Couldn't there be new character twists?

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 08:10
VIEWED: 2530
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Monday, February 20, 2006 4:10 PM


How about this... since Firefly does carry passengers for a fee, Mal will have to compensate for his losses.. River can pilot, but can she be dependable in her state of mind? I'd have to say no, which would mean that someone would have to step in, say, from Zoe and Mal's past, someone they knew and fought asside at one point perhaps... or maybe this person is picked up on another world they visit, maybe a questionable sort of fellow, and wins their trust somehow.. Many plot twists along those lines... As to Book; there are so many unanswered questions revolving around his character, so again, other factions could enter the 'verse to add some spice and dare I say, drama, to the fold.. I have a feeling that Joss has something cooked up, so all of us sad to see Wash's untimely death and Book's demise might be in for a treat in how he handles things from here..
I for one, would love to see something done creatively yet not lose that charm and feel that the series had. Personally, I'd love to see another attempt at a series versus a sequel. There was mention on the boards here about possibly brining in Saffron in the storylines...
Anyway, my two cents.. rip away!



Monday, February 20, 2006 7:28 PM


Interesting thread idea. But I've noticed that you're doing something that everyone else seems to do: you're assuming that Joss doesn't have twists in store for our 7/9 beloved characters. People seem to think that they're pretty solid, not going anywhere, not changin, no sirree. In fact, that was one complaint about the BDM: characters had changed since the series. I think this is a result of the fact that with the end of OiS, the characters were more or less static for 2 years. They developed an inertia of sorts; people seem to think that they can't/won't change. I don't subscribe to that series, myself.

I, for one, am curious to know how the 7/9 main characters would change and evolve. If you're even remotely familiar with Joss' work, you know that they would have.

My own personal theory (one that has gotten me in a lot of trouble on these boards) is that Jayne would eventually have turned on the crew. All the indicators are there:

From the series (just a sample of things)
--His serious consideration of Dobson's offer
--His readiness to take over when Mal and Zoe were captured
--The crew doesn't trust him (see the infamous "poetry with imagery" dialogue)
--Obviously, the incident on Ariel
--The way he came to be on the ship in te first place

From the BDM
--His eagerness (and continued eagerness: "Didn't we have and ingenious plan about how they was gonna be not here anymore") to get Simon and River off the ship
--His comment, "So, no hope of a reward, then"
--His outright defiance of Mal
--"We're gonna go for a nice shuttle ride"; where, exactly? Not something I've seen discussed on this board...

Most damning of all, Joss said in the pilot commentary (I think it was the pilot, leastways) that in the Firefly 'verse, only bad guys wear hats: the alliance, Badger, Patience...and Jayne. Of all our BDHs, only Jayne wears a hat as part of his regular clothing (as opposed to as part of disguise). And he does so with alarming regularity: Shindig, Heart of Gold, the Message, just to name a few off the top of my head. Yep. He was gonna turn on 'em.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Monday, February 20, 2006 7:53 PM


Nice.. very nice.. hmmm..
You caught me, I'm fresh with Joss' way with characters, and relatively a new catch on Firefly, so I am still re-watching episodes from the DVD set. I'm actually reconsidering some of my thoughts since again watching 'out of gas' tonight with the backstories to how Mal got Serentity and recruiting Kaylee, conning Jayne aboard.. etc..
Honestly, I'm not one to bring back the dead, and please no time portals or dream sequences like it never happened.. not going there. You have a point! Well taken, and never got the bad guys in hat thing, I missed that one..
Still, even with all that, would you rule out a new pilot with some back story and you can't dismiss there's unanswered questions revolving around the whole reason why Book had some alliance ties or such that might have some resolve still with the rest of the crew...


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 3:34 AM


Not at all. I'd love new characters. Definitely going to need a new pilot. I think there could be a great episode or series of episodes (or movie sequel, for that matter) revolving around Book's character. My point was just to get people thinking about the potential for development on the original characters themselves. And let's not forget the Mal-Inara arc...

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 3:54 AM


Huh, I'd never thought about that with Jayne and his hats. Good point though. Of course part of the appeal of Jayne is that he has such questionable moral standards, anyways. ;p They've sure given enough hints of Jayne possibly turning on the crew... that ever happens, it'd be one frelling good episode, too.

Sure, he's evil and all... but it'd have to be one gorramn good deal to get him to turn on the whole crew outright. (Simon and River, sure... But mutinying against Mal, Zoe, and Kaylee?) That'd be interesting to see Jayne dealing with a dilemma like that. Sure he puts up this persona, but deep down I always figured he looked up to Mal. Not that he never would, though...

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:33 AM




Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:39 AM


Can people warn us about spoilers. I haven't seen Serenity yet.
Next week, though .


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:55 AM




Tuesday, February 21, 2006 5:06 AM


***Implied Spoilers*** I think there will be a new series, and Book's history will probably be incorporated in a long story arc. I really don't think Book and Wash would show up as more than flashbacks and maybe mental imagery interacting in the present (particularly in Zoe's case). But, I doubt River will be the regular pilot. Much better dramatic tension to hire on a new pilot with his/her own plot threads, and to create emotional pressure on Zoe.

And, of course, one of the beauties of this show is the excellent writing and character growth. These characters will develop and grow, and we are all looking forward to that!

I believe Jayne does look up to Mal, btw, though he would never admit to that. I think "Objects in Space" gave a quick insight to his mental state at the end of Season one (;D) with his "I lost my head, the money was too good" thought that River picked up. I think deep down he does have a sense of loyalty to the Capt, maybe the rest of the crew, and it wars with his greed. An interesting character, as they all are.

"We've done the impossible. That makes us mighty"


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 5:30 AM



Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:10 AM



Originally posted by Causal:

--"We're gonna go for a nice shuttle ride"

Movie spoilers...

When this scene came up in the movie, the image of Jayne unholstering his gun and the look on his face had me convinced he was going to try to kill River. Subsequent viewings have toned down that feeling somewhat, but that may just be me looking for a safe, comfortable explanation. There's no doubt that Jayne is the most likely to do something awful to the rest of the crew.

Jayne is a fun character, Adam's a good actor, and within the context of the show Jayne has a role to play on the ship. But at times it's hard not to see him as a mercenary thug who is fundamentally an unlikeable (maybe even evil?) man who would be better off somewhere else - like in prison.






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