Aussie, German?, Russia?, and Spain? Browncoats? Go Aussies!!

UPDATED: Friday, April 21, 2006 00:13
VIEWED: 3839
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Saturday, April 15, 2006 9:06 PM


Your countries were in the Serenity Box Office
Million dollar club

Australia Charity Serenity Screenings being arranged by determined and brave Browncoats.
Sydney and Melbourne.


United Kingdom Charity Serenity Screenings being arranged by determined and brave Browncoats.

Do you know of anyone in your countries who is arranging a Charity Serenity Screening in June?

So far Screenings are being arranged by Browncoats
in the USA and Canada and UK and Aussieland!!

As Of April 21, 2006:
23+ Cities Planning Charity Serenity Screenings

"We're inviting Browncoats to organize same-day nationwide
(and, if it happens, around the world) screenings to be held
on June 23, all to benefit Joss' favorite charity -- an event
we've therefore dubbed Serenity Now/Equality Now.

So take a look around the site, and join our Yahoo! group. More
importantly, start organizing -- because making this happen is
entirely in your hands. "

It's for charity. And Browncoats get to see Serenity on the Big Darn Screen.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 6:25 PM


Aussies, where are you???

Aussies love Serenity!


Sunday, April 16, 2006 11:25 PM


Where here, but mainly we are at serenity oz, come say hello and ask away

If there isn't any chocolate in heaven, then I ain't going


Monday, April 17, 2006 4:28 PM



Originally posted by shadowjo:
Where here, but mainly we are at serenity oz, come say hello and ask away

So have you read anything there about
Charity Serenity screenings being arranged
in Australia?

If not, could you post an invite there?

We're inviting Browncoats to organize same-day worldwide screenings to be held on June 23, all to benefit Joss' favorite charity -- an event we've therefore dubbed Serenity Now/Equality Now.

So far Screenings are being arranged by Browncoats
in the USA and Canada and UK.

FAQ Yahoo group to discuss charity screenings
13 Cities Planning Charity Serenity Screenings

It's for charity! It's for Joss's birthday!
It's for Browncoats to see Serenity on the Big Darn Screen again!



Monday, April 17, 2006 4:40 PM


Serenity screenings in Germany are sort of a two-edged sword.
A lot of people bought the DVD, but the German dubbing sucks big time (at least on the Firefly DVDs, haven't watched Serenity in German yet, but they have the same voices, and they don't fit).
So if the screening were to be in German, it would kind of suck and definitely not draw people in like the English version, but on the other hand you'll get a lot less people to watch a movie in English.
In other words, screenings might turn people OFF and be a total desaster.
Or maybe they love Serenity in German, too, and I'm just too spoiled.
Buffy and Angel's dubbing sucked big time, as well. They translated the meaning correctly, but totally dropped the fine humorous tone - or downright hilarious stuff. The German dialogues are LAME, can you believe it? But still it has a huge fanbase in Germany. Are my people this easily satisfied?
Anyways, the same applies for Firefly.
For example: Shindig, Mal wins the duel.
German translation correctly re-translated:

Mal: Mercy is the mark of a great man.
Mal: I AM a great man.
Mal: Let's call it quits.


You can see why I have mixed feelings about German screenings.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, April 17, 2006 4:42 PM


Ive posted about June 23 in some of the aussie forums and in the Borwncoats Downunder Grop, but Im still a newbie and Im not getting much response

If some of the more influential aussie Browncoats could spread it around? Im willing to help with organising something if some others could give some direction as to what we should do over here?

"Shake your head boy, your eyes are stuck"


Monday, April 17, 2006 5:59 PM


I think Sydney and Melbourne have plans in the work that I have read of.

If there isn't any chocolate in heaven, then I ain't going


Monday, April 17, 2006 6:06 PM



Originally posted by aussay:
Ive posted about June 23 in some of the aussie forums and in the Borwncoats Downunder Grop, but Im still a newbie and Im not getting much response

Thank you for posting.

They may not have responded directly. But
theonetruebix has read something somewhere
that gives him the impression that someone is trying to arrange a screening in Aussieland.

Could you post the contact info so the
Aussie Browncoat could get on the official
list? Or maybe you are the determined and
brave Browncoat trying to arrange a screening?

13 Cities Planning Charity Serenity Screenings

"We are awaiting further information on possible organizing taking place in Buffalo NY (USA), Chicago IL (USA), Richmond VA (USA), Edinburgh (UK), Leeds (UK), London (UK), somewhere in Georgia (USA), and somewhere in Australia. If you are responsible for any of these and they should be considered as "pre-planning" and included above, please contact us. "

Whoo-hoo! Worldwide Charity Serenity Screenings
USA Canada UK and Australia!!!!

Thank you!!!


Monday, April 17, 2006 6:19 PM


Any info would be great

Just willing to help out if needed. If there is no screening nearby I might think about arranging something

"Shake your head boy, your eyes are stuck"


Monday, April 17, 2006 7:07 PM



Originally posted by Agatsu:
A lot of people bought the DVD, but the German dubbing sucks big time (at least on the Firefly DVDs, haven't watched Serenity in German yet, but they have the same voices, and they don't fit).

Yipes! Agatsu, are you saying the Region 2 DVD I'm thinking about buying is dubbed in German? I assumed it was in English with German subtitles (since the Region 1 DVD has French and Spanish subtitles).

What do you recommend I purchase for my fluent-in-English German hosts? Should I buy a Region 2 from

"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Monday, April 17, 2006 11:13 PM


Don´t worry. There are always both tracks on the DVD (English version AND the german dubbed version, both in Dolby Digital 5.1), plus subtitles.


"Oh Dragonbreth! Gilthorpial!" he yodeled, waving his cleaver around like a madman. He lunged at the nearest wraith with his unwieldly sword. "Banzai!" he screamed. "No quarter asked or given! Dam* the torpedoes" Taking a vicious swipe, Stomper missed his mark by a good yard and tripped on his scabbard.


Monday, April 17, 2006 11:47 PM


What Arabikum said.
There are NO GERMAN SUBTITLES on the Firefly DVD, though.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, April 17, 2006 11:50 PM



Originally posted by aussay:
Ive posted about June 23 in some of the aussie forums and in the Borwncoats Downunder Grop, but Im still a newbie and Im not getting much response

If some of the more influential aussie Browncoats could spread it around? Im willing to help with organising something if some others could give some direction as to what we should do over here?

"Shake your head boy, your eyes are stuck"

Most of the aussie browncoats are in Sydney and they are the most active as far as shindigs etc.
If you pm either Mimbles or Nixygirl, they may be able to offer suggestions etc or point you in the right direction

If there isn't any chocolate in heaven, then I ain't going


Tuesday, April 18, 2006 5:37 PM


nixygirl is planning a screening
in "Sydney!!"

And now there are 14 on the list

As Of April 18, 2006:
14 Cities Planning Charity Serenity Screenings

Worldwide Charity Serenity Screenings

USA Canada UK and Aussieland.



Tuesday, April 18, 2006 7:15 PM


I really wish there was a way to subscribe to threads here without posting. If there is one, I haven't found it. So this is just me making sure I see future posts here.

Organize Your June 23 Charity Screening!
As of April 17, 13+ cities and counting are making plans.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006 7:19 PM



Originally posted by Agatsu:
Serenity screenings in Germany are sort of a two-edged sword.

Is that an idiom that exists in German, too? I talked with a German for a while online once and she said that the idiom about glass houses was also German... (but I must confess, I usually see the idiom written in English as a double-edged sword, which is why I'm curious...). Er. Anyway. Moving on...


A lot of people bought the DVD, but the German dubbing sucks big time (at least on the Firefly DVDs, haven't watched Serenity in German yet, but they have the same voices, and they don't fit).

Apparently, they didn't ever spring for particularly good dubs for ANY of Firefly, no matter what language. I've heard some of the French voices are weird, and I saw one Browncoat on here who was bilingual in English and Spanish say she tried to watch some of her favorite episodes with the dub on and... I think the reaction might have been something like "I felt like crying", but maybe that was MY reaction to realizing I could never watch the Spanish dub (I'm taking Spanish and like to practice by watching a lot of dubs and subs when I can), I can't remember which. Apparently, though, Zoe did not tell Mal he "[had] a problem with [his] brain being broken", he had a "tumor". Wow. Yeah. And poor River's name was sometimes used interchangeably with "Reaver" ! Because, well, that's how you'd pronounce it in Spanish, but jeez... (and Mal's nickname wasn't Mal, it was "Mel". ). And apparently, a lot of the slang was butchered, like nobody ever said "shiny" they said "excelente". (Apparently, though, the series is relatively intact in the subtitles, including the use of the word "shiny" in the original context! Thank God!)

This is why I am not typically fond of watching live action dubs. Anime dubs can sometimes turn out just fine and I'm actually a fan of a few of them (especially Cowboy Bebop), but live action, they just never seem to take it seriously. (Although the Harry Potter movies seemed OK in Spanish. At least, the third one did, from what I saw.)


So if the screening were to be in German, it would kind of suck and definitely not draw people in like the English version, but on the other hand you'll get a lot less people to watch a movie in English.

Wow. So Germans and Americans have a lot in common! It always frustrates me, as a fan of a lot of foreign things, how few Americans are willing to watch something subtitled. On the other hand, for the anime industry this has meant an increase in the number of good or even EXCELLENT dubs. On the other other hand (so to speak), it hasn't had much of an impact on the quality of live-action dubs. *siiiigh*


In other words, screenings might turn people OFF and be a total desaster.
Or maybe they love Serenity in German, too, and I'm just too spoiled.

Hmm, that could very well be! I'm the type that can't usually watch the subtitled version before the dub, or I can only ever watch the subs, usually. If I watch the dub first, I can usually then watch either version. Odd, but true.


Buffy and Angel's dubbing sucked big time, as well.

So I've heard! I heard they even used "fangirl English" (read: English words randomly inserted or conjugated German-ly instead of the way they're supposed to be. Don't ask, it's slang from another forum I used to visit for a while), like saying "fightet" (tacking a German verb ending on to an English verb that, technically, was already conjugated anyway).


They translated the meaning correctly, but totally dropped the fine humorous tone - or downright hilarious stuff. The German dialogues are LAME, can you believe it?

Honey, I am a fan of Sailor Moon, which though Japanese in origin, has the worst ENGLISH dub imaginable at times. The English dub actually even managed a bizarre mix of outdated "urban"/Canadian/Valley Girl slang that included phrases like "What's up, dogs?" (instead of "What's up, guys?") and "Let's book it!" (instead of "Let's get going!") and "Wicked cool!".

In short: yes, I can believe it. And I feel your pain, from a continent away (thank God they finally released all of the first four seasons of Sailor Moon subbed. Now if only they'd subtitled the fifth one so I can have a LEGAL copy, I'd be pleased as punch...)


But still it has a huge fanbase in Germany. Are my people this easily satisfied?

"Your people" are most famous over here, leiderhosen(sp?) and bratwurst cliches aside, for being enormously into both Baywatch and CSI:Miami, neither of which is exactly Emmy-winning TV.

So maybe they're just as easily satisfied with crap as Americans are. You still have us Browncoat friends, though!


Anyways, the same applies for Firefly.
For example: Shindig, Mal wins the duel.
German translation correctly re-translated:

Mal: Mercy is the mark of a great man.
Mal: I AM a great man.
Mal: Let's call it quits.


Ooh, Shindig tends to really get hit hard by the dubs. Apparently, in the Spanish dub, Mal got called "Captain Cheapskate" (instead of "Captain
Tightpants") in that very same episode!

One of these days, I have totally got to start a web page detailing all the bizarre translation changes in dubs. I mean, anime's got to be worth a few, but apparently any Mutant Enemy project's even worse! (Hey, maybe we should write to them and tell them to stop using the same crappy dubbing studios??)


You can see why I have mixed feelings about German screenings.

Well, it IS for charity. If you played that angle, you could maybe get a few more buns in the seats, especially if you showed it in both dub and sub (covering both audiences), or snagged a small bit of local press... hey, it could happen! Buffy's popular over there, or at least was, right? It wouldn't exactly be front-page news, but maybe a small item in some paper's Entertainment section or something.

It's all about the marketing, baby. Hell, don't even mention what language it's in unless they ask, until after their seats are filled with their butt! That'll work.

But seriously. Play up the charity angle, it would help.

I'm planning to get all of my friends hooked on Firefly this week and in coming weeks, down at the community college campus. Maybe we could get a charity screening in the auditorium! Hell, I was already seriously considering starting an SF club at the school, and part of the requirement is "one fundraiser per semester" for clubs, I think, so hey, that would work! :P

All I need is to get the paperwork, and convince ten friends to sign on as "members", and find a sponsor, and I've got a club. If I've got a club and a few friends roped into being in the club, then... oh, then, my pretties...!

Or nothing might happen. Whatever. Lemme know, folks, if any screenings show up in Central Florida! I'd be sure to show up to one.


"I swallowed a bug."


Tuesday, April 18, 2006 7:46 PM



Originally posted by Anonymous1:
nixygirl is planning a screening
in "Sydney!!"

And now there are 14 on the list

As Of April 18, 2006:
14 Cities Planning Charity Serenity Screenings

Worldwide Charity Serenity Screenings

USA Canada UK and Aussieland.


Thankyou Anonymous1

"Shake your head boy, your eyes are stuck"


Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:14 PM


Browncoat (Maddog7) working on a
Melbourne Charity Serenity Screening.

Current Status As Of April 20, 2006:
22 Cities In 4 Countries On 3 Continents
Planning June Charity Serenity Screenings
List of cities on

USA Canada UK and Aussieland

The other Aussie screening is going to
be in Sydney (Australia) - Pre-Planning


Friday, April 21, 2006 12:13 AM



Originally posted by EmmaZule:
Is that an idiom that exists in German, too? I talked with a German for a while online once and she said that the idiom about glass houses was also German... (but I must confess, I usually see the idiom written in English as a double-edged sword, which is why I'm curious...). Er. Anyway. Moving on...

If you mean the one where he who sits in a house of glass should not throw stones, yep, we got that one. Funny thing, idioms.


I've heard some of the French voices are weird, and I saw one Browncoat on here who was bilingual in English and Spanish say she tried to watch some of her favorite episodes with the dub on and... I think the reaction might have been something like "I felt like crying".

Been there. It's just so sad. Those translators seem to have no passion for what they're doing, no appreciation for the movie or series, and no comprehension of the concept of witty dialogue.


So I've heard! I heard they even used "fangirl English" (read: English words randomly inserted or conjugated German-ly instead of the way they're supposed to be. Don't ask, it's slang from another forum I used to visit for a while), like saying "fightet" (tacking a German verb ending on to an English verb that, technically, was already conjugated anyway).

The latter is a common phenomenon here. I do a regular comic series for a German teen magazine, and they ALWAYS use "boy" and "girl" instead of "Jungen" and "Mädchen". I guess it sounds cooler in english, and the kids wanna be cool boys and girls, not childish "Jungen" and "Mädchen". Which is the same. It's like cooks who want to be called "chef" - which is French for "cook".
Btw, the French don't use ANY English words in their daily lives. They even say "ordinateur" instead of "computer". And they pronounce English words in French - it's hilarious. Anyone wanna watch "Speeedermaan"?


"Your people" are most famous over here, leiderhosen(sp?) and bratwurst cliches aside, for being enormously into both Baywatch and CSI:Miami, neither of which is exactly Emmy-winning TV.
So maybe they're just as easily satisfied with crap as Americans are. You still have us Browncoat friends, though!

And I'm grateful for that.
Oh, the Hasselhoff phenomenon. Don't ask me, I dunno. I loved Knight Rider back in the days, but that's about it. I almost fell off the chair laughing when he showed up in the Spongebob movie, though. His is a Shatner-ish fame.
As for CSI, I watched some episodes and thought they were okay, but it got really old really fast, especially when all those other CSI:Whatevercity spin-offs turned up. NY is especially bad. SO bound on looking cool and philosophical and hip. Shame, because I liked Gary Sinise since I first saw him in "The Stand".
Anyways, I haven't really watched TV in WEEKS. It's so incredibly shitty these days (sorry, no other word for it). Just reality shows where they fix people's houses or change wifes for a week or just ruttin LIVE IN A HOUSE, Judge Judy shit, talk shows, unknown "celebrities" doing crap like cooking or dancing, American Idol rip-offs, and ring tone commercials (nothing else but that and shows on MTV. What happened to the ruttin MUSIC you a$$holes? And if there IS music, it's what THEY want us to wanna hear, not what we WANNA hear. Used to be different.)
But my most behated of all: Those shows (or whole CHANNELS) where they do stupid ass quiz shit like "Monica's father has four daughters: Lala, Lulu, Lolo and...?" or "Count the diamonds!", and for like 3 hours dumbasses call for 70 cent a call to win 150 bucks, and it just doesn't end, although
there's ALWAYS some kind of exciting music or a countdown or some shit, and the moderators (who seem to have been brain-washed, since they ALL do EXACTLY the same routine. There must be an annoying moderator boot camp, and I shall find and
destroy it.) are always saying shit like "We have to come to an end! Doesn't ANYONE know the right answer? It's already only 50 seconds to a quarter to five (Nothing happens at a quarter to five, he's just saying that so people feel put under pressure and act before they think). It's such a pile of ruttin quasi-legal rip-off bullshit, and EVERY RUTTIN CHANNEL HAS A SHOW LIKE THAT! I could go on and on about what pisses me off about that, or the atrocities I've seen on such shows by accident, but I have to think about my blood pressure. Wouldn't wanna have a heart attack early and leave Summer a widow.
Anyways, it's so sad and frustrating to turn on the TV these days. The only thing I watch it for is the news, and they always manage to bring me down.
But Firefly, cancelled. Worse yet, not even aired in the first place. And if it ever will be, it's gonna be a piss-weak dub.

Whoa, sorry, got a little agitated there, but it pisses me off to no end, especially when I think about Firefly. But then again, when a gem DOES show up in this huge pile of TV shit, it's ripped apart by an army of commercial breaks.
It's all gonna change once I rule the world, you know.


I mean, anime's got to be worth a few, but apparently any Mutant Enemy project's even worse! (Hey, maybe we should write to them and tell them to stop using the same crappy dubbing studios??)

Buffy and Angel were a success in Germany regardless of the poor dubbing, so why should they listen? To please the fans? The fans will watch it, anyways, so why bother. I'd actually translate
Firefly scripts for them myself for FREE AND coach the voice actors (who sometimes don't seem to know anything about the character they're voicing, and probably never heard the English dialogue before) if there were a way.
The translations of the episode names are puke-inspiring, as well. "Objects in Space" became "The assassin". Wouldn't wanna confuse people! It's about an assassin, obviously, not some philosophical bullshit about how everything is connected and objects are just objects unless someone gives them a purpose. God forbid we'd ask people to use their brains while watching TV, and we have to make that statement in the episode titles right up front. As I've stated before somewhere, most movies get a tag line added that contains half the plot, and preferrably the phrase "of death", coz death is always exciting.


Well, it IS for charity. If you played that angle, you could maybe get a few more buns in the seats, especially if you showed it in both dub and sub (covering both audiences), or snagged a small bit of local press... hey, it could happen! Buffy's popular over there, or at least was, right? It wouldn't exactly be front-page news, but maybe a small item in some paper's Entertainment section or something.
It's all about the marketing, baby. Hell, don't even mention what language it's in unless they ask, until after their seats are filled with their butt! That'll work.
But seriously. Play up the charity angle, it would help.

First of all, charity won't be as much as a motivation as I'd want it to. Mostly older people give to charity, and they don't do it by watching Sci-Fi movies. Younger people either don't have the money or the motivation to give to charity. They need their money for cigarettes, clothes, alcohol, make-up and weed.
For the record, I think it was a MISTAKE to print "by the creator of BUFFY and ANGEL" (in German, "Buffy - in the bane of the demons" and "Angel - Hunter of Darkness!") on the Serenity posters and all, because people who are NOT fan of Joss' will immediately put it in connection with geeky fandom. Sorry, but t'is true. Then again, Star Trek used to be considered geeky, too, until one day everyone just seemed to admit that, yeah, they watch it too, occasionally, and that was that. Or the internet! Only geeks use the internet! Now everyone does.
Back on the subject, I don't wanna dupe anyone into seeing the movie. Blackmail, maybe, but duping? That's low.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.






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