On the Way To Persephone #4- Life Onboard Serenity

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 09:03
VIEWED: 16679
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Thursday, May 4, 2006 10:59 AM


River: You can't let him do this, you can't! He isn't just a machine! It's not, 'push button A and Johnny goes to sleep,' 'push button B and Johnny kills somebody,' he can fight it! *A tearful and helpless gaze pierces into Simon's eyes, and she whispers in sadness*

It doesn't have to be like this...

13: Yes it does, River. You wouldn't be able to stop me if they triggered me.
Mal and Pain: What trigger? What the hell?!
Simon: 13's programmed to capture River and bring her to the Alliance!
Mal: So shooting him's gonna solve the problem? You shut him down, Alliance'll just send another hurdle for us to jump.
Simon: We can't contain him. We have to handle it as it comes, not just sit back and wait for him to kill us all.
Fly: Killing somebody to save someone else isn't right, Simon.
13: It's not killing somebody, Fly. It's turning off a machine. *He looks at Mal unappreciatively*
Besides, I was going to leave anyway, once we docked. (OoC: Ironic that it was my own thread-jacking that prevented my early exit.)

Fly, you taught me a great deal of things. About life and death, love and hatred. But you could never convince me that I was human. It's not your fault, really. I simply wouldn't allow the notion to take root in reality. River tried, too, but nothing could pull me from that self-deprecating whirlpool.

So, Simon, either pull the trigger or I'll do it my..*The android convulses strangely, and his eyes glow with a harsh, yellow light. A screeching sound emits from his mouth, and the laser sharp blades emerge from his forearms. The light goes out, and the face of the android is now completely dead and false. He raises a blade emotionlessly...*

(I'm ending it there. I do really want Fly to determine what happens, although I've made it difficult for at least one person to survive the Infirmary Incident.)

I think a little chaos is in order.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 2:36 PM


"SIMON!" Kaylee squeels, and starts to move foreward.

Ertia grabs her by the shoulders and slowly, cautiously begins drawing back towards the doorway, letting Mal and Pain step between them and the suddenly horrifying 13.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 4:04 PM


JR was about to put his weapons down when he hears River. Not even 10 seconds after hearing River scream, JR has climbed out of his bunk and run hobbling toward's the infirmary. He yells out, "RIVER!! CAP'n!!! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!" Inara has come out of her shuttle carrying a small snub-nose .38. "What's happening????", she cries out. "Inara, stay behind me!" JR tells her. He slings his HK back over his shoulder, gives Inara his Glock and tells her, "Put that toy away, and cover me with this." They both move closer towards the infirmary door, weapons at the ready.......

Everyone dies alone.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 8:02 PM


*Pain sees JR and Inara come into the infirmary with weapons drawn. JR asks Pain*

What's goin' on? Why does Simon have a gun on Bot Boy and why does Bot Boy have his blade drawn?

*Pain is about to respond when Fly says*

13 was programmed by the Alliance to bring in River. He took my gun, gave it to Simon and told him the only way to stop him was to shoot his CPU located where is heart was.

*Pain pulls out his H&K pistol and aims it at 13, who still has his blade raised, blocking his chest. 13 says to Pain while still looking at Simon*

Don't even try Pain. I'd kill them both before you'd even pull the trigger.

*13 continues to say*

I know what I'm doing is a shock to everyone and there are those who would like nothing more than to see me die. So I've come to the decision to let the one person who has cared about me decide my fate. Fly? Would you please take your gun from the doc. I know this is hard for you but I've made my choice and I want you to honor it.

*Fly hesitantly takes her gun from Simon, who cautiously steps back out of the way. 13 says to Fly in an emotionless voice*

Fly you have to decide if I should live and risk harming or killing all the crew to hand over River. Or if I should die and face the fact that the Alliance will eventually send another one of my kind to hunt River down. My fate lays in your hands.

*Pain with his pistol still aimed at 13 says to Fly*

Well Fly are you goin' to let him live or are you goin' to kill him?

OoC: I just like 13 will let Fly decide what choice to pick.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 5, 2006 5:53 AM


(good post Pain. But Fly, I really do not want to die again. Once was enough. BTW, XIII has no clue how he can fit into the story. Anybody got ideas?)

I think a little chaos is in order.


Friday, May 5, 2006 6:14 AM


well, we kinda killed him, once. Does he want to pick up another character? If I'm not mistaken we took on 6 members of High Charity and only 3 or 4 are accounted for?
Or wait until we get to Persephone.. we ARE going to get to Persephone, aren't we? Someday? and join up then.)


Friday, May 5, 2006 8:00 AM


*She looks at all of them with her gun in her hand. As always, she seems calm and collect. With gun pointed at 13 she says*

Fly: Anyone have any idea if this bot can be reprogrammed...*She says this without taking her eyes off 13*..ANYONE!!!!! *No one answers her* This isn't right, there has to be more to this than him taking River. The map, the poem wouldn't make sense..*She sees his arms extending into blades, convulsing. Her instinks kick in. She turns her head gun still at 13, looks at one person, and one person only, Pain. He looks at her without a blink*

Fly: You leave me no choice.....
*She coldly looks at 13 and BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG! She keeps looking at 13 and shot without a blink. All the others gasp, Ertia holds Kaylee, Mal screams FLY!,,,Jayne wha....JR grabs Jaynes are to move him out of the way. She has shot every blade coming from his arms. He still lays there convulsing...then seems to calm. He seems to be asleep. Gun still pointed at 13 Pain walks over to her. JR, Jayne, Mal and Pain now all have their weapons drawn on him.*

Pain: You still have one bullet left, the chamber round,,,,*He says this even though he knows, she knows*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Friday, May 5, 2006 8:54 AM


Ertia takes the opportunity of the gunfire and confusion to jerk Kaylee out of the door. She pushes the smaller woman down in the corridor and covers her with her body as shots ring out.

Then there is silence, and Ertia hears Pain's voice. "The chamber round."

Kaylee's crying, and Ertia hugs her, still keeping her body between her and the doorway. She glances up to see JR coming down the hallway, gun in hand, with Inara close behind and shakes her head frantically.


Friday, May 5, 2006 9:01 AM


*Pain moves closer to Fly, who still has her pistol pointed at 13. Pain lowers his pistol and says to Fly*

Only one more round left it's your choice. Pull the trigger one last time or don't. But before you decide let me tell you something. When 13 came aboard I didn't respect him much, but when he saved your life from those mercs on Zenith my respect for him rose. Now I don't know if that means anything to you or if it'll change your decision. I just felt that I should tell you that.

*Fly takes in what Pain says, her finger faulters on the trigger. She is touched that Pain respects 13 and a tear trickles down her cheek. She looks at 13 who still looks like he's sleeping, drops her gun to the floor and crashes to her knees crying. Pain holsters his gun and kneels down beside her, taking her in his arms as she says to everyone*

I..I..thought I could do it..kill him..but after hearing what you said Pain..I still have feelings for him. I..I thought I it......

*Fly breaks down as Pain cradles her head on his shoulder. He says to her*

I know I know it's ok. I think you made the right choice in letting him live. I'm sure Ertia or Kaylee can find some way to reprogram him so he doesn't go after River. It's alright just let it all out.

*Fly continues to sob as Jayne says*

So we're not killin' him now?

*Pain says to Jayne while still holding Fly on the ground*

No Jayne we're not.

*Jayne gets a disappointed look on his face and says*

Ah hell I ain't never get to have no fun.

*Jayne storms off as Mal walks over to Kaylee and Ertia and says*

Well since it's been decided that 13's gonna live. I reckon you two can find some way some way to bypass 13's need to take River?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 5, 2006 9:12 AM


The two women look at each other, Kaylee dashing tears from her face as she stands up and moves to Simon, who awkwardly pats her shoulder.

Ertia frowns. "Maybe. I'm not sure if...I mean, Wesley was the genius... And if Blue Sun really was behind it..."

Mal shakes his head. "Don't matter for now. You just think on it. I want him secured, somehow, 'til we sort this out."


Friday, May 5, 2006 9:52 AM


*while she is still on the floor being cradled by Pain she says*

Fly: It just doesn't make sense,,,,Simon thinks it does. And even if he is programmed to take River back, isn't there a way to change that? What I saw on that map didn't make sense to what Simon was saying,,,,I think that Simon is being paranoid......I beleive 13 is the key but not to turning River in. Pain, do you believe me,,,,,"The shiny for you and me." The key. I believe that he is the key but there may be something in him or on him.

*Pain not sure what she is talking about, looks at the Captain*

Mal: Best someone be tellin' me what is going on.
Fly: Mal, I'm sorry, I'm sorry about all this. There was a letter, but it is not a letter, it turned out to be a map....Here, read this...*she hands the captain all the notes Simon took while they were interpreting the map.*
Mal: Why didn't I know about this before...Sooner?
Fly: Well, I wasn't sure sir and we were trying to figure out what it meant, Simon, 13 and I.
Mal: You guys I want him locked up and this mess cleaned up....We need to sort his out..I want all of us to meet in the galley,,,,Fly! You have a lot of explaining to do....
Fly: Yes sir
Mal: In 20 people!

*She looks at Pain. Gets up from the floor. She watches them carry 13 off.*
Fly: What can we do to contain him....Wait!!!
*She looks at Pain* Circuits, that is what he is made of! Circuits and wires.....Where's Kaylee. *She starts to look around sees Kaylee with Ertia*
Fly: Kaylee you need to blast him with the largest volt of electricity you can muster. That aught to keep him sedated for while until we can figure if he can be reprogrammed.
Pain: You sure that is they way
Fly: Only way I can think of right now
Kaylee: Sure Fly, I'll see what I can do,,,,I'll pass this by the captain first though
Fly: Sure

*They proceed to clean up the mess*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Friday, May 5, 2006 10:00 AM


Kaylee frowns. "I got just the thing. Hope we don't fry it."

The petite mechanic runs down the hall and comes back with something in her hand. Something attached to Ertia's laser pistol. She disconnects the pistol and hands it to Ertia. "Sorry. Gonna take longer to charge now."

She looks down at 13, inert on the floor, then taps a cord into the power panel behind Simon's digital display.

Taking a deep breath, she shuts her eyes tight and plunges the charger pegs into the side of 13's neck.

There's the smell of hot metal, a jolting spark, and then silence.

Ertia looks down at her pistol. The charge bar is at half. Better than nothing. She tucks it into the waistband of her jeans and heads for the galley.


Friday, May 5, 2006 10:20 AM


Deep Inside a Fractured Mind...

(don't you see? they want to destroy you, she wants to destroy you, shut you down. why did you give her the choice)

(was it the right choice? i could've ended it myself just as easily...i wasn't strong enough to do it...)

(in a few minutes, they'll try to bypass the defense system. unless you reactivate before then they'll succeed, and you'll be nothing again. just a piece of scrap metal, just a blue ribbon earner. you don't want that, do you?)

(no, but i can't go on here without being a threat)

(you're not a threat to her, don't you see? simon is the one that tore her from her home, from her true family. you have to bring her back to them, or'll she'll suffer terribly. you have to stop them from making her suffer.)

13's eyes open.

I think a little chaos is in order.


Friday, May 5, 2006 10:29 AM


*Pain smells the scent of hot metal in the air and says out loud as he cautiously walks over 13 to dump some debris into the trash*

Gorrammit that girl has got this place smellin' worse than Jayne's bunk after a chili dinner.

*Fly busts out laughing at Pain's remark as she finishes picking up the shell casings and dumping them in the trash. She looks at him and says*

Let's go put 13 in his bunk and then head to the galley ok?

*Pain smiles and says*

Yeah ok I'll take his shoulders while you take his feet.

*They lift the now disabled 13 up and carry him to his bunk, unaware of the internal conflict going on in his head. They slide open the door and place him on the floor. Pain looks at Fly as they get up and says*

I hope Ertia used enough juice to knock him out for a while. Don't want him doing anything stupid.

*Fly nods her head and says to Pain, closing 13's door as they head to the galley*

Yeah I hope so too.

*They walk up the stairs next to the infirmary, Fly holds out her arm as a sign to stop, turns to Pain, kisses him on the cheek and says*

Thank you for being there for me. You have no idea how much it means to me.

*Pain smiles and says as they resume their path to the galley*

Hey you know I'm always there for you Fly and you're welcome as always.

*They sit down at the table in the galley. Unaware that 13 is awake.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 5, 2006 10:40 AM


13 remains on the floor, eyes staring and icy.

(make your decision, 13. allow them to hold River captive and torture her, or save her, rescue her from them. she's calling to you now, she needs your help!)

*in a soft, almost serpentine whisper*

She needs me.

(The now entirely-brainwashed robot rises from the floor, and easily tears down the bunk's door, while evil laughter echoes in the back of his mind, heard by no-one)

(OoC: Before anybody says anything, I realize that the whole 'scary manipulating voice' and the 'lone savior' is more than a little similar to Season Four of Angel. Honest to God, this wasn't my intention. Okay, it was, but not in the sense I directly stole the storyline.)

I think a little chaos is in order.


Friday, May 5, 2006 1:16 PM


In the galley, Ertia grabs the bowls that she, Mal and Kaylee had abandoned and reheats them, taking a quick stir of the rest of the rest of the soup. Fortunately, it hasn't scorched and a pair of empty bowls in the sink testify that Wash and Zoe didn't miss lunch.

Handing Mal back his bowl, she waits for the others to arrive, her mind churning with confusion.

Was it even possible to erase 13's programming? And could she and Kaylee do it without frying something important? She glances over at River, curled on the couch with her arms over her face. The girl looks so fragile, so afraid.

One thing was certain. If it was in her power, 13 would not take River. She would see him destroyed first, even if she had to go against the entire gorram crew to do it.


Friday, May 5, 2006 1:27 PM


OoC: Ertia I believe Fly and Pain are already in the galley as stated in the last line of my last post. Just thought I'd tell you.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 5, 2006 1:37 PM


I assumed by all of us, Mal meant JRC, etc as well. Well, maybe not Shipscat... she's too smart to get into this mess anyway. ;)


Friday, May 5, 2006 2:48 PM


*Wash's voice comes over the shipwide com*

Just a heads up fellow travelers we'll be reaching Persephone in 12 hours.

*Pain hears Wash's announcement over the com, notices the Captain still hasn't shown up, looks at Fly and Ertia and says*

Well if anyone minds I have to wave a contact on Persephone to tell them I'll be dirtside in lil' more than half a day.

*Pain gets up from his chair, eyes the pot on the stove, and is about to head to his bunk when Ertia says*

Ooh a contact who is it? Do we know them?

*Pain smiles and says*

I can't tell you right now and no you don't know them.

*Pain walks to his bunk, opens the hatch, and climbs down the ladder. He walks over to the com and punches in the number of his contact. The screen comes to life and a slightly older heavy set man appears on screen, the man says to Pain*

Ah Pain long time no see to what do I owe the pleasure of this wave?

*Pain smiles and says*

Ni hao Uncle I thought I'd wave you to say that I'll be landing on Persephone in 12 hours and I'm goin' to be needing some equipment. I'll upload the list of stuff I need.

*Pain's Uncle replies*

Ah some equipment you say. Well let's what's on your list and I'll tell you if I have it.

*Pain takes out a data pad from a drawer in his table and plugs a cable into a jack near the com. He accesses the upload menu and hits the upload button on the screen. Pain says to his uncle*

You should be getting that list now.

*Pain's Uncle nods his head and says*

Ah yes I'm looking at it now. Quite an impressive list here Pain I think I have most of the stuff in stock. The rockets you need I'll have to pull some strings but rest assured you'll have what you'll need by the time you get here. You still know where my shop's at?

*Pain smiles and says*

Shiny Uncle and yes I still know where it's at. See you when I hit dirtside and if I need anything else I'll wave you.

*Pain's Uncle nods says his goodbyes and kills the transmission. Pain unplugs his data pad, puts it in his pocket and climbs up the ladder and into the hall. He walks into the galley, picks up a bowl, scoops some of the soup in it, grabs a spoon and sits down next to Fly and digs in, still waiting for the Captain and JR to show up. Fly says to Pain as she gets up and gets herself some soup*

So who'd you wave?

*Ertia chimes in*

Yeah who'd ya wave Pain?

*Pain swallows the soup in his mouth and says*

Just my Uncle.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 5, 2006 3:50 PM


"Uncle?" Everyone stares at Pain.

"Didn't know you had family on Persephone." Kaylee pipes up. "That's shiny!"

"Didn't know you had family." Ertia grins across the table at him.


Friday, May 5, 2006 3:55 PM


Location Galley

*They have all gathered in the galley to hear Fly's summary to the captain, JR, Jayne, Kaylee, Simon, Guy, Pain, Ertia, Zoe and Book. Mal looks over at Guy in a gesture of welcome.

Fly: Here is how it is captain. I found, well took, this letter that was near Ari, and, well, when I opened it, it was not a letter at all. I found that when I was tired I could see things I didn't understand. When I went to the Doc to dope me up just enough to a doze state, he told me that there was no reason to that the letter was actually a stereogram. Stereogram is...*The captain interrupts her, "I know what a stereogram is Fly, continue" Well, we started looking at this so called letter and it is actually a map.

Along the outside of the map is a poem, "On this island you will see, underneath the deep blue sea, something shiny for you and me. We will seize these pieces see, take them all for you and me".

Now, I believe it is a map to some treasure of some sorts, maybe. 13 is somehow the key. I haven't finished reading all the map to see how he fits in. Now, Simon here thinks beacaue the map mentions something about Blue Sun building that 13 was programmed to take River back to the Alliance. I'm not so sure I buy it. But, I'm not exactly sure he's not wrong either. But that still doesn't explain the other half of the poem.

If he is after River, of course we need to do something, and why Bot Boy freaked out, I have no idea. *Everone in the room notices what she said and looks at her because this is the first time she ever called 13 that, and it was cold*

I do believe that we have to protect our own and I would never want to see anything happen to River or Simon or any of us for that matter.

By the way, captain, we, uh, zapped Bot Boy with some volts to sedate him right now. Not sure how long he will hold.

Anyway, I got the poem deciphered down to the "Island" being the planet, Osiris. This is one hell of a planet if we were even to thing of landing here, we're gonna have to think of somthing mighty good as to the reason why. "Under the deep Blue Sea I believe is the Blue Sun Corporation. Now, you can say that the "shiny for you and me" is treasure or the return of River, or both.

But we do need someone else to look at this map with me. At this point sir, I need direction from you and the others as to what to do, were you want to go from here. Toss the whole idea out, kill Bot Boy...I just don't know. But I think it is worth looking into.

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Friday, May 5, 2006 4:51 PM


*After Fly's speech Pain turns to Ertia, grins and says*

Yes I have family Ertia just like you have a tattoo on your inner right thigh. I won't tell anyone what it is though.

*Jayne perks up at the sound of "inner right thigh", looks at Ertia, looks at everyone else, gets up and says*

I'll be in my bunk.

*Almost everyone groans as Jayne says that. Mal turns to Pain and says*

So Pain why don't you tell us about this uncle of yours?

*Pain takes a sip of his flask and says*

Nothing much to say really Cap. He fought for the Independents during the war and now owns a blackmarket warehouse that's a front for a courier business that he owns. The only reason I waved him was because I have some illegal equipment to purchase.

*Mal chimes in*

And what would this "equipment" be Pain?

*Pain responds*

Just some weaponry you know grenades, assault rifles, etc. I will be needing the use of the Mule though. The old one not the Hover Mule.

*Mal replies*

Well I don't have a problem with that jus' so long as you get what you need and don't get caught by the Feds.

*Mal turns to Fly and says*

Well Fly I reckon you can choose someone to help you with that. I'm sure whoever you pick won't mind.

*Just as Mal is about to leave he spots 13 walking into the galley. Mal says to everyone*

O zhe zhen shi ge kuai le de jin zhan. What in the tian xiao de is he doing here?

*Everyone turns to look as they see 13 standing in the doorway. Pain says*

Ai ya wo men wan le.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 5, 2006 4:51 PM


Ertia is still blushing over the tattoo comment, hoping Pain didn't see it clear enough to see what it was! Though..after enough meade, she might just consider showing him a bit...

13 is standing in the doorway, his eyes cold.

Everyone is on their feet, moving.

Ertia finds herself standing in front of River, her laser gun in her hand. No way in hell was he taking her. Not now. Not ever.

She points the weapon at his chest, and turns it on full...


Friday, May 5, 2006 5:18 PM


Everyone in the room without thinking points their guns at the Bot and shoots half their rounds into his chest. He falls to the floor. All have shot at the heart.

Fly: No you've left us no choice....

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Friday, May 5, 2006 5:31 PM


Ertia was the only one who didn't fire. The gunfire was one thing, but the laser...

She stays where she is, square in front of River. "Is he dead?"


Friday, May 5, 2006 5:36 PM


*The air is filled with the smell of cordite. He moves a little closer to 13, gun halfway lowered and says*

Well if he isn't he sure ain't goin' to be happy.

*Pain looks to everyone and says*

Is everyone alright?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 5, 2006 5:47 PM


JR had swung around with Killer when he heard Mal. When everyone had fired at 13, he had set his HK on autofire, and emptied almost a third of the banana-clip into 13's chest. The noise was deafening. "Ain't no way he's gettin' up from that." He said it with a small tinge of remorse. He looks at Pain and everyone else and says, "Looks like we're all ok. Check his vitals, if'n he's got any to check, just do it careful-like." Mal, Fly, Pain and JR approach 13's body with everybody else hanging a few steps back.

Everyone dies alone.


Friday, May 5, 2006 6:14 PM


*The four of them move closer to 13, a puddle of fluid starting to pool around his body. 13's body convulses and all four instinctively open fire with the remaining ammo in their guns. After the sounds of gunfire cease and the smoke clears the air, Pain holsters his weapon and says*

Well now I could certainly use a drink right about now.

*Everyone agrees even Mal as Pain walks over to the pantry. Ertia holsters her gun and asks*

Is there any meade in there by any chance?

*Pain answers as he pulls out a bottle of whiskey*

Nope but there is this. *holds up bottle to Ertia* Will this do?

*Ertia looks at the bottle and says*

At this point anything with alcohol will do.

*Pain smiles as he gets some glasses and says*

My thoughts exactly.

*He walks over to the table, sets down the bottle and glasses, and sits down. He opens the bottle, pours some into a glass and offers it to Ertia. She sits down, takes it, drinks it down fast and says to Pain*

Thanks I needed this.

*Mal and Zoe haul off 13's body as Fly goes to clean up the pool of fluid. Pain pours himself some whiskey, kicks up his feet and puts them on the chair next to him. He says to Ertia and JR, who sits down across from them and says*

Well I sure hope things go a lot smoother from here on in.

*Ertia and JR nod their heads in agreement as JR starts to pour some whiskey into his glass.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 5, 2006 7:41 PM


Ertia feels the warm burn of the scotch as it slides down her throat and into her stomach. Her hands are shaking, but she tries to hide it by clenching her glass.

"I.. that.." She takes a deep breath and tries again, "That... was go se. Lets not do that again."

Pain raises his glass, "I'm all for that!"

JR toasts as well. "Think this whole Blue Sun, Osiris thing is the answer?"

Ertia frowns, "I'm none too keen on going anywhere near that place. Blue Sun is none too happy with me, and I'm not looking to go back to prison anytime soon."

"Nobody is going to prison." Pain reassures her, tilting more whiskey into their glasses.

"Yah." JR says warmly, "We'd kill you before they arrested you. Promise."

Ertia raises her whiskey to her lips, "With friends like these..."


Friday, May 5, 2006 8:49 PM


*Pain finishes Ertia's statement*

Who can ask for anything more.

*All three of them say*

Hear! Hear!

*They all drink a shot of whiskey as Fly reenters the galley. Fly says to all of them*

Y'all starting the party without me?

*She sits down next to JR and says to him as she pours herself a glass*

How's the leg doing JR?

*JR responds*

A hell of a lot better now thanks to the whiskey.

*He takes another shot and refills his glass. JR slides the bottle over to Pain who greatfuly accepts it. Pain pours himself another glass and says to Ertia*

So what were you in prison for if'n you don't mind my askin'?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, May 6, 2006 3:12 AM


*Fly drinks hers her first glass down faster than any of them ever saw. With one full swoop tilting her head back to make sure she empties the glass. They all just look at her. Waiting for her to say something. She finishes that shot looks at each of the Pain, Ertia, JR, Guy*

Wow that reminded of the time the reaver came alive in the Cargo Bay when we did the Barn Swallow thingie. We just all instinctively shot.

JR: Yea
Guy: Whish I could have been there for the Barn Swallow thingie.

*Fly slides her glass over for another hit. She holds her glass up and says*

Thank you for having my back boys. *They clinck glasses and she downs this one as well. Just as fast.

JR: Fly..Fly?
Fly: What
JR: You are acting like you have no....You know
Fly: Well, little Hun Dan may have been after River can't let that happen now can we. We take care of our own now don't we. Think captain will be mad that there is alcohol around again.
*She looks at Pain, slides her glass over and says*
Fly: Hit me again Sam. *He looks at her a bit an obliges. She starts to stand and says* I've gotta see the captain. *She takes her glass and makes a gesture of a toast to each of them and downs that glass too. Puts the glass down and starts to slow clap and says*

Goog Job Boys,,,good job. All is safe. All is well. Now maybe we can make it to Persephone with no more indcidents, I hope.

*She leave the galley to go talk to the captain*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Saturday, May 6, 2006 7:01 AM


Ertia watches Fly leave, and worry nags at her. "She's not taking this as well as she's pretending."

"Not surprising, all things considered." Pain answers, "She was real fond of 13."

"Yeah." Something nags at the back of Ertia's mind, but she can't wrap her head around it. The whiskey is starting to create warm fog. She remembers that Pain asked her about prison and considers it for a minute.

She can trust them with her life, she knows that. She glances back at River. The bounty for River and Simon was 20 times over what hers was. Still it would be enough to keep Serenity in fuel and ammo for months.

There's a moment of guilt, followed by a rare pride in her criminal achievements. She shakes her head, finishes her glass, and declares,

"Mal wants us to clean the weapons in the communal closet before we hit Persephone. Shall we?"


Saturday, May 6, 2006 9:10 AM


*Pain mentally shrugs off the lack of an answer to his question, figuring he'd probably do the same if Ertia asked him the same question. All them who are still at the table stand up. Pain slugs the last shot of whiskey in his glass and says to Ertia.*

Sure why not.

*Pain, Ertia, JR, and even Guy all head off to the cargo bay*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, May 6, 2006 3:26 PM


OoC: sorry I've been out of it, but I had to take a trip to the land of the cute computer

*thinks back on the events of the day, and wonders if life aboard Serenity is always this interesting*

well after such an interesting day as this I really need this drink
-try it out, I dare you


Saturday, May 6, 2006 6:56 PM


*13 is standing on a pier, eyes gazing into the vast blue, as he sees a figure standing in the way of the tide. He softly jumps down, and approaches them*

*River stands alone, the soothing tide lightly kissing her feet, a solid thing in this place of shifting water and sand*

I couldn't help you..I'm so sorry...*his head hung in shame, he begins to walk away, the shame too unbearable to face her. As he turns from her in darkness, she pulls him back, and a clear, innocent tear marks her face*

It's alright.*A smile plays across her face, signalling that all is forgiven* I'll be fine.

*13 smiles at this, and walks down the shoreline while the birds call redemption and the water's wash away his sins. And together, they explore the beach for treasures unfound, and share secrets as only friends can.*

(who's the bad guy now? Huh? HUH!?)

I still think a little chaos is in order.


Saturday, May 6, 2006 7:27 PM


*Once again, 13's eyes open, to see nothing but a deep, chemical blue. A tarp. He chuckles at the memories the tarp brings back, but realizes no sound is coming out. What had happened?*

(you leave us no choice)

(it's alright)

*Oh. That. He tries to stir out of his frozen state, but his limbs aren't responding. No kidding. Seventy-two rounds had been registered in that short span, more thand two-thirds of which connected with his motor-function chip.*

Still capable of concious thought...sight seems to be a full...

*Suddenly the blue is harshly ripped away, replaced by an angry visage. Mal.*

You actually think you were savin' her? tearing her away from the only people that care for her, that feel for her? *He laughs bitterly..* Feelings. They're a joy, let me tell you.

I know you can't hear me, and I don't much care.

(but I can hear still at least 40% sense functional, at least...)

It doesn't change what you did. You piece of scrap! *His foot lashes out furiously, connecting with 13's bullet-riddled torso* You didn't care about anything, about anyone. Never. You were just a machine, never a friend, never a person to anyone!

*Mal leaves the body in the cargo bay to the galley.*

(can't worry about the truth now,can I Mal? I have to get myself out of this situation first, maybe set things right.)

(His eyes are dimly affixed to the ceiling as he thinks: Should've killed me when you had the chance...hell, should've thrown me out the airlock first time I showed up.

I think a little chaos is in order.


Saturday, May 6, 2006 8:40 PM


Ertia, Pain and Guy come down the stairs to the cargo bay, and Pain goes straight to the gun locker.

Guy is still nursing his whiskey as he looks down at 13's uncovered body.

"Oh. That's..." Ertia pauses, "I can't look at that. Cover him up or something."

Pain glances over, a shotgun in his hand. "Just push him into the airlock."

Ertia starts to lean down and then hesitates. The body is still, solid, holes revealing wires, metal bits, and dripping fluid. She looks at the still face; unlike the face of human death. She can't push him into the airlock.

Not looking at him again, she pulls the tarp back over and brushes her hands on her jeans, supressing the shudder that she feels.

Turning back, she takes the pistols and cleaning equipment that Pain hands her and sits on a crate to start the meticulous work.


Saturday, May 6, 2006 10:00 PM


JR is lagging behind everyone else heading down to the cargo bay. Still limping somewhat, he gives up trying to keep up with the others and looks down to see the partially uncovered 13 on the floor. Something looks different, and for several seconds he trys to remember the past several minutes. "Hey people, weren't 13's eyes closed when he got covered up?"

Everyone dies alone.


Sunday, May 7, 2006 2:08 AM


*Fly enters the cargo bay on her way to see the captain*

Fly:Don't touch him. What if he's. I want to talk with the captain about dissecting him to find the key.
JR: You still really believe all this Fly, the map, treasure, key.
Fly:Not exactly sure, but that is what I intend to find out.

*Fly slowly walks over to 13 and sees his eyes open. She takes the top and covers his body back.*

Fly:Someone want to help me take his body to the infirmary?
Guy:I will

*They both take an end of 13's bullet riddled body to the infirmary and lay him on the counter*

Guy:So Fly, you think there really is a key in him
Fly:Not sure, I need to look at the map more and see what I can come up with
Guy:Oh. Hey, you ever think this guy will wake up

*Just as she starts to speak the unknown sits straight up and gasps eye focused on nothing. Fly runs to the call box..


*Everyone can hear her voice echo through the ship

Our unknown is a wake

(OOC: Looked at Jonestein's profile -he hasn't logged in since April 19 - Even if he is interested in still playing, may be a fun thing for someone to carry for a bit if anyone is interested. BTW - I e-mailed him askin')

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Sunday, May 7, 2006 2:29 AM


OOC from Jonstein

Hi, sorry..I kindof dropped the ball on the Alliance guy from the pod.
Go ahead and do what you want with him...I decided this style of RP
wasn't for me. Apologies for not letting you know.

Character up for grabs

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Sunday, May 7, 2006 5:06 AM


gach! Did he have a plan for him? Maybe we should let Mal put 'im out the airlock?
Seriously, though. I might be able to do something with him.


Sunday, May 7, 2006 6:15 AM


*after Fly calls the doc* well, this is an interesting turn of events
-try it out, I dare you


Sunday, May 7, 2006 7:30 AM


*Pain hears Fly's call for everyone to get to the infirmary. He gets up off the crate he was sitting on, puts the freshly cleaned shotgun down and follows everyone else into the infirmary. Pain looks at Fly then at the awake stranger and says*

Well now it's about time you woke up.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, May 7, 2006 7:57 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
Seriously, though. I might be able to do something with him.

OoC: Now would this be before or after you do something with Pain?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, May 7, 2006 8:19 AM


Well, now...that depends on whether or not we pick up any more meade on Persephone, perhaps.

Shepherd Book arrives side by side with Simon, who makes his way immediately to his patient.

"Everyone stand back. Give me room." The efficient surgeon is in place, and people part before him.

The Mystery Man sits staring, gasping air into his lungs, his eyes unseeing. Simon quickly checks his vitals, takes his shoulders and eases him back to the bed. "Nod if you can hear me."

Mystery Man slowly nods, his eyes blinking.

Mal pushes his way in, "Doc? What's the story."

"I don't know yet." Simon's voice was distracted, impatient with the interuption. "If everyone could just let me work..."

Mal starts to gesture everyone out of the room, but Book hesitates, looking Mal in the eye, "If my suspicions are correct, it would be best if I stay with him."

For a long moment the two face off, then Mal gives in, stepping back and crossing his arms. "Suit yerself. Everyone else, Out."


Sunday, May 7, 2006 8:36 AM


Well then maybe someone will find some when they go shopping for some food.

*With a disappointed sigh everyone walks out of the infirmary. Pain walks next to Ertia and says*

Hey after we finish with the guns do you wanna help me prep the Mule?

*Ertia smiles and says*

Sure thing Pain and maybe you can introduce me to your uncle.

*They resume their gun cleaning duties as Pain says to Ertia*

Yeah sure. Maybe if'n the Cap'n doesn't need you for anything I could take you.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, May 7, 2006 8:43 AM


Ertia considers Pain's words for a minute, take her, how, exactly? Just as quickly, she shoves the innuendo out of her mind, and polishes the barrel of the .38 in her hand.

"Well, I got a few errands to run as well. I promised Kaylee some strawberries, and if I'm gonna do that, I gotta meet with Badger's people and deal on those ID badges he wanted."

"Badger's badges?" Pain's snickers and Ertia admits it is pretty funny said out loud.

"We'll check with the captain when we make landfall. What do you think the story is on our Mystery guy?"


Sunday, May 7, 2006 9:00 AM


*Pain responds as he puts away the shotgun and takes out one of the lever action rifles*

Hmmm don't know. Never really gave it much thought. But if Book says he can vouch for him then I guess he don't pose much of a threat to me anyways. Don't know 'bout Jayne though.

*As Pain finishes saying that, Fly walks over, takes out a carbine, sits down and starts cleaning it. She says to Pain and Ertia*

Who's not much of a threat?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, May 7, 2006 2:18 PM


OOC Ertia,,,,go for it with the Jonsie go girl........whoot

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Sunday, May 7, 2006 2:38 PM


Location: Galley

Fly is sitting there with Pain and Ertia cleaning weapons as the captain walks in*

Mal: Fly? You wanna tell me why bot boy is in the infirmary?
Fly: *She stands and walks right up to him not so nervous this time* Yeah, actually I do,,,,I wanted to dissect him to see if I can find a key or the key....Um,,and I will wait to see if there are any takers to help me with the map, I may be able to find out more answers....I think Simon is out of the question, so, we'll see.
Mal: Ok Fly,,,have fun. Be careful
Fly: Thanks sir

*She really believes he meant it, "Be careful". She heads back to the table to help Ertia and Pain*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."






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