You are a Browncoat if............................

UPDATED: Saturday, May 23, 2009 14:11
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Tuesday, May 2, 2006 8:50 AM


Yay! just registered! I was reading these and they inspired me to register, so I could post. Lots of real good ones, I feel so proud since so many of them apply to me!
How about these
... your username for everything else is either firefly or serenity.
... you try to convert everyone you have online games or conversations with.
...You try to make said conversions by having your avvie related to serenifly and hope they ask you about it.
... you talk about it so much that even your browncoat best friend gets sick of you
... not only did you manage to convert your other two anti sci-fi best friends, but one of them now has the hugest crush on Adam Baldwin, even though she's engaged
...You rent everything or buy every DVD with a BDH in even if you dont like the actual thing or its only a really small part.
All true, but all I can think of right now.

I love Wash! Bring back Wash!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 8:54 AM


Welcome, Smartbutdumbblonde! Have a strawberry!

Creative Writing


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 8:56 AM


oh! just got some more
... You cry like a baby when

Select to view spoiler:

Wash dies

, even though you've seen the BDM a million times already
... you spend all your money on related merchandise
... You try to get at least one quote into almost every conversation you have.

I love Wash! Bring back Wash!


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 8:58 AM


fixed it, nevermind
thanks eloise!

I love Wash! Bring back Wash!


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 2:06 AM



... not only did you manage to convert your other two anti sci-fi best friends, but one of them now has the hugest crush on Adam Baldwin, even though she's engaged

Hey, I have a nice big crush on Jewel Staite going on, and I'm married! I just introduced my friend to Firefly and he's gone nuts for it - and has proven his good taste by also developing a huge crush on Jewel.

I think it's gotta be hard for a Browncoat to not have some sort of a crush on at least one member of the crew.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 2:35 AM


Hey smartbutdumbblonde!!!!! Have a brownie - they're really good. Where's Followmal??? You need a Browncoat - and the damn warehouse is locked.

To get back on track:
... you used to offer cups of tea to any upset friends - now you offer Firefly.

And (on a side note) you know your Drama performance is beginning to consume your every (non-Firefly) thought when... your brother wakes you up in the middle of the night to tell you that you've been reciting your monologue over and over again, preventing him from going to sleep. (We have really thin walls).

20 conversions and counting!!!


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 2:39 AM


Hi just joined and found this thread.

I think i have done almmost everything mentioned here! Keep saying "Shiny" when i really like something or my log in and blue tooth all have a firefly reference. But im really glad to discover im not alone


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 2:46 AM


Hey angiebaby!!! Have some brownies!!! Followmal????? We need you!

*tries to break down the warehouse door*

Curse my weak girlyness.

20 conversions and counting!!!


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 3:34 AM


Just a gal out on the rim writing tales.

You state your breakfast preferences by announcing that "The Living Legend Needs Eggs."

When you go to the bank, you describe it as "a job".

When you drive out of your driveway, you refer to it as "clearing atmo".

You've googled "Shau Nu".

You clean your guns on the kitchen table. And it turns your wife on.

The sound of a revolver being cocked get you hot.

You refer to your bedroom as "your bunk", your kitchen as "the galley" and the restroom as "the head".

You call your husband "Jayne" during spectacular intimate moments.

When you take your car in to have the shocks replaced, you tell the mechanic there's a problem with your "stabilizers."

You actually attempt to create recipies for Mudder's Milk, fried protein and - God forbid - Fruity Oatey Bars.

You refer to your husband's car as the "spare shuttle".

You look in the sports equipment store for fingerless gloves.

You cannibalize your kid's plastic toy guns to make a convincing replica of "Vera".

You convince your friend in Japan to send you appropriate iron-ons for your Jayne t-shirts.

Your spouse comes in after a night with the boys and you pronounce, "Husband, you been drinkin'!".

Petite red-headed women with big bosoms make you nervous.

The term "boob" has taken on an entirely new connotation.

You've changed the lyricas to Annie Lenox's song "Missionary Man" to "Mercenary Man".

You cross your arms, drum your fingers and glare at authority figures.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 6:42 AM


thanks everyone for your welcomes! just thought of another one

... as intent as you are on converting people, you refuse to lend out your copy of Firefly, because you cant bear the thought of being without it and are convinced that they wont take as good care of it as you do.

Never fly faster than your guardian angel can


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 8:01 AM


Thanks for the welcome!!

I agree, as much as i want more people to watch the show I really don't want to lend them MY copy!
How about watching Adam Baldwin in other shows and it just feels WRONG!!


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 1:08 PM


There's this little game called Worms Armageddon.

So I'm watching River the worm drop a stick of dynamite on George W Bush and Ken Livingstone (mayor of London)'s heads and worrying if I should have moved Inara the worm instead because she's probably going to get shoved into the water before she gets her turn.... and I start thinking, "What the ruttin' hell am I on?"

Creative Writing


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 3:18 PM


If you are so depressed that you haven't met any Browncoats in person! Hye any of you fellow browncoats live in Vermont USA?

If you dance River's dance in its entirety in the middle of your livingroom.

If you dream of Serenity and Firefly once a week and then record them all. Some turning into fanfics.

If you wish you sould get your hands on a t-shirt or a real browncoat or SOMETHING that would let others know you are a browncoat. (sigh)

If you hum the ballad of Serenity at work so much your boss starts to whistle the tune and she has no idea what she is doing!

If you say "shiny" to your english instructor when she hands back your final paper with a wonderful grade and she replys " Also I can kill you with my brain" and you grin back like an idiot.

Lady Serenity


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 8:35 PM


i've started wearing hawaiian shirts.

do i need help?


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 11:52 PM


you get frustrated that there are not enough sites on the web for you to browse


Thursday, May 4, 2006 2:59 AM


you walk into your favourite cd store; and must fight the urge of buying multiple copies of the BDM and BDS... (they're sooooo cheap now :D, and best sellers {apparently, but the sudden price drop did make me check some other popular {and not just stickered ones} titles, and much to my surprise, many had also been dropped in price})

You get home and wish that you had brought all the copies that were on the shelves...

(PS. does any1 have an idea why the box set is now coming in a plastic case; it appears as tho they've dropped the cardboard casing for a cheaper more compact design, altho not as cool. I at first thought it was a speacial edition, and pounced only to discover, no, it was the same and was mightily disapointed that they had dropped the cardboard casing for such a crap case.)

"If it ain't broke, I sure as hell ain't touchin it. 'Less you pay me, then maybe I'll look at throwing you off a cliff, or some such.
Ain't one for messin things that are outa control; sorta like that missile headed this way rite about now..." - Sarge '06


Thursday, May 4, 2006 12:59 PM

MALSTOLEMYHEART find all new ways to become obsessed with the characters. (I just joined my first online RPG -- I'm River). wish more of your friends would become as gung ho about the 'Verse as you are (so that they'll join the game and watch the DVDs nonstop too!)

Mal: One of you is gonna fall and die. And I'm not cleaning it up.


Friday, May 5, 2006 7:40 AM


...when you're sitting in your music 101 class you begin to think of random quotes and write them down. For some reason it takes the prof. literally saying: "So Dante had all these levels of hell and said if you are doin somethin with little boys in the corner you go to this type of hell" to remember the quote about the special hell. Then start laughing at the irony of timing.


Ain't that just shiny?


Friday, May 5, 2006 9:24 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I eat all the fresh fruit I can get my hands on. And I use chopsticks to do it, even when the fruit is slippery. I've gotten very good at using those sticks; I can eat just about anything but soup

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Friday, May 5, 2006 10:59 PM


... when walking to the cinema with your best (Browncoat) friend, you manage to make six seperate Firefly references in about ten minutes. Then, when you're in the cinema, people are talking behind you. You lean over and casually say:

Aren't they... special?

You both precede to dissolve in a fit of giggles. Luckily, it was at a funny point in the movie - and nobody else noticed.

20 conversions and counting!!!


Saturday, May 6, 2006 9:08 AM


You spend two hours reading through this page left with the warm reassuring feeling that; there are people just like you.

When your cousin recomends Serenity to you, you watch it once and then instantly watch it again. Later that night you buy the box set.

You get the box set and decide to watch one episode a day to make it last longer, you end up watching all of them in one day ending at 3am.

You realise that the episodes are set out, top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right, not left to right like you origionally thought, you decide you have to watch them all again.

You volunteer to bring a large collection of films on holiday for your family and "forget" to bring any other DVD's apart for the box set and serenity as a feendish plan to convert them all.

You find out that someone in your physics class is a browncoat then you involve the whole class in discussing the idea of core containment in nuclear powered ships.

You watch the box set with subtitals just to fully understand what they are all saying.

You begin writing your own fic completley forgetting you hate story writing and everything to do with english.

You imagine being the 11th character and how you could save the lives of Wash, Book, Nandy and Tracey while avoiding "out of gas" after working out there would not be enough oxygen on the ship for you and mal to survive.

When converting friends who refuse to buy the box set, just because i say it is sooooo good we have a signed aggreement that if i lend them my copy they return it else they go to the special hell.

The rest of your freinds just retreat into a semi fetal position at any time when you mention anything firefly related.

Yay im all done now....


Saturday, May 6, 2006 10:06 AM



The rest of your freinds just retreat into a semi fetal position at any time when you mention anything firefly related.

Oh yes, I know that feeling! And my family have gone from mere groans whenever I regurlary manage to work anything Firefly related into the conversation, to rugby tackling and throwing assorted missiles at me!!

I love Wash! Bring back Wash!


Saturday, May 6, 2006 11:14 AM


You have a patch, mousepad, and magnet with your local Browncoat logo on it.

You get very upset when you learn you are going to miss the 3rd Annual PA Shindig.

You go through withdrawals when you go for over a month of not seeing your local Browncoats.

NY/NJ/CT Browncoats:


Saturday, May 6, 2006 11:34 AM


I know this is perverse, but where else can I ask browncoat roomate is getting married, and I was wondering if any bachelorette "gifts" exist? that would totally make her party awesome. I hope we all get the innuendo


Saturday, May 6, 2006 11:56 AM


You mean like a "rain stick?"

NY/NJ/CT Browncoats:


Thursday, May 11, 2006 8:19 AM


..... you channel River during a Drama characterisation lesson. We had to take on the role of a mental patient, and... well. You can imagine the rest.

20 conversions and counting!!!


Thursday, May 11, 2006 9:04 AM


You usee all firefly lingo including chinease. Like toa goa or gosa

Someday the verse will spit in your soup but at least they gave you soup.
one day
one plan
one mission
one army of browncoats
june 23rd serenity day

-Our mission as browncoats is to make us known.


Thursday, May 11, 2006 8:14 PM


...You complement your date by saying that she looks "Pretty...pretty. Especially with engine grease all over your face." (That one went down well, lemme tell ya! )

...Your mom always wanted you to be a doctor, and now you do too...not to save people's lives or anything, but just so you can say cool stuff like "Your patient should be dead!" and "How do I know you won't kill me in my sleep?" keep your FF/BDM dvd's in a seperate stack from the rest of your DVD's, so they're always handy.

...on your AP European History examination, when asked about the role of the state in the "modern era," you seriousley considered mentioning the Alliance.'re a student pilot, and your instructor puts you into a stall, and while preforming the normal recovery procedures, you begin muttering "leaf on the wind, leaf on the wind, leaf on the wind..." know all the words to not only the theme song, but also "Hero of Canton," and "Fruity Oaty Bars." find yourself spending more and more time in Hot Topic, despite the fact that you hate the place, on the off chance they have that hilarious new budda shirt from Serenity.


Friday, May 12, 2006 7:53 AM


... you walk down a street in Manchester, UK, basically enjoying your vacation until you come across a huge blue advertising for "Alliance" and you go "WTF? The Alliance is now taking over Manchester as well??". Then you realise that "Alliance", in this case, is an insurance company.

How's business?
None of yours.


Friday, May 12, 2006 8:01 AM


...when you start a new class, the first thing you think of is how you can convert your fellow classmates or how the Firefly might be applied to the subject (which in this case is abnormal psychology).

At last.
We can retire and give up
this life of crime.


Friday, May 12, 2006 9:42 AM


....You've searched every gun shop around for a gun like Mal's and can't find one ........ I fit so meny of those. I live in Arizona too and have a nice long Brown Coat !!! Don't get ta wear it much unless I wanna use it as a portable sauna.

I wear a blaster under my BrownCoat


Friday, May 12, 2006 9:55 AM

SEADOG have told your client, "Take the deal and you can go on your 'merry."

Ever been with a warrior woman?


Friday, May 12, 2006 11:07 PM


.... you see a greengrocers called "Reynolds" and automatically think: "So that's what Mal's family did on the Earth-That-Was."

.... you start referring to the planet as "Earth-That-Was"

20 conversions and counting!!!


Saturday, May 13, 2006 7:54 PM


I got yet another one

...You find yourself in AC Moore and happen upon some toy dinosaurs and act out the "this land" scene for your girlfriend's brother.
...While in the same section you see toy geese as well...which you begin to juggle for your girlfriend while saying "see...I told ya...some people juggle geese"
...You make a juggling geese refrence at least once a day and have gotten others to do so too, but not only do "some people juggle geese" but "REAL MEN JUGGLE GEESE" also gets said quite often. Speaking of which I think that would make a really good bumper sticker...




Sunday, May 14, 2006 5:59 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by deepgirl187:
...when you start a new class, the first thing you think of is how you can convert your fellow classmates or how the Firefly might be applied to the subject (which in this case is abnormal psychology).

There's a whole thread about our heros as psychological symbols. I'm sure you could sell it!

I have new ones for myself, too!

Bought a long brown leather coat.
Ordered patches to sew onto said coat.
Read many debates on which way the Browncoat insignia patch should go, eventually watched the opening of the pilot frame by frame in order to get it right (upside-down triangle, right side up star, as it happens)
Tortured fingers in order to sew patches on.
Bought a Serenity logo tee to wear under coat.
Wears coat everywhere possible now, even though summer weather is starting.
Is very sad that no passerby has commented on it yet.
Can only be happy that she is not the only one!

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Sunday, May 14, 2006 8:16 AM


...your best friend is so sick of you saying 'firefly' or 'serenity' that she hits herself in the head with the nearest object every time it is mentioned. have so many friends wanting to borrow the series that you have a waiting list on your refrigerator. walk into the ice cream shop with your friends, say to the guy working there "have you seen firefly or serenity?" the guy says "saw serenity and loved it, haven't watched firefly yet." you spend litteraly the next 3 1/2 hours eating ice cream and talking to the guy aout the BDM and convincing him to buy the series. go back to the ice cream shop the next day, there is a different guy working there. you ask him if he saw the movie or the show. he says no and you insist he does so. he says maybe. you go to best buy the next day. you are looking at dvds and the same guy walks up to you (he works at best buy too!) and says "hey look, its serenity" referring to you.

both true stories lol!



Sunday, May 14, 2006 8:27 AM

SPICKY take your teenage son and his friends to see Slither and then make them all watch Firefly DVDs 'cause they've got Nathan in too, friends go home and get their parents to buy Firefly

...the children at the school where you work start saying shiny


Sunday, May 14, 2006 8:37 AM


... if you have sat and read all of these comments in one sitting, well maybe a light browncoat

Simon:"If the battle was so horrible, why did he name the ship after it?"
Zoe:"Once you've been in serenity you never leave"


Sunday, May 14, 2006 3:02 PM


...If you ever thought the guitarist of your favorite band would LOVE the series and BDM.

"I fully promote and love watching Tre be the greatest rock drummer in the world."~Billie Joe Armstrong
"Okay! Everybody not talking about sex, in here. Everybody else, elsewhere."~Wash
Browncoats are the coolest fans I've ever seen.


Sunday, May 14, 2006 10:54 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by spicky:

...the children at the school where you work start saying shiny


One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Sunday, May 14, 2006 11:01 PM


Thanks Phoenixrose

I thought so too, and I do all I can to encourage harm in it I figure, and early exposure can only mean an army of potential Browncoats. Figure though as their average age is 6 gotta keep the flag flying a while longer



Monday, May 15, 2006 12:04 AM

CHOO1701 ask every sci fi fan you see: "Have you seen Firefly"...

...You convert the local comic book store owners, and your friends dad.

...You have a Mal Microhero avatar on another forum.

...You patent the design for the Firefly Class transport.

...your prepared to write a fanfic when a year ago you would have died about the thought

...You take a 3D design course so you can work for Zoic and copy their high poly Serenity Mesh

...the meaning to life is: "Why are there two versions of the CGI Firefly class ship?"

...the RPG you write has a distinct 'verse feel to it (including the ship )


Monday, May 15, 2006 1:19 AM


You learn to play 'the Hero of Canton' just so you can go along to your local 'jam night' and see if you can flush out any firefly/serenity fans, cause browncoats are the coolest.



Monday, May 15, 2006 1:33 AM

CHOO1701 want to go to Japan and campaign for Firefly Manga!!!

...and smile when you see Serenity still on the local rentals DVD charts (but sadden as it goes lower down ) try to explain to your English teacher that ther latset good book your reading is on


Monday, May 15, 2006 1:54 AM



you know exactly what note of the ballad of serenity you have to answer your cellphone by before the call goes to voicemail

I can so relate to this. The same goes for the 'Hero of Canton' song!!!

You are a Browncoat if......

You have a DVD night and spend the majority of it in half-screams with your best friend because you have just discovered she is a closet fan and you didn't know it.

Your at work and you mention you need to by a comic from the store (at nine in the morning) and the person next to you replies with "I have to by the Serenity comic". You then spend the next 8 hours of your shift in near hysteria talking everything FF, Serenity and Joss.

You spend the last 10 minutes of your shift bluetoothing the "Ballad of Serenity" and "Hero of Canton" to afore mention workmate.

You watch a Southern-accented movie, like Sweet Home Alabama, and all you can hear is Nathan's voice not that of the actual actors.


Monday, May 15, 2006 7:36 PM


You own a bumper sticker that reads, "I am a leaf on the wind; watch how I soar."

Your uptight boss knows what you mean when you say, "Shiny!"

You waitress and say "Shiny!" to your tables searching for fellow browncoats.

You find yourself rummaging through your father's closet (i'm a girl) and taking out his huge Hawiian shirt before going to see Slither (just to see Nathan).

You see Slither and yell "Go Captian Tightpants!" in the theatre. Then you ponder what makes the Special Hell so gorram special.

Oh, i am a tweaked one, yes i am...


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:15 AM


Okay, I'll try: Your a Browncoat if...
...You find yourself singing the firefly theme song at school...
...You randomly curse people out in Chinese...
...You work in said Chinese in everyday conversations...
...If you know all of the great-good-middlingly good quotes from all the episodes and the BDM by heart.



Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:16 AM


Okay, I'll try: Your a Browncoat if...
...You find yourself singing the firefly theme song at school...
...You randomly curse people out in Chinese...
...You work in said Chinese in everyday conversations...
...If you know all of the great-good-middlingly good quotes from all the episodes and the BDM by heart.



Sunday, May 21, 2006 2:29 PM



Originally posted by imaleaf: are going to go see Slither in theaters (instead or renting or downloading) just because Nathan Fillion is in it

And I dragged my semi-browncoat boyfriend (though he did get annoyed when I kept quoting Firefly and then proceeded to tell him that Nathan "oozes sex-appeal from every pore").

...During your frenc writing exam the only name you could think of giving your made-up singer was "River Tam".

...Whenever you ask your friends to guess what you did last night they always answer "you watched Serenity" and they are always right.

... You've created a conversion chain-reacter (ie. You convert oen frind, who converst another, who converts another...)

... You have a firefly/serenity costume party for your 18th birthday.

...Simon guest-stars in all of your dreams, no matter what they're about. have gone up to numerous people and told them that their coat is kind of a brownish colour. You yelled and hugged one of your converted friends when he replied "It was on sale"

...Despite being a Buffy fan of epic proportions you can't help looking at caleb and seeing Mal.

...You threatened to break up with your boyfiend of 18months after he told you never to use "faux chinese" again (All I said was "dong ma?") quote from outtakes and bonus features as much as from actual episodes/BDM (see my name)

...For your boyfriend's first birthday since you've been together you get him the firefly series. Later that year you get him Serenity for Christmas.'re already planning setting up a Firefly society when you start university (Also, I'm going to try and blag my way into the already existant Chinese society)


Originally posted by BelowZero:
*sigh* You get called into the principal's office because your 8 year old Browncoat son called a classmate a "backbirth" and proceeded to tell him (and the principal) that "my mom can kill you with her brain."

That is exactly why I should never have kids.


Originally posted by Mercury002:
... if you have sat and read all of these comments in one sitting

Yeah, I did that. It's taken me 2 hours but I did it!


Originally posted by reaverman:

... It cuts you very deeply when you show someone Firefly, and they dont like it.( )

That actually happens?! How dare they?!


Originally posted by BelowZero: cried yourself to sleep when you discovered Nathan had a girlfriend!....

I MUST know who that is! Someone, please tell me who she is so I can kill her!

Side note: My cousin, a huge Buffy fan, actually owns the firely series and hasn't watched it. Does that strike anyone as criminal?


Sunday, May 21, 2006 2:33 PM


Eugh, it was way too late when I posted the above, hence the typos. Sorry






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