Was 'Slither' sufficiently successful for Nathan???

UPDATED: Monday, April 3, 2006 20:11
VIEWED: 4290
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Monday, April 3, 2006 12:38 PM


The subject line pretty much says it all.

We're out of the first weekend, and box sales are going to fall like a rock after that.

According the the figures I ran across, "Slither" came in number 8 at the box, and pulled in a little over 3.5 million. That isn't that great.

However, "Slither" got poor distribution. It was shown in much less saturation. The difference in theatre distribution was in the thousands.
So, where it played, the ticket sales were reasonably high. The money men will take into account relatively low distro on this film.

We're all browncoats here:
Do you think that this film has done well enough to get Nathan in regular Hollywood circulation. Or do you think that this is going to hurt Nathan's career?

You know, i've really got nothing against kids. I'm glad people take kids to the movies. But I always hated those smarmy Ice Age style movies even when i was a kid. Remember when there was only about *one* good Disney movie every year? Stupid Pixar. I barely do. How does an inane CG sequel to an inane CG kid's film pull in tens of millions? (I mean Harry Potter makes some sense, but Ice Age 2...?) How can parents put up with seeing so many of these things every year? Our popular culture scares me.


Monday, April 3, 2006 12:50 PM


I would agree totally. 3.6 million is fairly miserable. But I would add one further addendum to your rant: Disney movies turn our children into PETA fodder.

Carry the Nuttin'


Monday, April 3, 2006 12:57 PM



Originally posted by aztechrome:
The subject line pretty much says it all.

We're out of the first weekend, and box sales are going to fall like a rock after that.

According the the figures I ran across, "Slither" came in number 8 at the box, and pulled in a little over 3.5 million. That isn't that great.

However, "Slither" got poor distribution. It was shown in much less saturation. The difference in theatre distribution was in the thousands.
So, where it played, the ticket sales were reasonably high. The money men will take into account relatively low distro on this film.

We're all browncoats here:
Do you think that this film has done well enough to get Nathan in regular Hollywood circulation. Or do you think that this is going to hurt Nathan's career?

I hope not because he seems like a very good actor i remember him from Buffy in the last series and when i saw Serenity i thought it was him but it took me a while to figure out who he was but it seems that he can easily play different roles in different films. So hope to see him in a big budget film soon.

"Love, you know all the math in the verse but if you take a boat in the air, you dont love she'll shake you up sure as turn of the worlds" Mal


Monday, April 3, 2006 1:06 PM


While the box-office returns are poor - the critical reaction to the film and Nathan in particular seemed to be very positive, so hopefully we should see more of Nathan's work in the future.

Also Slither seems to be the type of film that will do very well with DVD rentals and sales - especially if the Special Features include a lot of Nathany goodness ;)


Monday, April 3, 2006 1:10 PM


The buzz about "Slither" is just hitting the entertainment news. MSNBC only just promoted it on their front page this morning, saying "Give Slither a chance" and linking to this review-

Don't rush it out the door yet!
(Also said glowing things about our Nathan!)


Monday, April 3, 2006 1:35 PM


I think that when it comes to Nathan's ascent to superstardom, it should take some time as opposed to immediately. That way, when he does hit it big, he has longevity.

And so what if SLITHER didn't burst out of the gate. I was actually happy to hear that it more or less tanked. That's normally the first step in attaining cult status. And if SLITHER is anything, it's definitly a cult movie that years later will be regarded as a classic. Look at TREMORS. The projection that movie had I think will happen to this flick.

So to answer the question, yes. It was sufficiently successful for Nathan.

As per ICE AGE 2, you have to admit the whole "fire king" bit was worth the price of admission.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"There's only one "Return" ok, and it ain't "of the King", it's "of the Jedi."

"Maybe we should start calling your friend 'Padme' because he loves 'Mannequin Skywalker' so much, Right? (imitating robot) name is shitty acting is ruining saga."

Excerpt of internet teaser for CLERKS 2.


Monday, April 3, 2006 1:38 PM


Well, I don't know if this is a good thing or not....but it beat Basic Instinct II!! lol

"Well ya know, we studied bludgeoning in the academy first year but by the time you graduate, you just forget everything. I'm a bad cop." ----Lawrence Dobson


Monday, April 3, 2006 1:47 PM


I'm glad to see a little positive buzz going around. Maybe "Slither" will hold position for next weekend.

I agree about the DVD sales. Most cult horror people I've talked to enjoyed the film. However, cult status is all well and good, but I think this forum is testimony to the fact that Nathan already has that.

Still, I think it would be best if he could wedge himself into some sort of high-grossing film. I think it would only take one mainstream success, even as a peripheral character.

Then people would know his face, and he would draw more public than just Firefly and horror cultists.

Let's just hope he gets picked up for more work.

PS: What's Nathan's beef with James Gunn? Anyone know?

PPS: Sorry, i didn't actually see ice age 2, so i missed the fire bit. My wallet is empty, so i ate the money instead. Unfortunately the novelty of CG has worn off, and i can't watch a whole movie of it.


Monday, April 3, 2006 2:18 PM


where did you read Nathan and James Gunn are on the outs?

Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Monday, April 3, 2006 3:06 PM


I think the per screen take was decent and I think the Word of Mouth/buzz is very high.. look for a bump in the secon weekend. All the little kidlets have been taken out to the flicks (and there have been PRECIOUS few kid friendly movies of late, so parents probably HAD to go to IA2)

The fact that Slither (AND NATHAN) trounced Basic Instinct with all it's hype and BIG HOLLYWOOD STAR is SWEEEEET!!

I think I will reserve the doom and gloom talk til AFTER the next couple of weekends....



Monday, April 3, 2006 3:17 PM



Originally posted by rivergirl:
where did you read Nathan and James Gunn are on the outs?

Also, I can kill you with my brain.

Shoulda posted that question in the other thread. Sorry.

If you've watched Nathan's interview on "Slither" (One of the other big threads today), you'll know what i'm talking about.

To abbreviate, when asked about working with James Gunn, Nathan replied, "He's ok." Then he paused for a bit and looked really uncomfortable, and tried to get his stupid interviewer to transition to the next question.

Seems like there's something going on there, since as usual, Nathan was totally 100% positive and excited about every other name mentioned.


Monday, April 3, 2006 3:19 PM


I thought Nathan was trying to make a joke but the interviewer was kinda dense and missed it.. that was MY take on that little moment of celluloid...



Monday, April 3, 2006 4:24 PM


Nathan needs better roles!

IMO he should be a bit more picky in accepting
scripts... I plan to go see Slither, even though
it's not my kind of movie. And White noise 2?? Face it - these are "B" movies, period.

I'm worried for him after hearing about WN2.
/me Still on the lookout for Summer's "Mammoth" :-/


Monday, April 3, 2006 4:30 PM


Hey, even if it hurts it. he's already got two more movies scheduled to come out (Some chick flick i think, and White Noise 2) so i think those will redeem whatever this movie does(or doesn't) do to his career.

And i'll still think he's a brilliant actor.

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!


Monday, April 3, 2006 4:31 PM


Saw Slither Friday night (7:40)in the big stadium theater next to a packed IA2 in Greenville, NC There were only about 30 of us in Slither but it looked like most of the other people at the other movies at the theater were middle school or young high schoolers-anyway too young to "legally" see Slither without a parent. I hope the local university crowd that loves stuff like this finds it soon.

IMHO, and I'm no expert, Nathan needs to do a middle of the road budget romantic comedy-He seems to do that type of role so well and then a maybe a supporting role in a BIG budget drama to show his awesome range as an actor.

Plenty more shots of his wonderful eyelashes, (and there's a great one in Slither as he wakes up from unconcousness after the patrol car crash)won't hurt him any at all.


Monday, April 3, 2006 4:50 PM


Well, he's got White Noise 2. IMHO though, I don't know how WN2 even got production money. Wasn't WN1 kind of enough. Nathan loves horror, and I think Slither's got more potential than WN2.

The man IS a chick magnet.

He's already scheduled in a chick-flick as the h'ors deovre of the day. (Wow, first chick-flick I might be glad my g/f took me to )

What is it with Nathan's lashes and eyebrows?! As I guy, i really don't see it. I get the lashes thing too. Girls are always like, "I hate my lashes, I would kill to have eyelashes like yours." ...and then they give me this sort of savage green-eyed look, before they move on. I don't think ive ever noticed the eyelashes on another man. Nathan just looks like an even-featured guy in pretty good shape... who happens to be THE BEST CAPTAIN EVER!

We'll see how the coming weeks go. "Slither" could hang in there for a bit, but opening weekends are really what the star scouts look out for. I'd really like to know if the money guys are happy with profits and projections, or if they're really pissed.

Oh yeah, and the college kids are eating it up where i'm from. Alot of the kids in my section were talking about slither today. (I TA & RA for filmstudies sometimes).


Monday, April 3, 2006 5:09 PM


Fellow travelers! Howdy... wanted to offer two cents to this discussion... Nathan probably picks the best scripts of what he is offered.. Hollywood is a tough town.. there is a LOT of competition.. I think it is an error to say he should hold out for better roles.. he is working. He is building a reputation and that is something.

As he moves up the food chain, he will get better roles.. Don't be too hard on him for the parts he has chosen.. rather hope that he gets offered better scripts.

Chindi ( I trust Nathan's judgement as concerns HIS Career)


Monday, April 3, 2006 5:09 PM


No problems with Gunn.
Nathan was indulging in a characteristic leg-pull (you've seen some of the awful things he and Joss say about each other) but the stupid interviewer missed it.
Read here about Nathan's recent experience with people he's worked with:

As for more/better parts it's all about persuading the right people that Nathan will make them some money. Lots of it. It's not about being cute or deserving or nice or easy to work with. It's not about art. It's about money. It's a business.

-- bastards singed my turtle --
----- why's the rum gone? -----


Monday, April 3, 2006 5:55 PM


Just watching Jay Leno and he made a joke about the slugs in Slither. Didn't mention any of the actors but it may spark some interest in the movie.

BTW I'm not sure what it is about Nathan's eyelashes but they are incredibly long,and shade sexy blue eyes, and are very expressive especially in close ups. It seems that the camera,to use an old Hollywood cliche,"loves him."


Monday, April 3, 2006 6:25 PM


Thanks for clearing up that James Gunn issue. I was kind of surprised that Nathan reacted like that.
I watched the interview again, and Nathan laughs, right after, and the awkward pause is totally the interviewer not getting the joke. You guys are right.

Hey ncbrowncoat, I've got long eyelashes and blue eyes and Welsh eyebrows, but im still the one sending valentines, not receiving them. (Anyone from UK can tell you about Welsh eyebrows. They're crazy. Well everything Welsh is kind crazy...) I really can't tell, physically, why one guy in similar shape is considered better looking than another. whatever. I don't have Nathan's personality though. I really think that's what it is. He's genuine.

Boy I've never seen someone quite as maladroit as that that interviewer. He made me completely miss the joke.

So this basically like that one Joss Wheedon interview. Joss said that Nathan Fillion was "the biggest problem personality that he ever had the displeasure of working with." I think that was followed by Joss saying, "He also eats babies."


Monday, April 3, 2006 7:25 PM



LOL! Joss and Nathan love to beat each other up, and Nathan and Gunn have done it in other venues.

MalAdroit would be a good screen name, wouldn't it?

Eyelashes: Nathan should be a donor. It isn't fair! We females go through so much to get long, thick lashes, or to give an illusion of same, and we all know men who have natural lashes as sweet as Nathan's. It's for the butterfly kisses, of course.

-- bastards singed my turtle --
----- why's the rum gone? -----


Monday, April 3, 2006 7:42 PM


Honestly, Nathan has done big-budget Hollywood stuff...once (that I count).

He was in freaking "Saving Private Ryan" as the Minnesota (Wrong) Private he has experience with Spielburg (leg up I think if the whole "Nathan should do Indy" crowd gets big enough).

Plus, Joss is doing Wonder Woman...why not have him play Major Steven Trevor (think that's the character's name)? Unless he's wrong for the character (haven't really seen the TV show with Lynda Carter or the comics to know what Steve Trevor's supposed to look like)


Literature has shown us some of humanity's greatest achievements; history, some of our greatest failures -- Alun Lewis


Monday, April 3, 2006 7:56 PM



Originally posted by STDOUBT:
Nathan needs better roles!

IMO he should be a bit more picky in accepting
scripts... I plan to go see Slither, even though
it's not my kind of movie. And White noise 2?? Face it - these are "B" movies, period.

I'm worried for him after hearing about WN2.
/me Still on the lookout for Summer's "Mammoth" :-/

"B" movies often lead to "A" careers.

Besides, some of us like B movies.

And it could be worse. Has Outing Riley ever been released?

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, April 3, 2006 8:11 PM



Originally posted by STDOUBT:
Nathan needs better roles!

IMO he should be a bit more picky in accepting
scripts... I plan to go see Slither, even though
it's not my kind of movie. And White noise 2?? Face it - these are "B" movies, period.

I'm worried for him after hearing about WN2.

This interview with Nathan sheds some light on the issue:
(from )

Arrow: Regarding Serenity and Sci-Fi, you’re kind of becoming quite a genre actor nowadays. Is this purposeful?

Nathan: No certainly not, people think I have got the choice, and they think I have scripts laid out and then I decide, “I’ll do that one”. No, it’s like you get a script and you say like Wow, this would be a really cool part to play and I get in line with 60, 80, 200 other guys to try to get the part and when they say lets have Nathan comes back, I get really tense and really nervous, I try to relax and I go back to audition again. The whole audition process is a mind-screw and you can blow it at any time because anytime you move forward in the process, the stakes become higher and anything can go wrong at any time. So there’s never any promises, there’s never any kind of, it’s not about, Yeah, I’m gonna do a horror next”.

Arrow: You’re not there yet.

Nathan: Certainly not, and I’ll let you know what it's like when I do, but until then, I’m shlepping with everybody else, just trying to make a buck. I’ve been really happy that I’ve been able to do projects that are really… I mean, I’m a sci-fi fan. That I get to do a sci-fi movie, you know, that’s like a fan boy’s dream.

Also, my understanding is that neither Waitress (the romantic comedy) nor WN2 are likely to be wide releases. (The former is an independent film (as was Outing Riley), and the latter is, well...White Noise 2.)

But I do think Nathan's career is building, and he will reach the point where it will be his responsibility to choose.

Ain't. We. Just.






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