The Questionaire Part Deux!!

UPDATED: Saturday, June 17, 2006 08:41
VIEWED: 6541
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006 12:25 AM


Ok so what, maybe a year or two ago now I did a silly questionaire - as a means to know the 'lighter' side of all the browncoats here.... A twenty question marathon based on the frivolities of life. So here goes:

1.Best stand up comedian?
2.Do you look at hat wearers with suspicion, now that Joss deemed Hat weares as evil?
3.Ok there's a new world order. Only two types of hairtstyles available:
(a)The Mullet?
(B)Bowl Cut?
Those that are bald - gotta choose a thousand legger (wig) sorry.
4.The greatest invention?
5.Best holiday destination?
6.Were we given the choice would you like a third arm or some such appendage to be able scratch your own back?
7.Best superhero/superheroine costume?
8.Are you ticklish?
9.What does a person have to do to get your attention?
10.Hamster wheels... Your thoughts please?
11.Your tip for getting over a break-up.
12.Something you just cannot get your head around.
13.Triffles or Meringues?
14.Did you know what corporeal meant before watching Joss' shows ?
15.So the worlds gonna blow in about two days, there are two spaceships with room to spare one is heading to Mars the other is heading beyond into unknown space. Which would you choose?
16.What food were you made to eat as a kid?
17.Do you believe in ghosts?
18.Something that just holds you transfixed?
20.When was the last time you showed off!

Ok that's all.



Tuesday, June 13, 2006 12:52 AM


1.Best stand up comedian?

Steve Martin

2.Do you look at hat wearers with suspicion, now that Joss deemed Hat weares as evil?

Not if it's a Jayne or tin foil hat.

3.Ok there's a new world order. Only two types of hairtstyles available:
(a)The Mullet?
(B)Bowl Cut?

Mullet, baby.

4.The greatest invention?

Hulk-hands with smashing sounds. "UAAAAARGH! HULK SMASH!"

5.Best holiday destination?

New Zealand, I guess.

6.Were we given the choice would you like a third arm or some such appendage to be able scratch your own back?

I'm more of a human interaction guy, and if that is not available, scratching my back on the door frame is whacky fun, so no thanks. If you could also pull your underwear out of your crack without anyone noticing, I'd be game, though.

7.Best superhero/superheroine costume?

Spiderman, Batman.

8.Are you ticklish?

Hell yeah.

9.What does a person have to do to get your attention?

Be present.

10.Hamster wheels... Your thoughts please?

No good for rats.

11.Your tip for getting over a break-up.

There's someone else for me out there. The failed relationship was practice for the one relationship that counts.

12.Something you just cannot get your head around.

People not tarring and feathering the Bush administration, and Firefly being unsuccessful.

13.Triffles or Meringues?


14.Did you know what corporeal meant before watching Joss' shows ?

Yes, sir.

15.So the worlds gonna blow in about two days, there are two spaceships with room to spare one is heading to Mars the other is heading beyond into unknown space. Which would you choose?

Unknown space.

16.What food were you made to eat as a kid?

Cauliflower, asparagus. Devil food.

17.Do you believe in ghosts?

To some degree.

18.Something that just holds you transfixed?

Pretty eyes, nature.


I will obey the Hypno Toad. I will obey the Hypno Toad. I will obey the Hypno Toad. I will obey the Hypno Toad. I will obey the Hypno Toad. I will obey the Hypno Toad. I will obey the Hypno Toad. I will obey the Hypno Toad. I will obey the Hypno Toad.

20.When was the last time you showed off!

The Master of All Existence feels no need to show off.

Proud Member of the Event Team
Department of All Things Insane

Serenity Now/Equality Now screenings / Serenity Day (unrelated):
June 23rd
Serenity Summer Campaign:
June 23rd - Sept 30th
Serenity 'Versary:
September 30th
Be there or be a purple-belted poop head. (<- not the official slogan)


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 2:18 AM


Originally posted by Agatsu:

Loved Agatsu's responses!

1.Best stand up comedian?
Billy Connelly

2.Do you look at hat wearers with suspicion, now that Joss deemed Hat weares as evil?

Absolutely. In fact I wore a hat the other day and actually felt myself get eviler!

3.Ok there's a new world order. Only two types of hairtstyles available:
(a)The Mullet?
(B)Bowl Cut?

I used to have a bowl cut when I was six. Guess I could go back to the horror.

4.The greatest invention?

The spork. Sporks are funny!

5.Best holiday destination?

Zanzibar. The island of paradise (or it was 4 years ago. Probably built on by now)

6.Were we given the choice would you like a third arm or some such appendage to be able scratch your own back?

3rd arm might be handy. I have a double jointed friend who knows not the torment of having an itch you can't scratch. Grr!

7.Best superhero/superheroine costume?

Vampirella. It's a hilariuos concept to go out to fight evil dressed in a short length of ribbon! That girl must use a LOT of double sided tape!

8.Are you ticklish?

Yes but please don't tell anyone. I find being tickled much less amusing that everyone else!

9.What does a person have to do to get your attention?

Talking articulately helps. Or they could just make a few vowel sounds!

10.Hamster wheels... Your thoughts please?

Can be painful for long-haired hamsters.

11.Your tip for getting over a break-up.


12.Something you just cannot get your head around.

I also vote the fact that Fox executives don't implode under the wieght of their own stupidity!

13.Triffles or Meringues?

Definately meringues (if they have soggy centres), but then again I do love a sherry triffle. Oooh, pudding dilemma!

14.Did you know what corporeal meant before watching Joss' shows ?
Absolutley. I'm dead literate, me!

15.So the worlds gonna blow in about two days, there are two spaceships with room to spare one is heading to Mars the other is heading beyond into unknown space. Which would you choose?

Space- where no person of either gender has been before!

16.What food were you made to eat as a kid?

Let's just say many a brussel sprout ended up behind the radiator. And there was a nasty incident with the headmistress and a cheese flan at school. I hope she didn't like those shoes!

17.Do you believe in ghosts?

Only late at night when I'm on my own.

18.Something that just holds you transfixed?

Nathan's ass


I will follow wherever he leads!

20.When was the last time you showed off!

I guess now? To some extent anyway. I mean if I wasn't a bit of an attention craver I would be happy to sit at home alone without searching out people to chat with.

Proud Member of the Event Team
Department of All Things Insane

Serenity Now/Equality Now screenings / Serenity Day (unrelated):
June 23rd
Serenity Summer Campaign:
June 23rd - Sept 30th
Serenity 'Versary:
September 30th
Be there or be a purple-belted poop head. (<- not the official slogan)



Tuesday, June 13, 2006 2:33 AM


Agatsu... :D

Nice responses. You made me chuckle.



Tuesday, June 13, 2006 2:35 AM


... What the hey is a spork?... Don't tell me it's a combo of spoon and folk? If it is I will feel all manner of bigus dickus!


P.S. that snake thing at the bottom of your sig is freaking me out!


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 2:44 AM


1.Best stand up comedian?
Mitch Hedburg. So, so funny.

2.Do you look at hat wearers with suspicion, now that Joss deemed Hat weares as evil?

3.Ok there's a new world order. Only two types of hairtstyles available:
(a)The Mullet?
(B)Bowl Cut?
Those that are bald - gotta choose a thousand legger (wig) sorry.

4.The greatest invention?
Printing press.

5.Best holiday destination?

6.Were we given the choice would you like a third arm or some such appendage to be able scratch your own back?

7.Best superhero/superheroine costume?
Batman. Hands down.

8.Are you ticklish? Yeah, that's it.

9.What does a person have to do to get your attention?
Say something rational.

10.Hamster wheels... Your thoughts please?
I look on them with suspiscion.

11.Your tip for getting over a break-up.

12.Something you just cannot get your head around.
Those Mentos commercials. Seriously, what ad genius thought that campaign up?

13.Triffles or Meringues?
Come again?

14.Did you know what corporeal meant before watching Joss' shows ?

15.So the worlds gonna blow in about two days, there are two spaceships with room to spare one is heading to Mars the other is heading beyond into unknown space. Which would you choose?
Unknown space. Mars. How pedestrian.

16.What food were you made to eat as a kid?
Cooked carrots.

17.Do you believe in ghosts?

18.Something that just holds you transfixed?
The naked female form. Come on, I'm a male with a pulse.

That took hours to create and it just sits there. Brilliant.

20.When was the last time you showed off!
The last time I played my guitar.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 2:58 AM


1.Best stand up comedian?
Bill Bailey

2.Do you look at hat wearers with suspicion, now that Joss deemed Hat weares as evil?
umm, next...

3.Ok there's a new world order. Only two types of hairtstyles available:
(a)The Mullet?
(B)Bowl Cut?
Those that are bald - gotta choose a thousand legger (wig) sorry.
hmm. suppose a bowl cut to cover my bald head

4.The greatest invention?
those plastic bits at the ends of shoelaces

5.Best holiday destination?

6.Were we given the choice would you like a third arm or some such appendage to be able scratch your own back?
hmm, third arm

7.Best superhero/superheroine costume?
wonder woman

8.Are you ticklish?
a little ...

9.What does a person have to do to get your attention?
dependes why they want me ;)

10.Hamster wheels... Your thoughts please?
noisy buggers

11.Your tip for getting over a break-up.
give it time

12.Something you just cannot get your head around.

13.Triffles or Meringues?
trifles. mmmm...

14.Did you know what corporeal meant before watching Joss' shows ?
yep, I did watch star trek

15.So the worlds gonna blow in about two days, there are two spaceships with room to spare one is heading to Mars the other is heading beyond into unknown space. Which would you choose?
unknown space i guess.

16.What food were you made to eat as a kid?
brussel sprouts. yeuch!

17.Do you believe in ghosts?

18.Something that just holds you transfixed?
pretty women


20.When was the last time you showed off!
all the time! seroiusly, can't remember, probably when I got my last mobile phone



Tuesday, June 13, 2006 3:52 AM


1.Best stand up comedian?

Mitch Hedberg was a great answer. I'll say Steven Wright to be honest but different =p

2.Do you look at hat wearers with suspicion, now that Joss deemed Hat weares as evil?

I used to be a hat wearer myself, until I actually looked at myself.

3.Ok there's a new world order. Only two types of hairtstyles available:
(a)The Mullet?
(B)Bowl Cut?
Those that are bald - gotta choose a thousand legger (wig) sorry.

Damn. Is ritualistic suicide an option? Is this before or after the spaceship question that come later? If I have to make a choice, I guess I'd try to make a mullet look like a ponytail or something.

4.The greatest invention?

Hrm...the wheel?

5.Best holiday destination?

Vegas, baby!

6.Were we given the choice would you like a third arm or some such appendage to be able scratch your own back?

If I get the back scratcher, do I have to give the third arm I got at birth back? Or maybe I can just opt to have that one extended so that it's long enough to scr...uhm. Nevermind. That's just creepy.

7.Best superhero/superheroine costume?

Aeon Flux. I would have gone with Vampirella, but again, I got beaten to the punch...

8.Are you ticklish?

No, not really. I would be willing to fake it for a good cause, though.

9.What does a person have to do to get your attention?

Not much. I try to keep an eye on as much as possible. For me to actually pay attention to them, they have to be interesting. Oh, and I'm partially deaf from working around jet engines, so don't be offended if I don't answer when you call me.

10.Hamster wheels... Your thoughts please?

A metaphor for life. Also candidate for the most sadistic invention ever.

11.Your tip for getting over a break-up.

As said by the Cherry Popping Daddies (the band, people, the band), the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. Paraphrased.

12.Something you just cannot get your head around.

Logarithms. Damn it, those things gave me fits all the way through triginometry and calculus. I still don't know what the hell they're for in the real world.

13.Triffles or Meringues?

Meringues! Yum!

14.Did you know what corporeal meant before watching Joss' shows ?


15.So the worlds gonna blow in about two days, there are two spaceships with room to spare one is heading to Mars the other is heading beyond into unknown space. Which would you choose?

I think I'd go for Mars. I don't want to go on a trip (especially if there are kids involved) and die before I actually get somewhere.

16.What food were you made to eat as a kid?

Hominy, liver, and brussel sprouts. All of them induce a gag reflex in me to this day. Fortunately, the dogs liked all of them.

17.Do you believe in ghosts?

Yes, for the most part. I just don't understand them.

18.Something that just holds you transfixed?

First choice is the human female form. I don't care if it's already been said, I'm a big fan. I can study a woman's body for hours, and it doesn't even have to be a sexual thing. The body itself is beautiful and artistic.

Option two is any problem that is *just* out of my grasp. I can work on an algorithm until six in the morning and not realize it until my alarm clock goes off.


Drugs are bad, umkay?

20.When was the last time you showed off!

I have no idea. Nope, can't think of much...not my thing, I guess.



Tuesday, June 13, 2006 4:43 AM


1- Eddie Izzard
2- I don't know as suspicion is the right word perhaps concern
3- bowl cut ( mullet is just so wrong)
4- cell phones
5- Ireland (anywhere in Ireland I don't care)
6- Dear god no
7- hmmm probably batman
8- sometimes but not often
9- depending for my students just blink and I'm there for most others just if they need it
10- oh please don't we once had hampsters and they kept breeding and I started having nightmares of hampsters dropping from the sky so no wheels please.
11- Nice round of combat/kickboxing does it for me, but I am inherently violent
12- bad parents/bad teachers
13- both please mmmm
14- yes, but I'm an English teacher( not that you can tell from my posts. I have a typing disorder or something)
15- unknown space oooh adventure:)
16- lima beans
17- yes and I don't feel comfortable with them
18- tinsel(don't know why it just does)
19- ???
20- hmmm probably June 1st at Lagoon Park

You're only young once, but you can be immature any time!


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 4:46 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
... What the hey is a spork?... Don't tell me it's a combo of spoon and folk? If it is I will feel all manner of bigus dickus!

Hmmm, how would you combine a spoon and folk? On second thoughts, not sure I want to know! Sounds very dirty!

Here's a spork!


P.S. that snake thing at the bottom of your sig is freaking me out!

*Runs after...* But snakes are so cute! Come and stroke him, he wants to be your friend!]



Tuesday, June 13, 2006 5:03 AM



Originally posted by msg:
1- Eddie Izzard

DAMN IT! How the did I forget about Eddie Izzard?!?! OMFG!

Eddie Izzard is da bomb.



Tuesday, June 13, 2006 5:09 AM


1.Best stand up comedian?
Jack Dee

2.Do you look at hat wearers with suspicion, now that Joss deemed Hat weares as evil?
Yes. You never know what could be under there.

3.Ok there's a new world order. Only two types of hairtstyles available:
(a)The Mullet?
(B)Bowl Cut?
Those that are bald - gotta choose a thousand legger (wig) sorry.
Can I have both?

4.The greatest invention?
The Finglonger

5.Best holiday destination?
Hell. The weather's always nice and warm.

6.Were we given the choice would you like a third arm or some such appendage to be able scratch your own back?
Yes. It would also be handy for other tasks.

7.Best superhero/superheroine costume?
The Crow.

8.Are you ticklish?

9.What does a person have to do to get your attention?
Bake a cake.

10.Hamster wheels... Your thoughts please?
Good for exercise, but can sometimes be a bit small.

11.Your tip for getting over a break-up.

12.Something you just cannot get your head around.
FOX execs.

13.Triffles or Meringues?

14.Did you know what corporeal meant before watching Joss' shows ?
Of course I did. It's one of the ranks in the army isn't it? Or am I thinking of something else?

15.So the worlds gonna blow in about two days, there are two spaceships with room to spare one is heading to Mars the other is heading beyond into unknown space. Which would you choose?
Mars. My monkey friend Guenter goes to university there.

16.What food were you made to eat as a kid?
Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam!

17.Do you believe in ghosts?

18.Something that just holds you transfixed?
Summer Glau.

You know, his show has been going downhill since season 3.

20.When was the last time you showed off!
Me? Show off? Never. Now, if you'll excuse me I'm off to set the new world record for juggling geese.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 5:09 AM


1.Best stand up comedian? I'll get back to you on that (can't choose just one)

2.Do you look at hat wearers with suspicion, now that Joss deemed Hat weares as evil?
Yes for what Joss says is eternal law

3.Ok there's a new world order. Only two types of hairtstyles available:
(a)The Mullet?
(B)Bowl Cut?
Those that are bald - gotta choose a thousand
legger (wig) sorry.

4.The greatest invention?
Have to agree on Printing Press

5.Best holiday destination?
Anywhere exotic I haven't been

6.Were we given the choice would you like a third arm or some such appendage to be able scratch your own back?
Yes just yes

7.Best superhero/superheroine costume?
Taking alot of comic obssesion opression to answer this in less then a page. either the current Batgirl or Superboy (clone not young Clark)

8.Are you ticklish?
Yes but tikle me and I'll make Satan come out of the ground and eat your soul

9.What does a person have to do to get your attention?
Say something I find funny or my name

10.Hamster wheels... Your thoughts please?
AS long as they aren't giant and don't squeek fine by me

11.Your tip for getting over a break-up.
Just remember (in most cases) friends can become lovers but lovers can't become friends.

12.Something you just cannot get your head around.
stupidity iof Fox and drive-through wedding chapels

13.Triffles or Meringues?

14.Did you know what corporeal meant before watching Joss' shows ?

15.So the worlds gonna blow in about two days, there are two spaceships with room to spare one is heading to Mars the other is heading beyond into unknown space. Which would you choose?
Good question definately deep space

16.What food were you made to eat as a kid?

17.Do you believe in ghosts?
to an extent

18.Something that just holds you transfixed?
An awesome television show like Firefly!

Are you trying to make me go mad. God now every two seconds I click that link and watch it and then close it and click it again thanks alot for ruinning my life with that gorram link

20.When was the last time you showed off!
I think a better question in my case is when is the last time I didn't show off



Tuesday, June 13, 2006 5:24 AM


yes how could you forget Eddie!! Also, what do you people have against brussel sprouts?
ROTFLMAO- I just now clicked to the fact that when you said hampster wheel you meant the little wheel that the hampster runs on NOT wheels attached to hampsters...I may need serious therapy!

You're only young once, but you can be immature any time!


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 5:32 AM


1.Best stand up comedian? Um...probably Eddie Izzard

2.Do you look at hat wearers with suspicion, now that Joss deemed Hat weares as evil? Not really...I kinda like wearing hats now and then

3.Ok there's a new world order. Only two types of hairtstyles available:
(B)Bowl Cut--Prince Valiant lives!

4.The greatest invention? Al Gore's internet

5.Best holiday destination? Dublin, Ireland

6.Were we given the choice would you like a third arm or some such appendage to be able scratch your own back? Yes, it would be quite helpful!

7.Best superhero/superheroine costume? Not a superhero, but I always liked Spawn's get-up...I want his cloak!

8.Are you ticklish? No

9.What does a person have to do to get your attention? Call my name

10.Hamster wheels... Your thoughts please? The greatest thing since sliced bread

11.Your tip for getting over a break-up. Alcohol and gunplay

12.Something you just cannot get your head around. Rules of modern warfare

13.Triffles or Meringues? Meringues

14.Did you know what corporeal meant before watching Joss' shows ? Yes!

15.So the worlds gonna blow in about two days, there are two spaceships with room to spare one is heading to Mars the other is heading beyond into unknown space. Which would you choose?
The unknown. Take me out, to the black...

16.What food were you made to eat as a kid? Broccoli

17.Do you believe in ghosts? No

18.Something that just holds you transfixed? A woman in full armor

19. Kinda freaky

20.When was the last time you showed off! Saturday night Fight Club

That was fun!



Tuesday, June 13, 2006 5:54 AM


1.Best stand up comedian?
Margaret Cho

2.Do you look at hat wearers with suspicion, now that Joss deemed Hat weares as evil?

3.Ok there's a new world order. Only two types of hairtstyles available:
(a)The Mullet?
(B)Bowl Cut?

Bowl Cut

4.The greatest invention?

5.Best holiday destination?
Thailand. Well, anywhere in Southeast Asia.

6.Were we given the choice would you like a third arm or some such appendage to be able scratch your own back?
Ewwww. NO!

7.Best superhero/superheroine costume?
Violet Incredible

8.Are you ticklish?

9.What does a person have to do to get your attention?
Not be annoying. If you are, I will surely ignore you.

10.Hamster wheels... Your thoughts please?

11.Your tip for getting over a break-up.
Lots of booze with friends

12.Something you just cannot get your head around.
Ugg boats worn with mini skirts.

13.Triffles or Meringues?
Is this some freaky European thing?

14.Did you know what corporeal meant before watching Joss' shows ?

15.So the worlds gonna blow in about two days, there are two spaceships with room to spare one is heading to Mars the other is heading beyond into unknown space. Which would you choose?

16.What food were you made to eat as a kid?
Spinach, ham sandwich

17.Do you believe in ghosts?
Sort of. My aunt once saw my other aunt.

18.Something that just holds you transfixed?
Stars. The ocean.

Wow. If I had been drunk or high that would have been awesome!

20.When was the last time you showed off!
I don't know. I'm sure I did something yesterday.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 12:14 PM


Okay...answering without reading anyone elses...yet. I will after.

1.Best stand up comedian?
Toss up. Soupy Sales and Robin Williams. (talk about diametrically opposed...)

2.Do you look at hat wearers with suspicion, now that Joss deemed Hat weares as evil?
As a member of the Society of People Who Wear Black Hats, I resemble that remark. Oooo...does this mean Jayne is particularly evil when wearing the hat his dear old mum made?

3.Ok there's a new world order. Only two types of hairtstyles available:
(a)The Mullet?
(B)Bowl Cut?

What's a gorram Mullet? Anyone comes near my hair with clippers, and I'll use Vera on 'em. (Okay, in lue of actually not knowing what choice (a) is, I'll have to go with (b). Heck, how can ya go wrong with a Beatle haircut anyway?

4.The greatest invention?

5.Best holiday destination?
Any place that has a large body of water that I can't see the other side of, ie: oceans or the Great Lakes.

6.Were we given the choice would you like a third arm or some such appendage to be able scratch your own back?
No, 'cause then i couldn't sleep without cutting off circulation to some appendage. Sleeping on my stomach has been out since puberty.

7.Best superhero/superheroine costume?
Iron cups aside, I always like the Valkerie's outfit. Looked great, but highly uncomfortable.

8.Are you ticklish?
Is this a trick question? Certainly.

9.What does a person have to do to get your attention?
Wave or scare the living gos se out of me, usually by poking me like this: Where I come from, it's called being focused.

10.Hamster wheels... Your thoughts please?
Kinda circular. okay, okay....Why don't they get bored?

11.Your tip for getting over a break-up. Get out of the house/apartment and do stuff, preferably with other folks.

12.Something you just cannot get your head around.
Child molesters. What the freaking hell is wrong with these folks?

13.Triffles or Meringues?
What's a triffle? I know what a truffle is (both chocolate and the underground thingys pigs find) and like the chocolate variety. If it's not that, then meringues.

14.Did you know what corporeal meant before watching Joss' shows?
Yes, although I still don't know the plural for apocalypse.

15.So the worlds gonna blow in about two days, there are two spaceships with room to spare one is heading to Mars the other is heading beyond into unknown space. Which would you choose?
Space, the final frontier. I'm too nosey, I'd wanna see what all is out there even though I know the likelyhood of seeing another planet/solar system in my lifetime would be nill. This is provided that I can take something for the ocassional bit of clausterphobia.

16.What food were you made to eat as a kid?
Lamb...until it became evident I was actually allergic to it as my father was. (Mom would cook it when he was out of town on business.)

17.Do you believe in ghosts?
Inspite of my religion's official stance, which i respect, I know what I saw, so yes.

18.Something that just holds you transfixed?
See large bodies of water listed above. Could happily stare at 'em all day, every day.

It needs an eye doctor. Check this instead:

20.When was the last time you showed off?
A couple of weeks ago to annoy me friend's husband. (It's our on-going friendly annoyance game. We're both too competitive when gaming for our own good.)

Ok that's all.
Those were sone...interesting, questions.



Tuesday, June 13, 2006 12:38 PM



Originally posted by msg:
Also, what do you people have against brussel sprouts?

I didn't mind 'em as a kid. I loathe them now.


Originally posted by msg:
ROTFLMAO- I just now clicked to the fact that when you said hampster wheel you meant the little wheel that the hampster runs on NOT wheels attached to hampsters...I may need serious therapy!

Then I do, too, because it took me a few read throughs of the question before I thought of something other than hampsters rolling around with Model T wheels where their feets oughtta be.

Wow, there are some really interesting answers here. I can hardly wait to see what else folks here post.



Tuesday, June 13, 2006 12:42 PM


1.Best stand up comedian?
George Carlin

2.Do you look at hat wearers with suspicion, now that Joss deemed Hat weares as evil?
Only if they are wearing a tie too.

3.Ok there's a new world order. Only two types of hairtstyles available:
(a)The Mullet?
(B)Bowl Cut?
I look better in a mullet

4.The greatest invention?
The knife, a tool and a weapon.

5.Best holiday destination?
Yosemite Park

6.Were we given the choice would you like a third arm or some such appendage to be able scratch your own back?
Many times I wished I had a third arm, but it would only get in the way, so no.

7.Best superhero/superheroine costume?

8.Are you ticklish?
Was, but got over it.

9.What does a person have to do to get your attention?

10.Hamster wheels... Your thoughts please?
Great exersize for hamsters, great entertainment for kids.

11.Your tip for getting over a break-up.
Have not gotten over my last one yet. No help here.

12.Something you just cannot get your head around.
Computer illiterate people who try anyway.

13.Triffles or Meringues?

14.Did you know what corporeal meant before watching Joss' shows ?
Yep. Read lots of SciFi.

15.So the worlds gonna blow in about two days, there are two spaceships with room to spare one is heading to Mars the other is heading beyond into unknown space. Which would you choose?
Unknown Space.

16.What food were you made to eat as a kid?
Lima Beans, string beans and peas. yuk!

17.Do you believe in ghosts?

18.Something that just holds you transfixed?
Someone working in molten glass.

Umm, er, ok...

20.When was the last time you showed off!
When I made a bottle out of glass. (I'm a beginner glass blower)



Tuesday, June 13, 2006 3:26 PM


1.Best stand up comedian? Billy Connolly (Does David Strassman count as a stand up comic....)
2.Do you look at hat wearers with suspicion, now that Joss deemed Hat weares as evil?
Joss said they were evil? Nah, I must of missed the memo
3.Ok there's a new world order. Only two types of hairtstyles available:
(a)The Mullet?
(B)Bowl Cut?

Considering my hair is down to my butt, I will say least I could keep some of the length. (hmm, or maybe I could use a REALLY big bowl....)

4.The greatest invention?

Considering how much time I spend online, I may have to say computers and the internet
5.Best holiday destination?Port Douglas, Far North Queensland. ahh, snorkelling the great barrier reef.....
6.Were we given the choice would you like a third arm or some such appendage to be able scratch your own back? ick, no thanks.
7.Best superhero/superheroine costume?
Buffy is a pretty snappy dresser, but could you call that a 'costume'.....
8.Are you ticklish? yes, very.
9.What does a person have to do to get your attention? Engage me in interesting conversation
10.Hamster wheels... Your thoughts please?

we dont have hamsters in Oz.....

11.Your tip for getting over a break-up.
I dont have any - havent been there - 18 years and counting with my high school boyfriend.
12.Something you just cannot get your head around.

Whether you belive in God or the Big Bang.....what was there 'before'?

13.Trifle or Meringues? meringue - as pavlova!!! Cake was never meant to be immersed in Jelly - thats just wrong!
14.Did you know what corporeal meant before watching Joss' shows ?
Of course.
15.So the worlds gonna blow in about two days, there are two spaceships with room to spare one is heading to Mars the other is heading beyond into unknown space. Which would you choose?
Unknown space
16.What food were you made to eat as a kid? brussel sprouts and silverbeet. *shudder*
17.Do you believe in ghosts? not really
18.Something that just holds you transfixed? watching a flame - open fire etc

20.When was the last time you showed off!

I do amateur theatre, so I suppose my last show, about 3 weeks ago....


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 2:26 AM


Emma Rigby wrote:


Hmmm, how would you combine a spoon and folk? On second thoughts, not sure I want to know! Sounds very dirty!

Here's a spork!

Cheers thought so :D


*Runs after...* But snakes are so cute! Come and stroke him, he wants to be your friend!

Hey! Don't you know snakes are dangerous!!! I had this friend, lets call him Adam and he had a girlfriend lets call her.... Eve!

You get where I'm going with this right


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 2:33 AM


Originally posted by msg:

10- oh please don't we once had hampsters and they kept breeding and I started having nightmares of hampsters dropping from the sky so no wheels

14- yes, but I'm an English teacher( not that you can tell from my posts. I have a typing disorder or something)

Sorry to do this to you msg - but I've waited my whole life to correct an English teacher.

Select to view spoiler:

It's HAMSTER. Without the 'P'




Wednesday, June 14, 2006 2:36 AM


Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:

Are you trying to make me go mad. God now every two seconds I click that link and watch it and then close it and click it again thanks alot for ruinning my life with that gorram link

Be strong bud, resist the toad! You can do it!!!


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 2:51 AM


Originally posted by RMMC:

8.Are you ticklish?
Is this a trick question? Certainly.

Funny thing when someone answers 'Yes' you just leave 'em. Yet when someone says 'No'' you immediately start trying to tickle them. At least I did when my siser in law said she wasn't ticklish.... Turns out she isn't ticklish, but it took some work trying to make sure. To me it's just plain weird! Even under her feet she was fine! HOW?!


13.Triffles or Meringues?
What's a triffle? I know what a truffle is (both chocolate and the underground thingys pigs find) and like the chocolate variety. If it's not that, then meringues.

A Triffle? You don't know what a Triffle is? Ok, It's a series of layers making up a pudding. So:
Bottom layer: is usually sponge soaked in raspberry or some such fruit.
second layer: Jelly (Er...Jello in the USA) Raspberry/Strawberry - take your pick.
Third layer: Custard - I go for Vanilla flavoured custard as I usually struggle with ordinary custard flavour. Come to think of it I dunno what ordinary flavoured custard is... But anyway.
Fourth Layer (yes there is a fourth layer) Whipped Cream!! And lots of it!

All topped with a little syrup - I usually use the raspberry syrup I have left over from the sponge soaking episode earlier. Anyway it all is too, too delish!!!
Give it a whirl. :D


Those were sone...interesting, questions.




Wednesday, June 14, 2006 2:55 AM



Originally posted by msg:
yes how could you forget Eddie!! Also, what do you people have against brussel sprouts?
ROTFLMAO- I just now clicked to the fact that when you said hampster wheel you meant the little wheel that the hampster runs on NOT wheels attached to hampsters...I may need serious therapy!

You're only young once, but you can be immature any time!

Hmmm you may just have hit upon the as yet untapped idea of Formula Hamster ! Could rival Formula 1.....



Wednesday, June 14, 2006 3:00 AM


Originally posted by Hera7:

11.Your tip for getting over a break-up.
Have not gotten over my last one yet. No help here.

Sorry to hear that. It's a tricky one! No magic answer obviously, but as many have said here I guess it's maybe just time. Still no help I know. Just wish you best.


18.Something that just holds you transfixed?
Someone working in molten glass.

20.When was the last time you showed off!
When I made a bottle out of glass. (I'm a beginner glass blower)

Yup an onverlooked artform. I do find that mesmerizing too. Hope the glass blowing goes well for you. If you ever take any pics of your stuff I'd love to see it.



Wednesday, June 14, 2006 3:09 AM


Originally posted by SuzFromOz:

10.Hamster wheels... Your thoughts please?

we dont have hamsters in Oz.....

That's right you don't :D Hey I was in OZ in January. You guys have the best creatures! Duckbill Platapus!! Tree Pandas, Rock Wallaby and my personal favourite - The WOMBAT!!! Love those Wombats they are the best!


NOUN. a burrowing rodent with a short tail and large cheek pouches, native to Europe and North Asia.

Hey it's another buck-toothed nose twitching fur ball with a stumpy tail and big watery eyes. Cute as!

11.Your tip for getting over a break-up.
I dont have any - havent been there - 18 years and counting with my high school boyfriend.


13.Trifle or Meringues? meringue - as pavlova!!! Cake was never meant to be immersed in Jelly - thats just wrong!

Have to say: "I'm diggin your style" :D



Wednesday, June 14, 2006 3:10 AM


1.Best stand up comedian?
Jon Steward, he is my hero

2.Do you look at hat wearers with suspicion, now that Joss deemed Hat weares as evil?
actually I look for opportunities to wear my Jayne hat (does that make me evil?)

3.Ok there's a new world order. Only two types of hairtstyles available:
(a)The Mullet?
(B)Bowl Cut?
Those that are bald - gotta choose a thousand legger (wig) sorry.
Bowl question

4.The greatest invention?
sliced bread indoor plumbing

5.Best holiday destination?
the beach, any beach...
well, without too many bugs.

6.Were we given the choice would you like a third arm or some such appendage to be able scratch your own back?
Good idea, not the first thing I would want, but definitely a good idea.

7.Best superhero/superheroine costume?
The Tick

8.Are you ticklish?
I used to be, but no one tries it anymore...

9.What does a person have to do to get your attention?
shut up and listen to me!

10.Hamster wheels... Your thoughts please?
A metaphor for modern life...
actually no, life has ALWAYS been a pointless running in place hasn't it?

11.Your tip for getting over a break-up.
Go out with friends doing lots of fun things, the more laughter and fun the faster your heart will heal.

12.Something you just cannot get your head around.

13.Triffles or Meringues?
You mean Truffles? Because I'm all about the chocolate!
edited to add: oh, you meant triffle? I agree: messy pudding & cake & fruit mix? Yuck! So what ARE meringues? Are they some kind of spongy cookie thing? I don't like these either...
where's the chocolate?

14.Did you know what corporeal meant before watching Joss' shows ?
yes (and you should have too)

15.So the worlds gonna blow in about two days, there are two spaceships with room to spare one is heading to Mars the other is heading beyond into unknown space. Which would you choose?
Unknown space... But I'm not sure I would be on either one of them, I'm not going to fight other people for the chance... if they want to go they can.

16.What food were you made to eat as a kid?
but luckily not too much yucky stuff.

17.Do you believe in ghosts?
No...but I do believe that houses (or apartments) can have a creepy vibe, but it can be easily gotten rid of.

18.Something that just holds you transfixed?
Joss Whedon's shows?

oh I saw an icon of that
did you make it??

20.When was the last time you showed off!
daily, but only with my friend...or on my lj...or in e-mails...or

Ok that's all.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 3:23 AM


1. Red Skelton
2. Mostly, even before Joss so deemed.
3. Both are horrendous between the two? Aww, man, I guess the mullet.
4. the book
5. Local... the Blue Ridge mountains. Global? The west coast of Ireland.
6. No. Then I wouldn't need my husband and he gives great...back scratches.
7. Aquaman
8. Maybe, sorta.
9. Smile
10. Torture device for small furry mammals.
11. Friends
12. Cancelling Firefly when Charmed ran (God, how many seasons?)
13. What the hell is a Triffle, know Tribbles, but Triffle?. Meringue.
14. Yes.
15. Unknown space...the final frontier.
16. Liver & onions and slimy okra
17. Nope
18. Rainbows and stunning sunsets.
19. The great intergalactic space toad.
20. Performing as 1st witch in MacBeth 3 days ago.

I aim to misbehave : Mal -Serenity-


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 4:45 AM


1.Best stand up comedian?
Dave Attel

2.Do you look at hat wearers with suspicion, now that Joss deemed Hat weares as evil?
I hadnt thought about it but i have noticed that i stopped wearing hats after i read that.

3.Ok there's a new world order. Only two types of hairtstyles available:
(a)The Mullet?
(B)Bowl Cut?
going with the mullet

4.The greatest invention?
the wheel

5.Best holiday destination?
does holiday mean vacation casue if it does then Rosarita or for me Glamis California

6.Were we given the choice would you like a third arm or some such appendage to be able scratch your own back?
I would like to enhance an average size appendage i already have

7.Best superhero/superheroine costume?
a simple browncoat, batman

8.Are you ticklish?
oh yeah

9.What does a person have to do to get your attention?
they have to say "hey dude, look at me dude"

10.Hamster wheels... Your thoughts please?
keeping fat hamsters fit, we all could use a hamster wheel for ourselves

11.Your tip for getting over a break-up.
a weekend in a hotel room with only the firefly series & serenity

12.Something you just cannot get your head around.
why in the elections do we always have a choice beetween a douche and a turd

13.Triffles or Meringues?
triffle, are they them things on star trek, cute little buggers.

14.Did you know what corporeal meant before watching Joss' shows ?

15.So the worlds gonna blow in about two days, there are two spaceships with room to spare one is heading to Mars the other is heading beyond into unknown space. Which would you choose?
beyond the unknown space

16.What food were you made to eat as a kid?
nobody makes me do anything

17.Do you believe in ghosts?
pirate ghosts

18.Something that just holds you transfixed?
firefly, my hatred for methers, and meth dealers

that is freaking me out!

20.When was the last time you showed off!
every time i play golf and i use a driver

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 5:42 AM


I am so glad you thought that too RMMC 'cause I was beginning to wonder...Somnambulist go ahead correct away my students do. I figure it's good for kids to know that teacher's aren't perfect. That said,if I weren't an English teacher I wouldn't know what your name means:) Have you considered a chair in front of the bed or one of those nifty wake up motion alarms?

You're only young once, but you can be immature any time!


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 6:47 AM


Originally posted by msg:

Somnambulist go ahead correct away my students do. I figure it's good for kids to know that teacher's aren't perfect. That said,if I weren't an English teacher I wouldn't know what your name means:) Have you considered a chair in front of the bed or one of those nifty wake up motion alarms?

Ha! Nice one. I like your outlook too, wish I had been taught by such open minded teachers. Actually I had a good Latin/English teacher - she was great. But the rest were awful!



Wednesday, June 14, 2006 11:45 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

8.Are you ticklish?
Funny thing when someone answers 'Yes' you just leave 'em. Yet when someone says 'No'' you immediately start trying to tickle them. At least I did when my siser in law said she wasn't ticklish.... Turns out she isn't ticklish, but it took some work trying to make sure. To me it's just plain weird! Even under her feet she was fine! HOW?!

You find out, let me know.

Then again, my father was only ticklish on the palms of his hands. Weird, but true.


Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

A Triffle? You don't know what a Triffle is? Ok, It's a series of layers making up a pudding. So:
Bottom layer: is usually sponge soaked in raspberry or some such fruit.
second layer: Jelly (Er...Jello in the USA) Raspberry/Strawberry - take your pick.
Third layer: Custard - I go for Vanilla flavoured custard as I usually struggle with ordinary custard flavour. Come to think of it I dunno what ordinary flavoured custard is... But anyway.
Fourth Layer (yes there is a fourth layer) Whipped Cream!! And lots of it!

All topped with a little syrup - I usually use the raspberry syrup I have left over from the sponge soaking episode earlier. Anyway it all is too, too delish!!!
Give it a whirl. :D

Oooooo....That sounds incredibly yummy! I take that, then. And I'll be in a sugar coma the rest of the week.

Found out what the frell a mullet was. Never knew that ugly- hair style had a name. I'll stick with a bowl cut. I'll make the bowl.



Wednesday, June 14, 2006 11:49 AM



Originally posted by msg:
I am so glad you thought that too RMMC 'cause I was beginning to wonder...

My brain goes to many bizarre and frightening places. When it gets really strange, I share so others may share the mental cringe.



Wednesday, June 14, 2006 1:01 PM


1.Best stand up comedian? Brian Regan
2.Do you look at hat wearers with suspicion, now that Joss deemed Hat weares as evil? When did that happen?
3.Ok there's a new world order. Only two types of hairtstyles available:
(a)The Mullet?
(B)Bowl Cut?Definatly
Those that are bald - gotta choose a thousand legger (wig) sorry.
4.The greatest invention?Indoor plumbing
5.Best holiday destination? Far away from my family members
6.Were we given the choice would you like a third arm or some such appendage to be able scratch your own back? Possibly
7.Best superhero/superheroine costume?Bat girl
8.Are you ticklish?not usually
9.What does a person have to do to get your attention? Exsist near me
10.Hamster wheels... Your thoughts please? I hate hamsters I don't car how cute they are they are the noisest smelliest little buggers
11.Your tip for getting over a break-up. I could really use some of those
12.Something you just cannot get your head around. REality as a whole
13.Triffles or Meringues? I'm confused
14.Did you know what corporeal meant before watching Joss' shows ? Yep
15.So the worlds gonna blow in about two days, there are two spaceships with room to spare one is heading to Mars the other is heading beyond into unknown space. Which would you choose? mars can't sustain human life so I'd take my chances with the other one
16.What food were you made to eat as a kid?Pot roast every flipping day for about a year. Absolutely hate it now
17.Do you believe in ghosts? Sometimes
18.Something that just holds you transfixed? Certain peoples eyes
19. Oh now I'm just plain dizzy
20.When was the last time you showed off! I was completely drunk at the skate park monday my guess is then

An I carried such a torch.......For the Dark Lord


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 3:10 PM


1. George Carlin

2. Depends on the hat, if it is a Yankees hat then
most definitely.

3. Bowl Cut, had one of them when I was 10.

4. language

5. My fathers house

6. No thanks, I can already do that thanks to my trick shoulder.

7. Spider-man

8. yes

9. Say my name, just say my name.

10. Good, especially if I can figure out how to get it to power my car.

11. Beer and good friends

12. Why people feel the need to butt into other peoples lives.

13. Meringue ruins good pie, I will go with Triffles.

14. Nope, left my Thesaurus at home.

15. Unknown space, cause gettin there is half the fun.

16. Peas, still not to fond of them to this day.

17. Yes

18. The foam working its way up in a freshly poured pint of Guinness.

19. Whoa, I spaced out for a sec there. What time is it?

20. Not sure, probably about the same time I last looked like an ass.


Thursday, June 15, 2006 2:52 AM


For a minute there you had me stumped with the tree panda..though you ahd invented a weird new name for a koala...but then I remembered the red tree panda, although I think they might actually be native to papua new guinea or somewhere else nearby, rather than Oz. Yup, I love wombats too!

I have always imagined hamsters are pretty much like Guinea Pigs? We do have those as pets.....

Hey thanks for the comments! - Did you eat any pavlova when in Oz? Where dod you visit? I am in Melbourne.


Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Originally posted by SuzFromOz:

10.Hamster wheels... Your thoughts please?

we dont have hamsters in Oz.....

That's right you don't :D Hey I was in OZ in January. You guys have the best creatures! Duckbill Platapus!! Tree Pandas, Rock Wallaby and my personal favourite - The WOMBAT!!! Love those Wombats they are the best!


NOUN. a burrowing rodent with a short tail and large cheek pouches, native to Europe and North Asia.

Hey it's another buck-toothed nose twitching fur ball with a stumpy tail and big watery eyes. Cute as!

11.Your tip for getting over a break-up.
I dont have any - havent been there - 18 years and counting with my high school boyfriend.


13.Trifle or Meringues? meringue - as pavlova!!! Cake was never meant to be immersed in Jelly - thats just wrong!

Have to say: "I'm diggin your style" :D



Thursday, June 15, 2006 2:58 AM


meringue is basically egg white and sugar, mixed until the sugar dissolves and it all goes fluffy and then stiff. Then it is generally baked (very lightly/quickly). very sweet - its the topping on Lemon meringue pie, or here it is also sold as a sweet treat for children in bakers, or in its unique aussie form, as the Pavlova!


13.Triffles or Meringues?

So what ARE meringues? Are they some kind of spongy cookie thing? I don't like these either...
where's the chocolate?


Thursday, June 15, 2006 4:34 AM


Originally posted by SuzFromOz:


For a minute there you had me stumped with the tree panda..though you ahd invented a weird new name for a koala...but then I remembered the red tree panda, although I think they might actually be native to papua new guinea or somewhere else nearby, rather than Oz. Yup, I love wombats too!

I have always imagined hamsters are pretty much like Guinea Pigs? We do have those as pets.....

Hey thanks for the comments! - Did you eat any pavlova when in Oz? Where dod you visit? I am in Melbourne.

Y'know I found the Koala's a little dull really. Plus they'd look at me all disdainfully :( Tree Pandas just rule - they'd make great cartoon characters.

Yeah they are like a small guinea pigs in a way. Equally buck-toothed.

I didn't eat any Pavlovas but I had all manner of other great foods. I loved Australia! I was in Melbourne too. Absolutely loved the place! Very special place and wonderful people :D I also went down to St.Leonards to meet my girlfriends family. That was a nice place too.



Thursday, June 15, 2006 5:42 AM


We have 2 red tree pandas at our zoo and I constantly want to kidnap them for a pet, but that is true of so many animals. My husband doesn't want me to watch animal planet because I keep wanting to buy the animals.

This is a fun questionaire! Always enjoy finding out things about others

You're only young once, but you can be immature any time!


Thursday, June 15, 2006 6:03 AM


Originally posted by msg:

We have 2 red tree pandas at our zoo and I constantly want to kidnap them for a pet, but that is true of so many animals. My husband doesn't want me to watch animal planet because I keep wanting to buy the animals.

This is a fun questionaire! Always enjoy finding out things about others

You're only young once, but you can be immature any time!

Where abouts are you MSG? Isn't amazing how Tree Pandas can sleep up a tree like that, with their really long tails just hanging down keeping them steady! Bloody marvelous creatures :)

So you're a sucker for cute animals eh? He,he... Are you in the US? Do you guys ever get the BBC wildlife programmes aired on your TV over there? I only ask because if you have the chance to watch the recent PLANET EARTH series that the BBC did, it is a true wonder of modern Wildlife TV. I sat mouth to the floor for most of that! It's untterly incredible. In particular the Snow Leopard segment. It's some of the best moments committed to film EVER!



Saturday, June 17, 2006 8:41 AM


1.Best stand up comedian?
Bill Bailey.

2.Do you look at hat wearers with suspicion, now that Joss deemed Hat weares as evil?
Depends what kind of hat it is. I myself have a giant sombrero, so when I wear that, people probably regard me with suspicion

3.Ok there's a new world order. Only two types of hairtstyles available:
(a)The Mullet?
(B)Bowl Cut?

4.The greatest invention?
internet, and (UK) size 6 jeans

5.Best holiday destination?

6.Were we given the choice would you like a third arm or some such appendage to be able scratch your own back?
Sure, if I can have a second head to see where I'm scratching.

7.Best superhero/superheroine costume?
I dont really know any....

8.Are you ticklish?
Very. To the point of asphy-, aspyh-, not being able to breathe.

9.What does a person have to do to get your Depends if I want them to get my attention.

10.Hamster wheels... Your thoughts please?
ah, well, I once accidentally killed my friend's hamster, so I'd rather if we stayed away from that subject.

11.Your tip for getting over a break-up
DVD night with all my girlfriends.

12.Something you just cannot get your head around.
Junk food. Why do people eat it? why? oh, and reality tv.

13.Triffles or Meringues?

14.Did you know what corporeal meant before watching Joss' shows ?

15.So the worlds gonna blow in about two days, there are two spaceships with room to spare one is heading to Mars the other is heading beyond into unknown space. Which would you choose?
The one with the funnest people.

16.What food were you made to eat as a kid?
cucumbers and mozzerella cheese. eugh.

17.Do you believe in ghosts?
I'll believe when I see one.

18.Something that just holds you transfixed?
Alan Tudyk. and venetian masks.


20.When was the last time you showed off!
Last Friday, at Gymnastics.

Damn you Fox!! Damn you to Hades!!






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