UPDATED: Friday, December 26, 2003 11:51
VIEWED: 18680
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Saturday, December 13, 2003 6:17 PM


Just thought i would pass along this tidbit of info. i havent gotten my dvds yet beacue they are sold out. ( RIGHT ON!) apparantly they ordered in TWO copys and sold them within a few hours so they orded 31 more! i know thats not big numbers but for a little hole in the wall music place it sais something.

anybody else run into places that are sold out?

Dear diary, Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy,
Today we where kidnapped my hill folk never to be seen again, it was the best day ever.


Saturday, December 13, 2003 9:31 PM


Yeah I did. I was gratified to see that both Fry's Electronics and Best Buy were both sold out. I got lucky and found a copy at Wal-Mart. I still can't believe the bastards cancelled the show. What were they thinking?!?! Anyway, happy viewing...Let's hope for Firefly: The Motion Picture.


Saturday, December 13, 2003 10:12 PM


Funny how the "brain trust" at the Belch and Fart channel didnt understand the show. I wonder if they are scratching their heads at how well the DVD set is selling?

I think it all comes down to a lack of respect for the viewing audience. If management doesnt understand a show, the viewing public must be too stupid to. Granted while I have seen a few posts on this site that border on sheer lunacy and/or a possible serious lack of daylight exposure-We are for the most part far more intelligent than Fox gives us credit for.

I would really love to see your point of view, but I cant get my head up my butt.


Saturday, December 13, 2003 11:08 PM


Reporting in from the Great White North (Exporter of two Fabulous Firefly actors!). Our "" - sort of the Canadian rival to - has sold out of the DVD's! Luck me, I preordered!



Sunday, December 14, 2003 3:38 AM


FAHQ, you have it, utterly, in a nutshell.

We're not the only ones pissed off at the massive disconnect between the ivory-tower crowd and the real world, and the crap programming that results.

Many Italians are so totally fed up with this complete and utter garbage they plan to stage a mass protest, and I say we follow their example.

The only reason I even have a TV now is for my PS2 and DVD player, cause I ain't watchin NONE of this crap.



Sunday, December 14, 2003 5:14 AM


I went to the local Walmart for a copy the day of release and they didn't have any. Of course, no one even knew what a Firefly was much less knew if they had any in. I had to wait until Best Buy opened. Got there at 12 and there were 2 copies on the shelf that obviously held more at one time.

So, while not sold out, there was definite traffic.

BTW, can someone tell me which episode was the original premier?


Sunday, December 14, 2003 6:07 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
FAHQ, you have it, utterly, in a nutshell.

We're not the only ones pissed off at the massive disconnect between the ivory-tower crowd and the real world, and the crap programming that results.

Many Italians are so totally fed up with this complete and utter garbage they plan to stage a mass protest, and I say we follow their example.

The only reason I even have a TV now is for my PS2 and DVD player, cause I ain't watchin NONE of this crap.


Thank you.

Looks even worse there (Italy) than here, hard to believe that it is. Truly a bad situation, but didnt the voting public in Italy know this guy effectively "owned" the media BEFORE they elected him?

I was in a phone discussion with someone a few days ago who referred to what the general public watches as "Cheeto TV". What he meant by that is give people a bag of Cheetos and they will eat until the bag is empty. Kids and adults. We all know what crap Cheetos are, yet we still finish the bag.

Crap sells, quality doesnt. Television is most certainly not aimed at those of above average intelligence, as most of us know. Explain the popularity of the current shows. Take "Friends" for example. Sometimes funny, yes-But compare it to the sitcoms of days past that were rib splittingly hilarious without sexual innuendos, or constant negativity. Even "Ralph Kramden" (If you dont know who the character is, do a search) had good days. How would you explain the (Thankfully now waning) popularity of the WWE (Formerly WWF)? Survivor? Big Brother? Real World? The Bachelor? Need I continue? Oh wait-lets' not forget Average Joe. Where the hell is my BARF bag?

It seems to be all about making somebody else look like an idiot/loser these days.

Well, the networks and sponsors make us all look like idiots and losers now, and the average viewing public is too stupid to realize it.

I dont even have cable TV, and my life isnt lacking. I read books.

Even television news has become an advertisement. I recall a local (Chicago) newscast talking about a show (Something along the lines of American Idol-I dont recall exactly) on their network like it was a news story!

I am going to stop now because if I go any furthere I may injure my back tossing my 32" TV out my apartment window......... Besides, if I do that I wont be able to watch my Firefly and Babylon 5 DVDs'.......

One last thing- We should be pissed off for far more than just Firefly. What Fox did to that wonderful show is only a minor symptom of the problem, and we all know it. Time to look at the BIG picture.

I would really like to see your point of view, but I cant get my head up my butt.


Sunday, December 14, 2003 6:31 AM


>>my life isnt lacking. I read books.<<

Halle-floggin-looya, someone else remembers how to friggin read.

Of course, these days it's practically a damned thought crime.

Or is it perhaps "thought" IS "crime" these days ? hard to tell with a system rigged to teach us not to think and present and screaming in our ear from cradle to grave... sure seems a crime to think, it's treated like one, without a doubt.

frem -aka- Emmanuel Goldstein.

And if you don't get it?


Sunday, December 14, 2003 10:41 AM


Sold out? No one in the Palo Alto area has even gotten it in yet. Stupid jerks... I have some friends that work at Tower, so I was going to get an employee discount (which, at Tower's prices, would bring it in line with everyone else's normal price) but now, screw it- I'm ordering it from Amazon.


Sunday, December 14, 2003 12:04 PM


If I remember correctly, the first Firefly episode aired was "The Train Job".

Carpe Juggulum


Sunday, December 14, 2003 12:14 PM


Wow, it's like reading something I would've written. I tell ya, the garbage thats out there in TV land is amazing. I mean, there are some REALLY bad shows out there, and they're actually popular. For the life of me, I cant see why.

I'm starting ta think ya'll are right. That big wigs that run these companies have NO idea whats good and whats not. Heck, it seems if it isnt some kind of "Reality" (and we all know just how real these shows are) TV show, cop drama (I swear they're all the same show), or another sitcom with lame rehashed jokes, then it doesnt get a second glance.

Show's such as Firefly (with GREAT writing and acting) seem ta be a dying breed. It's unfortunate. Hopefully someday, someone will wake up, up there in TV land, and see the light. Well, we can only hope.

P.S. I am REALLY curious on how well the DVD's sold, and how much they made.

Just an opinion of a simple person.


Sunday, December 14, 2003 12:38 PM


The sad thing is, Fox greenlights a LOT of great shows, but once they're on the air, they don't know how to handle them. The most recent example is Arrested Development, which I believe Fox has actually given a full season to, despite its low ratings. I think the thing Fox doesn't seem to get is that great shows often need a bit of time to get going, for people who are used to the same old stuff on TV to notice and start watching. Maybe they're finally starting to learn, but it's just a couple years too late.


Sunday, December 14, 2003 2:32 PM


Jav7469 wrote:
"P.S. I am REALLY curious on how well the DVD's sold, and how much they made."

As I posted on main FF board about the situation in Toronto: All the big-box music and video stores I checked on Friday and Saturday were ALL SOLD OUT. They actually had the DVDs -- one flagship store sold dozens before running out -- but not enough. So, except for one chain store, everyone's shelves were empty and only within a day or two of the release. Some stores started waiting lists and expected to fill them next week.
Overall, clerks and managers were pretty surprised about the demand.


Sunday, December 14, 2003 2:35 PM


I personally bought the last copy at my local Best Buy on the 10th.

"I'm very sorry if she tipped off anyone about your cunningly concealed herd of cows."


Sunday, December 14, 2003 3:00 PM


Wow, thats really good ta hear. I hope that gets the attention of the Fox big wigs. I betcha they're surprised how well they sold, though I'm sure the people who have been following it arent too surprised. Actually, now that I've watched it, I'm not too surprised ta hear it either. hehe.



Sunday, December 14, 2003 3:01 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

This is good to hear. Hope it really isn't too late.


Sunday, December 14, 2003 3:23 PM


After trying to pre-order on Amazon, I pre-ordered on Best Buy - ha! They sold out before they shipped any pre-orders. So I cancelled.

Fortunately I had also pre-ordered on Amazon - got that set AND ordered a second for a friend. At least Amazon learned their lesson from the summer.

Will Fox ever be that smart!


Sunday, December 14, 2003 3:51 PM


Yo, Talonpest! Here we are practically in each other's laps, you and yours in Palo Alto, me and mine in Berkeley. Wanna combine forces? Just trying to connect with more Bay Area Browncoats. E-mail:
World name: Kat Krischild (Berkeley directory)
Reach out if yer feelin' social-like.
(Oh yeah, big Farscape fan, too.)

lunatikat - "I tried to contain myself, but I escaped."


Sunday, December 14, 2003 5:06 PM



Originally posted by Okkay:
The sad thing is, Fox greenlights a LOT of great shows, but once they're on the air, they don't know how to handle them. The most recent example is Arrested Development, which I believe Fox has actually given a full season to, despite its low ratings. I think the thing Fox doesn't seem to get is that great shows often need a bit of time to get going, for people who are used to the same old stuff on TV to notice and start watching. Maybe they're finally starting to learn, but it's just a couple years too late.

Arrested development fits far better within the parameters of the Belch and Fart channel than Firefly did. Panders more towards the neanderthal.
Comedy in the misfortune of others.

I would really like to see your point of view, but I cant get my head up my butt.


Sunday, December 14, 2003 5:14 PM


An even more important thing to add-I think we all (Yes, I am including myself) need to pay attention to this. When you get right down to it, we are talking about nothing more that a TV show. Simple as that.

Lets' push that power button on the remote for a minute and come back to reality.

Now for the important thing-We have a President and government that is steadily eroding our rights every day in the name of patriotism. We have American businesses laying off thousands of U.S. workers every week in order to farm out jobs overseas where people work for "peanuts" and the government tells us the economy is improving. How is it that people can get together to try to save a (GREAT) TV show, but cannot get together to affect change where the only other option is the eventual death of our civil rights, and the principles this country was created upon?

How is THAT for something to be concerned about?

I would really like to see your point of view, but I cant get my head up my butt.


Sunday, December 14, 2003 10:42 PM



Originally posted by Lunatikat:
Yo, Talonpest! Here we are practically in each other's laps, you and yours in Palo Alto, me and mine in Berkeley. Wanna combine forces? Just trying to connect with more Bay Area Browncoats. E-mail:
World name: Kat Krischild (Berkeley directory)
Reach out if yer feelin' social-like.
(Oh yeah, big Farscape fan, too.)

Hey, and I'm right in between you two -- in San Mateo (and I did my undergrad at Cal -- Go Bears!). Let me know if you guys plan anything, I'll try to join you if the missus lets me.

...any SF Bay Area browncoats have a nice 50" plasma TV we can watch the DVDs on?

Purple elephants are flying.
Good. Thanks for the update.


Monday, December 15, 2003 12:14 AM


just to comment on the situation in the u.s., whatever happened to our stand on human rights violations (china), spreading democracy (tai wan), foreign relations (france,germany,russia), manufacturing jobs (china,mexico), promoting peace (afghanistan, iraq)? is it my imagination or have we been "bush-wacked"? ever since this puppet president got into office things in the u.s./world have gone from bad to worse. terrorist attacks, recessions, union-busting, corporate scandals, etc. not to mention the shady "election" itself! am i alone in voicing these opinions of our "president"? i don't think the guy knows what he's doing, our allies OBVIOUSLY think the same. (he's basically a poor man's version of dan quayle, only without quayle's "smarts"). i can only tolerate so much hypocrisy, how about y'all?

sorry about the angst, STILL hasn't delivered my dvd's.


Monday, December 15, 2003 2:04 AM



Lets' push that power button on the remote for a minute and come back to reality.

Now for the important thing-We have a President and government that is steadily eroding our rights every day in the name of patriotism. We have American businesses laying off thousands of U.S. workers every week in order to farm out jobs overseas where people work for "peanuts" and the government tells us the economy is improving.


Why do you think we so desperately want our escapist entertainment back?

Me personally, I want to avoid having to be all heavy about world events all the time.

"I'm very sorry if she tipped off anyone about your cunningly concealed herd of cows."


Monday, December 15, 2003 3:50 AM



Originally posted by frv:
After trying to pre-order on Amazon, I pre-ordered on Best Buy - ha! They sold out before they shipped any pre-orders. So I cancelled.

Fortunately I had also pre-ordered on Amazon - got that set AND ordered a second for a friend.

I'm so glad now that I preordered from Amazon. My DVDs were dispatched a week ago. I haven't received them yet though!

*goes to chase the postman*

Book: “A duel?”
Wash: “With swords?”
Simon: “The Captain's a good fighter, he must know how to handle a sword?”
Zoe: “I think he knows which end to hold.”


Monday, December 15, 2003 7:35 AM



Originally posted by humble:
just to comment on the situation in the u.s., whatever happened to our stand on human rights violations (china), spreading democracy (tai wan), foreign relations (france,germany,russia), manufacturing jobs (china,mexico), promoting peace (afghanistan, iraq)? is it my imagination or have we been "bush-wacked"? ever since this puppet president got into office things in the u.s./world have gone from bad to worse. terrorist attacks, recessions, union-busting, corporate scandals, etc. not to mention the shady "election" itself! am i alone in voicing these opinions of our "president"? i don't think the guy knows what he's doing, our allies OBVIOUSLY think the same. (he's basically a poor man's version of dan quayle, only without quayle's "smarts"). i can only tolerate so much hypocrisy, how about y'all?

sorry about the angst, STILL hasn't delivered my dvd's.

Look around-It is obviously much simpler to suckle at the "Glass Teat" as Harlan Ellison once called it than deal with reality. We arent going to get much of a response here.

I would really like to see your point of view, but I cant get my head up my butt.


Monday, December 15, 2003 8:50 AM



Originally posted by FahQ:
Look around-It is obviously much simpler to suckle at the "Glass Teat" as Harlan Ellison once called it than deal with reality. We arent going to get much of a response here.

I would really like to see your point of view, but I cant get my head up my butt.

You're getting pretty insulting there. Most of us aren't responding to your post because it's way off the topic of this thread. I respectfully suggest that if you want to discuss those issues, you start a new thread and not try to force this one to change course.


Monday, December 15, 2003 9:13 AM


...and I'm in San Bruno

I pre-ordered 3 copies from Amazon and they showed up on Wed last week. I was in the middle of moving to a new place so I haven't even cracked them open yet

While I was out this weekend I checked in several places and saw all of them had sold out. Glad I did the Amazon thing!

Anyway...I have a 40" Sony Wega CRT TV and a decent sound system. Will that work?



Monday, December 15, 2003 9:26 AM



Originally posted by SheWhoHathAPen:


Why do you think we so desperately want our escapist entertainment back?

Me personally, I want to avoid having to be all heavy about world events all the time.

"I'm very sorry if she tipped off anyone about your cunningly concealed herd of cows."

Living proof of one of the major problems with the general public in this country. Please dont get the idea that I am done with my part of this thread merely because I am feeling compassionate towards you.

I would really like to see your point of view, but I cant get my head up my butt.


Monday, December 15, 2003 11:15 AM


dont apologize,there are others who agree with what you are the words of the late great bill hicks-"go back to bed america,the government has everything under control,go back to bed america-here,here's some american gladiators eat this shit while we are free to do as we tell you!YOU ARE FREE TO DO AS WE TELL YOU!


Monday, December 15, 2003 11:48 AM



Originally posted by JustDavid:

Originally posted by FahQ:
Look around-It is obviously much simpler to suckle at the "Glass Teat" as Harlan Ellison once called it than deal with reality. We arent going to get much of a response here.

I would really like to see your point of view, but I cant get my head up my butt.

You're getting pretty insulting there. Most of us aren't responding to your post because it's way off the topic of this thread. I respectfully suggest that if you want to discuss those issues, you start a new thread and not try to force this one to change course.

It wasnt my intent to divert or change anything. Just something I felt important to point out-I felt concerned about something and frankly I accomplished that. All done. 'Nuff said.

I would really like to see your point of view, but I cant get my head up my butt.


Monday, December 15, 2003 11:50 AM



Originally posted by kevin:
dont apologize,there are others who agree with what you are the words of the late great bill hicks-"go back to bed america,the government has everything under control,go back to bed america-here,here's some american gladiators eat this shit while we are free to do as we tell you!YOU ARE FREE TO DO AS WE TELL YOU!


Thank you. I am done here. Oh no, an off topic post about something that affects EVERYBODY! Dissention! Bad!

I would really like to see your point of view, but I cant get my head up my butt.


Monday, December 15, 2003 12:17 PM


Fry's electronics in San Marcos, california has sold out of the FIREFLY dvd also. =-)

Wish FOX would learn their leason and bring this show back


Monday, December 15, 2003 1:09 PM



Better go online and check out your shipping history - I think all pre-orders were sent on the 9th. I have had good luck with orders from Amazon but there was one with shipping problems - they reshipped immediately when my order never arrived.


Monday, December 15, 2003 2:47 PM



Originally posted by FahQ:
Living proof of one of the major problems with the general public in this country. Please dont get the idea that I am done with my part of this thread merely because I am feeling compassionate towards you.

I wasn't looking for compassion. Mostly? I was joking, because I felt as though you were being way too heavy on a thread on a message board that has absolutely nothing to do with what you were talking about.

Yes, it affects everyone. But before you make big political statements on a forum that isn't at all about politics you have to consider:

1) The people here might not want to discuss politics. And they might be here for just that reason.

2) The people here might not agree with you and have no desire to argue politics. And they might be here for just that reason.

3) The people here don't feel like being accused of being "one of the major problems with the general public" based on the fact that they want to stay on the defined topic of discussion.

There are many political discussions and arguments on the internet. I don't go on the internet to discuss politics. Why? Because I can do that in real life with people that I know and who know me well enough to at least accuse me of things of which they know I am guilty.

So to restate what I was saying in my first post, sans joking, you might want to stay on topic, as someone has already suggested. There's a time and a place for everything and very few things are for everywhere and everytime.

Also, I would ask that you refrain from making assumptions about my habits and character based on three sentences written in jest on a message board. It's insulting to me and more than a little silly on your part.

"I'm very sorry if she tipped off anyone about your cunningly concealed herd of cows."


Monday, December 15, 2003 5:17 PM


Yep, you're right. All done.

I would really like to see your point of view, but I cant get my head up my butt.


Monday, December 15, 2003 5:21 PM



Monday, December 15, 2003 5:30 PM


Dear Shiny,
Would love to get something social together. What, when, where, and what can we offer the missus for entertainment if she's immune to Firefly? My house is too tiny and messy for gatherings, but two blocks away is the Starry Plough (Irish pub- food and beer). Anyone else got suggestions? Is there already an organized group of San Francisco Bay Area Browncoats we should contact, or shall we just start one up? I'd like to organize a little Shindig of our own if there's interest.

lunatikat - "Don't let the socks do all the thinking."


Monday, December 15, 2003 7:16 PM


Sounds like TRS already volunteered his place and his TV.

Purple elephants are flying.
Good. Thanks for the update.


Monday, December 15, 2003 8:38 PM


Happy to say that on the day the disks went on sale I bought the last one at my local Suncoast at 11:00 a.m. . This Suncoast by the way opened at 10:00 a.m.,and it looked like originally there were a lot more Fireflys due to the empty space between the last Firefly and everything else.


Monday, December 15, 2003 8:51 PM


And by the way I just went today to the local Best Buy in Stockton to buy Firefly for a friend for X-mass and they were sold out had to go to Barnes and Noble who had two left. I do believe Firefly is selling well.


Monday, December 15, 2003 8:57 PM


FAQU your such a troll save it for a political board dumb-ass!


Monday, December 15, 2003 9:11 PM


APOLOGY TO THE FORUM, except for the one who decided vulgarity was a good way to express their displeasure.

I would like to offer this public apology to those I offended. Due to some external things going on in my life I ranted to/at those who didnt need to deal with it, nor deserved it.

To those of you - I apologize.


Monday, December 15, 2003 9:20 PM


The moral of the story is vulgarity works!
A man called FAQU is upset about MY vulgarity?


Tuesday, December 16, 2003 1:03 AM


Wanted to reinterate what SheWhoHathAPen wrote. I got other places I would rather talk politics in, and while I like to think around Firefly, it really has nothing to do with present American or world politics, economics or what have you.

You can't run every second of every day. You have to sleep and eat and simply do different kinds of stuff. You have to think of something else, from time to time, besides the "One thing" that is the root of all problems. Or at least as far as FahQ is concerned.

Not everyone agrees with you, nor ever will. And I doubt you would like a world where everyone did. It would be boring as hell. Some folks come here to talk about Firefly, explore different nuances and things.

"Wash, where is my damn spaceship?"


Tuesday, December 16, 2003 1:23 AM




Tuesday, December 16, 2003 3:39 AM



Originally posted by frv:
Better go online and check out your shipping history - I think all pre-orders were sent on the 9th. I have had good luck with orders from Amazon but there was one with shipping problems - they reshipped immediately when my order never arrived.

Thanks - they were definitely shipped on the 9th.

But I am in the UK, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they will get here (even slowly is better than not at all!).

I think maybe they've got held up at Customs...

Book: “A duel?”
Wash: “With swords?”
Simon: “The Captain's a good fighter, he must know how to handle a sword?”
Zoe: “I think he knows which end to hold.”


Tuesday, December 16, 2003 4:56 AM


Amazing that someone would use this phrase
>>Not everyone agrees with you, nor ever will. And I doubt you would like a world where everyone did. It would be boring as hell.<<
And follow it up with an utterly hypocritical and unsubtle hint to shut up and/or agree.

Looking for that boring world, are we ?
Dude got political, felt kinda passionate about it, who's forcin you to read it?

I also don't particularly agree with there being no politics in the show, just because there are no identical parallels in the present.
Look at the very context of Firefly for a minute, ok ?

Mal, Zoe, Simon and River all hold a political opinion not particularly cared for and respected, that no one else wants to hear - and they DO from time to time express it, especially Mal, even when it's not real wise to.

That's humanity and one of the better parts thereof is being able to get along without having to agree - telling someone that it's ok to have a difference of opinion while telling them to shut up cause you don't wanna hear it gives lie to the whole concept of such a thing.

No sense telling folks to shut up and leading into flameage, when you can just skim over and not bother to read posts ya don't want to - I am sure if something goes way off-base that Haken will handle it, ok?

Course, that too is just an opinion, with which one doesn't have to agree, disagree, or even pay a mind to, E Pluribus Unum and alla that.

Here, have some of my rum-laced eggnog and imagine the cast naked, it'll do ya good...



Tuesday, December 16, 2003 5:00 AM


Does any one know how exactly the sales are doing? I mean like the actual numbers?


Tuesday, December 16, 2003 5:43 AM


zeke023 as of September 16,2003 the Firefly box set is the 21st selling DVD on Amazon.


Tuesday, December 16, 2003 9:55 AM



Originally posted by dyairvatree:
The moral of the story is vulgarity works!
A man called FAQU is upset about MY vulgarity?

If your life is so small that you think your use of vulgarity worked in generating my apology-Well, if that is all it takes for you to feel better about yourself.....Who am I to disagree. I cannot bring myself to denegrate those with low self esteem.

Although I might point out your reading skills. FAQU? 'Nuff said. Your next flame will go unanswered.

"My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."






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