Comparisons to Farscape... huh!?!?

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 21:44
VIEWED: 5284
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Tuesday, May 14, 2002 9:57 AM


I fail to see any similarity of the images released for Firefly to the visual storytelling style of Farscape. Whoever made those statements (reviewers of the episode who call it "derivitave" of Farscape, and part of the reason why FOX isn't sending it to series right away) is an idiot.

Don't get me wrong, I like Farscape a lot. It just appears to have no similarity in style to Firefly, from what has been released of plot and the newly released images.

It's sad that we may never see this truly *awesome* looking show... Damn you FOX!


Thursday, May 16, 2002 4:59 PM


I think the comparison comes from a group of renegades all forced to work and live together on a space craft- that's the similarity.

I'm sure that Firefly can be compared much better to other sci-fi series. Unfortunately, Farscape is the extent of my knowledge of sci-fi programs.


Friday, May 17, 2002 2:59 PM


I'd say it does have some superficial similarities to Farscape, just like Farscape has some similarities to Blake's 7. It happens. You put a crew on a spaceship wearing matching uniforms and exploring space for some large organization and people will say it's like Star Trek. There's only so many concepts that are viable for weekly series.

The characters and writing are what is going to define whether Firefly is more of Farscape (yeah!) or an Andromeda (blah!)


Friday, May 17, 2002 6:11 PM


Originally posted by Jonwes:
I'd say it does have some superficial similarities to Farscape, just like Farscape has some similarities to Blake's 7. It happens. You put a crew on a spaceship wearing matching uniforms and exploring space for some large organization and people will say it's like Star Trek. There's only so many concepts that are viable for weekly series.

The characters and writing are what is going to define whether Firefly is more of Farscape (yeah!) or an Andromeda (blah!)

The visual language of Farscape is, IMO, a big part of what makes the show different and really good (not as important as the writing, though). Firefly has such a drastically different style, from the images that have been released.

Another thing is Farscape often relies on pop-culture references, as Chriton is from a time not too far in the future. Firefly takes place 800 years from now... that surely will play a significant role in changing a lot of the linguistic style too.

I don't want it to be Farscape or Andromeda, even though I thoroughly enjoy Farscape. I think it'll be its own monster entirely.

(BTW... Joss is really good at creating good futuristic slang (see Fray).)


Friday, May 17, 2002 8:13 PM


Firefly has no muppets, as far as I can tell (I love Farscape by the way)

Also, when I said Firefly will be a Farscape or and Andromeda, I just meant quality wise, not content wise. If there is ANYTHING I am relatively sure of, it's that Whedon will make Firefly unique.

Fray kicks! I missed an issue or two... hopefully they'll collect it in a trade.


Friday, May 17, 2002 8:27 PM


Okay, first of all props to the people behind this site as a graphic designer and web designer I know how much work must have went into this. That said, I have to point out something rather amusing. Apparently, even the designers here think Andromeda and Firefly have some similarities:

Go to this part of the reference-

It says:

The information contained within this online reference was collected from various sources on the internet. While every effort is made to insure the reference is accurate, errors do get by. If you notice errors, please report them and they will be corrected.
And if you come across information relevant to Andromeda not found in this reference, please report those as well by clicking on the button on the left. Include with the information, the source and source URL, and who you are so that we may post your name or alias and give you credit for the submission.

Just found that a bit funny.


Saturday, May 18, 2002 5:21 PM


Originally posted by Jonwes:
Firefly has no muppets, as far as I can tell (I love Farscape by the way)

Also, when I said Firefly will be a Farscape or and Andromeda, I just meant quality wise, not content wise. If there is ANYTHING I am relatively sure of, it's that Whedon will make Firefly unique.

Fray kicks! I missed an issue or two... hopefully they'll collect it in a trade.

You're right... I misinterpreted what you said. Quality-wise, I think it'll be more on the level of Farscape... and I fully suspect it will surpass it exponentially.

Fray does indeed kick ass. I heard somewhere that a trade will be released at the end of the run. I'm planning on buying it even though I have the series in the individual forms! Yeah... I'm a pretty big loser


Monday, July 22, 2002 12:37 AM


Well I have seen the Pilot for Firefly and it is in no way like Farscape or Andromeda.

Okay yes there is space and there are spaceships but that is about it.

Farscape is lush with organic design and Firefly is harsher and dirty, plus everyone is dressed in wester outfits including dresses, when have you ever seen dresses as standard fare on the other shows.

Plus no aliens, which I rathe like.

And guns that look like guns not funky laser blaster things.

Once you see the show you will understand that comparisions to other Sci-Fi will simply not work for the most part.



Monday, July 22, 2002 4:27 AM


There's a certain kind of hack reviewer that loves to draw parallels where there aren't any. I stopped paying attention to them long ago.


Tuesday, July 23, 2002 9:47 AM


Well, i've only seen the pictures here and the small clips at the main site but there ARE some superficial similarites to Farscape, and even to Andromeda (although Andromeda is only a hollow carcass of the show it once was).

The motly band of losers gathered together in a band for survival.

The harsh universe they are living in.

The heavy military baddies they are running from.

There are even some broad character types all three series share like the Inara/Chiana similarites.

The challange for Joss or any other guy/gal with a vision for a show is to find someway to seperate their series from those who came before.

Especialy if the first show is still on, like Farscape and the show that used to be Andromeda!


One evil at a time, that's the best i can do - Farscape


Tuesday, July 23, 2002 10:22 AM


Well most of those similarities come about merely from the genre. If you have people going through space you have the choice of making them either the government or rebels/outcasts of some kind (considering that normal everyday people going through space might not be terribly interesting). If you have them be the government then you'll get called a Star Trek rip-off. If you have them be outcasts then you get called a Farscape rip-off (or one of the millions of other space shows that have used that dynamic, Farscape is far from the first to show a group of outcasts dealing with space, I mean, the film Ice Pirates at least in part dealt with that back when Farscape was at most a vague thought in its creators head). The main difference I can see from Farscape is that an important part of Farscape used to be that Crichton was the only human in it. THus it probably (I say probably because I've watched approx. 5 episodes of Farscape ever) had a different outlook on things than Firefly

Select to view spoiler:

which won't have aliens in it based off recent comments.

"Being popular and well liked is not in your best interest. Let me be more clear; if you behave in a manner pleasing to most, then you are probably doing something wrong." - Janeane Garofalo, from "Feel this Book"


Tuesday, July 23, 2002 1:08 PM



Originally posted by InarasNewToy:

The motly band of losers gathered together in a band for survival.

Not exactly unusual. The Dirty Dozen. The Wild Bunch. The God, the Bad, and the Ugly. The Lavender Hill Mob....

The harsh universe they are living in.

The Cruel Sea. The Perfect Storm. Bladerunner. Pee Wee's Big Adventure.

The heavy military baddies they are running from.

The Great Escape. The Sorrow and the Pity. Red Dawn. Top Secret!


There are even some broad character types all three series share like the Inara/Chiana similarites.

Sex and the City. Some Like it hot.

I'm being silly, aren't I?


Tuesday, July 23, 2002 9:44 PM


You said it brother,there is no way your going to make that statement and say howdi!!!

It might be able from what I read to get a story going that would be on the lines of Babylon 5,but thats a tall order to fill too.

However I love B5,and Farscape,and hope to fall in love with this show, but have no hope with FOX at the helm( I'm sorry)Because fox is looking for another "X files" and they have looked,or excuse me,are looking for a "money tree" and like space above and beyond may suffer the same fate(and that angers me to know end)of anyone who does not make money out the Gate!!!

I hope this is not considerd a put down(we all know what happens then) but it has to be said,I hope it a good show and makes a Billon dallors to shut up anyone at the network ,and give it % to 10 years!!!

Well heres hopeing for the best,and keeping good thoughs!!!


P.S. whats with the IP address stall or block or whatever,at leaST send me an email about it and if you angry at what ever i did well I'm sorry !!!








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