How Did you get hooked?

UPDATED: Saturday, April 1, 2006 11:30
VIEWED: 4666
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:29 PM


Hello everyone. I don't know if this has been done before, but I would like to have a thread where people shared their stories on how they got hooked and brought into the 'verse.

My personal story is as follows...

The renaissance festival i work at got rained out one day about a week or two ago (probably 3). We went over to one of the guy's houses and had a party. Everyone there was a browncoat and there I was sitting and having no clue as to what Serenity or Firefly was at all. The host of the party brought out serenity to show the blooper reel and it was mentioned that I had never seen Serenity. I believe the general concensus then was "OMG!!! We MUST remedy this!!" and they then proceeded to show both serenity and then the Piolet episode of Firefly.

About a week later another friend of mine gave me a copy of Firefly and I watched the rest of it in the span of 2 days.

So. I got sufficiently hooked and am now one of you.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:37 PM


My daughter is my movie buddy and she bugged me about seeing Serenity for about a week or so before it came out. She had seen a lot of good reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. We saw it and I was hooked.

I was intrigued about the series, ordered it from Amazon, watched it about 3 episodes at a time and couldn't get enough of it. The writing and characterizations were so good and so much better than 98% of what is on TV now.

Even treked to Raleigh (2 hours away) to see Serenity again at the $2 dollar theatre.

Now I own 2 copies of the movie and series. One to keep and one to lend out. I got the jitters the time I lent out my only copy.

I have the Visual Companion, the novelization, Finding Serenity, graphic novel, the Serenity RPG book and recently got the Firefly Episode Guide.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:47 PM


Mine is no great heroic tail or of great awe or driving miles and miles.
I was hooked the second I seen the first tv ad for the tv series.
I waited and waited till if finally aired and watched it from day one.
sorry for the boring story, but when you see a good show, you are hooked and it didn't take much too get me hooked on Firefly.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:51 PM


I have to admit that I had gone to Raleigh to shop with my daughter that weekend and knew that Serenity was playing nearby so we combined that trip


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:25 PM


I was a fan of Buffy, and about a month before the movie came out I read online that Joss was making a space movie. So I downloaded the trailer, and read that it used to be a tv show. I looked it up, and found out that it was pretty much loved by everyone but Fox execs.

Against my better judgement I went out a day or two later and bought the Firefly DVD. I'd say by "Bushwacked" I was in love.

I saw the movie with my brother the first day it was out, and dragged a couple of my friends to see it a couple of days later.

To this day, having recomended the movie to countless people, not one of them has come back to me saying it was anything short of great.

The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. - Buffy


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:38 PM


Well, I went out to buy a few new DVD's one day and came across Serenity. A friend of mine told me it was a great movie so I made the purchase (only paid 15 for it at WalMart during the first week it was out ). After seeing the movie, I was obsessed. Working one day, I came across the Firefly series and noticed that every one of the characters on the cover, I had seen in Serenity. I was sold right away and snatched it up for 20 gold. I watched the whole series in about 3 days and now I need MORE.

"If anything happens to her, anything at all, I will get very choked up. Honestly, there could be tears."


Thursday, March 30, 2006 6:03 AM


I also saw the Sci-Fi ad and was intruiged. When the first episode started, I knew within seconds I would watch again. Then, when Cpt. Reynolds kicked Crow into the engine at the end of the episode, I was totally and completely hooked.

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Thursday, March 30, 2006 6:13 AM


"Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die?" That's what did it for me.

I saw the movie first. I was intrigued about it based on reviews but (woman's intuition kicking in here) knew better than to make a big fuss to my hubby. Friday nights we try to watch a movie with the kids and that week it was Serenity's turn, and nobody in the family but me had heard of it.

As soon as Wash said that line, I knew. This is good.

We put the series in our Netflix queue the next day but ended up buying our own copy before we got through the whole thing. Actually the series DVD set is my little boy's; he asked for it for his 12th birthday and I raced right out to get it. For him. Not me. Of course. Right?

They could not take the sky from them -
Our Big Damn Heroes made a film!
I'm gonna see Serenity then
go back the next morning and see it again.
Cuz no one at Fox knew this show had no equal
C'mon Universal, and greenlight the sequel!

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 6:34 AM


A great friend loaned me the box set and the movie about three weeks ago. I am completely hooked. Things that I used to think were good now seem not as good and I find I must have a daily fix of the 'verse. Ironically the same guy who loaned me the dvds also suggested that I try smoking 24 years ago. Today I still smoke and now have taken to using "shiny" in everyday conversation and am considering learning some Mandarin.

Great .. just great .....



Thursday, March 30, 2006 8:39 AM


my boyfriend literally dragged me to see the movie because hed seen the series and it was "really great!" i was somewhat skeptical. afterwards i was like "wow! that was a great film!" but didnt think much more of it.

then my friend offered to lend me the series on dvd. i watched the whole series in a matter of days and have been a browncoat since.

watched serenity again recently and cried for about half an hour at the end. why??


Thursday, March 30, 2006 8:39 AM


my boyfriend literally dragged me to see the movie because hed seen the series and it was "really great!" i was somewhat skeptical. afterwards i was like "wow! that was a great film!" but didnt think much more of it.

then my friend offered to lend me the series on dvd. i watched the whole series in a matter of days and have been a browncoat since.

watched serenity again recently and cried for about half an hour at the end. why??


Thursday, March 30, 2006 8:39 AM


my boyfriend literally dragged me to see the movie because hed seen the series and it was "really great!" i was somewhat skeptical. afterwards i was like "wow! that was a great film!" but didnt think much more of it.

then my friend offered to lend me the series on dvd. i watched the whole series in a matter of days and have been a browncoat since.

watched serenity again recently and cried for about half an hour at the end. why??


Thursday, March 30, 2006 8:39 AM


my boyfriend literally dragged me to see the movie because hed seen the series and it was "really great!" i was somewhat skeptical. afterwards i was like "wow! that was a great film!" but didnt think much more of it.

then my friend offered to lend me the series on dvd. i watched the whole series in a matter of days and have been a browncoat since.

watched serenity again recently and cried for about half an hour at the end. why??


Thursday, March 30, 2006 8:39 AM


my boyfriend literally dragged me to see the movie because hed seen the series and it was "really great!" i was somewhat skeptical. afterwards i was like "wow! that was a great film!" but didnt think much more of it.

then my friend offered to lend me the series on dvd. i watched the whole series in a matter of days and have been a browncoat since.

watched serenity again recently and cried for about half an hour at the end. why??


Thursday, March 30, 2006 8:39 AM


my boyfriend literally dragged me to see the movie because hed seen the series and it was "really great!" i was somewhat skeptical. afterwards i was like "wow! that was a great film!" but didnt think much more of it.

then my friend offered to lend me the series on dvd. i watched the whole series in a matter of days and have been a browncoat since.

watched serenity again recently and cried for about half an hour at the end. why??


Thursday, March 30, 2006 8:59 AM


Nothing too exciting. I saw previews for it on FOX and saw a review in Entertainment Weekly that said that, The Adventure of Brisco County Jr, fans should tune in, so I did and I was hooked right away. Was completely obsessed with the show and then completely devastated when it was cancelled. Then the DVDs came out but I didn't have enough money to get them at the time. By the time I actually had enough spare money the obsession had waned a bit and honestly I didn't by the box set until it started playing again on the Sci-Fi channel. Once I got the set I couldn't stop watching it, and still can't.

I was always a Browncoat, my coat just got a little faded for a while in there, but now it's a deep rich brown again.


"You will keep a civil tongue in that mouth or I will sew it shut."
~Mal to Jayne


Thursday, March 30, 2006 2:03 PM


The year was 2002. A new sci-fi series was going to be airing this fall, said TV Guide's fall preview, and it was called Firefly. Lots of hope for this one, that Buffy & Angel guy is behind it. Not knowing Buffy OR Angel, I was just going be sure to check this show out. Hell it's a new Sci-Fi show! Be sure to tape it too, so that I have all the episodes in case it turns out to be really good! The Train Job aired first. Hmm, I thought, very interesting. Not sure about that holographic window at the bar, but neat effect. Blow a crater in your little moon? Ha! Locals don't even know a cargo ship don't got any guns, said Jayne. I must tune into another episode! Sold.

Moved at the end of September; drove down the West Coast from the Canadian border to almost the Mexican one, over the weekend. Was sure to pack the VCR with me so that I could tape the Friday episode when checked into the 1st hotel.

A few weeks later... even the behind-the-scenes info on the official website showed signs of worry. "SAVE FIREFLY! SAVE FIREFLY!" rallied the fans. It wasn't gone yet, but rumours were circulating. "Fan-designed postcards... everybody send one to the execs at Fox!" I did. I loved this show. I have never participated in any fan-uprising to save a tv show. I felt like "this is how the original Trekkies must have felt back in 1968." This show was different, and special, and it needed my support to survive.

My postcard didn't help. Serenity, the 2-hr "pilot" that never aired---aired. The end. Or was it?

DVDs came out in Dec 2003. 3 unaired episodes? Hell yeah! Bought a set right away. Didn't matter that it was just before Xmas. I had to have it.

And that was what it was like to be a flan in the beginning... as we all know now, the DVDs were a success, and we got our big damn movie.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 2:21 PM


I only recently joined the noble ranks of Browncoats. Last fall before the movie came out the Sci-Fi channel ran a Firefly marathon for like a week showing all the episodes in originally conceived order even the ones never aired. So My brother and my mom stumble across this and got hooked. Then they passed the first tape onto me with eight episodes in a row on it. I watched them by myself in my little cable-less apartment and that was that. I watched that tape three times in as many days until my brother gave me the other tape. Then I went out and bought the DVDs on Amazon, all the while wondering why I had never heard of this show in 2002! I would have been a Browncoat already.Then we caught the behind the scenes special on Serenity hosted by Jayne, I mean Adam. Then we all watched the DVDs over until Serenity came out and we all went together. It was Shiny. Our little family all into something none of our friends have heard of sitting in a theater with the crew of Serenity on the big screen! Ohhhh it was soo Shiny!

Lady Serenity


Thursday, March 30, 2006 2:38 PM



Originally posted by UnregisteredCompanion:
I also saw the Sci-Fi ad and was intruiged. When the first episode started, I knew within seconds I would watch again. Then, when Cpt. Reynolds kicked Crow into the engine at the end of the episode, I was totally and completely hooked.

That was totallly a "hooked" moment for me too! From that moment on, I couldn't stop watching.

But actually, I saw the movie first. My brother said it had gotten good reviews and it was the only thing out that looked decent so I pretty reluctantly went to see it...Oh, if I had only known. :)

The moment in Serenity when Mal is going to "rescue" Inara and he's talking to Zoe and Wash and he says something like, "If I'm not back in [blank # of] take the ship in there and you come and you rescue me."
That just cracked me the heck up because you thought he was gonna say the same old cliched Captainy "Save yourselves" thing they always say.

At that moment, I knew this was something special.

"Can't take the sky..."


Thursday, March 30, 2006 4:24 PM


I saw Serenity two weeks ago, having rented it for a movie night, and I fell in love. I didn't get much sleep the next few days as I was too busy watching Firefly... it's something special.


Friday, March 31, 2006 7:26 PM


cool guys Although, Im starting to feel very young... (19) *chuckles* (Note to all: Im not calling anyone in this thread who replied old, not at all. Im just young. and it happens that everyone who replied was in 20's or thirties from what i gather from the replies) (interesting note as well. Everyone who was responsible for getting me hooked was at least 5 years older than me as well.)

*edit* actually not true. there was one who was two years older :P anyways, I do not mean to tease with this post. Just stating an random fact I noticed.


Friday, March 31, 2006 8:54 PM


I got hooked after watching the marathon on the
sci-fi channel. I was about to take my wife out
to eat and I caught the "war stories" episode
before we left. After th WS episode I became a
firefly junkie. I regret not watching it while it
was on the air. I bet that if people like me
and I'm sure there are alot of us, would have
supported the show while it was on air it may
still be on. We browncoats are too pretty to die
so keep fighting.


Friday, March 31, 2006 10:35 PM


Against my better judgement, I let my son drag me to a "made for movies TV show."

The characters in Serenity drew me in immediately and I fell in love with the ship and crew.

Due to an illness and subsequent death in my family, I was too busy to watch TV when Firefly originally aired. Since I had never seen the show, I purchased the DVDs after seeing the Serenity movie. I watched all the shows the first weekend I puchassed the DVDs. I was permanently and hopelessly hooked.

I was given the Serenity movie for Christmas. Before I had ever seen the show, the death of Wash and Book seemed unfortunate. After having watched the series their deaths seemed unbelieveably tragic. I cried my eyes out.

I don't usually watch Joss Whedon shows -- too many teen age heroes, but this show is great.


Saturday, April 1, 2006 12:00 AM


I first saw the previews on the sci-fi channel. I thought 'hmm, that looks cool', and proceeded to forget about it until I noticed that I'd missed the pilot episode(later, I found it ironic that they finally played it in the right order and the first episode I saw was "The Train Job" anyway). I then made damn sure that I watched "The Train Job". I was hooked from the moment Mal kicked Crow into the engine. When Crow threatened him, I was expecting Mal to say something like "Well, I'll live with that then". Instead it was "darn" and a loud crunch as Crow went through the engine. I was so surprised, I didn't even laugh right away. After that, I didn't get much sleep until the BDM came out. I saw it the day it was released, and sat next to two guys in long brown trenchcoats. After that, I ran out and bought the DVD set at Target for 30 dollars(I could have gotten it for 20 at walmart, but I was too impatient to drive the extra three miles). I got the Serenity DVD the day it came out also. Now, I've lent my DVD set to a friend who is taking WAAAAY too long to watch it. She's probably watched it twenty times by now, and just doesn't want to give it back. I need it back! I think I'm having withdrawl symptoms (sweating, nervousness, rambling on and on and on...)! Anyway... that's how I became a browncoat.

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.


Saturday, April 1, 2006 2:45 AM


I was hooked before the show even aired. I saw a preview during the Simpsons, of a odd looking ship spooking a heard of horses. I wanted to see it again, so I forced myself to sit through an episode of malcom in the middle (with the sound off). The second preview was even cooler than the frist one, "A Girl In A Box? Cool.", then they showed Morena for 2 seconds and I was instantly, completely, totaly, a die-hard Browncoat (before the term was even created).

How many Jaynes does it take to change a light bulb?

Two. One to try to put it in and another to find a bigger hammer.


Saturday, April 1, 2006 11:07 AM



Originally posted by Razenshard:
cool guys Although, Im starting to feel very young... (19) *chuckles* (Note to all: Im not calling anyone in this thread who replied old, not at all. Im just young. and it happens that everyone who replied was in 20's or thirties from what i gather from the replies) (interesting note as well. Everyone who was responsible for getting me hooked was at least 5 years older than me as well.)

*edit* actually not true. there was one who was two years older :P anyways, I do not mean to tease with this post. Just stating an random fact I noticed.

I am 16 so that no longer aplies

I was hooked when visiting some family members two cousins said "hey wnt to watch somthing cool" I said yes and they put in the pilt episod and as I'm wtching I think do I really need another sci-fi show? then I saw Wash playing with his dinosuars and was instantly hooked

I am NUT and I go from to in 10 seconds flat


Saturday, April 1, 2006 11:30 AM


Started out watching Buffy and got to know Joss' work that way (but have to confess never got on with Angel after the second season). Then I heard my friends talking about Firefly, but never bothered looking into it - something about a western in space, sounded odd. Then heard a film was coming out based on this cancelled series, and was told by a very good friend that I HAD to watch this show.

Found a copy during lunch, bought it wondering if this was a wise investment of my hard earned cash. Watched the pilot that very same night and fell utterly in love with it. Watched the series in a matter of days, became a Browncoat then and there, then pined for weeks that there wasn't any more! ( could they kill something this good?!...)

Then the BDM came out and I rushed out to see it - saw it twice in one gorram day, and loved it (despite coming out the first time feeling the oddest mixture of elation and utter, pained grief at the deaths!! Very odd to love and hate something at the same time). Got my best friend into Firefly and we went back and saw the BDM again (though wasn't sure how he'd like it - Wash being his favourite character n'all. - turns out, whilst he was really saddened by events in it, he liked the film)

Then spent my time converting as many as I could whilst I waited to get my grubby little paws on my very own shiny copy of the BDM. I also stumbled on this site, and found loads of other likeminded friendly folk who miss the show too.

- Shiny. Let's be bad guys.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die






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