Full of holes....lead or stainless steel?

UPDATED: Saturday, June 10, 2006 14:15
VIEWED: 5018
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Monday, June 5, 2006 6:41 AM


I notice that our BDH's have no edgy piercings...
Are piercings too standard a thing for the Firefly 'Verse? Only piercings I remember went through the engine with their owner...

Any Browncoats here full of holes? If so, where, and more importantly...why?

In my 'Verse, a hole in your body is to be avoided....Chrisisall action figure, accidental scars included


Monday, June 5, 2006 6:46 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Alas, I cannot be pierced. I mean at all. My body rejects it. I would have ears and possibly belly-button were I able. Maybe nose, too. And more holes in my ears. Nothing around the lips, though. Either lips. Like to keep those areas clear. And I think eyebrow would look strange on me; known very few people that worked for.
Anyway, it's all moot. I am as smooth and pure as the day I came crying.



Monday, June 5, 2006 6:50 AM


Ah, self mutilation, the cornerstone for any sadist. As I am a business professional know, I do not have my metal in any longer but I still have the wholes in my ear from the 4, 12 guage pericings I used to have. I do not miss them, they got snagged on everything especially when operating the 5 F's scenario (if you do not know about the 5 F's, please refer to "How I got my girl back")

Kuang Zhe De

The fastest baby eater, east of the Mississippi


Monday, June 5, 2006 6:57 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Self mutilation would actually be more of a masochistic pursuit... Sadists like to inflict the pain.



Monday, June 5, 2006 7:03 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Self mutilation would actually be more of a masochistic pursuit... Sadists like to inflict the pain.

So, you, er, know a lot about this, then?



Monday, June 5, 2006 7:08 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Call me well-educated. I like to read up on many different... subjects.

Truly, knowledge of fetishism is almost a hobby of mine. I have a few of my own (though I don't count sadomasochism among them, personally) and it's, well, all very interesting.



Monday, June 5, 2006 7:12 AM


I would think that sadism would go hand in hand though. To want to inflict pain on another individual, would not some form of that fetish also want to be inflicted on oneself?

As you are our resident expert, what is your opinion on above question and how this thread has obviously lead this conversation of track into the darkest corners of our minds and many moons away from metal.

Stay shiny

Kuang Zhe De

The fastest baby eater, east of the Mississippi


Monday, June 5, 2006 7:20 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Some people are sadists, some are masochists, and some are sadomasochists. They do not always go hand in hand, except in terms of masochists reeeaaally liking sadists and vice-versa. Some sadists can't take much pain. To put a versy twist on it, let's take Niska as an example. He obviously loves inflicting pain; gets off on it, even. But a little pain of his own and he's on the floor, crawling away. Not enjoying himself. Same holds for some sadists. Sadomasochists both enjoy giving and recieving pain, usually in fairly equal amounts. It is a complicated fetish.
I don't know how we got on the subject; you brought it up, I corrected you, Chris blushed, and now here we are. I guess I like to talk of things I know a lot about.



Monday, June 5, 2006 7:23 AM


Well, I DO like to torture viruses with vitamin C and Zinc...

Mean Chrisisall


Monday, June 5, 2006 7:32 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

If no one else has questions for me... I need sleep.



Monday, June 5, 2006 8:11 AM


I've had my flesh peirced several times.. never willingly. You might notice that not a lot of Holocaust survivors are in a hurry to get tatoos, and I think in general people who've had their flesh torn unwillingly enough times realize the value and almost sanctity of not having it done.

Ya'll have fun with that, though. Just try and stay away from the sensative areas. I heard a story recently about some guy got a prince albert, they had to remove his penis and scoop into his pelvis just to get out all of the infection. You want a thrill? Just shoot yourself in the foot.

They say I am a sinner and seducer, they try to put the blame on me, but I don't give a fuck for the way they see

Stand up and you'll win, surrender and you'll lose, it's heads or tails, you have to choose.

Heads or tails, which way will you choose? Die or live, surrender or fight? Wild and free, together we'll stand, strong and proud, we will claim our right.


Monday, June 5, 2006 8:32 AM


What timing Chrisiall.

I haven't any piercings, just too chicken basically, but I've just run the screwdriver head across my left thumb nail. Right across! Taken a chunk of skin and flesh off.

Weird thing is I'm looking at it thinking;
"Ok when are you going to hurt, when are you going to hurt!?"
But so far nothing? I'm not sure why? I'm just off to go and buy some band aid and some antiseptic cream. The pain will surely kick in soon....?

Anyway on the strength of this episode the idea of inflicting a voluntary hole through me is a NO! Plus I sorta figure my folks spent a large proportion of their days, taking great steps and enduring probably many stressfull nights making sure zero harm and injury came my way when they were raising me, so I figure I'd honour all their hard work and keep myself as hole free as possible for the rest of my life.

Ok... ouch, ouch, ouch!



Monday, June 5, 2006 9:01 AM


Chris...eeeew!! Thanks so very much for sharing. Anyway, nothing but the ears on me, but I am getting a serenity tatoo. I can understand some not wanting them, but to me they are valid as ancient symbols of either devotion or committment to something. For me it's a reward for finally finishing what has taken me 2 years. Losing 110 pounds. My tatoo is a testament to my strength and willpower and the fact that I spent freakin 2 years eating 1500 calories and working out 6 days a week 45 mins...( explaination for those of you with normal metabolizms I used to be a ballet dancer and I severely messed up my metabolic rate so it took me forever to keep going) Anyway, this is a way longer post than I meant it to be and it's somewhat rambling so oh well.

You're only young once, but you can be immature any time!


Monday, June 5, 2006 9:22 AM



Originally posted by msg:
but I am getting a serenity tatoo.

Now tatoos I got no issues with.
Ya can't accidently hook 'em up on something and tear them

Hmmmmm....Serenity tatoo, eh....?

Tat-free Chrisisall


Monday, June 5, 2006 9:26 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

Ok... ouch, ouch, ouch!

Just smashed my big toe yesterday, cracked nail all the way 'cross, blood and all.
What a mess. Taped it up. I'll look at it in a few to see if it needs pro-attention, but it probably don't.

I feel for your thumb, pal.

Ain't we the walking wounded Chrisisall


Monday, June 5, 2006 12:19 PM


Man sorry about your toe Big "C"...

Y'know I coulda handled all this had I done some sort of stunt, but I was putting up curtains!

How the almost mighty have fallen


Monday, June 5, 2006 12:32 PM


Hey I once broke all 5 of the toes on my right foot and dislocated a joint by walking down 2 I feel for you. The only thing worse than a bad injury is a dumb bad for the tat yeah the red serenity circle with characters with the word serentiy going through on my left hip:)

You're only young once, but you can be immature any time!


Monday, June 5, 2006 12:45 PM


What are you getting? I want the logo on the ship with the characters running top to bottom :)

\Mine will be a testament to getting free of the A$$h07e without his killing me and without me killing myself

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Monday, June 5, 2006 1:04 PM


It's actually against my religion to get tatoos/piercings, so none for me. I'd imagine an exception could be made though, and if I end up going military (as about 30% of me wants to) I'd probably get some unit tatoos.



Monday, June 5, 2006 1:13 PM


Just ears double pierced. Not much into piercings. My husband is though.

Now tattoos. That's where I want to go. Don't have anything yet but do know what I want. I won't get more than a few because I can't stand people who look like a mural. It's tacky to me. But tats that have meaning are great.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, June 5, 2006 10:38 PM


I got my ears pierced when I was in 2nd grade and my mom insisted I let them grow closed when they got infected. Then I got them re-pierced years later. For a while it was like a maze in there - earing goes in the front and can't find it's way out the back.

In college I got the top of my ear pierced. Wow, that thing just never stopped hurting. It's maybe 8 years later I still have to be careful how I sleep on it. I also have an ear cuff that wraps around the ear without a piercing. It only hurts if the metal gets crushed, which happened just before the last one broke.

My cartilage earing used to get pulled out all the time in Taekwondo. I wore my hair in a long braid, and when I did a spin-kick it would whip around my head, snag on the stud, and then rip it out. OUCH! I'm an idiot.

Serenity tat is a cool idea. I'm going to think about that.


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 5:16 AM


Future Mrs... go for it. I think it's always good to have personal symbols of triumph. Here's mine..damn can't get it to paste in.. it's the orangey red circle with chinese characters inside and the word serenity running across it.

You're only young once, but you can be immature any time!


Thursday, June 8, 2006 4:20 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


I just happened to stumble across this thread. You might be interested in "The Decorated Body" by Robert Brain.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 4:36 PM


Piercing any part of the ear except the lobe -- and even that spot leads to the eye points in acupuncture -- will stimulate dozens if not hundreds of micro points of nerve endings. There's a whole chinese science of ear-based acumpuncture cuz, like the bottom of the feet, there's just a whole acre of acupuncture points there waiting to get stabbed.

Jonathan M.A.Ghaffar - Your Firefly/Serenity MP3 Ringtone Smuggler!


Thursday, June 8, 2006 4:43 PM


WOW i didn't think i had alot going on but everyone else makes me feel crazy. ok here is the run down:

i used to have six in my left ear but only two now one in my tragis and one in the groove above the ear lobe

i used to have my left eyebrow pierced twice they eventually worked themselves through the skin and out

one labret piercing got 10 years ago and has stuck around

one tongue ring second time around though first one i swallowed the ball now i cinch it up better

last but not least one left nipple that was the only one that actually hurt me

i suppose my skin is just very pierceable i plan on getting a tat on my back but have never settle on spending that kind of money since it would be large



Thursday, June 8, 2006 4:57 PM



Originally posted by MAGhaffar:
... there's just a whole acre of acupuncture points there waiting to get stabbed.

No kidding? Lucky me. I can't decide if it's vanity or some type of macho thing that keeps me from taking the thing out. Eh, a little pain is good for ya. Toughens ya up.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 9:21 PM



No piercings, no permanent paint on the skin, even though it was considered de rigeur in my former career. Couple of reasons:

Dad had tattoos he'd got during WWII. He advised me against ever getting tattooed; said it was the worst series of decisions he'd ever made, and that alcohol was the prime motivator. And of course, they don't look nearly so good after thirty years. I know a person of the female persuasion who got a very pretty petite butterfly on the side of her breast when she was in her 20's; now it more closely resembles a full-torso condor. Once again, gravity is proved.

Second reason:
God made us beautiful enough and with all the holes we need. It's like taking a (visualize your favorite luxury automobile) and then adding curb feelers and a really cheesy flame paint job to the nose. When it comes to enhancing the human body, generally speaking, less is more.

I also don't like plastic flamingos adorning my lawn, bumper stickers, or velvet Elvii on the walls of my home... And at least those could be removed once the novelty wore off, should I ever take leave of my senses thus.



"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Thursday, June 8, 2006 9:26 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Don't forget all the acupuncture points in the tongue! My mom (who studied acupuncture briefly) always said the worst thing to have pierced was the tongue because it was such a major point. None of my piercing-obsessed, masochistic friends would listen to me about that, of course. Ah well.



Friday, June 9, 2006 3:36 AM



Originally posted by zoid:

God made us beautiful enough and with all the holes we need. It's like taking a (visualize your favorite luxury automobile) and then adding curb feelers and a really cheesy flame paint job to the nose. When it comes to enhancing the human body, generally speaking, less is more.

Hey Zoid!
Being a Wing Chun dude, I once considered getting a Chinese symbol for the martial art on my shoulder, but also being a dabbler in Tai Chi and San Shou and Drunken Boxing, I wondered if I might ever switch my leanings, martial art-wise. So I didn't get it.
Mention has been made here of a Serenity tat. That kinda sounds cool, but fading would inevitably occur, and I wouldn't want my grandkids to be asking me "Grandther, what does 'Senrility' mean?"

In the end, the best body enhancement I can think of is done with a couple of 15lb dumbells and some sit-ups. Savy?

I know that ya do Chrisisall


Friday, June 9, 2006 5:26 AM


'The Big C' (is all) responded:

...I wouldn't want my grandkids to be asking me "Grandther, what does 'Senrility' mean?"

That's assuming, of course, that reading is still in vogue by the time you're a grandfather. 'Speling adn gramer' are already goners...

And if one gets a tattoo done of the Chinese symbol for 'serenity', well, that's sure to lead a tale that'll leave the grandkids rolling their eyes at what a nutter gramps is.

...In the end, the best body enhancement I can think of is done with a couple of 15lb dumbells and some sit-ups. Savy?

Comment devrais-je savoir? Even that sort of enhancement ('body sculpting') can be taken to extremes that detract from the simple beauty of the human form. But at least it's (supposedly) reversible, given time.

In general, I'd say that I feel no need to turn my body into a signboard or an object of (self?) worship. I have a mind and a mouth with which to make myself known. This way I can change my mind as often as I like, without having to resort to laser surgery to get my body to reflect it.

So piercings, which will heal shut if left unused (right?), may be only silly/tacky/a sign of deep self-interest. But tattoos are a horse of many different colors. They ain't comin' off -- even after the sentiment that spawned them has long since been forgotten -- and they fade, they stretch, they warp.

I can think of nothing more ironic than a constant reminder, indelibly writ on your flesh, of how foolish you were when you were young. I'd prefer to keep my own idiocy (then and now) out of the public eye. That's what memories are for: Suffering one's mistakes in the privacy of one's own mind is enough penance, without inviting the rest of the world to act as witness.

For example: I expect more than a few will take exception to my opinions. But eventually this thread, like all the others, will disintegrate into the mists of the Web. And I don't have to wear this opinion etched in technicolor across my biceps. Savez-vous?



Keeping one's body toned and fit to do work is as important as doing likewise with one's mind. Neither is much good without the other.

Angelina just had a baby -- congrats to mama and papa, btw -- and I wonder how that full-length lower abdomen tattoo she sports is holding up. I mean, it must at least have been rib-tickling to see it balloon up over the course of nine months. I wonder how it looks with even the lightest hint of stretch marks and a possible Caesarean scar running through it. Surely the message (something in Latin) must be somewhat muddled. Apropos, perhaps, considering the wearer...

"Self improvement is masturbation. Now self destruction..." -Tyler Durden, Fight Club, the guy with a smokin' piercing, administered by alter ego who'd outgrown him...


Friday, June 9, 2006 5:35 AM


Nah, no piercings on me. I can't even wear a watch or jewelry, so... (Obsessive-compulsive about that, it just bugs me to have excess "stuff".) I try to be open-minded about other people being pierced, and I've got used to it. But it's one of those thing where while I might not show it, and I accept why people like them, it still sort of grosses me out :) Even earrings, really.

The two that really bother me are the nose studs ('cause to me they look like pimples :) And those belly piercings that are becoming so popular lately. ('Cause I got sort of a thing for that whole area and it doesn't go well with my above troubles.) And all of that's moot, I suppose since my girlfriend's got a tongue ring :) Not a huge fan of it, but whatcha gonna do?

Tattoos are another matter entirely. I think those are rather cool/ sexy, etc. I'd still like to get a couple myself, but I've never come up with anything I really wanted. (Have to be careful due to that whole "it's permanent" thing. :)

You can take my Browncoat when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers. (Or if Kaylee asks me nicely...)


Friday, June 9, 2006 5:43 AM



Originally posted by zoid:

Even that sort of enhancement ('body sculpting') can be taken to extremes that detract from the simple beauty of the human form. But at least it's (supposedly) reversible, given time.

I'm just talkin' fit, like Mal. At 46, I can still keep up with my seven-year old son on the (terrifying space) monkey bars, and I aim to keep it that way for some time to come.

I can think of nothing more ironic than a constant reminder, indelibly writ on your flesh, of how foolish you were when you were young. I'd prefer to keep my own idiocy (then and now) out of the public eye. That's what memories are for: Suffering one's mistakes in the privacy of one's own mind is enough penance, without inviting the rest of the world to act as witness.

That's so funny...

Ain't no Arnold Chrisisall


Friday, June 9, 2006 5:58 AM


chrisisall wrote:

...That's so funny...

...And don't I know it. My body is a tapestry of scars that scare the beejeezus out of children and small animals, testament to all my critical failures in reasoning whilst skating entirely too closely to the edge of the envelope. And, of course, I will open my mouth and tell virtually anybody about them; so much for 'privacy' and not 'inviting the world to witness' my mistakes.

Still, it's not like I intentionally gave myself any scars. Life/Fate/God has obviously decided to make an example of me, and I'm just playing my part...

Is it just me, or is it getting ironic in here?



"If you don't walk with a limp, you ain't shit" -Message seen on a t-shirt at Sturges


Friday, June 9, 2006 6:10 AM



Originally posted by zoid:
My body is a tapestry of scars that scare the beejeezus out of children and small animals, testament to all my critical failures in reasoning whilst skating entirely too closely to the edge of the envelope.

*The Nosey Chrisisall*
From what, if I may ask?

Got me a big ole scar round my right hand from a combination of alcohol, a plate glass window and a love lost 21 year-old's broken heart (punching windows during times of severe stress is good for the economy; $1000+ went in all directions that next day...)

Ironic Rambo Chrisisall


Friday, June 9, 2006 6:58 AM


*The Nosey Chrisisall* wrote:

From what, if I may ask?

Let see:

1. Zipper from sternum to navel to repair diaphragm, which had a spleen shoved through it by seat belt during a black ice encounter just outside Thetford, England, UK (The World). Also got cute little scars on upper left bicep and inside left eyebrow from that one. Once I assured the EM techs that I was alive -- and, boy, were they surprised -- I walked from the wreckage to the ambulance. It was later discovered that I had lost 6 pints of blood from the internal injuries (Sister of Mercy couldn't get a vein anywhere, "That's odd") and that they should probably get me into surgery, stat, as they say. (NB: Note that I was wearing a seat belt. This attention to safety is a recurring theme in my little comedy of catastrophic mishaps.)

2. Got 't-boned' on my motorcycle on the way to work, by folks running a little late for their own workday. Broken right ulna, at the wrist; shattered left kneecap and broken left tibia; total destruction of all the ligaments (ACL, MCL, meniscus, etc.) in the left knee. Motorcycle helmet -- impacted on car's windshield -- nearly severed my jugular (carotid?) artery. (NB: See? Safety first.) As a result of some mishandling at the hospital (I didn't scream incessantly, so they thought it mustn't be all that bad), I developed 'capsule syndrome', so they had to split the left leg from just below the knee to just above the ankle to relieve pressure and save as much muscle and nerve as possible. Ever seen "House, M.D."? Same thing, but without the addiction to painkillers, which are forbidden in my career. Suffice to say, pain is my constant companion, even while sleeping. House is my alter-ego.

Scars from biking incident: Large, ragged scar on right side of neck near the collar from helmet (think Clint Eastwood in "Hang 'Em High"). Two on right wrist from the original surgery done wrong, and the corrective second surgery; supination and pronation diminished by approximately 30%. 4x2 rectangular patch on upper right thigh, from whence the skin graft came to reclose the split left lower leg. Three ('angry' red) zippers on left knee to repair shattered kneecap.

...And the left leg is just Frankensteinish from the knee down. I call it "The Leg Substitute" (because it scarcely works without ligaments and hurts so bad) or "six miles of bad road".

I still wear very nice Izod walking shorts to restaurants and on a day's shopping, when the weather warrants it. I figure, "Screw the straights! If they can't handle it, that's their problem."

Some personal attitudes (like rebelliousness and non-conformance) just never die, y'know? But again, kiddies, I didn't deface my body intentionally, as a personal fashion statement...



If Joss ever wants to cast a realistic 'improperly hanged man', I'm his guy. Hell, if he wants to do a minimalist Reaver or Serenity Valley survivor, I can do those without prosthetics, too. Tho' the Reaver would require piercings, which I'm definitely against, remember?

Just remembered! In response to the thread's original question: stainless steel, two 6-inch 'erector set' rods inplanted in the right ulna. You can't see 'em except on X-rays (they look like the front suspension of a heavy truck), but they set off metal detectors at work, so that's always fun...

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Friday, June 9, 2006 7:13 AM


You got me and Rambo both beat.

Side note: Went down on black ice once, bike pinned my leg, and skidded for thirty feet on my knee. Swat knee and shin guards took it, that's why I can still walk. Jokes about me lookin' like Robocop stopped that day...heh heh.

Former two-wheeler Chrisisall


Friday, June 9, 2006 7:42 AM


chrisisall wrote:

...Former two-wheeler Chrisisall

Yeah, me too. Some thing's are just too obvious to argue about.

'Funny' retrospective memories:

When the SoM couldn't get blood outta me, they had me walk about 60 yards of corridor, into an elevator, change clothes into and out of a hospital gown and back into bloodied and glass-riddled civvies. I was so woozy from loss of blood, they thought I was drunk. I felt like I had been hit by the meanest linebacker one could imagine (my actual thought at the time). Nothing was funny at the time, but c'mon, that's comedy bordering on farce.

When I woke up from the surgery to repair my diaphragm, I had metal staples (again, piercings are bad) running straight(ish) down the middle of my torso, and the contractions -- because one does not split abdominal muscles and then just sew them back together without consequences -- were so bad I almost broke my jaw and some teeth; until they hit me with the morphine, at which point it felt like I literally sank into the mattress, a la Ewan McGregor in "Trainspotting". Ladies, you have my respect...

I hit the windshield of the car, snapping my wrist and leg as I left the bike. I rolled off the car to the street, and stood up. Looking down at my leg which was clearly not in a functional configuration, I thought, "Well, might as well lie back down." As I lay in the road waiting for the ambulance to arrive, I had one of the standers-by fish my cell phone out of my backpack. I called my boss to let her know that I had been in an accident and that she'd need to hustle to the tower to open on time. She said, 'No problem, get fixed up and I'll see you later.' When she came to visit me in the hospital, she cried when she saw me. She was the most insufferable b*tch you'd ever have the misfortune to meet, except on that one occasion.

When I was waiting for somebody, anybody to administer a painkiller following the bike accident, I cursed continuously below my breath in Yiddish, a legacy of my first girlfriend and her rather salty mother. Occasionally, these curses would rise in decibel level to the point where a passing nurse would stop and look goggle-eyed at me, whereupon I assured her/him that I was not in fact Jewish, nor was I in the custom of cursing in Yiddish (in fact, I never had before or since).

It was a Catholic hospital...

My life is a dark comedy.

Misty, Watercolored-ly,


"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Friday, June 9, 2006 7:58 AM


Okay, Zoid, since you mentioned blood...
*Flashback, lovesick on New Years Eve 1981*
After smashing the plate glass window (by accident, I didn't know I was strong enough to do such a thing), I wandered in Newark, New Jersey at 2am for about a half-hour looking for a train station that I was too inebriated to locate, and a Guardian Angel (remember them?) asked if I was okay. I said I was just wanting to get home to NY, and he said I was bleeding. I looked down to see my whole leg covered in blood- but it was from my hand. A big chunk was hanging off (raise your hand if, Ewwww), and he took me to the hospital.
*fade out- literally*
Next day, micro-surgery and stitches behind me, the doc said I was cold 'cause I lost five pints of blood (and considering I only weighed 135 at the time, this was signifigant, I think), and if I hadn't made it to the ER when I did, I would have passed out and died in Joisey.

But I never saw that 'light' so many describe...
Guess you heart has to actually stop for that.

Lot of dark comedy out there.

Chrisisall, donater of red cells in Newark


Friday, June 9, 2006 8:35 AM


Chrisisall wrote:

But I never saw that 'light' so many describe...
Guess you heart has to actually stop for that.

Me neither. But when the car hit the black ice, turned 45 degrees to the right at 90 mph (Britain, remember), and I felt the wind get up underneath the car and lift it off of two wheels, everything slooowed dowwwn. I remember the sensation of the (two) wheels catching traction and hurling me at a stand of silver birches, snuggled quaintly to the side of the 'A' motorway (can't remember the number).

I remember having what seemed like an eternity to pick the exact spot I wanted to aim for, the biggest gap between the closely packed trees.

And I remember having the matter-of-fact thought, "I'm going to die." That's, umm, a thought I hope never to have again. With any luck, I'll go in my sleep after a nice interlude with my goodly wife...



I've experienced the 'time dilation' sensation a couple of times. I think it's probably an overdose of adrenaline, frankly. But I've only ever had the "I'm gonna die" thing one time, and I never want it again, nor would I wish it on my worst enemy. The momentous effect on the psyche is indescribable, and altogether mortifying (pun intended). And it's an important distinction, so I'll restate it: I didn't opine to myself, "I'm (probably) gonna die", it was a cool certainty in that moment, "I'm going to die", delivered in my own voice. If that doesn't seem to make sense, pray that you never get an object lesson in the not terribly subtle difference. I would think very few people alive would have truly experienced it. Maybe that girl whose parachute failed and hit concrete face-first, but survived...

My life did not 'flash before my eyes', so I reckon that's a load of hooey. I was cognizant and analytical and working on saving my ass the whole (dilated) time. Did a pretty good job, too. They had to cut some trees down to get the car out. If one of those trees had struck the windshield/roof at that speed, it would have sliced through car and driver like a hot knife through butter.

Like I said, God's making an example of me. I'm just tellin' it.

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Friday, June 9, 2006 8:52 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

As an (ex) hospital person, this is all very interesting to me.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Friday, June 9, 2006 9:27 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I've had the time dilation thing happen to me a couple of times. One time (I was riding my bicycle and a car tapped me on the right side) I had time to lay the bike down and ride on top of it before hitting the pavement. I hit, in order, hip, shoulder, head. And as the side of my head hit (no helmet) I swear I felt my skull flex. At that time I didn't think - I'm going to die. What I felt was that a few more ounces of pressure on the skull and it would have split. What went through my mind was - how easy it is to die.

I don't have scars on the outside, I'm just scrambled on the inside.

Scrambled eggs, anyone?


Friday, June 9, 2006 9:55 AM


My understanding is that time-dilation is actually 100% attention being payed, we normally only pay a fraction of that attention to something, even when it's something we enjoy.

Doc Chrisisall, 88mph


Friday, June 9, 2006 6:23 PM


wow scars now. this thread keeps getting more and more fun. i do however feel very lonely being the only browncoat i see that is pierced. scars though that is a whole new ball game:

big road bicycle crash last year. racing back towards town with a group and one moron thought he would cut in front of me and clipped my wheel. we were moving at 30mph and of course wearing the typical bike clothes, spandex/lycra and a helmet. i hit the pavement, flipped, and skidded down the road. about 25 percent of my body was covered in road rash, huge gashes in my right shoulder and left knee. all the road rash and the gashes are now nice pink scars.

i have two older twin brothers so i have numerous smaller scars from them.

i was one of them gorram stupid kids who thought it was cool to cut myself so i have a lightening bolt carved on my left pec and my whole left arm is scarred from the shoulder to the forearm. it looks really bad so i just tell people i got in a knife fight with a monkey if they ask.



Saturday, June 10, 2006 6:50 AM


Zoid have you considered some nice safe means of transportation like..hmmm well in your case maybe staying home would be best. I can see why you wouldn't want a tatoo...where on earth would you put it. I have to say you must be sturdier than the rest of us mortals 'cause WOW!!

You're only young once, but you can be immature any time!


Saturday, June 10, 2006 1:56 PM


I've been lucky riding, never laid it over. I kicked out a tail-light once, when a car pulled out in front of me, but it was in-town and I was able to slow down and move over to avoid rear-ending him. A friend of a friend wasn't so lucky. He was on the highway, and someone in a pickup didn't see him and merged into traffic. My friend must not have seen him waiting to enter, because his bike's skidmark was only four feet long.

No piercings, though I may one day consider an earring or stud. No tats. I ALMOST got one, but the idea of permanently marking my skin like that I'm none too sure of. I mean, the tribal tatoos looked cool as all get-out when they first appeared. But now everyone has one, and it doesn't matter that YOU had one FIRST, you're just one of the crowd.

Three scars. One on the back of my head from a fall on concrete steps as a kid. One between my left thumb and wrist from a machete accident while camping (and you can feel the knot where the surgeon sewed the tendon back together). And one from my vasectomy that you'll just have to take my word about. Then again, if you're ever in a position where you'd need to be sure, THEN you can check!

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..." - Big Damn Podcast, by fans, for fans, starring fans


Saturday, June 10, 2006 2:15 PM


Zoid, have we met in real life?
Because you are sounding awfully familiar...

Moving back to topic...

Only my ears pierced. I LOVES pretties! I love to dangly them from my ears, and around my neck, and on my fingers whenever and wherever I can!

I'm not a body modifier, although I briefly considered a nipple piercing. But piercings on others don't bother me one bit, and if my lover wants to get their tongue pierced, BY ALL MEANS GO FOR IT!






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