Horrible Confession

UPDATED: Sunday, June 11, 2006 16:43
VIEWED: 9497
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Friday, June 9, 2006 6:24 PM



Originally posted by XeroGravityAdvanced:
I'd gut your 3 dogs like chickens in a field, and as for you, well, get ready to kneel before your master. U are weak and worthless, I'd eat cornflakes out of ur skull.

I try to be nice, even polite on occasions, but I have to say this:

Learn to read.

And please, for the love of 16 gods and 30 demons all named Jacob don't respond until you understand why I said that.


How's that for pointless post? XGA won't listen, but it had to be said. I've got no problem with trolls, they're fun, and cute, but I like them somewhat literate.


Friday, June 9, 2006 6:32 PM



Originally posted by XeroGravityAdvanced:
I rule here.

A better reason for rebellion I've never heard.


Friday, June 9, 2006 6:43 PM



Thank you, I'm not sure why I'm enjoying this so much, maybe it's Doctor Who in the background, maybe it's a side effect of sleep deprivation I never knew about before, or maybe you really are that fun, but you're making me smile and laugh more than I have in quite a while.

Thank you.


Friday, June 9, 2006 6:58 PM



Originally posted by XeroGravityAdvanced:
Laughter???? I shall dispense no mercy now troll-bait and my whip shall strip the meat off your back like bacon.

I think bacon would have a hard time stripping meat off my back. I mean it could be strips of meat on my back if someone were really silly and I was in the mood to play along but...

Perhaps you need to be more specific in your similes.


Friday, June 9, 2006 7:07 PM


Well there's a new Doctor, it looks like Captain Jack was left behind, and I guess the time has come to go to sleep.

Sorry for hijacking your thread FMF but I was having such fun and everyone else seemed to have gone away anyway.


Friday, June 9, 2006 8:14 PM


hello, I'm The Doctor
-try it out, I dare you


Friday, June 9, 2006 11:48 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

*wanders in and tosses a few rocks at the troll*

He really needs some new lines. He's been touting that whip for like a week now. We all know it's Penguin who has the mad whip!
Anyway, that's done, so I'm off again.
*vanishes in a puff of fire and smoke*



Saturday, June 10, 2006 2:03 AM



Originally posted by XeroGravityAdvanced:
Laughter???? I shall dispense no mercy now troll-bait and my whip shall strip the meat off your back like bacon

Every village has it's idiot, and I believe we know who ours is...


Saturday, June 10, 2006 2:21 AM


Someone asked for me?
Oh, the other idiot.
Stage is all yours, XeroSanityAdvanced, knock'em dead with your fresh and original ideas and superior intellect. You know they got nothing on you, just like those bullies in school that drag you to the park by your hair and pull your underoos over your head. It's save to talk shit and behave like an idiot here - after all, who'd find you in your dark damp basement to kick your little ass? So go crazy, man, that's what the internet is for - trolling to make up for being a pathetic lil' asshole that's afraid of insulting people to their face.
Unfortunately, there's only so-and-so many kinds of shit assholes can squeeze out, and this seems to be corny whip-bullshit week. What have you been eating? I like that you have sort of a theme there, but people might mistake it for lack of originality and wit.

Proud Member of the Event Team
Department of All Things Insane

Serenity Now/Equality Now screenings / Serenity Day (unrelated):
June 23rd
Serenity Summer Campaign:
June 23rd - Sept 30th
Serenity 'Versary:
September 30th
Be there or be a purple-belted poop head. (<- not the official slogan)


Saturday, June 10, 2006 5:33 AM


Future Mrs. I am shocked...shocked I say...but hey you have posted here so that's something. Hmmm maybe we should just remind you gently that Nathan is naked in there...

You're only young once, but you can be immature any time!


Saturday, June 10, 2006 5:34 AM


Wait Penguin is it me??? am I the idiot?

You're only young once, but you can be immature any time!


Saturday, June 10, 2006 6:57 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
I have to confess to my brethen - I have not watched an iota of the BDM or Firefly in like FOREVER.

Ditto, but (as long as we're confessing here) not because my life has imploded, but because I've essentially lost all hope of a FF/Serenity resurrection, and find it too painful to watch--rather like perpetually attending a funeral for a departed loved one.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Saturday, June 10, 2006 7:44 AM


Fire Fly had only 14 episodes. There’s only so much obsessing that one can do over 14 episodes. The original Star trek got 55 episodes before it was yanked off the air, so there is plenty of obsessing that can be done for quite some time because there was enough content to sustain the obsession.

You can watch every episode of FF over and over again and notice small things like what outfit Mal was wearing or some background music that's playing in some certain scene or what color are River's eyes...etc. After a while though, you realize that there is nothing left to see. This puppy is all mined out. You can listen to the soundtrack over and over again. You can come to Forums like this and start threads titled: 'The Color of Inara's Socks' or you can go to sci-fi conventions in hope of seeing one of the Firefly actors there, but after awhile, you realize that there is nothing left but memories of what could have been and it hurts.

You can then watch interviews of the cast and interviews of Joss, who has been getting into the habit of slightly flinching whenever the subject of Firefly or Serenity is mentioned. Seeing things like this convinces me that Serenity will not be coming back for years. Matter of fact, I doubt that it will be back in my life time. Serenity simply did not make enough money.

Fire Fly/Serenity had a golden opportunity to make a comeback, and that opportunity was the movie Serenity. If Serenity had made over 40 million dollars on its opening day, then there would have been no question about it, we would have gotten another movie, or even our series back. But this didn’t happen. Serenity had a slow start after all the ill-conceived advertisement that was out there. I’ve seen some pretty stupid ads in my time, and all the advertisement that was put out there during the month before Serenity was shown was stupid. Even when serenity was being offered on DVD, the box art had nothing to do with the story or the characters. It was like this whole story was being sabotaged from the start.

Firefly also was sabotaged from the start. The whole ‘verse that we have come to love and know through 14 episodes plus a movie was sabotaged and misrepresented to the point where not many people even give it the time of day. We have to force them to sit down with us and watch an episode or two before they get it, and then of course they like it. We have to sneak it up on them.

I’ve seen crappy shows that had good advertisement make a killing monetarily-wise on the 1st day of their showing. People were willing to give it a chance based on the coming attractions and promotions. It goes to show that good advertising, and good promotional go a long way at making a show popular. It’s the mind that gets the foot in the door that makes the sale. Serenity and Firefly lacked this and that is why it failed, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a good show, because in order for it to fly, it needs viewers, and Firefly is lacking because it doesn’t have sufficient enough viewers to the point where you simply can’t make real money with this show. Firefly being the really great show, has gone the way of many failed cult classics, but this one was handled in a tragic way and many people have missed out because of it.

Buffy the vampire slayer’s movie was a disaster! But they retooled it, promoted and advertised it well, and now it is a famous cult classic with people STILL watching the episodes and loving it. People were willing to give it a chance based on what they saw in the promotionals.

The new Battlestar Galactica was over advertised. I couldn’t pick up a magazine or news paper without seeing some article, or some picture about BSG. All of this was happening before they brought out the mini series and guess what? BSG’s one of the top sci-fi shows out there. I give it 5 more seasons before it ends.

Firefly failed not because of the fans, the writers, or the actors Firefly/Serenity failed because of management Period.

Just my coin of thought



Saturday, June 10, 2006 8:56 AM


*hugs River* Very well said..although I still like watching Firefly.

We have had the privilege of being part of a wonderful moment in time. We have Firefly and Serenity, two parts of a nearly perfect, enchanting moment that we will treasure forever. We have met people here and on other sites that share our moment in time.

Enjoy what we have. Keep that little spark of hope for a second movie, and hug a Browncoat!

Firefly forever!


Saturday, June 10, 2006 9:04 AM



Originally posted by Causal:
because I've essentially lost all hope of a FF/Serenity resurrection, and find it too painful to watch--rather like perpetually attending a funeral for a departed loved one.

Two things.

Second its not like funeral because Firefly is alive when you watch it, it's like being able to go back in time and relive your time with that loved one. Morbid I know, but that's what reruns have always been.

First you don't need hope, just believe.


Saturday, June 10, 2006 11:37 AM


I agree with that but 14's hard to maintain a belief over 14 episodes no matter how well written they were. Firefly/Serenity is over and only lives in reruns and inside our heads. Joss knows this I bet you that deep down inside he thinks about this everyday. I bet it’s at the back of his mind all the time, and I bet you that he sees this as some sort of failure on his part not being able to tell the whole story and others after the saga of Serenity.

The actors know this, and are very sad about it but they are actors and they have to move on looking for that show that they can call home. Firefly conventions for them are fun, but being practical, it’s also a source of income for them. If their careers don't work out, they always have us to go to for money by just showing up.

Sadly, for some of the actors, Firefly was all they had. The guy that plays Book comes to mind. His career was on the way out before Firefly. The rest of the actors are young, so they still have a shot at finding their roles in a movie or TV series.

And it is true. Watching Firefly immediately puts one's mind at ease with the richness of the environment called the 'verse, with all of its still unanswered questions regarding it. The 'verse had a certain feel to it. For me there was that back of the mind feel of familiarity plus that feeling of a dream I once had but can’t remember what it was about, but I do remember feeling comfortable.

Though I don’t like saying this but Firefly and Serenity is over for now in a movie or television format. It had its day, it’s an unfinished work of art that was mismanaged and now there are nothing left but us, a cranky Joss, and memories. Anyone who disagrees with this is not facing up to certain realities.

That said. Our only hope of continuing the ‘verse must come in the form of books. Star Trek kept its fan base going for years after the original series was cancelled. There were writers lining up all over the place to write that award winning Star Trek novel, and they actually got to the point where they were competing with each other to see who could produce the best stories. The fans got the benefit from all of this because each book was better than the last one and the stories were great and kept the torch of the Star Trek universe alive until the 1st ST movie was made.

We should do this, but for some reason the only Firefly book that’s out on the market right now is Serenity, the book version of the movie. Its 2006 right now and I’m very much surprised that FF books haven’t been written. What is wrong with this picture? It seriously starting to look like the FOX executives actually did succeed in taking our skies away from us, and maybe FF isn’t the special thing we really think it is. Maybe IT IS a crappy show but we can’t seem to see that. Maybe we are people that like crappy shows but we also can’t see this and the rest of the world can. I mean, if Firefly was such a great thing, how come there aren’t any books on the selves in the stores written by known writers? I know that there are comics, but what about people who like reading books other than comics?

It’s 2006 and not a thing has been published. At this point we can stop blaming FOX, Universal, Joss, and we can put the blame on ourselves. There are a lot of writers out there, but they haven’t bothered to write stories about FF or the ‘verse. I suspect that they don’t see any money in it, so what we have left out of all of this is our memories, and our 14 episodes plus a movie, and somehow this is supposed to keep the ‘verse alive for us, while we wait for someone to get up off their ass and do something about all of this.

I would love to be a writer, but as you can see, my writing sucks eggs, and I’m not much of a story teller but if I did have the ability to write good stories, I would have already had at least 10 FF stories published.

So let's see:

1. No books published since Firefly got cancelled
2. A series of comic books are out on the market
3. A very nervous looking Joss in interviews
4. FF conventions
5. 14 episodes to hold on to the memory of the ‘verse.

6. The Actors are getting older

7. A lot of bitchy fans waiting around for someone to do something.

8. FF has been analyzed from ever possible angle
9. Maybe Fire Fly wasn’t so great after all

Yup, our skies were yanked away from us with the ease of a bully snatching candy away from a kid.

This is completely depressing. I’m going to get some ice cream and go back to bed.



Saturday, June 10, 2006 11:54 AM


I've got more to post, just in a rush right now.

Just want to put this up

FOX exects = Key members of Parliament


Saturday, June 10, 2006 1:11 PM


Firefly had a good run, but don't be expecting to get it back. Fourteen episodes should pull us through. We keep it flyin in our heads, and thats a place where no one can take the sky away from us.

Take my love take my land...


Saturday, June 10, 2006 2:25 PM



Every so often, a post online drags me out of my shell to say something like this...

I can't speak for Joss. I have, however, met Joss and had drunken talks about Serenity, along with semi-working on the film when it came out (which means doing stuff for it, but not being paid).

So, I just wanted to speak about Rivers post here as some of the stuff they say is depressingly true, but a lot isn't.

First of all, Joss in interviews flinching when asked about Serenity? Well, you can see that one for yourself, but in reality he knows the only way a sequel will happen is if a company funds it. That's unlikely to happen. He knows that. There's no great answer to questions about that.

With regards to Joss thinking he failed.. I don't honestly think he does. The TV series never failed because Joss couldn't put together a story -- it failed because companies couldn't find a way to market that story.

Regarding the books - it's slightly more complicated than people understand, and a lot of it is down to legal issues. People can't just write and publish their own books -- the book companies have to acquire the licensing rights (having paid for them) from Universal Licensing LLC. Joss also has to approve the stories, I believe. There *ARE* 2 more (original) Serenity books under license, which were due out this year, however there has been a cock up and it hasn't happened. I'm not sure of the official reason for this - some people say it is waiting on Joss to approve the stories, however I've also heard things about the success of the movie having an impact on the books actually being published.

With regards to the show not being good... Well, that's entirely subjective. You guys and gals decide that. Personally, I think it was fantastic, as was the movie, and the fact that average people would rather watch people eating slugs and singing on FOX each week than an futuristic drama does not make Firefly bad. It means people suck at investing in drama, and would rather fill their mind with shitty reality films or anything starring Brad Pitt. After going to McDonalds.

It is a depressing situation, and it's a depressing world -- but we're not part of the reason Firefly failed and junk food lifestyles rule. So should we be depressed about it? No.


Saturday, June 10, 2006 2:32 PM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
I have to confess to my brethen - I have not watched an iota of the BDM or Firefly in like FOREVER. Because my life has imploded lately.

I throw myself on the mercy of this site. Forgive me for I know not what I have done!

Has someone caused this? Do you need me to dispatch the Monkey Ninjas to educate them?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
"I had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalog: 'No good in a bed, but fine against a wall'." -- Eleanor Roosevelt.


Saturday, June 10, 2006 3:03 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
maybe FF isn’t the special thing we really think it is. Maybe IT IS a crappy show but we can’t seem to see that

This is just my humble opinion, but I like to think I know a crappy TV show when I see it - and no way is Firefly that. To be honest there are a lot of herd-like people out there, people who don't think, people who are content to slip their brains into neutral and coast with brainless tripe and reality TV (the sort of stuff that rots the mind instead of stimulating and liberating it) - and sorry by the way if this is all sounding a little like something out of Nietzsche - but did you ever think the reason why we like Firefly is because we think? Because we are willing to use our brains and seek out good writing, clever and intelligent shows that don't talk down to the audience? That don't rely on worn-out plot devices and that have characters that you can care about?

The reason it failed is simply because word didn't spread, and now that the film is out and the advertising is dying down, it's even more vital for us to hold the line and spread the word. Austin Powers flopped in the cinema, but came back (for two more films) because the DVD sales/rentals were so good. The same can happen with Serenity - it's happened before, but it will only happen if we hold the line and keep spreading the signal (and trust me, I am facing up to the realities here).

Bottom line - it's easy to get frustrated and disheartened (I do too sometimes) but if we keep holding the line, keep fighting and keep spreading the signal we have a chance. If we do nothing however, we might as well just walk away now and start shoveling the dirt onto Firefly's grave. And I for one refuse to do that - not yet. We still have a chance.

- Shiny. Let's be bad guys.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die


Saturday, June 10, 2006 3:05 PM



Originally posted by WhoIsRiver:
It is a depressing situation, and it's a depressing world

It was always my belief that there was never a better reason to enjoy life than that.

Assume that you live in a depressing indifferent world full of suffering and pain (it isn't hard.) That means that every little bit of good is something to be savored and cherished. More importantly it means that if you let the world get to you you're becoming a part of it. You become a part of the very system that was getting you down and helping it along, you're doing more than that though.

You're saying in a way that words that could never manage that this is the way it should be. You're taking every depressing thing about the world and giving it your seal of approval.

You're being an ass to all living things.


The alternative is that the world is not a depressing indifferent place full of pain and suffering, which is the second best reason to enjoy life that I can think of.

Life sucks, it has for as long as anyone can remember, and it probably will for a good while longer. Enjoy it while you can.


Saturday, June 10, 2006 3:10 PM


Whilst not wanting to be a downer, but I see the "Austin Powers" thing mentioned all the time about how DVD sales saved it...

Austin Powers had a production budget of $16.5. It made $67,683,989 at the box office, and it only had a very limited international opening. DVD sales went on top of that figure.

It's the same with 'Garfield'. People keep telling me that was a flop, and DVD sales got it a sequel. Uhm, no, that movie made $200m at the box office alone.

Serenity/Firefly was just really, really hard to market.


Saturday, June 10, 2006 3:27 PM



Originally posted by WhoIsRiver:
Whilst not wanting to be a downer, but I see the "Austin Powers" thing mentioned all the time about how DVD sales saved it...

Austin Powers had a production budget of $16.5. It made $67,683,989 at the box office, and it only had a very limited international opening. DVD sales went on top of that figure.

It's the same with 'Garfield'. People keep telling me that was a flop, and DVD sales got it a sequel. Uhm, no, that movie made $200m at the box office alone.

Serenity/Firefly was just really, really hard to market.

Perhaps, but look at the great sales Firefly has made, and look at how many new people are finding the 'verse all the time. I'm not saying it's going to be easy, and yeah - maybe this isn't a fight we can win. But that doesn't mean we should keep fighting - I certainly won't. It may be a hard sell, but the signal is slowly spreading. Might not be enough in the end, but to keep trying certainly beats the alternative in my book.

- Shiny. Let's be bad guys.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die


Saturday, June 10, 2006 3:35 PM


And from the start, they sold it wrong. They handed the advertisement to people who had no idea what the show was about. This is real clear to me. Also, I know that it takes a thinking person to really enjoy a show like Firefly, but from the numbers stand point, shows like American Idol will always beat shows like Firefly and they will always get top spot, plus those reality shows you spoke of the herd really likes that stuff and there are more of them than us.

I really enjoyed FF and Serenity but face the facts. We are never going to get another movie or series. I would be willing to put down a wager on this. $ 1,000USD that 5 years from now this site will still be up; the new people on it will be asking how could there only be 14 episodes? The actors will still be getting income from appearing at conventions, and playing bit parts in shows that will be cancelled in a few months anyway, and Joss will still be flinching during interviews whenever someone mentions Firefly or Serenity, and books and stories about the 'verse still won't be available, and we will still be here arguing about the same old crap. I can see this as clear as day, and I know I'm right. I'm willing to put up good money on this bet because it’s a sure thing. We are not going to get back our 'verse. You can forget it.

It’s always like this. A good show comes on that I take heart to, and the moment I'm happy with it, it gets cancelled in favor of some stupid crap, which the mongrel hoard loves. People would rather watch Paris Hilton on some stupid, reality TV show than watch a quality episode of Firefly….it really numbs the mind, but that’s the sort of thing that the herd likes, and that’s the sort of thing that makes executives at FOX and other movie and television companies rich. Supply and demand. It’s just that simple.

We can only hope that we get another movie or series, but I wouldn’t hold your breath.



Saturday, June 10, 2006 3:35 PM


Oh, Simon, I agree it's a fight worth having just on principle if nothing else. Ultimately, if everybody just gives in and keeps watching American Idol, they'll keep making American Idol, and Dancing With Monkey Celebrities and such. The reason networks are producing more reality shows and cancelling dramas to make room for them in simple: people are watching reality, and not drama shows.

It's not actually as hopeless as people might suggest with Serenity - there's still a chance of a Direct-To-DVD feature or some such a few years down the line. Financially, I can't see another movie ever happening, nor TV - people just didn't turn up for either of them, plain and simple. But as much as that pisses me off, I still want those novels, comics and anything else.

I do know that the next comic (by Joss) uses a Firefly plotline they never got to do on Fox, and the up coming Firefly book from Titan has section all about Firefly stories they never got to film. So we'll find things out.

I've got a review copy of Titan's Firefly book on the way, and it IS coming out shortly, River. Definitely. So can I have that $1000? ;)


Saturday, June 10, 2006 3:44 PM


Oh yeah! I can see myself now sitting at a board meeting with my Firefly comic book to keep me company. We need books! actual books with stories in them.



Saturday, June 10, 2006 3:48 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Oh yeah! I can see myself now sitting at a board meeting with my Firefly comic book to keep me company. We need books! actual books with stories in them.


Actual comics have stories in them...

The comics are actually written by Joss (and Brett), so they're 'canon'. Novel writers make it up.

Anyway, novels will probably happen. Penguin have the license already from Universal for two more, but there's some uhming and arring over them. 'Krad' (who posts here) will probably write one of them, if it ever goes ahead.


Saturday, June 10, 2006 3:51 PM



Originally posted by WhoIsRiver:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Oh yeah! I can see myself now sitting at a board meeting with my Firefly comic book to keep me company. We need books! actual books with stories in them.


Actual comics have stories in them...

The comics are actually written by Joss (and Brett), so they're 'canon'. Novel writers make it up.

Anyway, novels will probably happen. Penguin have the license already from Universal for two more, but there's some uhming and arring over them. 'Krad' (who posts here) will probably write one of them, if it ever goes ahead.

So? I wouldnt be caught dead reading a comic book in public no matter how good they were. I out grew comics 20 years ago.



Saturday, June 10, 2006 3:52 PM


No one ever did something by saying it couldn't be done, or thinking it was impossible or believing the fight had already been lost.

The world is moved by people too stuborn to give up and too unreasonable to be moved by logic.

Its moved by those who believe, and no matter how insane that belief may be or how long hope has been gone.

Just believe.

Let me leave you with these words of wisdom:
"You fight the fights you can win?" *Pause* "You fight the fights that need fighting!"


Saturday, June 10, 2006 4:04 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:
people too stuborn to give up and too unreasonable to be moved by logic.

My god - who are you and how do you know me so well?


Seriously, I totally agree with you Chris. I know deep down how unlikely another film is - though I am not at the point of abandoning all hope (and I know how unthinkably impossible another TV series would be, which is why I know that's a lost cause) . But I'm deeply in love with this 'verse here - and nobody in love acts on reason (Love makes you do the whacky, as Buffy once said). So I'm gonna go on, fighting til I drop and then....maybe still come back as a ghost kicking and screaming! lol And I know I'm not alone.

I keep fighting because I have to.

It does worry me though - especially as a writer myself (albeit one who haunts the small press publications atm) - how little appreciation well written TV and drama is getting these days. I worry about where TV is heading, I really do.

Anyway, it's late for me now (UK) so I shall drag myself off to bed and dream of Joss Whedon taking over Fox Network and firing all the execs....

- Shiny. Let's be bad guys.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die


Saturday, June 10, 2006 4:05 PM



So? I wouldnt be caught dead reading a comic book in public no matter how good they were. I out grew comics 20 years ago.

Yes, but the world doesn't revolve around you. Firefly has it's roots in comics to some extent, with a creator who can still be regularly found in his comic store each Wednesday, and who writes the current run of X-Men for Marvel.

In other words, just because you wouldn't be caught reading comics and would prefer books, doesn't make comics an invalid part of the story. It's the same characters in a different medium.


Saturday, June 10, 2006 4:06 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:
No one ever did something by saying it couldn't be done, or thinking it was impossible or believing the fight had already been lost.

The world is moved by people too stuborn to give up and too unreasonable to be moved by logic.

Its moved by those who believe, and no matter how insane that belief may be or how long hope has been gone.

Just believe.

Let me leave you with these words of wisdom:
"You fight the fights you can win?" *Pause* "You fight the fights that need fighting!"

I'm well aware of this and I suspect you know that I already know this. I'm just pointing out the obvious, and of course, deep down I do believe that some day we might get another movie. But I have to subscribe to how business people think, and unless you guys can somehow convert 10 or 20 million people within the next year to our way of thinking, you can forget ever seeing FF on the screen.

Have you read some of the reviews of FF on itunes? Some of those people make FF seem like a kids movie. They make it seem like a cheap show which makes me mad. They remind me of some of those sci-fi spazes from the 70s, dressed up in their st uniforms, running around stupidly yelling 'beam me up!' I hate them.



Saturday, June 10, 2006 4:09 PM



Originally posted by WhoIsRiver:

So? I wouldnt be caught dead reading a comic book in public no matter how good they were. I out grew comics 20 years ago.

Yes, but the world doesn't revolve around you. Firefly has it's roots in comics to some extent, with a creator who can still be regularly found in his comic store each Wednesday, and who writes the current run of X-Men for Marvel.

In other words, just because you wouldn't be caught reading comics and would prefer books, doesn't make comics an invalid part of the story. It's the same characters in a different medium.

And fuck you regrading your comment about me thinking the world is about me you slimebait. I was making a point.



Saturday, June 10, 2006 4:19 PM


I think two quotes from Joss really sum up my feelings on it:
"I refuse to give up. I can't."

And the far more recent quote from the interview where he said more was doubtful:
"I always keep my hope alive."



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
I was making a point.

I have no doubt you were, but I didn't catch exactly what it was (I'm not being sarcastic) could you maybe say it a different way?


Saturday, June 10, 2006 4:27 PM



And fuck you regrading your comment about me thinking the world is about me you slimebait. I was making a point.

What was the point? It appeared to be 'comics are for kids' - which, when you consider the last comic dealt with why Book and Inara left Serenity and high crime seems a little silly.

I shall not, unfortunately, fuck myself.


Saturday, June 10, 2006 4:52 PM



Originally posted by SimonB:
I know deep down how unlikely another film is - though I am not at the point of abandoning all hope (and I know how unthinkably impossible another TV series would be, which is why I know that's a lost cause) . But I'm deeply in love with this 'verse here - and nobody in love acts on reason (Love makes you do the whacky, as Buffy once said). So I'm gonna go on, fighting til I drop and then....maybe still come back as a ghost kicking and screaming! lol And I know I'm not alone.

I keep fighting because I have to.

Seems the sad time is rampant among us. I have felt sad all day long too. So I came here and started reading, just like always consoling myself with my fellow fans... and after several posts arguing the $ and the time and the lack of fans and the people who watch drivel being sheep, here is where I end up.

Thank you my friend. No, you're not alone.

I don't need to add a word to this.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Saturday, June 10, 2006 5:01 PM



Originally posted by SimonB:
So I'm gonna go on, fighting til I drop and then....maybe still come back as a ghost kicking and screaming!

Death cannot stop true love.


Saturday, June 10, 2006 5:08 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
Seems the sad time is rampant among us. I have felt sad all day long too. So I came here and started reading, just like always consoling myself with my fellow fans...

You ever read through the old threads? The other day I did a search for something or other and I came accross the "Most emotionally affecting moment in a movie or show" and wound up reading the whole thread start to finish.

Well sort of the whole thing, I skipped stuff talking about shows or movies I'd never seen.


Saturday, June 10, 2006 5:16 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:
You ever read through the old threads? The other day I did a search for something or other and I came accross the "Most emotionally affecting moment in a movie or show" and wound up reading the whole thread start to finish.

Yes, Chris I sure have and I've found comfort in them and in running across old friends.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Saturday, June 10, 2006 5:22 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
Yes, Chris I sure have and I've found comfort in them and in running across old friends.

Yeah, old friends is good. What gets me is that they never seem to lose their force, you read one post for whatever reason and all of a sudden your just sucked in.

I guess it's like the best parts of looking through a photo album, watching a rerun and going to a reunion at the same time.


Saturday, June 10, 2006 5:26 PM


This sounds like such the lovefest of hope. Well, i hope you guys get FF back, but like I said before, don't hold your breaths. Hold the line, but you'll hold that line until you hit your graves. Have a good time

In the end, its all about money.



Saturday, June 10, 2006 5:32 PM


I'm going to jump in and put my $0.50 worth as I see it.Now I don't know Joss on any kind of level professional or personal. One thing I feel I can say about him is that is true to FF/Serenity and will do in his power what he can.

What I do have some experience with is working for and with Big corporations. I could name them and I'm sure those names would be recognized but I'm not going to do that. These guys weren't entertainment corps but I would imagine that the managment of many Big companies act and think alike.

First. When it comes to big companies it's never is about RIGHT or WRONG. It's about, DID WE WIN?
If the answer to that question is YES, they are completely happy and the world is all good in their eyes.

Fox had a successful writer in Joss. It was proven. At the begining of Firefly they wanted another good, quick, money making success story out of him. Well they got 2 out of the 3. Good and quick but not so much of a money maker. The numbers just weren't there. Did they invest any effort or give it time to find its audience? They think they did. I do not. I myself hardly knew of the show and I am drawn to this type of entertainment. They dropped the ball. They pulled the plug to quickly. Now will they admit to this. They will never admit to being wrong about anything.

Firefly is a property. Its like that old sportscar in someones backyard. It had a great run to its fans but to sell it off and have another company restart it and become a hit. well that just ain't gonna happen. They would rather it sit in the back and have it rust. Fox execs will never admit to an error no matter how many fans are on the web or anywhere else. I have yet to see where a company like that will ever do an aboutface.

The thought process now may be to wait and after another failed tv series bites the dust well maybe start up anohter different FF like project with all new actors or such. Maybe not.

I do know that the time to act upon restarting the interest in a return of Firefly or serenity is now or very soon. Will they see or care about taking the chance? Anyone at the site here can take a guess at that. I know if they wait 10 years I feel it just isn't going to happen.

The wife and I have become interested in the new tv series LOST. We just caught the first season on dvd and are now waiting on season 2.We want to catch up so that we can start watching the new 3rd season as it airs on tv in the fall. I don't feel that we are alone in our tv watching habits. The network that has this show made a very smart move IMO in giving it a second season and time to draw in more viewers. Can't say much the same about Fox. Maybe FF should have been on the station we are watching now where the smart folks are.



Saturday, June 10, 2006 5:33 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Hold the line, but you'll hold that line until you hit your graves. Have a good time

That's the difference between us, we will. You make supporting a lost cause sound like a stay in the 9th rung, but it isn't. You've got something worth fighting for, and even when it's fictional that means a lot.


End the end, its all about money.

Which is, incidentally, the only reason we have a chance at getting it back.


Saturday, June 10, 2006 5:37 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
This sounds like such the lovefest of hope. Well, i hope you guys get FF back, but like I said before, don't hold your breaths. Hold the line, but you'll hold that line until you hit your graves. Have a good time

End the end, its all about money.


I don't intend to hold my breath, just the line.
And I intend to do more than that. If money is what Universal wants then we have to make more Firefly fans, and the only way to do that is to spread the signal. I intend to take part in Serenity Day and buy a couple of DVD's and donate them to my two local libraries. I'm also going to try my best to attend a charity screening in Kansas City and take some new folks and Browncoat's with me. And donate too!

I also intend to take part in anything planned for the Summer of Serenity and the Serenity 'Versary.
It beats just whingin' about it all and doing nothing.

In the BDM the Operative says...

But you're fighting a war you've already lost."

And Mal answers...

"Well, I'm known for that"

I'm here, I'm not going anywhere and I'm not giving up until Joss tells me to quit fighting and holdin' the line. I'm stubborn like that.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Saturday, June 10, 2006 5:52 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Hold the line, but you'll hold that line until you hit your graves. Have a good time

That's the difference between us, we will. You make supporting a lost cause sound like a stay in the 9th rung, but it isn't. You've got something worth fighting for, and even when it's fictional that means a lot.


End the end, its all about money.

Which is, incidentally, the only reason we have a chance at getting it back.

I support many lost causes, but I think it should be acknowledged that it is a lost cause. If you won't I will. I will hold the line, but I also know the truth of the situation. Serenity/Firefly is great and inventive, but is not a money maker, that's the bottom line.

Knowing this I hold the line and hold hope that maybe Santa Claus and the tooth fairy will somehow change the rules and we will get Another movie or TV show...but I'm not going to hold my breath. So I guess I'll also be holding the line until my grave.







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