Help Needed - Spanish Serenity DVD

UPDATED: Saturday, May 27, 2006 12:44
VIEWED: 4277
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Friday, May 26, 2006 8:10 AM


Help! Can anyone confirm what languages are on the Spanish release?

I'm trying to buy a DVD of Serenity from Spain. Since I'm going for all the ones dubbed into various languages, I want to make certain this release has something other than English.

I tried these folks at dvdgo

I wrote but my email bounced back.

I don't speak Spanish, but I don't believe this site lists dubbing languages. Does anyone own the Spanish release or has anyone found a site which lists the full info for this release?

BTW, still looking for help getting a Russian copy...

thanks for any assitance!


Inara: What did I say to you about barging into my shuttle?
Mal: That it was manly and impulsive?
Inara: Yes, precisely. Only the exact phrase I used was "don't".


Friday, May 26, 2006 8:30 AM


It seems like you are trying to buy the Region 2 Spanish language release.

About a month ago I posted information on the Region 4 release:

"This may be interest to anyone who lives along the US-Mexico border
or whose Spanish is better than their English.

Earlier today I bought the Region 4 ( Mexico, South America, Central
America, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Caribbean) DVD at
the Costco in Tijuana, Mexico. At Costco it cost 111 pesos,
approximately US$10. It is encoded for BOTH Region 1 and Region 4 and
because of this dual encoding it did play on my Region 1 US DVD

I was hoping for some additional content but all the extra features
are the same as the US Region 1 disc. The languages are Spanish and
English, subtitles are Spanish and English, and Joss's commentary is
available as subtitles in Spanish and English.

My 14 year daughter is a native speaker of Mexican Spanish and
American English. She tells that the Spanish spoken is Mexican
Spanish not European Spanish.

We watched the "going into town" scene at the beginning of the movie
and listened to the dubbed voices in Spanish. I'm afraid the
dubbed "Mal" voice didn't seem to fit the character. So, I thought,
why don't we try the US disc and see if they used the same voice?
Well, I never noticed until now but while US disc has Spanish
subtitles it does not have Spanish dubbing. It does have French
dubbing, though. So, we listened to French dubbing and I thought the
voices sounded more like our Big Damn Heros. Now, all of the above is
a matter of taste and I am merely commenting on the sound of the
voices, not the translation. My Bad Spanish is only slightly exceeded
by my Bad French.

I understand the French dubbing for our Canadian neighbors but it
seems like Universal is missing out on a larger number of Spanish
speakers in the U.S. by not including Spanish dubbing. Makes me
wonder a bit.

In summary, if you live near the border, you can pick up an
additional copy of Serenity, that works in your US player, for about
$10. If you have Spanish speaking friends that you want to introduce
to Serenity, then this also may be the DVD for you."

I'm not sure if this helps but I hope it does.

"'Course, there are other schools of thought."


Friday, May 26, 2006 8:30 AM


It seems like you are trying to buy the Region 2 Spanish language release.

About a month ago I posted information on the Region 4 release:

"This may be interest to anyone who lives along the US-Mexico border
or whose Spanish is better than their English.

Earlier today I bought the Region 4 ( Mexico, South America, Central
America, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Caribbean) DVD at
the Costco in Tijuana, Mexico. At Costco it cost 111 pesos,
approximately US$10. It is encoded for BOTH Region 1 and Region 4 and
because of this dual encoding it did play on my Region 1 US DVD

I was hoping for some additional content but all the extra features
are the same as the US Region 1 disc. The languages are Spanish and
English, subtitles are Spanish and English, and Joss's commentary is
available as subtitles in Spanish and English.

My 14 year daughter is a native speaker of Mexican Spanish and
American English. She tells that the Spanish spoken is Mexican
Spanish not European Spanish.

We watched the "going into town" scene at the beginning of the movie
and listened to the dubbed voices in Spanish. I'm afraid the
dubbed "Mal" voice didn't seem to fit the character. So, I thought,
why don't we try the US disc and see if they used the same voice?
Well, I never noticed until now but while US disc has Spanish
subtitles it does not have Spanish dubbing. It does have French
dubbing, though. So, we listened to French dubbing and I thought the
voices sounded more like our Big Damn Heros. Now, all of the above is
a matter of taste and I am merely commenting on the sound of the
voices, not the translation. My Bad Spanish is only slightly exceeded
by my Bad French.

I understand the French dubbing for our Canadian neighbors but it
seems like Universal is missing out on a larger number of Spanish
speakers in the U.S. by not including Spanish dubbing. Makes me
wonder a bit.

In summary, if you live near the border, you can pick up an
additional copy of Serenity, that works in your US player, for about
$10. If you have Spanish speaking friends that you want to introduce
to Serenity, then this also may be the DVD for you."

I'm not sure if this helps but I hope it does.

"'Course, there are other schools of thought."


Friday, May 26, 2006 8:38 AM


I know one Spanish browncoat. I'll forward your request to her. She may be travelling right now and not able to answer for a few days...

"Appears they've cancelled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Friday, May 26, 2006 9:46 AM


that's very interesting... it never occured to me that they'd do two dialects of Spanish.
so far, I've got the Aussie one with its Hungarian dubbing. I've also got releases from China, France, Germany... I'm working on the Brazilian, the afore mentioned Russian and the Italian.

Is the packaging of your Mexican copy different? Not neccessarily the art work, but the text?

Any ideas on where you think I can pick up a copy?


Darryl Zero: "Now, a few words on looking for things. When you go looking for something specific, your chances of finding it are very bad. Because of all the things in the world, you're only looking for one of them. When you go looking for anything at all, your chances of finding it are very good. Because of all the things in the world, you're sure to find some of them."


Friday, May 26, 2006 9:46 AM


I'd appreciate it!


Inara: What did I say to you about barging into my shuttle?
Mal: That it was manly and impulsive?
Inara: Yes, precisely. Only the exact phrase I used was "don't".


Friday, May 26, 2006 11:33 AM



Originally posted by ItaMoon:

Is the packaging of your Mexican copy different? Not neccessarily the art work, but the text?

Any ideas on where you think I can pick up a copy?


The packaging is nearly identical to the US DVD. The pictures on the front are identical. "Serenity" is in a bolder typeface. The blurb is "Ciencia-Ficcion Inteligente. Sorprendentemente Actual" -Cesar Albarran, Cine PREMIERE. The back cover has different pictures and, of course, it is in Spanish. But nothing really interesting.

I can't speak to the Spanish in the Region 2 DVD. All I know is that the Region 4 Spanish is Mexican Spanish. Besides from living here in Mexico, my daughter has been to Spain and knows some of the differences between Castillian Spanish and Mexican Spanish.

What part of the world are you located in? If you are in the U.S. and near the border, it would be easy to take a quick weekend trip to Mexico to buy the DVD.

If you are somewhere else, I am sure it must be available online but the web site offering it would probably be in Spanish. I can ask around about how to buy Mexican DVD's online if you like.

By the way, why do you want all these foreign language versions of the BDM? Are you a "completist" collector? I know that people do this with books and certain authors.

Or, are you planning to travel the world, proseltyzing Serenity and converting new Browncoats? A noble callin', I might say.

Hope this helps.

"'Course, there are other schools of thought."


Friday, May 26, 2006 11:33 AM



Originally posted by ItaMoon:

Is the packaging of your Mexican copy different? Not neccessarily the art work, but the text?

Any ideas on where you think I can pick up a copy?


The packaging is nearly identical to the US DVD. The pictures on the front are identical. "Serenity" is in a bolder typeface. The blurb is "Ciencia-Ficcion Inteligente. Sorprendentemente Actual" -Cesar Albarran, Cine PREMIERE. The back cover has different pictures and, of course, it is in Spanish. But nothing really interesting.

I can't speak to the Spanish in the Region 2 DVD. All I know is that the Region 4 Spanish is Mexican Spanish. Besides from living here in Mexico, my daughter has been to Spain and knows some of the differences between Castillian Spanish and Mexican Spanish.

What part of the world are you located in? If you are in the U.S. and near the border, it would be easy to take a quick weekend trip to Mexico to buy the DVD.

If you are somewhere else, I am sure it must be available online but the web site offering it would probably be in Spanish. I can ask around about how to buy Mexican DVD's online if you like.

By the way, why do you want all these foreign language versions of the BDM? Are you a "completist" collector? I know that people do this with books and certain authors.

Or, are you planning to travel the world, proseltyzing Serenity and converting new Browncoats? A noble callin', I might say.

Hope this helps.

"'Course, there are other schools of thought."


Friday, May 26, 2006 12:09 PM


Hi, I'm from Spain and usually the movies are dubbed into Castillian Spanish over there. The Spanish version you get from the American release is actually Mexican. They both do a pretty good job, although I'm partial to the Castillian version. They usually include the OV (Original Version, or English dialogue). If there's a third language it is usually French (although once I came across a movie dubbed in Catalan, go figure).

Anyhoo... I hope I answered your question. Good luck with your search and remember you must obtain a "multizone" copy in order to be able to watch it on your average American dvd player.



Friday, May 26, 2006 5:18 PM



Originally posted by ItaMoon:

Is the packaging of your Mexican copy different? Not neccessarily the art work, but the text?

Any ideas on where you think I can pick up a copy?

That's an interesting thought. I actually live in San Diego, approximately 20 minutes from the Mexican border. Some friends and I are heading south for Memorial Day, so I'll see what I can see when I'm down there

(And it wouldn't be a bad idea to pick up some extra copies both for my Spanish-speaking friends and to sell/give away at our June 23rd Serenity screening)

"We have done the impossible and that makes us mighty"


Saturday, May 27, 2006 4:38 AM



Originally posted by OurMrsTightPants:

That's an interesting thought. I actually live in San Diego, approximately 20 minutes from the Mexican border. Some friends and I are heading south for Memorial Day, so I'll see what I can

As I mentioned in my April post, the DVD is available at Costco in Tijuana for 111 pesos or approximately $10 US. You can use your US Costco card to get in and shop. (If you don't have a Costco card, you can buy one in Mexico for about half the price of a US one and it can be used in both the US and Mexico). There is a newly opened Costco very close to the San Ysidro border crossing.

The Costco is located between Paseo de los Heroes and Blvd Sanchez Taboada; the cross street is Av. Gral Manuel Marquez de Leon. Coming from the US, after crossing the border, you will want to take the route that puts you on the Via Rapida, along the river, heading toward Zona Rio. Then make a right at the FIRST EXIT (Av. Gral Manuel Marquez de Leon). One long block later is Paseo de los Heroes. The Costco is catty-corner on the right. It's kind of hard to miss, being a big box and all...

If you miss the first exit from the Via Rapida, then turn right at any exit, then turn right again on Paseo de los Heroes, and that will bring you back toward the Border and Costco, which is a 1/2 mile from the Border on the South side of the Tijuana River. All of this sounds more complicated than it really is but I don't know how well you know Tijuana and I wanted to be complete.

As of last week when I was at Costco, the DVD was still there.

"'Course, there are other schools of thought."


Saturday, May 27, 2006 4:38 AM



Originally posted by OurMrsTightPants:

That's an interesting thought. I actually live in San Diego, approximately 20 minutes from the Mexican border. Some friends and I are heading south for Memorial Day, so I'll see what I can

As I mentioned in my April post, the DVD is available at Costco in Tijuana for 111 pesos or approximately $10 US. You can use your US Costco card to get in and shop. (If you don't have a Costco card, you can buy one in Mexico for about half the price of a US one and it can be used in both the US and Mexico). There is a newly opened Costco very close to the San Ysidro border crossing.

The Costco is located between Paseo de los Heroes and Blvd Sanchez Taboada; the cross street is Av. Gral Manuel Marquez de Leon. Coming from the US, after crossing the border, you will want to take the route that puts you on the Via Rapida, along the river, heading toward Zona Rio. Then make a right at the FIRST EXIT (Av. Gral Manuel Marquez de Leon). One long block later is Paseo de los Heroes. The Costco is catty-corner on the right. It's kind of hard to miss, being a big box and all...

If you miss the first exit from the Via Rapida, then turn right at any exit, then turn right again on Paseo de los Heroes, and that will bring you back toward the Border and Costco, which is a 1/2 mile from the Border on the South side of the Tijuana River. All of this sounds more complicated than it really is but I don't know how well you know Tijuana and I wanted to be complete.

As of last week when I was at Costco, the DVD was still there.

"'Course, there are other schools of thought."


Saturday, May 27, 2006 9:04 AM


I see Goldenthorn has responded - she's my Spanish connection.

Gracias, Goldenthorn. (I hope I spelled that right - I know I don't say it right.)

"Appears they've cancelled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Saturday, May 27, 2006 9:26 AM



Thank you! I think I'm going to print out your response so I'll have it when traveling

"We have done the impossible and that makes us mighty"


Saturday, May 27, 2006 9:39 AM


This has probably been answered, but...


Idiomas Audio : Dolby Digital 5.1: Español, Inglés

So this version at has the original English version and also a version dubbed in Spanish, plus three subtitles (English, Spanish and Portuguese). You're actually looking for a version dubbed in Spanish?

Wash: This landing is gonna get pretty interesting.
Mal: Define "interesting".
Wash: [deadpan] Oh God, oh God, we're all going to die?


Saturday, May 27, 2006 12:44 PM



Originally posted by OurMrsTightPants:

Thank you! I think I'm going to print out your response so I'll have it when traveling

"We have done the impossible and that makes us mighty"

I was just at the Tijuana Costco a few hours ago (my daughter was playing rapid soccer across the street). They still have the DVD there and at the same price. I'm glad I could help.

"'Course, there are other schools of thought."


Saturday, May 27, 2006 12:44 PM



Originally posted by OurMrsTightPants:

Thank you! I think I'm going to print out your response so I'll have it when traveling

"We have done the impossible and that makes us mighty"

I was just at the Tijuana Costco a few hours ago (my daughter was playing rapid soccer across the street). They still have the DVD there and at the same price. I'm glad I could help.

"'Course, there are other schools of thought."






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