It Like A ManSlut". Tune in next week for "KY or Just Let Her Scream?", a two part series discussing the difficult issues of our day.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 8:50 PM


Once again, I would have posted sooner, but the laughing fit just wouldn't let me be. I'll endeavor to quit cracking up quite so badly.

As seriously as I can manage, I feel for you, man. Your body can be a cruel task-master. It thinks it needs what you can't give it, so it tortures you for the lack. Not fun.

And luckily for you, not permanent.


Originally posted by BitterBierce:
When I talk to you, I'm thinking about sex...

You're such a sweet talker! Even an Ice Queen like me could almost hear her heart go pitty-pat!

Of course, since I have no heart, that's not really a problem.


Why is someone kicking the puppy when I could be hitting the kitty?

Heheheh...I mean, awwwww....


Originally by BitterBierce:

And I do pity that poor woman's ass. *grin* I'm sure I should probably feel a share of the guilt, as well, but...*shrug*...again, I have no shame.

Right as I was reading that I decided -in your honor- to do something extra painful and sinful to it. I always wondered how your sex manages to get to sleep when your rear end hurts that bad, much less walking and going to work.

What can I say? We may be the weaker sex, but we sure can keep truckin after the rough-n-tumble. If I didn't think I'd be lynched for saying it, I'd almost say we were made just for a good, hard pounding.

*ducks and runs from flying objects*


You didn't think I'd only have one infidelity, do you?

God forbid!


I was the faithful type once, you know. Although neither of us cheated, I learned from her fidelity is for the birds. Get laid all you can, and get laid some you can't, too.

I've always been the faithful type, and I don't expect that'll change much any time soon, but only because I'm so determinedly single. I don't date much, and when I do, I'm usually thinking about how to get out of the next date.

Kinda clashes with the occasional need to throw down and get with the makin' it, don't it?


Despite your slutty talk it was immediately apparent to me you weren't the type.

*grins* One of these days, you're gonna tell me how you can guess so much about me from my posts. Since half of what I say is bullsh*t and the other half is sarcastic, I'm impressed, to say the least.


When you crawl into bed you should be assured of someone crawling in on top of you.

Strangely enough, that's one of the nicest things anyone's said to me. I do miss that part of sex almost as much as the rest. It's nice to be all crushed under someone. Cozy-like.

Amusingly enough, none of my friends can get me to admit that I miss sex, and here I don't know you from Adam. Funny ol' world, ain't it?


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 11:11 PM


Now I’m up in the middle of the night for no good reason. I can only sleep well when I’m getting laid. Or I take ten Vicodin ES.


“I've always been the faithful type, and I don't expect that'll change much any time soon, but only because I'm so determinedly single. I don't date much, and when I do, I'm usually thinking about how to get out of the next date.

Kinda clashes with the occasional need to throw down and get with the makin' it, don't it?”

You know, as a related thought without any joking content at all, I have a thought about your situation. You’d better make your mind to get up and back in the game soon. In ten seconds you’ll be ten years older and ten years less attractive as a woman and facing loneliness a hugely different way than a young woman like you faces it. I almost withdrew, allllmost went your way when She Disaster happened. Something snapped and I just went wholly the other way, I don’t know what it was, it was like a choice between good and evil, so I chose to give it good. And it was a lot easier for me because I’m a man and for some unfair cosmic reason women will still fuck us as we get older. Inasmuch as I’m catholic in my tastes for women, I have a couple awesome women friends who pain me to watch now, and these are fantastic women who aren’t too much older than you are. You’re 29 as of a few days ago, so I give you about two years, three on the outside to get out of that funk before biology makes that permenant decision for you. If you look like Carmen Elektra, I give you six years at the outside, but not a day over. The only other woman on earth who had options past that was Sophia fucking Loren. I’m at the doubly painful stage of looking at women my age who have lost options while I haven’t. By the way? That’s the same time your need to fuck as a woman goes through the roof. It’s your body’s way of trying to get one more baby out of you for the species. What a cruel joke that you want to fuck in direct opposition to your ability to get it.

Oh fuck. When did the laughs turn off? I promise, I will never again write a serious sentence. Move along, nothing to see here!


“*grins* One of these days, you're gonna tell me how you can guess so much about me from my posts.”

I’m smart as all fuck and fucking me always smarts, that’s why. I try to have others toot my own horn but gorrammit Mal, I fucking rock. I’m, what’s the word? Pretentious. Cock of the walk. Arrogant, you might say. But then, women don’t fuck the wallflowers.


“Strangely enough, that's one of the nicest things anyone's said to me”

Wow, your friends and lovers are pricks. I feel like I know them already.


“I do miss that part of sex almost as much as the rest. It's nice to be all crushed under someone. Cozy-like.”

You know, that’s the part many women seem to want. The One used to request that I just get on top, limb on limb. Since I easily outweighed her by 100 pounds and unlike her my limbs are HEAVY I wondered why, but it made her very happy. She wanted me to sleep on top of her, which slightly scared me. You know, it doesn’t sound it, but laying on top of a woman after sex is a good time to ask her to marry you. I think she (at 6’1”!) just liked that I was taller than she was and tall women especially like to feel small and feminine.


“Amusingly enough, none of my friends can get me to admit that I miss sex, and here I don't know you from Adam. Funny ol' world, ain't it?”

That is funny. When a woman says she doesn’t miss sex to me, I laugh at her and call her a bad liar. It never takes sixty seconds to get her shamefacedly to admit it really is a lie. The only truly odd sex is no sex.

You know, you’re pretty smart and witty to talk to. You know, for a girl.


Sunday, February 19, 2006 8:58 AM



Originally posted by BitterBierce:
Now I’m up in the middle of the night for no good reason. I can only sleep well when I’m getting laid. Or I take ten Vicodin ES.

Ironically enough, I slept like a rock. And I'm an insomniac like no one's business.


You’d better make your mind to get up and back in the game soon. In ten seconds you’ll be ten years older and ten years less attractive as a woman and facing loneliness a hugely different way than a young woman like you faces it.

You ain't lyin'. As of this moment, I'm nowhere near lonely. I'm not that type. But I am undersexed, due to the peculiar mix of morality and practicality that makes up my sexual code, as it were. I've been thinking lately that I need to...stretch that code a bit before what you describe comes to pass.

No fair that my sex drive -- which was already pretty jumpin' for a woman, unless all other women are lying -- will kick in just as I'm getting old enough to truly stay single without anyone else bitching about it.

Does that seem right?


I almost withdrew, allllmost went your way when She Disaster happened. Something snapped and I just went wholly the other way...

If you wanna say, I'm kinda curious as to how that came about. You don't seem the terribly private type, but if I'm overstepping my bounds, feel free to tell me to bugger off. Curious is my middle name, and it sometimes makes me tactless!


You’re 29 as of a few days ago, so I give you about two years, three on the outside to get out of that funk before biology makes that permenant decision for you. If you look like Carmen Elektra, I give you six years at the outside, but not a day over.

*grin* I'd give me four-ish. I'm no Carmen Elektra...but then again, who is?


Oh fuck. When did the laughs turn off? I promise, I will never again write a serious sentence.

Hey, it's not just anyone who can be as intelligent and entertaining serious as comic. I don't mind either way. I enjoy being brutally frank, especially when I'm so rarely serious on any subject. It's...a novelty.


I’m smart as all fuck and fucking me always smarts, that’s why. I try to have others toot my own horn but gorrammit Mal, I fucking rock. I’m, what’s the word? Pretentious. Cock of the walk. Arrogant, you might say. But then, women don’t fuck the wallflowers.

*grin* I really like you, man. You are somethin' else entirely.



“Strangely enough, that's one of the nicest things anyone's said to me”

Wow, your friends and lovers are pricks. I feel like I know them already.

Naw, not entirely. They just know me well enough to know I don't usually like compliments. They give me an uncomfortableness.

I really am a no-maintenance kind of girl. It weirds guys out because it's exactly what they think they want. Half of the reason I don't date -- the other half being that I'm entirely too independent for my own good -- is because I know I'm exactly NOT what any man in his right mind wants. I don't cling. I don't want anything -- except the sex, of course. I don't cry. I don't pander. Just can't do the Little Missus thing.


I think she (at 6’1”!) just liked that I was taller than she was and tall women especially like to feel small and feminine.

Good Lord! So you HAVE been with a warrior woman! Heh, sorry...couldn't resist....


The only truly odd sex is no sex.

Well, then I've been having truly odd sex for goin' on five years now. Don't have a conniption fit! For the middle two of those years, I could truly say that I didn't miss it. It wasn't constantly on my mind. I had other things to do.

But for the first year and a half and the last year and a half, it creeps in.

The last time a good-lookin' guy offered strings-free sex, I only turned him down because I greatly suspected it wouldn't be as string-free as he promised. See, he'd already told his mom that he'd met this crazy-funny girl.

That does NOT bode well for no-strings.

At any rate, I seriously considered taking him up on it. That damn biological clock of mine is getting ready to kick up some serious dickens, whether I want kids or not -- NOT, in case you were in doubt -- and one of these days, I WILL take some guy up on it. Dammit.


You know, you’re pretty smart and witty to talk to. You know, for a girl.

Heh, there ya go makin' with the pretty again. If it were anyone but you, it would start to weird me out.

Luckily, you're lots of fun -- and f'n smart and witty -- to talk to so I'll just take it as a kindness with a grace I don't usually manage in real life. Thanks, man.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Sunday, February 19, 2006 12:43 PM



Good Lord! So you HAVE been with a warrior woman! Heh, sorry...couldn't resist....

Nah, she was just right. A skinny buck and a quarter tops with tits*, she'd just filled out from a skinny childhood. Just the right time to get a girl, right before they know how attractive they are.

*- 120 is VERY skinny for a 6'1" girl. Especially one with boobs.


You ain't lyin'. As of this moment, I'm nowhere near lonely. I'm not that type.

I'm tellin' ya, it gets different when you've lost options. I wouldn't say this if I hadn't seen a thousand "independent" women go through this. The reason you don't mind it is you're young and possibly a little hot. By the by? Look for the sex drive you have at 29 to double every year for the next ten years, just to frustrate you on top of it all.


No fair that my sex drive -- which was already pretty jumpin' for a woman, unless all other women are lying -- will kick in just as I'm getting old enough to truly stay single without anyone else bitching about it.

Does that seem right?

Yes it does, so very right. I think it's Nature's way of recompense for the humiliation men face at being the askers and women the chosers. Ha fucking ha ha.


*grin* I'd give me four-ish.

My, we think well of ourselves, don't we? Would we like a mint julep with that ego? You know, I really didn't take any of the sex talk seriously, but I do suddenly have an urge to put you in your place.


I really am a no-maintenance kind of girl. It weirds guys out because it's exactly what they think they want. Half of the reason I don't date -- the other half being that I'm entirely too independent for my own good -- is because I know I'm exactly NOT what any man in his right mind wants. I don't cling. I don't want anything -- except the sex, of course. I don't cry. I don't pander. Just can't do the Little Missus thing.

Yeah yeah yeah I heard it all before, toots. They say that, then ten weeks later its "why haven't you called, Jiiimmmyyy?" on the answer machine. Which, I do have to admit, is one of the more satisfying pleasures of my life. I LOVE upending women's little pretentions.

You want to know the truth? There is no person so indepenedent or strong or smart they can't be floored by the opposite sex out of NOWHERE. I used to say the same thing -Hell, I still do after being PROVEN wrong, idiot that I am!- and a woman laid waste to me, crushing me totally. And I can't think of anything more funny in this entire universe than having a girl put me that low, as she surely did. How. Fucking. Funny.

You're saying that BECAUSE it's never happened to you, not that you're not vulnerable. With a bit o' luck, you'll be able to keep up that lie throughout your entire life. But ohhhhhhhhh the joys of watching our Too Cool For School type fall flat on our asses.


Well, then I've been having truly odd sex for goin' on five years now.

I meant sexlessness, no masturbation or desire. That's frickin' odd. Not "I want sex but I'm not looking for it because I have a comfortable little life and I'm a little afraid of men", which is how I immediately interpreted your bravado. But hey, you may genuinely believe it, too- in which case it really will be funny.

You know, I taught an entirely metaphysics free kind of martial arts, but as I got better at it I did one learn one cosmic and universal truth: human beings are just one big pile of vulnerabilities. Flesh is weak, even when it's strong. Independence doesn't truly exist- which is a HUGE problem for someone like me who builds his identity around being independant. And you.

See? I love the attack so much I can't even stop attacking when it's ME. Christ, I do so love the attack. Out-thinking, out-fighting, I do love a good brawl. Best compliment of my life? Someone called me a "predator of the intellect".


Heh, there ya go makin' with the pretty again. If it were anyone but you, it would start to weird me out.

Keep your frock on, it's not like I was trying to get in your pants or anything....waitaminute, yes I am. It's my default with any woman. Ok, then let's say I'm not trying to tug on heartstrings with a angel's harp or some emotional crap, ok? I think you're safe from me getting mushy, dear.

You know, it occurs to me how full of crap my response is- I don't quite know how to handle your compliments and I'm avoiding responding to them, so it's not like I'm not doing the same thing you are. Pretending not to notice something that you're actually hyper-aware of, that is so...something. I can't quite find the word.

Human. Yeah.


Sunday, February 19, 2006 12:51 PM



Originally posted by SilverSamurai:

Yeppers, Not TOO far... (Not like Toronto and Vancouver, thats a drive!)
Ya I guess we are rivals and well all know how Mustangs are... hee hee
I'm in Arts, thinking of sticking around for honours and a minor... I don't know!!!
You're in Poli-Sci eh? How are you liking that?
Do you drive? hee hee

Hey! I resemble that Mustang remark Just kidding!

I like poli-sci, I'm (hopefully) graduating this year with an honors degree. Then I'm going back for a year to complete a diploma in writing before applying to grad school. That's the plan anyway.

So what kind of arts classes are you taking? Is it visual arts or English or...?

Yeah, I drive...


Sunday, February 19, 2006 3:49 PM


Sadly, I know I'm a lot more vulnerable than I think I am, if that makes sense. But in a way, what I believe about myself defines my reality. For the most part, I'm busy enough and have enough friends that I don't notice the lack of a warm body in bed. It doesn't really strike me until I get to talking to someone else about how lonely THEY are.

Then, I have to go back to my "Hey, I'm not like that!" rigamarole because I begin to wonder what's wrong with me that I DON'T want a commitment, a husband, another person around more often than not.

See, I truly see myself as not lonely. So long as I know I'm not lonely, I'll just not be.

Until, of course, it slaps me across the face and says, "Pay attention, dammit!" As it does every now and then.


Originally posted by BitterBierce:
Look for the sex drive you have at 29 to double every year for the next ten years, just to frustrate you on top of it all.

*scowl* You're a real prince. Or another "pri" word with considerably fewer letters.




*grin* I'd give me four-ish.

My, we think well of ourselves, don't we? Would we like a mint julep with that ego? You know, I really didn't take any of the sex talk seriously, but I do suddenly have an urge to put you in your place.

*innocent grin* I was, of course, just putting myself in the middle of your little scale -- not too hot, but not too not, if you get my drift.

Seriously. I was. Really.


They say that, then ten weeks later its "why haven't you called, Jiiimmmyyy?" on the answer machine. Which, I do have to admit, is one of the more satisfying pleasures of my life. I LOVE upending women's little pretentions.

You mean like, "Why haven't you answered my post yet, Jiiiiimmmm??? (Can't quite manage "Jimmy". You just don't seem like a Jimmy.) Here I waited a whole..." God, I don't even know and am too lazy to go back and look. Can't carry through the farce.

See, I'm usually the one who is chastised for "forgetting" to call, for missing a date, for not remembering birthdays/anniversaries. My ex can still remember when we first kissed, for God's sake. I can't even remember the exact day I left him.

Heh, I do remember that he bought me a rose and some perfume for our first Christmas as a couple. *snerk* I laughed at him and told him that I really hadn't gotten him anything because I thought I remembered saying that I didn't want anything. You shoulda seen his face.

Not getting your new boyfriend anything for Christmas: $0.
The look on his face when he realizes you're serious: priceless.


You want to know the truth? There is no person so indepenedent or strong or smart they can't be floored by the opposite sex out of NOWHERE.

Now THAT is my one true fear. I honestly dread the day that God sees fit to punish me for my refusal to contribute to the species by getting married and crankin' out the young'uns by sending me The Perfect Guy to shatter all my delusions about independence.

It will happen. I have no doubt. I will be forced to eat every single one of my brave words with some wasabi to make them go down harder still. Dammit.


With a bit o' luck, you'll be able to keep up that lie throughout your entire life.

Wish me luck, then, because that's the lie I curl up under and tuck around me every night. It's comfortable and well-worn, like the best flannel sheets.


Not "I want sex but I'm not looking for it because I have a comfortable little life and I'm a little afraid of men", which is how I immediately interpreted your bravado.

Except for that last bit, you're spot-on. You might even be right about the last, though I'm usually far more comfortable around men than I ever am around women.

God, the mine fields abundant in even a simple conversation with my gender!

But if you mean afraid of a real relationship with a man, then you're by-God right on the money. I will run screaming into the night before falling for another guy.

Not that that'll stop it, of course, but at least I'll have put up a good front. And you'll be able to laugh at me that much harder. Heh.


You know, I taught an entirely metaphysics free kind of martial arts...

Dude, you really gotta stop hitting all my buzz-words. Tall. Built. Arrogant. Martial arts. Just QUIT it, arright??


...but as I got better at it I did one learn one cosmic and universal truth: human beings are just one big pile of vulnerabilities. Flesh is weak, even when it's strong. Independence doesn't truly exist- which is a HUGE problem for someone like me who builds his identity around being independant. And you.

I don't disagree on any particular point. Which sucks.


Christ, I do so love the attack. Out-thinking, out-fighting, I do love a good brawl.

Dammit! What'd I just say about hitting all my buttons?? Quit being exactly what I like in a guy!!


Keep your frock on, it's not like I was trying to get in your pants or anything....waitaminute, yes I am. It's my default with any woman. Ok, then let's say I'm not trying to tug on heartstrings with a angel's harp or some emotional crap, ok? I think you're safe from me getting mushy, dear.

*laugh* Trust me, makin' with the pretty wouldn't get you any closer to in my pants than you already are. You'd be better off saying something along the lines of "Dammit, woman! Start sexin' me already!"


You know, it occurs to me how full of crap my response is- I don't quite know how to handle your compliments and I'm avoiding responding to them, so it's not like I'm not doing the same thing you are. Pretending not to notice something that you're actually hyper-aware of, that is so...something. I can't quite find the word.

Human. Yeah.

Wait just a hot minute. Are you accusing me of being HUMAN?? *shakes head* Just when I was starting to like you. Nice. Real nice.

Heh, I like that I have you all avoiding stuff, though. Makes us even, don't you think?

Kinda fun, too.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Sunday, February 19, 2006 5:17 PM



Originally posted by LittleAlbatross:

Originally posted by SilverSamurai:

Yeppers, Not TOO far... (Not like Toronto and Vancouver, thats a drive!)
Ya I guess we are rivals and well all know how Mustangs are... hee hee
I'm in Arts, thinking of sticking around for honours and a minor... I don't know!!!
You're in Poli-Sci eh? How are you liking that?
Do you drive? hee hee

Hey! I resemble that Mustang remark Just kidding!

I like poli-sci, I'm (hopefully) graduating this year with an honors degree. Then I'm going back for a year to complete a diploma in writing before applying to grad school. That's the plan anyway.

So what kind of arts classes are you taking? Is it visual arts or English or...?

Yeah, I drive...

You're doing your diploma at Western?
The grad school, wow you are a machine!
I'm actually in Spanish (its just under the Arts program/college thingy)
after that, time for a real job! Job hunting sucks!
No I'm a horrible drawer. I struggle with stick figures lol.
You have MSN or something? Or is it possible to talk through private messages or something?


Sunday, February 19, 2006 6:16 PM


Late to the party, but never too late to try...

Twenty-nine year old male, center-left politics, a good reader and excellent taste in my choice of media entertainment. Seeking Firefly-aware lass for various fun expeditions, particularly thai food expeditions.


Sunday, February 19, 2006 7:13 PM


Quick note-

"Can't quite manage "Jimmy". You just don't seem like a Jimmy."

I'm not. Under any circumstances. It's one of those things women start doing that gets them kicked out of my bed and called a cab.

In fact, I have a rigid system for how familiar people can be for me: if you don't know me, my name is "sir" or "Mr. V__________". If you're familiar with me and we've known each other a while you may call me "James". But anyone below my age, you must keep calling me "sir" or "mr" no matter how familiar we are. The exception to this rule are women I'm doing, who may call me "James" or, if they're good and have demonstrated longtime proper obediance, "Jim". People familiar with me and over my age may call me "James". Longtime friends may call me "Jim". Permission to use the term "Jimmy" has been given to precisely two people in the entire Universe, my mother and father, who earned that right. If Jesus comes back from the dead tomorrow, He must call me "sir".

Online it's different. You can use my made up name or whatever comes up. You may NOT call me Jimmy, but it's not something I get upset about online if someone wants to insult me. I mean it's not like it's exactly genius provocation or anything
(people are real fucking brave when they're outside of the range of my mitts. Inside range, not so much). Here's an irony- people never speak to me in real life the way they talk to me online, but I speak pre-fucking-cisely like this to them.


Sunday, February 19, 2006 7:30 PM



Originally posted by BitterBierce:
Quick note-

"Can't quite manage "Jimmy". You just don't seem like a Jimmy."

I'm not. Under any circumstances. It's one of those things women start doing that gets them kicked out of my bed and called a cab.

In fact, I have a rigid system for how familiar people can be for me: if you don't know me, my name is "sir" or "Mr. V__________". If you're familiar with me and we've known each other a while you may call me "James". But anyone below my age, you must keep calling me "sir" or "mr" no matter how familiar we are. The exception to this rule are women I'm doing, who may call me "James" or, if they're good and have demonstrated longtime proper obediance, "Jim". People familiar with me and over my age may call me "James". Longtime friends may call me "Jim". Permission to use the term "Jimmy" has been given to precisely two people in the entire Universe, my mother and father, who earned that right. If Jesus comes back from the dead tomorrow, He must call me "sir".

Online it's different. You can use my made up name or whatever comes up. You may NOT call me Jimmy, but it's not something I get upset about online if someone wants to insult me. I mean it's not like it's exactly genius provocation or anything
(people are real fucking brave when they're outside of the range of my mitts. Inside range, not so much). Here's an irony- people never speak to me in real life the way they talk to me online, but I speak pre-fucking-cisely like this to them.

Bond. James Bond

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule. – H.L. Mencken


Sunday, February 19, 2006 7:40 PM


Well, shucks, it looks like I arrived late and everybody's gone home.

But just in case anybody's still listening...

I'm a 20-year-old SWF (21 on March 2nd!), going to school in Pittsburgh, PA, but originally from central New Jersey. Aside from FF, I love photography and the written word. I think I'm an easy-going, low maintenance chick - maybe a Kaylee/Zoe, with a bit of River's goofiness thrown into the mix.

Guy-wise, I adore Washies - goofy and smart and sweet and not all hard and muscley. I look for someone who can be a good friend first, and a good boyfriend second. I also love committment (OK, anyone reading just tuned out right there), so one-night-stands don't interest me at all.

Just got out of four years' worth of CRAZY, and I'm not looking to dive into anything, but it's never a bad thing to just have a friend.

Anybody who feels like chatting...hit me up!
Yahoo: honeyloupe
AIM/AOL: SemprUbiSubUbi

Zoe: "I don't think she'd harm anyone."
Jayne: "Butcher knife!"
Zoe: "Anyone we can't spare."


Monday, February 20, 2006 6:14 AM



Originally posted by BitterBierce:
Quick note-

But anyone below my age, you must keep calling me "sir" or "mr" no matter how familiar we are. The exception to this rule are women I'm doing, who may call me "James" or, if they're good and have demonstrated longtime proper obediance, "Jim".


I am SO calling you "Sir" from now on.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Monday, February 20, 2006 8:19 AM



I am SO calling you "Sir" from now on.

As Monty Burns say, ehhh-xcellent.


Monday, February 20, 2006 8:20 AM


This thread is fantastic.

Gutterball, Bitterbierce, we always hoped you kids would get together. Mayhaps you could continue your chat in a more private locale, so the rest of us lonely types can find each other's posts? Just asking, I don't mean to offend, and I'm certainly not sorry to have you around. You both make me laugh, except for Bitterbierce.

Citizen, DaveShayne, in case you pop in again, just want to say that this thread was vastly more clever with you two around.

Oh, right, me.

I'm an intelligent, intellectual 23 year-old SWM from Champaign-Urbana, IL (Hi, Arcadia!), with Simon's politeness (and sometimes awkwardness), Wash's sense of humor (and usually courage), and occasional bouts of Mal-like moodiness. I'm tallish, slender, bespectacled, and not too blond. I've got a decent picture I can link, but not right at the moment.

They say I'm very good at writing, and I believe them; my only other talent is to appear talented at things I'm not. More useful than you'd think, but it gets me into trouble.

I'm big into science fiction (who'd have guessed?), writing, games, movies, and the full spectrum of human expression, generally. College drop-out, in case that bugs you, working as a copyeditor and eventually planning to go back to school.

I've banned myself from relationships for six months at least, but I'm very interested in meeting new people. Especially, you know, girlish people. I like those. Somebody said something about friends first, then the rest? Yeah, I'm with you there.

Arcadia, I'm floored to meet somebody from C-U, even if you are moving away soon. When I go back to school, it'll probably be in film; I've already wrote and/or produced three little independent flicks. Drop me a line, if I don't get to you first.

Zamiam, you sound like my type, and Toledo's not SO far. Feel free to get in touch with me.

Copilot, you had me up to "California." I did hike up Mt. Shasta once, though. Good times.

Seryn, I also absorb accents. It's a wonderful thing to be able to do, but sometimes a very unfortunate thing not to be able to NOT do. English rose type, eh? Bah, too bad you're in freakin' England.

All others, feel free to send me a wave.

AIM: althist
email: kdiggesATgmailDOTcom
(don't use the email from my profile... well and truly out of date)


Monday, February 20, 2006 8:22 AM



Bond. James Bond

And as the girls in them always end up saying, "Oh James!"


Monday, February 20, 2006 12:40 PM



Originally posted by Sikkukut:
Gutterball, Bitterbierce, we always hoped you kids would get together. Mayhaps you could continue your chat in a more private locale, so the rest of us lonely types can find each other's posts? Just asking, I don't mean to offend, and I'm certainly not sorry to have you around. You both make me laugh, except for Bitterbierce.

That depends on the Sir. I have no will of my own. I will bow to his wishes in this and all matters.

*tries to look submissive*

*probably fails miserably*



Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Monday, February 20, 2006 12:40 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Bitterbierce you have a trully fascinating character.

I can see why a lot of people are put off but I always take a liking to someone who is honest with themself. doubly if they are secure in themself enough to talk openly about it. Triply if they can do it and make me laugh.


Flesh is weak, even when it's strong. Independence doesn't truly exist- which is a HUGE problem for someone like me who builds his identity around being independant. And you.

Arrogant, depraved and self-aware. Cool. Now I have a question for you.

Which firefly character do you like better, Mal or Jayne?

Reason I ask is that you are uncannily similar to a character in a novel that I'm writing (even in some superficial details, curiously) and I couldn't let this thread die without taking the chance to work out aspects of your psyche to the finest detail.


Monday, February 20, 2006 1:13 PM



Originally posted by GutterBall:
That depends on the Sir. I have no will of my own. I will bow to his wishes in this and all manners.

*tries to look submissive*

*probably fails miserably*


Made me snort. Out loud. At work. Blast you!

To err is human, but computers do it much faster.


Monday, February 20, 2006 1:34 PM



Originally posted by Sikkukut:
Citizen, DaveShayne, in case you pop in again, just want to say that this thread was vastly more clever with you two around.

Eh, I'm still around. Looking in from time to time to see if there are any takers on my add or any adds to respond to. Threads usually are the most clever at the begining and my generaly not being around here I think isn't necesarilly the cause of any dip in quality so much as just coincidental.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Monday, February 20, 2006 2:01 PM



Originally posted by Sikkukut:

Originally posted by GutterBall:
*tries to look submissive*

*probably fails miserably*

Made me snort. Out loud. At work. Blast you!

*bows* I do my best.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Monday, February 20, 2006 2:13 PM


Okay, here goes. I'm not really looking for any face to face meets, call me paranoid, but it would be nice to have a new im buddy. Also, I don't see a lot of people from the Pacific Northwest around here. Are any of you? Anyway, I'm very much a Kaylee, in personality not engine skills, but I have a little bit more of an edge. Hey, the world's not always a happy, shiny place and I can be a "bitch" when the situation calls for it. So I guess I'm kind of like Inara and Zoe in that aspect. I also adore Zoe's gun *drool* I like most any kind of person, but I don't tolerate blatant stupidity well. If anybody's interested in chatting drop me a line.

I killed the dulcimer in a fit of passion...and I'd do it again!


Monday, February 20, 2006 2:59 PM


I'm just gonna put up my add. Much easier than trying to type it all out again....

My Picture:

Tomboy Looking

32-year-old woman
Center Point, Iowa, United States
seeking men 27-45
within 50 miles of Center Point, Iowa

Relationships: Divorced
Have kids: None
Want kids: Probably not
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Body type: About average
Height: 5'2" (157.5cms)
Religion: Atheist
Smoke: No Way
Drink: Social drinker, maybe one or two


About me and what I'm looking for
I'm a no frills kind of girl. I don't mind getting my hands dirty or breaking a sweat doing physical labor. I love to work on my yard and landscape projects. I’m a T-shirt & jeans type who usually only dresses up for special occasions & RARELY wears a dress and makeup. It wasn't given as an option on the questionnaire, but my ex has a daughter that will always be a part of my life so in a sense, I do have a kid. I recently was introduced to riding on the back of a motorcycle and loved it, so if you have a Harley, that is a definite plus. I don’t drink much, just a beer or margarita once in a while. Love to just sit & shoot the breeze or just cuddle & watch some TV. I'm not really looking for "instant" love but I wouldn't say I'm ruling out the idea of it either. I'm mainly looking for someone to go out & do things & have some fun with now & then. You are probably asking yourself "Why don't she just hang out with her girl friends if that is all she's looking for?” Well it's like this, other than my best friend I have always preferred the company of guys. I'd much rather listen to a guy's hunting story than listen to a woman talk about where she had her nails done last. I hope to find someone who hopefully shares the same interests or is looking to expand their horizons. I want a man who isn't afraid of being affectionate. I girl likes to know that she is wanted and cared about by the man she is with. And I hope this doesn't sound bad, but I don't respond to winks/emails from profiles without pictures posted. No fair you getting to see me and me not getting to see you.


About my life
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Brown
Best feature: Eyes
Body art: Pierced ear(s)
Sports and exercise: Bowling, Walking/Hiking, Weights/Machines, Dancing
Exercise habits: Exercise 1-2 times per week
Daily diet: Meat and potatoes
Interests: Coffee and conversation, Cooking, Dining out, Fishing/Hunting, Gardening/Landscaping, Movies/Videos, Museums and art, Music and concerts, Nightclubs/Dancing, Travel/Sightseeing, Watching sports, Camping
Education: Associates degree
Occupation: Other profession
Income: $35,001 to $50,000
Languages: English
Politics: Middle of the Road
Sign: I don’t believe in astrology
My place: Live alone
Pets I have: No Answer
Pets I like: Dogs, Horses, Cats


About my date
Hair: Black, Blonde, Dark blonde, Dark brown, Light brown, Salt and pepper, Auburn / Red
Eyes: Any
Height: 5’ 8" (172.7 cms) to 6’ 6" (198.1 cms)
Body type: About average, Athletic and toned, Slender
Languages: English
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Faith: Any
Education: High school
Job: Any
Income: $35,001 to $50,000, $50,001 to $75,000, $75,001 to $100,000, $100,001 to $150,000, $150,001+
Smoke: No Way
Drink: Social drinker, maybe one or two
Relationships: Never Married, Divorced
Have kids: Any
Want kids: Don't want to have kids, Probably not,
Not sure
Turn-ons: Candlelight, Dancing,
Public displays of affection, Thunderstorms, Flirting
Turn-offs: Tattoos, Body piercings

for fun:
I grew up in the country & am a tomboy at heart. I enjoy the outdoors & like fishing, camping, etc. I enjoy many types of music & movies. I love to dance & hope to find someone to go 2-stepping with me on Saturday night.

my job:
I am a lab tech at a new Cedar Rapids factory.

my ethnicity:
I'm actually quite the mixture of European ancestry. I'm mostly Czech with a little Belgian, English, German, French, and some Scottish thrown in for good measure. So, basically I am an American Mutt, ha-ha.

my religion
To each their own is my motto but for me Sunday is for sleeping in. :)

my education
Went to a small town school and then Kirkwood where I got a degree in Parks and Natural Resources. Obviously I am not using that degree in my job now, but it is for the best. Decided I didn't want to mow grass and clean restrooms the rest of my life.

favorite hot spots:
I like a lot of restaurants from Joensy's to Hacienda Las Glorias. Love taking day trips to close points of interest such as Galena, Marquette, and other river towns. I hope to travel to Yellowstone again someday.

favorite things:
Books- Anne Rice, TV- Deadwood & Rome(HBO)/History/Discovery/TLC, Foods- Pizza/Mexican/Italian/Home Cooking, Apparel- Jeans & T-Shirt, Music- Country/some rock, Movies- comedies/some drama/some action, NASCAR- 15 Waltrip, Football- Denver

last read:
Currently I am reading "Love & War" by John Jakes. Otherwise I try to read the newspaper whenever I can. But I must admit, the comics section is usually the first thing I look at. May as well start your day with a laugh.

"I'm not gonna say Satchel is stupid, but that's only because I can no longer hear his voice over the dueling banjos."
— Bucky Katt in Get Fuzzy (by Darby Conley)


Monday, February 20, 2006 3:07 PM


thats a lot of filler.


Monday, February 20, 2006 3:10 PM


doube post?
23/w/m arctic upper midwest. just call me a wash-book type......without the whole religion kick. who said that the only guys are down south?


Monday, February 20, 2006 3:18 PM



Originally posted by erlee:
thats a lot of filler.

I figure if I am gonna do this, I'm gonna do it right. May as well lay it all out there and see who bites.

"I'm not gonna say Satchel is stupid, but that's only because I can no longer hear his voice over the dueling banjos."
— Bucky Katt in Get Fuzzy (by Darby Conley)


Monday, February 20, 2006 3:36 PM


good point


Monday, February 20, 2006 3:45 PM



Originally posted by Sikkukut:

Seryn, I also absorb accents. It's a wonderful thing to be able to do, but sometimes a very unfortunate thing not to be able to NOT do. English rose type, eh? Bah, too bad you're in freakin' England.

Aye, don't I just know that one!

Its when you find your self in a nightclub clutching a $35 cocktail, bought for you by some honest-to-god-cockney mob member (of course your savvier friend has neglected to share this information until about five minutes after you realise you are copying his accent) and can you stop? oh god no... you carry on and on and despite your best efforts it gets worse, soon your copying his mannerisms and inflections and oh my god why wont it stop?!

Fortunetly, he was either pissed enough or I was cute enough to get away with an arm around the neck hug and a kiss on the forehead - I suppose the girls version of the 'ain't he just the cutest' hair ruffle.

Ha, see this is why I've been single for goin on three years - not cause i'm snobbish and too high in my standards, not cause i'm determined to stop kissing toads, not even 'cause i'm commitment phobic, socially standoffish, and aggressively protective of my person and space.

But because I'm s**t scared of having to hold a conversation!

Gutterball - everything hurts from laughing, it is so refreshing to see you two. Oh god my sides hurt.

I think i'm kinda like you about five years late, you keep saying things that I agree with, its uncanny.
But you kinda made me realise one little thing - i'm not afraid of that perfect guy coming along, infact, I think I eagerly await the glowyness and the pythonesque 'he's the one' finger pointing from the sky.

I reckon its about time someone came along to make me revise my opinions of people (never as vital as they are on the net or in the movies)sex (um, icky, sweaty, ultimetly pointless) and relationships (restrictive and um, ultimetly pointless)

I can see BB rolling his eyes, but you know what, I don't give a flying f***

So cheers

Unfortunetly, scanning the posts, lots of fine men here, not a damn one of them anywhere near me. crap.

Ah well, back to normal.

I'm off to join Dave with that popcorn.

Dave: you may like this - a few years back there was a report in the Fortean Times, a troup of monkeys would regularly break into some big office in Japan and go around stealing cigarettes, then the alpha male would sit in the CEO's chair and smoke them. Got to the point where the monkeys were so common peoples just ignored them and carried on - real monkeys in your office!

Oo, Gutterball, as a co-habitor with a Neo mastiff/Old English Mastiff/Great Dane cross, and a pure O E Mastiff, and being a woman apparently beloved of cat kind, be careful what you wish for! Acidic drool, eye-melting gas and all-invasive hair - it's often a comfort to have my cat glare at me.

But seeing as little dogs are so gorram insecure and yappy, go with Irish Wolfhounds or pure Danes - less hair, no drool (not the viscous carpet eroding stuff anyway)

Unfortunetly, the gas is ever present.

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. O.W.


Monday, February 20, 2006 4:13 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
Gutterball - everything hurts from laughing, it is so refreshing to see you two. Oh god my sides hurt.

I am unrepentant. I live to entertain. Or hurt. Sometimes can't tell which.


I think i'm kinda like you about five years late, you keep saying things that I agree with, its uncanny.

But you kinda made me realise one little thing - i'm not afraid of that perfect guy coming along, infact, I think I eagerly await the glowyness and the pythonesque 'he's the one' finger pointing from the sky.

Bite your tongue, woman! I feel a little like Jayne jumping up from the table shouting, "Well don't SAY it!"

Hopefully, it only applies to you. Heh.


I can see BB rolling his eyes, but you know what, I don't give a flying f***

Apropos of almost nothing, one of my favorite image quotes of all time is "Take a flying f**k at a rolling donut!" I mean, can't you just see it? Heheheh...gets me every time....


Oo, Gutterball, as a co-habitor with a Neo mastiff/Old English Mastiff/Great Dane cross, and a pure O E Mastiff, and being a woman apparently beloved of cat kind, be careful what you wish for! Acidic drool, eye-melting gas and all-invasive hair - it's often a comfort to have my cat glare at me.

But seeing as little dogs are so gorram insecure and yappy, go with Irish Wolfhounds or pure Danes - less hair, no drool (not the viscous carpet eroding stuff anyway)

Unfortunetly, the gas is ever present.

Yes, sadly I know. But I'd rather have the Bog of Eternal Stench and Alien-acid drool than all that yapping. There is nothing less useful on this planet than a small dog. That includes the Slinky.

At least the Slinky is fun to watch tumble down the stairs. Kinda like some people I know.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Monday, February 20, 2006 8:23 PM




Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:27 AM



Originally posted by BitterBierce:
"Ha - who's afraid of a little cradle robbing? Especially since the only man my age who's posted is our oversexed friend bitterbierce? (No offence BB, but I gotta insist on 50/50, in bed and out!)"

Aw that's ok sweetie, it's a special fun breaking in girlies with initially mistaken apprehensions that they run things, or even have a say in them. There are no women so happy and tamed as ones who began needing taming. Call me Petruchio.

Please, let's do this in an orderly fashion, people- feminist lynchers to the right, outraged SNAG slapfighters line up on the left, and we have an area for "scared" people to mill about making clucking noises in the hall. If you would please sign the guestbook on the way in.

Hey BB, sorry I didn't reply sooner. I was home all weekend swinging a sledge hammer at a wall that was in my way. It is no longer.

So, in all seriousness and without mocking (really!) I do have to wonder if you've ever had a woman hold you down and ravish you until you forget who and where you are. No? Bummer.

But good job on that body count you've got going! I bow before your obvious studliness (just don't mistake the bow for something else, I still have my sledgehammer...)

Really, all meant in humor, it takes all kinds and I do find you entertaining. Especially since you're half a continent away.

Ask Dr. Science ... he knows more than you do.
"I have a Master's degree ... in science!"


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 6:02 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
I'm off to join Dave with that popcorn.

Dave: you may like this - a few years back there was a report in the Fortean Times, a troup of monkeys would regularly break into some big office in Japan and go around stealing cigarettes, then the alpha male would sit in the CEO's chair and smoke them. Got to the point where the monkeys were so common peoples just ignored them and carried on - real monkeys in your office!

I'll have to track down the name of that company. I wonder how hard it is to learn Japanese?


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 6:12 AM


Wow, I can't believe I didn't see this thread until now... funny. I've always thought there should be a dating service for sci-fi geeks/dorks/nerds/whatever name you prefer to call yourself. Of course, the numbers would be completely whacked - 100 guys to every 1 girl...

Neat idea, though - any single ladies in the Milwaukee area, by chance? I doubt it, but worth a shot.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 6:12 AM


Whoops - double post


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:37 AM



Of course, the numbers would be completely whacked - 100 guys to every 1 girl...

The sad thing is.. this is almost true... of ANY dating site. Go to ANY dating site/service/etc.. and look to see if you can find actual numbers. In most populated geographic areas.. there typically seems to be about a 10 to 1 ratio of men seeking women to women seeking men. Then when you start to look at less populated areas... yes.. there are places where the ratio can be 100 to 1.. or MORE!!!

I have known women who have posted the most basic information (virtually none) at a dating/special interest site.. with no photo.. no real information at all.. other than age and being a woman.. and will get several emails a day. Post a semi attractive photo.. and they get more emails than they can possibly even read. Some guys I know who have posted profiles have never been contacted... not even once. They have to do all the contacting.. while trying to break through an entire ocean of white noise.. just to get a "hello". Is it a wonder why so many guys are frustrated?

This is the really sad thing... all you guys out there that think the whole "lesbian" thing is hot (I don't get it).. you better be careful what you wish for. If you go to many dating sites.. if you can find the numbers.. you will notice that the number of women seeking other women.. is APPROACHING the same number of women who are seeking men. I wouldn't doubt in a few years if there becomes MORE women seeking women than women seeking men..

Sigh... not that any of this matters anymore to me... but it still makes me depressed..



Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:21 PM


Ahhh, now I'm in a much better general mood, no prize for guessing why. Why, I'm veritably bright eyed and bushy tailed. So! Where was I.


*tries to look submissive*

Oh how I would enjoy taming you.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:31 PM



Which firefly character do you like better, Mal or Jayne?

I would caution against using that question to determine another person's psychology. I don't have a personality like either, nor do I have an analogue in the entire FF 'verse.


Reason I ask is that you are uncannily similar to a character in a novel that I'm writing (even in some superficial details, curiously) and I couldn't let this thread die without taking the chance to work out aspects of your psyche to the finest detail.

Hahaha, good luck with that.






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