Firefly 'Top-Selling' on

UPDATED: Sunday, March 12, 2006 06:43
VIEWED: 14548
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Wednesday, March 8, 2006 8:16 AM


[Mod note: sorry, tried to delete the 2nd half of the double post, but somehow deleted's the original post:]


Firefly "Top-Selling" on

Head on over to to see our show in the top selling DVD's section. Most of the competition is three different versions of the new Harry Potter flick.

We're still alive and kicking!!!

(Gorramn Double Post)
"I'll be in my bunk."


Good news! Also at the UK Amazon Serenity is ranked 4th and Firefly 8th (but it's just because it's sold out and it's dispatched within 1 to 2 weeks)!


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 9:06 AM


I tried to check this out, but not only could not find the reference, I was asked to BUY a membership. What a rip. I have better things to do with my money ( like buy more firefly )then this. I don't appreciate reading a thread that turns out to be from a fishing ad.

Does this qualify as trolling?


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 9:09 AM



Originally posted by mikamom:
I tried to check this out, but not only could not find the reference, I was asked to BUY a membership. What a rip. I have better things to do with my money ( like buy more firefly )then this. I don't appreciate reading a thread that turns out to be from a fishing ad.

Does this qualify as trolling?

Calm down, all you had to do was click on "Shop".


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 9:38 AM


That's great. Both are still doing pretty well on UK Amazon too:


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 10:31 AM


Sorry, it wasn't intuitive to me. I don't usually fly off the handle like that, but I was pretty pissed about being asked to buy a membership.


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 1:53 PM


Does anyone have any clue where Firefly actually stands. I have heard that Joss and Nathan have officially given up on the show. The DVD sales are great so I don't understand why this would be the case. Also, I heard something about a three series novelization that would follow the events of serenity. Anybody else heard about this?



Wednesday, March 8, 2006 11:29 PM


nobody knows for certain where the show stands though I'd never say that they'd given up on it. it just a matter of if the DvD's sell well (which they are) will someone (Universal, Fox, Scifi, etc) contact Joss with a reqesat of doing something else with the show. he'd definately do something if asked (he has constantly said that he would) but its doubtful if anyone will. it almost never happens that a cancelled tv show gets made into a hollywood movie and two such miracles for firefly may be too much to ask. even if something does happen it won't be for a few years - took about two years of the series being on sale befoe a film came about.
as for the novels - there will be three - the movie novilisation that is out at the moment is the first and the next two will tell completely new tales post Serenity Movie - no dates or authors announced as of yet. Soooo if worst comes to pass and no more movies - series get made maybe the show'll live on in book form? with perhaps more comice as well. I'd settle for that as long as they were kept within Joss's vision and influence (unlike the star wars / trek novels which seem like anyone who wants to can just make up a story in that verse)


Thursday, March 9, 2006 3:28 AM


Yeah the same with, Serenity is at No.1 and Firefly complete series at No.3. So fingers crossed for a serenity 2.


Thursday, March 9, 2006 4:56 AM



Originally posted by ReaverPrey:
Soooo if worst comes to pass and no more movies - series get made maybe the show'll live on in book form? with perhaps more comice as well. I'd settle for that as long as they were kept within Joss's vision and influence (unlike the star wars / trek novels which seem like anyone who wants to can just make up a story in that verse)

Just to clarify, KRAD's novelization of Serenity is only within Joss' vision and influence in as much that it is based on the movie. Joss didn't actually supervise, edit, or otherwise have much to do with the book. He said that if he were involved then he would have had to devote a large amount of time that he didn't have to make sure things were right. As such, the novelization isn't canon, per se.

The comics, however, are Joss' creation, and are considered canon. There have already been three (recently rereleased as the TPB), and there are three more planned for this summer, I think it is.

Just sayin', is all



Thursday, March 9, 2006 8:40 AM


We, as browncoats, will settle for anything having to do with the 'verse. Books are ok with me too.

I would prefer a series, if not that then more movies......(more than just one more)

We showed the powers to be what we wanted before, so why aren't they listening????

Whining! I know that is how I sound... I am just impatient with waiting longer.....for a crumb of something to say that the 'verse will continue. It just seems that that is NOT going to happen and I am very saddened.....


Thursday, March 9, 2006 9:52 AM


thats great news about the new comics this summer!!

if the next two novels won't be 'cannon' will there a least be some overseeing by joss so that the authors don't go completely off-track in their vision of his verse? even something simple as that he reads the basic plot and gives the nod or not


Thursday, March 9, 2006 1:03 PM


I can't really answer that for certain, ReaverPrey. Based on how busy Joss is and is scheduled to continue to be, I honestly wouldn't expect him to have any involvement at all other than to just acknowledge the use of the property. It's kind of sad to me, but at least it's another way to generate attention and money for the franchise.



Thursday, March 9, 2006 5:26 PM


More along the same line, when I was at the HMV near my house yesterday, Firefly was the third best selling DVD - which I'd say was pretty darn good for a series that's been available since, when was it? 2002? Serenity wasn't too far behind.

There's hope for us yet.


Thursday, March 9, 2006 5:43 PM


I think I can say without equivication that Joss has given up on a return of Firefly the series. Ignoring for the moment all the enormous obstacles that would have to be overcome to get a serond series of FireFly -- as it was originally conceived -- going, it seems to me the movie has taken Joss's original ideas into a much more intense and darker (if you will) side, so much so there is no going back. In a sense, the movie was too good. As violent as it was brilliant (it came awfully close to an R rating), it slams the door on what went before. With the death of the two sanest characters, what series mighy come from it will, I believe, more closely resemble Blake's 7 at its grimmest than the original Firefly we all know and love.

I think it likely at some point, there will be a continuation of the movie, sso we need not completely despair. It is interesting to me that the trutly indespensible character is no longer Mal. It is River. And I think we will see the continuation, if and when it happens, become her story.


Friday, March 10, 2006 2:15 AM


"why did you all order a dead guy for?"
As a newly converted fan from buffy/angel I am amazed at how clever and quercky(?)firefly tv series is.
Having owned the box set for only three weeks and watched the series at least five times already I am becoming a devout follower of the crew.
Why is there no follow up series, if what you are saying about the sales of firefly and mre recently Serenity then any production company should be happy to pick it up.

Originally posted by FFFriend:
I think I can say without equivication that Joss has given up on a return of Firefly the series. Ignoring for the moment all the enormous obstacles that would have to be overcome to get a serond series of FireFly -- as it was originally conceived -- going, it seems to me the movie has taken Joss's original ideas into a much more intense and darker (if you will) side, so much so there is no going back. In a sense, the movie was too good. As violent as it was brilliant (it came awfully close to an R rating), it slams the door on what went before. With the death of the two sanest characters, what series mighy come from it will, I believe, more closely resemble Blake's 7 at its grimmest than the original Firefly we all know and love.

I think it likely at some point, there will be a continuation of the movie, sso we need not completely despair. It is interesting to me that the trutly indespensible character is no longer Mal. It is River. And I think we will see the continuation, if and when it happens, become her story.


Friday, March 10, 2006 3:06 PM


Hello Browncoats, this is my first post so I apologise for being the bringer of less than shiny news. I've recently invested in the Australian version of the Serenity DVD (from EzyDVD), which is a 2-disc set. One disc is identical to the Region 2 release (more on that in a minute), but the second contains exclusive extras. There's a walkthrough of the ship by Wash, Mal and Jayne, plus a brief look at cinematographer Jack Green's contribution, and also some more extended scenes.

However, the best extra is a 30 minute Q & A film of Joss with antipodean Browncoats after a screening of Serenity. Jet lagged, but as witty as ever, Joss is in good form. Before discussing Firefly, he asks how many of the audience have seen the box set of the show - "OK," he says, "only the people with hands!"

The question of a resurrection for Firefly comes up and Joss replies unequivocally that there will never be another Firefly TV series - the magic and the moment is gone and can never be recreated in that format. Nevertheless, he says he wants to do more with those characters and implies that a sequel or a TV movie/mini-series would be more than acceptable.

Which brings us to the reason why anyone who only has the Region 1 disc (which I had shipped to the UK as soon as it was released) absolutely must get either the OZ or UK disc too as both have the best extra on any release I've seen:

"A Filmmakers Journey - Journey with Joss from Script to Screen"

This is outstanding as it shows, amongst other things, early script read-throughs with the cast and Summer Glau in training for her fight scenes. There's a simultaneous kick-punch in this that will just take your breath away - that girl is bendy! If elegance and grace isn't your thing, you can watch Nathan slamming his face into perspex over and over - his homage to Harrison Ford; "That guy could take a punch."

I really can't recommend enough that you seek out a copy of this. You won't regret it and I won't regret doing my part to keep Serenity up in the sales rankings at your expense. Hey, I'm doing my bit - 6 Firefly sets and 3 Serenity's sent out into the 'verse already.

"I swallowed a bug!"


Friday, March 10, 2006 5:45 PM


man that reveiw on

sucked they totaly dissed firefly and serenity


Serenity is a film that, by rights, shouldn’t have been made. For starters, it’s spun out of the short-lived and quickly-cancelled TV series Firefly, which has only itself got the full recognition it deserves on DVD. It then marries up two seemingly incompatible genres, the western and science fiction, has no major stars to speak of, and pretty much has ‘hard sell’ written all over it.

The court of this obsession, is abstracted from possession which when the worlds of outside in fall.


Friday, March 10, 2006 7:13 PM


Forgive me, but that quote is not negative and the rest of the review is quite positive:

"What it fails to reflect, however, is that this is one of the most energetic, downright enjoyable sci-fi flicks in some time. Not for nothing did many rate it higher than the Star Wars movie that appeared in the same year.

It follows renegade captain Mal Reynolds and his quirkily assembled crew, as they work on the outskirts of space, trying to keep out of the way of the governing Alliance. That plan quickly changes when they take on a couple of passengers who have attracted the attention of said Alliance, and thus the scene is set for an action-packed, cleverly written movie that deserves many of the plaudits that have rightly been thrust in its direction.

What’s more, Serenity works whether you’ve seen the TV series that precedes it or not. Clearly fans of the Firefly show will be in their element, but even the casual viewer will find an immense amount to enjoy.

The only real problem is that given the film’s box office returns, further adventures of Reynolds and his crew look unlikely. Unless Serenity turns into a major hit on DVD, that is. It’s well worth playing your part in making that happen.--Simon Brew "


Saturday, March 11, 2006 6:48 AM


Doesn't a mini-series mean a series with at least six episodes?
A few of those and all will be satisfied for a while.


Saturday, March 11, 2006 3:42 PM


One thing I've noticed on the UK Amazon site is the bad-tempered tenor of the negative reviews. There seems to be a determined effort to give a 1-star review (the lowest) to drag down the ratings.

Now I've sometimes written critical reviews of films or books on Amazon, but I don't think I've ever given less than 3 stars - is anything ever totally without merit?

Some of this is attributable to civil war amongst sci-fi fans (who really should stick together) who take umbrage when a positive review makes invidious comparisons with Mr Lucas's recent output. Of course, reviews of the sort "I couldn't follow the plot or the dialogue so therefore the movie is stupid" have their own ironic charm - even better if they cite the maker of 'Attack of the Clones' as a model of clarity on either score. There's also a bizarre variant which accuses Joss of simply making his film a Star Wars clone. Here you'll find gems like "Jayne is a total rip-off of Chewbacca". Stretch!

I suppose it is possible to be so incensed by a movie that you'd feel the need to log on to Amazon and rant against it, but although 'Serenity' might not be to everyone's taste, I find it hard to believe that so many people find the film so lacking in professionalism, screencraft, characterization, CGI effects or action, etc, that they consider it entirely worthless. So what's going on?

I think the clue is in the number of reviews which say "don't believe the +ve reviews - they're just by stoopid fans". Yet so many of the positives echo my own experience - no prior knowledge of Firefly, no preconceived expectations of the movie - but the beginning of what can only be described as a love affair. And I've seen Firefly/Serenity work the same magic on friends who never watch sci-fi, especially female ones.

So I think we're seeing on Amazon UK a mass outbreak of resentment amongst those who have failed to feel the love. Perhaps they watched the movie expecting to share in the epiphany felt by so many late converts to the Firefly 'verse and just didn't get it. In a case like that, mere agnosticism about the worth of 'Serenity' is never enough: hence they are the bitter atheists to our true believers.

Unfortunately, this trend seems to be accelerating as more people rent the DVD. You can see why if you look at the number of reviews of Firefly on Amazon on either side of the Atlantic - 10 times as many in the US. Firely was never aired on TV here, so the only way to experience it is the box-set: the fan base is tiny here.

So, if you think you've done your bit to promote the film by reviewing it on, think again - hop over here and get your positive review up in the UK too. I just have one request: let's drop the "you don't have to be familiar with the TV series, or be a fan" caveats and be totally upfront about this - the whole point of buying or renting 'Serenity' is to have a shot at experiencing fandom. There aren't many movies that offer you a chance to fall in love on first acquaintance, guarantee you at least 14 hours of heavy petting to follow, and may even introduce you to your life-partner.

"I swallowed a bug!"


Sunday, March 12, 2006 6:43 AM


Is anyone else upset by the idea of more comics and no more (small or big) screen versions of Firefly? I'm happy for all of you who actually like comics, but they're really not my thing. I fell in love with the cast as much as the story, and I'm not satisfied to see Firefly on paper. I want live action, people! I am happy to hear about the possibility of a mini-TV series, though.







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