Are you a Serenity geek?

UPDATED: Monday, July 3, 2006 01:32
VIEWED: 8956
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Saturday, June 24, 2006 3:36 AM


Well are you? I'm saying this because another thread had me thinking. There were no big screening in my area. There was a screening 100 miles away which isn't that far to go. I just was busy and had a few things to do. After I finished we went to town ( the wife and I) and I wore my Serenity "T" shirt.

No one came up to me. No one said a thing about "Serenity Day" and there were no long lines at the mall stores with S/FF goods in folks hands being bought.

My wife giggled at me a bit (shes a FF fan too just not like me) and my youngest son laughed at me when we arrived home when he got a look at my Serenity shirt (I've had it for 2 months, he just noticed). So am I a FF/S geek?

If I am then "SO BE IT". I will wear the title with pride. I will pan out the words of the FF/series nomatter who knows what the gorram hell I'm talking about.

What of you? Do you mind having Firefly geek attached to your name? Are you ready for FF persecution ( which could mean impalement like Wash in Serenity)? Or are you going to wimper down and stay quietlike?

The choice is yours.

YES, I am a FF/S geek.



Saturday, June 24, 2006 3:40 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

If you are, I certainly am. I frightened people at the screening with the accuracy of my quoting.
I've always been some kind of geek or other, though. I'm well used to it.



Saturday, June 24, 2006 3:46 AM


I'm a Browncoat and damn proud of it. Won't ever quit being one either.

I wore my Serenity tee under my work smock all day yesterday and although I didn't get any comments, I hope that seeing the logo might make someone who is in a video store or Wal Mart or in a comics store take notice. It might make them look twice at the DVD, comic or even the tees themselves in Hot Topic.

I have 11th Hour's posters ( both small and larger! the small ones work great to hand out with my work's tickets!) in my office hanging and to be handed out. They work great!

I pepper my speech everyday with Fireflyisms and I get some strange looks and my daughter sometimes rolls her eyes at me, but I don't care.. being a Browncoat is a way of life for me.
I'm not going to change. One of the quotes I read here, not too long after arriving was " I bleed brown now." It's true for me.

I'm not going anywhere... I'm holdin' til Mal gets back.

So that makes me a Big Damn FF/S geek.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Saturday, June 24, 2006 4:01 AM


I couldn't get to a screening or to the store to buy another copy of Serenity or Firefly, but my speech was a lot more Firefly/Serenity like than usual, and that's sayin' a lot! I quote Firefly or Serenity almost 24/7. I bought a few Firefly T-shirts before Serenity was in theaters for the first time, and have tried to convince my parents that it's okay to wear them daily!

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!

"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 4:15 AM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
The choice is yours.

YES, I am a FF/S geek.


My drivers license expired on my birthday, that being this past Friday, June 23rd. I took the day off to celebrate said bday, as is my want, and spent a couple hours at the DMV to get my new license. I wore my SN/EN tshirt with the Austin listing on the back, the screening of which I had attended with great relish the previous evening, along with a sold-out show of like-minded Browncoats and their friends. I stood in line, got my photo taken, handed over my $26, and left feeling inordinately proud. I was tickled that the alignment of these dates would allow me to look at the new photo on my drivers license and remember my 44th birthday, FF/S, the friends I've made on, Joss and all the BDHs.

The new license doesn't expire until 2012.

Am I a FF/S geek? You decide.

"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Saturday, June 24, 2006 4:22 AM


Hera, along with you it sounds like I have 3 other geeks in my corner. Bet theres more..HA..HA..HA < insert nerd laugh.

Thanks guys, Z


Saturday, June 24, 2006 4:30 AM


Oh and btw Hera, again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!

Proud member of the Event Team
The Serenity Summer Campaign is on, baby - prepare to kick some serious pigu!
September 30th is Serenity 'Versary! Be there or be a purple-belted poop-head. (<- not the official slogan.)
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 8:46 AM


Thank you, Agatsu! Means alot, coming from such a young pup as yourself.

OK, back to work. Move along, nothing to see here.

"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Saturday, June 24, 2006 8:59 AM


Damn skippy I am.... my husband called me his "little Serenity nerd" all day yesterday because I had my Serenity shirt on. But thats ok... cause I'm proud to be a Browncoat!

Shepard used to tell me...can't do something smart, do something right.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 9:03 AM


Serenity geek? You bet your sweet arse I am!!!

An I carried such a torch


Saturday, June 24, 2006 10:52 AM


of course i am, notable mainly because literally every shirt i own but two (discludeing "dress shirts") are firefly/serenity shirts; not because i bought them, but rather because i took a paint brush to all my normal shirts.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 10:58 AM


I first watched Serenity and Firefly last week and I'm already a geek.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 11:19 AM


ok hmm well when we went on vacation to the lake I made my husband buy a hawaiian shirt that looked like Wash's and I once gave a student extra credit for singing the hero of Canton, plus I have figured out a way to work Firefly into my lesson plans...yeah I think I just may be a Firefly geek:)


Saturday, June 24, 2006 11:40 AM


Without a doubt, says my Simon Tam mini-sideburns.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 11:48 AM


Damn striaght. I'll be a Browncoat to the grave.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 11:54 AM


msg, i am so very upset that you don't teach at my school.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 12:08 PM


Somehow "Geek" doesn't seem to fit the Firefly/Serenity fan base like it does with Trekkies. Even though it is of the Sci Fi genre, in a way it isn't. Browncoat implies a much hipper and realistic individual who understands real-world struggles. Instead of battling Klingons and other space villains, you have the guy you have to chase down that owes you money who would rather not pay you, and the constant struggles with trying to live free in a world (verse) that is evermore controlled by the Alliance (Feds).

The FF/S characters are just like many real people that I know. I can't say that so much about the characters from other shows. So, I guess in that sense it is hard for me to apply the term geek, because it is not so much of a reach to imagine myself in that world with those characters.

I love the show because it combines the two favorite characters that kids want to be when they play: Cowboys and Spacemen.

This is my first post. Glad to be a part.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 12:24 PM


Very well said, and an excellent first post!
Welcome! I can already tell you're an exceptionally shiny addition to our noble ranks.

Proud member of the Event Team
The Serenity Summer Campaign is on, baby - prepare to kick some serious pigu!
September 30th is Serenity 'Versary! Be there or be a purple-belted poop-head. (<- not the official slogan.)
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 12:28 PM


First I want to welcome STCARDINAL to the fold.Plus any other new recruit that may be hanging back a little.

BROWNCOATBEAR thats a good train of thought that you have going and a good thread starter. I know the "Browncoat" title conveys devotion but it really doesn't speak of the geekiness or nerdiness of what is in all of us as being FF fans. I do agree "we browncoats" are maybe more interesting with a higher degree of sharpness than lets say other fans of other fandoms. But theres the question. What can we call ourselves other than browncoats. There are treks and trekees. What can we come up with that has something of a nerd/geek slant to it, yet with higher itellect?

Anyone have an answer?


Note: maybe the Fox suits should be know as Reaver-sities, for their backward thinking


Saturday, June 24, 2006 12:32 PM


You mean like the devoted fans are Browncoats and the more "casual" fans are 'coats?

Proud member of the Event Team
The Serenity Summer Campaign is on, baby - prepare to kick some serious pigu!
September 30th is Serenity 'Versary! Be there or be a purple-belted poop-head. (<- not the official slogan.)
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 12:42 PM


Yeah, Bear, I know more than a few people exactly like Mal.

Me? I'm a gentleman, lower-crust core.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 12:47 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
If you are, I certainly am. I frightened people at the screening with the accuracy of my quoting.
I've always been some kind of geek or other, though. I'm well used to it.


Well, I hope you didn't do it during the movie or you'll go to that "special hell!"


Saturday, June 24, 2006 6:21 PM


I am a proud Browncoat here on the rim in eastern NC. Trying my hardest to convert others and embracing my Browncoat geekiness proudly.

I proudly carry my Serenity dog tag on my keychain and my daughter wears her Blue Sun t-shirt out and about. No one made a remark about it until one day in a Chinese restaurant paying our bill the young guy running the cash register said that the characters were correct. Of course had to tell him about the series. Maybe a Chinese-American convert one day?


Sunday, June 25, 2006 3:04 AM


I too am a FF/S geek, and damn proud of it! I own two identical Serenity logo t-shirts from hot-topic. One is still new, never been worn for when the other one I wear is worn out. I try to wear my Serenity t-shirt only when I know I'll be out in public around lots of people shopping, ballgames, etc, so as many people as possible will see the shirt, maybe recognize me as a fellow browncoat, or maybe just make them think about renting the movie in the video store sometime.

It's funny, the first day I wore the shirt, a waitress at IHOP came running up to me and was just gushing about how she loved the movie, but had never watched the BDS! That same night, a woman at the checkout register at Micheal's (I was with my wife) asked if the movie was any good! Since then I haven't had any more comments, although I swore I heard someone say "Browncoat" outloud at Costco one day on my way out the door, but I never figured out who it was.

Am I a FF/S geek! DAMN RIGHT I AM!


Zoë: "Preacher, don't the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing?"

Book: "Quite specific. It is however somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps"


Sunday, June 25, 2006 3:21 AM


My thanks to everyone thats posted.

JAYHAWK35 and NCBROWNCOAT, I hear and am with ya.I wear my Serenity "T" all the time. To the mall, hardware store out for a quick bite at a local restaurant. I've only had one person ever say something to me. The guy I bought the shirt from at Hot Topics.

It may be that some folks are just shy, or maybe they know of the show but just haven't watched any FF. I wear T-shirts most of the time around town. A lot of ppl around here do, so one with a logo on it doesn't really mean much.

I'm still waiting for the time when someone will walk up and say " Hello fellow browncoat". I'm confident it will happen.


" was the best day ever."


Sunday, June 25, 2006 3:31 AM


I'm wearing at least one piece of clothing or apparel that identifies me as a Browncoat when I leave the house, even if it's just the shiny Serenity pin. The thing is, I prefer "authentic" stuff over "Fan" stuff, so I mostly own Blue Sun shirts and shirts that Jayne is wearing, as opposed to a shirt with the logo. Of course, this means that no one will recognise what it means if they aren't already a fan.
I'm not doing that because I'm ashamed of being a geek or something, I just think it's cooler.
I DO own a Janye hat, after all.

Proud member of the Event Team
The Serenity Summer Campaign is on, baby - prepare to kick some serious pigu!
September 30th is Serenity 'Versary! Be there or be a purple-belted poop-head. (<- not the official slogan.)
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Sunday, June 25, 2006 4:35 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Hera:
I was tickled that the alignment of these dates would allow me to look at the new photo on my drivers license and remember my 44th birthday, FF/S, the friends I've made on, Joss and all the BDHs.

The new license doesn't expire until 2012.

Am I a FF/S geek? You decide.

NOW I know where I should have been and what I should have been doing in my summer browncoat on June 22.

Living in Minnesota where the weather fluctuates constantly without warning, I have a summer browncoat and a winter one. The summer one is a lighter color, shorter, and is made up of pieces sewn together.

The winter one is the brown suede duster, perfect for those winter days.

I still have my badge from MarsCon 2005 because it has Firefly art and my screen name - and I've worn it at screenings.

My Con Com badges for MarsCon declare me as "Crazy Person", though. I wear it under my registered badge so I can say, "Yup, I'm a crazy person. I got a badge that says so *flip up the first badge* right here."

In my mind, it's a reference to Shindig, paraphrasing Mal "I got stabbed, right here" combined with Mal telling Nandy, "Lady, you're my kind of crazy."

Am I a Serenity Geek? Hell Yes, although it would be more accurate to say I'm a Firefly geek, because that would cover ALL the bases.

Doing the impossible makes us mighty

Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Sunday, June 25, 2006 4:35 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Take my love take my land,
Take me where I cannot stand

double posted again - just making use of the space

I don't care, I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 12:32 AM



Originally posted by zzetta13:

So am I a FF/S geek?

A FF/S geek is someone who's old enough to ask that question.

PS, If you are, I definately am.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 2:14 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Definitely a Firefly / Serenity geek. Damn proud of it too.

I proudly wear my Firefly and Serenity tees no matter where I go, much to my wife's chagrin sometimes. She's a fan, just not to the degree that I am. I also walk around with cargo pocketful of Serenity & Firefly fliers from 11th Hours site that I will tack up or hand out to people I talk to about the series or movie.

I may be thought of as a geek by some, but to me I'm just a loyal browncoat trying to keep my favorite ship in the air.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 2:28 AM


Yes I am a Firefly/Serenity geek, though I believe the actual term is "Browncoat".

Who cares if I spend most of my time my time reading Firefly fanfiction? Who cares if no one understands me when I say "shiny" or "gorram"? And who cares if I'm going to put myself into debt trying to get out to DragonCon, just to see some of our BDH's?

We Browncoats wear our geekiness with pride!


This is my story...


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 2:59 AM


"Geeks" are just another group of people, like Hip-Hop wannabes, or goths, or punks. It's a cultural phenomenon. We need not hide our geekiness.
I remember times when I was considered a geek just for using that new thing called the "internet", where apparently only people with no life dwelled.
Now you're last century if you don't have internet access at home, or even on your cell phone.

And the shiny thing is, you can be anything AND a geek!
Besides, looking at the football fans during the world championship here, I'm starting to wonder how anyone could dare to laugh at me for wearing a Jayne hat in public. Which, admittedly, I haven't done yet. Mainly because it's too small for my huge-brain-accomodating head.

The Serenity Summer Campaign is on, baby - prepare to kick some serious pigu!
September 30th is Serenity 'Versary! Be there or be a purple-belted poop-head. (<- not the official slogan.)
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 4:30 AM


Goodmorning all ye browncoats,

When the question was asked (by me) about ppl following FF/Serenity to the point of geekiness I want everyone to understand that it wasn't a bad thing. I think most folks here got that. If some didn't well now they know What I ment was, "geeky pride". Lets face it we all know ppl that are not like ourselves and never will be. In many cases thats a good thing. But we have many friends and relitives that will never view FF/Serenity with the joy that we do either. I feel that when an individual gets to the point where they become less conserned about what others think (considering anything special to themselves), well that may be when we reach the point of geekisom to some.

So really at the forum here I am with many like minded borwncoats. Outside the forum I still spout my VERSITIES and don't care if I'm viewed as a FF/S nut. Because I am.



Tuesday, June 27, 2006 5:22 AM


Morning, Z!
I hope my post didn't come across as defensive; those were just my thoughts on the matter.
I'm an out-of-the-closet-geek and enjoying every second of it.


The Serenity Summer Campaign is on, baby - prepare to kick some serious pigu!
September 30th is Serenity 'Versary! Be there or be a purple-belted poop-head. (<- not the official slogan.)
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 5:40 AM


I've always said that I bleed brown, but in my case I was refering to coca cola running thru my veins. Now it means something extra special!



Tuesday, June 27, 2006 5:48 AM


AGATSU, nope. No offense taken

I agree with your post. Glad that you took the time to put it up.

I only wanted to make the starting post of the thread a little more clear. Didn't want someone to read it and get the wrong idea.

see ya,Z


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 5:55 AM


I was, for the first time, called a sci fi geek yesterday. So I asked the person who called me that did you mean Serenity Geek? She said yeah whatever. I said "thank you."

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 5:59 AM


I wear my 1 of 4 serenity shirts everychance I get. My favorite is a blue one made for one of the original screenings. I got it on ebay. I have car stickers too. I have a firefly sticker on my work montitor as well as a Dear Buddha sticker. When I do certain things on my computer is plays "fruity oaty bar".

If I am a "geek" so be it. Better a geek than a fool!


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 6:07 AM


I have no t-shirts, though I would love a Jayne one (with a Jayne in it, but that's another thread...)

However, I do have a brown coat. And a neat little pair of heeled boots to go with it. Now I am looking for a brown hat to go with the outfit. This is not a costume. It's just my normal wear - I had it before I was 'Fly'd. So getting the box set at Xmas and suddenly finding where I was supposed to be - a gorram epiphany, people.

I make up mandarin swearing to amuse myself.

And I want a sword like the Operative. The one I have isn't quite as...shiny. (This is also something I owned pre-FF.)

I dunno if I'm a geek. Maybe I'm just scary.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 6:12 AM


you want a swaht?

sorry, couldn't resist

There is a shirt that I saw that has the "Tore up plenty"



Tuesday, June 27, 2006 7:13 AM


I am happy with my geekness when it's in support of such wonderful entertainment- the best in fact. My sister and I drove 250+ miles to the nearest screening. It was an eight hour round trip. By the time we got out we were tired and decided to stay in a motel. Yeah no motels, everything even Cockroach Inns were booked up in town and for about an hour each way. So we slept in my car in the Target parking lot trying (rather unsuccessfully) to share one tiny sleeping bag and pillow between us. We were cold, we were cramped, we were hungry, we were also slightly odiferous when we woke up the next morning to drive 4 hours home. THERE WASN'T ONE COMPLAINT. We had seen our BDM on the BDScreen with fellow Browncoats - the first we had encountered (we live in the middle of nowhere) - it was shiny! Totally worth it. We also wore Tshirts to the screening that we made, (wore them then next day too-probably part of the smell situation ). Anyways our ts had Fruity Oaty Bar graphics and lyrics on the one side, and Can't Stop the Signal with the Serenity and Firefly logo and website. We spent far too long to admit making them, but we wanted to be able to pimp Firefly and Serenity. So... geek, nerd, BROWNCOAT, whatever sign me up honey, I am unashamed in my love for the verse.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 7:22 AM



Originally posted by onthedrift:
I We also wore Tshirts to the screening that we made, (wore them then next day too-probably part of the smell situation ). Anyways our ts had Fruity Oaty Bar graphics and lyrics on the one side, and Can't Stop the Signal with the Serenity and Firefly logo and website. B]

oooooooooohhhhhhh I want one!


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 11:10 AM


Yeah I was quite infatuated with our shiny shirts. I'll try to take a pic to share. We used the transfer paper that you can use in your home printer so it's not real high quality and I don't know how long they'll last but it was very fun doing it. We printed out so many quotes too - I made my brother a shirt that says "The Hero of Canton is my Homeboy" and then on the back: "If wishes were horses we'd all be eating steak. ~ The Hero of Canton - Jayne Cobb". "Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal" with dinosaurs, "Also I can kill you with my brain." "Dear Diary, Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy..." "What kind of crappy planet are you from." and the Dear Buddha quote were some of our favorites. We ran out of t shirts fairly quick. Sorry for hi-jacking the thread - just further proving my geek chic.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 11:25 AM


I'm not a geek, I'm a nerd
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 11:39 AM


ONTHEDRIFT those shirts are so ruttin COOL!!

A+ for creativity.



Tuesday, June 27, 2006 11:51 AM



Originally posted by BrowncoatBear:
Somehow "Geek" doesn't seem to fit the Firefly/Serenity fan base like it does with Trekkies. Even though it is of the Sci Fi genre, in a way it isn't. Browncoat implies a much hipper and realistic individual who understands real-world struggles.

Also "Fireflyees" "Serenityees" "Fireflyer" "Serenityer" and "Browncoatee" just don't sound right.

Wash: Closing in.
Zoe: Planet's coming up a might fast.
Wash: That's just 'cause I'm goin' down too quick. Likely crash and kill us all.
Mal: Well, if that happens, let me know.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 12:52 PM


Okay, further thoughts on the "geek" thing from BrowncoatBear:

Here is the Webster's online definition of "Geek":




1. A person with an unusual or odd personality.
Source: WordNet 1.7.1 Copyright © 2001 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Specialty Definition: Geek
Domain Definition
Geek n. A person who has chosen concentration rather than conformity; one who pursues skill (especially technical skill) and imagination, not mainstream social acceptance. Geeks usually have a strong case of neophilia. Most geeks are adept with computers and treat hacker as a term of respect, but not all are hackers themselves - and some who _are_ in fact hackers normally call themselves geeks anyway, because they (quite properly) regard `hacker' as a label that should be bestowed by others rather than self-assumed. One description ( accurately if a little breathlessly enumerates "gamers, ravers, science fiction fans, punks, perverts, programmers, nerds, subgenii, and trekkies. These are people who did not go to their high school proms, and many would be offended by the suggestion that they should have even wanted to." Originally, a `geek' was a carnival performer who bit the heads off chickens. Before about 1990 usage of this term was rather negative. Earlier versions of this lexicon defined a `computer geek' as one who eats (computer) bugs for a living - an asocial, malodorous, pasty-faced monomaniac with all the personality of a cheese grater. This is often still the way geeks are regarded by non-geeks, but as the mainstream culture becomes more dependent on technology and technical skill mainstream attitudes have tended to shift towards grudging respect. Correspondingly, there are now `geek pride' festivals (the implied reference to `gay pride' is not accidental). See also propeller head, clustergeeking, geek out, wannabee, terminal junkie, spod, weenie, geek code.


It is still not clear to me how anyone who identifies with the FF/S verse can attach the "geek" nomenclature. However, if self-proclaimed Browncoats start biting heads off chickens while wearing articles of FF/S memorabilia, we might be approaching some association between the two.

Browncoats are something beyond just "science fiction fans". They tend to embrace certain ideals that are promoted by the FF/S phenomenon, like freedom, independence, right to keep and bear arms, challenging so-called "authority", etc. I see Browncoats as being the type that you would find in a muddy trench applying a battlefield dressing to their buddy's combat wounds when not transecting the brain of a Nazi helmet wearing Alliance Army soldier with a bullet, but I don't see them as the pen pocket liner wearing, high-water pant dressing, broken glasses repaired with tape sporting, hands as smooth as a baby's butt type that you would find in "Revenge of the Nerds".

Geeks are the ones that make Serenity fly, and engineer her to successfully navigate a course between two points in space.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 3:04 PM


Who me !!!! A Browncoat HELL YES !!!!! A geek, well maybe but I'm really not that geeky. I'm more of a space cowgirl!! I'm not that computer savy, I just get by. I'd much rather talk ta ya face ta face, but not happenin here. I like that whole idea of "space western". I really don't like labels, but yeah Browncoat suits me best .

I wear a blaster under my Browncoat


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 3:23 PM


Ok the "GEEK" title ( I didn't look up any definitions before I posted) is or may be something that browncoats are pinned with by others, not something they label themselves. Although we accept the title and all that comes with it,even the humorous part.

Also it may not pertain to any other part of a browncoats life functions. It is, maybe how others see us when it comes to what we feel about Serenity/Firefly/the Verse/Joss and so on.

I could say the same about ppl that are into something else. I remember the term "Computer geek" being used before these little boxes became so popular. Wasn't a bad term. But it would tell something of the person being described.

Its not something thats been said to me. But it is a feeling I get from my sons when I wear my FF/Serenity attire.I'm sure others would view me much the same way if they knew the level I've attained at enjoying this show.Yepper Serenity geek I am and will remain. Even when my 2 kids want dads help working on their cars.

Z and that ain't no daddy dummy talk


Sunday, July 2, 2006 7:42 AM


Yet another geeky tale.

We had a fire drill Friday in my place of work. Being a firewarden, my job is to clear my half of the floor, make sure everyone finds the stairs, and be the last one out so that the fire marshall outside can check me off the list and know that my part of the building has been cleared. I wear a shiny hat for this job, so folks can spot me in a crowd.

On the trek downward on the stairs from the 11th floor, I chatted with people from other offices in the building. Near the 7th level, I spied a handsome fellow holding an open stairwell door. As I descended the stairs, he gazed up at me, a shy smile beginning in the corners of his mouth. Our eyes locked. He nodded in greeting. Somewhat discomfitted by my curious regard, his eyes drifted downward and froze, gaping at my chest. Quickly, his eyes sought mine again. His eyes twinkled. "I like your tshirt." he said. "Thanks." I replied with a pleased smile. I turned to go down the next bank of stairs. My fellow Browncoat was lost in the crowd.

And yes, I wore my Serenity tshirt that day, since I knew I would be mixing with lots of strangers. Planting seeds, planting seeds.

Made my day, that fire drill.


"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas






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17th Annual Browncoats Backwoods Bash. Bloomington, Indiana. Saturday September 21, 2024.
Fri, September 20, 2024 04:54 - 5 posts
Poetry in song
Tue, September 17, 2024 18:52 - 18 posts