
UPDATED: Monday, May 22, 2006 08:54
VIEWED: 7599
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Monday, May 15, 2006 5:12 PM


In terms of violence Serenity is much more violent though some episodes do get close to the level of Serenity (ie. War Stories).

In terms of offensive things (that other people might find; I personally don't find anything offensive in Firefly) and stuff of a sexual nature, the show has much more of this although all of it is of a TV-14 nature (they aren't on the level of Deadwood,Rome or Big Love) but it probably stretches the TV-14 rating (ie. hmmm...War Stories...again).

I hope this helps.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Monday, May 15, 2006 5:24 PM


Um. If they didn't have a problem with Serenity when River's kicking butt, they shouldn't have a problem with Firefly. However, it depends on what will raise your parents' hackles.

There's no frontal nudity in the series, either male or female. However, there are implications-of-nudity that American parents wouldn't want their 11-year-old son to see. (Yet they'll take him to the neighborhood gorefest. But I digress. All over the furniture, too. Don't worry, it comes right out with baking soda.)

The Train Job - approx. 10 seconds (Inara with her client), pretty tame, actually. You can see more while playing GTA.

Serenity (two-hour pilot) - topless female, from behind, approx. 30 seconds; nude female, side, 5 seconds
Our Mrs. Reynolds - nude female, from behind, waist-up
Trash - nude male, from behind and side, approx. 2 minutes
The Message - nude male, implied

Graphic Violence
...I'm not sure what they consider graphic violence. There's no gore-splattering, if that's what you mean. Someone gets sucked into an engine, but if I remember correctly, we saw more of Mal's reaction than the actual event. A few shootings where we do see blood (because - hey, surprise, bullets going into a human body cause some damage), but less gore than what you see in most PG movies today.

I almost forgot:
The Message - semigraphic scene where the doctor starts to cut into someone (you see more in medical thrillers)

Edit, big fat Duuuuuuuuhhh (I cannot brain today. I have the dumb.):
War Stories. Graphic violence. Not for the faint of heart. I wouldn't let kids under 13 watch this. Many adults have problems with this. Gore, torture, high squirm-factor. I tend to skip this episode whenever I'm rewatching my DVDs - or skip over the heaviest parts of the torture - so I didn't remember it. My mistake. Sorry!!

Sorry. That's probably not very helpful... Hopefully, others can fill in the bits that I missed.

Mankind makes tools; we use them to augment our hands, arms and legs.
The computer augments the brain and this makes it very unpopular with totalitarians. - Charles J.C. Lyall


Monday, May 15, 2006 5:35 PM


You also forgot many of the sexual references as well as the girl on girl sex scene in War Stories. War Stories as already mentioned contains graphic depiction of torture as well as some gun violence. All in all War Stories is the most graphically violent and sexually oriented episodes in Firefly so if your parents can stomach that then I don't think they'll have a problem with the rest of Firefly.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Monday, May 15, 2006 5:45 PM


If you don't like Joss Whedon's other work, and didn't like Serenity, you might just want to keep walking.

If you like Joss Whedon's other work, and liked Serenity, give Firefly a watch.

I've never really put much stock in online reviews. They can be ghostwritten, copied and doctored ad short, unless the review comes from a known and trusted source that I can trace back to an individual carbon life form whom I know and respect, I tend to disregard it.

Mankind makes tools; we use them to augment our hands, arms and legs.
The computer augments the brain and this makes it very unpopular with totalitarians. - Charles J.C. Lyall


Monday, May 15, 2006 5:51 PM



Originally posted by SP33D:
Is there any truth to this? I know that I should form my own opinions but? I dont know, what are your responses to this criticism?

No I don't think there is any truth to that. In my opinion it's the best episodic television ever produced. The writing and acting are both top notch and the special effects are a cut above for TV. It has a deliberately unpolished production style that some people can't quite get behind but which lends an air of authenticity that most TV sci-fi never manages.

But that's mostly irrellevant. You saw Serenity and you liked it right? Firefly is better. That's all you need to know.


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at


Monday, May 15, 2006 6:26 PM



Originally posted by SP33D:
Ok Now I am really concerned.

"The acting, writing and special effects are all SHOCKINGLY bad."

I guess that's why Firefly got a ton of awards, including an EMMY and a Visual Effects Society Award for the special effects.
I can honestly say that I watched every episode more than 15 times within the last 2 months, and I love every one of them and they still don't bore me.
I guess that might be because of the outstanding acting, writing and special effects. And Firefly has something about it that I can't define, a certain feeling of... home, I dunno how to put it.
Just forget reviews and what I just said and watch the pilot and the first episode. If you like that (and you will, if you liked Serenity), you'll love the rest, because it just keeps getting better and better the better you know the characters (lots of better here). It will also change the way you see Serenity, and make it so much more remarkable (and sad).
Unfortunately, you obviously got a lot of spoilers from the movie, but a lot of people on here saw the movie first, and well, they're here.
So have fun. I envy you for being able to see the series for the first time, honestly.
Take. Your. Time.

And welcome!



Monday, May 15, 2006 6:37 PM



Originally posted by SP33D:
Ok Now I am really concerned.

"Nearly a complete ripoff of the anime series "Outlaw Star". Down to the 'mysterious girl in a box' syndrome. Jesus christ, did Whedon just get bored with campy vampire teen dramas, watch Outlaw Star and think "OMG I CAN RE-WRITE JUST ENOUGH OF IT TO APPEAL TO MIDDLE AMERICA"? Weak."-Netflix Review

Firefly -which features cowboyish, occasionally Chinese speaking, characters who cruise around space in the future - is, quite possibly, the worst television show I have ever seen. The acting, writing and special effects are all SHOCKINGLY bad. It is really almost unbelievable how bad this show is. To the fans: YOU'RE CRAZY! To the interested: BEWARE!-Netflix Review

Is there any truth to this? I know that I should form my own opinions but? I dont know, what are your responses to this criticism?

They are full of go-se.
Remember, the critics originally hated Star Wars back in 1977 and look what happened....

Form your own opinion. That's my advice to anyone and everyone, BTW. Don't take anyone's word for it unless you know for a fact they have the exact same taste you do (and even then; my best friend adores Mystery Science Theatre and I go "ugggggh" and she hates Monty Python and I consider Holy Grail to be one of the funniest films I've ever seen...)

Best you get the DVDs, rent 'em if you must, and look for yourself. Then you have an informed opinion and can answer your question for yourself!

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . ."
--Dylan Thomas

Though my soul may set in darkness
It will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly
To be fearful of the night.


Monday, May 15, 2006 7:59 PM


I still don't watch what the Blue Hands Men do in Ariel even though I know it's fake.
As for parental approval, I'm glad I'm an adult b/c mine would never have let me watch.

~6/23~Serenity/Firefly Summer~9/30~
----- why's the rum gone? -----


Monday, May 15, 2006 8:40 PM


Is everyone forgeting Mal's love scene in "Heart of Gold?"

It is TV rated, but there is plenty of hot and heavy.

Plus the fact that the story takes place in a brothel. Any parent, I would think, would want to be forwarned before the kids see this episode. I don't see it as a big problem, but I don't have kids, so I don't know if I would feel the same if I had some.

One summer.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.
Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, May 15, 2006 9:52 PM


I know I might get flamed for this, but if you're in 8th grade or up, I say just watch the show. I know you don't want to go around your parents back, but sometimes these things need to be done.

There is some violence/sexual suggestiveness, but it's not as in your face as the Sopranos and Sex and the City. More implied than anything else. Except the episode War Stories.

My brother has watched the show with me (he just turned 14) and my parents were ok with it. I realize every kid is different in terms of how they handle things, but honestly? The nightly news can be more violent/sexual than this show.


Monday, May 15, 2006 9:53 PM


Yeah it certainly isn't 'care bears' or 'my little pony'.

Maybe your best shot at being able to watch it is let your parents watch the first episode and see if they are prepared to let you watch it, the only problem is they are likely to get hooked and watch it before you, then of course they will see War Stories and your chances are dead in the water.

However it really is a fantastic series, I find it hard to believe somebody actually wrote that review. I have yet to meet anybody who can say "Yeah I saw firefly, didn't like it very much though".

I hope for your sake you get to watch it, 'cause I know you're gunna love it.

Welcome to the 'verse



Tuesday, May 16, 2006 5:29 AM


I'll just say that 'Our Mrs. Reynolds' is my favorite episode but I watched it with my parents and it was just a bit awkward when Saffron is saducing Mal- the dialogue is pretty sexually explicit in my humble and ever conservative opinion.

Also, yeah, there's that scene in Heart of Gold. It's sex. And the War Stories ridiculousness. That just made me mad.

But Firefly is such a great show! Please don't let that stuff scare you off. I have many friends and family who watch almost no tv or movies because of all the junk in them these days, but Firefly is so good, people overlook the bits of questionableness. Normally, I wouldn't even watch it but Firefly balances itself out. Some of the characters might pretend that sex is no big deal- like other shows do- but then you see the consequences and true feelings come out on the other side.

"Can't tke the sky..."


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 5:35 AM



My sons are huge Outlaw Star fans and they never mentioned anything like that.

This show is no worse than any other show on TV. If your parents let you watch Buffy, then don't worry about Firefly. The stuff in Buffy, esp as regards Buffy and Spike "romance" was much more "racy". Racier?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 5:44 AM


uh violence - check. Mal gets stabbed, beaten or shot in almost every episode.

uh sex - check. Lots of references in the episodes, girl on girl action in War Stories and full on hot and heavy scene in Heart of Gold as well as many more references and inuendo in that episode.

In case you didn't glimpse it from Serenity, Inara is a companion. Which is a futuristic sophisticated prostitute more or less, or as I like to call her "Space Ho".

The show does not shy away from showing the darkness in the world, but at the same time it shows how real people deal with these things.

All in all it's the best show I've ever seen and if you're 15 or older I'd say watch it.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 6:09 AM



Watch this show.. don't pay any attention to that review. It's wrong. This show is the best show you will ever see. You will fall in love with these characters and become interested in their lives.You will want to join the crew and fly with them, by the second episode.

As for too much violence and sex.. if you have played a video game, you've seen as much violence.
If you've seen even a glimpse of a soap opera, you've seen as much sex. All of it serves the purpose of the story and is acted well.

This is a timeless story, full of the things we humans love in stories.. you will be forever glad you went on this journey with these people.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 6:42 AM


I spoke with the Outlaw Star masters that reside in my household -

Yes they are both Westerns
Yes they are both in Space
Yes there is a girl in a box

That is were the similarities end.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:04 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
I spoke with the Outlaw Star masters that reside in my household -

Yes they are both Westerns
Yes they are both in Space
Yes there is a girl in a box

That is were the similarities end.

Agreed. Though I will point out that some of the crew memebers on each show have their similarities. But all in all, the shows aren't that alike. Those people on Netflix were probably ignorant trolls that wouldn't know a good TV show if it bit them on the pigu. I would go with Nirwin's suggestion and watch it with your parents. With any luck, they'll become Browncoats too.


"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:08 AM


I've seen Outlaw Star (good show, by the way) and other than the "mysterious girl in a box" and the fact that it's in space, there's really no similarities. Oh, maybe guns. But I don't think Mal's guns use magic bullets. So if that sounds like a ripoff to you, by all means avoid watching Firefly. Otherwise, I'd just go ahead and watch it.

"I'm having one of those things - a headache with pictures."

"Of course I'm right. And if I'm not, may we all be horribly crushed from above somehow."

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:10 AM


Your Highness! I am so glad to see you Queen!

We missed you!

Oh, and she's right.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:32 AM


Before anything else let me put this out there:
Firefly and Serenity are equals in terms of acting and effects, as for writing I would say that Firefly is better because it didn't need to squeeze in so much in such a small amount of time.

The point is that Firefly is at least as good as Serenity, so if you liked Serenity you should like Firefly.


Now then:

Originally posted by SP33D:
what are your responses to this criticism?


"Nearly a complete ripoff of the anime series "Outlaw Star". Down to the 'mysterious girl in a box' syndrome. Jesus christ, did Whedon just get bored with campy vampire teen dramas, watch Outlaw Star and think "OMG I CAN RE-WRITE JUST ENOUGH OF IT TO APPEAL TO MIDDLE AMERICA"? Weak."-Netflix Review

A while back a lot of people said this very thing, there was just one problem: not one of them had actually watched the show. Stop and let that sink in for a moment.

They made all of these judgements without ever watching an episode, most of them hadn't even watched part of an episode instead basing it all on one commerical.

I remember someone who said that more or less word for word changing their mind completely after actually watching the show. (Who am I kidding? They all said it more or less word for word, they had no originality at all)


This next one I'll respond to blow by blow:

Firefly -which features cowboyish, occasionally Chinese speaking, characters who cruise around space in the future

I wouldn't actually call them cowboyish but it is a valid description.


- is, quite possibly, the worst television show I have ever seen.

Matter of opinon of course, there can be no response to it.


The acting, writing and special effects are all SHOCKINGLY bad.

Obviously this is again opinion but if the awards won are any indication the effects are good. (These same effects can be found on the new Battlestar Galactica because the producers of it wanted Firefly Style effects and hired the company that did the effects for Firefly.)

I personally have never seen better acting or writing.


Obviously the acting, writing and effects in Firefly are no worse than the acting, writing and effects in the movie, so you should listen to this person only if you thought that was "SHOCKINGLY bad" of course if that is the case I have to ask: If you did believe that why are you even here?


It is really almost unbelievable how bad this show is.

That's nothing, I've seen things where it IS unbelievable how bad they are.

But regrardless it is very simple, the series is no worse than the movie, the only way you will agree with this person is if you think that Serenity is the worst movie you've ever seen.


To the fans: YOU'RE CRAZY!

Proof that the person isn't interested in being objective.


To the interested: BEWARE!

Redundant but who can blame him or her for ending on a strong note?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:35 AM


Thank you FMF
That comment had me in going nan desu ka ?
What the in Japanese. Yes there are a few similarities does that mean this show stole the whole plot line no. Theres more to each show then that. Anyways back on topic here. To be honest as everyone else is pointing out yes there is a little of both sex and violence in the series, but its not too graphic. I would say try it and form your own opinion. In the end thats what matters ie not what some one else decides, but what you as an individual decides is good. Hope that helps.
mata, Ookami yori


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:37 AM


Sorry about the post back to back, but its good to see you around here again Queen!!!! Was getting a bit worried as you can tell. Hope everythings going well for you!!! Hows the book sales going? ---- Sorry just had to throw out a shameless plug for ya. Well take it easy and I will talk with you later.
mata, Ookami yori


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 9:04 AM


Re: the negative netflix user reviews...

Fans of Firefly and Serenity are a passionate bunch, and as such we attract people who will post negative, inflammitory posts and reviews just to see if they can get a reaction.

The reviews that seem to be concerning you are brief and simply bash the show without backing anything up. How much credibility would you give them?

Not everyone likes the show, but that is generally because it does not suit their taste, not because it is objectively bad.

Ain't. We. Just.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 9:47 AM


Well, I haven't really watched "Cowboy Bebop", but if you want to know the differences and how they stack up to "Firefy" then I suggest listening to "The Signal" Season 2 Episode 2. They have a feature that compares "Firefly" to other Sci Fi shows and that one they compare "Firefly" to "Cowboy Bebop".

I love "The Signal" I listen to them as soon as they come out... Their great!

"You know what the definition of a hero is? Someone that gets other people killed."


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:19 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Your Highness! I am so glad to see you Queen!

We missed you!

Oh, and she's right.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Thanks. Good to know I'm appreciated around here. And of course I'm right. You just have to read my sig to know that.

Oh, and Ooka, good to see you too. I've actually been busy working and I was on vacation last week, hence my very long absence. Thanks for the shameless plug, by the way.

"I'm having one of those things - a headache with pictures."

"Of course I'm right. And if I'm not, may we all be horribly crushed from above somehow."

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 12:07 PM


I'll have to go with Deepgirl. If your parents are that concerned, then they should possibly watch it first themselves before making a decision.

The above posts cover pretty much most of the adult content. Basically, the violence is (with the exception of war games) less than the movie, but the sex is more.

I can't say more than that as they are your parents, they know you and, yeah, they love you, and while they may be strict from your view point, but they're just trying to protect you from things that may be a bit too intense for you...right now. I'd say, be up front, sit down and talk with them about it. Offer to let them watch it first without you. Believe it or not, you may actually get farther this way and possibly be allowed more freedom later.

My folks were a mite over-protective as well, but I tried this when there had been a movie I wanted to see that was rated 'R.' We discussed the matter, why I wanted to see it and all. Then the surprising thing happened: my dad, my severely over-protective dad, took me to see it. Afterwords, we sat down again and discussed the movie. With those actions I managed to convince my folks that I was ready to see things like that. After that, the rule became, if I wanted to see an adult movie (R only in those days), just to let the parental units know, and they'd take me to see it.

I hate to be a wet blanket, but sneaking around behind your folks backs will only end badly. You'll end up with more restrictions rather than less, because they'll feel they can't trust you.

Don't forget to let us know how it goes.



Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:41 PM


I didn't read all the threads to see if this was said already but:

Get them to watch it first. Good chance they'll like it AND you'll have converted two more browncoats to the cause. ;-)


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 2:04 PM



Originally posted by SP33D:
Ok Now I am really concerned.

"Nearly a complete ripoff of the anime series "Outlaw Star". Down to the 'mysterious girl in a box' syndrome. Jesus christ, did Whedon just get bored with campy vampire teen dramas, watch Outlaw Star and think "OMG I CAN RE-WRITE JUST ENOUGH OF IT TO APPEAL TO MIDDLE AMERICA"? Weak."-Netflix Review

Firefly -which features cowboyish, occasionally Chinese speaking, characters who cruise around space in the future - is, quite possibly, the worst television show I have ever seen. The acting, writing and special effects are all SHOCKINGLY bad. It is really almost unbelievable how bad this show is. To the fans: YOU'RE CRAZY! To the interested: BEWARE!-Netflix Review

Is there any truth to this? I know that I should form my own opinions but? I dont know, what are your responses to this criticism?

Welcome aboard! I just so happen to have sodas in the fridge here, and your welcome too them. just *grab* one out if you're thirsty. Ignore who ever wrote these bad reviews, and frankly, the only way to judge ANYTHING is to as you say, form your own opinions. If your parents are REALLY worried about questionable subject matter, have them watch Firefly first, or even better watch it with you! That way the "Browncoats" will get three new converts, and you and your parents can spend some family time together!

since you're new to the 'verse here's some slang you may see on this site:

Select to view spoiler:

Browncoats: part of the firefly 'verse also known as independents. In the real world they're BIG fans of Firefly/Serenity.

Flan(s): slip of the tongue by Nathan Fillion when interviewed at Serenity's premiere.

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Edit:Man! Too slow with the converts remark!!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 2:15 PM


I hate to do this to you FollowMal but, aren't you forgeting something for SP33D? It would seem that he just joined today.

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

READ: No biggie FollowMal, you are one busy woman, I know! I'm still wearin' mine, even though it's May!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 3:01 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by LaughingMuse:
(I cannot brain today. I have the dumb.)

I don't really have anything to add, just that that's the funniest damn thing I've read in weeks. :) Thanks for making me laugh tea out my nose!


A baby seal walks into a club...


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 4:29 PM



Originally posted by SP33D:
Thanks for the input guys! I will definately give it a try. I really appreciate all of the responses. If the community fan base says anything about the show then I know it will be well worth watching. See you in a while and hopefully I will be able to call myself a browncoat. :)

For what it's worth, I have an 8 year old son and he got to watch everything but War Stories and Heart of Gold. I imagine if you are over 8, you can handle a little innuendo and sex. I drive a school bus and the middle schoolers know more than I do.

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . ."
--Dylan Thomas

Though my soul may set in darkness
It will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly
To be fearful of the night.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 4:30 PM



Originally posted by SP33D:
Thanks for the input guys! I will definately give it a try. I really appreciate all of the responses. If the community fan base says anything about the show then I know it will be well worth watching. See you in a while and hopefully I will be able to call myself a browncoat. :)

For what it's worth, I have an 8 year old son and he got to watch everything but War Stories and Heart of Gold. I imagine if you are over 8, you can handle a little innuendo and sex. I drive a school bus and the middle schoolers know more than I do.

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . ."
--Dylan Thomas

Though my soul may set in darkness
It will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly
To be fearful of the night.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 5:12 PM



Originally posted by jossisagod:
I hate to do this to you FollowMal but, aren't you forgeting something for SP33D? It would seem that he just joined today.

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Why yes, I am forgetting Jossisagod! Shame on me. I got so caught up in reassuring SP33D that Firefly/Serenity was worth the time that I forgot... I'll remedy that immediately.

And thanks... I always appreciate the help. I feel so bad when I miss 'coats.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 5:18 PM



Originally posted by SP33D:
Thanks for the input guys! I will definately give it a try. I really appreciate all of the responses. If the community fan base says anything about the show then I know it will be well worth watching. See you in a while and hopefully I will be able to call myself a browncoat. :)

Hey, you're already an honorary Browncoat, you joined our merry crew didn't you? So, Jossisagod is right..

*hands SP33D a browncoat that fits perfectly*

You are a Browncoat.

Enjoy the series and come back and yack often with us. We're glad you are with us.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 6:16 PM


Okay, so Mal is naked on screen for 2 whole minutes in "Trash". Shiny!

Alright, what I really want to say.

I watched Serenity on a whim--absolutely fell inlove with it--married it even. Watched Firefly, the affair has continued. Why, you ask? Because it is so well written, so well acted (is that a word?), and the special effects are out of the world.

Seriously, some of the best damn dialogue...ever.

Violence and sexual content? Yeah. Avoid War Stories and Heart of Gold if either of those aren't your cup o'. No more intense in either catagory than CSI or Law and Order.

my .02

Oh, what I would give to be a Firefly virgin again and get to discover all the wonder that it is all over. But, then again, I am thoroughly enjoying the relationship as it develops.

There's no place I can be since I found serenity.


Saturday, May 20, 2006 6:30 PM


No prob, always welcome to help. Again Welcome back!!!! Been a might busy my self last couple of weeks here. Oh if you get a chance, give Polaris a hallor see if we can't get her to post up again. Shes gone AWOL and it just ain't the same with out her here joining in on the fun as usual. mata, Ookami yori

I ain't disagreen, I only wanted another drink!!!!


Saturday, May 20, 2006 8:55 PM


SP33D, mea culpa --
Like FM, I was more interested in answering your concerns than in "braining properly."
She has given you your coat.
I'm offering a bowl of berries.
And a mug of 3.2 Mudder's Milk.
It's part of our "welcome home" to the newly arrived.
Let us know how the viewing came out!

~6/23~Serenity/Firefly Summer~9/30~
----- why's the rum gone? 7706 -----


Sunday, May 21, 2006 7:32 AM


Not to be the bringer of bad news again, but I believe sp33d might just be a little too young for Mudder's Milk, unless it's virgin. If it is then ignore this post.

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD


Sunday, May 21, 2006 3:59 PM


3.2% is legal ("near beer") in most situations. Sure wouldn't offer our young friend the 15% version.

Or the hodgeberry wine.


~6/23~Serenity/Firefly Summer~9/30~
----- why's the rum gone? 7706 -----


Sunday, May 21, 2006 6:34 PM



I agree with what's already been suggested - have your folks watch the first episode (before you or with you, whatever makes them happy). It's a pretty fair representation of the amount of sex and violence that's in the show. Plus, it will get them totally hooked! Did they see Serenity with you?

Since you liked Serenity I can almost guarantee you'll like Firefly. I dig the action in Serenity, but in Firefly you have time to really get to know and love the characters. Definitely let us know how it goes! And if your parents get hooked you should tell them to drop by so they can pick up their own browncoats. I'm sure they're old enough to have Mudder's milk, although you'll have to see the episode Jaynestown to know what it is.

Jayne: I once hit a guy in the neck from 500 yards with a bent scope. Don't that count upstairs?
Book: Oh, it'll be taken into consideration.
Jayne: You made that sound kind of ominous.


Sunday, May 21, 2006 8:27 PM


firefly is better than serenity, but serenity is what got me hooked.

as for people who say firefly is bad, they need medical attention.


Sunday, May 21, 2006 8:34 PM


in jaynes town a guy ends up running aroiund with a knife in his chest and thats about it

Simon:"If the battle was so horrible, why did he name the ship after it?"
Zoe:"Once you've been in serenity you never leave"


Monday, May 22, 2006 7:31 AM


I thought Firefly was 'sexier' than Serenity. Violence is probably on par with the movie. Some episodes are more violent, sexier than others. I let my 10 year old watch most of the episodes, the ones I'm not comfortable with him watching are more due to sexual content than violence. (but as a parent, I'm questionable!!)

Blackbird fly into the light of the dark, black night.


Monday, May 22, 2006 8:31 AM


I'm surprised that they don't seem to give TV shows on DVD age ratings in the US. Strangely, here in the UK Serenity is rated 15 but Firefly only is rated 12. Presumably the BBFC thought that Serenity was more violent. However, Firefly definitely has much more sex (nothing explicit though) so it depends whatever your local standards are.


Monday, May 22, 2006 8:38 AM


Just remember... Shakespeare got slammed as a populist Trash writer when he came out, and Vincent Van Gogh only sold one painting in his entire life -- for the equivalent of .80-cents? Now his stuff goes for a hundred-million-plus.

With FF / Serentiy, you either "get it" or you don't. I personally find that people "getting" Firefly has a lot to do with what experiences & how much life they've lived. FF fans also seem to be inordinately well-'versed (sorry, had to do it {grin: ) in all manner of sciences and history and books and films. And not to forget a major element of emotional development.

Meaning is, they've taken enough cultural / social / philosophical input -- even if they're young -- to relate to the elements and themes and dialog of FF in ways & places where most TV shows or movies never even scratch the surface. I'm betting if we surveyed the negative reviewers, you'd find their interests and level of cultural / historical / philosophical awareness to be pretty shallow and limited.

How many TV shows or movies can you rewatch dozens of times and still find gems you missed? I was watching "The Train Job" and I caught Mal's line outside the bar when he looks at all the guys arrayed before him and he says: "There's just an acre of you fellas" I busted out laughing cuz that's a GREAT line -- now I can't get that line outta my head, and I've said it several times whenever there's a whole acre of people in front of me -- like this past weekend when I was at our Islamic book stall at the Riverside Orange Blossom Festival.

I've taken to throwing out various lines from the show to see if I get any "hits" of fellow Browncoats. Mostly just blank stares. Kinda waiting for a brownocat to come up and say,"Your coat's kinda of a brownish color..."

-- MAG

Jonathan M.A.Ghaffar - Your Firefly/Serenity MP3 Ringtone Guru!
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Monday, May 22, 2006 8:54 AM


I only read about a third of this thread, so if I'm repeating what has been said many times, forgive me. I did see a couple of people mentioning Heart of Gold. My son (age 12) has seen it once all the way through and then I told him I didn't want him to watch it any more until he's older. My opinion as a mom. Just keep it in mind.

Oh, and strategically speaking, if your parents are around and you get the chance to say, "Oh, I don't watch that one episode, that one's not good for me to watch, because of the sex scene in it," it'll probably go miles toward making them think you're this wonderfully trustworthy kid who can choose good watching material.

They could not take the sky from them -
Our Big Damn Heroes made a film!
I'm gonna see Serenity then
go back the next morning and see it again.
Cuz no one at Fox knew this show had no equal
C'mon Universal, and greenlight the sequel!

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.






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