Firefly back , what?

UPDATED: Monday, April 3, 2006 10:43
VIEWED: 5317
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Saturday, April 1, 2006 8:55 AM


Ok I know its saturday and lots of people and Browncoats are outside doing their "real world" things.

I was outside too. Mowing the lawn when I was hit with this contemplation.

What if Firefly came back! Yep they wanted to start it up again next year.Would we here at like that? No,we'd....L-O-V-E it.

Heres the catch( yes theres always a catch)understanding the corporate world as I do. It's all about money. Making it and saving it too. All the main characters are back in play (suspend the Wash and Book thing for now) Some of the actors,well lets say the company doesn't really agree to that last money figure on their contract.

question to you: Do you still watch the show even thouogh some of the characters are to be replaced with other actors ( a certain death if you ask me) or do you say "Gorramit, back to the FF dvd."

second question (yep that too) which actor(s)IYO can not be replaced. Give me the "have to stays" and the "throw aways".

with me its pretty much all-back or the hay-sack.
Just how I see it.

"How can a man get so wrong.Cuttin on his own face 'en all." Jayne


Saturday, April 1, 2006 9:39 AM


I agree whole heartedly and to anyone who wants to replace ANY of the original cast you get my piont

I am NUT and I go from to in 10 seconds flat:tongue


Saturday, April 1, 2006 11:20 AM


I understand your line of thinking, but I can also see how some wouldn't agree with you.

Firefly is such a character driven show, it would be hard for many fans to adjust to new actors. Joss really hit paydirt finding the people he did. It would be hard to find actors and actresses that could portray our Big Damn Heroes like they did.

At last.
We can retire and give up
this life of crime.


Saturday, April 1, 2006 11:38 AM



Personally, I think all the cast would take a pay cut just to do Firefly again, with the possible exception of Tudyk. I get the distinct impression that he never wants to be identified by a single character in any work he performs as an actor. Many actors are obsessed with not getting type-cast, while others are smart enough to know when they've got a golden goose (and know better than to kill it).

That having been said, if a wholesale recasting were done by Joss Whedon, and the stories were written by Joss, Tim Minear, et al, I would watch Firefly if it starred "Guywhowantsafireflyofhisown" as Mal and "zzetta13" as Wash and Zoe (since your Profile lists this user name as "an older couple").

As an obscure writer once penned: "The play's the thing."



I wonder how many people stopped going to see the plays of Shakespeare because Larry Olivier died and was no longer available to play the parts?

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Saturday, April 1, 2006 12:05 PM


If they can't get the original cast, then they should just create new characters. Firefly The Next Generation.


Saturday, April 1, 2006 12:17 PM


Aww, Zoid, I see your point I really do, but this crew IMHO is irreplaceable.

If Joss replaced them and wrote the scripts, I'd be tempted to look... but I think I'd cry.

Our Serenity without Mal.. who loves her.. no, I just can't do that.

No Mal, no Zoe, no Kaylee, no Jayne ( well, Jayne....j/k folks!)= no show for me.

Especially couldn't watch without our beloved Captain..

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Saturday, April 1, 2006 2:31 PM


First of all thanks to everyone for their posts. I do so enjoy getting all the feedback.

Guy----ofhisown: my feelings on this are pretty much the same as youself.

Deepgirl187: the thread is to see how many fans will stay will a new series even if it means some very big changes. Looks a bit lopsided so far and I say that in a good way.

Zoid, thanks. I can't speak for Guy----ofhisown
but as for me having a meaty part such as Washs. Well, the idea is to bring in new fans, not scare them off. I ain't got those movie-star looks
Also although Mrs.Z is a great woman and my true companion (I do make jokes about Serenitys pretty girls though) Well I'm afraid shes not into the verse like I am. I've tried to get her join me. Shes just a bit shy with all of it.

Mattcoz,the next generation cast of Firefly? I wouldn't mind seeing that.Only hope that it would be some time down the road.

FollowMal, I knew your answer even before I posted the question

I'm pretty certain that Joss and Tim feel the same.Lets keep our fingers crossed.



Saturday, April 1, 2006 3:09 PM


reckon people would be loyal as long as even some of the originals remained. if all the cast were to be changed then not all that much point in calling it Serenity though, perhaps it'd be better to start a new series based in some other setting. we the fans are big enough in heart to accept new members of the crew to the ship but would hate to lose anyone, everyone is needed to make the thing work as well as it did/does, so Book and Wash just going to have to get themselves undeadified somehow. (Wash! Come back! Don't care how, just come back! Can we have a Ghost Wash piloting Serenity?)


Saturday, April 1, 2006 3:30 PM



And I see your point, too. I certainly would want the entire cast back. More to the point, I'd also like the past four years back, retrofitted with full seasons of Firefly...

Even though Nathan is on the brink of stardom (*keeps fingers crossed for whole cast to have cinematic success*), I think he'd return to TV and do movies on the shooting breaks. This would work especially well with how SciFi Channel manages their series *nudges Vivendi-Universal in the ribs, painfully*.

But that wasn't the question posed by zzetta13.


While I care for neither "Buffy..." nor "Angel", I gotta give props to Joss for finding good actors and then making his dialogue fit the individual actor. Why do you think Firefly's actors love their characters -- and working for Joss -- so much? Because he writes for the actor playing the part as much as for the character or the storyline. That's what makes his shows so 'real', so invested.

Long story short, I'm saying, "In Joss we trust."



"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Saturday, April 1, 2006 3:38 PM



Originally posted by zoid:

Even though Nathan is on the brink of stardom (*keeps fingers crossed for whole cast to have cinematic success*), I think he'd return to TV and do movies on the shooting breaks. This would work especially well with how SciFi Channel manages their series *nudges Vivendi-Universal in the ribs, painfully*.

I agree with you here most definitely. In an interview I watched today, his eyes still light up when he talks about "being" Mal.

And Vivendi-Universal are you noticing the nudging? Cuz I'm doin' it too!

I also trust Joss..Zoid, but I love Mal.. I guess we'll have to respectfully agree to disagree.

*bows with great respect to Zoid whose opinion she always enjoys hearing*

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Saturday, April 1, 2006 4:13 PM


Yup, all or nothing. Oh sure, I'd watch a retooled Firefly with entirely different actors, but I wouldn't like it ;p (Okay, maybe I would... but I assure you there'd be tears.)

Though I think getting the original cast is the least of the problems. Nothing I've heard in various interviews sounds like any of the cast would have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, back to the set.

Plus, just how cruel could really Joss be? We're already a little short on crewmembers now as it is, after the BDM ;p

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Saturday, April 1, 2006 4:28 PM


Hmmmm...interesting idea.

I think it would depend on who they tried to replace. No one could ever be Malcolm Reynolds other than Nathan Fillion. If they replaced him with another actor, I might watch, but it would be through clenched teeth.

Should they choose to put the show back on the air *nudge to ANY FREAKING TV EXECUTIVE WITH HALF A BRAIN AND A THIRD OF A SOUL* I doubt they'd try it with new characters. Tey know the following that FF/S has and I don't think they'd jeopardize their certain fanbase just to possibly save a few bucks. Unless, of course, we're talking about Fox, then they'd get Jessica Simpson to play River and keep it for seven seasons though no one cared.

I mentioned on another thread, that if we had to sacrifice some of the crew, then Book and Wash were the best lambs. The larger story can continue without them. So WHEN they bring back our BDH's without those two, things will be OK. Not as perfect as they could be, but still better than anything else out there.

By the way, is there anybody out there more loyal than FollowMal?

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Customizeable handmade baby gifts personalized by my wife! Check them out at All proceeds go towards international adoption.

Leaning into the wind that used to carry me-Stavesacre
That's why I don't kiss'em on the mouth- Jayne Cobb


Saturday, April 1, 2006 5:21 PM


FollowMal and nuclearday:

Yeah, I suppose we do disagree. I'd take a Firefly-based show any way I can get it.

In the highly unlikely event that a Firefly/Serenity-based show got greenlit on, say, The SciFi Channel, and some or all of the original cast declined to reprise their roles -- for monetary or whatever reasons -- I think it'd still be do-able.

Basically, you miniseries the thing, showing Mal and Inara settling down with a herd to raise a passle of fat, happy children; Zoe satisfies her 'life-debt' to Mal and then goes off join in the liberation of her homeworld; Simon and Kaylee retire to Jyiangyin to pursue their lives as country doctor and wife; Jayne gets wounded in the 'man parts' in a brothel fight, and then joins the priesthood, since abstinence is no longer a problem; and River changes her name and becomes a prima ballerina in a Core Worlds-touring company (politicians and other movers and shakers suddenly start turning up mysteriously non-breathing)...

Simultaneously, you introduce the new crew of Serenity throughout the miniseries, as compatriots of Mal and Zoe's.

Okay. It wouldn't be the same. But there's too many unanswered questions about the 'verse, and one or more of the original cast could guest star on occasion to help pull off some thrilling heroics/exciting crimes.

I was very engaged by the 'rich get richer, poor get screwed' aspect of the series. The notion of a highly corporate government and how they oversee the populace was very compelling for me. A complete exploration of those elements -- to include the Companion Guild -- would keep me watching.

But... I'm also certain that this is idle speculation. If the show returns to television, the cast will, too. I'm as certain of that as a body can possibly be, in a world of uncertainty and chaos...



I loved my German Shepherd, 'Thor'. When he died of old age, I was heart-broken. Didn't stop me from buying another to replace him. I named him 'Jayne'. When he got hit by a truck (it still hurts to think about it), I bought my current dog. He's a Boxer named 'Cobb'. (NB: Boxers are Belgian boar hunters, powerfully built and pack a helluva punch. I call him schwein-hund, which means 'pig dog', or 'boar dog'.)

Point is, I don't let loss lead me into self-imposed deprivation. If Firefly comes back on TV, I am totally all over it like a duck on a junebug...

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Saturday, April 1, 2006 5:45 PM



Originally posted by zoid:
If Firefly comes back on TV, I am totally all over it like a duck on a junebug...

Fair enough.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Saturday, April 1, 2006 5:55 PM


Very good point Zoid and a new way to look at it.

Friefly will always be Firefly (it is to bad that we have lost some years waiting on a new series already) But not giving a new series with new actors a chance, wouldn't be fair I guess.

Maybe give it some time to change a little and become different. Not better just different.

A pet passes away,not good to name a new pet the same name. Firefly with a new name and a fresh start.

I hope it wouldn't happen that way. But at the begining I would watch.


Sunday, April 2, 2006 2:32 AM


Yeah, I see Zoid's point :) I'll take a victory in any fashion I can get it, and count myself lucky no matter how bittersweet it be.

I suppose if I had any fear at all, it'd be that of missing out on the continued exploits of our original heroes. Though it's also a small, trifling fear, 'cause I figure if we get a new series, mini-series, movie sequel, or read-along cassette tape that those in charge would want to capitalize on the actors we all know and love.

But hey, while we're at it, I also agree that there's more than enough unexplored material left of the 'verse for a spin-off or three. There's that Into the Black production going on, and that of course looks interesting. And I certainly wouldn't be put-off to see an entire channel of Firefly-related shows ;p

Still, regardless of whether or not "My Dinner with Adelai" and "Good Morning Miranda" get the fair shot they deserve, I'd still have to keep fighting to see the original Heroes come back in full glory ;p

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Sunday, April 2, 2006 4:33 AM


First of all I'll take anything over nothing.Meaning that I would take a movie sequel to Serenity before deep dark nothingness.
But what I'd prefer is a tv series.

I want light on questions we have to be answered a little at a time. I feel with a Movie sequel the writters may want to get everything in just in case there isn't any more.

I want the story to unfold as a base hit, one after another. Not a Grandslam as in baseball.
But that ain't up to me. its up to the money gods.



Sunday, April 2, 2006 4:55 AM



Originally posted by zoid:


Personally, I think all the cast would take a pay cut just to do Firefly again, with the possible exception of Tudyk. I get the distinct impression that he never wants to be identified by a single character in any work he performs as an actor. Many actors are obsessed with not getting type-cast, while others are smart enough to know when they've got a golden goose (and know better than to kill it).

That having been said, if a wholesale recasting were done by Joss Whedon, and the stories were written by Joss, Tim Minear, et al, I would watch Firefly if it starred "Guywhowantsafireflyofhisown" as Mal and "zzetta13" as Wash and Zoe (since your Profile lists this user name as "an older couple").

As an obscure writer once penned: "The play's the thing."



I wonder how many people stopped going to see the plays of Shakespeare because Larry Olivier died and was no longer available to play the parts?

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'

thanks Zoid I appreciate the vote of confidence
but am afraid that I am not mal-like enough

I am NUT and I go from to :smile in 10 seconds flat


Sunday, April 2, 2006 5:00 AM



Originally posted by milford:
Hmmmm...interesting idea.

By the way, is there anybody out there more loyal than FollowMal?

I would like to think that I am just as loyal

I am NUT and I go from to in 10 seconds flat


Sunday, April 2, 2006 5:16 AM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
First of all I'll take anything over nothing. Meaning that I would take a movie sequel to Serenity before deep dark nothingness.
But what I'd prefer is a tv series...

...I want the story to unfold as a base hit, one after another. Not a Grandslam as in baseball.
But that ain't up to me. its up to the money gods.

I completely agree 125%

I still think the BDM is a special, special gift, and enjoy it for the greater emotional impact it gets by virtue of being so tight and condensed. But, yeah... exactly what you said, really :)

I think alot of the main themes are better served in television format. (And if there is a movie sequel... can I please see a horse somewhere? :)_____________________________________________
You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Sunday, April 2, 2006 6:27 AM


If I had my wish it would be back as a series that follows on from the movie.

Keep the core characters of Mal, Zoe, Kaylee, River, and Jayne. Simon and Inara maybe just guest actors for certain stories. Maybe introduce a couple of new characters (an alliance defector? or is he?)

Base the story directly following the movie, with the alliance slowly crumbling from the Marinda fallout. Old devisions starting to flare up with the outer planets trying to break away. Maybe even a sino/us split within the alliance core planets.

Mal not wanting to get directly involved with war again as he never wants another Serenity, instead trying to stay off the radar and just take the jobs where he can get them. But at the same time having to deal with the fact that he's created a verse 10 times more dangerous than it was before and people are starting to die (lots of guilt to play with there).

Great thing about Joss's verse he could do anything he wants and it would be fresh and exciting yet so familar to whats gone before.

"If wishes were horses we'd all be eating steak!!!"


Sunday, April 2, 2006 6:41 AM



Originally posted by Guywhowantsafireflyofhisown:

Originally posted by milford:
Hmmmm...interesting idea.

By the way, is there anybody out there more loyal than FollowMal?

I would like to think that I am just as loyal

I am NUT and I go from to in 10 seconds flat

We who are Browncoats are all loyal... we're here aren't we, holdin' and waiting and dreaming?

We're all in this together.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Sunday, April 2, 2006 3:21 PM


Well, isn't that the etymological root of Browncoat?

From the Latin "Brow," which means "complete devotion," and "Nco" which is the preposition "to," and "at," which is a seldom used word referring simultaneously to stars and those who care for cattle, a sort of space-cowboy. Thus combined you have the Brow-Nco-At, which means "complete devotion to space cowboys." Perfectly descriptive of not only FollowMal, but all of us who spend our good time and energy discussing a cancelled TV show that has impacted our lives.

However, when it comes ot a combination of devotion and perkiness, don't think anyone outdoes FollowMal. No gettin around that one.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Customizeable handmade baby gifts personalized by my wife! Check them out at All proceeds go towards international adoption.

Leaning into the wind that used to carry me-Stavesacre
That's why I don't kiss'em on the mouth- Jayne Cobb


Sunday, April 2, 2006 4:41 PM



Originally posted by milford:
Well, isn't that the etymological root of Browncoat?

From the Latin "Brow," which means "complete devotion," and "Nco" which is the preposition "to," and "at," which is a seldom used word referring simultaneously to stars and those who care for cattle, a sort of space-cowboy. Thus combined you have the Brow-Nco-At, which means "complete devotion to space cowboys." Perfectly descriptive of not only FollowMal, but all of us who spend our good time and energy discussing a cancelled TV show that has impacted our lives.

However, when it comes ot a combination of devotion and perkiness, don't think anyone outdoes FollowMal. No gettin around that one.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Customizeable handmade baby gifts personalized by my wife! Check them out at All proceeds go towards international adoption.

Leaning into the wind that used to carry me-Stavesacre
That's why I don't kiss'em on the mouth- Jayne Cobb

I have to say this is the best, most scientific approach to the meaning of Browncoat I've ever heard Milford and I'm very pleased that you were able to share it with us. I believe either you or I should include that with our signatures. It makes perfect sense.

And, Milford, Kaylee is more perky than me...
just sayin'.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Sunday, April 2, 2006 10:58 PM


I think I'd be onboard with any FireFly incarnation as far as Joss drives it. I trust him to do it well.


Monday, April 3, 2006 4:54 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

The cast, our cast is irreplaceable. Firefly or Serenity, whatever incarnation a hypothetical series might take, would not be the same without the same cast. It is this very reason that Joss said he would only do the movie if the original cast signed on, it would not be the same "magic" if someone else tried to play the parts.

Now, that is not to say that I would not watch a spin off series or something of that nature set in the 'verse. Of course we would have to have Joss, Tim, Chris, and Jane all back on board to do the writing, directing, etc.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Monday, April 3, 2006 8:33 AM


BDH's are Irreplacable.
No replacement actors; I'd go for a reasonable explanation as to their whereabouts, and would be open to new characters, in a somewhat "retooled" firefly.

Compare to the original Star Trek.
Can anyone see anyone else be James T. Kirk??
Spock?? Bones?

That's my take.


Monday, April 3, 2006 9:30 AM


I'd watch any show that Joss made. Why wouldn't I watch an old one? I don't care if they cast a bunch of mice to play our BDHs. If the show returns I'll watch it.

That's not to say I don't have a preferance of who I'd like to see replaced first. In order of who's most necessary to least:
Nathan (come on he's the main man and he great at it)
Adam (can anyone else do his facial expressions?)
Morena (incredible actress and beautiful to boot)
Summer (Her ability to act crazy and then sane without skipping a beat is awesome)
Ron (I'm including all the BDHs here and he's one of my favorites)
Alan (he delivers some great funny lines)
Jewel (mainly because she's so hot. I feel like she did the worst job stepping back into her role in Serenity. Her tone of voice alone was way different)
Gina (granted she probably shouldn't be this low, I just couldn't knock anyone else any lower)
Sean (I'd put him last because I think a lot of people could step into the role of Simon whether that's due to the part or his acting though, I do not know)


Monday, April 3, 2006 10:00 AM


OK, let me play devil's advocate here.

Maybe it's not so much would I watch it if not all of the original players came back, it's more of a question of would I watch it now that the story has changed so much. Let me explain.

One of the many reasons I loved Firefly, is because it was the anti Star Trek (I've been a huge Trekkie since the 70's). As one of the quotes posted on from Joss states: "It's about the people that history steps on." I love that. This crew is not the best of the best of the best. They don't have a ship that is the pride of the fleet, they are not off on top notch explorations, etc. They are essentially everyday people, doing whatever it takes to survive.

Then they found Miranda.

Now, instead of eeking out a living, they are famous (or infamous). High profile targets hunted by the government (even more so than they were with River). They are no longer the forgotten in history, but are the ones with the potential to change it in a big way.

While I LOVE Serenity, and the position of the crew being thrust into a historical situation does peek my interest, I wrestle with whether or not Firefly may have gotten too far away from it's roots. Miranda would have made excellent season 5 material, and ride out the next two seasons exploring the changes. Obviously, we didn't even get season 2, so I'm not sure that the story hasn't progressed too far for it to get back to what made Firefly fun and exciting.

I would not hesitate to give it the cahnce it deserves, but I have to admit, my guard would be up.

Child One: "Republicans aren't real."
Child Two: "Full well they are!"


Monday, April 3, 2006 10:21 AM



Now, instead of eeking out a living, they are famous (or infamous). High profile targets hunted by the government (even more so than they were with River). They are no longer the forgotten in history, but are the ones with the potential to change it in a big way

But are they? The only people that know what they did are the Operative and some Alliance military types who will probably keep their collective mouths shut about what happened.

I thought that the whole point of the ending, with yet another bit falling off the ship was a broad hint that the surviving crew was right back where they started at the beginning of the movie.
Broke and in need of a paying job, the`Verse at large not having a clue who it was that blew open the whole Miranda affair!


Flight Instructor: Son, know what the first rule of flying is?
Me: Don`t crash?


Monday, April 3, 2006 10:43 AM


I agree with Rabbit2, there. I'm certain the Alliance would go into damage-containment mode after the BDM, try to put some sort of spin on the whole broadcast. And the general public isn't going to know who put it out there in the first place. And this might not exactly lead to a huge overthrow of government, even.

I think if anything Serenity's in even more dire straits than ever. The Alliance is sure to want to turn up the heat, and likely they're still after River. (Miranda might not be the only secret she's got locked up in her psyche.) And they'll likely want to be even more covert than ever about it. Actually, we may be back to the situation like in "Bushwhacked". The Alliance Captain sees there's a bulletin out for a Firefly-class ship with some wanted fugitives to be detained, and no more info than that. The powers-that-be will want to keep the whole thing hush-hush. The more of a public stir they cause, the more attention it will bring to the Miranda signal.

And yeah, they'll be having more trouble than ever finding work. Have to really fly under the radar, and we all know what became of anyone who's helped them in the past... If (WHEN!!!) we see a continuation, I'd wager that our Heroes are finding out that no good deed goes unpunished. ;p

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.






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