Guess Who's in Firefly the Movie

UPDATED: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 04:51
VIEWED: 19340
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Monday, September 22, 2003 7:33 AM


Hey. Joss has mentioned that the movie will feature both new and familier faces. Which characters wold you most like to see return to the firefly universe for the film?

Rot in hell Fox, you bastards!


Monday, September 22, 2003 8:04 AM


What I'm wondering is if we're see any of the Buffy and Angel cast making cameo appearances.

Otherwise I want to see the Reavers in the flesh (so to speak).


Monday, September 22, 2003 9:13 AM


My first reaction is "oh hell yeah: reavers for sure"

but OTOH, isn't somehow...more creepy that we just know them as these twitchy, malevolent blipverts-for-evil that roam the 'verse in lethally-radioactive ships?

From when I still thought ST was fun, I was totally disappointed when the Borg where shown,a nd especially when these supposedly big-nasties were these lumbering idjits. Sorta like the Cylons from BG: too damn slow to take seriously.

the last 'cool' alien that I saw on Enterprise before I gave it up entirely were some insectoid nasty that robbed the ship of power and were roaming with disruptors or something. No latex Hu-Mans, just nasty...and largely shown just as confusing glimpses. My Kind of Bad.


Monday, September 22, 2003 11:24 AM



Originally posted by inire:

but OTOH, isn't somehow...more creepy that we just know them as these twitchy, malevolent blipverts-for-evil that roam the 'verse in lethally-radioactive ships?

Firstly, I think the pseudo-reaver we saw in Bushwacked was pretty darn creepy.

Secondly, think Alien and Aliens.
Reavers could be very much a similar feel, and you know Joss can't wait to take another crack at the claustraphobic creepy alien style, to further redeem what happened on alien4
Keep them in the darkness, we don't have to see much of them, only glimpses, and when they attack there will be only chaos, we won't be able to keep track of 'em even if we can glimpse them; the fear can still come more from our team's (or other character's) reactions than from seeing them "in the flesh".

Thirdly, i think we really need to face these reavers and capture just what this "insanity on the edge of space" is all about; i think that's fundamental to the show's concept and its intent, and the whole idea of "wilderness vs. civilization" etc., and so it's important that we take a closer look at that (though that doesn't necessarily have to entail looking at a reaver close-up in the light, of course). And also, it's not as if one could sit down and have a conversation with a reaver; i think anything about them will be frightening, even if they're in the light, because on the one hand they will have very raw human features and mannerisms, but on the other they'll be so completely insane.
Any way you slice it, i don't think we can lose on this one.

p.s. I have to disagree about the Borg though; the whole reason they were scary is that they are slow and represent machine indifference, and the fear of looking at their bodies which are mechanized humans etc. I agree that later versions of the Borg took out the fear, though (eg. First Contact was a big joke, and some of the later episodes had a more benign version of the borg, which was interesting in its own right, but admitedly not scary).


Monday, September 22, 2003 11:33 AM


Nailed it right on the head Lennier. The very first thing I thought of was Alien, specifically. You don't actually see the beastie until the very end. (And it's slightly disappointing when viewed with the modern eye, because the model is very clearly a model.)

If you took a vote on which guest characters from the show people wanted to see in the movie, I'd wager myself that it'd come down to Badger and Early as the favorites.

We don't know who put this cup of life into our hands. But when we go our bones will bake upon the burning sands. 'Cause we walk but once among the living, so no regrets and no forgiving- it's hard to dance when you're down upon your knees. And these are dark days indeed.


Monday, September 22, 2003 12:09 PM



Originally posted by Archer:

If you took a vote on which guest characters from the show people wanted to see in the movie, I'd wager myself that it'd come down to Badger and Early as the favorites.

Definitely Early.
Early + Reavers = insanity beyond imagining.

And let's throw Niska in for good measure.
Let's put all our creepy apples in one big creepy basket.

If i had to pick a single character I wanted to see again, though, I'd have to go with Saphron (sp?). But then, I haven't seen "Trash" yet.


Monday, September 22, 2003 12:47 PM


I want to see BADGER more than anything. No contest.

I do like Early. He's so different. He's all philisophical and yet kinda bad too. I wouldn't be surprised to see Niska though because they've set him up so well. The only episode I haven't seen is Trash, so I don't know about Saffron yet. I think we already KNOW that Reavers and Blue Sun are going to be in the movie.


Monday, September 22, 2003 12:59 PM


River's Academy surely had more than one student.

River escaped, but perhaps the others didn't. Perhaps the Alliance got what they wanted out of them.

Imagine if you will a person with all of River's intelligence, insight, and skill, working for the Alliance.

Imagine that person coming for River.


Monday, September 22, 2003 1:09 PM


one thing I'd like to see is more of the chinese influence. What is the history that led to that influence and maybe some characters of asian lineage. just curious..


Monday, September 22, 2003 1:15 PM


I just hope its not too much of a horror movie. Nothing would be worse than to have Firefly revived but as something different than what it originally was.

"Societies are supported by human activity, therefore they are constantly threatened by the human facts of self-intrest and stupidity." --Peter Berger


Monday, September 22, 2003 1:44 PM


The problem with the later versions of the Borg was that they took away what made them intimidating- early on, they functioned as one mind, like a distributed intelligence network. They robbed you of your individuality and enslaved your mind, etc etc.

In First Contact and Voyager, they turned them into insects. There was a "smart" queen who was the brains of the opperation, and then the drones were all just easily bamboozeled morons. It became not a collective but a hive/caste system.

Oh, how I hate Voyager- it was the beginning of the end for Trek.

Anyway, I don't want to see a hodgepodge of characters in the movie. Maybe have a cameo by Badger to give them a job or something, but remember: relatively few people have seen the show, and most of the movie audience won't have the introduction to the cast that we do, much less people like Niska, Saffron, or Jubal Early.

A lot of time in the movie will have to go towards establishing the NINE regular characters, and adding a bunch of other people will make introductions and character development short and inadequate, and leave little time for plot development and action that makes sense rather than just being there for the sake of action like a Charlie's Angels movie.

Also, since I've been deprived of a long series run of Firefly, I want there to be multiple movies. Therefore it would be a bad idea to use up all the characters in the first movie... look at the Batman franchise- They used up eight villians in four movies (completely ruining five of them), each of them capable of carrying a movie by themselves. Now the rouges' gallery is starting to run dry.

My preference would be that they spend the first movie fighting Reavers, giving them time to set up characters. They can have River do some spectacular day-saving stuff, and then in the next movie have the Blue Man Group come after her.

Pace yourselves people- I'm much more interested in seeing the franchise succeed because of a well-written story than have a single movie fail because too many characters were crammed in to please the die hard fans.


Monday, September 22, 2003 2:18 PM


yeah, if youve seen star wars special edition, you all know what happens when they go of to please die hard fans...

...too many boba cameos!!!...

...And why did greedo shoot first???...

we want firely too be good, not a 2 1/2 hour joke.

"Oh, yeah. Let's all here it for the good Alliance."


Monday, September 22, 2003 2:34 PM



Originally posted by arcbeatle:
yeah, if youve seen star wars special edition, you all know what happens when they go of to please die hard fans...

...too many boba cameos!!!...

...And why did greedo shoot first???...

we want firely too be good, not a 2 1/2 hour joke.

"Oh, yeah. Let's all here it for the good Alliance."

Not only does he shoot first HE MISSES!!! From 3 feet away.

"Societies are supported by human activity, therefore they are constantly threatened by the human facts of self-intrest and stupidity." --Peter Berger


Monday, September 22, 2003 3:24 PM


Didn't I read somewhere (on this site) that Joss could make a scarier monster out of an ordinary looking human than anything in latex. If you every saw "Manhunter", the orginal movie with Hannibal the Cannibal, you'll see what he means. That Hannibal was exponentially more malevolent and creepy than the over the top Anthony Hopkins in later films. Subtlety can create anticipation that is far more frightening than drooling masks and "wink, wink, see how scary I am" monsters. It's all in the Id.

Always leave 'em wanting more....



Monday, September 22, 2003 3:59 PM


Oh, yeah, Monsters & Creepy's are one thing but the most frightening horror is the darker side of humanity. I guess that's why I never bought into the whole Buffy & Angel shows. (Can you hear the can of worms opening?) No offense Joss, I liked the characters though. That's why I love Firefly. Real characters, sure some sci-fi elements, but they always remain within the confines of possible, even if fantastic. I so loved that quote from Joss I wish I could find it.

Mal: “See how I'm not punching him? I think I've grown!”


Monday, September 22, 2003 4:17 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

I'd like to see Jubal Early. Maybe just after he says, "Well, here I am" Early gets picked up by Reavers but he's already kind of insane and he becoems their leader and the crew is hired to help protect a moon from . Or maybe Niska hires him and he catches up with the crew just as they are being run down by Reavers and temporarily joins forces with them. Or...


Monday, September 22, 2003 5:11 PM


MARRRRRK WE need to see Mark

Badger was my all time fav none crew character from the series.

Reavers = we already know theres gonna be something in referance to reavers but for all we know it could be one of the characters has a line with the word reaver in it thats it, maybe we will see them, that would be cool

Early... i donno... maybe

Dear diary, Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy,
Today we where kidnapped my hill folk never to be seen again, it was the best day ever.


Monday, September 22, 2003 5:26 PM



Originally posted by Embassy:
Imagine if you will a person with all of River's intelligence, insight, and skill, working for the Alliance.

Imagine that person coming for River.

Great idea, that could get really intense.

Also, concerning Reavers, it's highly likely that one or more of the crew will be captured by Reavers. Who will it be?


Monday, September 22, 2003 5:54 PM


I love Early but, it'd be hard to make hip plausable and I'm not sure he's a movie type villian anyway.

Niska on the other hand is perfectly suited for such a part.

Everyone else would be a cameo at best.

"Why we still discussin' this?"


Monday, September 22, 2003 6:04 PM


The only thing I really don't want is for them to get a bunch of money to use to make the movie. I don’t want celebrity guest stars and for FF to lose some of it's dark, worn in, dusty, real life, we-lost-the-war, we're-broke-thieves, look. Oh, and we've got to have Badger, he was just so cool. Oh, oh, and more shirtless Simon.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.


Monday, September 22, 2003 6:36 PM


ok, im not sure what has been aired in the US and what hasnt... so ill put this whole post in spoiler quotes... if u havnt seen heart of gold.. then this is a spoiler.. i think ;)

Select to view spoiler:

Ok, so at the end of heart of gold, anara is leaving right? so in the movie do u think anara will be gone at the start, and then in their adventures they will meet up again or something? like mal will save her and be a big dam hero or something? or do u think they will have convinced her not to go or something?


Monday, September 22, 2003 6:38 PM


ITA on no celebs. I think even cameos from other ME stars would be bad. But give them as much money as they want! As long as Joss keeps the Firefly team together I have absolute faith that nothing will change, it'll only get better. Shower them with gold and let them go nuts.

"I was gonna get me an ear, too." - Jayne


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 2:22 AM


I vote for Saffron. She's my fave villian on the show so far.


Do I wish I was somebody else right now. Somebody not... married, not madly in love with a beautiful woman who can kill me with her pinkie!


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 6:22 AM


Why does it have to be a villain? I like the Sheriff from "Train Job," he was pretty cool. If I had to pick a villain though, I would say badger. He's not really a villain, but he's no hero. I would say Niska, but Niska and Reavers on the same plate might be too much for the un-initiated, I think. So there you have it, the Sheriff or Badger.

Viva Firefly!


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 7:13 AM


I'm all for seeing more of Saffron
Special Hell.

But I don't think you can really appreciate her without OMR. I'm sure you'll see the elder Tams, though not quite villains. I don't know I just am excited about a movie. The key factor is the "nine". Did anybody catch in the Firefly DVD description mention of a "Tenth" character. Perhaps they will be in the movie. A tenth character hmmmm, that's a wonder I could chew on all day. All I know is Joss will do us browncoats proud while still wining over a whole new bunch of us. The greatest joy will be taking all those people who said "I doubt the'll ever make a movie" to the movie. That will be shiny!

Mal: “See how I'm not punching him? I think I've grown!”


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 7:16 AM


I would love to see Badger and the Tams parents. I am surpised nobody has mentioned them. With this movie possibly going back to rivers school.


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 7:54 AM


I'm fairly sure the 10th character talked about in the DVD description is Serenity.

But as for the question... I would like to see the Blue Hand Group again!

...and Jayne's Mom...:)

"Now you just have to scare him..."

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 8:03 AM


OK as for the tenth character i read the " " wrong. Speaking of Tams, I loved the Gag reel scene of the Father flubbing up his Chinese.

Mal: “See how I'm not punching him? I think I've grown!”


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 12:36 PM



MARRRRRK WE need to see Mark



Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:14 PM


i would love to see saffron and badger someone mention the Tams' parents and that sounded 'wicked' cool (i am living in boston)


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:43 PM


I so agree with all that TALONPEST says as to the unlikelyhood of integrating any of the complex villans into the movie. That said, when the series resumes (I wish, I wish) I want to know more about that wonderful character, Jubal Early. He is such a fascinating enigma.



Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:43 PM


I am gone. I am truly gone. I am not sorry.

I so agree with all that TALONPEST says as to the unlikelyhood of integrating any of the complex villans into the movie. That said, when the series resumes (I wish, I wish) I want to know more about that wonderful character, Jubal Early. He is such a fascinating enigma.



Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:48 PM


I so agree with all that TALONPEST says as to the unlikelyhood of integrating any of the complex villains into the movie. That said, when the series resumes (I wish, I wish) I want to know more about that wonderful character, Jubal Early. He is such a fascinating enigma.



Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:48 PM


I am gone. I am truly gone. I am not sorry.

I so agree with all that TALONPEST says as to the unlikelyhood of integrating any of the complex villains into the movie. That said, when the series resumes (I wish, I wish) I want to know more about that wonderful character, Jubal Early. He is such a fascinating enigma.



Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:59 PM



Originally posted by inire:
My first reaction is "oh hell yeah: reavers for sure"

but OTOH, isn't somehow...more creepy that we just know them as these twitchy, malevolent blipverts-for-evil that roam the 'verse in lethally-radioactive ships?

I'd love to see more Badger and Reavers. And, all though I think the Reavers should still be left to their ambiguity.

And, btw.... "Blipverts", huh? Does someone miss 'Max Headrrom'

...(I do.)


... see you Space Cowboy.
(-Cowboy Bebop)


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 5:37 PM



Originally posted by DesertDragon:

I'd love to see more Badger and Reavers. And, all though I think the Reavers should still be left to their ambiguity.

And, btw.... "Blipverts", huh? Does someone miss 'Max Headrrom'

me/dances around...somebody noticed! yay!

and where is YOUR desert? Mine's here in Tucson....


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:50 PM


I think the Reavers would be the perfect villain for this first movie. They're relatively straightforward, scary badasses and a good way to re-introduce the characters without having to get too far into the mythology of River and what was done to her.

"I was gonna get me an ear, too." - Jayne


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:14 PM


Maybe a good premise would be that the Blue Hands are chasing them, and to escape they have to go into Reaver territory.

As for the promise of a new character, I think it's essential to add a new person in the film, since it will give a perfect excuse to bring people up to date on River and Simon's back story without everyone stating (what to us would be) the obvious for no reason.

And thanks Luna! It's good to see someone else around here understands that cramming in everyone's favorite characters in the series would spell doom for the movie.


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:55 PM


Early, I want him dead.

I loved the character and there are ways to go with it, but I am a bit tired of some bad guy who always comes back from the dead. Or near dead in Early's case. Sometimes the bad guy has to die permentently or else you end up with a Freddy or Jason thing.

Back in my day, we knew how to kill bad guys and monsters. If they survived too many movies, we send in Abbott and Costello. That would finish them off for good.

"Wash, where is my space ship."


Wednesday, September 24, 2003 2:28 AM



Originally posted by Drakon:
Early, I want him dead.

Back in my day, we knew how to kill bad guys and monsters. If they survived too many movies, we send in Abbott and Costello. That would finish them off for good.

"Wash, where is my space ship."

Now that I understand, I agree. I like the picture of Jubal floating around in the verse as a lifeless body. Space trash. Nothing more. Not suddenly picked up by bad guys, not recreated as a cyborg of death (ie: the resurrection of Kirk as a Borg) , just dead.

Mal: “See how I'm not punching him? I think I've grown!”


Wednesday, September 24, 2003 6:16 AM



Originally posted by NoRuddinWay:

...and Jayne's Mom...:)

Oh yeah... I definitely want to meet Jayne's Mom! Maybe the whole Cobb family... do you reckon there's a 'Jayne's little sister' out there somewhere?


Wednesday, September 24, 2003 10:16 AM



Originally posted by wantmore:
Didn't I read somewhere (on this site) that Joss could make a scarier monster out of an ordinary looking human than anything in latex.

Always leave 'em wanting more....


"I can make people that are scarier than anything you can put in latex." - Joss Whedon

ha, I found it!


Wednesday, September 24, 2003 1:49 PM



do you reckon there's a 'Jayne's little sister' out there somewhere?

That would actually make a lot of sense. It would sort of point out why he's got such a soft spot for Kaylee. Maybe she reminds him of someone he knows/knew????


Wednesday, September 24, 2003 3:42 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.


Sometimes the bad guy has to die permentently or else you end up with a Freddy or Jason thing.

Back in my day, we knew how to kill bad guys and monsters. If they survived too many movies, we send in Abbott and Costello. That would finish them off for good.

Fair enough. But I think Joss left Early the way he did in anticipation of a return. Besides its too easy, he probably has some sort of recall device built into that suit of his. All he has to do is press a button and the ship comes to pick him up.


Wednesday, September 24, 2003 4:58 PM


I was a little confused by the way they left Jubal Early... more specificly, why did they just abandon what was probably a very valuable space ship belonging to a left-for-dead bounty hunter? They could have sold it, or at the very least canibalized it for parts.

But for all you people who want to see him in the movie in any significant way, be realistic- you all like his character because he had a full 45-minute (after comercials) episode devoted to developing him. So in order to reintroduce him to the crowd, many of whom would not have seen Objects in Space, you need to repeat a lot of that. There just isn't time to develop his character along with the nine cast members and the backstory in an hour and forty minute (ballpark figure) movie in which Reavers are the main villian. Believe me, you would be sorely dissapointed by the time he would be allocated. It will be much better if they concentrate on new uncovered territory than simply rehashing an episode.


Wednesday, September 24, 2003 6:14 PM



I was a little confused by the way they left Jubal Early... more specificly, why did they just abandon what was probably a very valuable space ship belonging to a left-for-dead bounty hunter? They could have sold it, or at the very least canibalized it for parts.

good point, you know the FUN wash would have had in that thing. But keep in mind OIS is one of the last eppisodes made in all probabalily they would have repoed alot of things from it but when they dont make anymore eppisodes its hard for us to see that isnt it!

and i personaly am not sure if i would like to see early but keep in mind they did it with safron verry well they gave her a second eppisode without re hashing plot

Dear diary, Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy,
Today we where kidnapped my hill folk never to be seen again, it was the best day ever.


Wednesday, September 24, 2003 9:55 PM


Having a second episode with a character like Saffron is very different from using Early in the movie. With Trash, they were able to assume that you'd seen Our Mrs. Rynolds. If they want the movie to be successful, it has to stand alone, without relying on people having seen the series.

All the characters will be introduced as though they were new, because to most of the people that see the movie, they WILL be new. In order for it to be the same Jubal Early we know, they would have to tell the story of Objects in Space. Alternatively they could reintroduce him as though OIS never happened, but that would suck, and neither option is a good use of precious movie time.

Personally, I think the best Jubal Early fans can hope for in the movie is a Bobba Fett Episode 4 special eddition-like cameo.


Wednesday, September 24, 2003 11:32 PM


Maybe so, but I hope not.

There is one way I think it might work. Jubal talked to River, extensively. Remember what the Blue Hand Crew did to the security detail in Ariel?

So, what about a plotline about how Jubal has to find Serenity to stay away from the Blue Hand Crew?

Also, I wonder if that massacre got covered up and how well. I am sure that several of those guys had wives, families and the such. Meaning that Jayne would have one hell of a rep on Ariel, and possibly beyond. (Since I doubt the BHC would leave fingerprints pointing to them, Jayne would get the blame for all the deaths.)

"Wash, where is my damn spaceship?"


Wednesday, September 24, 2003 11:39 PM


To sell it would have involved taking it in tow, or piloting it. (Which means dividing forces at least, risky) And risking that Jubal did not have some kind of recall or booby trap onboard. Its too big to bring aboard, and scrapping it on the spot would have meant hanging around, (not safe if in trade routes) and working in suits (just plain not safe).

Sometimes things are more hassle than they are worth. See the gun Mrs. Reynolds talked Mal into stealing.

"Wash, where is my damn spaceship?"


Thursday, September 25, 2003 12:19 AM



Originally posted by Embassy:
River's Academy surely had more than one student.
River escaped, but perhaps the others didn't. Perhaps the Alliance got what they wanted out of them.
Imagine if you will a person with all of River's intelligence, insight, and skill, working for the Alliance.
Imagine that person coming for River.

I think you are right, River said 'They are hurting us' implying more than one student. We talked about that awhile back, I thought it was a great story line.

I wondered if the Blue Hands would use some of the other Academy students to track down Serenity. If the other students could foretell the future, they would always be one step ahead of Mal. Can you imagine how frustrating it would be to be doing a caper and have something go wrong at every step? Then in the end River figures out what is going on and Mal out smarts the Blue Hands and their 'seers'

Maybe they use just one 'seer', a young girl that was River's best friend at the Academy. In the end, she lies to her handlers and lets River get away.


Thursday, September 25, 2003 8:20 AM


Stop me if I'm wrong, but hasn't Joss Wheadon already been quoted as saying that the movie would be about Reavers?


Thursday, September 25, 2003 11:55 AM



Stop me if I'm wrong, but hasn't Joss Wheadon already been quoted as saying that the movie would be about Reavers?

You're not wrong.






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