Audio Commentaries.....

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 16:15
VIEWED: 7189
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Saturday, May 20, 2006 10:18 AM


Ok so what do you guys like to hear in a commentary?

What works for you and what doesn't. Do you indeed bother with the commentaries?

I listen to them all avidly but I prefer the ones where some kind of film-making process is being discussed, like directing, lighting, music etc....

What about y'all ?



Saturday, May 20, 2006 10:39 AM


I like for them to be a mix of the technical and the fun type of tracks. In technical, I mean as in a track that talks about not only the technical aspects of a film (how this effect was done, how they shot this particular shot), but also the creative aspects and the ideology of the script (how much of a movie was improv, what this shot signified, character representation, refrences and such.) And the fun type of tracks are the "party" tracks, where you have the filmmaker himself or the filmmaker and cast and others riffing on each other, or making Mystery Science 3000 type comments at the screen, or if not that, then at least have the speaker sound enthusiastic and glad to be there.

Joss is a good mix of both of these aspects, and Kevin Smith I think has perfected the commentary track. I've seen MALLRATS more times with the commentary track on then off. David Cronenberg and Martin Scorsese are also great commentators on their movies. Quentin's also a great commentator. On the TRUE ROMANCE DVD, his is the most lively, but he knows to shut up at the right moments, like during the Sicilian speech. It may just be me, but I also like the historian commentary tracks you hear on some of the Warner Bros. DVD's. They're incredibly informative about every aspect of the movie, plus the fact that they have some history to them makes the track more interesting than for some flick that was in theatres only months ago. But I never find them dull. If anything, they're as entertaining as the regular party tracks.

The one person who does a lot of tracks that I can't stand is Peter Bogdanovich. He has that perfect monotone voice that can put people to sleep. If you get the CITIZEN KANE DVD, there are two tracks. One with Roger Ebert, the other with Pete, since he was not only Orson Welles' biographer, but a close friend. Skip the latter and listen to the Ebert track. Ebert is a great commentator.

If I think of any other bad commentators, I'll let you know.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"There's only one "Return" ok, and it ain't "of the King", it's "of the Jedi."

"Maybe we should start calling your friend 'Padme' because he loves 'Mannequin Skywalker' so much, Right? (imitating robot) name is shitty acting is ruining saga."

Excerpt of internet teaser for CLERKS 2.


Saturday, May 20, 2006 3:08 PM


I prefer the less technical side of the commentaries, things like the original intentions of the scenes, tiny features that we may have missed, and generally anything that makes me think "ooh, so that's why they did that" or "ooh, so this part in *episode1* links to that part in *episode2*"

I also love when the actors get involed in commentaries, telling of their impressions of their characters, what they hoped to show, and, a real biggy for me, hearing about the off-screen interactions between the cast (moreso in the Firefly series as they all seemed to get on so well!). When it comes to DVD extras I tend to enjoy the cast interviews and outtake scenes, I like a similar thing from the commentaries.

On the technical side I don't like all the technical jargan and generally the talk about camera angles and leses when its taken into a bit too much detail. I don't mind talk about the computer generated visual effects, and the odd chat about the processes beyond the basic filming/acting which we don't really pick up on but which make all the difference (like how they used a lot of 'taboo' camaera work to fit in with the 'unpolished' nature of the show).


Saturday, May 20, 2006 3:16 PM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Ok so what do you guys like to hear in a commentary?

What works for you and what doesn't. Do you indeed bother with the commentaries?

I listen to them all avidly but I prefer the ones where some kind of film-making process is being discussed, like directing, lighting, music etc....

What about y'all ?


you know I'm really happy you asked this question, because I've been recently listening to some of the worst ever:
the 'commentator' sits there silently watching the film forgetting that the viewer can't hear the dialoge and is waiting for him to say something!!!

why don't these people understand the concept of commentary LOL

Anyway, my favorite ones are by Joss (although some other writers, or directors have also done well), where he gives real insight into why he wrote what he did, how this relates to his view of life, and why he framed the scene or shot the scene in the way he did.... I can never get enough of that kind of insight.

I also really enjoy it when there are technical commentaries, about special effects, camera work, and lighting....

I find the silly commentaries (talking about who kept messing up their lines or who would pull pranks) to be a little pointless; fun, if you like everyone...but basically unnecessary.

Did you ever listen to the LotR commentaries by the actors? Ian McKellan complimenting everyone else's acting, Christopher Lee droning on about stories of his past successes on stage, everyone else giggling like children... Really really boring and dumb stuff!

Gosford Park had two, one from the writer's POV and the other from the director, Robert Altman's...both were wonderfully entertaining and both had polar opposite ways of viewing the film.

Anyway...thanks again for the question...

Have you listened to Joss' commentary on The Body (Buffy season 5) or on Restless (Buffy Season 4) both are almost as good as the one he did on 'Objects in Space' (which I think is the best commentary ever)


Saturday, May 20, 2006 3:35 PM


My favorite commentary of all time is The Simpsons commentary with Matt Groening and Co. It has the right blend of anecdotes and technical issues about each episode for me. Most importantly it's entertaining. I'm sure that'll change once they start heading into later seasons, but for now I love it.

"Knew it...probably...saw them cops...and...turned...tail..."



Saturday, May 20, 2006 3:43 PM


I like a little less technical stuff on the commentaries. I like it, don't miss-read, But I also like anecdotes and personal stories from the actors and crew. I wanna hear about who screwed up, who had too much lunch before his shirt off scene,(straight guy here so more with the funny shirt off thing than the other.) that kind of stuff, I wanna hear funny stories with some tech-y stuff.

I also, like hearing about what the people where going through in that point of their lives and how it influenced the scenes.

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD


Saturday, May 20, 2006 3:47 PM


Oh, that reminds me. The FUTURAMA commentary tracks are also really enjoyable and funny. Actor tracks are all right, but voice over actor tracks are insane.

I know it's probably taboo to mention anything positive about Ben Affleck, but when he's rocking the mike with Kevin Smith for the tracks for MALLRATS, AMY, DOGMA and JERSEY GIRL, he's incredibly self-depricating and incredibly funny.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"There's only one "Return" ok, and it ain't "of the King", it's "of the Jedi."

"Maybe we should start calling your friend 'Padme' because he loves 'Mannequin Skywalker' so much, Right? (imitating robot) name is shitty acting is ruining saga."

Excerpt of internet teaser for CLERKS 2.


Saturday, May 20, 2006 4:03 PM


Y'know what--I never even listened to any other commentaries besides Firefly. I never had a true interest for them--I just enjoyed the movie and that was it. Have never been connected to actors or movies enough (even my favorite ones) to try them, despite enjoying the movies tremendously

But Firefly, oh....I couldn't get enough. I wanted to see more! So I decided, "Y'know--I think I'll watch 'em again, but with the commentaries now!" which was special because I had never cared for them & here I was, making a choice to watch them. Watched Serenity, the pilot, with commentaries & I was rolling ^_^ I just wish there were MORE commentaries to fix my apetite

Still don't think I'll have any interest in any other commentaries besides Firefly & Serenity

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Saturday, May 20, 2006 4:13 PM


I absolutely hate technical commentary. I honestly don't care about the lighting effects. For some really entertaining commentary the award has to go to Kevin Smith and company. A little Smith on Affleck action is the best. Honestly I've listened to the Chasing Amy commentary about 17 times. It's insainly hilarious (the movie isn't bad either).
I put on a clinic and my clinics are free.
Dancing dancing like a minstral in my film. Kills me every time.

An I carried such a torch


Saturday, May 20, 2006 4:38 PM


I forgot to mention one other commentary I enjoy... The This is Spinal Tap is an absolute riot for me because it goes along with the mockumentary joke of the film. Michael McKean, Christopher Guest, and Harry Shearer all remain in character and they comment on the film like it's an actual documentary of David, Nigel and Derek. Cracks me up every time.

"Knew it...probably...saw them cops...and...turned...tail..."



Saturday, May 20, 2006 4:39 PM


I like commentaries in which any part of the creative process is discussed, whether it's the writing, acting, filming, or technical stuff. Also comments on how one deals with those who are ultimately in control, if that had a major part in a production.

Don't really care for air-heads self-promoting or complaining about how so-and-so was always upstaging or late or some other problem, though I'll concede that some of that goes into "what it was like to make this show," which I *do* find interesting.

Would love to have a Geoffrey Rush commentary on Pirates of the Caribbean, if only on how he put together his performance of Captain Barbossa. His big "Dinner with Elizabeth" scene is simply stunning in its dynamic range -- page after page of exposition with very little bounce-back available from Elizabeth until she finally gets up from the table -- but he brings it, up, down, sideways. My favorite commentaries in the PotC set are Depp/Verbinski and Writers.

Hard to say which Firefly commentary is my favorite. Guess I'll just have to watch them all again. !!

~6/23~Serenity/Firefly Summer~9/30~
----- why's the rum gone? 7706 -----


Saturday, May 20, 2006 5:17 PM


I loved that track too. I loved the menu of the DVD as well where they talk about the menu options. And the track that's in character is really funny. I love how they keep ragging on the director and complain how the film is "a hatchet job" and that anytime a person comes across the screen, they immediately say "he's dead."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"There's only one "Return" ok, and it ain't "of the King", it's "of the Jedi."

"Maybe we should start calling your friend 'Padme' because he loves 'Mannequin Skywalker' so much, Right? (imitating robot) name is shitty acting is ruining saga."

Excerpt of internet teaser for CLERKS 2.


Saturday, May 20, 2006 10:02 PM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
Joss is a good mix of both of these aspects, and Kevin Smith I think has perfected the commentary track. I've seen MALLRATS more times with the commentary track on then off.

If I think of any other bad commentators, I'll let you know.

Hey Reginaroadie.

I have to agree with you. Joss has the perfect blend of the two. He's informative with thechnical and as always very funny when recounting funny type stuff. :D

I also like Tim Minear. After a few commentaries of his, the impression is that he likes ticking people off. (See the Angel Commentaries) He is perhaps more anecdotal but he also explains his reasoning behind his narratives which I find interesting.

Y'know you mention Kevin Smith - and I like his stuff but I've never bought one of his DVDs as I don't find his stuff holds to repeat viewing. I'm not sure why? Maybe I should just go take the plunge and buy one for the commentaries.... Which one would you suggest? My favourite of his Clerks.



Saturday, May 20, 2006 10:06 PM



Originally posted by Brexan:

On the technical side I don't like all the technical jargan and generally the talk about camera angles and leses when its taken into a bit too much detail. I don't mind talk about the computer generated visual effects, and the odd chat about the processes beyond the basic filming/acting which we don't really pick up on but which make all the difference (like how they used a lot of 'taboo' camaera work to fit in with the 'unpolished' nature of the show).

He,he... That's the stuff I like the best. I guess maybe because I wanted to be a director when I was younger and picking up detailed knowledge about lenses and angles is gold-dust when you're looking at how certain moods are achieved.

Oh well - guess everyone is different eh?



Saturday, May 20, 2006 10:16 PM


Originally posted by embers:

Anyway, my favorite ones are by Joss (although some other writers, or directors have also done well), where he gives real insight into why he wrote what he did, how this relates to his view of life, and why he framed the scene or shot the scene in the way he did.... I can never get enough of that kind of insight.

Yup. Very true. I enjoy Tim Minears commentaries too. Jane Espenson is good also - she's full of energy and humour when she comments. Great to listen to :D


I also really enjoy it when there are technical commentaries, about special effects, camera work, and lighting....

Can't get nearly enough of that stuff! I always enjoy Tim Burton films for commentaries because he usually has Danny Elfman on talking about the music score. Which is BRILLIANT. I love hearing how these guys work on the score. I remember on BUFFY one of the best features was when they did a large segment on Chris Beck. Gave him the recognition he deserved. It was a real insight also.


Did you ever listen to the LotR commentaries by the actors? Ian McKellan complimenting everyone else's acting, Christopher Lee droning on about stories of his past successes on stage, everyone else giggling like children... Really really boring and dumb stuff!

OK I know I'm going to lose some points here, but I'm one of the few who just cannot stand the LOTR films. *Ducks and heads for cover* So the idea of sitting and listening to the commentaries.... Well lets just say it would be difficult.


Have you listened to Joss' commentary on The Body (Buffy season 5) or on Restless (Buffy Season 4) both are almost as good as the one he did on 'Objects in Space' (which I think is the best commentary ever)

Yeah I have. They are ace! The Restless one I always loved because of the nature of the story - you know the dreamy like quality. It was fascinating to hear how he reached the point where he was able to write it. Good stuff.



Saturday, May 20, 2006 10:20 PM



Originally posted by GeekUSA:
My favorite commentary of all time is The Simpsons commentary with Matt Groening and Co. It has the right blend of anecdotes and technical issues about each episode for me. Most importantly it's entertaining. I'm sure that'll change once they start heading into later seasons, but for now I love it.

Which Season of the simpsons are you talking about? I've not bought any simpsons on DVD because it's constantly on the tv - but if you have a suggestion for best commentary I could maybe bring myself to buy that season.



Saturday, May 20, 2006 10:22 PM



Originally posted by jossisagod:
I like a little less technical stuff on the commentaries. I like it, don't miss-read, But I also like anecdotes and personal stories from the actors and crew. I wanna hear about who screwed up, who had too much lunch before his shirt off scene,(straight guy here so more with the funny shirt off thing than the other.) that kind of stuff, I wanna hear funny stories with some tech-y stuff.

I do like it when the actors set each other off laughing. In particular War Stories when Alan makes Nathan laugh!



Saturday, May 20, 2006 10:25 PM


Originally posted by FloralBunny:

Would love to have a Geoffrey Rush commentary on Pirates of the Caribbean, if only on how he put together his performance of Captain Barbossa. His big "Dinner with Elizabeth" scene is simply stunning in its dynamic range -- page after page of exposition with very little bounce-back available from Elizabeth until she finally gets up from the table -- but he brings it, up, down, sideways.

That's a very good point FloralBunny. I hadn't thought about that scene in those terms, but you're absolutely right. It is a great piece of acting from him. Did you ever watch SHINE ?



Saturday, May 20, 2006 11:25 PM


I usually would rather listen to the technical aspects of a movie in a commentary, but I really love these actors and their chemistry together, so I would have much rather have a cast commentary on Serenity included with Whedon. Heck, why can't we have both technical and cast commentaries included.



Saturday, May 20, 2006 11:36 PM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
I enjoy Tim Minears commentaries too. Jane Espenson is good also - she's full of energy and humour when she comments. Great to listen to :D

Yeah, Jane Espenson has a lot of interesting things to say, her commentaries are great, and I enjoy David Fury's too....
but yesterday (before answering your question) I happened to be listening to the commentaries from BtVS S6 (I'm going through all my Buffy & Angel DVDs)
and I came across two of the most abysmal commentaries ever:
Season 6 "Hell's Bells" with David Soloman and Rebecca Rand Kirshner
and "Normal Again" with Rick Rosenthal and Diego Gutierrez
just dead air and endless silences...
it is like they are all leaning over backwards to avoid interupting, so no one ever says anything at all!


Saturday, May 20, 2006 11:44 PM


I agree! Sometimes I'm in the mood for some serious insight into the filming process and other times I just want to have a giggle with the cast as they talk about Nathan splitting his pants! There should be several commentaries for each episode! I love commentaries so much (primarily in the Joss world) that I get very upset when a favorite episode is slighted and commentless!


Sunday, May 21, 2006 1:29 AM



Which Season of the simpsons are you talking about? I've not bought any simpsons on DVD because it's constantly on the tv - but if you have a suggestion for best commentary I could maybe bring myself to buy that season.

I own only Seasons 2, 4, 5 and 7, but I have to say 5 is my favorite...mostly because I'm also a huge Conan O'Brien fan and he does a few commentaries/gets mentioned quite frequently.

"Knew it...probably...saw them cops...and...turned...tail..."



Sunday, May 21, 2006 4:54 AM


Originally posted by embers:


Yeah, Jane Espenson has a lot of interesting things to say, her commentaries are great, and I enjoy David Fury's too....
but yesterday (before answering your question) I happened to be listening to the commentaries from BtVS S6 (I'm going through all my Buffy & Angel DVDs)
and I came across two of the most abysmal commentaries ever:
Season 6 "Hell's Bells" with David Soloman and Rebecca Rand Kirshner
and "Normal Again" with Rick Rosenthal and Diego Gutierrez
just dead air and endless silences...
it is like they are all leaning over backwards to avoid interupting, so no one ever says anything at all!

Oh yeah David Fury - he's another great one. I like his and Andy Hackets on the Angel episode they did.

Funny those that you mentioned on Buffy as being lousy I remember also. I like David Solomon as a director I think he is very underated - but you're right; that commentary was difficult to sit through.



Sunday, May 21, 2006 4:55 AM


Originally posted by GeekUSA:

I own only Seasons 2, 4, 5 and 7, but I have to say 5 is my favorite...mostly because I'm also a huge Conan O'Brien fan and he does a few commentaries/gets mentioned quite frequently.

Ok thanks for that :D I'll see what I can find.



Sunday, May 21, 2006 4:57 AM



Originally posted by EmmaRigby:
I agree! Sometimes I'm in the mood for some serious insight into the filming process and other times I just want to have a giggle with the cast as they talk about Nathan splitting his pants! There should be several commentaries for each episode! I love commentaries so much (primarily in the Joss world) that I get very upset when a favorite episode is slighted and commentless!

Yeah I know what you mean - I always felt they should have asked the lovely 'Christina' to do a commentary, especially as she was in two episodes of Firefly. Oh Well :(



Sunday, May 21, 2006 5:35 AM


Holds up to repeat viewings? What are you talking about? I can re-watch his stuff over and over again. Mainly because of the dialogue. The dialogue of a Kevin Smith movie I feel has a musical quality to it. It's incredibly memorable and when you listen to them taking to each other, it's like listening to opera singers compliment each other during duos and trios and quartets. Plus, Jay is one of the funniest characters in the last 16 years of movies. Just pure, unadulterated id.

I'd recoomend you buy every single one of them. Even JERSEY GIRL, which I think gets an unfair bad rap. There's a track that's just Kevin Smith and Ben Affleck and during one moment, after when Affleck talks about this acting technique of "living realisitcally in imagined circumstances" and Kevin uses it as a jumping off point to roast Armageddon and the kind of roles Affleck gets and Affleck totally agrres with it. You should also pick up AN EVENING WITH KEVIN SMITH. He tells two great stories on there about his crack at SUPERMAN and Jon Peters and another one about working with Prince.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"There's only one "Return" ok, and it ain't "of the King", it's "of the Jedi."

"Maybe we should start calling your friend 'Padme' because he loves 'Mannequin Skywalker' so much, Right? (imitating robot) name is shitty acting is ruining saga."

Excerpt of internet teaser for CLERKS 2.


Sunday, May 21, 2006 11:11 AM



Originally posted by EmmaRigby:
I agree! Sometimes I'm in the mood for some serious insight into the filming process and other times I just want to have a giggle with the cast as they talk about Nathan splitting his pants! There should be several commentaries for each episode! I love commentaries so much (primarily in the Joss world) that I get very upset when a favorite episode is slighted and commentless!

I'm with you on this. I tried to post last night about this and kept getting deadlocked but here I go again.

I like listening to the commentaries, but less techie ones though. I do like the ones Joss does, 'cause you get background on where certain ideas or parts of the scripts & character developement came from.

I'm less thrilled with the lighting and camera angle tracks. I imagine to folks who are really into just how everything behind the camera works, it's great, but to me it's more info than I really needed.

I do love the fun ones. It doesn't necessaily mean there's no info in it, but more of it's presented in a more enjoyable format. My fav commentary for the series is the one with Nathan and Joss for 'Serenity.' A lot of interesting info and still much fun silliness. But this sort of thing is much, much better when the folks doing it all get along.

I do listen to commentaries for other things as well. The ones for Farscape, especially with Ben Browder are a hoot. I liked all the commentary tracks for the LotR movies. (I was especially amused with the track with PJ when he noticed a continunity error in TTT as they were doing the track and realised that perhaps this was not the time to be pointing it out. ) Heck, I even like the commentary track for Van Helsing. Hmmm...maybe I'm just a commentary track slut.

For me the more fun the folks doing the commentary are having, the more I enjoy listening to it. if they're not happy to be there, it's no fun for anyone. Folks who constantly complain (I've heard a few) we not happy doing the movie/tv show and if ya watch the show/movie closely, you can tell.

So to sum up. Happy=good. Unhappy=bad.



Sunday, May 21, 2006 3:25 PM



If Shine is on DVD, should find it and check out the commentary...

~6/23~Serenity/Firefly Summer~9/30~
----- why's the rum gone? 7706 -----


Sunday, May 21, 2006 5:37 PM


I have watched the BDS and the BDM lots and lots of times, but I only turned on the movie commentary last night. I love Joss's self deprecating (sp?) humour of course, but I really liked having things pointed out to me - links between scenes etc that I may not have noticed. When I watch a film, I get really immersed in the story and characters etc, and that makes me not terribly observant about other things. Im never the one to spot inconsistencies etc. For example, despite knowing the story and scenes well enough to explain to anyone what happens in the opening sequence, I had never conciously noticed the opening commentray turning into the school turning into the dream, turning into the lab, turning into the hologram. I mean, I follwed each step, just hadnt gone 'wow, thats a cool sequence, because...."


Monday, May 22, 2006 6:54 PM


SuzFromOz wrote:
I have watched the BDS and the BDM lots and lots of times, but I only turned on the movie commentary last night. I love Joss's self deprecating (sp?) humour of course, but I really liked having things pointed out to me - links between scenes etc that I may not have noticed. When I watch a film, I get really immersed in the story and characters etc, and that makes me not terribly observant about other things. Im never the one to spot inconsistencies etc. For example, despite knowing the story and scenes well enough to explain to anyone what happens in the opening sequence, I had never conciously noticed the opening commentray turning into the school turning into the dream, turning into the lab, turning into the hologram. I mean, I follwed each step, just hadnt gone 'wow, thats a cool sequence, because...."
As a filmgoer you're expected to let the experience wash over you, just as you describe. Relax, believe, and enjoy.

The commentary helps you discover why you enjoyed it, how the tricks were pulled off, and so on. It amplifies the experience.

It probably makes you a tougher customer in the future, however, as you discover that you're watching a new film for things you'd never have noticed before.

That's the double edge. I have to get into "uncritical" mode for new material but catch myself walking out after a film saying "Wonder how soon the DVD will be out!"

~6/23~Serenity/Firefly Summer~9/30~
----- why's the rum gone? 7706 -----


Monday, May 22, 2006 8:11 PM


i enjoy when the say a scene changed as they shot's usually the best scene in the film....on the fly


Monday, May 22, 2006 10:53 PM



Originally posted by FloralBunny:
That's the double edge. I have to get into "uncritical" mode for new material but catch myself walking out after a film saying "Wonder how soon the DVD will be out!"

That's a very good point FloralBunny...

After a while you can spot the 'short-hand' in the narrative process and often determine well in advance where the film is going, and subsequently ruin the essence of the film for yourself. I went through this for most of the films in the 90s just couldn't see the film for just a film, but would watch it for camera set-ups, direction, edits and so on.... Real bummer :(

These days I have less focus and I can let a film wash over me, but it took some serious apathy on my part to do so



Tuesday, May 23, 2006 6:23 AM


I agree with some that the commentary for the pilot "Serenity" with Joss and Nathan was great. Joss likes to talk a lot of technical stuff and Nathan kind of off set that with cast and crew stories.

Have to love it that Summer asked Joss if she looked fat in the Cryo box, lol.

One thing I picked up from the BDM commentary was at the end when Serenity lifts off from Mr. Universes planet in the rain. Joss pointed out how they had raindrops on the camera lens as the ship lifted off. I had never noticed that before. Very nice effect.

"I'll be in my bunk"


Tuesday, May 23, 2006 12:42 PM


Add Sam Rami's commentarys from all 3 Evil Dead movies and Spider Man 1&2 to that list.

How many Jaynes does it take to change a light bulb?

Two. One to try to put it in and another to find a bigger hammer.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006 3:19 PM


I like technical commentaries, but there is just no substitute for the funny cast commentaries to listen to with friends. I really like the Fight Club commentary with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton...perfect mix of good information with comedy. The Old School commentary, however, is the funniest commentary I've ever heard (maybe with the exception of Spinal Tap, which was mentioned already). Speaking of Vince Vaughn, the Swingers commentary is funny too. Oh heck, I like any commentary if I really like the movie/show.

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 7:11 AM


I'm not much into the technical tracks. My favorite ones combine the director with key members of the cast and maybe a producer or the DP in the mix. Then you get a lot of different perspectives: fun behind the scenes interactions, motivations, technical info.

I will say that I would never have known what a oner was without commentaries...or coverage for that matter. That stuff just didn't stand out to me. Now it does, and it makes for a fuller experience. Comparing a standard over the shoulder shot with a wide shot (can't remember what to call that) is pretty cool.

Order of favorite Firefly commentaries:
Tim Minear/DP(?)

I do wish Joss had some of the cast with him for Serenity. Or had another cast track. It would've been fun to hear their takes on the movie/shooting process, especially since the oportunity to come back was so precious to them.

Kevin Smith and Ben Affleck commentaries are the bomb. Both of them are hi-larious.


Originally posted by jpstargazer:
I really like the Fight Club commentary with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton...perfect mix of good information with comedy.

The part where Edward Norton is cracking on the new VW Bug as being a great symbol for consumerism so they (Brad and Edward) wanted it to be the car they trash and Brad Pitt is like "huh?" LOL.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 4:15 PM


TheSomnambulist wrote:
These days I have less focus and I can let a film wash over me, but it took some serious apathy on my part to do so
Apathy not good! Nor less focus! We may have to pay a home visit to whip you into shape.

The idea is to click the brain into "virgin" mode for at least the first viewing.
Then dig into the DVD extras and slurp 'em up.
Then go back and re-watch, with the added depth.

As a note to whomever (so sorry I forgot, and can't read the thread from here) didn't care for the Tim Minear/David Solomon commentary to OiS (I'm sure you said Minear/DP, though Solomon directed -- lots of yak about film/color): I love to watch it with the commentary on and flick paper-wads at the screen while pointing out all the continuity screw-ups. It's still one of my very favorite eps even with the too-fakey-red blood drips coming through the grating, so I watch it as-is whenever I'm spending more than a half-minute trying to decide which ep to watch.

~6/23~Serenity/Firefly Summer~9/30~
----- why's the rum gone? -----






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Firefly Pinterest
Fri, February 28, 2025 13:19 - 1 posts
A Gun for Misbehaving
Fri, February 28, 2025 13:08 - 14 posts
Collecting Props and Costumes
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:54 - 11 posts
Firefly cosplay
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:38 - 1 posts
Firefly props, the is active!
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:32 - 1 posts