Maybe this is already being discussed - but where are we with the BDM2??

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 3, 2006 11:43
VIEWED: 4788
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Monday, May 1, 2006 6:17 PM


I try to be a realist. If something is likely, I prepare myself for it's arrival (like my niece - we knew she was coming, so we bought stuff). If something isn't likely, then I like to just let it go and focus on what's in front of me.

That being said, aside of this longing for more Firefly/Serenity (and not really caring what exaclty, as long as it's something)... I also feel rather annoyed at holding my breath and realizing I'm actually turning blue.

How long is "too long" before just saying "wow, that was an awesome ride!" and letting it be just that?

Sure, I might get flamed for suggesting such an idea... and flamed for not doing much research by way of what Joss is saying or hinting at. But part of me really wonders - did Joss fulfill his need to get the story told in Serenity, or is there more in him as far as this 'verse is concerned?

Anyone with any clue, could you please hit me over the head (gently)? Because while I don't mind holding my breath on something I'm relatively certain is around the corner, I also don't care for depriving myself of oxygen for no reason.



Monday, May 1, 2006 6:30 PM


Joss's Whedonesque post earlier (I think it's posted further down the board here) said, his phone wasn't ringing. That to me, says that if Universal calls and says, "We want Serenity 2" then Joss is onboard.
We know there's a semi- plan for another script and that he's told both Alan and Ron that there is a place for them in another film (which would tell me that we'd be going backwards, perhaps, not forwards?)

I think where we are is numbers. We need Universal to say, "Hmmm... those Serenity fans are really becoming a force. I wonder how we can tap into that?"

Realistically, Firefly should never have become a cult classic; it never should have come to DVD where the fanbase grew and grew and grew; Universal should never have stood up and said, "A movie based on a cancelled tv show? What a great IDEA!"; "Serenity" should never have been made, let alone gotten a wide theatrical release.

Realistically, I don't think any of us who are in love with a Space Western where the good guys are really just 'okay', and there's no science getting in the way of the fiction part of the science fiction, can ever give up on the idea of Serenity 2.
It just wouldn't be realistic.

Hope that was helpful.
mostly 'cause i think i just confused myself...


Monday, May 1, 2006 6:30 PM


Dont know if there is a "too long" here, atleast not in my view. I aim to keep chasing that dream no matter how distant it might seem. Aint got no interest in flaming you though, will leave that to others more inclined to such. In my honest opinion such behavior mostly leads to more flaming anyway and eventually a conflict of some sorts. Anyway, trailing of my point here. Joss has said that he would like to do more inte the Firefly Verse, what that means, wel, who knows. I know its enough for me to put my faith in him atleast, he will come through for us eventually, as long as we dont give up on him.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Monday, May 1, 2006 6:30 PM


Dont know if there is a "too long" here, atleast not in my view. I aim to keep chasing that dream no matter how distant it might seem. Aint got no interest in flaming you though, will leave that to others more inclined to such. In my honest opinion such behavior mostly leads to more flaming anyway and eventually a conflict of some sorts. Anyway, trailing of my point here. Joss has said that he would like to do more inte the Firefly Verse, what that means, wel, who knows. I know its enough for me to put my faith in him atleast, he will come through for us eventually, as long as we dont give up on him.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Monday, May 1, 2006 6:30 PM


Dont know if there is a "too long" here, atleast not in my view. I aim to keep chasing that dream no matter how distant it might seem. Aint got no interest in flaming you though, will leave that to others more inclined to such. In my honest opinion such behavior mostly leads to more flaming anyway and eventually a conflict of some sorts. Anyway, trailing of my point here. Joss has said that he would like to do more inte the Firefly Verse, what that means, wel, who knows. I know its enough for me to put my faith in him atleast, he will come through for us eventually, as long as we dont give up on him.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Monday, May 1, 2006 6:30 PM


Dont know if there is a "too long" here, atleast not in my view. I aim to keep chasing that dream no matter how distant it might seem. Aint got no interest in flaming you though, will leave that to others more inclined to such. In my honest opinion such behavior mostly leads to more flaming anyway and eventually a conflict of some sorts. Anyway, trailing of my point here. Joss has said that he would like to do more inte the Firefly Verse, what that means, wel, who knows. I know its enough for me to put my faith in him atleast, he will come through for us eventually, as long as we dont give up on him.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Monday, May 1, 2006 6:30 PM


Dont know if there is a "too long" here, atleast not in my view. I aim to keep chasing that dream no matter how distant it might seem. Aint got no interest in flaming you though, will leave that to others more inclined to such. In my honest opinion such behavior mostly leads to more flaming anyway and eventually a conflict of some sorts. Anyway, trailing of my point here. Joss has said that he would like to do more inte the Firefly Verse, what that means, wel, who knows. I know its enough for me to put my faith in him atleast, he will come through for us eventually, as long as we dont give up on him.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Monday, May 1, 2006 6:30 PM


Dont know if there is a "too long" here, atleast not in my view. I aim to keep chasing that dream no matter how distant it might seem. Aint got no interest in flaming you though, will leave that to others more inclined to such. In my honest opinion such behavior mostly leads to more flaming anyway and eventually a conflict of some sorts. Anyway, trailing of my point here. Joss has said that he would like to do more inte the Firefly Verse, what that means, wel, who knows. I know its enough for me to put my faith in him atleast, he will come through for us eventually, as long as we dont give up on him.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Monday, May 1, 2006 6:40 PM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
I think where we are is numbers. We need Universal to say, "Hmmm... those Serenity fans are really becoming a force. I wonder how we can tap into that?"

Which makes sense. I was just at Universal and Fox official sites and Christ almighty they make it hard for a fan to voice an opinion. So I guess what I'm asking is who and how do we contact those with the power to say "yes"? I'm a relatively new fan... but that's not to say I'm not willing to put my hard earned money down if that's what it take to convince them that a BDM2 woudln't be a bad idea.

Thanks again


Monday, May 1, 2006 6:55 PM


Well some people just like the ride too much to let it go. Besides, it wasn't an awesome ride! That's the point! The ride started awesome but then along the way it... well it stopped! Wasn't even a ride it was just a warm up!

"The people who made the show and the people who saw the show—which is roughly the same number of people—fell in love with it a little bit too much to let it go, too much to lay down arms when the battle looked pretty much lost. In Hollywood, people like that are called unrealistic, quixotic, obsessive. In my world, they’re called Browncoats." - Joss Whedon.

HOPE, Amber. Hope. I don't think anyone is gonna let go of this show.

I have no doubt that if Joss got the chance to make Serenity 2 he'd go for it. Ofcourse getting that chance is where it gets tricky.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!


Monday, May 1, 2006 7:04 PM


Well, it's money. If there is to be a Sequel, the powers that be need to know it is going to make money.

But if they can make a new BSG series and a new Star Trek movie, I don't see why a Serenity Sequel can't be made.


Monday, May 1, 2006 7:17 PM



Originally posted by ECAmber:
did Joss fulfill his need to get the story told in Serenity, or is there more in him as far as this 'verse is concerned?

I guess Joss didn't fulfill his need because there is going to be more in the 'verse from him.

Otherwise, there would not be new Serenity comic books coming out from Dark Horse.

Dark Horse comics realizes there is money to be made in the 'verse. Have you ordered your Dark Horse Serenity ornament or Serenity lighter yet? TitanBooks is coming out with two and maybe more Firefly Official Companion books. Hot Topic just came out with a new Jayne Lets Be Bad Guys t-shirt.

Universal has to make a decision on whether or not there is going to be a sequel. Joss and the actors are all signed up for two more. They have all said they want to do it. And remember Universal owns the Sci Fi Channel.

If Universal says No, Joss can go shopping around for a new home.


Monday, May 1, 2006 7:48 PM


"But part of me really wonders - did Joss fulfill his need to get the story told in Serenity, or is there more in him as far as this 'verse is concerned?"
At the slither premiere he was asked if he had more stories to tell in the firefly universe and he said " hundreds, the question is will I be telling them on film or at home alone" that is roughly what he said so yes there is much more in him. I am sure someone here can provide a link if you want to hear that interview.

"Yeah but she's our witch so cut her the hell down"


Monday, May 1, 2006 8:40 PM


SameErtia, you said:
"We know...that he's told both Alan and Ron that there is a place for them in another film"

Where the deuce did you learn this? Ditto the script?

BTW, many months back I predicted there would be a Serenity sequel announced by 1 July 2006. That was pure speculation, based on what we all knew back then. I hold by that prediction..


Monday, May 1, 2006 8:57 PM


In several interviews recently Joss has said he wants to tell more stories.. I've seen the Slither premiere video... so I believe he wants to do more and every interview I've seen with the actors.. they want to do more... so it's just a matter of time. And money, and their being enough of us out here to make them believe that a sequel is worthwhile.

As for waiting...I plan to be here til I die. I ain't going nowhere. I'm a very patient person, a return of the 'verse is worth going thru Serenity Valley for, IMHO. I don't think I'm gonna have to do that.. I BELIEVE that a sequel is comin'.

An announcement by July 06... sounds good to me!

So ECAmber hold the line with us.. it'll be worth it.

Oh and Anonymous1.. I ordered my magazine! YAY! Thank you!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 12:30 AM



I'll quote Joss on this one. If Universal call him to make another Serenity movie, he'll do it. He's not fighting for another movie at the moment, however, as Serenity took 3 years out of his life, and he has Wonder Woman at WB and Goners ( at Universal[/url] in development for 2006/2007.

There's an outside chance Serenity 2 will happen still - if it does, look for around 2008-2009 release. It's all down to financing, and we're talking $xx,xxx,xxx dollar figures again.



Tuesday, May 2, 2006 12:44 AM


I give it 40:60 that it will be made.

Im not giving up, but I must admit im getting a bit worried. Lol by the time Serenity 2 does come out if its made I wont need the DVD's for Serenity and Firefly, they will be inprinted in my brain.

"You can't take the sky from me"


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 12:50 AM



Originally posted by Dowie100:
I give it 40:60 that it will be made.

Hell! I'll take those odds! Come on, anti up!What are the stakes?


Im not giving up, but I must admit im getting a bit worried. Lol by the time Serenity 2 does come out if its made I wont need the DVD's for Serenity and Firefly, they will be inprinted in my brain.

"You can't take the sky from me"

Ah, young Browncoat, you have much to learn. The advanced masters can already see all things 'versy playing out on the back of their eyelids! Makes sleeping even more fun!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 1:44 AM


Hey, look for what kinda triple-crapfest the Star Wars fans waited 20 years for! And Serenity is actually worth making a fool of yourself.
I don't think there will be anything nearly this shiny in the Sci-Fi sector in a long time, maybe ever (apart from the pitch I'm preparing to give to a few guys I know who have a computer game company, I have to keep myself from making it too 'verse-like, unfortunately, although of course I stole a few great aspects. But it's just a pitch for a Sci Fi concept called Astra Incognita. You heard it here first. ).
Anyways, I plan to live like there's gonna be more Serenity to come, wether that will happen one day or not.
Hell, Christians haven't seen a sequel to the bible in 2000 years, and they're still sticking around. I ain't gonna be outhoped by no Christian! I can see the EARTHLY power to bring back my favorite stories right there!
Now who's got a better chance, eh?
Hey, how's that for some blasphemus pep-talk?
Just kidding, of course, I'm cool with whatever God you worship, and I do not worship Serenity, I "just" love it.
Fortunately, I'm far from alone, and neither are you.




Tuesday, May 2, 2006 1:54 AM


Well, there are the novels and comic books coming. There's also the DVD drive on June 23rd and this summer that will hopefully increase the fanbase and make Universal see that there's more money to be had - supposedly they were surprised with the strong DVD sales, so if those are kept up, they might just realize that they've got a product on their hands. Austin Powers, for example, didn't do so hot in theaters during its first run, but it had enough DVD sales (I think it was the first) where it was decided to make a sequel - and hey, they even got their trilogy.

So, I guess the best thing to do next to waiting is to keep converting friends, families and people you meet on the bus. Help with the DVD campaigns if you can, and buy the DVD to give to friends or the library.

But hey, even then we've still got the books and comics coming. And the Browncoat community.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

Little or no free time, but want to help?
Help Spread the Signal:


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 2:54 AM


This show was / is something incredibly special, both the people who made it and the people who saw it realize that,
Summer Glau was qouted as saying something about wishing she could play river till she was old and in a wheel chair.

Unlike in a lot of movies and shows, we have this amazing knowledge that if it gets greenlighted, the cast AND crews are behind it.

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 4:53 AM


I think I won't give up hope until the cast/crew start giving up the secrets - Book's past, what Inara is running from, etc, etc.

They know the secrets and have said if the verse doesn't get to continue they'll tell us. So if we find out about Book's horrendously overdue library items and Inara's respectable past through them... they've given up so we probably should too.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 5:28 AM



Lets think here for a minute. How many years between the end of Firefly and the BDM?

It hasn't even been a year since the BDM and you are giving up?

Hold I tell you. Give things a chance to work out!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 7:47 AM



Originally posted by Ruxton:
SameErtia, you said:
"We know...that he's told both Alan and Ron that there is a place for them in another film"

Where the deuce did you learn this? Ditto the script?

Further down the board?

""At Collectormania 9 this weekend, Alan Tudyk revealed that Joss had told him that Wash and Book would both be in a sequel to Serenity, if it happens. Alan was speaking at a panel talk on Sunday April 30th where he was joined by Ron Glass. When asked if the two would consider being a part of the sequel, Alan replied that he had been told both characters would return in any second film. ""

Am I the only one who reads every tidbit we get then dissects it and checks the sources for reliability?


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 10:53 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

Lets think here for a minute. How many years between the end of Firefly and the BDM?

It hasn't even been a year since the BDM and you are giving up?

Hold I tell you. Give things a chance to work out!

Yeah, folks. Just look how long it took Star Trek to get anywhere after the OS. It, too was a cancelled SF a time when SF shows were a mite thin on the ground (mainly due to bad writing.) It was cancelled in, what? 1969? And when did they get their first movie? 1980. That was 11 years! We got ours in three. I'm thinking we'll get more. Like Trek, it'll take time, but it'll also give the fan base time to expand.

That's what gives me Trek, our fan base is expanding, which is highly unusual for a cancelled series. We just gotta do our part to make sure it stays accessable to folks who haven't already seen this shiny 'verse yet...keep recruiting so the demand for merchandise keeps, to keep TPTB happy, and help them to consider giving us more.



Tuesday, May 2, 2006 2:54 PM


I'm pretty much at a point where I'm satisfied if it ends here, but I'm always willing to see more. I'd really love for it to come back as a tv show, but that's prolly pretty unlikely, I'd be happy to see more movies made though.

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 4:30 PM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
I think I won't give up hope until the cast/crew start giving up the secrets - Book's past, what Inara is running from, etc, etc.

They know the secrets and have said if the verse doesn't get to continue they'll tell us. So if we find out about Book's horrendously overdue library items and Inara's respectable past through them... they've given up so we probably should too.

Noooooooooooooooooooo! Nathan revealed Book's past.

Which leads you to Serenitypanel6 4:35 minutes into the panel...Nathan reveals Book's Past.

That Nathan.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 4:55 PM


Think about it all... Joss has two movies lined up, the hugely anticipated (in terms of being a well known title name) Wonder Woman, and then his own project, Goners, which actually i was surprised to see has a website already. Frankly, Joss is booked atm, and there wont be no BDM2 without HIM! So... keep the faith, hold your ground, and if you got cashey money burning a hole in your browncoat, buy some Serenity DVD and go see Wonder Woman when it comes out. (seriously, i doubt anything would support Joss more than being the writer of a major blockbuster, which given it's well known name, (something Serenity DID NOT have :( ) wonder woman has the potential to be.)

I survived a day in Whitefall and all I got was this lousy signature!

Terrifying Space Monkey of Destiny


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 5:26 PM



Originally posted by Whitefall:
(seriously, i doubt anything would support Joss more than being the writer of a major blockbuster, which given it's well known name, (something Serenity DID NOT have :( ) wonder woman has the potential to be.)

WRITER/DIRECTOR of Wonder Woman.

and Goners and Serenity.

And look Hot Topic online now has a Budda shirt. Along with Jayne and Serenity Logo.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 11:43 AM



You said, "Am I the only one who reads every tidbit we get then dissects it and checks the sources for reliability"

Apparently so. Thanks for the info. Much appreciated.






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